Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION...


Transcript of Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION...

Page 1: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South Dakota

Page 2: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n



To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n The State Of South Dakota

Authorn y was Granted March 4 1997 effec1,ve April 10 1997 Dockel No TC97-013

This ,s to cert,fy that


is authorized to provide telecommunications services in South Dakota.

This cen1l1cale 1s issued in accordance with SOCL 49-31 ·3 and ARSD 20 10 24 02. and ,s sub1ect 10 all of the cond11tons and hm11a11ons contained 1n the rules and statutes governing its conduct of offenng lelecommurncat1ons services

Dated at Pierre. South Dakota, this~ day of~. 1997

Page 3: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n






On February 10, 1997 the Public Uhhhes Comm1ss10n (Comm1ss,on) tn aCCOf'dance with SDCL 49.31.3 and ARSO 20 10 24 02. received an apphcahon lor a cer11fica1e of authOnty from ln1ema110nal Gateway Commun1ca11ons. Inc (IGC)

IGC see►. s au1hor1ty to provide MTS, ou1-WATS, in-WATS and calhng card services A proposed tanff was filed by IGC The Comm1ss1on has classified long distance service as fully compe1111ve

On February 13, 1997, the Comm1ss1on e1ec1ron1cally transmitted nollce of the filing and the In1ervenhon deadhne of February 28, 1997, to In1eresled 1nd1vtdu1ls and en111ies No peti110ns to intervene or comments were filed and at ,ts regularly scheduled March 4, 1997, meeting. the CommisSIOf'I conSKSered IGC's requesl for a certifieate of authOrity Comm1ss1on Staff recommended granlmg a cenlf1c 11e of authonty, subJed to the cond1hon that IGC not offer a prepatd calling card or require deposrts or advance paymenls w,thoul pnor approval o f the Commission

The Commission finds that ,t has Iunsdtd10n O'ler this mane, pursuant 10 Chapter ,49-31 , specifically 49-3 1-3 and ARSO 20 10 24 02 and 20 10 24 03 The Comm11s,on finds that IGC has met the legal requirements estabhshed for the granting of a certificate of authonty IGC has, In aCQJrdance wrth SDCL 49·31 ·3, demon1traIed suff!Qent technical, finanoal and managerial capabiktles 10 offer tektcom"1Uf'IICatKlns seMCes ., South Dakota The Comm,sSIOfl approves IGCs appitcabOn for a cert1f,eate of au1h0nty, sut,fed 10 the condI1K>n that IGC not offer• prepatd caJling card or requite depoStts or ad'lance payments without pnor appro'lal of the Commisst0n A s the Comm1ss1on·s final dec1S1on In I his m atter, 11 Is therefore

ORDERED. thal IGC's application for a cen1rtea1e of authonty Is hereby granted, effedi'le Apnl 10. 1997, subJed 10 the condihon Iha! IGC not offer a prepaid calhng card or require deposits or advance payments wiIhout pnor approval of lhe Comm1ss1on II Is

FURTHER ORDERED. that IGC shall file mformahonal copies of tanff Changes w,th the Comm1ss1on as the changes occur

Dated at Pierre. , South Dakota. !his --iJ.!!::. day of Mareh, 1997

Page 4: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n








AT & T filed to e.tend the cusiome, ,equestC!d tnsl a11ation d.ite beyond Ma1ct1 11 1997 IOI l t'IC AT & T UNIPL.A.N Tl 5 Access

Incentive P1 omobott AT&T Med to1rt1oduce 1'.l&T Long [)l:slance W ueless SeMCe lolls Mussage Te1tco1nm1.irwcallons Se1V1C .. tant1 Tht! ,ev,sion

.sett,:CUVC Feblua 5 1997 ;..mcncan fxpfess Telecom. Inc filed to clauty what occu,s wtum a cuslomer's T etecom Um! balance IS depleted 10 1n<11ca1e ma1 the e, puat,on dale on a11 ca1ds will be al least t 2 monthS nol 11ec~sa11ly 12 months to reVTSe languaoe 10 indicBte that lhO Com pany may bk)Ck calls, othCt than 900 and 976, it such c 11lls have su1cha1g~. to 1e'M4! language to Micale speoficalty wtwct, lom-.s ol promobOflal ollef"ll{JS may be otte,~ by the Company and to 111t1 oduct1 a towel rele 101 catds marketed by om

· - · -- ,.. __ ,_, c,.""..:-:- "!'!"~ ,.,WwOns a,e ettecl!Ve Febl~arv 7 19!il_ Cornp.tny aOO me urn1eu ~,,.,,.,.; .:,. :;.;;.: "'""'""""' ,,,.,,

NYNEX. l ong o .... tance C ompany filed 10 make nu,ncrnus rnmor tc;t ch<tr l{JL-S 10 mt,oouce a num~r 01 new p1oouct and s,,tn,,ce ottenngs and to mcie;iise ;he r.tle and change \he 1o1te s11uC1u1e tor me NYNE)I. Long (M.1ance P•tipao Calling Card

- - -··· ftiU;.,;,.;-,; • ~ • ~~7 !ieMce The reVISIOI\S a1e enectrve r"'"'""' l , _ __ _

E.1ct111nge art0 """''"u'" .,.,,., ___ - · t;c;o;:I u .. ..... •<;•r --·-.

CommuniGrou 01 KC Inc !JOO lo 1n11 0<1uct- Pe1M1na1E11f1e Plus to1b 1,11111 lhe 1l!VISIOn ise" ective Fel>fUJI 1) 1997

US 'NEST Cornmunica!IOIY., NetJ 10•1UOduC\'! Centre • 21 ii p1 oduct t,11ge1~ to smaU aoo me<l1um Sllttd t>U!,mess cus10me1s

wnict, ,11co11:icrntes \ alue added 'IOICe lealures aOO 1unc1tons "' a stan<1111d package The produc1 is added to USWC s - - ,.._ ,~•~· US~": !:: •:.._ .. ,., .. ,._ an ettecl!Ve date ol March_]_ 19~

o2JOl/97 NA

02/04197 NA

02J06/97 NA

02/06197 NA

0211 1197 N,

02/11191_ NA


NA Al ti> T IM-(110 drc , .. , • ., .. c; M'CIIIC 1alf"'> ll!lati"CI In rt'> UN1PLAN 11 !, Prnmot10n Thfl 1()\/NOII!> tu •· t1 lh.:c:tNe F,•l)rua 1) 1997 02,12,97

---•• ,~«--•-• --•~•-'--•-- •-~-~--•--•--••• ,--• •~~" ,_,,,.,~, •--- ~•w~••----••-c---..i ~•1)-.l,f!JI

AG E 2 O F 2

Sout h O.ak o u TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE FILINGS Public Ulilit il'l> Commissio n

S1.ue C .apiwl -;:, F. C.1ri1ol 11wt.e .. t!llll' le,t.,c:_,.._..,._,,Ml'.,OC:ltlitw. ttwltheCOOffnl•- lw• r.clJ<ffd lOf n,,. ptfioclol:

Pitm.", SO ,. ... ,.;1 . .;:,:-:, 01/31/97 through 02/13/ 97 Pho111:: (SJ';) B .?-1 ... 8.'!

1~.u:: (<,05) '"' i"3-JSC9 Nyou1Wfti • <Offipft1t C:OO'f Ol• ~ ••ied.OTtf'Ngl'll,ap,••...._ .......... . o,,f• ..,,ot1N,fllin9




Appjicallon by Telco Partnli'1s Inc tor a Cen1fica1e ot Authofffy lo operate as a tetecommurncabons company Mthln tne stale TC97-0t0 ol Sooth Dakota (Slalt THICH) Appttcanl seeks autnonty to prCMde MTS out-WATS, in-WATS and callrng ca1d HMCH 02103197 02128197

AN'>lranl does not intend to 0to-nde ooe1alOI' seMCes 900 01 700 MMCH

AppecabOn rr, TC'e-Tech Inc. to amend " s Certificate ol Aulhonty to PfOVlde local e.cnange serw:es wltt\ln the stale o l South Dakota (StAN TH,1(C) "Tele-Tech Inc lfltendslo oNe, locale.change seMCe on a 1esa1e or laallbes baM, 01' a combination of 00th The euc1 manne, in Wtiteh Tele-Tech Inc: 'MIi pr ovide these seMCes'" South Dakota depends upon the 1esuh ol

TC97-01 I negotiations with the 111cumbent local e1cha11ge earners Tele-T1teh, lnc wdl not 0Ne1 any local service 111 areas putsently 0210519; 02128)97 setved by 111d,penatm! rural lelecommurucabons companies unless designated as an ebglble telecommunications came, l)IJISUant to the Federal Act §214(e)( 1) and 2S3(f) , and !hen only upon apprOVill by the Publlc Ulll«y CommisS10n o l any 1equ11ed mtt!rc:onnecton a 1eemenl as n1escnbed hv E-252 o l the Act ·

Appic:allon byAnH!flCan Long Lines, Inc: tor a Certificate ol Authority to operate as a telecommunicabons company Wlttwn the

TC97-012 state ot South Dakota {Staff OJ.'CH) Apphcant s,eks authority to otte, outbound telecommurKatlons seMces to ,es«tentl;iit

02106197 02128197 end buS1ness CUlitomers ut;ltzi~ s"Mtched and dedicated access A.ppllca n1 w1H also otter travel card and inbollnd tlNl-lfee seM::es

Apphca?JOn by lnternabonal Gateway Communications. 11\C 101 a Certificate ol Authouty to operate as a 1e1ecommun1Cat1ons TCl7..013 company wtth,n lhe Slate n l South Dakot;a (Statt DJfCH) Applrcant seeks authOflty 10 prov9de MTS. out-WATS, WI -WATS, 02/1007 0212&'97

aMi ca llin<J ca1d seMces Aoolicant does nol mtond 10 o,OYlda ooerator services. 900 or 700 ser.,ces.


Oal,,01a CooperntNe Telecommumcabons Inc and !CS subSld1ary companies, Dakota Telecom Inc and Dakota Telecommun.cabOns Systems Inc (O;iikota) arc 1equestrng !hat tne Soulh Dakota PubllC Utlbbes ComfflG510n determine wt'lettw!f II ooiects to a warvef by tne FCC 01 the definltlon or · study Alea~ conla1ned 111 Par1 36 Appendix-Glossary ol the FCC's ru le~ 10 allow Oakola 10 e•pand rts South Dali.ola study a,ea bounJanes to include the new local erchange ladlities it is

Tcg;.014 consl!uctmg m Vlbo1g and CenteMle Dakota w,11 p,CMde seMCe to consumers III the CenteMlle :ind Vibolg a,ch111nges 02/lOJ97 0212SJ9 7 through lb sub5adlanes. and has begun PfOwt,ng such seMCes Dakota's cunent study area completely suuounds the Viborg and Cen!en.,he e1ch3nges Dakota iS bulk11ng a new. stale o l the art switching laa llly in Vibo1g. wt11ch is centrally located with 1espec1 lo Dakoca·s HMCe area If the Comm1SS1011 does not objecl to such a waiver by the FCC Oakola requeSIS thal the PUC n10Ylde Oakola Witt\ a lenttr 10 lh ;iit c>Med


Page 5: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

EARLY. LENNON. PETERS & CROCKER. P.C. R .r '"/F.D . ,,o . .. ,., . ,~ • .,,. f[t, 1:d7 900COuflWICA l 1.•u1• <0

o,Al AMA l OO, MICHIGA. N 4 900 1 4 7!,, Hl ( ,-.tOffl !6 161 381 SSA4

JA)( 16 16130 &!1 , !I

GltillGf0tUll!oQt< _,,..,"'$..,. e,t,.,C, GC:-a<• t • .. ~01•1<~•,. ._.._, .. _,.,oo, - .. f ""'411• ·--.. -

=~~ .. tu,:: • • T • Oc:-ot OI • __ .,,_.-c:,.• 1'f<OUTTIG ... ,... • •

··--.. c:---...... ~

SO. , 1 -4. tUBLIC Ul~Ll llCS -..()MMISSIOM

February 7. 1997

Mr. Marshall Damgaard Execuuve 01reno, South Dakota Pubhc Ut1ht1es Comn11ss1on State Capitol Pierre. South Dakota 57501 -5070


Dear Mr. 0amgaard:

Enclosed fOf filing with the Comm1ss1on please !Ind an ouginal and ten 1101 copies of the above captioned corpor at1on's Application for a Certificate of AuthOfity to transact the bos,ness of a resellor of mterexchange telecommumcat,ons services within South Dakota, along with a check 1n the amount of $250.00 to cover filing fees relating to same.

Also enclosed ,s an CKact duphcate ol this lener . Please dale-stamp the duplicate and return same to me in the enclosed postage pre-paid , addressed envelope.

Should you have any ques11ons conce,n,ng thlS f ihng, please contact me.

Very truly yours ,


Page 6: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

IN 1111· MAI IH{ 01 .


,,1 I IIE s·1,,rE 01-' S(11 rn 1 IJA~(f1 1\

I Ilk 1\l'l 'Ul'A"I ION CH IN I l:KN:\ fl (JN'r\l \I;\ I !· WAY COMMllNIC,\ I IONS. INC

R, [ r, ,._

f <& Sou,,; lJ •wJ/

lJT1t1r1Es~~~4 ~IJBL1c M iss,ON

1-CJH A t'EKI lf lCAl I: CJI- l'IJI.U.1 • l'l)NVENll:. 1t°I :. AND Nl·<:l·S!-II I Y ·10 IRAl\'S1\ C I 1111: ll\ !SJNESS OF A Hl :Sl· l.1.1 ,H 01· IN I l·Hl:.XC IIA NG I:

IJO<.' Khr NO.

I ELl:C'OM~n lNH.',\ I IONS SFKVIC'ES ANU 1-()l{ 1\l'l'KUVAL 0 1 I IS INI 111\L IARll:F

Al'l'l IC;\"! ION fOK Al n I IOJUZA'I !(lN

IN 11:R' 11\Tlf J1 1\L (iATl.:WA Y CCJM~1 UNll 0

,\ I IONS. INC. (hl.'rl.'inul!l.'r RApplicanlM)

fl.'SJX--Ct lully n.-qucsb 1hat 1hc l'ubhc U1ili11~·s Comm, ~ 1011 of chc: Sime of South Dal.ota

{hcrcmaftcr ,~·fem.·J In a~ RCormn issionR) w,1111 Applicu111 :1u1hori1y pursuam lo SIX:L ,19.3 1.

and in 1~cPrd:111c...- \dth 1\KSI) 211:10:2-1 :02 to prm1lk 1111raslok h:k·eo111rmmica1111ns scrvicc!I: h)

1hc public \\ ilhm Soulh IJ.ilwla through the resale of smulur ~f\lC'C.'i olfm .. "d h other

1nten:xchang...- carriers nxcsR I in the stale, l\pplieant further requt·,b thal 1hc Cummission

approvt· its inilial proposed 1ariff, Applicant for purpo~i. of w rilica1ion. and in c, id...-nc...- of its

lilllc!>:, lo opcrat...- aoJ the public nt-cJ fo r its sen ic...-s. oilers 1hc fo llm, ini; 111forma11on in support

of tlui. 1\pplication

ldrn1mu1i0 n "' tht Annliunl

1\pphcan1 111:11 111:iins iti. ht·ad4w1rters at:

5CtfJ I Wt·i-1 I 20th Stn·...-1 1\b1p. Illinois 60M8 I ch:rhon...- 170K) 489-'J.100 l·ax (70K) -IKQ-0256

l\pplicant 's 10 II fr"-c numhcr is HU0- 377-flll-'O

J . l\pplie:uu is incorpomlcJ und...-r lhc law"' nf 1tw Sl:ltt· 11I lllm,11', 1\ c1lp) uf tlu·

Page 7: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

Company's ,\rtidcs of lncurron11 1on is anachl"ll herclo as Ex hihit A. Arr licant is quulilicd

10 11:msm,:1 husmcs" ,,ith 111 the S1a1e of S11u1h l>.ikow ru. :1 fo reign n1rrorn1mn 1\ copy of lhe

qualifying 1k"umcnt jt,; :-cl innh 111 l:xhihit II hcrclfl .

.a . Com:spo11dcncc regarding 1his 1\pplic:11ion should Ix- ditl-Cltd to:

l'ntrid .. IJ. Cruck1.-r EARLY. I.FNNON. Jll ·Tl:RS & ( 'KOCI\Elt P.C '>00 ( 'onwricu lluilding l\ala111a1.oo. Ml .i9007 • .a 7!i:! f(J l{,1 Jkl-KK,U

fhc 11:um: ,,f t\f\phcu111 ·~ Kcg1s1en:d Agcnl. :and the :uldt1.'S.'i ol 1hc regb1erl-d office

nf 1hc corpomlion in South Dakota is:

Corr o ration Guumntl-c and Trust Company 117 I:. Capitol 11.U. Box 66 1•icnc. Sou1h l)akolU S7501-0066

l>mrinUon u( Au1b11rih' Rwvntc:d

6. Applicant sc.-cks authori1y to opcrn1c as a re.seller of in1ru.-.1a1c lclccommunications

M!r\'iccs 111 the publ ic on a slutcwidc t,asis. ,\pplicanl sc.--ck~ uuthoril)' 10 off1.•1 a full range of N, ,.. .. inh:rcxchangc lch..-communications scn ·iccs on a resale h;:asis. Spt.-cilic:ill) , Applica,11 st-cks

authorily 10 provide MTS. out-WATS. in-WATS and Call ing Ca.rd scrvicn.

7. Applicant dc":s not inh.•nd 10 pro\'ide opcmlor services, C)()() or 700 sen ices.

M. Applicant o,,ns no 1rnnsrnission focili1ies. 1\pplicant will uffcr scrvic~ to ils

subscribers using focililics of the ctm1munic:11icms ne1works 11f AT&T. otlk.·r foci lilil"S•ba,S(,-J IXCs

and the local exchange 1clephonc cump:mi1.·s r u ~Cs").

9. Applicant has no plans a1 this lime to construe! :my 1cll-communic:uions

tmnsmission fal'ililil'S of ils own and K"l·ks no cons1nic1ion :1uthorit) h) mean_" of lhis

1\ppl icatiun. Appl icant "ill op1.•ru11.• cxclush·cl) as a n.·sdlcr.

Page 8: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

IO ,\ prl1car11 \\ 111 abide h\ ull rules gO\'Crni ng h:k·comm Lmicat11 1n1 rl·'-t.·lk·r!> ,,hich the

Comm ,,:.11111 ha.\< pfl•mul i;:it~·J "r ma) prnmulg:at.: 111 lhl· fuiu rc. unks:1 arph ca111111 u f "uch rule~

m c;p..'t.'1 1ic:tll) \\a1H·d h) 1hc Commission.

l'rnnu"l't.l St:n•ict!i

11 Arrlu:ant ,._ a \\hok"!-."llc !>urphcr of long distance <;cl'\ ICC! 10 01hcr re-sellers.

rl·hiller:.. ,1gi;1eg:1111r,; and ,umlar nwJium It• high , 11lu111c- husincss 11,;cr.. .\ prl11:1111t cmnbmcs

lugh 41mhl} 1r.11NTH:.:.m11 ....-n.1Cl' ' \\ilh , er) cumJliCIIII\C rates. fh:.-.:1hlt end user billing.

profc-s,;111nal customer !'o4't\ 1cc and escclle11t rq,,,rtini; 10 crc:nc a umqlJl· blend which m1."t:IS the

111dl\idw1hlcd rn..-..:d , of such busmes:. custnmer...

12 Applicuni' -.'\ICl"S arc dcsigm-d tn be c-sp,:cially,·c to rcscllcrs. tcbillcrs

and aggrc~mlflrs who 1.k sill' u, n:pad.agc the- orTcri11g and r1."0ffcr it In small 11nd m1.--dium sizL-d

13 Apphl'ltnl' " mlcmls h) engage in .. , ,,i1chlc,;," resale Apphc:ml wi ll arr.rngc for

lhe tmOic o l underl)ing ,uhscnhcrs 1(1 ti.i.· rouh .. -d di rl'Cll) O\W the net\\ Nks of Applicanl's

nct\l.ork pro\'1dcrs

14. i\pplica111 l3 l'111mniu~·d In the usc of 1.:1h1cal sales pr:1cticcs. All dis1rib111ors of its

produels must L'Ommit in \\flllllb to nmrkcl Apphcan!'s ~n ,cc:s Ill a profossionul manner. anJ

tu fui rl~ und accuratcl~• p•rlmy Applicant ' s SCl'\'ices and I~ charges for them.

l>ncrinlion and FHarH or Aonlif■nl

1.5 Applican1·3 1,fiiccrs h:t\'C cxlcnsi\'C managerial. tiru1nc1al and 1-:chn1cal experience

with which w cx1.-cutc- the husi ncss phm dcscriht.-d herein. Api,licw11 ' s mu11agcmc111 pctsonllCI

reprcsc111 a hroad spi.-clrum uf busi ncs.-. and 11.-chnicnl discipl ines, posscs..~111~ many years of

ind n•idUtll amt uggrq;atc 1ek-communica1 ions expcncnce . In supporl n l Applicunt":. nmnagl·rial

Page 9: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

and tcchnicJI abi li:y 10 1uo,•idc the scn·ict.·s for \\hich au1hority is ~mght herein. ;\pplicant

suhrmt:. :1 dc~ riplinn o f 1h,,: bad :ground :and ex pt·ric.·m·c.· of iL" eurrc.· 111 111:111:igcmcnt team a..;

h hihu l' In ~UpJ1"1rl o f 1\pplkanfs fimneial at'tili ty h11>1l),·idc 1hc propo3l.-J S(•f\fo,.•s. Applicant

anach1.·<; a rccc.•111 lncum1.· Stai,.:mcm and lblancc Shc.'1.:1 as hxhibit I>.

Puhlil' lnltrHI <·nn"idrr,1wn,

l fi . Applic:mt' s entry into the ~ou1h l>akoln marketplace is in the public in1crcs1

ht.-causc ;\ppl ica111 intends In nmkc a uniquely 111trnc1in.• hlcnd of service quulity. network

nmnagcmcnt and report ing. and low rates awilttblc. Namely. J\pplicant' s ,1ffering uhimatcly will

cnnhle ~mall and mc.·dium husim.-sse:. in South 1>:1kota to 11l'ltnin long di.;tancc.• sc.·n •icc.-s at rates

,,hich prc.·\'iously \\ere a\'ailablc unly to larger husim:ssc:.

17. In addition Ill !he din.-cl llcnclits ddi,·crc.·d 10 the public h) i1s scn•ict."S. 1\pplicant' s

entry into lht.· South D:1lml!I nmkctplncc \\i ll ht.-nclit 1hc publ ic indir ct ly by increasing the

compctiti,e prc.\t..'i ll ll.' felt hy cxistint,; IXCs. spurring thl·m lo lowl."r costs and imprO\'C scr,·ict.-s in


lh11un•td Huu•aton· J'rsatmr■I•

I K Applicant b a non-dominant r~llcrof intercxc hangc td1.-communic.1tions S1."n•ic1..-s

Applicant rt.~uests 10 be regulated by the Cormnis.~ion in the.· same rcl:ixt.-d foshion cx1cnd1.-d 10

other. similurly si1uah.'d rcsclkrs.

lnili•ltd Prooowd '[•riff

19. Applkanl prnroSl.-s to 11ffer !itf\ 1cc pursuant to !he rull."s. regulations. r.tll."S and

111h1."r 1er111~ a1iJ condi1io11!> 1nduJcJ in ;\pplican1 's mil ml proposed tariff which•~ anactk..-d hcrc10

U3 Exhibit E. Dilling. pa) Tlll'OI. i.:rt-dil. dcposu :ind colll-CIIOII terms au.· t.e l furlh in 1\pplican1 's

in111 11I proposc.-d tariff.

Page 10: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

Comnliancr "-jlh ANSI> 20·10·14•02

20. In accorJ;.ncl' "i1h AK.S il :!O lfl 2-1·02 . Apr hcam rrm u.k -. the folluu ing


111 Th .. · addrl'~S and h:!cpll<'ne number 11f ,\ppl ic,1111:

lnternatifinal Gah:way Communit.:a1ions. Inc . 5601 Wt.•,;;1 1201h S1n.-..·1 Al-.ip. Illinois 6065K 'lckphunc (708) 4K'J.t.J400 l·ax 1701'.1 ) 4Kl}·0256

121 ;\pplkant , ti:1II pwvid..- M'l\•iel'S umkr the n:mw lnll'rnu1ional Gaicway

Ctmununica111 111s. Inc.

ll l (a) Sl-c 1xuagraph 2 of this Appl ieatiun

(b) Applicant has no princi pal oOicc in South Oakola. Appl ica111·s rl"gi~1crcd

agent is set forth in parugrnph 4 hcrcinatxwc.

(c) ;\ copy o f Applicant's i\n iclcs of lncorporution is :inachl-d as Ex hibit A.

Appl icam 's UOiccrs and Oirt.-c tors arl" as follcm s:

Thomas Jacobs • Prc.·siJcnl

Urian /\11u:ndala • Sl-crcuiry/t rcasurcr

ldJ /\ list ol the names nnd addrci-scs of t\ppl icunt 's current OOiccrs and Uoard

uf Dircclors:

Joseph J. Amcndala • Ch:iirman of tht." Board & Sole- 11i rt.-clor 4219 f alkncr l>ri\'c Napcr\'i llc. It 60564

(t.•) The namt.'S of t\ppl ican1 ·s shareholders 311d numbers of shan·s held by ,:ach:

N.rum: Numh;,·r of "'harc:s

Juscph J. Amcndala Hrian 1\mcndala l lllrry Chung l'homa."' Jacohs Michal Carini;dlu ShcOicld Systems

Page 11: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

(f) No 1:11qx1r.1111111. usso(.·1.11mn. par1ni:1sl11p or corporn1i11n m,n an) in1cri:'\I in

Appl l\':1111

l~;I J\pphcanl tl\\.TIS m crnmol.s no i.uhs1di:m cs.

(-1 1. 1\pplic:rnl i~ a corporaliun ot~anilcd ul\dcr 1hc l11ws of Illinois.

15) S\'t' p:trJt,;r.tph 5 of1hi: J\pplica11on

((,,. S"·c p,;:ir.11,;r.iph (1 of thi: ;\pplical11•n

(7 ) Applicant !ohall nfll'r :-cr,in':!- 1111 a ll i:qual acci:s.~ area.'\ within 1hc Stale of Sot11h

1Jal.111a Aci:mdingl~. Applicanl docs not anach a map dc,cribing sen ic"•


(kl Sc.."\.' l: -.hibi1s I> and h attached hcrclo

(9) All comrlmnb :md rq;ulatury maucrs should be dirc..-c1cd IQ Applicant"s anorncy

as sc1 fonh 111 pamgraph 3 of 1h is ,\pplicauun.

nnlicanl'" Cod for Undrrb'iH InD"DOrt Srn•Kff

W. Applit:ant proposes In resell scn•kcs within Soulh Dalwta in excess of Applicant's

cml of purchasint scn icci. from Applicant's underlying carrier (Fmruicr). Applicant purchases

imrnslah.· scr\'iccs from Frunti"·r for approximate!)' S.1249 p<.'r minulc.


.? I. A d"-c1i. i1111 b) 1hc c,,mmission 10 ~rmt ,\ppl icant a Ccnific:uc of l>ublic

Conn.•nicocc 11ml N"-cessil) is plainly in 1hc publi in1crcs1. Applicant will i111roducc imponant

new producls and scr\'iccs :11 H'r)' compc1i1i,·c rotes as well a., cnhanc"• the comp<.•lili\'i:ncss of the

O\'crall long di sl:mcc markcl in South Dukot.i.

Page 12: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


r...•sp.."C lfo ll y u .. -qucsL" 1ha1 this ( ·ommh,sion grant it uuthont) to lr.insact the business of a reseller

('I f 111tcrcx1.:hangc 1ch.-commt111h:a1ions scn•ic1.·s \\ ilhin :ht· Stale of South 1Jako1a. 1tuu 1hc

Commi)sion rc.:gu lntc it in a srn:aml incJ foshiun. an<l th t11 1hc Cummi~h)fl uppro\'c 1\ pplicant's

ini1 iul pn1poscd 1ariff cm-cti \·t· on the date of the c1nJcr gr::1111ing :mthority.

U:1tcd: ______ _

Rcspcc1fully submincJ .

lly: l'u'lril.:k I>. ( ' E IU. Y. LEN NUN. PETERS

& CROCKER. l'.C. 900 Comerica Huildi ng Kalamu;,,..oo, II 49007-4752

Its: ,\nomcys

Page 13: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

\'I klHf,',\ f l(JN

' homa.:. \\ J.H:oh,._ l'rc1- iJc11t uf l/1-J"I Ek.NA I ICINA I. CiA I h\V,\ Y CIJ~l~II JNll";\ I IONS.

INC . fir )>! hc111g dul) s,,nrn 11n ,,ath. dl·p:,,;c.•-. and ~) 1 lhal h(- h:is read thl' forc~o•n~ 1\ pr,lic:1111,n

and ,cnfic-. 1h.11 the -.1atl·mcn1.s m:Kk tltt:rci n a rc t,uc :mJ l'11m ."CI 10 lht· ~--SI ,,f hi !> J.rnmk-dgc.

111format111n. and hchd


I l hc li1rcgo1ng 111:.trumcnt W:t!, rn;:kno"lcdg1.-d h...-for me lhl!> _!__ da) o f _,_·_. 1'}97

h) I humas W Jacob-..

omcw. &UL LIICllDA IC:OX

MOTAln' ~ ITAll Of Ua0II IIYCCNIIIICJl_...1-1 ..

'·· Nolary Public f'o r lhc ( 'ount)' of ____ _

My Commission Expires:

Page 14: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n
Page 15: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

IDhrrr.1s • ;.a7:c czs OF ;..v.E>rc~,:: r:c 7 C 7 HZ ;.a7 : c c,:s OF =~rc::RPORA":": c :1 CF

:-:::.z·1ox ?tJBt.:c c::XMt::i:c:.:-:cNs. r:,c. : ::c::RPOR.:,::-::n ~~rt!ER rn:: :.; Of -:'E.Z S:'A':'E OF ::.:.:~:c:s RA11E 3:E:.:::!: :::.:::::, : ~, '::!Z cr::cz OF TI::: s zc:u::-;..~·1 CF s -:-:..-:-z .; s ?:\Cv :=::: 3'! -:-;;:: a u s::-rass COP.POM':': c u .;c:- OF !!.t.:::o:s, :!t :"CRC Z ,;1.,-._·t l . ;..,:) . : 9 84,

I _7, .. ✓-. . . ,/ , .,,c;;;; 0 , ,, ,J. ,,, ., r.n,;, ✓ l'-.e/~"!, -~ J ee,"? J f . . 71/1°,·,, ·../ ~C>'P/a,;,:; cf .flak Cf l/1e ,

Y&ue "l/,/lk1.c,4,, o/ ,;,,;,/ue o/ tlw/ ,c,,:;,;,.J ~d '" me o/ Ian.:-_. da­/,e;,.eo/ uwe Utl.J, cvu/=6' =,d a//ac/, /,,.__,,e/e, a, cc/1-y, c;,' dze.

~ f,jtb.caL,.cn, c/ t/u,, a/ o,,,,,aau:/ cc;,j,c,,,wj-./1,,

1Jn iu~iimonl! IDhl'ITOf. J ;,,,,.,,;;. _,.£"'(I' luu,d fll!LL = le

·:: ~=~-<.~.--:-~-.- !",

-.- ::--..:.: . .,..,. --:::.-... .

k. o/ tlie S~eaL Y ea/ c/ Vte Y'M c/ J'lk<=. aL tl1r. "ef''o/' c/ S,f;,,,,'flfold. tf,,_., , •-

cuu,l' c/ =n: dY 12 __JJ_i_<Vld

c/ t/,~ ..fndfu-../uluu;,., o/ t/,P., o/t.,.d.ed ,_9h4:., tlut lu.v- lw,,d,,,d u.nd ____ _,1,.,,sccrn;,. __ _

Page 16: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

,:.RilC:.ES C F -HAE~IOME~lT

File" :)!oi"i- ?i ] -4

o, .. ~~;ff~t© fo)~ t..c1tn:• F•H 1 u-- u .:•anc:i,se -• ., S : ,,i~ C"H 5 ,,?'5 , - 1

-:.:.,~ A-,...l / l

t ·c ·- e ::rovis,cr..s er ·- re ::i..::re~s C.:::::crai1cn .:.c: ':: ' !:BJ · 1:-e u::cer: u; re::: cor: or,rnc n i t t tc f ace:::::

"'h• •.atT"e ,:1 :-:e :::1:::oumcn s 7 ele •,ox ? uo l :.-; Ccr.m.t::'l .!.C 3C.!. O t:S , ::-: i: .

f/01r :1

= ::, ,a - 3ic, -•, : · ·-e ~=,._ ~-~:::n :::r(N,cec · : : ·e:=-:11 .-..e· e ·,&r-e= ,. ... t•· c u : :: rc:1:::e11: C"'i 1,•: '\Q c re:·:::r~ ·a,~ :ee- -!•ec:e::: : · :v 1 - a :• ,i,,- .:, · e ::::ar: ,=1 ::.1e:::.:1s ,. ,1:::•eJnc, .,. ... ,i,r: •.e,­-~ ' !: ·e : : 1: e• ,1· : · · ; 'll ru:: !:-•: ·: : :-aru n :r ·re · r-e ,:r 1c::· : r .:: 1· s . - 1·.c- a-:; , .. .,,,.,

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(1'1,01t I J

- Sy ·:-e ::--1r• ncw:ers. ,n 1c:ctc.:.,c:, .... ,,n S•c::cr.s ·o :!') inc • ·o. l ·u ciuacn ,:1 •r,e :01 ,-:: 01,:ire,::~ • n_v,ric; :e•., C\I"' ,1ccc1ftl 1ne su::m,nett re 1:ie s-~r.r,01Cer: ~ ..::ons,.,1 "' wnru·w; r:as :a•., s c; :y ,-, arer>elC•rs :--,v,r~ not t~s:i l:"l<ln :!'le m1n,murn nwr:cer 01 ,ctes rl'Cl,,1ttc t.; s1a11.11• u c ::y :."• a, :,c::es -,, ,r.:::::c,a:i?n S,,11r-C1Ce1: '"'no nave no1 c :::ns.~:e~ 1n vw ru1nr;; ,, ,1yt, c:e•n ,;iv•n n.:1,ct _., 1c::::1c::inc• wilt'I 5Kl!On ; 10 ;

g ey •r,• s--i.a1e11C1<:e·s. n ac::::rear.c: tt w,tn Scc::ons ·o zo UIC ; :o . .a ru CfUflOf\ 01 tr.• :c,&rc er dt.c:~,s M.,. c:••n cuty arc s1 • .Jm11tec to t:ie sn,1,eno,cea >- c~en1 ,n .-,run.; ::Hn stc;Nte -::-, 111 ir.• 1r:.arencoeers 1ttw1Uftl ta •,c1e en 1n,, ,,lfflei,c:mer1.

(f,1011 4J

(l/11!£.'?T AM£"10ME.VT)

'• O.UO J am~r..a,a u "aM:rr.l tO fH ut / or t lt 111 11,1 ,ntt~t)'J tS" u r,1,a fanJ"aft f or an ,i,nt nt:m~fl / to rllOfl ft tllt r::,r;:orott

:f.£.SOLYE!l t llot " "' A mcttJ of fncorporot10f1 ~ rllrt~~d 10 IKO U /oilo .. ,:J

!ntar=i.atio na l Gatawa y Communicac:.o r: s, Inc. __ . - -t f" EW :,.IA ME) / -.,. • ._

All cn,: :;t: ;1:-c· ::::. ~=~ r.: • .: : ?n ;:: J~, : ,_,

,. ,

:·: \ : ~ :,. _-; .. -:.- :- ,- . . : : \ : ~:.-;

Page 17: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n
Page 18: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

~bde of ~outq ~nhoht



l, JOYC E HAZEUINE, Secretary or State or t h e State of South 01koll , hereby cerli fy that the Appl1c1Uon for I CertH1cate or Author ity or 1NTERNAT10NAL CAT[WAY COMMUNICATIONS , INC . (IL) to transact bus i ness in this state duly :;igncd ond verified pursuant to the prov i sions or the South Dakota corporation Acts, have been received in this ortice and ere found to conform to law.

ACCORDINCL Y and by virtue of the authority vested in ■e by law , I hereby issue this Certificate of Authority and attach hereto a duplicate or the 1ppl1c1Uon to tunnel business in this state under the n111e of INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOr. I have hereunto set ■y hand and arthed the treat Seal or the State of South Dakota, at Pierre, the Capital . this January 27 , 1997 .

Page 19: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

14) ihe ca,, ol ,c:. intO<IKifll l!on ,s ~'"-'~""-"~'~----- ____ 1nd , ,. , pe,iod of iu 0u1111on,s _t!.W •_.,.._ _ ______________ ____ _ l!il The aOO!t?n CY. •Is :;ir,nc'(l,11 cthce ,n 111.e state o, rourmy u no111 the l•ws ol whic.h it •~ H°ICOl'po!l lec:I ,s

~ '"''""'-'"""-'''-'-'"'"TecH_,5,.,_TR,,, • .,,..,,.....,.,,,L""s ,,.,_,_.__,,._L __________ lip Cocte _JWl__

161 The street addren , OI' 1 s.1•tt1mt1nt 1h•1 1here II no -.11 e• 1 add1•n. ol 111 P,OOOH10 1eg111e,ltd oti,ce In

th•St1teo!South01l011 ,s 1 17 f.. CAPITOi. , p lf.HT. im 2tF~

ancs the F\ame cl la p1090~•d reg111ued 111ent in th• S1 11e ol S ou th 01lot• till 1hat 1dd1eu is

(7) Th e purPGffS wh:ch\ 1 pro:,oses to pu,sue ,n t11e t11nuctt0f1 o f Wsi11u1 in the S1111 ol Sou1h Dakota Jrlt'f'.o:tNtHCATIQS St:i\Y ' CES AS ,. kt:SELLU or lt!IF.JteliCHAHCI!'. St:ltYI Cf:S

tBJ The names and 1u c;1ec1noe addreues c l 11s d,1K10,s and othcen •••· ..... JOSU'H J . AN ENDALA TIIO!iAS J ACOIS

llil.IAH AJt!JtO

CNoc:e, Title



S\IHl"-ddl Ht,

42 19 f ALXIO;Jt DR. 1 NAPUVILL£ 11. 60)f)L 417 KADDASSAH 1 IIAPF.RVll.1.F: 1 IL 60~6\

, .. 9)11 STF.AMIQAT P'l~Hp NW O!.l~llliL'

191 Tile •v:111•g111e nu~, o' \h:tr.-s which ,t has au1ho111r 10 11,\u fl . 114!m,,~ by cl,ues. 1M1 v•lu e of sha re, ,11,.1,es w,thuul ™' "•'""'· .,...: ~ie11n ,t ~nr W11h·ri II clit~, ,,

Page 20: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

:.1 1

I 10 : •111: ,,9g"·~Ah• .,._ ,. ' ,., "' ,,s ,-.s,,..-u ~ha, .. ,, .,,.,., : o:d by cr, sscs c,., , ~" , ,.. u ' • " •"o ~" •" ·~ ..,., .. ,.,.,, t>•• "'" ul! 11 nd -. c r, f!-. I•" ' • ""'" ,n Ad• ~· ,)

!'T. u mti.4-• o, sha,cs

1 . 000

I•· · ... 1 .. cpc• """ ' 11 (1 ' !, IIII C ,O fl l lM.a l ·"· • • :. . , .

\./ITIIOUT PA,t \'AI.IIF. - ---

( 111 The a mo1.1n1 0 1,, s 11•1H1u:,ital Is, ....<;Zc,Zc.,1'--"~=..:-=----- ------- ­P."I Ttus appl,c.11,on ,s accon1p11me d by II CERTIFtCA l E OF FAC'T duly dc-.nowledged by tl>C! sec,e1•rv ot !.1llf: Of 01~• ulfo('C• ,,,.,.,,g CU!. lody ol co1p0u1te ll!COI(\ m 1114! SUIIP, o, coun\•y vnde, wtlose ··- ,1 It,

or ic,:01 por au-,d

113) Th• 1 such ,o,pora 11on shall not direc:ly o, indirectly comblrwi or make any conu1c1 w ilh •"'I' •ncOfpo,11ed conpar.y. to,e ig r, or tlomc11,c. 1nrough 1t1eir s tockholders o, the 1rus1ees or u s,gns ol sucl'I IIOC" holdtrs. 01 .., ,,n any c1,1pa11neu;111p 01' ;,noc,auon ol persons, or ,n any manner wn11twc:1 10 fu. IM pu ces. hm 11 1r,e p1oCJuc1 ,on u1 regul•lc 1111: 1re,n:pona1ion ol any produ~ o, comm01111y so Ms 10 p,e ven1 compeuuon ,,, u,ch r:,111:.e,. pro<:ucuon 01 111n1;,,c:n 1 1 OIi v, 1u e :; t•lol1sl1 e•cen ,"11 p1tces u,e,eto,

{1 t; J Thlll suth CCll)OIIIIOn .. ~ I cons,dt!llo0ll o! 111 bemg permitted 10 begi n 01 con1 1riue doo nt,1 bUSIN H ..... :n,n :he 51111: of So 111 01 1011. w ,11 tom;,ly w ,u1 111 lhe 1, - ct ine said S 111e with 11:91,d lo 10te1Qn tOfl)OII IIOll'-

fht apphcat ,ofl mus: be sigr,t1' by lhe ch11rm1n o l lht t,o., rd cl d11ec1ou. or DY th• p1es.1ci.n1 or bl lflOlhe r oll lcer


0111d Pe r 2 19J.§_

State of &#Pry, 1/Ar,,1~ CounfY ot /l,f1Lf1j}h I/If/A

On th is _1.4.,._ day ol ~ ·:?id' . belore mt ;:J; ,.,.,., ,,(. ~ ,.,.,...,. ;:sonally appeaet::!,(, J;....,r o1 ,!'c.0fPOHtlOn lhat •,::,:~~ :'!'1:.c'e~~':~~OI~

wil h1n 1ns111,1ment a nd ac:ll"low1edged 10 me 1h11 such COfPOUIIOI\ e1ecuted s me

MyCommin1onUpirt11 ol/o,/FT INotaryPubht

CONSENT OF APPOINTMENT BY THE REGISTERED AGENT I JQSAU, 0. OL tNC:ER _____ • nereby g,ve my conset1110 se rve as lhe

!name of 1eg1s1ered acenl)

Page 21: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n
Page 22: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n



Joseph J. Amcndala: Chief Executive Officer

With twenty-four years ' cxpcncncc in the telecommunications industry. CEO Joseph J. Amcndala bnni;s a breadth of indus1ry knowledge 10 IGC. After worki ng for Illino is Bell Telephone fo r 1hinccn years, Mr. Amcndala founded Sheffield Systems. Inc .. Sheffield S)'stcms. Inc .. a company ori gi nally special izing in small bwiincss intcrcoMect. was .:i.warded Publ ic Utlli1 ~• status by 1hc Ill inois Commerce Commission in Janllaf') of 1987. Mr. Amendala is President of Sheffield Systems. Inc .. :md hllS scn·cd as President and Member of the Board of 1hc Ill inois Public Telecommunications Association (IPTA) from the yc:irs 1990-199-t

Thomas W. President

After receiving his B.S. from S.U.N.Y. in Alban)'. New York (Business/Computer Scu:nce), President Thomas W. Jacobs has worked in the tclecommunic:s1ions indusl.J' for 1en years. He spen1 two YC31S as Major Account Manager al RCI Long Disw,ce. 3 subs1diJJ)' of Rochester Telephone Company, in Elmsfo rd. New York: and six yC3tS .u Nalional Accounl Manager al MCI Tdecommunica1ions in New York. New York; bcfort" Ulking his pos11ion of President of IGC two yc3TS ago.

Scan Trepeta: Execut1\·e Vice President: Sales/Marketing

After receiving his 8 .S. in 1990. Execu1i ve Vice President Sean Trepe:1a spent £\''O

ye311 working for NYNEX in the MIS Department of the Business lnfonna1ion Scf"\•ic:s Company. Mr. Trepe:1:s then spent four yem working for MCI. in their sales division. advancing to the positi'ln of ln\'cstmcnt l\.·lnjor Account Manager in the lntem,uional Markets Branch of MCI.

Page 23: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n
Page 24: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan - 17 - 97 03 : 42P Wonak & Co • • Lt:.d . 708 - 99!5 - 9407




Page 25: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan- 17 - 97 03 : 42P wonak & Co • • Ltd. 708•99!5-9407


FINANCIJ\L ST \TT:MENTS -s­SCMematsolapa,..o..NDd',cir Slakfflcals ere... Flows Notiti10f1MK1.1IS1a1e:1na1a

SlJPPLF.MEJrtlTAl MIATUlJ\L lltf'POf'I ol~ Ccrulicd Pi.tbUc Auiowianu oa St.ipp1anau&1 ~W AMl)'sn of'C.1 ofSab A,-. l>tc1 ofvtncBI P(l "4nuntunuw r:~PQ5H AMMn olStlWla E..-...._



' .. , 6-11

12 I) ,, "

Page 26: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan - 17-97 03 : 42P wonak & Co .• Ltd . 708• 995- 9407 P . 04

\ii,.\ WONAK 6 COMPANY, LID. ~ Crrnfw4 l'11bl,r An uvnur,1,

o JS \-.e..cH .. uR..-,d. ', .. ,1r • lC ~iy ,.n,b,.,fl tt1,,..,. • ..., i:1

111,)flo) " "j-•t!X' •• · •'.:i,1•0 . .1,01

Bf?PBI OF WOE Pf WP Oil CEl!UfifQ t1 18b!C ACCQlfNIAJ:IJ'S

To 1bc ao.,d ol OirtclUrl laWNttouiO...,f~. ­Ahip. UWIOtt

We M\otadlledlk~ bal.u:c IIIKU o/LIIRruboMI ~ C.......,_. lfl( (rOffltff) Tc:irwo,: P\iobc~l11C). UolJ1N)U. l996 .. IY'J)..Sdir,.....__.L6ol.c.cac . ..... --cs and C&UI nowi for die,_.. M ~ . no. r~ - arc Ille rn,amlllwtJ d 61 c:c-s-,·, ,,.._pi,tftl Owrnponubih1111ioupreuanopiM-.a.....,ll-_,ts...a....,a.o.rak

Wccondi.1uedo.rtlldrt•~•n_...-nJly~ ...... ~ 1\owuadlnllrtqWCN•c pllllleadpri,nniltHdat10...,ttnOUblcu~•bc:Mt"~*f......J.---acrt.of~ ~ . 1Vt.&Ollllcludes~on•tutba11, n-.dcac.c..,,.._.dle .......u..Sdildoe.ta •* r~~ ,.., ... lalsohicNlinasMN•& lk-~p,ww;·la IIICIIMd 11par.c..~JMdc by~•- as "~II M ~&N111n1thcutt:rall ru...:..i ~pmaub(II Wabelinc os-.ditf'Ol,·•;11 rusonablc basis for OIIII opwan

JAowopt111C111.lhrnanial1WtmeDCJ1rfmcd10abcft,prwo&iwl,.•a&1...,,pc:caa. lllc~PGMIOII oflllknllllOMIO.--a,,Conlll\aliceuom.lnc. uofJ_.J0. 1996andlffl, MWlthrradlol1b...,,_,ad 11, <WI now, fofthc,candlGICftdcd. iaccmfonnt0 •itli ...,.u,.~~pti•d pkl,

Page 27: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

J an • l 'P • W? 0 3 : 4ZP Wonak & Co .• Lt.d . P . 05



JUNf'. Jn

""'" .... 1"5

CIIM£NT ASSETS c ... S 191.161 S 122.611 ,\OCOUMI )04.0IJ 196,624 D\IIFfOfflS&odr:hokkn ..... 1,115 l)c(cntd ~ Tues (p,JOIC I) 102,100 56,IOO ............ : .. E--andOl.htr 1.0) 1 1.291

Tau.I Cun-ml AucU 617.270 llUII

PP.OPElllTY ANr EQWME~. "'--:--~ 2) Zn.Ill Ut1.6d

~ ASSETS l)e,.,INI Oirw:lopmcnl Cotu. Net of

AmonidUOll(NotcJ) ,o.J69 71 ,95C. 0,Mlll i l l 1).161 1.761

y""OII<,"""' {,) ,~)II 13,711

1'0TALASSI.TS I '"-'ll s ,.,,...,,

Page 28: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.J11 n- 17 - 1n 03 : 43P wonak & co . ,Lt.d . 708 - 995-9407


Cl.Ill.ENT U A.tHLl'TlES ,\WNnl& Payable CN* 9) S490, lU Sl60,Sl0 Ac:Ned t-pc:NCS (NOit 4) ll,SQJ 10.)(,l 0,. 1o Stockl,oW,n 11,7'9 • O..Cio!Jftliak (No4e6) IIIY,G74 u,s: C11mn1 M.lwiua ol'Loa1-Tcnn DdM (Now: 7) IU2S: "

local CvneN Llabl.hua '15,(okl lll.$51

LOt,1C-TER.M DEBT. Leu C11nt111 Maniriucs ~ 7) 21 .7)0 0

OTilER LIARILr nES Def'crted Income Taui (Nou: I ) ,o.soo 41 .)00

Toa> liahi11ucs 741,9 )) 42l.15'

STOCXIIOU>ERS' F.QUTTY Commoa Stodl, Nn hr Vol111 . 1,11110 SMIU

AIO«iml IOOO Shara l11iicdudCluu\afldulc 2'JJ.OUJ 111,000 JlNincd EaffliMI (Dc&il) I 17.1100) ( 24,9"°1

Ta&al Sloddddcn' Eawrv 206.000 256,010


Page 29: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.J•n-17 - 97 03:43P Won•k & Co • • Ltd . 708-995 - 9407




'"' ''" NETS,UES Sl,¥JU7l 17.U:),747

COST OF SALES l.l5◄ .Sl4 c..n1.m

GronP'rufit 577.051 Hl.9'61 -GE."lDAL AND ADMINlSTit.ATIVE EXPENSES 627,6H 400,599


C.C.5.t.l9 50(,.)(.,0

Opa;,q htcomc: ( LOU) ( . ., .. , 6UOI

OTHU, 0,,COMF. (EXPENSE) r..-E.,.m< ( 7.194) ( 11.lU) AsKtlfflCflb ( I.Oil) ( )4,)

°""''"'°"" m ZJ.194 00..E.""""' ( 7) ( 144)

( 1.439) "-""

hlconic(l.ot1)!\clortTnn (~ 1)c.lkGMll:(1As) ( !17,UlO) 77,141


NIT INCOME (LOSS) ( 62,020) 4'.341

U'TAfNEO EAR.HINGS (DEftCJn .. _ I 24,WU) ( 71)11)

...... ., 17.000) I( 24,WC.,I

Page 30: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n




, ... , ... OPEllATING ACTJVITll!S

Netll'COfflC(l.otl) 1( 62.021'1) $46.) 41

AdJIIUmalCI co Rcc:icwile Net lncomc (LOH) LO Cash Pro,,idtd (UMd) By () Acuvuan _..... ... .._._ 61 .13, 41,)50

Ac.c.owlu MCCl\'abk, Prc,,a,d E:q,aucs ud Odwr { 11',490) ( 95,149) oo. ..... ( 10.IOI) ( l09) Due: FfOffl !iwdholdcn J.297 ( 5.174) J>cfcmd Tu Auer ( 4'.)00) ,.,oo Aca.•u&S l't)tblc. Acawd ~ Sid 0lk:r 161J.502 192.327 Dcf.cmdTul .iabiliT¥ 9.lOO 2S,JOO

Cull Pro\'idcd a,~._ ..... A.ctMha 11 ,21,, 211'.t,49)

INVESTING AC'rlVITIES Purchuc ofp........- and Enu-t ( 9l.Oll) ( 19.2,0)

C»b Used B• In.-. ..... Act:n1Uts ( 91,0ll) ( l'J.l?4)

FINAtr,JCrNO ACTIVnJF.S 1'totcab Fron1 Note P•yablc 41,251 0 Pri,igp1I P.i,,ncnts ol'Notc Payable ( ll.'71) (102,992) Proccah Ff'OID ~'C 10 AffihMC IMJif4 n Pl)'llltDls or Out 1e AO"d.alc • (li9,I06) AMilioNI l.sNUOlofC-tal Sm, 12.UW ll0,000

C_.., Provided(UMd)By F~ AcllVrtln IH.lH (142 ,791)


Page 31: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan-17 - 97 03 : 43P wonak & Co •• Ltd . 708 - 995 - 9407





'"' 1"5

INC It.EASE IN CASH 7$.SS7 $4.401

CASH .,_ __ , __ 121.611 61.210

~ Sl9A.161 S 122.611

CASH PAID roa JNTERt:ST • 5.11' • ·-

Page 32: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


708 - 995-9407





ThcCompaa)'..._,ncorpo,Nd ID WlllOU IA 1992 u 1rc-tellcfofl«-l.-.d k#lidmuu o,txnMnmuwo,.lflbMa-Cl(___,~cquipam1 Wllkrlhe Mme Tdaoo:thbbt CCW'lffl~. 1Dc. Dunne 1995. dM: Company dlPpd 111 Mll'IC to I~ Gltc'WlyC~. lK.

PnorlO~ 1. 199) 6&Coll&panywas1ckvclopfflcalsiaacC11lcrpnklSdcfacd1a ~~eo.dSIMcfflealNo 1 anddcvollllwblluriallyallDfitsdbtllO cstabllShJAi I new buiffll Ju or NO\U\bn I, 1',Jl, &he COfflPll'I)' OOf'IIIICnccd iu pluDcd orinc1pal opcntiocu, aad bqa ~""I sipurtea1 fM7llle thereon


la 1994. the: Conipuy ~ 1a Rp0nnl1 pmod ~ 1 cabur ,- eo JUM )O for rNnCW s11maa.1 N cu ,-rpoKt,. n.e ~ rdC&I pa,od •• edoplcd dJ'ocli..c ,-11 l . IW).


Propa1)·:.ld Equipal:m st Jalld aeo51. ~ 11 ~ u.M-C ~ snicht lint method for rlAl,IICialre,or,ina:,ur,oMJOYCT die '°Uowia&cstimeacd..scfW li,es:

Pboot Swnth lf'ld COfflllOIICNS Furnit~ and COlftPl,IW Eqwpmmt and Sofh•ett

laD 10 Ill

' fCK Federal~ tax pyrpnlel. drpnciaboa d ~ mia, ICCC..__ IMllilol6a. ~bmajo,"~11111"'--sOllt,__.lballlmllll\"nof.....,,,ad ....-1n~ ~b---.::c-andft'Pl"Sarcdriatp1.oc:'PCNC u iacllffll4.


J>cfcn-cd .coa: mm IN provided Oft lhe' ddl:n:a0t ia U'nmp dncnnmcd ,a., m ad r.-m ICCOUJILins pwpo,a.


h1 pffpanlll f-,.,dal &&a.-au "' CONUnU,- WQ .-,cnlt, IDCqllCd ~ pri.apkt. ~ • f'Dll-.nd 10 Mike CtuallCS Md__,._ .. .a.ea 1M rlflO'U--.al_.. Nh1b~. IIIIC4i~ol~•.aaaadlilbiliba M1Mdlleofdic-nn.c...l~. ladlhtr,,,_,of,c__,.Nc:-,c:mct, Niat:lhc.....-.paiod. Ac.Nllr$11acwkl•lbCromdml~


Page 33: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n








Sales INS tea:i\'abks ari: OOftCOIUallld cnt&rtl)' in lM: 1tlmnmuaicltioal tadidll). la addihOa,, IU\nwlliall) Allfe'o'aUttwt SC'l('l&&.cd by Lllit C-..,.y"t plqil: rwndlkic.-.1 U1Chttel0. W.u

The Company~ taJh klMca I I OIM fialncial WIid~ ~ lft llllftOII. Aa:ioaa•ltus mlnllion are mwed bydll Ftdaal Dr,osil 1-..rancc Cor,o,&lioft 141 io llaimwtd~PICMIIC:d10S?l.l61atJ11MJO. '""

rn..... PROPl;RD' AND fPS/1,MfNT


....l12L ...l22L

honeS•ot:hand~ S25J .192 Slta.406 COfflPl,l1Cl'Eq.i,-. 91 .5(.1 )2,042 F1n1lllffMdfJXMa 7,60 1,r.o CCllll'lpUktSoftwa1t -2.211!1 ---.i.2!lO

))4,UUJ 260,'J'JI

Leu ~ullad Dcprcc!AUOa ....IU2II .JU1l Net Ptopcny Md E4iipmcn1 W,lJ,Lj ~


Le.a inancdduriqdlit~J&AF,.oda._dme__.wtn:,UIM1-10ltlOlc of• ucablued~. arellit-,1aan11N0\1Cf a m1)-ffl0nUlpcnodtq--c November I. JvY), Ult IWI o(NJ opemions

~~ofdcimd~CIOlll--.-odlOS57.565aad SJS.971 •J-JO, 1'1'.16Wldl99S. mpocd¥ciy,

Page 34: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan - 17-97 03 : 44P Wona k & co . • Ltd .







°""' s.!ancsllld Wac:s Pa,,-otl Ta..cs S.lei Tu:u 4Hl (kJ f M vibwoD PaJQk


Sl7.968 M,2?2 UIJ 1,730


S 5,427 1.510 6.)66 .


Iii J...,. 199), .. ~ ra:a\U a loaa o/SlU0.000 ha oac o/ iu ~ Dre ..--vcd111CJ1tcalb b ....W,. ~ afSII.M64 •Joic Ulkral • 6-% nc ftCIIC"-­(lllly pud nof Junc l U. 1?96


Dllllfll 1995, lhc: Com,u, ta.I•...._. lou b 110.000,.. 1MaUC c 6% ID , ~~wlldl•dladby~OMIICl"llwp. lhc::-.lo/_.d..,,qllllllf • o11- )0, 1996

Dunlcl'.1.M, lkCoai,M)'~a., pM& .-miat6%rn. •~aapaiywlrik.h italTiliMcd by ~OWMl1llp_.•lllolbtCcnpaJ's ""J0C CUS10fflCI' /u oIJ.-)0.1996.ltltfflltn:w..cic-tqlaid.

The afTillMC'd ,.,-phml: ~ abo P'O' ..... C111'1N, ......_wt: semca ID .. Cam,an)· whidri IOlak4 S40.27' b tllit ,- _.,. J-.c Jo, 19'Hi. ol •_.124,511 t1

l'CfOl'ICd•.......--•qlClflll,C._.Jl5.7Sl•_....'" ...... n,cn,e. Al oJha Jn. l'l'Ni. lk~.._..•ID-.C:lffi'- rarlllctc ttn·Kacoall&MI.,. allodwr~~aa.iw, ..... toSllrJ,C.14

Page 35: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

~ I 4 2

i 6

j 4

.Jan - 17-97 0 3 : 4 4 P Wonak & C o . • Ltd . 7 0 8-995 - 9 4 07






y_, ......

1-.lJ! -l'J'J7 SU,625 1991 17.17' l9'J'J 4.SS4


■ ,

nc Coe,,pa11y "'° Lhc lilbilily mrdilod olxtounei111 far mc.OfflC: w:e1. The ll'ICGfflC tu t-ctit cnasm, oldie foUowi11c a1 Jlllf'C JO:

...J.l!2L ...m.t.. C•ncnt: f-.J ' 0 s n Sw, ......l.lflll. ___Jj

----1.lllll __J _, . ...., (ll ,!100) lJ.iOO s .... ~ ...J.lDJl

.1lURQl ..l.U!lll

IWJllilll loWllll

Page 36: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan - 17 -97 0 ] : 44P Wonak & Co . • L t.d . 708 - 995 • 9407




:SQTF II J,0:CHfNl;;fIDO!<.JNfQMf0PSSlfCWilJ',,11EPl

...lll&.. Ddenld la.or AHtU

""" Opcnuna Lon Cany(orw•d 1102.100 Atc.nlrd lntm:SI lO. J.dalcid Piny ____II


Odcnld 1 u L~•liucs Drprtc..uoo ur Pt-opcny Md Equlpmcat Ula


S SUI NI ___J-'1111


UUIIII The lftCOffit w. ptO\fflOrl tKOl'lt'lk d LI) 1k \l.'C (oc:ndd) caapaed .. dil ID!Ub)' Fedtn.l ra1cnosfollotn atJ..c: )0

Ta- ('beft:.Ci1) et ltall&IOf)' tltl: S(l5,(,U0) ()4 11)% lnc.ttue (dcctc:Mc-) 1nt.1• bc:lldi1rt1i,hin, rram


11~offtdtnl iftCl'lfflC ia., bcauil (~.OUO) (4 I)

""on-..kd1,1eublcr1ems ~ -1.J

Sl C.JOll )411'"/e

) .700 5 0 ~..L!!

MantCC'lllt'Ol btli,r,,u INl lhc Jtllli,auan or Ill dd'crred w. assets 1J mott 1'1.;ely ttian AOC. lhc:rdolt,,, bla.bemrecorded•o(Junc )II, l'l'H, o, l'l'JS.

Tn1 Compen> ha~_. optral"'l lou uinyfcn,fl ro, UKOnlC 1&a. ~ oCa.pp,o.ua11el)' U 46,000 ud su2.01J1111 JUM ]0, 1996 ud 199S. ra,«Q"'I)' . ... b expua bf die fCII' ll'UI


,,_~,_...IWIOIOYIOC'.ltol-«llaCIUMSaffil.-.Sll)t-~p Na foafor.-vw;al'ClllkndlOIMlffihalnlOl&kda,p,~lySI .JOl.OOO ...SSl .6SS,OOOl'o, lhc )cais..W.hsw:JU. 1996 ... J99S. ~-.d) At.coaz:IP-,ult•c:IYIX:$~­to 1t1c .a'abald 10WffiC ~ s19.s:111 _,. SU9,000 • 1 .. 1n. 1??<, _. 1m. rupcli~cl7.b hntcWpac1of"1w1diwn,c.c.Ocol~'-·

P . 14

Page 37: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan-17-97 03 : 44P Wonak & Co • • Ltd . 708 - 995-9407





OSI J1,1nc JO. 1996. 1hcCornp1nJ wued ,o lhlm of1u ~ stock for 1 nu.1 ntuc of SIJ0.00010 SJ-.KddS)-.k .• lco,nplfl)prt'\·IOWllyafrililtedbynwnmonc,-wcnliip. llld h:c~·1r-,ar w11Dn1. Al10. lAD«.eabcr,lW5,lhtio&a!con1PM) it1ucdlOO~ of1b~Uockfo,11wccl•·ll11ColSll.0Wtoomof1ulcyc,npkl)ccs


TheCompa,I)' 11 ,nwol•·cd 111 1 lcpl acnc»arp1natCa-lllic.atimi Tcla,.swa1 I~ (CTI>wlih .. hcadw(fflllN"Yllllll1COMnc:11~CTI_,..toprCMkCC1a1A..,...... and dcnanc Jont4'-..«: and -calkt'" ICMCn. Due lO IIWI') p,obk:IM cn:ouaaa1 wadi cn·1un1CC1. thcCcnp,1DJllltpslhtitCTI.S110tpat.or.U1eccarduccW1dliucaaaact. lllctcfore. the ~ta:b tdd&omuyudall lYbiJ111U IO CTI ol.-htch lhc COftlf9I')' t.1 IICCIIG::dlrftOl.dclS47.000 CT1 lllcdaCXUIIOClaaa led.l.1 coUocuoa ofappro.WUldy S l'JOJIOO llkrc,dly due &""' lhc C~y l\t Compuy bcllCYtt it vii.II pen-ail LIi ia action ud uumdt to"'~' cowcn en·, c.oun9'1a1m. The CC!Mpafly alto bcl.c\u LMl 1.1\C l1lclthoodolmataul losMI lftC•C.c11nllhotc:UIOMll HIUlfded ,. remoet

ThcCom,an)'--• 1•i khl'aelhtt oa1,-dr,-to-aonDM111kw1mac1Jytai&aloCSS,1 phu opmuq cotU lA addiaofl. dunfla: l 'l'>G 11111 l 'l'Jj lhc C:Oft'IPM) ~ w.nollS .. a om«tonmondl~baw Rmt apcmcfotdleopna&n11'-ta10C1kdSIJ.760 Md S2S.)ll for the ,-1 aidilll J._ JU. l'.1J6 1111d l'J'J,. Mp«tjwtl)' Ju o( JIAnt JU. 1996 caly 1k svmdi la:l.l"Y 11 bciftc lal.t'd

~elts.aln~IOh•G~(otdleyunmdldJu,w\tl. lY.Jl, lfld1 '.1J ' BolJ,i cut1ocm1 arc affi11a&Cd wilh the Coms-,- b) c~ """1ltnhlp

t-.QTEll Rft! HfMfl,,'TPW

Di.Inns ,..,.,. , thtCompei,yu1abhwd 1 40J(k) tttltaMl\t pWI forall~. 'llicP._ u Mn-,aaplo,txNilu:StacMda11cas1acc 11. andMS~ I ~oC~widi lkec.n.s-,, ()akfcd~,_,.c,IICf'\hcPl.-aadlcfoUovi-..J-,.1 , Apnl l , JalJ lo,Oaoba'Jaftacompldlnc\hcehcibtliryr~

Cun~, . IJlie C01111P9"Y ~ -dlaaf «1111nMIOl'l1 of '0% o/ lM firtt 6~• ol dJ1ah·e uwnbuDoN t0 lk Plan tlwolp t.Wr)' 4kfanl. IIOI to UC.- J¾ of~ Ccaipay ~~k1'4.)9(1 for .. ,ocarmdalJMM JU, 1991, PU11oe1,-a-,c.oa&r,M,I w,plO JS,~o(~, c:OlllpClll,MK)Oo,S~.5011 whtcllrYa ll ku.

Page 38: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

J.a n - 17 - 97 0 3 : 4 5 P won .. t.:. & Cc . , Lt.d . 708 - 995-9407





AditlCKNW -,io,a, oaau1bwou mar bl inadc .a ,c:ar aid on• di~ bM,s oa bdwl.lC of1lld1&,1bkan,loyeel.

PIIIUClpAMS ~e IOO'Y. ve11Cd ill lkll Wit)· dd'unl lftlap coa1nbonoa1 PanacipuU an valcd.,.. Lhc c.0111p11ats t0arrdn11>ons bMcd on 1hcu ) CM'I ol Kr•tGC as ~• bcb,.

~ Q.),....


' '"" ,,.... ,.,.... ,,-,



"" 20<,

'°'' -. '"" , ....

P .16

Page 39: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.l•n-17-97 03 : 45P won•k & Co • • Ltd .

\ii,;.\ WONAK It COMPANY, LTD. ~ ( ut,f,f'd l'l.iblit A.•tr-1.,'ll~nh

708-995 - 9407

I~., W...,Jf,..ld l(u.4. ~"'' o>: Stl, ... u n,\,111111: 111 .. ,..,. ,.ri u.,

1·, u• l '"! UOD, F•• 17Cllll ,.,. :, ,o,W,


To die Boud of Dirtacwl Jn~I C..C,..1y CODm1~1CW, l'IIC. AJ11p. lU11101s

Ol&f ,,ud1t 111·u conduc\Cd Cat lht ~ ottomaifi1 an opiNoa on de hu.ic 6uKae1 •~""-alas I wbolc of ~IGl&ewi) C011111'19"icatiam, lac. utludfcwlht,a,scaMll.1-l '.lll. lO,J6N l99, , wbici.anprclelld ,n -~ M'Ctlc. o/UUI ,.in. TIie 1uppklaalal .,._,,.a is~ ro, pwpma ol;ddii:IOMl..a,'lil ..S is noc • ,cqw,nd pan oldie ba1ic r.-..c111,~. ~ i~ Ml r... .. b;oc.c.t '° ~----- ptllClldwc& ~ • Wllldd of'lht Mltc fi!WIC..t llltmel'II -1. iaOlll'.-.C-, K Cairl1 1--.S Ml all ..-aW l'CSplCII hi,_.__ 10lhc' MIKfiflPC..U11a~ i»:CIIM a•liolt


Page 40: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan-17-97 0 3 : 45P Wonak & Co . ,Ltd . 708-995-9407





, ... ''" Cmeomcr Pa,'ll'ICfl\S S7. IS6,694 SU,10. 1141 LmChat-.,-:-1 YSS.0$0 71 2.11111 Sen-"" Md CoUe- ucm ft:ts 126.767 247.631 Valida11011feu 74,074 IO,lSS ~-AfflOftlP.-&OI 41 ,WS 31.61] 1111\allauoa S1111Dba .-d .,. 2.1 ..

JI.JM.51◄ K,751,T79

Page 41: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.J•n-17 - 97 03 : 45P won•k a. C o . • Ltd . 708 - 995-9407





.... . ... ~,ccn• Salann S 231 .1111 s , •.• .., ()ff",oc SalarietudWaa,u IJ2,ll6 11. 134 OlbaProl<ss»onalScrwi«s 1(,,l,)(, 42.711 Ta.'°' • P')To. , ll.4,S 1).790 --· l9.000 16.297 t-M.Cl.c:aalfetl IN.W 19.Al7

Tc- 11,Ul 17.lll ~,oaMdAnlarutah CIA 11,1 )4 6.942 -- 11,7M 25,SlJ -- 11.499 li11wwtee • Gaaai 12.72S J.J7J r---E:-- 9,101 97'

UvC1..SSlib1:tip1tOCU 5,162 ) .416

"'""- 5,27' 20.JIU Dirh~and:E,pms 4,71U •.sos Ta~ • ICC 4,619 5.ll4 40l(k) COt1tnb1,11..1oa 4,S,.111 ,. T•~« - OIMr l.179 l ,769

Me4cal~• 1 . .-1 13.029

s-,""'"""'"'' 2.321 10.579 Ta.U1 ° bntwd~lllal J,016 2,191 -- , ... , JU

°'"""'-- 1,750 • Uobtics 1,601 J . 14)

CNl1idl:Savica ""' • ~-- E..'PCft'C~

, .. U67 f\aM.Sc:r-.KCClwps " , ... Potmtt EIIJIOl'I,: ,. • c-- 0 IUCI

S '17.AJ! ·-

Page 42: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

.Jan • l7 • 97 03 : 45P wonJ11k & Co . , Ltd . 708·995 • 9407





'"' ''" Tra\'Cl SIU79 s 7,742 Ad\'fft11in1 and Matl.eunr N.171 11.139 En\CtWAIIICM and Mtal1 7,095 1,,.,. Au10 £-11sc S,ll7 4,09)

~ ion and MKll'IIDbOA 2.19, ~m ~ . s, ..... 1.127 •.r•n Salmnal'1Salaria II ,1.120 Tau:t - Penoll 0 5.17l

··- 1115.761

Page 43: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n
Page 44: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTF.RNATIONAt GATt:WA\' COMMUNICATIO 'S, INC. S.O.P.U.C. Tariff No. I Original l'agc No. I


l'hli ·r.11ff con11ms the dnct1pc,u1u. ,c:~ulation~. and n11u • pplk1blc 10 the rumi~nng or !tef'\'1cc and iiicili1ics for 1c:k-c:ommunka1101" ~ten 'Allhm the St11c of SQu1h l);akota by lnttmalional Galea)' Communic11ions. IM t·Com~y·) Thb 111riff 1, on file ...,-i1h 1hr Sou1h lhkoca Public U11lilks Commission. and copic) may ■ I W> k lfl'i!«1td, dunng norm1l bu) lnt'\ ) huur), 11 1hc folkr,,,·1ng loc:11ion· SW I Wnl 120th St1cc1, Abip. lllmol., 60651.

rhoma\ W l11Coh\ , l 'ro'lknl 5601 Wo t 120lh Suttt l\l.,1p. lllii.01, 60651

Page 45: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTERNATIONAL (;ATEWAY c:IIMMUNICATIONS, INC. S D.11 • • C. Tariff No I Ori};inul r age o. 2

llll' lltk p.gcand~i;o 1-29 111CIU) I\C' Of th11 TanfTarctffrt"IO'O SOf l!k-dalt ~ ..... " On,:nal and~,,wdi.httu. u named below, compruc 1111 changn from 1he on ginal TanfT m cff«1 on the- ibtc 1ndic11«1

. 10 II

" I)


" ,. "

Ougmi.l Ongnwl Orig1m1I Oug1m1I CJr1gm.-l C.Jr1g,niil Ortgmal Ong1n1d Ortg1n1II Oug1n11I n,.,m11 Ongm11I l)l- ,gmal Or, Or1g1n 1I Ongmi.t Orii;irllll

" ,. ,0

" 2J

" " , . " ,. ,.


Ot,guuil Origin.I Oug, Or1g1nal Oug, Or,g,nal Or1g11uil Ortgmal Ongu:111 Onguu.l

lhoma~ W JllCOO\, l'rc-,Kknl 5601 Wot 120th Stri:ct Al~1p, llhno1) 60651

Page 46: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

l ~Tf:KNATl(}NAI . c;ATEWAV COMM NICATl<)NS, INC. S.D.Jl.lJ.C. Tariff No. I C )riginal !'age No. 3

t ONl llkf<IM, (.ONNI CTli-.G ANU llf llt k. l'Ak I ICU',\ IING lA KKffRS

( ONCI JMl<IN() l',\1(1(111(~

h~ucJ by

No l't..-ncumng C1m1l"r.

CUNNl:Cl IN( , Ci\RRIHt~

0'! 111 R l'Ak l lCll 'A IINO t 'AkR ll: k S

No l'an1l"1r;i11ng C:1111cn

lllom,n W Jacob\. l'rc.\11knl 5601 WcM l:?(hh Succl Abtp. ll1inoi1 60651


Page 47: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


l't\kU·F ,-ORMA I

S.D.l' .IJ .C. ·11lri1T 'o. I Original l1ag.: No. ~

\h,t1 ~umh<nnx , ~1 numt:Kn aPJ)C'.U ,n 1hc Ul"f"tf r1gJ11 h..nd com,, of 1hc- p;1 , ~,s ;uc numbttN \t'tfunlUIII) ;and from llfflC' In llmC' fl(' ... p;&j;~ ma) he ad<kd 10 the- T:ari tr When a ~ r;ag, I\ lldJcd t1t,c.,.,e1

('\l'!'llni; page)., I dcomal IS :a<kkJ IIJ lhc Jll'C'Cl'dmi; p;,i;r n11m~r l·Cll' C' \illtlpk. I ntW pil,i;C' aJdcd ix-1 ... ·ttn Shed, 1 und 4 101Nld bt numbtrC'd J I

1•,m1g.raph Numhcrmi; !M-qucnct • lhcrc 1rr nmc k \t l\ of p,1rag111ph coding Eitth lc,tl of rodmg ,i ~fflorf'1n11 1011snc,1 l11ghcr lt:\·cl

" :!II ? I I,\ ! II A I ? I I.A I (al 211 1111 1 ? I I A I (11 111)

21 IA l(1J ll1 l(IJ

Chcd. Shccb • Whtn 1 'I a,iff fil ing b made v.·hh 1hr Com m1J.,ion, an updillrd ch«k Wci k'<'om~n1C'j chc Tariff fihng Thr clK-r l. ~ l1"s lhc p.igrs cont11nc:d ,n the- 1'111ff . .,. ilh a ~ rcr,,,nc:, 10 the cuncn1 R'\Hlon numbn W hen IK'"'' p.1i;n 11c- addc-d. the- chcd: stu:-rt is c hlllngf'd 10 1dl«1 !ht- ,,,.ukin. 1\l 1c\ 1S10n\ madt ,n I S l\c:fl f1hni; a,-c~1gfl('db) an u cm.\k ("J rt1e11:...,ill btnuocller s)mbols iucd011 1h1i pi11Jl' l(1hc.w-atl' lhc onl) dw1gnmad-: If! II !'ht- T•nffu!ll'r \h(J\l ld rdtl 10 lhl' lllt\l('hed.\h«-1 10 find OUI ,r. rwt icul• 1 ~ Ill' ·~ tM m~ c:urnnt on fll! ""11h 1hl'Con1m1j\100

l"hom1t!l W J..cotis. l're!>1dl'n1 SM> I Wm 120lh Su ttt Al~1p, llllnoh 60MI

Page 48: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n



S.D.P .. C. Ta.riff No. I Origin.a.I Pa~e No. 5

This TimfT coruams 1hc Scn·ict offninp,. 1111"· 1nms and tond1110111 applKllblt to 1hc fum1Jh1ng or 11\lB!illllt"

mlt'tt.\ tw.ngt 1d«ommun a11ons wn,cti llllh1n tht 5'att or South Ouota b)· lnmno111ooal Gai~ay Communicat1onl. Inc ,·com pan) ·1

I wed

Thomas w Jacob,,. l"rtl 1dcn1 601 Wnt 120lh Strm

Al~,p. lllinob 60658


Page 49: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

1/\Tt-: k NATIONAI. (;ATt-'.WA \ ' COMM UN ICATIONS, l 'I('.

tl J l u \11,lll l)' ll l"'.ltC'Uf ch:U\jC'llk' I C',1 \,l"

IM ) l u \lj;.lllf) mlltc11a l 1doca1rd 11ouh1,u t c ha nge 1n IC'\ I Of f l lC'

( k ) l o Mg nif) II n:tlU<"IIOO

11) l o ll lgntf) I chlln~C' 1n IC' \I t-u1 no ( hllngc m IJIIC Of rcg ulal!Oll

I homa) W b c oh ,-, l'r rndm1 5601 Wt.\l L?Olh Str« I Abip. llhnoi, 60651

S.D.l'.ll .C. Tariff No I Ori~inal P!l~c No 6

Page 50: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


lAULI: m { UNll·NI~

Cll l:CK Slll.l: I






l)f.flNll ION nr T[kMS


2 1 lkscup11onaod l.1mlllllKlflsof Scn1 t"~

2 ,& C.:aOCC"lh11100 0 1 Scr,.,cir by a Cu~omt"r

2 5 C1mrcllalKJfl for CitUl;C by lhe Comp;my

26 Cn-dnAllo ..., ancc-

27 u ~uf~n.·1rC"

2 9 Au ,gnmcnt

2 10 Tu.t" ,

2 11 Mt"lhod for Calcul.tllOfl of AtrluK> M1lugt"

Thomas W Jacob\. l'k111kn1 5601 Wt"lt 120th Str tt1 Ab 1p. 111100,s 60MI

S.D.P .. C. Tariff No 1 Origmal Page No. 7

• 16

• 16




.... 22



" " " ,. 26

Page 51: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


2 14 ln)lXC11on

l>L~kllrn oN m Sl.kVICES

S,D.P.U.C. Tariff No. I Originul Pal:W No. 8

,. "

J I Wick A,n 1ch:commun,ca1,oos St-rvicr and MtnllKt Toll Suvko ... 27

lw 1td:

J 2 liming of Call~


4 J l'o§lp,id Tr■\'d Caul Scrvkc •

4 ,4 °'· .. ,,ory AH l!ll&llCC Services • , •.

4 5 llOO Sen·icc

4.6 Spc:cml l'mm011on1I Offering .

4 7. EmcrxcntyCa11

lnucdb)" l'homill W JoKob,, l"n•!lldcnt ,S601Westl:?Olh S!rttl A ls ip, lllinoo 60651

" 27

,. , .

. . . . 21

• • 28

. .• 28


' ... 29

. . 29


Page 52: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


11 c II NICAI II w.,.,,, ,,su AIIIU(!:VJA noss

IN 1hc- puf'Jl'N' QI 1h" I .mfr. tlK- follov, mg ddinit,on, "111 11pply:

S ll.P. .C. Tariff No. I Original Page No. 9

/'rim&, for th,: <k, 11,;n, ,,,&ring, mSt1ll11tioo, coouJm11100, JlfC'•~rvic,: IC'Min¥- service" tum-up and mamtcnanc< on II Comf',lny or Customer provided tocat AtCC'"-J h.anne l

Admmhtn11i,·r Chani,;r

A change 1n CuStomC'f billing 11ddrcs~ or contac1 name

A1tcm:ue ACCC'\~ ,s a fonn orl.oc:11 AtC'C'UUCept 1h11 the ptO\·idcr of 1hc 51:rvkt is an C'nlit~ . othC'r lhan rht.• l.ocal fac ha11gc C1mu:r, 11uthor1lfil or pcrm111C'd 10 p,uv1dc JiUCh Stn"ICC' . 'lhC' C'h1ugci for AIIC'm:IIC' Accns mil)' be iubJ«l 10 J)l' l\'IIC' ag.retmC'nl rathC'r than pubhWd or sp«ial tariff ,r f)C'nniltC'd by applkablC' 110\ emmentalr •~

A stancbrd Con1pan)' or,;kr form whteh includo all pcnmenl billing. l«hnk al and othC'r tkscripth·C' 1nforma11on t.r1hteh t.r11ll tnahlt the Company 10 pr,w,dC' 11 commun1c111on S..-rv, e as required

ASlt IAccC'~~ Sl.·n-teC' kequcSt) mC'lln~ an onkr plKC'd t.r1·ith a Local Accns Provider for l.oca1 Ae<ns

/1. lk:r.wHI, lim1, Corpon, t111n l)f Olher erlltl )' lhll l tither is IIU lhtlf l/td by the' Cu,tomcr 10 recet\'e "' ~nd eummunicauoni Of b JJ llu::«I in a posi11u,n by lhe Cuilomer, either lhrough ac1s or omiuion~. to send Of


1'ht 1otal fr.:qut nty b._nd, 10 hC'rt1.. atloc:atcd for a thannd

l 'homas W. Jxob!. , Prn11knl 5601 WtSI l::!Olh S11ee1 Als,p, Illinois 60M8

Page 53: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

I I~ tdcphotK- numbc:1 Imm v.hich a (,11! Ollj;lltlllCt

<:ancrll11Kln nf Ordtr

o r t·c J;anfTNo. 1 •--i.i;.c- ~fo I 0

A Cusiomcr 1ni11•1NJ 1c4~ 10 d1scoo11nuc J)fUCos mg a Ser\ ire Older. either m pilf1 or m ui; enllrCI)'. poor lo ib complctioo. C•ncdlauon charge~ v.ill be •sSoCMCd fot uch Circuit-end Of lkdicatf'd Accos line cant:clrd from 11n otdc:r prior tn ii$ complrlion b)• !he: CompiUl)', under the fo llowing d rtumu1nccs: f I) ir 1hr Ll~C has cc lirmf'd in v.·ri1ing to 1hc: Company 1hat the: Circuit-end Of lkdicatcd Accen line will bc.­initallcd: or (2) 1r 1hc: Company 1w al ready suhmmcd facih1in Ofdcn tu and inlrrtonnccting tckpbont: compati)'

ChMOd ot C!fCMII

A dc-dica1cdcoo1munica1 1on) p;11h bclwcen two or more poinl.!i having • lbndwidth ot Transminion Spttd , pcd licJ in th is Tariff and M"lcc1ed b)' 11 Cu.\lOmcr.

Sotllh D.11L01a l'ubltc IJ111t1 b Commiu ion

lntcm11iumtl Gateway Cumrnunic■ I Klru. Inc

Cooipany k.£S01in11rd Natjonal IJnhdaP

The folluwmg arc Co11p;1ny k«ognized National l loltdil)'' dtlerm incd al 1hc loca1,on o r lhc onginator or lhe Call. New Year's 01y, Matl in 1,uthcr King Day. t're.-udcnt".\ Illy. Memoml Illy, lndcpt"ndcncc Uay. t abot Da)'. Culurnbu, Day, Vc1eran'.\ Day, Thanl..lg iving lh )', Chti~ma\ l)ay.

The c u:mng ra1c ,~ uM"d uni~~ a rale v.·oold nunnally ar,ply. When II t:all begins In ooc rwte ptrlod and t-nds in anOlhc:r, the 1111c in df«l In each rate period apphnto the por1 ion or1hc Call uccuning within th:11 r11c period In 1hc nen1 1ha1 1 minute b ~Iii between 1v.u rate perioch. 1hc rate in effccl at the uan or 1ha1 minute applin

lnucd by l'hom11 W. Jacobs.. l'rukkn1 5601 Wesi 120th Sucet Alsip. Ill inois 60UI


Page 54: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

l'TER.'1 'rl0'1At ( ;ATE\\'A \ C'OMMI NICAT IONS, INC. S U PJ I.C. Tariff No. I Original Page No. 11

l h< pc-rvon. fin n, rnrpor,11100 °' go\ cmmcnta l u1111 "'hich ouk l\ Stf\' lt r and ~loch 1, rc, poru1hlc fo, !he r,;.) mcnl <11 eha11,;n itnJ for t omphancc "'uh the Comp;my') I ,mff rcgulittlOm A Cu, tomcr I) t onMlkrcd h• be an <1ccount !Of hill mg purpmc, 1 he IC'rm Cu~mmer abo mc ludts an C'n l1ty lhal n:ma 1n) J)fC' , ub)cnbcd lu tl1< C1·11np;in) ~J'\·1cc afi cr 11\ accounlb)arc rcmo,·cd from 1hc Company'\ b1lhnj !i)'Slcm. sul,s('quc-ntl)' c11111muci; w U'-" l.'.IH11p;rny"s IIC'l"' orl. , and ,~ billed b) a local n changt cam er for ,uch u,;c, or otherw1i,,c ui,,c\ Scrv,ct for "'h1ch no othC' r Cu~ um C'f ,s obligatl'd rn compc-n.U IC' Cf.lfnpan)·

Loe.hon~ lk~1gnatt J h) a Cu~wmcr "'here ScJ'\·1cc " or1gina1cd/1cnmnatl'd "'lll'thC'I for 1h ov•n COIII I\Hl!11Ca h ufl\ UC't'II\ Of ff>I' thr 115,C nf IIS rt u lt CU \I Ul\ll"'

l>cJ1ca1cd Local i\ccc,) brt"''"" " 1hc Cusiomcr·s l'rcnm csor WJ'\'inK "'·ire crnlrr and tht Compan) ·s f'o,n• • o f-l'rc!,,Cni;:e for or1gma11on or tcrminatmn nr Calh,.

l>S- 1 mcan) l>ig 11al St£nal t c , cl I Scrvicr and ,s a I S44 M~ sigMI.

ps.o "' J'h VJ Aces,,

u s.o !K-l'IIICC' \o,l lh VI t ocal A CCC'\I fac iht it"I pro,·idt ) for tht 1ranwnh)100 o r ana log \'Ol( C and 'or da la ~1th,n ) 00 111. to )000 111. fm1ucnt) r.tngr .

US-0 ScJ'\'ICc ~ 1th V .. l.ocal Acer~\ focilitk, r,«widn for tbt tr.insmintOfl of th giral dala 11 l JICCch 2 4. 4 I , •) t, or .S6 Kbps.

l"hc l>uc l),11c 1, !he Jah: on "'hich JI,)) mt nt JS dut

·rhmn• ~ W J:u:obs. l'i t,11kn1 560 1 Wt .M 120.h Slrccl Abir,. lll ino t' 606.S II

Uft'1 1\ e·

Page 55: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTEN.NATION L (;ATF.WAV COMMUNICATIONS. INC. S.0 .P.U.C. 1"3rilT No. I Original l'ngL' No. 12

A Scn.1Ct'OUkf mllla1t'.lll l tlk-1t'41Jot"st ofthcCUSIOlnt'f Iha! I\ JH UCDStJ In ll lml t' pcnod ~oner th.m lhc Comp;an) '!o , 111ndard Scf\ 1Ct' mlt'o·al

Fe< Communic:u ion\ Comm1\s1on

lndl\ 1dual Ca~ II.IUI} tl(' l.1 J J.c1c.-,m im111onJ ln \'oh·e \ilWIIIOll \ ¥1hcfC comp le, CuS10111er•spn-1ticCom1wm)· :ur.tngeme01i IIIC ICljUlfC'd 10 WIIISflCIOfil)' !,('110(' !he- Cu~omc, The- l\alUI(' of ~uch ScfVICt' rc(juirtmtn~

main 11 d1fflcul1 ur 11np0~1blt" 10 t""abh)h gtnc111) tanff ptO\ l!IIOII) for MK h cin:um"anccs. When ii bccornt}~~1blt 10 dc.'1erm 11K sptt1fk lmn!I and conditions rm ~uch 01Ttt1ngs. lhe)' .,_.ill be offrrcd pumiant 10 !oUCh ,crm~ and eoodmon!I

nit' onnttllon ul a CUlUlt. l>ed1uted Aeet"U hnc. UI' purl l or IK'W. dw1gtd 0, an addttlUl'III Stn. ice.


ln1creuhan1e Scn·tce mean} that pon1on or• eommontcllllfln) chllnMI bt-t"'"" a Comp..n)-<k~ignatC'd l'om1-o(• l'rnt"nct' ,n one cuhani;e 1111d I l'mnH1f-l'Tt"knce ,n 111nochcr c.\chllngc.

lntcmipilon <;hill mc1n a condition "'hereby !he Scrvtcc or I porttOn 11k-rcor 1, UIOJ)t"r&Uvc. bciinnin>! 11 the timt or notKt' b) !ht Cu\1001, r 10 Comp;,n)' th.II wch Scr,rtcc: 11 111,opt-nfl\•c: and c:nd1ng at 1hc 11me of rnfll1111ton.

I AIA llvnl AccrnJr11n1rnr, Arn>

/1,. i;c:oi;,aphu:.1111Ci1C'~llhl1sht-d lnr thc pruvmoo ind 1dm1m-.u1t11on l)fcomm11111c1111on1 Sco ·1cC" uf11 local c:\C'h;angc:c()fllp;all)

bwcdhy Thoma\ W Jacob\, l'T~\Kkn1 560 I Wt"M I 20th Suec:t Ab1p, 1Uuioi1 606511

Page 56: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


Log I AcCJ'\\ l'nn ,dn

S,O.P. .C. ·1 ariff No. I Onginal Page No. I~

Mull1pk\lflj I\ lhc- ~on,1111 rnmb1n,n (Jr ,_c, bn ~I(' l"l'l\'lllc I. inc Sef\ lC\'\ (lf\10 ll h11,hc1 bil rtilc l'mllc L1111r Yo Kc r..., mllfc rffictrnl raoluy Op.KIi) 1u111gc or \Kr \CBII


Non,n:urpng{h'f' G£l

f"hc mannn 'lllhKh rhc Cu\lomcr ~1wu1na\ !he' mc111n\ ufb1llmg ch,11111-c-' for C.a ll , u,m111hc: Comp;an) · ~ ~O"ICC

The modifit•llon or an c~1Q1ng C1rcu11, lxd+utcd Accof linr or port. al lhc rC'qunt or lhc CuSlomrr. rcqu11mg MlfflC' l'tl),IC".11 CfulngC' lJf R'lcrm1n,mon

l'<>111t-o[· f'ts:,-c:nc:s:(l'(J1'1

A Cornp;an)•do1gn:.1c-d loc.l l lon "'hcrc- a ri.c,111)' " mamt•1ocd ro, the- purpn<" of pro.,.1din, accos 10 11S !,,toicr

fhc- ,1-.ul(' Y.hKh, 111 the> 111~occofCu~omcr-dr.11gn11cd,ou11n11- or 1c-mJIOIW) rc•rotmng. -.ould ~ usrd b) •he: ( 'ornp;1n) m 1hc puw,,,on urScnKc

1 homu W JilCob'i. l'ru«kn1 560I WC'Jll 20lhS0«1 Al\1p, llhnim 606Stl

Page 57: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTt-:MNATIONAI. (;ATt:WAV CO~IMIINl<"ATIONS, INC. SI) l'.IJ.C. JariffNo. I Original age 10 . 14

A Jtd1r;altJ 1,-;\\KJn rh»nntl lumt\hc-d lu II umomc, "lllk'lll mltrmtd1;alc w, 11Ch1ng 111nngcmcnu fo, lull ,hrnt fU\h.lfl lCI U\C

l'Jl\111£ l,ms: ':,:n 1rc

Kruuo,s:d Sfms:s U;us:

I hc Kfi.jUC~h,:d\c:nlCC' 1Jo1tc I\ lhC' date' rc-qunicdb) thc lu)hJl11C1' lu, rnmmtnccmtnl of ~l[l:'and 1gr«d IOb) lht Comp;.n)

l u makl:' Sco ·1ct OJIC"nlhH' folk,..,,mg an mltr-vpuon h) rcr,rn. 1u.n1gnmcn1. rc-•rooons. w b\111111100 or H.11'1\poMnl p;an \,, or ,x h<nu 'IC, a, dcttrm1Md b) the' ontcl'( \J ln\ Ohc-d

X t"KS' Curnm111ns:n1 l'£HOJ

I he IC'lm ckCIC'd b) the L uMOfllCI 1md .\Ultcd on lltc $1:'ni,cc onkr Junni; .. hlt'h lhc l'.ompiin) .. ,11 PfO\NJc lhc ~0·1u, M1IN.'11l1C'd lo b) lhc Cu)lomcr lht IC'rm c:m be rnonlhl) or m the'~ of l'm~tc

'-cn•tcn for It pt"IIOO 111 up tu S )nn.

srss:11! f'rumo1,oo~i o its:11110

'JIC'l:111 tnal u1fc,mp , ll1 '1COlinl.1., (If m11ch finl1°'1)UI lb 1r1;ul;a1 ~nK'r offcfl n~ .. hlCh lhc Compan) ffll) ,

from llmc lo llmc. oflCr lo 1b Cu~omcn fo, 11 p;inicul,u Srn K'r Such offcnni,;., ma) he- hmllc-d IO cn111n d.ln . 111111:'). anJ lr1ClllhJn.\

n,omu W JKobl.. l'rt,1dtn1 ~ I Wnt 120lh S1r«1 Al11p, llhlll}I\ 60M I

Page 58: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTt:JtNATIONAI . ( ,ATEWAY COMM NICATIONS. INC. S.ll I' ll.C. Tari ff No. I Original Page o. 15

VI I} \OICC° frc-quc-nc-) Of \OICc-• i;radc-SC°f\lC'C-dC°\IIMJ fl.If Pfl\llC°•hM"kl'\ lCC° 1(11flUII muum ,ui,)11 I} 1n

1ht JOO hc-111 10 J OOU hc-n, trn.ilk"nc-) b;i.nd

lbom111 W JiKob\.. l'TuKknl .S60\ Wf'~ 120lh So«t Abip, lll ino1i 606511

Page 59: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


KULi .,_ ,\NJ) kl (.,I/I .A 110s,

2 1 l)pcrl(lh on :mJ 1.1111 11111111m n[X:n1cl'\

S.I) P .. l'. T:iriff No. I Ori~irol Page No, 16

2 I I ln1,a-.u1tr I dtc,,mmumc.UMi Sco·Kt t •St-r\l<'.t' · 1 " th<' fom,~m g ol ( ommun M.~ .. uon "-tn ICf'<i Cflfll lUOC'd hC' rt'lfl bc-1 \.l ttfl )p,c'C1fit'd loc:tllM ) un&r !ht lt'lffl i of 1lu.s I ,mff

:! I :! ,\ n) nm11bc-1 v i the t;t'nl·n1I pubhc ( mclm.lmg any n:.111 ,-..I rt™"' o, kplly <N ); ell lll ) such a\ a e, ,rron111111, r,\h1p. or go, ·emmen1:t l bl-id) 11<1 ent ilkd lo ot,1:,m ~ I\IC <' under tlus l .u-1ff. rro ,1dtJ 1ho11 !ht C111 nr;an) re"l'f\ C') the' 11gh1 111 dtn) ~o·K'e IA J 10 an) Cu,10t11e1 that . 1n the' C"Oml),ln) ·, u• .. "4.lflablc Uf!IRIOII. Pft'St>Rh •n undue 11U. ofooopa) men1, 1111111 cu ums1anco:1n 1,1hich the l.'.ompan) ha) rea\Ofl hJ bche,e lhlll lhc U\.C of 11K' Scf\l(e \.I OU!d \ IOl41 t' tht plO\l) Hi'fl) 1•flh1 \ l a11ff,,r ail) 1wl1cablrl1\\ o, 1f 11ny a()JlhC11hk la1,1• re,tn chi,r l'lfoh1b1I!, Pf0\'ISIIM1 of thc­

"'""ICC' , ' " K 1 11 lll'-4lffK'IC' lll fac11i1it~1Ue 11v1il11hlc UI 1}111\'Kk th" S<-o '"" (in such c:ucs Comr;an)· )ha111m1l e bc)I d l"vn, 10 ucommOIMtr1hc nerd) u l .e ll po4rn11al Cu)lomcD by muns o f fac1 l1I) 1m· 'lo\ cmtnb or puKhucs. of c:aracit). 1r wch efforb 11,111 , ill,~ Com~ny'.t opinion, PftWi<k' tht' Comp;in) '-'Ith 11 ' ""sonithl" rrtum on ii) <'-' rcnd11ures1. bul ool) for w, long lt) wch Ufllt\0!.,lllh1ht) C.\l~l\

1 I l Compan) . 1,1 ht-n :ectmg at 1hr CuJIOrtH'r' , rcquc)I and u 11) 1u1hor11c-d agcn1 , \\111 male- tr )(lftl l)k

d fon., 10 iur"o~r fo, S.:0 1,·" rrquu rmrnl\. iuch a, )f)N'1al roul1llg. l )nc-~11) , Ahcm.:i lt A t't'll , Of CIICII II COIKht ltnlmg

2 I 4 ,;;crvKt' I\ ofkrrd m "qua! accn~ t'.\ chitngr, , uhJ«t to thr l\11 1lob1h1y of fK 1ht1C'~ and the Pfo,u ,un, of1h,~ Tari ff Cump:an) tt'c\t'l' n lhc r•!h• 10 rcfol,(' 10,-u,1dic Scnt<c luor from an) lucauun 1,1hc- re the neC('\Slll) f:tc1l 111n itndor "'jUll)ITlenl 1ft' nol 11 \"illlablr

2 I S A 1hr C.. u\lotnc-1 1" u~mg the !,cn,r r ,n ,,ol-11100 ofth1 ~ r ari ft: or

:! I 5 II the- ('u .. 11,n1e1 1~ 10mg 1hc- Scr,1ce m ,·1011111011 o f !he-" or Cm11n11\\1tlfl rcgulafoon

:? I 6 \co K't' ht-gm, un Ilk- JJ1e that h1llm • t,ccomc, cff«m ·" ■nd 1s fl'U\ldrd on thC' !Miu of a rn 1mmw11 Jll'flull uf111 \el\t ollC'mon1h, 24 houn. I""' d.l)' For 1hC' purp~ s ofcompu1 ingcha1¥<' ' m 1h1~ la11ff, ,1 month n coo\1Jc1c-d lo ha,c O o.l.i),

2 I 7 ~" t<" "''U bl" Pfou dr,J 1111111 canc,·kd, h) 1hC' Cu'>loml'I on nol lt'~, ,han thin~ HO) dlly5 '-' n llrn not,cc- from 1hc lblt' of pmtm:111,,, on the kll(I g1, 1ng n,otKc of co1ncrllauun

:! I 8 Nothing hr ,c,n. tlr 111 I ll ) Olhrr Pf0\'1)1tlfl uf thl ) 11111 11'. or Ill !lfl) nu11l c1111g m11· ,mab l\)U"d b) the Com r,;an) , hall i;1,r any rrrson an)' n\\ nrr,hir , 1nlt'tc,1, or J)f(>f"lt'1l!n') t1 ~h1 1n any ;,:udt' or 800 uumbcr I\SIK'd b) 1hr C1'1np:1n) l<.1 II.) Cu)lunlcl\

·rhon111, W Jac,it,.; , l'T",1lkn1 5001 Wc)I 120th Sure-I Alsip. llhnol\ W65S

Page 60: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTJ:KNATH)NAI . (;ATt:WA\' COMM IINICATIO~S. INC. S.I) 11 U.C rariff 'o I Origuml l'ai;c No. 17

1 1•1


I h l" ( ,omr;in) l l"'('l'\l"' l hl" m:.h11o mur furmlh1nl> \cf\lCC"\Of h1llmg op111ns. upon "' r ml"n

110 11( (' .. hrn 11('('('\)ll<lll"d h) ,•f\00111<,n \ br}1•nd lh conuul C ond111un, bl")ood lhc Compan) " t

rn1111ul mcludl: hi.II 11,c nu1 hm1!cd to, • U\lomct \ h.1ung C:.11 Hllomc Clf' :a calling paucm lhjt 11.·,ull \ ,,r ma} rl"\ UII 1n lff"l"' {"l t,l,,c: l a •(' Of Olhl"t -.Ct\1 cdcV1Wlliltl \OohlCh .athtr.t'I) aff«ts

\cl\1l"c h • 1hr rllthng ~">· Ilk' Cuwimcr. or nrhcr Cu~omcr. oflhl" Comp;tn,

I \ CCJ'I a, ;>thl",..,. ,<oc r m ,,dcd 1n 1111 ~ 11111ft"' a , , rcr1 licd m \Oorlhng b) the · 11 ) · t 1111tkd h1

ll'C t'l\(''\cf\llC IH◄ 1rc ma} Ix- ~l \('O•"'llll) Of In \Oollltnj! IO 1hr pcn,on , \Ooho •~ na,11,:s and bl.NI\(''-.\

,11klr,:v,,•, lll)f'COU , ,n l hl" ('\(CUIC'd :-c-" IC(' ,.,.Jc,, :UKI IIIC' l"fltl"II\C d.uc ,1( 110) null((' shul l bt 1hr ,1 .. 1r Il l Jd,- l"I) 011 , uch l'K>hcc . nf>I thl" dlilf(' of m111lm1 II) \Oolllltn noh l'l". ot C U)IOIO('I Ill.I) ch;all j!l" 1hr J'Jr1) 10 l l"[('I \ (' O\Jt l{'(' and OI 1hr 111IJ1C'~) lo \Oohtch ..uch OOII('(' 1$ 10 l:,r tkh,l"rrd

In 1hr r,rni ''" l'u,1,in1c1 '" ) ltddrr" 1, p111,tdcd 1n 1hc c,rcu1rd Stn·1cl" orlkt. not1<l" Ji.a.II I..: i_: lll:O h• lht ha.I lnu '"n bu\tnc"j, ltddttl\ 111 C ull 0111l"I ur . ii\ lll'f'lllf'llll lt

I hr n.unc1 , 1 u l thl" t u, hin1,r1 , 1 dtj, 111ni; io u"4' 1hr ~ " ICC' mul.f bt , upul:uc-J 1n 1hr :lpphc .. 11on ! (1 \f:n.l(('

I ht l Ul.fVfl1l"f lll!Jtt'o ,~ tlf)t11'f(' thr lflfflJSIIO ) JlfO\ ,dtd cqu1rn1cn1 10 :.CC'Ol'd;antc \0 Uh fn~N('I ICJni

o f 1hr l ,tmpan) ur lht Compan) 'i •~l'nl I iulurl" le> do l,(J 111 111 , oid tht} h;1b1 lu:, IN

lnll"ITUplUll'I , ,1 \er. ICC and ma} m•ll' CuSIOffll'I ll"'J'Ul'l)lbk- for damage 10 e-qu1pmrnt pursu.ull 10 ~ 1100 2 2 3 ~lo\Oo

Cu\lOOlt l 11pr l"'\ m re1um 10 1hr romp;i,n) 1111 Compin) •ptu, 1dtdc-iu1pmm1 del1 , nrd10 Cu.s:iomn

.. ,thm for 1<; 1 d.t), u f1tnnm.1oon uf 1ht Wr.lCt 1n ('Offflffltion .. uh \Oohl h 1hc

u\l"d -..uJ rqu1pm t n1 )Ii.ill hC' ,n 1ht 'llmr rond11 101111, "'ht-n de'lllntd 10<:u,1oinct, norm•l \OoCU and •t•, ool) t \ C('Jllfil l'ustomtt U\1111 rc 1ml->u1"" lhc Cc,mp;m) upon dtmand. fPf an) ,IJ§b

1nru11cd b) thr (omr,;tn) dUl" lfo Cu\lomtr"j, fo,111u1r ht ompl) "'tlh 1h1, JWOU\10!1

A ( U\h"ll(I .J1Jlt ""' U\l' .10) 'i,('I'\ ICC•rn ,11~ 0, l u l dlC' l umi,an) "' fl"ltt l>J lhc (, m tullllt"\IK"I \llllh 110) r,r1tJUC1 , ClfUIJ'"'trnl . J'l' (lfflOll(lf\, Of puhhC.allon o f !ht C1r;a(Jfl1r1 111tthout roo, "'lllltn :al"J)tu, a l o l 1hr Coo1p;an)

In lhc ('\l"nt 'W II " lwuui;.ht Of' :a.n ) llllulllC) Ii l('lllinc-d b) thr l Otnr;tn) IO mlor (' the ltnn) ol th is l :.1111. 1hr \hall hr rnmlfillo F("(O\C'f . ,n :add111un IO M) 01hr, rnncdy. tC'lffl bt.U'W'ffl('OI

for ll".a~c ,i,1bll"11IIOl'nc")~' frl",. coun tll')IS. cw., u f 10 \ l'.)1 1plliln 11nd uchcr rcla1tdc,1ll"n!o0 1nrlllffd mcot1n«l10nlhc.-1t .. tlh

I hr Jlfll\ l\H.lll " ' 'cr• JCC' "' 111 n<>C rrl"llt I r,;utnc-M1p UI' JOI OI \ C'll lUI(' bc-1 .. ttn d lC' tutnr;an) .. nd 1hr (. Ul.fUIJ\t'I nut lc~t, '" JO lnl 'M-"IC'(' o flru ni;., ,., 1ht11 IC')pttll\C{ ustumn,

I hr 1.11r °' • nlumc dtl,('0001 k • cl .ipplJC•bk IQ al U\IOffll"I "" a r, "'-c-r. l" or \c-r...:n ~ II be thc 1-.1, f'I' • v luml" dtlo('(Mml k•d •n ciftel .11 lht hie'K•nn•nJ Ol lhc monthl) btllmi,; J"(nod •rrhnl>k lo 1hr (.u~IOlll('I fiJf thc p;irll ular "w:n Kr Uf \c-r. lC'C\ 1.t. htn ii '\cl"IC'(' Ho SUhJ«I 10 ii

l ho111u \Ir. l,K"lib\. l'tl"'ldtnl ~t.01 1.t. r\l 1201h ',1m•1 Ah1r , lll 1rn>1 \ l,()6~ 11

l fflXll\l"

Page 61: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTf:k NATIONAI. ( ;,\Tf:WA\ ' COMMIJNICATl()NS, I 'C. SD.I'. C. Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 18

nu n,mum m onth!) ch:lrgc. account ch;argt". pon chugt' lN' <ll h<-1 n: umni; dwic or Nonr«unini; Chiu 't' fo, both ml'11.1Utt'and 1ntmla lt' St°n 1Ct' , onl) Ont' \ uthdm gt ~U IIJlPl) JlC'l lKCOUnt:md

1hat cha1i;t'.Jullbt' 1ht-mtt'l"Sl11ttch,u i;t

:! :! II St° IVIC(' r~q llot t d by Cu,IOOlt'r and lo bt' 1)10 \ldcd J)Ul\11401 IO 1h15 l im ff W ll be ltqllt':§lt"don Comp:tn) S(r\ ll"t'Unkr forms m t'fftr 1 from t,mr 10 llln t' lN' C11\lomcr 0

"1. forms acrcp(tdm writing b) un :1111hun1td hratkjuanrr, rcpre)t'nl:ito ·e uftlK- Ccllllp;IO)' (eoll« tnc-1)' reftnc:d 10 a., MScn·tcc: Ordrr<.MI

2 2 •I If un c:nlll ) othe r than tht ron1pa,t )' (c i; . lltlOlhrr earner or 11 1uppl1cr ) 11npmt>) ckafKr.s on the: m c, ,nm-cllon " -11h a Strv icr lhal c:nlll ) ·, ch:u gu 1111II be pu~ 1hrou1h 10 lhc C ustomer

111 IS<•

2:? IU lhe Scl"\ tCt' C , ,mn11tmcn1 i'enod for any Scn1ec: Wl lbe ~•hh)hcdb)' thc Scn k c0nkr1ckvan1 1hc1rw and commmct on thl- Star: of Scn icc Date Upon t .,p11a11un . cKh ScrvK:t' C ommilmt'nt l't'flod for "1t"h ~ rvicc '\hall au1orna1ically bc u 1en&k-d.M.1bjcct 10 " ·rittcn nol icc of1nmina1lon by chhtr Com~ ) (>r C~tomn a)uh Wit not lei\ th111n th irt) (JO) lb)·s aflt'rdcli•·cryoh a id not ice 10 1h other I he chilfg(.S for lntcrochlngt Scn·1cc: d1111ng an)· such t.xlt ns ior, \hall not uc«-d lhc 1hcn cun.-nt Comp;in)" moruh-10-munlh chargn applicahlt to "1<"h Service.

2 .l L!!l!!!!!.l

2 J I hue-pi lli l'fO\ldrd othe!""ISC m 1h1.\ "hnfT, the C'(llllp;lll) )hall not be liable: to C usiomrr or any other rcnon. fi nn or c:nllly fo.- any f•1lun: o f pc1fnfn1UK"c hc11:unJr1 1fwrh f1111lllft' 1, dut IO I.fl)

cause or cau}t', be)Ond the rcuonablc control uf 1hc Comp;&ny Such cauws ~II tndudt. " 'ithout ltmuauoo, acts o f God. fire. cxplosioo. vanJahsrn, n hkcul. Munn or other i im1buorcul"ffflCc. any h,111., onkr. 1r gulat1on. d1rcc11on. ac11on or rtqucs1 o ftht IJnntd Sca1c, go1,rmmrnl or of any other gn,cmmtnl or of an)' ci,·11 °' military • u1horil )', n.a11on• I c:mc:rgrncit'\, ,mum:ctinns. riou. 111-ars. suil,:cs, lcd.1)llb OI 111urk lilOf!JWIGt'S Of Olht'f l1bot d1fficulU C':!i. MI PJlhCI f11lurcs. shnrugrs. b.-cachc:S or dclll )'l,. or J)IC't'fflp(IOO of rx,~in, S<-rvtct'~ ltl ICSIO!t' K tvtCC 1n con1pl iancc w ith Pi1n 64, Subpart I>. Appendix ,\ . t.1f the FCC"s Rules and RcgulatKlll,.

2 J 2 Wuh ro pcc l to thc Sc:n·iccs cunutinrd 1,crcm and c,ccJK a, othtl""I\C' prr,\ idrd hrrcm. 1hr Comp:iny•, h1h1 hl )' i;.ha ll not o:cccdan amount c:qu:. I to lhc charge apphcablc 10 11 onc m inu1c Call

10 the: C 111 lkd S1111iun a t the l ime the 11 ffcc1cd Call "' a.' made If the: milial m1n111c r..11c 1s higher than the lilddm on11I m inute- rite , the h igher n11e lioha ll appl)' r or thO)C: :,.Cr<. Kt":S with monthl )' r«umng '"h:u i;c,. the Con1JW1ny·s h1blh1 y is limned IU an amou n1 equal 10 thc propon,onatc monthl ) rccunmg ch.ugc~ for the ptriod dunnl!l " htch Scn ict 111 111 a ff« ttd

;! J J !"he l"omp;!n) 1, not hab lc: fur an) .c:t or ommtunofan) Olhcr C(lfllp;lfl) or comp;.nin(1nr llkl1ni;

11.n ) l'omp:.n) 11 fliha tt lh:itl 111 pan ic1 p,111ng °' conc11n1n1 c::an,erJ fum1~t11ng a pl)lt ion of 1tK­Sc1, 1Ct' Of fac1l111c,. cqu,pmcru. OI SctvKC) b~lilltd 111 1th such Ser\ ICC

2 J 4 I he C11!>1001c:1 1) rt.\{,on~1hlt' for uAmi; a ll n«n-W) lc:pl SicJK fur 1n1crcoon« ting tht CuSiOfnt'I

f'll"O\·Kkd 1r rm 1nal niutpmt'n l "'"h 1ht- Company fx ,hhn The C uSiomt'r )hall cMUrc th.111 the-

Thomu W. JacoM . l'ro1Jcn1 S60 1 Wt"~ 120th Slrt'tl Alsip. Uhno1~ 606$1

Page 62: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

l~T•:NNATU):'\IAL (;ATEWA\ ' COMMUNICATIONS. INC-. SI) l'.ll.(' 'l 3ritTNo. I fJrigi nul l'agc No. I'>


\lg,lilh l'111111l'd mlil llll' lump.In) · , nl'IW(lfl. do IIUI d.i11tll1,'.C'Comran> rqu1pml'n1. UlJUIC' rr~ nr l ilf dci;roMk 'c't\1Cl' 10 i•hc.-1 (u~omrr, lhc.- Cu~oml'r 1, tl' \ J)nm,blr fo, K<unni,; all htrnsn.

rc-1m11,. t1gh1, .... 1-10<1). andolhl'r arnngl'mtnl~lll'CC"S\.11) fo, , och ,ntrrconnr l1t111 In o1ddt!K)n. lht

(U\!llflll' I ..ti.ill ~ompl) "llh ilMJhCal'>ll' u~c , 1i;na1 p(l\\ C'I hm llill lQO\

~ 1 'i lhr(um l',ln \ m•~ rd > on I uni I " h•IIO~l'l li nlC'l'\ l"I Olhcf lhtrd p;1mr, IOJ lhl' rn111nnll1K"l'C'I Olhc.-r 'cl\ K C''\ ~111,.h a, 1 ,--...:111 1 1\ C'CC\\ l lJ!Ufl lU\h,rlll'f 1rqUl'\I and l'\C'CUlll'f' and dtlocf) o l .. J'P'<JJ!IIJll' .iu1ho r1 11ng documrnt , . tho: C.omp;an) fflil) an~ a gcn1 IOI' { u1,.:1,:,mcr 1n ohca1n1n1 such l 'liic , 'c'I\IH'\ t U'-l(N'l\('f <, h.ib,hl> for c h:al l,'.<" hrrrundt, , hall ,,.,. br 11:dur «I b) 11n11mtl}

l11 ,1111l.11f•lfl "' 11,on Of'C'l ,lll"n ,,1 Cu,tomcr fl"U \ldcd 1 .. nh11c, .. nd <'qUIJ"llCOI

2 \ t, I hr t .. 1lu1c tu ~l •C' 11011.:-r ol 1klauh, IO cnforrc f ,r 111 \ 1\I upon l'OOlf!hl!ICC' "llh Ill~ OI !he- lttnl\

t'f cond11wn, hc.-rc1n. the ".11,rr o r an} tt1m ot cond1I KWU hcrr1n, (rJ the- i, n~ of an c\lt!IJkln

f•l ltnlc lllil rrrlurm:am::cb} lhtlomr;an) or !htt U)IOfflC'l~ll nt-.Cl'OII\IUUIC'lhl'pnm.uK'nl .... ,mn ,,, iffl\ u m , 01 n iod,11on hl'R'IO I.II t, of lht f!IIJ\ l"tofl\ \ h.tll rtm11n lll 11 11 ltlllC' 10 lull lOtt'C' anJ t ff«1 unu l mud 1fic-J m ...,, mnK

11 7 l ht{Off' '"'"~ WU not t'l° h.abltlU lhC' lu~omc,Of lift}, l'('DOl'I. litm Uf l'OII I) 10 110) rtq,cct

.. n.,..oe,rr II\ 4 ,null o l 111'). -'Cl'1drnb. cn oo. OffllUKlft), HI-IC'TTUJ)C HJII di.'~) ~. CJf d.:l«b 10

'-tl\lCC'hol k l h \ cl) "lkftcl\" I lkf«bCllU~dh~ or con1r1buttdto. J11«11, or ,r,hr«tl). b) .&O)

K l Of lllnl\\!041 o l (. U\IOfO C'f Of lb l'US!umcn,, aOil,a.lC'\, agent). IC'f)fCj,(OIJIII\ Cl,, 10\ IICC'-, l1cm..c-c.s.

Wl'Ct .. \01\ 0,, ll \)1g n) Of IOhKh ;tft)t frum lJI' IIC <IU\otd b) tht U)t of fac1 luin llf e-qu1pmcn1 of

lulolomn or 1rl.a1cJp;,,rt1c.) !oh:all not rrwh 1n 1hr t!IIJl'O' IIK!n ol an) h;ab1l1I) ""Ml-.0.::\l'f upon 1hr l'Olll p;,,11) . 11nJ l U) h)IIICf ffl;ill p;,,) lu !ht Comp;IO) 11111 ) rt :n,un:,bltClf'h, C' '\ Jll'l1!>C'~ dam:agn. ftn ! If l'('IWIIIC, 1n1,.un cd b) the- Comr;an} tu ll IC''llh llicu·of. 1mlud111~ Jll'Ollllln tncuncd b) tt.C' ( Olllp;lll\ '" ~ , ~ h IM'IC'tl f, 1nclud1n ' (l))I) o l J tJfilll CCO\ l'w,• labof 10.t maln~ls In .M!Jnmn all UI ll l"'KIUJn ,,r 1ht !l,rr\l(l' fflll) be pr,1, 1d«I O\l'I flK'1l111n 1,f 1h1rd p;&rllC'). Of <;old b)

1h11J paRIC) :and ltk- Comr,in) ~all""' be hilblt '" C u,1omcr Of Ml) other Pt"f'IOfl , firm OI NI ii! ) ltl In) IC'~ 10tu('l,fl('\C'f ammi; OVl ,,J l)cir"Ch l'llulni b) w.. h thud ~ ll'.\ , m ~ COMPA NY , II AI I '\/0 1 Ill I IAUI I I OK ANY IJ IKI (.7 . INIJIRl~C I . cu..;,, ()Ul:.Nlll\L. Sl'l·CIA L. .\l 11 AL. l'I , 11 I\I I Ok AN\' 0 1111· 1( DA MA(,I·~. OR IUJ',INI ss ,vn kR IJl"flON. FOK AN\ 10,1 1•MfJlll, u l ANYK1-..n u M"JAIIRI VdlAf-;(JIVlkMUSl"-OOtr l OI A\' lll llll, Ok A'\/Y t1Jl llk (.'At /SI I II L (OMl'A NY-S IIA IIII . II Y, U ANY. WITII k l (,AkD IO 1111 DI-I \ ' I D l'\/SJAII.Af'lm, OI TIii CO\tl'A'-fY-, l ,\ C II. ITlf50R t 0\1\11 "-ti , u , , OI , 1 R\11('1 ',11,\I I -.:m I ~(.I EDSl.000 1111'-i WARRANIY Nn 1111 'I k l \11 llll' Aki I XCI l l"il \11 A'li'l) I'\/ 1 11 Of 11 01111 k WARMA'\/TIL!!o OR kl Ml 011 , U 1111111 RI Xl'k l ...... 1~11 •1 11 II Uk ~lAIIJIOkY. INCi UOING wm trn 1.1\11 I A III ).._ 1\11'1 11 1) V. A RKAt--'1 11, 0 1 Ml KCIIAl'-'lA ltll I fl' ANI> 11 r l'IES~ t-OR l 'A kl f(. l fl ,\k l'l fl( j'(}\ol I'\/ nn I VI N'I ( )I ,\'\/ I, rtkKI IPll{I' IN ,tKV ICL Ok,. ... , . Ulllltl,t1ll , IIO'I I WIIAI -.C.)l\'lk. ••.:tlllllR CO\tl' i,.yi,.uKAi,.Y.\ IIILIAltO

I )k t '"' 111 IA 11 () I IIIKO t•A k n·. I lllkl) l'Ak rv l'KOV IDl•k Ok Ol•Lk I O k m I A{ ll l lll ~ l\11'1..IWIIJINl.l ll· l'KOVi'-10:-. f)l ll lt:,,tltVICI \olt,\11111 LIAIJU:: fOK 1\,Yl)lkl { I 1,1>1tt 1n . Co'-l"- l (Jl ll"-I IAI ",l '1CIAI ACI IAI 1'1'\/111','1 O il "'-Y 11f lllR l)A\1,\1,1 , Ok ! Ok ANY 10\I l'kOlll !!o 0 1 AN\ I\IM > t )k :-.Al l kl. " I IA1 '4'. ll VI k

lhom;i, , W llK"1br. . l'Tc\ldcn1

<W I Wr,tl:?O!h,urct Ah,p. Uhno,, 60658

Page 63: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

1:'iTt-:k ~ATIONAI. (iiATt-:WA\' COMMUNIC "ATIUNS, INC. SI> 11.l "C l :,riff No. I Original l' ilgi: No. 20

: l )I " 11h ll'\ fot(I hi 1h1• 1ou1mgtol C.ill, h) tlu:ll.NIII'-'"} h• rubl1r '1.1 ll'I ) 110\" (' llnJ! f'('IOI~ UI' mumc1ral I m,:1rrnC) \c-1\ICC p m1Jcf\. CI.NI\Jl,10) h11b1ht ) ,, llO) , "*ti i"t' ltmlh."d 10th,: IC"\\.C."I 11f j;aj the: .n lUJl mun, dam11i;o mcuncd 1md pro\,:J b) the: Cu~ll>IIIC'f .l\ lhc dtrC'CI l'oull of 1hr I Ulllf"'II \ , JllMn Of l•ulurr Ill llCI . m mu11ng thc: Lall . 1.N !hi thr , urtt ut ~1.000 (lo}

;! l Q In 1hr r \ rn t p.art1r, 11thc1 th;m Cu\U,mr r (c !; • C U\ ll>ITIC'r·s CU)lllfflCl) J \h:t\l ha\r U~ c l 1hr SC'f\' IC(' Jn c-.:11) , ., 1m.ln«tl) 1h10ugh Cu,wmr, 1J1cn l'u)1umcr ai;,cr, tu fiHocr mdcmn,r, and hold (omr,111 ) and an} 11fliha1cdor unaifil 1111rd 1h11J -pa11y. 1hird•r;iny prov1lk1 or opcnlor of fi1e1h11r~ rmplO)Cd tn r u, , l\ ltNI uflhc !-,ct\ t(C' l\:i1n1k)\ Imm 1'11d ag1m \ l !tn ) and 11 II d111n1) , dC'm:and) . SU lb.

,ICI IIIII ", l<K\C \ d11m11i;r , , ll \~\MTU-nt• ( If p;t)·mcnl\ "h,ch 01:11 ) bt- ll\\Cl1rJ b) \ll ld rin1cs ariStnK 11111 ot 01 u:l:111nJ 10 an) lkftth

:! l Ill In IIK' c, rnt th,11 Com I'll" ) I\ rrqu1rcd lo pcrf('IOI a Cucull rcdc\11,11 due 10 1n:iccu111tc 1nform1111on pr, 1\11kd b) lhc (.11\lomcr . ()f , ( IICUIO\lllnCC'\ '" 111h1Ch wch ~O\b :iond C\f'('n.1oc~ Ill(' nu\Cd b) lhC' l u\111mr1 ,.If , .-.a ... _,m1bl~ ,ncuncd b) 1hc: onlp;en) fo, the bcncfil ,,f 1hr C11S1001cr . •~ Cusromc, " rc\ r 11n,1hlr 11111hr f}a}mcntofah ,11Ch 1'.:hJr i;_c,

: -1 I II II tU\l(ll!ICI uncd, J 'rn1C(' mlk-1 bc l\11,• the "rf\1Cr bq; m~. "''' ""' llllnJll.:IIOII of lhC' M1111 r11u111 l\ •11,id. 111 hrfon• cun1pkl111n uf "-'Ille ulhr r pcrioJ mu11111tly :tgtr••d upon b) 1hr llNtHlll' I :tnd 1111: c..'OmplllJ)', ll Ch:tr i;c 111111 hc ku<·d upon lhc Cu, 1111nc1 lur the IIOIIICCOH' rJblr ri111 1011,ol r, 1>rnd11 u1c\ 1J1 h11b1l111c, uw:urr,:JC\pt'CU I) un bch11lf01 tlK"Cus111mc1 h) 1hc Comp11n) Jntl 11v1 lull} rc1111hu~J h} ln~ 11l1~1 11,n :tnd n1u11!hl} charge\ 11: ba~J oo ii $cl\1 : Ofdcl b) a lu,J<,mcr. 111) U.lfl\l:fUChun hll.\ c1thC'1 bcgun Of bttn rnmpkll'd. bul IIO • O>' ICC.S pro,·1dcd, lhr­ll(IIIIC'C'fl\ CfllblC'CO\t\ ot wch con\l:JUC'hOfl \ft11U hc bnrnc b) lhC' Cu\l:omcr

2 -I 2 l pun lh1f1) I ~Ill d.i),• JIOOf 111111\cn llllttcc. r llhc1 (uSlomrr u, 1..l.lfl'lp;tn) )hiall hll, r Ille ripll. 11111hou1 C:-J/ICC'IIJ IIO.lfl C~rgc "' uthc-r 11.-btlll) , IO caocdthc- aff«lcd po,1111r1 uf thc ~\IC('. ,f1hc Comp;en) 1\ rwh1b11cd b) i;o, ·tmmcn11l 11u1honl) from fum,~hmg s;.1d J11M1ion , nr ,r M ) matcnal r;,t,: .,, IC'1111 coma1ncd hc,cm and rclr,·an1 w 1hc: aff('('lnl X" 1cr •~ ,ubi.111nt1:tll) ch11ni:;cd b~ oukr i\l 1hr h1ghc\l coun of compctrnl JUlll.t.llCIIOO 10 'Ahich lhc llllllr l Ii :.ppc:al. th< l- tdcra1 l"ommu111c:.1111r1, Comrm-'~•011. or othC' r IO(>al, ~lillC' or frdr111 I gu,tmmc.-111 au1hotil)

( "'1S'CUatmn 1c11 Cau\(' h, •he C'omNn\

;! 'i I I !It.In IIIJIIIM} lllt'nl ufllO) ~m 0111mg 10 1hrlo,npan).Of UJIOII 11 \Kll.a tlOfl 0 1 1111 ) of lhc pro, ,s,ons gu\c,nmg 11: l111n1~hm~ ufScf\1cc under th 1, T1111fT. thr C11r11p;:n} mol} , upon fin· bu'imcu d.iy~ ... ,m,n not1f1~JIKX110 !ht (U\llllllCI . C\CCJIC 111 C\ tlCOIC Cll\C), \Olllhoul ,n-cmrmi ai,, h iab,ht) .

,mmt1hatcl} d1w:on1mur 1tK- fum1\ftmg ul \llCh Sen ice lhC' 111 11t1cn 001,cr Olli) be K p;tl"ltc:and ap..n 11,,m IIK" rcgul,u momhl~ b,U fo, ',l' l\·11:c Cu~1omcr \ hllll hc lkrmcd 10 h;a,r canceled "-cl\ lC(' ll\ " ' 1hr date of \UCh dll,('OIIOC l ion 11nd , hall bc 11111,lc f,., 1111 ) t'll l!CC'll 111,on ch:l,gu ~I tunli III lh" l ar1 U

l horn1, W J;Kvb). l'rc\idcnl 5b01 Wo l 120th Sllttl Ah1p. lllmcm t«iSII

Page 64: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

S.I> 11.IJ C Tariff No 1 On~i nal l'agl.' Nt"l. 21

;! S !. Wuhou1 mrn11mi; ·'"> l1:1b1l11) . 1hc ( ,>rtlJ>ilfl) m•~ d1\(on11nuc 1hc 111,mJuni; o f 'kn1ccbl 10 11 l U)IOnlc.'I Ul"J'l liH bus1nc,~ <b)\ V.l lllc.'n n1141((' ,, lhc ( Omp,lfl) de-cm!. thlll l \U(h aclloo I~

neu: , hJ p1nen1 Ill h• l)lotect 11g•1n,1 fr•tld Of ' " othc:, .... 11,(.' pru1ec1 !I t l'(f'>Ollll('I . ai;nns IJC1lmn <11 -.._.,\l(O un..k, 1he fo u ttlllll\lllllft\. n c rpt undct C\ll cmc Cill\C\ v.hcrc lhc CU \ lu1ncr m a\ be u,,...,111t1tt1ed 1mmed1,ud) :.nd v.11hou1 notice

;! ~ ;! ,\ ,1 the lU\hlffl(I ldU'I(') ll"l fu1n1 \.h mfo1m:111on 11, the ComJW1) rc~:u d,ni; 1hr

l11,1um" ' ' c,cJ11-1~or1hmcu, 1b r,t) t Of cuncnt U\C uf common nmc, 1.or111numca11on, -..n, ,cci ur 11\ pl•nl'k'il U1'l' flf "°nKC11J.

;! \ :! H 11 1hr C 11-.tume1 p,IOHdc'\ fJ I"(' mh,11n;1hon lu the ( OITIJ\;lfl) rei;.-rd1n~ th,: lu\ll.llnc, ·s ukrun, . :1ddre!>1. 1.r cJ11. ,,.,onhmo). jl.l' I r,, curn:n1 U'l,C ofCus1omc1

commun1u11on, Scn1cc.'\. u, 11\ pt.nnC'd U!oe 1•f1 he tomp;an) Str\ Kc(,l.

;! \ ;!(. 111hc C11,1omt"1 -.ta1e,1h.t111 v. 111 fl(otcompl) ,,.,,,ha rcquc-)tuf 1hc C1omp;an) fOf l(,l'l(lflll hlc \CCUnl) for lhc p;l ) lll (fll fo, St'nKct ~, .

:! \ :? 11 ,f the Cu\lomr, ha) been i;1,·cn li,·c btoin-H, .b)' ,,.,,111cn n.,u c-r 1n a w-p.1ra1r 1mul1ni; b) the C,.1mp.1n) "fan~ JM~I due .,n<lUJtl ( ,,.,h,c:h rt"mAln) unp;ud 1n

.. h,(lk-"' m rwr rll fOf an) ,,f 1hc C,.1mp,11n · \ commun1c:a11llfl1St'n1 c-s 10 "'hich thl: C u 'il(lfflc:r r1lhcr 'l&ltbcuhc-, Of lwd wb\n1bcd t•r u~d.

2 j 2 I I """'" "'S lhc d1 'iConnn :11on o f '(f'\ I((.' fl.If :tll) .. r lht 'l,C IC"lll,,IXI\, the.- Co111p,11n)' or 1hc loc-al r,changc.-u11hl) K lmg~ agent. ,,.,, II notl~ 1hc-1tlc:phoric U"-01 cu\lon1r1 1tui1 ,c:f\ lCC v.a, J11,(oonttlcd imd '"h) !he: oourc: ,,. ,II mdu,k­

all 10\0rl, ' '" 1hc- d1 \Co11n«l11lfl1'nd v.111111\ludc: a 11111-frc:c num ber v.hcn- an cnJ u)l.'.I ru!>lorncr u n ohtain aJJ1t1tJt1111 1nform111mn Not1c:r \hall ht- dt'c:mtd g l\cn upon dt'po) II , J'U',l»gc: iwcp;u d, m 1hc- lJ S M;ul to 1hc- ..-nd u~• r , cu \lumcr'J l1S1 1< n :ukfrr,, iand 1n r.-m1pl1a1ic, ,,. ,,h 1he C01n1n 1)~1on') lllk,

.? \ l l hc d1\Cor11JnUJ.ll\' C"ol '-colCtj)) b) lhc l \rm p,111) ptl l) UJHU lo !hi) !)cc.'1100 lit)'(') not r..-llC \ c lhl:

Cu, 1omcr of .an, ohhi_tll!IOO) Ill !MY 1hr rorn r,m) fOf charge-" due and u v.111g for Sc:ntctjl ) lum1,hcd up '" 1hc- 1m1c o l d1 \Conllnua11C"c: "I ht rtmrd1c.-, '>Cl fonh huc,n J1all not 1,.: l.'.\rlu~1H• and lhc tOln jM ll) , hatl at 11 II t1mc, be- cnltllc:d to a ll 11ghb 11 , ;111.abk lo II undt'r c:11hcr h• '" Of

cquil )

I homa, \Ii' Jae-oh~. 1'1c\llknl j t,(11 We-~• 120.h Su ccl Al ~1 p. 1111nm, W M II

l ffcc- m t"

Page 65: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTf:RSATIO~AI. ( ;ATf:WAY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SI) I' I f (' l ariff No. I 1Jr1g111al l'ag1,.• No. 22

~ f• t l n:J11 .1llo1<1 :1m.\" t,•1 lhl" muo·rrur,lmn o l ~nu:\" 1\ , ut,1«11,, lh\" j:\"0\"1111 l111t11l1 l) J"K'II\I~ nn, \.('I '"',h Ill Iha. I ,1111 1 l u,, .. mc,, \hall , te\"l \r no Ul·Ju 11 1111 ... all(l" "'' lh( lfltl·m,puoo {l f ~'""' \<Inch" J u,: !\I l hl" l \,mp,m) ·~ lolmi; 01 IKIJU~l lll~, nri; l1gc1K"c nl lhl" lU\IOmCI. Of IO tht f.u lUll" "' ch.mnrl, ,., O:f.lU lpmc nl f'ft,)\'lllcd b) the ·umllll(I J'hc c u~IIHIICI ,tw,,ulJ not1f~ !ht- Compan) "he n lh\" Cu,111111 .... , I\ a 1<1 a rc o f :m ) 1nlCll\lf'IIOO Ill ',en ICC ro, "h1ch ll 1rJ1111l101<1111JCl" IS 1ks 1rcd

lkfof ( gl\ mi:. , uch lll>UCl", 1hr Cu, IOll lC I \hll ll 111 thM I thr u oot,l,: U not bcmi; cau ...... d b) lln, IICll(lfl UI 01111\'IUl'l \\l(hm C"us1orncr°S ( (lfllrol. "' U nOt tn \Olflfl); Of r 4111pml'nl . 1flln) . fuml~l'd ti) the l 11 ~1rnn,..., m c 111111rc1ton u11h thl' Cump.111) ·, Scndrl',

~ 1, ~ N,1 u,·J11 " a11o,,.,...J m lhl' l'Hnl ~ ,Hu: mu,1 t,,: m1c u u11tcd m 01Jo:1 ,., '"'o,,lk rwunr \l:'n1cl'

llllllht ) 01 rdal.-d lfl \ OU);lll !Ufl\

.! fl ) A 1 01 la 1turr o l .,,...l'\KoUI' l .t<'1hltouf lu\lum\"1, or

,! Q 4 l 1l'dll 1111 lll1 tn1em1puon \hall commtncC" o111c, Cu.tUl'TlC't n<Jt11ir, Con1p;in) oflht- 11ucm,p11on and

(('J-.n,1<1IK-n\l:'I\Kc, ho1\ l'bcC' fl lCSI01rd

~ 1, I, I n, r,urr,ct\C, 1,1 .,.:-du ron1ru1:11 ,on. <' • <'f) month Ji;ill bc ,111~1dC'tcd 10 h;or 7:!0 hour>

,! /, 7 NII H C'dl l , ha ll ht 1tllm•n! IOI llO mltllUpll(lfl of o1 n.1n llfl UOtl\ Jur.lllon of lc\~ lhlln 11<1 0 houn

,! t, II /hr cu~lunl(I .J,1111 ht nrd1tcd fo, ltfl mlC'IIUpUun 111 , ... o hour~ OI 111111(' a t ll 1~1(' of I 7:?0lh 0 1 lhc.' 111111uhl ) 10:(lllllflgl hlllrgc (1.11 1ht ..:1•1rr lll li ttt( J fill (ll h hour'" m~JIII I r 11011 lhl°l(Ofd ..:11 the.' ml C'fOJ ('I IOI\CHl'lllflU~ Cakulhh llll\ Ufl lll' l!(dll , h all he m adt lfl 1trro1da11cc ... 11h lhc.' fo\ l,) ... 1ng

to,n1ullo c,,...J11 l urmula

t.1c-d11 _A_, 11

no •A• ll\ll lllgC'lltlll"m llOUI\ · 11- tnt;il monlhh 1.hari;,... fo, alfttlcJ I te1l 1t}

lh111mu \\. J.teul». l'l (\ldC'nl ~{,,()I IA'C"\I l ! Olh ",trc <"I Ah1r. ll hm11, t>Ol,S II

Page 66: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTt:RNATIONAL (iATt:WA V COMMUNICATIONS, INC. S 11.11.U.C. Tu11fT No. 1 Ori~in:tl l'ugc- Nn. 23

~ ., I rt1e M l\1ce\ ,Mered hcmn ma) be u~ /or an~ l:.volul pufPO\ot, mc:ludin& ,cs1lkn1ull. hu~•nt~\ i;oHmmrnt,1, ,., other u,;c- n1ere arc no 1cw1e1,ons on )harinii or ,oalc of Scn·,cn tlowo·cr

lhc t.:u)hlfnt r rem1un) Ju,blt fllf all obl1ga11ons unikr th1) T1111rf no1"' 11h.~1ndmg \uch duarin.i; °' rc~ leand rtg.itdk,\ol lhc- C1.1111p;an) ' '"lcdgt o l ).;lmt The Comp;iny sh1tll hll\t no hab,lil) 10 11n) pt1<;1,n o, cnltl)' otlk-1 than the Cus1001c1 .mJ onl) ;a_\ <r<t forth m Sttlion 2. J The C ustomtr , hall not ux IM)I J)(lfflll other, lu u.c 1hr Scr+'l('c m I m1n!K'r 1h11 could intcrfcrc w11h Sen IC't '< pro\ Kkd to Vlhcl\ OI 1ha1 could harn1 1hc l'11C1 l11 1e~ ol lhc Cornp;any or othcu

2 7 2 \t l"+'KC fu,m~d h) the l'ump;An)' ffl ll)" t'( arnn •tJ for JOlnl U)( Of authorw:d U)( I ht JOlnl UWI' 01 i\u1h1, I -.e r shall be p,i:nn,ncd In U\C \tKh !-cf\'Ke 1n the -.amc m1onc1 1n !ht C ustomtr ,

bu! w bJ«:I IU the follo1111ng

2 7.2 i\ One J01nt u,c r or i\uthori,rd ll<r<t mu\l be- dcs tt;mttd a, the Cu\lomcr

~ 7 2 II All ch111gC\ for 1hc Scn ·tcc \01U be computtd al if the Scn ·IC'e 111·c1c to ho: b1lkd 10 one

(. l>tOIII CI llte joml user OI i\11th<N" U\Cr 111h1ch hu be-en tk) 1gni1tcd•1 lhc Cu~omtr

"111 be billed fo, al l componcnlJ or lht Scf\·kr and will he rc:\pon11blc for all paymmb tu the l'umpi1n)' In 1hc c:\·ent 1ha1 the dc"gnatcd Cum,m rr fai ls IO pll)' 1hc Compao)', uch JOmt Ukl or Au1hor11:cd Uk'r shall be h:ablc to 11~ Compilfl)' fot • II charl!C\ lncum d a1 a fo uh uf II.\ u-.c of lhc- Compiny ' , Scl\·1cc

2 7 J In addill(Jll to lhc othrr provmoo! m lhl'i 11111'1~ C ustomtrs IC.1,Cllmg COfflJWl) Scr+'ICCS W U be rc,pon.ublc fo, alt inlrrxlmn and interface"' 11h thc-11 o" ·n wbKnbcr:\ ut customn1 The provbk,n of the ~n-Kc "'111 nut ere.lie a p.utncr\h,p or 11.11n1 ,cn1urc be1wccn Cnmpaoy 111d C u, lomcr nor ,rsuh m a J<lml commun1nl100:\ Scf\·1ce offcrmg 1u the Cui.iomcr:\ nf r uhcr lhc Compan) or 1ht

C uM1imrr

2 7 4 Ser\ ICC furm .Jicd by the l:omp:.n) sh.I ll not be u~ for any un la \O fu l or lr:auduknl purpost)

2 7 S The Cu\lomc, 14111 be l>1llcd d1rcc1ly by 1hc l.hC fo, ccnam lk-d1u1cd A«e" un.n1cmcntJ klr,1cd by lhc: l'u~wmrr f°' 1hc provmomog of d tr« I aCCC\i an:ani;rmenh In th&ic in.:iancu where the COfT1pany 111 1hc Customrr ' s rrquc.\l ma)· Kl 1u agent in the Ofdcnng o f .we,.',

arr.mgrmenu , 1hc Compao)' 111·ill bill the C uYomrr l.ut.111 Ar e~) chari;Cl

2 ll 1 ·111c C u,1omcr I) rriJ)OtlS1blt ro, piymm1 of all chugcJ fo, Scrvteo fu,m~d 10 1hc Cuslomrr « m.Jom1 or i\ UIC'rs. Thi5 r~sibi h1 y I) not changed due 10 ill\)' u~. m,ws.c, or abuk' of the Custurncr't Scr..- Kr or Cu11omcr prov111td cquipmcn1 b) 1h11d JW1in, 1he CuYomcr , cmpk1ycr,.or 1hc J1Uhl1c

~ K 2 l hc Cur11pan) ' ' b1ll111c due upon tf'('c1pt Am1M11II! nut pi1d 14llhm J O day, liorn the Hill D:ate o f die 1n\·01cc "' 'It be .:orukkrcd p;,,M due C u\tomrn 111 111 br I \SCM,cd a lite ftt on pal4 due

I hotnas w JKob!,, l'rc:,Kknl S60 1 WtY l 20lh Street Ab,p, llhnol\ 606SII

Page 67: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

l ~Tt:kNATIONAI . «;A'I t-: \\'A \ ' COMM NIC'ATIO:"'tS. INC .._ I> I' L'..C. Tari ff ~u. I I )riginal P111,w Nn. 24

.an11•1inl\ 1n lhC' .am,IW'I nOI tro C'\{CTd the' ma,1m11m l.a\llflll r• tc ;,,r,,hc.abk ,1 ,11c bi11o II a C"u\lomrr r,ri-loC'm> ;an wiJUC" 11"- ,.f norlp;a) mi-,u w1 1111) umc rhc- t ump.m) m•> rcqu11c tlul (u,lomcr 11, ..,., 11 , h11\\ 11o 1th1n • ,r,«1iicdnumt>tr oflb)\ ~lo m11b wch p;a) n~ hin (';l_.h ttir lhcc:4u1utc,1101 ca,h

:! 11 l In di:-1nm1n1ni: 11oh<1lx-1 :a tu,1ume1 pre-..:nb llll undue 11.J. o l noop;a\mcnt. lhl." Comr,;an) J.hllll u,1mdc11ht- lulkMtng l;K"!cn 1A11ht"(u\.lomn ' , (),l) Tntnl hott>f) t11,1n)) 11>11h thc- fom r,;an) and 11 \ :1 tfit111IC'\ l ll l l u\Jon1rr•, ,i1h1 hl) Ill dcmon,1r111c .1tk qU11IC' ab1III) Ill [l,,I) lllf lhc ~l\"IC'C' . (( ) C'T C'dll and rdJIC'J mfo, m11111."' P,0\ tdl."d b) l.'11, 1tH1lC'I, la\ll fu ll) obla,ncd rrom 1h11d p;IMIC'I Of

puhhcl) ,11 >;111.ahlc. and fll l 1nfi.,nn1IH)n rd.i11ng lo tu..iumcr ' , m:m11gcmc:n1. 011oncn and 11 ffi l1a1n Ul llll>I

:! 11-1 l>1.pu1r, 11o11h 1rspcc1 to ch•1gc., n111>1 he P, C'\C'Ml t'd lo 1hr Corn pan) m .. n 1mi; '"'11h1n th1rl ) da)_. lrom I lk- <latC' tho:- 111\ 0 t('C I\ IC'ndc1C'd I.If •IKh IM \IIICC' "'II b,r dl."l• mc-J lu be- COJTCCI :and b1nd1ni; Oil


:! K \ II :a 1 1 ( tuu C'\.lil bh\hcd °' c-M11 Dl1,hC', a ,rc,.·1111 Acct S\ , urch:ugr. 1he Comp;an) .. ,11 bll l 1hr w rcha'11c: bc-xmn,ng ot, 1hC' c:ff«ln'r d.ltl." nf ,uch ~un;h;u gr for Spcr 1a l Acr i-s, arnngrmrnls f)fC' \C'Mil) I \i;:'nl(l' rl,c, f omr,;any .. 111 CC'il'K' h,lhn~ lhC' Sp«1ll l Arcos wtthllf);C UJ!'"'fl rttClpl (,( "" I U nlJ'I K.tfl l C"f11 fic:.11r I.II ,r Ilk surcbll11;c: I\ l l'fflt.l\C"d b) the LI (."

:! II ti In the r , rnl 1hC' l "omr,;an) 1nc111\ frn °' r,p,:Mr.., mcludmx :u lOfnc) '> fees, m rollttung. Of

anrmrtmi; 1ocnl1«1. an) r h111gr,tt11ord lhC' Curnp;an) , 1hc: Cu~ urnr , .. ,11 ht hablc m lhc C,.Mnp;ui) lur 1hc· p;a) mc:nt o f all .w.K" h f«s 11td r ,pcn'IC's rr;a~ hly mcunrd

2 Q I l hl." obhgiillun\)C't fol'lh m this fa11ff !>hiill he b11td1ng upon and 1nurc10 1he bcncfi1 0(1hc ~f1•~ hc-rrtoltnd 1hcir 1r~ 1\ rwcro•,;,1oor l)\1gns, 1wu,1<kd. howc-, rr , 1hc.- CuMornrr ~ all not au 1gn 11f 11:an, IC'f II ) fli;.hb I.If obhi,;111111111 \ll'llhoot 1hr puor \ll'rlll t'n ( Oll'K'nl o l lhC' C<Hnp;any

2 IO 11.ID

:! 14.1 I All SllllC ll/111 ,.,, .. 1 Ill \ ('<, t• c , i,,;,~, r«r1pb IU, .sa le-~ Ill\ , mun1r 1p;al ut1lmn 1:ui UC' h~ ed as !>C par:uc hnc 111:m) arwi 11r nt.11 mc ludC'd 1n 1hcquotrd ral r)

2 10 2 If Il l :an) lul\11 1." hmc a mum ,p.11111 ) l$CtjUlll' \ lhe k i,;.i l 11gh1 10 lfflp(K< an ix:cupauon Ill.\. IICl'n'IC' 1:"· pcm rn ice. lr•nc htloC' foe or oihl."1 , ,m1br chMKI." upon the Camrr, and 1mpm,c, the \ b)' ord,nanec t.tir 01hl" rv,1 ..c. , uch l ll\O , fro or ehllKC' \)hll ll he b1llnl lu 1hr end ll'll'D lt'CC' I\ 1ngk'l'\ ICC 11o 1thm the- 1rn i1t,r1 1111un11~ uf such munk,p.11 1!)' SIKh b, llmg shall 11 lloca1e 1ht- 1a,; , fee OI' eh~111r umon • r11d 111,('f\ umlitirtnl) on lhc hi1)1i ofn chrnd u-.c-, ·, month!) ch;irgrs ffw 1hc typ,:, o ( 'IC'l'\'tec mai.k'41htcc1 111 \1Kh t.i , . fCC' OfChMgl."

I homu W. Jacob\, l'r~ 1dl."n1 .SW I We~ 12Vlh Strct"t Al,1r . lllmo11 60651

Page 68: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

l ~TEK,'iAT lf J~AI . ( ;An ·:WA\' ( 'fJMMl 'Nl( 'AT IO~S. INC:. S.I> I' 11.C. I :mff No. I Ori~in;1I l1agc Nu 25

1 Ill 1 II 111 an, lu1Urc umc J Hltinl) '" ulhcr local la\mg Julh,>111~ 11uno lht' lri;.al ng/11 lo 1mp >\t' un ,-.,u,,..111,n hi\ ht t'III< 111,, ~ nm! ltc, fr.-nch,w fcl." or other 111n 1l .-1 chJfltt' upon th..- l11n1..-1 , (ln,d

onr,1\t'\ 1ht' u mt' h} t\fl' lll' 1•lhrr1o1 t\ot' , 'I.U~ h 1a,i., , kt) or cha rE't') ,MIi be h1lkJ IO !ht' end

11'><'1' IC'CC'l\mr Wl\1lC' \Ollhm lht lt: rr1tor1al Inn th nt \lk' h room > OI' l◄hcr ta, 1•1g au lhOfll) ..; lM.'h h1llm l.! ..halt .all,-..itr 1ht t.i, , ftt Of ch111i:,· am,in): t'nd u;cn uni lorml) un Im' b.:a,1~ ol t'ach cn,I

U\C.'1 ·, rnonthh ch.i1i:c-, Tut lhc l)l"C' " ' WF\ICC l!Utdo: \ UhJnt to ,uch ta, , fcl'Uf Ch.lf i,C

: Ill ,I "hc11ut1ltl) ,., tt kcom 11mn,ca11011iJl\ \t'\\fflCl1l \ , lli1rK"h1-c ltt\, (lf pr 1,1 lq:r. hcrn\C' I.ICCU JJJ I U.tnal.

C'\CI \C , ., uclk:r ,1m1l,11 114\l'\ ,., r,'C'), b.i!,t'J IHI IIIIC"llllr Of mlfil \llllr ll"CC'lpl \ a rr lmpb('d b\ ,.-,1am 1,l\ln l.! 1•111 \J1"" ""' uron 1hr romr<111~ °' up.•n loc-1.i t'\Chani;r cumr,tn1c, :and p;;!)'-t°J <m IO th,· l t of11J>a11 \ 1lm.M.11:h ill .. uh ml(l"'i!il lC UI' tn!IJl.f;ll(lk' CC\\Chari;c, lhc amvun1, oi )IK"h ta , .-~ .,, f«,. v,111 t'C' h,lkJ io <.u~1t11nt1) m such :a 1;1,111i;Ju r1'-<11C11on on :a J'l' VDlrd N1~1\ l hC' 11moun1 " ' ch:tl f C' lh,11 I\ f"Olol1 l'J 10 cuh t U\fumr, ·, bill I\ dt•lnmmc-d h) !he llll(nUII( Of 1ntniua1c tclcc11m1nun1c<1IIOll\\t'l'ICt'p!'O\lckd h•and b11kd ID <1II tnd IJ)C'f lUSIOltltr ~ nlCC lonttOO 111 wch

<I lll\lfll! 1u1,-.J11. IH)II .. 1111 the- ll~ci;att 1,r \1u;h ch "I!'' fij!UI 10 lht' .am(IU/11 u r 1hr Ill\ ('I fee

11111"',.IWd UP,. 111 "' r--,-.cJ ' '"10th( COlnl',ln)

1 11 M£!t. J ' '" ._,.,, u1:1110J1 ot A11 hns ~!!Inge

2 11 I l hc-111 rh1K'm1k.igche1 .. ccn l '"u c111t'.) u11bc- C'.1kul~1rd1u1ng1hc Vtr1M.:1i ll\1 )1111J l hi,rw,111al ! t l1 noord1n.i lC\ ol 1hc \C: f' mi; V, trc Ct'll lt'U aS\Ol' l,llc-d .. 1,h , tic, ·, l'()I' luca!IOI'\ \ l ht mclhod

"" ulcul,.tmi: lhC' llnhric rn1lcai;c I\ ol1!•1ncd h) ttlCltftCt' 10 Al& 1·, Ja11ff r e C No 10 m :-..,:uul.11Kc"1lh lhc lull11 .. mg fonnul,1

/h,• 1qu.lr1 ' " '"' " ' 1v ,.v,, ,! • 1!11-fPr ,. V,tl l c,w>1dm,11r, 11! <. 11~ :.?

I , :amph.·

lll)I (11 \ !

,,.,. ,",.,., ... , ., .. , .. ,

...JL. 1001 \Q ll, 7

1 \f)().I. \Qll7f: • (1406- ,.a ,.a r 10

I he fC' U II I\ 7/fll fl J mile-, ,\ n, lr',ICIH)fl.&I m,k, art' rounded 10 lht IIC \ I hrght'r .. holt' nun,btr .

thc rtlor, the- J 1!11nc mile.age tor lhl\ c-umpk ,~ 71 0 m11r,

l horna \ W J.acoll). l'rc\ldcnl \6()1 V. c,1 l :?Olh~11« 1

Ah1r . lllm01\ f!Oh SA


Page 69: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


:: 1:: I •ms"' u,n Ka1r l'crul(h

S ll.l' 11.C'. ·1rmff No I I >rigmnl P:11,;,1." No 2h

;! 11 1 I 1111r11I IJ,1~ l( ,1ll' l'l' l lll\l\ll rcdcltm11nctlh) the hrntol <M) al the 1,oi:.111.fNIII I tl~ t._ alhni,;Jolahoo

I),\ \' ' ""11 II 0 1 AM 10 S 00 l'M MoilW). I ml.t)

l. \' I NINc. 1-,,,.11 S {I I l'M to 11 00 l'M M1'N1(ll ) · hKb) and Sunlb)

Nl(illl WI I Kl.NI> l1<1111 I I UI l' M hi 8 0fJ AM t , tl) Jay

I 1w11 K 01 AM to 11 00 l' M S.:11111.J..t) 1 mm K 111 AM 10 ,; 00 l'M ~und,1)

2 I) I In ( 1 r, "ht1 t a t:u,1omc1 rtqucJolll c, Jopcc,al 01 umquc ;m angcn,cn, v.h,ch ma) include i;:ngmccrmi; . t1N1tl11 1unmi;. ln)lallauon. cunsirucuoo. rx,htir~ a\)Cmbly. purth:l)C f'f lea~ or fat1l mc,and "' 01hr, Stl'\ 1us no1 offc11: d mi.kl lh t) r1mfr, lhc Cr,.11p;i,n), at 1h1, ~mn, mll) pto ,·1tk lhl" rrqucMrtl ~ r..-11:0 Arpmp,, 1:111,: rccumntc chari;t5 and tlf Nonrtturnni; Chilr,;o 11nJ 01hcr 1crm, ;mJ cunJ 1111ini v.111 be dcu :l11pfit fflf tlk- Cuuomrr for 1hr p,ruvmomng ofSt.-Ch amngrmrnl\

2 1J ~

:: 14 HK•C'lllnp;ln) nn1) , , nial.,.. -.uch10 1!> and U1\ l)CCl11111~ai maybcn«t )~I') 10Jc-1rrm1nc lh :a l lht lt"<Jlllf\' llltnl\ of 1h11 "hriff air bcm.: comphcd ""h 1n ,~ ln~albuon. or,tf1IIIOII Of

m111ntrn;in« of C.11\I01nrr 01 1hc Comp;&n)· rq11 ipmcn1 The Com p,;111y nHt) Inte rrupt 1hc SC'.f' ice :at .ny hmr, v.llhool penalty 10 the Coo1p;an)·, , hwhl C11s1omc, ,·1ol;i.1c :any ptO\ b 1vn hrn-1n

lswcd Uf«mc

l htlffla\ W J»cob-., l'ro1lk111 SbOI Wt M 12(hh Sll t't l Ah1p, lll 1no1) 606~1

Page 70: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n


Ul '-' kll'IIO'- 01 , 1 k\' ICI S

\ I V. 1Jc Atu 1· V. A 1,· 1 anJ ~k,~1!£ 1·M l ' "t lull '5t'•£n

S.I> 11 U.C. ·1 aritT No. I Original l'agi: N 27

l I I ll~l111nr:ui, o11rr, WAl ~andM l ~1ntr•sta1r1111r1 I A l /\ lo1111: d1), K:cuulwni;,"11chf'd or ded ica1rd xcc\\ arrnni;cn1cn1s bc1wrcn the Customer\ l"rcm ,..cj; 11,nd 1h<- Comp;tn~


i fac1h11ci for nll ong1na11nn C•11 1r.-orun1111on 1\ complc1cd 1hmui;h <1 cQmbina11on <1r 1hr Comp;i,ny ·~ f1nht1e, and I I C S\OIU Chrd accru 11t111ngcmrnl\

\ :! I I olfl j; d1\l lU1Ct' U'-'gt ch:111en ate IMM"d <If! 1hr ,ictu.11 U\lll!C ol dw COl'np,;tn) ntl\OIOf l Chati:rahk 11mr l'icJ! m, "hen II connttt Klll 1\ r,1111bl1,hcd bc1"«n 1hc C'alhn~ ", ttln and 1hr Cal1rd S1:c1ttoo l tu11r,1hk llmr rod, "'hffl cllhrr p;,.11~ "tun11.\ up" lhcu:b, rclu)1ng lhc fl(' f \Ol'Of l conn«IIOO

l:?:? Onlr .. \ oehcno,1-c , prc,ficd 1n 1hn f ;mff, the' mm1mun1 call du1a11on fi11 b,llmg purflO\I:'-" b \n1~ (601 ~r~ In ;tdd11mn. unln, OChcl'\01\C sprc1fK"d in 1h1) huff. u\agc ,_., mt'asurnl 1hrrnfk1

m ' "' \ 1601 ~ ond 1ncrcmcn1, •nd rounded 10 the nc,t h1ghr1 "'"> t6lh 1o«ond pcm)d

, J Mm1mum ( 411 ( ,1111 nk11on M, 111s:

J J I A Cu~1omc1 unr,prc11 ullcumplctmn Dlr ofnlK lc\1 tha.n QO-.du11n~ s,c11I. U\t' rr11oJs for a ll l c111u1r(,1uUp I) \t'f\ 1rr,

lhun111~ W bc,,h,,, , l 'tc, i.knl !iNH Wrsl 1:Wth ",lfr,·t Ah1r. llhm11) 1,ot,~k

Page 71: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

INTERNATIONAL <0 ATEWA\' COMMUNICATIONS, INC. S.ll.P.U.C. Tariff No. I Original l111gc Nn. 28

4 I 1 lht- folkt11.-in 1,; arr thr pt"r m1nult' usage chargr; 1<1h1Ch apply mall calls ThtK chuges arr m 11dJ,11on 10 1hr Non-r«umng Ch.lirxc~ and k.«umng Chui;n rd~d 10 htrdn.

4 l Mf\'llli:'l' Ts:1£rnmmunicati(lJl!Scrv11;n

4 l I Mr)~gc Trki:urnmun1ea1100, w:n'ICt'-' consi-'I ol tht fum1~ung of mrsiagr lrkphont' w:n·1 e btt1<1·ttn Mil llOn-' louted 1<11th1n the: slalc



S 0.273? S 0.27J9

4 J I 1•~ •p;iu.l lr.i\tl ard SC l'\' ICC' I) na1labk 10 CUIIOfflt'l'S or C•mr, ·, 1on, d1slanct' k'fVICeJ

Cuuomc:n.1<11ll rc:KhC1nit'r"s nt11<1of\: vl,a 10ll•frtrnumbrr. A Cu\tomttv.·ho tle-cu10 uscthi1

),C'f"VICc: 1<11II p;I ) the: tar1fftdra1u for n lbth11grd to 1hr c11d Chargu fOf ""7h nib app<uoo lht ( 'u~mmc:r 's rciular monthly bill


4 4 I uuomrn 1<11ll bt billC'd lht" fo llowing p:r ta ll charge for och d1reCIOI')' 1misnncc call . Tht' dircclo,y assi~lancrcharg, 1ppl1ts 10 , achca11 rrgau!ln.,of whc:1htr tht dirC'CIOI')' anhtancr bul'C'au u abk IO fum1~ 1hr rtqUt'.)led telephone numbC'I'

''°' Call Chargr· SO 70

lu utd b) lhomu W J«ot». Prt'.ll1dcnl S60 1 Wt"st 120th Slrtt1 Ab1p. IU1n01s 60651

Page 72: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

11\TEltNATIONAL (;AT.:WAY COMM UN ICATIONS, INC. S 11.11.U.C. Tariff N . I Orii;in:d Pa.::e o. 29

4 j I IIOO ",,rr, ICC' I.\ 111n ,nbwnd-onl)' S( r', ICl' m .... hw: h callr f') IO(alrd..., uhm thr , 11111t ffll) plKr 1011-frrc: call \ w 11 1rkphonc- m 1hr 100 aru codt' oiignrd 10 d)t Cu.\lomtr 100 Srnr, c 11 10 fuMomc,, ullh11ng s...,11,hl'd Of dechcalcd accr~i


NIGtl l"/V.'EBi,ENP

SO 27] 9 S027JQ

4& srn;,,ll'rum,,.11,n;a1orrumc

J & I l'hc rompam) nlit)' from umr 10 1tml' cn1a11r m Spcc,.al f"romooonal Offrr,np or Tnal Sc-rvicc Offr, .ng., hm11cd 10 ccr1a1 n d.llt~ 1imo Of locations de~igncd lo allfllCI ncw sulmnbrn or incKMC ~ul)o;cribt-1 uiai;c whc-n appnn-cd by 1hr Commiuion. Company ..,.ill not ~i:111 p,omot101U1I offr,mi;s rOf m111"c 1han '>O di)·~ many 12 rnooth pcrmd In a11 -M1C h Cl!tU, lhc rato charg~" ill no1 t'\Crri.l lho),(' ~J)C'C iliC'J in SC'c1ion 4 hcrw r:

J 7 I Cu)IOincr ~all w nfigurr •L~ l'HX '" other )...,ilch \C'hic lc from ...,h,ch a cu~omrr plKc, a callw 1h11 •11 1 C"fflC'l}:COC)'CIII~ ... here l\"l ll•blc. llnd similar rmcrgcnt)' Ulli .... -111 be au1on111 11ca11) rou1cd 10 1hr cmrrgcncyans...,cring poml for the 11rogniph1cal location ..,here 1hc call ongini11cd ...,-i1hoo11hr intcr.·rn1ion of Company.

J 7. 1.A. QI I calb ;u-c not 10011:tl but arc completed lhtough the local ntl~ orl . No b111ing apphc-1 lucmrq;cnc)' CI IIJ

Thom11.\ W JIICob). l'Tnu:knl 5601 Wrsf l ltkh Strrtt Aliip. ll hno,~ 60651

Page 73: Public Utilities Commiuion of the State of South DakotaSOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CERT/FICA TE OF AUTHORITY To Conduct Business As A Telecommunications Company W1th1n

OAT[ JHVO IC[ tlO COMM EUT 01 / 23/97 1/2)/97 flLUIC fEE

AMOU?lT DISCOUNT HET .AMOUNT 250.00 .00 250.00


FH ! 0 1997


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