Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o...

11113 o ,/<--/X- THE i VWORLD BALBANK ATLAS WORLD ' LA 1985 ;5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~R eat;-z A X X B , f .s.-i P 9 conptl atiois s _ . ' i M | S _ t t \ \ (T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ross national produlct r ^ l l | _ Z \ 5 CT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ross niational procduct pcr capita s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L >_\ife7 exp?ectancy | l s 5 . "." . .. . u W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Injanit1 iioricilitv wl l \s l X. -:d-- : -_ r \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Primlary schZool efrollinent \ / , :- ; :1 \ U «~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or I S9counltries ald terriloric.s Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized closure Authorized

Transcript of Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o...

Page 1: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

11113 o,/<--/X- THE i


WORLD ' LA 1985


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A X X B , f .s.-i P 9 conptl atioiss _ . ' i M | S _ t t \ \ (T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ross national produlct

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s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L >_\ife7 exp?ectancy

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\ / , :- ; :1 \ U «~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or I S9counltries ald terriloric.s


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Page 2: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

CONTENTS 3 Introduction4 The world's countries and territories6 Statistics on 189 countries and ierritories

10 Gross national product, 198212 Population, 198214 Population growth rate, 1973-8216 Gnp per capita, 198218 Gnp per capita growth rate, 1973-8220 A composite view of gnp, population.

and gnp per capita22 Life expectancy at birth, 198224 Infant mortality rate, 198226 Primary school enrollment ratio. 1982

28 Technical Notes29 About the World Bank29 World Bank offices

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._____ 1985

- .

The World BankWashington, D.C.

_______ [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Page 4: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

The denominations, the classifications, the

boundaries, and the colors in this Atlas do

not imply, on the part of the World Bank

and its affiliates, any judgment on the legal

or other status of' any territory, or any

endorsement or acceptance of any


This is the eighteenth edition of The World

Bank Atlas. The seventeenth edition was

dated 1983. There was no edition pub-

lished in 1984.

CopyrightQ 1985International Bank ior Reconstruction and

Development/The World Bank

1818 H Street, NW..Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.

All rights reservedManufactured in the United States

of America

First printing January 1985ISBN 0 8213 0321 X

Page 5: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

INTRODUCTION This eighteenth edition of The World Bank As a result of the Barik's continuing Dcspite these changes, iL must be kcpt inAtlas, in keeping with the previous editions, efforts Lo irriprove the coverage and compa- mind Lhat the stdtistical systems in marnypresents daLa on population, gross national rability of its gnp data, the procedures for developing economies arc still weak, andproduct (gnp), and gnp per capita for 1982 in estimating gnp in U.S. dollars differ from this affects the availability and reliability ofcurrent U.S. dollars. This Atlas also presents those used in previous years. IThe principle data. Much effort has gone into standardiz-preliminary estimates for each of these indi- of using average prices and exchange rates ing the data-their definitions, coverage,cators for 1983 and average annual growth for a three-year base period to smooth the timing, valuation, and other characteristics.rates for 1973-82. New in this edition are effects of fluctuatLig exchange rates remains But this stantlardizationi has not becei possi-daia on life expectancy, infant mortality, and unchanged. But the conversion factor for ble for all Counlrics. Readcrs should takeprimary sclool enrollment. The data on gnp translating gnp in national currencies to gnp these limitations into account in intcrpretingper capita remain the focal point of the Atlas, in U.S. dollars is nlow the simple average of the data, particularly weICIn cornparing coun-but the addiLiout of somc selected social itica- the exchange rates for tic ctirrent year and tries and country groups. Further, the gnpsures broadens tile pictLrC of livinig condi- for the iwo preceding years; the laLtcr two data shown in the Atlas provide only antionts thiroughotit the world. Also new is the exchange rates are adjusted for differenices approximatc measure of economic condi-greater use of text and clarLs to highlight between domestic inflatioll dnd U.S. infla- tions and trends in the countries of the worldsotmic of the more instructive aspects of the tion. In addition, the three-year base period and reveal nothinig about the distribution ofdata. for gnp conversioni in the Atlas conisists, in inlcomile within countries.

evcry instance, of the reporting year and thetwo preceding years. In the past the three-year base period used to calculate final fig-Lircs in one Atlas was advanced a year fromthat used to calculate preliminary figures forthe same year in the preceding Atlas. Now,the base period for all 1982 data is 1980-81-82, and that for all 1983 data is 198 1-82-83.This change from previous practice ensuresthat the base period for preliminary 1983data presented this year will he the same forthat of the final 1983 data presented nextyear. Any changes between the preliminaryand the final gnp per capita data will thus bcdue to revisions of the unuderlying nationalaccounlts and popilation, not to a change inthe base period. Moreover, the assessmenisof national accountiig systemrs, uf the qual-ity of iiatiorial accounts data, and of theappropriateness of using the officialexchianige rate as the conversion factor havenow bcen systematized. See the TechnicalNotes oti page 28.


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used for the maps in thisAtlas. maintains correctareas for all countries,though at the cost of some

distortions in shape, dis-

tance, and direction. Bermuda

The names, colors, bound- (uK)

aries, and classificationsin this Atlas do not imply,

Cuba Bahamas

on the part of the WorldBank and its affiliates, any J

judgment about the legal e Haiti

status or other status of any rascountry or territory-or

Salva aragua

any endorsement or Cost Rica

acceptance of any na

boundary. n3h Guiana (Fr)


Tokelau (NZ)6

WesternWallis and Futuna Samoa

(Fr) 'Americani Samoa(US) .French

-Niue (NZ) Polynesia Dominicanj.Tonga (Fr) Republic

Puerto Rico(U) stopher- Nevis

Gross national product E sntgu ad arunper capita, 1982 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Viri Antigunand arbudper capita, 1982 '~~~~~~US).- _ontsarrat (UK)

6~ Guadeloupe (Fr)

D $400 and less e Dominica aNetherland AnileMartinique (Fr)

$401 to $1,63 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~(Neth) Sr. Lucia q Barbados

$1,636 to $5,500 Gr Vnenaianderr

* More thani $5,500Trnddadobg

D] No data

Page 7: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

g ,lc-eland ~-=Faeroe slands N Union on Sov et Socialist Replailcsy

United D Ijna PlIsle,ot Man co Os ovrslo akla 4 Channe Islands (U aNetherlands

oglaBelgium ,= atru Rosa aLuxembourg-ed. Rep. of Germany .= g na eSwitzerland

aTrePortug urkpaerGibra tar ASIr aCGin

G(bUaK ta T' Islafflic Rep. Aighanisantan aa

^ ^S : Algerla - 4 ;iSa- Arab r a't Pakistan NeiBhutan 4SPAS/i HX

r M. RP E °ptf \b >ra Bangladosh J ' '" '> ., Inda tBjrma Hung KIong UK)

ape Mauritania . 9 ac (Porl)are al Niger3rde Mali Chnd - P Dem. Rep. Lae People'sSen al a~~~~~Sdn e ArbRe.hiland em. Rep. ilh ippinenGam(S'he Gamba lal Sudan DamaR p t DeXNam WGuamn(US)

iuinea-Bissau\ i jnea Burkina ibL \ hea t Trust Territory of theSierra Leone nary Central Elhop a (USri PacifSic)larrdaCount b r C African Rep, Branei (L aerre Cameroonru1 -h Son falia Maid ves Malaysiaaaana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kiribati

R w g a danEquatorial Guinea- O K n a.

7 Zar

Pap a rba:SaoTome and Princapbn gEenhe S o PapoaPeople's Rep of the Congo n hTanzana , Seychelles C . Indonesa New ,, 4S a Solomon', Islands Tuvalu-.

Angola Zambia

Zœnroia Zlmbi,anweHMalawtius _ Vanuatu Fiji aNmbia Zimbabme ausie

otswana M R nn New Caledon a(Pr) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Fr)

1|;,g5 -. Zwaziland l

NewZeal and

Page 8: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe


L ife Infant PilmaryGnp at tnarket petces Crowth rates (percent) expertanen mortality schiool

(millions of Poptrlation GLop per capita CtIp per at birth rate (aged enroliteitUs. nolats) (thouxsands) (u.s,oas) underpeceGnp Population capita fyoro) under1) (erceo

Country or temtory 1982 1983p 1982 t983g 192 1983p 1973-82 1973-82 1973-82 1970 1982 1970 1982 1970 19821 Location

Afghaniistan n-a. na. 16,786 17,220 n.a. n a. n.a 2.6 in.a. 36 36 211 205 28 34 ASP

Albania n-a. II.a. 2,860 2,920 n.a. It.a. n a. 2-4 in.a. 67 72 66 44 106 106 EtlR

Algeria 46,810 49,450 19,911 20,569 2,350 2,400 5.6 3 1 2.4 53 57 144 111 76 94 AFR

Arttcrican Samtnoa 140 140 34 35 4,040 4,130 -4.6 1.9 -6.4 Ia. n.a. 27 17 n.a na. ASP

Angola n.a. n.a. 7,992 8,206 n.a. n.a. I-a. 2.5 n.a. 37 43 179 165 59 n. a. AFR

AtiLigtiaaail cIBaibrtda 130 140 77 78 1.680 1,730 6.2 1.2 4.9 i.a. 72 21 32 n.a 80 N(:A

Argentinia 58.860 58.560 28,432 28,783 2,070 2,030 0.2 1.3 -1.1 67 70 54 44 106 119 SOA

Australia 169.080 166,230 15,175 15,427 11.140 10,780 2.3 1.3 0.9 71 74 18 10 115 110 ASP

Austria 74,130 69.830 7,571 7,584 9,790 9.210 2.7 0.1 2.7 70 73 26 13 104 99 EUR

Bahamas' 840 900 218 222 3.830 4,060 1.8 1.3 0.5 66 69 36 32 n. a. 99 NCA

Bahrainia 3,750 4.120 380 398 9,860 10,360 10.7 4.8 5.6 62 68 74 50 102 101 ASP

Bangladesh 12,830 12,530 92,859 95,111 140 130 5.7 2.4 3.2 45 48 150 133 52 62 ASP

Barbados 960 1,020 251 260 3,830 3,930 3.4 0.4 2.9 69 72 40 26 108 115 NCA

Belgiunt 103.450) 90,540 9,871 9,888 10,480 9,160 1.7 0.1 1.6 71 73 21 12 103 100 EUR

Belizce 170 170 150 153 1.160 1,140 6.4 2.1 4.2 60 65 Si 45 n a. 85 NCA

Benirl 1,240 1,1 10 3,690 3,809 330 290 5.6 2.8 2.7 43 48 151 117 40 65 AFR

Berimluda,' 790 840 62 63 12,770 13,320 4.7 1.5 3.1 n.a. n.aa. 1 IS n.a. n a. NCA

Bliutan tr.a n.a. 1.I62 1,188 n.a. na. ".a. 2.2 I-a. 3.4 413 226 163 7 21 ASP

Bolivia 3.570 3,070 5.874 6,032 610 510 1.5 2.6 -1.1 46 SI 154 126 76 86 SOA

Botswana 860 920 966 998 890 920 9.8 4.6 5.0 56 61 100 80 69 102 AFR

Brazil 274,610 245,590 126.806 129,660 2,170 1,890 5.2 2.3 2.8 59 64 99 73 84 93 SOA

BrLineir 4.450 4,421) 201 209 22,150 21,14() 4.7 3.6 1.1 n a. 74 34 18 n a. n.a. ASP

Bulgaria in.a. .ea. 8,918 8,946 n.a. n.a. tia. 0.4 ti.a. 71 72 27 20 1()1 99 EUIR

Burkina 1,360 1,210 6,493 6,666 210 180 3.7 2.1 1.6 42 44 188 157 12 20 AFR

Btirma 6,520 6,500 34,882 35,700 190 180 6.0 2.2 3.6 49 55 128 96 87 84 ASP

Burundi 1.050 1,050 4,346 4,466 240 240 n.a. 2.1 n. . 42 47 136 123 29 32 AFRCamerocon 8,17() 7,640 9,266 9,562 880 800 7.8 3.1 4,6 48 53 117 92 91 107 AFRCanada 278,960 300,400 24,625 25,025 11,330 12,000 2.3 1.2 1.1 73 75 19 10 101 106 NCACape Verder 110 110 304 308 370 360 5.1 1.0 4.1 56 61 99 78 na. n.a. AFRCenitral African Rep. 740 690 2,408 2,470 310 280 1.0 2.3 1.3 42 48 148 119 64 68 AFR

Chad 360 in.a. 4,647 4,747 80 se. -5,8 2.11 -7.7 39 44 191 161 35 35 AFRChaniiel slandsa 1.460 1,380 135 136 10,830 10.110 0.4 1.0 -0.7 72 75 19 11 rt.a. ni.a. EUR(ChIile 25,170 21,890 11,487 11,683 2,190 1,870 3.0 1.6 1.4 62 711 82 27 107 115 SOAChina 302,630 301,840 1,008,200 1.021,630 300 290 5.7 1.2 4.5 52 67 109 67 110 118 ASPColombia 38,261) 38,830 26,965 27,516 1,420 1,410 4.6 1.9 2.7 59 64 71 54 108 130 SOA

Comorosat 120 n.a. 368 378 340 n.a. 2.7 2.6 0.0 45 48 11 I 89 34 103 AFRCongo, People's Rep. 2,340 2,180 1,I712 1,768 1,370 1.230 6.7 3.1 3.6 54 60 95 68 130 156 AFRCook slanids ll.a. n.a. 17 17 n.a. tt.a. n.ea. na a n.n. a.I. ma. a, ma. i.a. tt.a. ASPCosta Rica 2,680 2,420 2,324 2,378 1,150 1,)20 2.9 2.5 014 67 74 62 18 110 108 NCACuba n.a. n.a. 9,782 9.877 n.a. n.e. n.a. 0.8 n.a. 70 75 39 1 7 121 I 07 NCA

Cyprus 2.52() 2,430 645 653 3,900 3,720 na. 0.6 na. 71 74 29 20 88 84 EURCzechoslovakia n a. n.a. 15,366 15,418 ti.a. n.a. n.a. 0.6 n.a. 70 72 22 16 98 90) EURDenrnark 63,220 58,850 5,121 5,120 12,350 11,490 1 5 0.2 1.2 73 75 14 8 96 97 EURDjibouti n.a. n.a. 330 399 n.a. n.a. n. a. 6.7 t.a. 50 33 30 n.a. 32 AFRDominica 80 80 80 81 940 970 1.7 1.1 0.6 n a. 74 58 20 123 in.a. NCA

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Life Infalnt PrmrnryGnp at inarket pries Growlh ratpersel poct) expecran' inaolalbly school

(M,ilionrs of Populanwn Gip per capiia GN rppn at brir, rate (mqed eerollmenlU.S. dollarp) (thelltandl) (U.S. doilarsi Gap Poprulaton rapeo (yean) under]) (perlemnl)

Coaritryorterriory 1982 19583p 1 82 )'l83p 1982 1983p 1973-S2 19/3-82 1973 82 1970 1982 1970 1982 1970 19821 Loeatioa

Dominican Rep 7.670 8,1 70 5,744 5,908 1,340 1.380 4,5 2 9 1.5 57 62 90 65 95 109 NCAECuadil 12,880 11,690 7,988 8,193 1,610 1,430 5.7 2.6 3.( 56 63 107 78 97 107 s04Egypt, Aiab Rep. 29,550 31,880 44,115 45,364 670 700 9.4 2.6 6.6 50 57 120 104 72 76 AFREl Saladodi 3,960 3,690 5,082 5.232 700 7110 0.6 3.0 2.3 58 63 107 72 85 61 NCAEquatorial Giinea l.d n.a 353 360 n.a. n. . nl.d. 1.8 11 a. 37 44 167 138 75 81 AFR

Elhiiopia 4,640 4,80O 32,933 33,908 140 140 2.6 1.9 0.7 41 47 151 122 16 46 AFRFacroc islands, 460 440 44 44 10.400 9.850 3.9 1 3 2.6 ii.a. n a. 18 8 11 a. .a. EURFilli 1,290 1.190 658 670 1,960 1 790 3.1 1.9 1.2 68 68 50 34 101 109 ASPFidiland 52,451 5(0,7313 4,830 4,858 10.860 10.440 2.5 0.3 2.2 70 73 13 7 82 96 EURFranicc 627,210 568,690 54.356 54,752 11,540 10.390 2.6 0.4 2.2 72 75 18 10 117 11(1 EUR

Frencti Guianla 210 n.a. 61 65 3.230 no.a. 0.7 2.0 -1.3 ll.a. il.J. 44 29 n a. in.a SOAFrcrichPolynesia' 1,210 1.2o0 152 154 7,960 8,190 3.9 2.1 1.8 n.a 1 a 11.n na. ni.a. n1.a. ASPGaborn 3,300 2,95( 682 695 4,840 4.250 3.3 1 4 -4.7 44 50 137 11 3 11 a. n.a. AFRGambia,The 240 200 682 697 360 290 3.0 3.7 -0.8 32 36 217 194 24 52 AFRGemtian Deiii Rcp. n.a n.a 16,735 16,734 lI.d. n a. n a. -0.2 n.a. 71 73 19 12 93 95 kURGermany, Fed. Rep. 757.210 702,440 61,586 61,506 12,300 11.420 2.3 0.1 2.3 70 73 24 12 10() I )0 EURGhania 4,160 3,980 12,169 12,518 340 32() -1.1 2.9 3.8 50 S5 107 86 64 69 AFRGibraltar' 140 130 27 24 5,330 5,420 1.2 0.0 1.7 1r,a n a. ' IU it a n a. EURGrrCLC 41,960 39,210 9,793 9,880 4,280 3,970 3 3 1.1 2.2 72 74 30 14 107 103 FULRGreenland, 591 550 52 53 11,380 10,390 6 1 0.6 5.7 nl.d. 11.a. 46 32 n a. n.a. EUR

Grenada 110 110 113 114 940 990 3.8 1.1 2.6 67 69 33 15 90 1()8 NCAGuadCloupc" 1,371) 1.a. 317 318 4,330 11 a. 4.3 -0.4 4.7 68 73 46 18 na. n a. NCAGuardla 640 690 III 113 5,740 b,070 3.2 0.8 4.0 0 .a 71 22 26 11.a. n.0. ASPGuatemala 8,700 8,89() 7,704 7,932 1.130 1,120 4.5 3.1 1.4 93 60 87 66 57 69 NCA(mi,nea 1,710 1.740 5,704 5,X31 300 300 2.6 2.1 0.5 34 38 208 190 33 33 AFR

Guinea-Bissaon 19) 150 849 866 220 18() 24 4.6 -2.1 34 38 168 144 45 101 AFRGuyana 470 410 798 813 590 520 0.5 0.8 -1.3 63 68 57 41 99 95 SOAHaiti 1,S80 1,700 5,201 5,300 300 32(0 3.7 1.8 1.9 49 54 143 110 53 69 NCAHonduras 2,620 2,740 3,957 4,0)97 660 670 4.3 3.5 0.7 53 60 118 83 87 95 NCAHoiglnK ng 32,160 31.900 5,233 5.313 6,150 6,000 9 5 2.6 6.8 70 75 20 10 117 106 ASi'HLingary 24,250 23,050 10,706 10,699 2,260 2.150 6.0 ,.3 5.6 69 71 36 20 97 99 EURIcclii(il 2,830 2,430 234 237 12.110 10.270 2.8 1, 1.7 74 77 13 8 104 97 EkURIn.iia 184.130 190.710 716.985 733,248 260 260 4.1 2.3 1 8 48 55 139 94 73 79 ASPlIndonsia 88,960 87,120 152,598 155.824 580 561) 7.0 2.3 4.6 47 53 121 102 77 100 ASPIran. Islanic Rep. na. n.a 41,230 42,508 n.a. na. ll.a. 3.1 n.a 55 60 136 1112 73 95 ASP

Iraq ni.a n.a. 14,161 14,660 ll.d. 11 a. 1l.a 3.6 n1.e. 55 59 104 73 69 113 ASPIreland(i 17,570 16,960 3.483 3,527 5,050 4.810 2.8 1.4 1.3 71 73 2( 11 106 102 EURIsle of Maon 370 340 68 69 5,410 4,910 1.7 1.3 0.4 I3.0 ta . 26 10 l.a. Io.d. EtJRIsrael 21,441) 21,990 4,027 4,101 5.320 5.360 2.5 2.3 0.2 72 74 25 16 96 95 ASP11Raly 382,230 357.570 56,276 56,329 6,790 6,350 2.4 0.4 2.0 72 74 30 14 1() 1()1 FlUR

Ivol'yCoast 8,170 6,730 8,936 9,294 910 720 5.6 4.4 1.1 43 47 146 119 63 76 AFRnnialca 2.780 2,940 2,246 2,264 1,240 1.300 2.6 1.4 -4.0 67 73 32 10 119 99 NCA

Japail 1.19(0,650) 1,204,270 118,449 119.259 10.050 10.10() 4.3 1.0 3.3 72 77 13 7 99 100 ASPJordan' 4.200 4.400 3,127 3,240 1,690 1,710 11.5 2.5 7.8 54 64 98 65 /2 1(03 ASPKamipuchea, Dem. e 11.a 11.a. 13 a. [1.. 0l.. 11.0. I r.a. _ ia. i.0 110 in.a na. 30 I.e. ASPKenya 7,020 6.4S0 18,115 18,900 390 340 5.0 4.1) 1.0 52 57 96 77 (,1 1()9 AFRKuilr,l' 30 30i 60 61 470 46() - I .8 1.5 13.1 Ir.a 52 49 It.a. il.a. n.a. ASPKorea, Deil. PwoplC's Rep Ii.e. 18,747 19,185 n.a. na. Il.e. 2.5 in.a 59 64 50 32 ii a. 116 ASPKouca, Rep. ol' 75,090 80,310 39.336 34,958 1.910 2.010 7.2 1I6 5.6 59 67 50 32 103 107 ASPKLuwait 30,63() 3(1.291 1,562 1,667 19,610 18.180 10.3 6 4 3.7 66 71 49 32 89 94 ASP-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - _ - -

Page 10: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

Life Infiant Prinary

,opatlmarketpraces Gtowdo rates (pretit) expectancy moital ty Si/nail(ril/lions of Poputlaort Gnp per (apita Ginp per ot birth rate (aiqed eoto//ni entLi .S dollars) (thouo.ands) (U S. dollar.s) Gnp Ptpuaation capita (yeara) tinder 1) (percent)

Counttytr ter?ritoy 1982 I98 3p 1982 198/p 1982 /983p 1973-82 1973-82 1973-82 1970 19R2 1970 1982 1970 19821 Localion

Lao PDR HrA. na. 3,578 3.657 ll.d. ni.a. nI.a. 2.1 n.a. 40 43 171 159 54 97 ASP

Lebanon I.a- n a. 2,637 2.624 n.a. l a n a. -0 3 l a. 64 65 50 39 119 1 18 ASPL.esolIIod 710 670 1.404 1.437 510 470 6.5 2.4 4.0 47 53 119 94 90 104 AFRLiberia 990 990 2.014 2,090 490 470 2.5 3.5 -0.9 49 54 132 91 50 66 AFRLibya 27,120 25,100 3,216 3.344 8,430 7.500 44 4.1 03 52 57 128 95 I I 1/23 AFR

Luxembourg 5/130 4,470 366 367 14,010 12/190 2.6 0.4 2.3 70 73 25 11 il6 95 EURMaeao' 810 780 298 304 2,710 2,560 11.3 1.9 9 3 60 68 /6 38 n a. n.a. ASP

Madagascar- 2,960 2,730 9,199 9.435 320 290 0.1 2.7 -2.5 42 48 149 11 6 88 100 AFRMalaawi 1.360 1,390 6.452 6,670 210 210 4.2 3.1 1.1 41 44 173 137 36 62 AFRMalaysia 27.COQ 27,760 14,528 /4,863 1,870 /,870 7.4 2.4 4.9 61 67 46 29 87 92 ASI

Maldiives n.a. n.a. 163 168 lI.a. na. tt.a. 3.1 l.a. 47 47 na. 88 na. 61 ASPMali 1/230 1l 10 7,076 7,277 170 150 4.8 2.7 2.1 41 45 162 132 23 27 APRMalta 1,370 1,310 360 354 3,790 3,710 10.8 1.6 9.1 70 72 28 14 113 110 FURMartinique° 1,450 1,330 31/ 311 4,670 4,270 2.7 -0.6 3.3 67 75 34 13 na. na. NCAMauLritaria 760 720 1,5 98 1,637 480 440 3.0 2.3 //7 40 45 162 1 38 /4 33 AFR

Ma1r,itiuls 1,210 1,250 985 999 1,230 1,150 3.9 1.6 2 3 62 67 61 32 97 107 AFRMexi(o 200,520 1/68.070 73,122 75.i03 2,740 2,240 6.2 2.9 3.2 6/1 6S 74 53 104 121 NCAMongolia n.a na. 1.764 1,812 n.a. na. ra. 2.9 n.a. 59 65 73 5 l 1/3 105 ASPMoniserrarl 30 30 12 13 2,420 2.360 5.3' 0.6' 4 74T n.a. n.a. ri.a. oi.a. n. a. n a. NCAMolocco 17.510 15.620 20,269 20.801 860 750 4.7 2.6 2.1 5/ 52 134 125 52 78 APR

Mo7atnbiqjLt ui.a. .an. 12.908 13.345 n. a I].L( n a. 4.9 tt.a. 46 51 133 11 1 47 9(1 AFRNarntibia 2,010 1,920 1,05 i 1,088 1,910 1,760 4.5 2.7 1.8 56 60 137 116 nI.a. n1.a. APRNepal 2,560 2,660 15,428 15,838 170 170 3 0 2.7 03 42 46 173 145 26 91 ASPNeOii elands 154.400 142.420 14,310 14.374 10,790 9.910 1.6 0.7 0.9 74 76 13 8 102 100 EURtNetherlands Antilles' 1,370 na. 253 256 5,430 na 34 0.9 2.4 la. 71 23 na. na. .na. NCA

New Caled/oitia 1,150 1.140 144 146 7,960 7,790 0.3 1.2 0.9 61 67 41 30 n.a. il.a. ASPNew2enalatd 25,390 24,000 3,210 3,237 7,910 7,410 04 0.8 -0.3 72 73 17 12 110 102 ASPNicaraguta 2.490 2.690 2,886 2,999 860 900 1.6 3 9 5.3 53 58 116 86 83 104 NCANigel 1,780 1,460 5,878 6,057 300 240 6.1 3.2 2.8 41 45 158 132 14 23 AFRNigeria 77,380 71l030 90,572 93,642 850 760 2,0 2.6 -0.7 44 50 /54 /09 37 98 AFR

Ninie n.a. n.a. 3 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. ii.a. na. in.a. io.a. n.a. iu.a. in.a. n.a. ASPNorway 58.720 57,090 4,1 1 5 4,130 14,270 13,820 3,6 0.4 312 74 76 13 8 89 100 EUROman 6.870 7.070 1,079 1,133 6.370 6.240 10.4 4.8 5.4 44 52 158 /23 3 74 ASPPacific slands, Trusr Terr. 1 30 140 142 145 930 1.000 / 1 3.9 31 n.a. 71 3(0 31 I].a n.a. ASPPakistan 33.020 35.000 87,125 89.831 380 390 5.9 3.0 2.9 46 50 /43 121 40 56 ASP

P ana(na 4.060 4,070 1,920 1,964 2,120 2,070 4.8 2.3 2.5 67 71 49 33 106 111 NCAPapua Nea Guiniea 2.590 2,510 3,128 3,197 830 790 1.4 2.1 -0.7 46 53 133 99 52 65 ASIParaguay 4.910 4.540 3,133 3,211 1,570 1,410 94 2.5 6.8 61 65 60 45 109 102 SOAPerui 22,030 I 8,650 17.449 17,877 1,260 1,040 2.0 21 -0.4 54 58 120 83 105 1 12 SOAPhilippinses 41.530 39,420 50,740 51,980 820 /60 5 8 2.8 2 9 59 61 75 5 108 110 ASP

Poland m.a. .n a. 36,227 36,555 n.a. na. 'l.a. 0.9 n a. 70 72 33 20 101 /00 EURPortugal 24,780 22,490 10,056 10,291 2,460 2,190 2 8 0.8 1 9 67 71 58 36 98 103 EURPueito Rico 12,140 12,830 3,259 3,295 3,720 2,890 1,6 0.8 0.8 72 74 29 16 117 82 NCAQaLarl 5,950 5,960 270 283 22,060 21,170 -2.0 7 4 -8.7 65 71 77 50 /02 113 ASP

RCU1niO1n 2,1 70 2,060 544 554 4,000 3,710) 1.2 1.7 0.5 62 66 i5 19 it. it.a. AFR

Romania ona. Ian. 22.478 22,604 n.a. nl a. n.a. 0C9 na. 69 71 49 29 112 103 EURRwanda 1.440 1540 5.530 5.720 260 270 5.9 3.4 2.3 43 46 150 126 74 72 AFRSaint/Chiistopher &Nevis 40 40 53 53 830 820 1.9 0.9 1.0 64 63 48 53 a. Iu.a. NCASaint Lucia 130 1 30 1/23 125 1,040 1,060 5.5 1.6 3 9 on.a. 69 60 30 na. 95 NCASaiituViiccnt 80 90 /0/ /02 770 860 3.8 0.8 3.0 ru.a 69 56 45 9? 90 NCA

Page 11: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

Life Infant at mare1 prices Glowrh rate, (pivcent, expectancy toriality srhool

(million) if Population Gntp per capiaatth rare aged enirDneaU.S. dallarpsJ 3aihoisands) (U.S. d/llars) 3nr Populan-vi Capita (year.) under lJ (percent)

Ciainly'orrterritory 1982 1983p 198S2 1 98Ip 1982

1 98 3p 1973-82 J973-82 1973-82 /97/) 1982 1970 1982 1970 1982 Location

Sao TomeandPrincipe, 40 30 100 I03 390 310 3.5 2.1 1.4 II a. 62 70 62 ia.a. ni a. AFRSaudiiAiabda 158,630 127,080 10,025 10.437 15,820 12.180 11 3 4.8 6.2 48 56 145 108 45 64 ASPSeniegal 2.950 2,730 6.026 6.195 490 140 2.0 2.7 -0.7 40 4 i 168 155 38 48 AFRSeyclirler. 1/5t 1('o 64 65 2,370 2,400 5 1 1 3 3.7 in.a. 70 40 30 nra. 95 AFRSierreLeone 1.230 1,23(0 3,394 3,265 390 380 1.8 2 / -0.3 34 38 219 190 33 39 AFR

Sill,apole 14,780 16,560 2.472 2.501 5,980 6,620 7 9 1.3 6.5 68 72 20 11 106 104 ASPSolomon Islanids 170 160 245 254 680 640 5.5 34 2.0 51 57 52 ri.a. 61 60 ASPSomrlalia 1.290 1,140 4 515 4,641 290 250 4.7 2.8 1.9 37 39 200 184 11 30 APRSouth Africa 80,660 76,890 30 422 31,345 2,650 2.450 3.3 2.8 0 9 58 63 74 55 99 i.a. APRSpailn 204,240 182,760 37,935 38.070 5,380 4,8(00 1 8 1.0 0.8 72 74 27 10 123 110 EUR

SriLanka 4,870 5,140 15.189 5I,419 320 330 4.9 1 7 3.2 64 69 59 32 99 103 ASPSindan 8,640 8,420 20,167 20.807 430 400 6.7 3.2 3.5 42 47 150 1 19 38 52 AFRSuriinanTie 1,220 1,280 368 363 3,310 3,520 4.4 -07 5.A 64 65 51 34 l31 103 SOASwaziland 620 610 664 688 930 890 3.5 3.5 0.0 48 55 116 130 89 110 AFRSwedcn 115.240 103,240 8,325 8.327 13,840 12.400 1.1 03 0.8 74 77 11 7 94 98 EUR

Switzerland 108,460 105,060 6.393 6.411 16,960 16,390 07 -0.1 0.8 73 79 15 8 na. in.a. EIJRSyriai Aiali Rep 15,870 16,510 9.458 9,810 1.680 1.680 8.6 3 5 4.9 57 66 96 58 78 101 ASPTaiizaaial 5,340 4,880 1).763 20(410 270 240 3.4 3.3 0.1 47 52 122 98 39 102 AFRlladaid 38.350 40,380 48,531 49.568 790 81( 6.5 2.4 4.0 58 63 75 51 83 96 ASP

Togo 960 790 2.754 2847 350 280 3.0 2.6 (04 42 47 164 122 69 111 AFR

Tokclaii n a. n a. 2 2 ni.a. rna. ii.a 9 l a. Il.a. il.a. il.a. 11 a. 11 a. na. Il.a ASPTonga' 70 8o 101 104 740 780 5.5 1 5 3.9 it a. 63 8 23 11 a. ii.a ASPTr iniidad aicTToblago 7,720 7,870 1.316 1.140 6,920 6,9100 5 6 0.3 5.2 66 66 34 26 307 94 NCATunisia 9.230 8,86(J 6,683 6,846 1,380 1,290 6.6 2.4 4.1 53 61 121 65 101 106 AFRTurkey 63,110 58.260 46.459 47 471 1,360 3,230 3.6 2.2 1.4 56 63 177 83 110 102 LUR

Tuvalu n.a, rtt.a. 7 7 n.a. na. ni.a. ina. a r a. n1.a. n.a. na.. 11 a. Ti a ASPU S.S.R. n.a. n.a. 269,994 272.311 n.a. n.a. Il.a. 0.9 70 69 24 ii a. 104 107 EURUgaanda 3,250 3,090 13.451 13881 240 220 -3.0 27 -5.6 47 47 113 120 39 54 AFR1Ji/ited Arab Emirates 27,260 25,770 1,132 1.208 24,080 21,310 11.5 12.0 -0.4 65 71 77 50 98 127 ASPUlited Kingdolmn 536,79(0 505,610 55,782 55.893 9,620 9,050 0.9 0.0 1.0 72 74 18 11 104 103 EUR

Unned Slates 3,047,490 3,292,340 231,533 233.739 13,160 14,090 2.5 1.0 1.5 71 75 20 11 1 00 100 NCAUl-uguay 10.020 7,390 2.918 2.969 3,400 2,490 3.4 0 5 2.9 69 73 47 34 113 122 SOAVTisalsi ni a. n a. 123 127 ii.a. 1l.a. n.a 2.5 ii.a. n.a. 55 11 a. i a. nl.a. ina. ASPVeneiclela 68,.30 70(820 16.660 17,257 4,140 4.100 3.5 3,S 00 63 68 59 39 94 105 SOAVietNam n,a. In.a. 57,046 58,538 n.a. iia. II a. 2.7 II a 55 64 1329 53 na J. 113 ASP

Virgin Islanids (U.S.) 810 890 100 130 8,090 8,810 2.1 1 7 0.4 ii a. 69 25 23 ia. na. NCAWallts anid FuLuna na. ii.a 10 30 n.a. nla. na, n. a. i/.a. a. n. ia. in.a. n.a. I.a. ASPWestcril Saloa ri a. a. 159 161 n.a. ni.a. ia. (18 II a. 61 65 48 13 91 n a ASPYenienArabRep. 3.710 3.930 7,470 7,696 500 510 6.6 3.0 3.5 39 44 188 163 12 47 ASPYeucrn, PDR' 930 3,020 1.957 2.009 470 510 90'1 2.3 6.41 40 46 1 77 140 57 64 ASP

Yugoslavla 70,270 58.520 22,646 22.777 3,100 2,570 5.2 0.9 4.3 68 71 56 34 106 39 EtJRZaire 5,580 5,050 30,689 31,627 180 160 -3.2 30 -4.2 44 50 132 1(06 88 90 AFRZarnbia 3,860 3.630 6.045 6.255 640 580 0 6 3.2 -2.5 45 51 137 105 89 96 APRZimbhab/isc 6,400 5,820 7,499 7,822 850 /40 3 7 3.3 0.4 53 56 90 83 74 126 AFR9: prelmimmary. n a.:noltavailablc AFR A/rica ASP: Aia and tSPlcPacnlic. FPr2 (Luie,p NCA .Nraii/a ralAmerS a Sr)A Siuat/iAmnica.d. Esiirieicsol gip ai ci giip percapii.a .nlta thcirgr.inL / larin alr rltlttiVa b 5 ata/es idat fin i tie C. Figaras fur gap ail8)gil/ per cr /lzia arc niO (le P.M Baa S naly.ii. 3/im au I 'Y75-82. I Igarrs iraie( Rel ilai.tXialaa iiaaiAlia Jia/y. 1. Iligalrrr gecilraly reic to 3)990, I3593, or 39Li2.

Page 12: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

ci-iRT,fjS The World Bank uses estimates of h Gnp at market prices, 1982GROSS main yardsLick of cconomic activitv in a Cltinrrv. How gnp is estimated

NATIONAL Gnp does not measUrc iterms importanit to Gnp estimates cormprise CStimTiates of gross

PJ1E^ED.UZTi', welfare in most sociCiecs, such as eniploVFY)em t domilesLic product (gdp) and net factor incorne Less than $10 billiostatus, thedistribution of inCosiC and wIcalilt, IIIe from abroad. Gdp measurcs the valuI Of fillal1982 qualily of the environmcnt the availabilily of goods and serviccs produced by a coLiuitry's $10billiontoleSSthan19 2quality of the environMentL, the availabiliLy of' domestic economy. To obtain gnp, which is the $50 bilion

The market value ofth(: health and education services, andt job sccLIrity oitpuit claimed tvy residents of the cotintry, gdp

final output of goods and and the opporiunities for advancement t'he muIst he adjusted by the nct factor income from $50 billion to lcss than

services claimed by the complexity of incorporating these conditionUs it a abroa(. That inicome coimprises Lie ilicome lresi $100 billion

residents ofa country in comprehensive indicator of welfare leads econo- denits receive frottt abroad for factor services(labor, investment, andt interest) less similar- pay- $ 100 billion attnc inTore

a year. mists to settle for such measures as gop-which niietts made to noitresidents who contributed tocovers most of the goods and services available the domestic econoimy.

for consstmption and investment Ithere are three wvavs of estimatioig gdp (see Ni date

Gnp data nieed, thciefore, to be comple- thechart below). Theproduction method foctises

menited by other indicators. partictilarly those on the niet otitput of art ccoiiiy's vaeinos sec-that relate rrnore circctly toelthe quality of' life, tors ithat is, ott the value of the gross oLutput ot

gt(its atiid scivices pitoduced, less the value ofsucih as Lhe social data presetited later in thlis goods aitd services used as inputs in the prodtic-

Atlas. tioit process) The incorTIc mitei1od fOCLISeS Oll the

icomile that goes to the various factors of produc-tion (labor, capital, aaid land). the expenditureIttCthod focLusCs Oll Lhe fittal expeitditure on con-sumptionr investmenit, atnd exports (less imports,whichi are subiracted because imnported goodsaicd seivices are it]cluded in consumption andinvestmenn. Sincc somc goods aiid services aretot exclialged for money but are prodtuced for

own use or barter, the vaiLle of irtanv sllch goodsand sCrvices is ituipUed amid iticluded in the gdpestimnates,

Summary of the three ways Ranking oi'countries and

of' estimating gnp territories with more than

at market prices Production Income Expenditure I rillion peoplc

Net output of:Aqricudture tVages and salaries Ptivate conscmnption Gnp I 982 $100 billion

+ Mining and of employees + Public consumptionmanufacturing + Profit and incomefrom

+ Consrinction self-employment + Investment

+ Utilities _ + Rent and interest + Exports of goods and+ Trade and transport nonfactor services+ Government services - Depreciation Impors ofgoods and+ Other privaie services + NVet indirect taxes nonfactor services $50 billion

- Gdp at market prices = Gdp at market prices = Gdp at market prices+ Net factor income + Netfactoriincome + Net factor income

from abroad from abroad from abroad

Gnp at market prices = Gnp at market prices = Gnp at market prices$10 billion

10 _

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Page 14: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

POPULATION, Where do the world's people live? A fifth live in POPLlatioD, 1982China, a seventh in India, a tenth in the U.S. anid How ffet paropger groups polffers

1982 U.S.S.R. combinled, a hiindred-thousandth in

The number ofpeople Belize. Pul differenitly, three-quarters of the ] Less than I millionliving in a country in e world's people live in developing countries. And Agegroup Industrial countries I million tn less than

of 189 countries and territories. 1 14 have felwer t r Iilliolsmiddle ofayear. than 10 million people. 61 fewer than I million 0-1 4years , tiiillo

people. 15-64 years E Il million to lcss than

How does the proportion of people in differ- I - _ 50 million

ent age groups ijff'er from coulltry to counlry? 65±'Ihe proporLion in the yot1igest group is far Developinq countries 050 milliontolessthangreater in the developing countrics than in the 100 milliondeveloped countries. And in many developing 0-14 years 100 million and morecountries almost half the people are under 15, 15-64 ypoised to eniter their productive and rcproductive 1 yers _ No datayears. 65 A

0 20 40 60

Percentage ofr popolarion

Where people live I Ranking of couLntries andPercentage of world population territories with more chan

10percent 20 percent 30percenl 40percent 50percent 1 million peopleI I I I

i g Nor-th anid Population, 1982 50 million

Brazil 40 million

30 million

A f n c~~~Aria

Nigeria Asia and the PaciJic 20 maillion

Japan Indonesia 10 million

500 million I billion 1. 5 billion 2 billion 2.5billnionNumber ofpeople I million


Page 15: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

|- _________ ____ _ TO IE`D1IDAO h30.B0 'xlIJIF W1 331' 0 H-,30S


________ | . a E0 FEE

sPlEL~~~~~~~~~~~~~C I A L \A R " PE P 9^*

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- 31330 33(4130330

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'['3A 3 3W 03303,,

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W= XIHtLANL > e ,S' S ) |E. J>~RELAN

A-l,lA i_3Ej.4TONDt R-_

XWE =ffi ;aX~~~~~~~L W A DE f

DENMARK330 0,T 3

B03L3, A.3 0

330 Al.l!003RK031TU1I3.333 a,34043N 3R3B 333'3w33330.33 3133AGU333,30>3.> O00

ECANGCL4- ,,3~~~~~~~~~~'FEEN

300,0 'R13333 10303T

'03 ".33RUE' 43

3010330__ __ __ __ _ 30

GREEN _______ 003~~~~~~BE r0

0333 (3303A__________ 343 103Yu [UGA


000RA 03.10

30 H11333 1,NERA033

_________ 330433000BE 3L 3

30R3AN1.33 KA000013.

_ _ 0333300 . I~~~~~~~EE33,jN100A.

IF- RGRIA OEM P-~~~~~~~~~~3333,4 10TA333 IA_____ E_ 3 01

___________ '43310~~LI)A

RO'OAFilA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~3

Page 16: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

POPULTIOiN ~~~Population growth in~ the developing countries ~Population groweth rate,POPULATION peaked at 2A4 percent a year in 1965. t'hat rate How fast is the number of people growing? 1973-82

GROW TH has since fallen to about 2.1 percent, with much Shares ofworldpopulationgrrvwing

RATE, of the decline occurring in China. Even so, the at different rates1973 82 s n c number of' people added each year to most coun- D Less Liani I percent1973-82 Z trics' populations is larger today thani in the miid-I-rThe average annual 1960s. The reasoni is that the increases in the 2III I iercent toless than

percentage change in a population base have more tlhar offset the reduc- -2

country'spopulation. The tion in growth rates. D 2 perctm to less thanabsolute change in a year A country's rate of population growth is 3 perccltis the sum of births and determined by how many women are of child-immigrants minus the sum bearing age and by how frequently they have L-i 3 prccntancd morcof deaths and emigrants. children. It is also determined by the rate at fX I No d1ata

which people are dying-and by migration.

Corntr yroups are the saee as thoss !r the irap key at right

Population growth and - I Ranking ol'countries andgnp per capita Population rowth r ale(pel cent), 1973-82 terriLories with iorc Lthai

5 1 nmillion people

4 O Population growth rate. 6 percet1973-82

3 6i a n % BrR h Sh S u n hl n 5 percent

m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 percent

INa so ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 percentX * R Ea lEIa g i ht a?J a D 4pylTeXt lg

a 2 2 percentSce IhC <iatec err pages 6-91o Ihuh iris rFt U % 0 5. ecn

c hi h, Irls scarer diagrari wit tie houIo- 0 -

Wrier a-id rerrrories they reptresr.... Thc 1va1ues correspond to1trsc nhe i rh-k El I petrcentrrdelerig charl, exceli Ior aItues ei- e - -idthe scaleotirheidiagram,a rhich ar, norrepresented $400 $800 $1,600 $3,200 $6,400 $12,800 $25,600 0

G??ppercapita. 198214

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2ECF.001F A

OAF-________ [O~~~~~~~~FFV FF



FEF F _______ ________ FAFFEFF~~~~~~~~ PF1 IE

Fp F F_______ A FE F FT rip~~C


____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EHOlAF

PFP1 IRA F U T_________ Fo~~~~~~~~~~RX l F E_______ 00010FF~~~BHU

NIA F____ _____ _____ AID FTFFIF


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O EF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANO

I4 ~~~~~' 1000FF~~~~~~~~Y AirVF10 FA

_____ 110~~~~~~~~ F,FFAAF F DL. - F[ F oR.

Page 18: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

GN4P PIEIR The estimates of gnp per capita take into account I -GNPPI A both the volume of goods and services produced 7The ditribution of gnp per capita Gnp per capta 1982

CAPITA.., in a country in a year and the size of the country's Shares of world population living in countries

1982 populationi Ncarly halfLhe world's people live in havi padifferent levels ofgnp per capita S400 and lesscountries with an average gnp per capita of $270 D 401so 635

A country's gnp divided in 1982. That figuLe is a lizirtieth of the average of

by its population. $11,390 in countries with a sixth of the world's EI: $1,636to$5500

people.more than $5,500

DNo data

Couwiirygroups atefl esame as those in the rap khy at rnjh

How much, on average, for Ranking of countries andhow many? cInome territories with Imlore than

how many? ~~~~~~group 1 miillion people

$400 2$70 - Average gnp per capita, 1982and less **@B@@@ OOOO *- g@O@@OO*4-N surnbet ofpeople

0 1 I00 ivillion Gnp per capita, 1982 $6,000

$401 S840to$1,635 4e 0 * e

$1,636 ,0 $2 740 $4,000to $5,300

Mor'e thani " $s,, J~'~-$,,~~saO§ S 1,390 $,0

0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 8, 01)0 $10,000 $12 000


16 _ _ _ _

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<X,ts,~~~~~~~~~~~~BUG'. It:V4 CUBA


_ FLA D't, RrE

MONGOL14.{,' .,I ~~~~~~~~~~~~AB£A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E R QJE



_________ PEGYF ABRA REP i

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IRIO R- ''

Page 20: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

GNP PER During 1973-82 the gnp per capita increased at Gnp per capita growth rate,

the rate of 4 percent a year or more-a rate fast How differeint rates of gnp and population 1973-82

CAPITA enough to have thI ouLtput of goods and services growth can give the same gnp per capita

G:ROW TH per capita double in 17 or 18 years-for countriesiR. T ~with more than 1.3 billion people. For countries Average annualgrowtrh rare K] Less than zero

RATE, with another 800 million people, the ouLtput of (percent)

19 73-82 goods and services per capita rose betweeni 2 and Gnp per capita o less than

4 percent a year. But for 1 .4 billion pcople, it rose 4 2 percent

Theraverage hangeinual less than 2 percent a year. And for a quarner bil- F1 _percentage change in a liiipol,ms o hmi fia i l trig2 percent. to less than

country's gnp per capita. lon people, most of them in Afrca. it fell dtieig 3 4 percentthe decade.3

2 - More thani 4 PerFCCtt

2 D Isle~~~~~~~~~N data

Gnp per capita and its Ranking of countries, and

growth Gnp per capita gro~wth rte (pe'cenit), 1 973-82 territories with more than-

_______________________________________I million people


Gnp pet capita 6 percent

4 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~________________________________growth? rate,

n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1973-824pecn42percent

m VA gi ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 percent

unsInhi, scalNe diag,-m wihthe n2oern-itrie- ard teto ilsliey xpwe.ieet. he1 -4 -

Galne ... ..per. pi- th) In-t it the oaordering eharr en-enlir eaines oaieF

4 percent

tinet scl onp the diagram whichl rare (pr n) 17-2trrtre i oeta

represeted. $400 $800 81,600 $3,200 $6,400 $12,800 $25.600

Gnp per capita, 1982

18~2l2 tl :ttgr]ttrt.4ecn

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- |~~~~~~-



- - - - --w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,.7

Page 22: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

A COMPOSITEVIEW OF GNP, ana P eFiero lalali)



The area for each country Ubder . ,mi..c... 4c p i N

shows its share of globalgnp, the color its gnp per


Ta.,aa ~~ rse,..aar '$ss5 - A ,a b .

$10billiontolessthall$50billion~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OV, 670,410 51.2 1,16$01 to$1,63 53,1I3,62 80 4

Calombia 831,780 4,2 1, 4 486,364 2,740 4a

Papun N.a. (ainc - .a,(

Morethan$00billio 8,795,930 Population per Nb $ Popu079,470p er9,1 11,39 38aN

Uda.S. dollars 5 174,659nds) (U.aS. 30) No data n.a. dollars ,659Oiou sands,(Un.Sa. d ollas 0a

Gnp, 1982 1982 1982 1982 C19ulitn~~~~~~~mases Gnppe cait,(98293 192,98 c euntries

$50 bilioii t less haii (millibilion of Pop80 la48io6 per5 12a1,6a Nuober (toil/3o0s4of 486,364io per4 ca4t 'lml

Morec than $ 100 billion 8,795.930 2,629.754 3,340 1 8 $5,500 andi MOFrC 8,079,470 709,614 1 1,390 38

No data n.a. 574,659 n.a. 3 30 No data n.a. 574,65 9 n.a. 3 0



Page 23: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

Gross national productper capita, 1982

D $400 ani( less N w-*I dlac [Den

ED $401 tc $1,635 irciocctMoI UEnmarc Democratic

LI$1,636 to $5,500 Of Kc-e

Morec thani $5,500

n No data -'-5j,,

The area for each country .ca e ,, a , u,,- AC -, ,

shows its share of'global Els O5~ Oitttr

population, the color its ,e, Arit = tgnp per capita. . u.,. 5sor ),4i _ - Ob ( [Kn

Sudan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orcee,a0 qrr1 - GO.a., [10)~UR.- (F,


grnipono Popu/talion per.-capita A'lumaber- (Gnllnso Popularion per capita NitmberGnp per capita UJ S. dol Dcrs) (thousaxnds) (U.S, cdollcirs) O,f Population U.S. dollars) (thouisandts) (UJ.S. dollaXrs) of

growth rate, 1973-82 t9rS2 ---- 1982 1982 coiintries g-rowthi- rate, 1973-82 1982 1982 1982 colGntfiesl,ess than zero 2(.5,1)40 241,104 1.100 32 Less thaii I% 3,224,090 346,142 9,310 33

ZeroLo less thaii 2 A 5,386,050 1,414,218S 3.810 5 1 No to less than 2% 5,498,420 1,61 8,942 3,400 402% Lo lcss than 40,6 3.951.220 933,946 4,230 43 2 %to)less than 3 1/ 1.300.140 1,704.211 760 494% andmiiiore 930,790 1,399,097 670 31 3n/rtandmnore 514.020 324,061 1,590 37

No clata ni.a- 579,65() n.a. 32 No data n. a. 574.659 ni a. 3 0

Page 24: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

One of the biggest changes in human life during -- Life expectancy at birth,LIFE 'lthe last two decades is that people in developing The prospect of liFe at birth 1982

EXPECTANCY countries canl expect to have much longer lives: Shares of vorld population livnq in countries

AT BIRTH, 60 years for an infant born in 1982, compared havvitg differeni life expectancies'at birth

1982 with 45 years for an infant born in 1960. The J Less Ltha 50 yearscorresponding incrcase for the industrial coun- E 50 years to less thani 60

The average number of tries is to 76 years, from about 70 years. years

years a newborn infant The variation among developing countries iswould live if patterns of considerable. In a dozen of the richer ones, life 60 years to less than 70

mortality prevailing for all expectancy at birth is 70 or more, the saime as in years

people at the time of its [tic indiustrial countries in 1960. In a dozen of the 70 years and more

birth were to stay the same poorel ones, it is still less than 45 years.

throughout its life. Surviving the first years of life makes a big i F No data

difference in life expectancy. In a developingcountry in 1982, whlcin a newborn infant could -' i k n

expect to live 60 years, a five-year-old coild onthe average expect to live to be 66.

Countrygroeps are the same as thove in the map key at rnqht

Life expectancy and Ranking of countries and

gnp per capita Life expectancy at birth (years), 1982 territories with more than

so80 I 1 million people

70 * * A a ) ILiffexpectancy, 1982 80 years

U 60 1 * U ,{ g s | 70 years

I ~ ~ ~ a , *l * ,

I *1 : . a " 1 60years

Sce the tae ri pages 6-a o link he al- 50 yearsaes in Ihis teatser diagram with Ihe counl- II

tries air eriroristhe, reprcsc ThC |40lTe l

values Carrcsiiartd ro dtsc in Inc rank |a 5

ordering cha.t, e-nepi In oalue uside 40 years

thescaleofikcdtagramnvhierr-c-o $400 $800 $1,600 $3,200 $6,400 $12,800 $25,600rlirreren red. Gnp per capita, 1982


Page 25: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe


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Page 26: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

Why do so many more infants die in the develop- Deaths in the first year of life I rant mortality rate, 1982IN4FAN,b4T ing counltries thaii in the developed countiies?

M ORTALITY Impure drinking waLcr an d uitnsai nitary liviiig Shares of avorld population in countries havihq

RATE, 1982 conditions are two iniporLailt reasons. The diets diff'rent infant mortality rates L tess than IO perof pregnant women, nursing mothers, and thousand live births

The number of infants who babies are another. Poor nutrition and sanitation [ 10 io less than 50die before reaching their contribute to disease. Added to this, the avail- I \ tfirst birthday, per thousand ability of health care is often inadequate. [\ 50 in Icss than lOO

live births, in a year. The inlant mortality rate thus indicates the I00 n and imotehcalth, nutritioni, access to medical care, and [7 No dataother conditions in a country. As health condi-tions itisprovc, thc infanit mnoitality rate usually

declines, and life expectancy usually increases.

Countryisqsacpsa e thesane as those in the map key at right

Infant mortality and - Ranking of countries andguj) per capita Infantmosortalit.yrate pertthousand livebirths, 1982 territories with more than

200 1 million people

*iml Infant mortality rate per 200thousand live hirths,

150 u * 1982

100 _50

F' ; 100

50 _ _ _ _ _

See ihe table an pages 6-9 it li,tk the -a _ __aes in this sca-tte diagra- with the roan- S * e satries a-d tewrt.oies tsey, ep.ese.t fhe r * Fi tr

valuesorrespa,d n ithas inite ratik 10 u f t f_str gerirg chart,XCeptirS t -vates Itsidc El ctarears . $400 $800 $1,600 $3,200 $6,400 $12,800 $25,600 10Gnp per eapita, 1982


Page 27: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe


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Page 28: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

PRIM ARY Primary education is much more widely avail- Enrollment in ^y hi Primary schoolable today ihan it was 20 years ago, especially for primar scoo enrollment ratio, 19s2

SCIHOOL girls. The average primary school enrollment Shares of world population living in countries with

ENROLLM ENT ratio for the developing countries is up frorn sn diffetent primary enrollment ratiosRATIO, 1982 percent in 1960 to 96 percent in 1982. During the E Less thaD 50 percent

same period, school enrollments in the develop- E] 50 percent to less thanThie number of children in in g cotintries more than dou bled, from about 240 75 percentpriniary school, expressed millioni to almost 500 a percentage of the nurn- I'here is a straightforward explanationi forI 75 percent to less than

ber of children of primary ratios that are higher than 100 percent . TI'he ntim- 100 percentschool age, which in most ber of children in primary school includcs all 1 o percent and morecountries is 6 to t1 years. children enrolled, even those younger than- 6 or

oldecr thjan I I. So the numerator can be larger El No datathan the dienominator, especially in countrieswhere- older chilidren are still in primar-y 'school-because they started late or hlad to repeat a year.

fioutityryroiips ureihesaoemas uhose in iheniap key at right

Primary school enrollment Ranking of countries andand gnp per capita Primary school enrollment as a percentage territories with more than

of school-agepopulation, 1982 1 million people125 U * * U

* Urn~~~ Primary school 125 perent100 '6 % I * L a * * enrollment ratio,

75 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a100 percent

U * a X '75 percent

Sec the table on pages 6-9 to liak the al- 25 | 50 percentues in this scatter diagram with the coun- _tris-adll territories Lie Yrepreset... The I

rvalue, correspotrt i, Lhose to the rarok l 25 percentoreri ler,t char, . exeefr or rc 'oaltoes 0ai ideC 0 I _ __ _

the tceie 05mb diagroto, rvhlcit ore trot $400 $800 $1,600 $3,200 $6,400 $12,800 $25,6006Gnp per capita, 1982 0

26 _

Page 29: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

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Page 30: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

TECHIINIC.A.L The World Bank recogniizes that perfcct and Income: lnternalional Comparisons of Real are derived by dividing the sum of gnp fig-cross-country comparability of gnp per cap- Gross Product (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins ures in current U.S. dollars by the sum of

NOTES ita estimates cannot be achieved. Beyond the University Press. 1982). populationi. The gr-OLup averages for the socialclassic, strictly intractable "index number As noted in the introduction, the esti- indicators are the populaLion-weightedproblem," two obstacles stand in the way of mates of 1982 gnp and per capita gnp pub- arithmetic means of the respective indicator

adequate comparability. One concerns gnp lished in this Atlas are calculated on the basis values for each country in the group. Thesenumbers themselves. There are differences of the 1980-82 base period. With this averages could be consiclered as approxima-in lhe national accounting sysLems of coun- method, the first step is lo calculate the con- tions of norimial" values for the respectivetries and in the coverage and reliability of version factor. This is done by taking the country groups. Since the covelage of coun-

underlying statistical information between simple arithmetic average of the actual tries among the indicators depends on thevarious countries. The other relates to the exchange rate for 1982 and of deflated availability of data and is noL uLliforn, cau-conversion of gnp data, expressed in differ- exchanige rates for 1980 and 1981. The tion must be exercised in relating averages ofenL national currencies, to a commoin numr- actual exchange rate for 1980 is multiplied one indicator to another.raire, conventionally the U.S. dollar, to by the relative rate of inflationi for the coun- The primary sources for data on life

compare them across countries. The World try and the United States between 1980 and expectancy, infant mortality, and primaryBank's procedure for converting gnp to US, 1982; the acLual exchange raLe for 1981 is school enrollment are the publications ofdollars is essentially based on the use of the mtultiplied by the rclative rate of inflation for specialized international agencies, supple-

official exchange rate. For some cotintries, the counltry and for the linitcd States mented by data from World Bank data files.however. the prevailing official exchliage between 1981 and 1982. Despite the difficulties in achieving compara-rate does not fully reflect the rate effectively This average of the actual and the bility in definitions and coverage, the indica-applied to actual foreign exchange transac- deflated exchange rates is intended to tors are useful tor describing orders of

tions. smooth the inipact of flutctuations in prices maginitude, indicating trends, and character-Recognizing that these shortcomings and exchange rates. The second step is to izing rmajor differenices between countries.

affect the comparability of the gnp per capita convert the gnp at current market prices and For the gross primary school enrollmentestimates, the World Bank has introduced in national currencies of the year 1982 by ratios, the most recent estimlates have beenseveral improvements in the estimation pro- means of the conversion factor as derived used if data were not available for 1982.cedures. Through its regular review of above. Then the resulting gnp in 1982 U.S. (Throughout the Atlas, the data for Chiia donational accounts of its memir ber countries, dollars is divided by the midyear population not include Taiwan.)the World Bank systematically evaluates the to derive the 1982 per capita gnp in current Scholars and statisticians interested in agnp estimates, focusing on the coverage and U.S. dollars. The preliminary estimates of fuller and more technical explanation of theconcepts employed, and where appropriate gnp per capita for 1983, shown together method used in compiling the gnp per capitamakes adjustments to improve comparabil- with the 1982 estimates, are calculated by figures for the Atlas are invited to addressity. The World Bank also undertakes a sys- the same method, but with 1981-83 as the their queries to the Comparative Analysistematic review of exclange rates to assess base period. and Data Division, Economic Analysis andtheir appropriateness as conversion factors. The estimates of population are primarily Projections Department, The World Bank,An alteinative conversion factor is tised from the U.N. Population Division. In some 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.when the official exclange rate for a country cases the populationi estimates were adjusted 20433, U.S.A.isjjudged to diverge by an exceptionally large by the World Bank. Refugees noL perma-margin from the rate efiectively applied to nently settled in the country of asylum areforcign transactions. generally considered to be part of the popu-

in an effort to achieve greater compara- lation of their country of origin.bility, the U.N. International Comparison Growth rates of population, gnp, and gnpProject has developed measures of gdp using per capita for 1973-82 are average annualpttrchasing-power parities rather thall growth rates that have been computed byexchange rates. So far the project covers only fitting trend lines to the logarithmic values ofa limited set of countries, and some inherent population, gnp, and gnp per capita at con-methodological issues remain unresolved. stant market prices for each year of the tine

Readers are referred to Irving Kravis, Alan period.Heston. and Robert Summers, World Product The group averages for gnp per capita


Page 31: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

XBOIJT 'I'he World Bank is a multilateral develop- The IBRD finances its lending operations The International Finance Corporationment institution whose purpose is to assisL its primarily from borrowings in the world cap- (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank, works

THE developing member countries in furthering ital markets. IDA extends assistance to the to further economic development by pro-

W ORLD their economic and social progress so that poorest countries on easier terms, largely moting growth in the private sector of devel-their people may live better and fuller lives. from resources provided by its wealthier oping countries. Using its own resources andBA N KS The term "The World Bank" refers to two members. Funds from such other sources as working closely with private investors fromlegally and financially distinct entities: the governments, commercial banks, export around thc world, it helps Lo niobilize for-International Bank for Reconstruction and credit agencies, and other multilateral insti- eign and domestic capital to invest in com-Development (IBRD) and the International ttitions are increasingly being paired with mercial enterprises.Developmenl Association (IDA). Thic IBRD World Bank funds to cofinance projects. As of 31 December 1984, 148 countriesand IDA have thirlee related ltinctions: to lend As part of its work the Bank tries to help were members of the IBRD, 132 of IDA. andfonds, to provide economic advice and tech- countries deal more effectively with ihe 126 of the IFC.nical assistance, and to serve as a catalyst in social aspects of economic development,stimulating investment by others. Thus, the such as rural poverty, income distribuition,World Bank helps to support a wide variety and rapid population griowth.of projects, large and small, public and pri- The World Bank also provides loans tovate, chiefly in the following fields: agricul- help developing cotintries adjust their eco-ture and rural development, education, nomic policies and structures in the face ofenergy, industry, population planning, tech- balance of payments problems that threaieiinical assistance, transport, telecommiunica- contintilig development. Andi a short-termtions, urban development, and water special action program has the goals ofsupply. developing exports, financing imports for

critical productive activities, and rehabilitat-ing and modernizing infrasirticture.

Headquaners Buruwidi Gliana Kenya Pakisuan Sri Lanka Togo18N38 H SirCet. N.W., 45. avcnue de la Poste IA Kakramadu Road Beinsuranice Plaza Hotise #36, First Srrect Peopie's Bank, Head Ofiicc 169. bolievard CirculaireWashington. D.C. 20433 B.P. 2637 EasrCantoiimenis (5Lht&6th Floor) PO. Box I025 (liOth Floor) Immouble BrTCiNew York Bujumbura, Burundi P.O. Box M27 laifa Road Islamabad, Pakistani Sir CA. Gardiner Mawvatha 8' Etage747 Third Aveinuc (26ti Floor) Cameroon Accra. Ghana i'O. Box 30577 P.O. Box 1761 Bi. 3915New York. New York 10017 Immeubir Kennedy India Nairobi, Kenya A Peru Colombo Sri Lanka Lame, TogBangIadesh Avenue Kceonedy 55 Lodi Esiate Madagascar A Cntado 4480 Sudan Uganda2angladesa B. P. 1128 P.O. Box416 I, ruePairiceLumumba LAmad Peru sudan Kuwaln Cenitrc EastAlrican Development Bank

222. Bow 97a",Ra Yaounde. Cameroon Nlew Delhi, India B. P. 4140 Lia cuTower No. I 17th yinloer Building2 2 2 N e w E s k a t o n R o a d P . O .n d e , C a m e r o o l l N e w D e l h i .l n d a 9A n t a n a n a r i v o 1 0 1 , M a d a g a s c a r R w a n d a N i le A v e n u e 4 , N i le A v e iu e

Dhaka, Bangladesh Colombia Indonesia M.RuedeCyahafi P.O Box 221 1O. Box 4463Edific,o Aseguradora del Valle JI RasunaaSaid. Kav B- 1 m l Rue Mahl 609 K tou 22i

Benin. Carrera I0. No. 24-55 (Piso 171 Suite 301 Immeuble CHAR Pigal. Boxa609 Khartoum Fast, sudaui Kampala, UganodoZone Resideotielle de la Radio Aparado Aeren 10229 P.O Box 324JJK'I Rue Square Lumumba Kigali.Rwanda Switzcriand United KingdomB. P03-2112 B BogPua D E., ColoibbNa Jakarta, Indo'iesia Bamk 1 '64 Saudi ia ITC Bui dIg New Zealand House (I 5thi Floorl

Cotonou, Hen, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bamnako. Mali Electricitv' Streei 54. rue de Monibrilianit HaymarkeiBolivia Ethicipia Ivory Coasl Nepal P.O. Box 5900 P.O. Box 104 London,l SWIP4TE. EnglanidEdificlo BiSA (4° Piso) IB'u LiNewg leleco64hmunicatiou s KincubicShell RNAC Buildig (IstFloor) Riyadh, Saidi Arahia 121i1 Geneva 20CIC Zairei6Bde Julio 1628 C HurLclinlIs R load ) B4 850ucLmbi P.O. Box 798 Senegal Switzerlandi Building UZBCasilla 8692 hucil o( .. 15 ahaii,Npll'iitbeSI aznaAx-cure des AviaieursLa yai. Bolivia P.O. Box S515 Abidjan, Ivory Coast Ka.Boa7 Np Imisle 501H Taneania

AddisAbaba, Ethiopia Niger 3 Plice de lIndependanice NIC Building (7th Floor. B) P.O. Box 14816Bradil Japan Immeubie El Nasr BE. 3296 P.O. Box 2054 Kiaishasa. ZaireHdircioSUDENt E France iKokusi Building, Room 916 12' EtagD-EscalierA) Dakar, Senegal Dar-es-Salaat. Tanlzarnia ZambiaCidade Univeixirai,ia 66. avenue dWina I -i. Marunouchi 3-chome BEP. 12402 Somalia Thailand CMAZ Buildinig50.000 Recire PE, Brazil 75116 Paris. France Chiyoda-ku Niamey. Niger Soniali Comorercnal 6 Savings Udom Vidhya Building Ben Bella Road

Burkina Tokyo 100. Japan Nigeria Bank Building (4th -lour) 956 Rama IV Road P0. Box 35410Iminieubie BECEA (3L Etagc) 30 Macarthy Street P.O. Box 1825 Sala Daeng Lusaka, ZambiaB. P 622 PO Box 127 Mogodishu, Somalia Bangkok, ThailandOuagdcougou, Burklina l agOs. Nigeria

Page 32: Public Disclosure Authorized BALBANK THE 11113 VWORLD o …… · United D Ijna Pl Isle,ot Man co Os akla ovrslo 4 Channe

THE WORLD BANKHeadquarters

1818 H Street, N.W.

Washinigtoni, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.

Telephone: (202) 477 1234



Cable address:


European Office

66, avenue diOna

75116 Paris, France

Tclephone: 723.54.21

lelcx: 842-620628

Tokyo Office

KokLisai Building

1-1, Mamru:!)ichi 3-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100. Japan

Telephone: 214-5001

Telex: 781-26838

ISSN 0085 8293

ISBN 0 8213 0321 X