PUBILIBHm: Ill' - s3.amazonaws.comVol+36+(1880)/Sabbath... · om and Gamo nh are men oned (chapte...


Transcript of PUBILIBHm: Ill' - s3.amazonaws.comVol+36+(1880)/Sabbath... · om and Gamo nh are men oned (chapte...



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"'-CootrfbutJona fo thI. departmen of I _ nawtlODat DII'ffB.. 0 anyth ng of In ~~ to our Bahbath-.4Chooh, an aoUo ted Addreu Geo. H Babcock, Prea dent, P 8.ln .od.W ~ 0 Re I.B Ll e roo e Sec t&oo rT New J(uket. N J





For /JaIJbatlI My &pl...w.r 4

GuMIS 19 12-26 Commit 10 memory veran 14 18

OlTTLINE L The warnIng }2..

U The eac&pe ~ ill Fhe doom 24-2ti



Introdncllon The p e""d Dg chap­Hr pl'eflenta Ab wm s a. nes p eading for tho doomed c y Though bo h S d om and Gamo nh are men oned (chapte 18 20) sa de a ed 0 he &me des net on 8 II h B intercessIOn men ODB only Sodom Doo.b eBB he had his nephew 1.0 m .... d hoped 0 find ba h ongh hiB nflu ence 808 a. rigb OWl man he e mlgh be at aut en righteous men n he c y

L The warnlnlr v 12-14 The meo Tho lwo ang.l, n hUlDlln fo m ",ho lef Abnham 18 2i! 9 1) and "en "' .. ard Bodom Hast tbou bere aDJ' bell de , God 8 me y was suffi clenl for his who e hou,.ho d bu ac ua 17 MoVed on 7 such as belle edln he wa n Ing and soughl 8&foly n fI gM Prebab y he .bad daughteJ'B mlU7ied and ae ed D

Ihe clly who pe.: .shod D be common d. luuet on and two unmarried daugh rs who 8lCiped wi h h m How m8.ny s nne 8

treat th8 GospeJ wa D ng 8S an d e tale For we will destroy this doe. not appear ha h e heaven y .enge .. had ""'y fu Ih.r pa I In th. d. Btruction of Sodom than to warn Lot's tamily a.d ... isl • he fl ghl The r luguage iB to be unde atood as announc Ing God. purpoa. Fo lb. Lo d w d.BI oy IW. oily

II Tbe eoeape v 15-28 SOl'el8 ba8lened Lot The D gh had p.uaed the day 01 doom wa. dawn iDg The message ot me Q! mU8t now be wi bmW'll. La h mBe t seemed a ow to beli~ve and had to be haoleDed by Ih. an gels. Ev.n be. h. lng, ed untl hey

laid ho dol hi. haud and bronghl him torUi It WN a seve e B ugg e lor him to leave a hi& 8ubs &nee and many to periBh heDce h. liDgO .d Bmnan nature salow 0 be mo ed even by mercy I!I warning vo ce

" E •• Lol hJms. f eo. d ling.rlng sland When vengeance waf n view

T" .. mer,,! plucked him by he haDd OJ' he ha pensbed 00

of 88 many d !ferent creeds, among thoa. upon the grounds IS prohable al.o tbat tbere were members of several other denom oat Dna preseot bot not n sullie ent numbera to form d st nct ve meet ngB. It • n the memory of even m ddle aged peraona nay young men wheo suoh a gatbenng as that at Chantaoqua woold have been mpos, ble Un ty has been looked

for and sought n on ty of doot ne and of oburoh organ z.t on but Chnst anB are learn ng that nn ty

week and fortn gbt at a t me aod leave my work and 8tarve tbem at bome In tbe way of drunkard. erally When the dnn~. n

op r of des re aod of work are of more Importanoe tban un tv of creed and th S has been hrought sbout ma nly through the b. te knowl edge of tbe Word and of the groonda for honest d iferences n op n on wh oh hall come from the un ted study of the Internat cnal LesBons du ng he last e ght years And he e n IS ground for hope hat ere long the oont uued study of God s Word may bnng to pass that hap py state for wh eh Chnst prayed n & s last bour That they may al be one ae than Father art u me and I 0 thee that they may be one n us that the world nay know that

Early Sabbath Schools

We bave a,ked aome of oor older bre hren to gtve os ,och aocoont. a. they oan of the ear y Sabba h schools n onr denom oat on hop ng to

gather 0 that way nformat on wh oh coo d be made of n,e when the t me oomes aod the person ar ses to wr te a h .tory of our denom no tonal work We shall he grateful to any who If II forn .h o. w th ,ooh Dformat on aDd may from t me to

t me lay Boch 18 may be "f spec 01 nteres before the readpra of th a department We doobt not the follow ng accoont of ao ea Iy scbool n Rhode Island w I be read w th nte eat hy oIL


The fi ot Sabbath school that attended waa 0 the Snmmer of 1828 at what waa theo called Yaw gogoe now Rockv He My father moved there from Wea er y In the Fan of 1827 when there was an old [a.h oned .qoa e roof meet ng hoose w th a galle y on three s dea w thou p aatenng 0 ce I ug where the swallowa and bata made the r

The e was

and I ned w tb stonea where they used to beap up three or four hosh el. of charcoal and put fi e to wh eb gave a I a good smok ng

Bot a h. t me the meet ng8 bad about ron ont My fa her ueed to

about every Sabba b and Borne mes tbere wou d be two or h ee

meet w tn h maud at other t meB So th Dg. but when

Spr Dg came there we e mo e who at eoded the mee ogs aod my fa tbe st II took tbe lead and tned to nstroot the people 0 the gospel of

Chr ot At th, t me a good man a dea

can of the Bapt st Church moved nto the place and n the ear y Sum

mer one Mr R chmond an ag.nt of tbe AlIlenoao Sunday School Un 00

o h s trl\velB v, ted tbe place and lectu e(("'oo tbe subJeot of Sunday schools and tned to sta t one there

but no oue of our sao ety seemed V to go abeRd n the enterpr se.

Bnt th. F 0 day deacon who.e Dame wa. John S edman offered to undertake 'kY .tart ng of a !ohool 00 the Sabb'frbh as there wa. no «gh e aoo ety of p of eo oed Ch at ans n be von ty h. gave not ce

that he would me.t all tbe cb ldren at the meet ng houoe On Sabbath morn Dg tbe :firat of June 1828 at 10 0 a oak to comm.nce a Sabbath sohool

Accord ngly the youog people and ch Id eu flocked to tbe house o( God to be taught hlj! WOTd and we had qu e a promlS ng proopeot (or a good sohoo Tbat Summer th ngs had ao br ghtened op tbat an ar r ngement was made for rego ar preach ng every Sabbatb hy Eld Matthew St IIman and Eld Amos R Wells and Ibe scbool wao proa penng but one morn ng Eld St IIman arr ved before the achool wa, qo te through and he not be ng very favorable to new th ng. took occao on to aay some sbarp tb og. about tr.apaao ng on the t me of the otber fterv ces wh oh the deacon thooght were meant for h maud wh ch prompted h m to res gn h s pos t on n tbe aohool for awh Ie but he wae finally po suaded to

thou hao 80nt me Joho 17 21

pa oomp eta Bob waa our 0 ass ng .weeper and

a so t of pUbl c me.aeuger-se f es tah shed bat reoogo zed n t me as one of he uat tut on. of the bank Tbe road Just oppos te our ma n en tranoe was rather w de fo B coun try town and t wae he e Boh kept a path oareful y swept n a I wea h ero

When employed by the bank or one of the tradesmen Wltp a meAaage Bob would leave b 8 broom leau ng aga uot the letter box and IlO on h a way qu te certa n that the most m ,cb evou. boy n the place would Dot nterfe e w th t Bob was 80 good natur d aod k od to al e en b 8 broom was respected

He waa a h t of a oharacter and generally wo e a post boy a oap and an a d red hun ng coat when on duty But tbeae were only .ort of trade. gns and work done Bob put a. de b a un form and aa Burned tbe garb of a reSDec sble la borer

And a abo he had beeo oooe op on a t me-a mau well known n the town and not a I ttle notor au for h s dr nk ng but he .hall tell h • own story L sten to h In as he rA Istes t to me

Walk bette w th a wooden leg tbao w th two sound ones! I sa d

how can that be P I can not fanoy a wooden leg would he bet er than ether of IU ue

r wao not speak ng of your legs s r repl.d Bob dry y hot of the pa r I had They were not g ven to walk ng ve y otra gbt

Tbat most have been yourfault Bob Iso d

WeI yes AT he sad of coorse twas bnt I waa speak ng n a.o t of meddlefor yoo see

I hear you are fond of neta phor I returned bllt te me ahout th a leg of yours How d d you get t P

ness and love aud Ddustry s out, wb oh ,a meddlefor I thank yoo to make a note of

I prom sed not to forget t, .nd WIth h s handa c a aed on tbe top of h 'hroom he went on w th b s Rtory

When soher I worked as a run ner r headed a gang of laborers and t med em ae t were If there on t a runner they don t keep Dp

the wo k a!l'd get nto confus on One day when I was a I ttl. the WO Be for dr nk I went to the works and kept t all r gbt Dnt I 11 o clock wben a man from a publ c house C ose by aame round I had two p nts of h m and that w th what 1 had takeD fio sbed me The uext t me I went op the ladd r I 108t me h Id and tbe sky seemed to turn rIght over then I heard a sbout and Jost me aenscs

When I came to" be sa d found myaelf n a I ttle bed at the hoap tal w tb a sena.t au of be og as help eSB aa a ch Id At fi sl I d dn t feel aoy pa n bnt soon my leg began to throb and I wss go og to pot my band down woen the nu se 8S was C ose by stops me Don t touch t she sa d you've nJnred your e f They gave me

aome med 0 ne and t aoothed me and 1 went off to sleep Wheo 1 woke ags n several g"ve look ng gentlemen were stand ng about the bed ta k ng bot they stopped as Boon 8S t was known I was awake I a.ked for my w fe aud they sa d !the woald oome 800n to me To ant a oog story short 0 r one of the k ndest told m. that my leg most be taken off or I .hou d Io.e my I fe

ADd what am I to do 0 the world w h one leg s r? I aoked

He told me to lea"e al to the w 8dom of God but I a dn t know much e g on beD and found no comfo tnt That n ght they gave me someth ng and r 106t my senoea Wb e I was n that stste mv leg waR taken off and I .bau t forget the fee ng when I oame around and found t gone

Aod yet t waan t exactly tbe feel og n the leg that to d me 80 for at first I fane ed t W88 tbere and wbat • more I feel t now and a very cur OUB th ng t 8 But I I get baok a the hasp tal wh re after my eg wao taken off my po~r W fe used to come and cry over me a. f I had been he beot of huobando n stead 0 one of tbe wo st but worn en speak ng n medd efor are ang 0 on .arth they a e

W th'lIlY w fe a gentlemau used to come He wa. grave and qu et and good aud I reoogn zed h m tb ough ha ng ofteu Been h m down our s reet v. ng he s ck and poo 1 wouldn t have no h ng to do w th b m u the a d days bot Iy Dg the. rna med and helplea. I waa glad enougb to I Bten to h m and I m hankful to th 9 day tbat I d d 80

for there I first rea y understood what .alva on through tbe Savor meant fo~ me and a her 8 nnerB and lea 0 to ee the hi 8S ngs of a sober

fe I W' • • oog t me get ng well

for m V const u on waH te b y oat up and twas 8upposed that I could no ve but praye and fa th saved me and I got about at .ot fu of good reBO ve and hope for the fat ure

Be ng on y. aborer I waeo t fit for m ocb w th a wooden leg ao of er ca.t ng about I thought I d take th a co •• ug-the man who had t afo e hav ng Juat d ed of dr uk­

and try 0 get a I tie pobl c me •• eu ger ng The young gent emeD n S de be bank have the I ttle Joke snd oa me Dot and ca Ty one but I dou m nd tha I sba I not ohlect to my leg so long as I keeps ou say ng don t a .. d tbe other eg may aay drlDk ao 01 ten So 11 I kea -Don t dr nk I ve told Ot8 of people whst my leg sayo and .ome 88 do d nk th nk. t s funuy '0 call me the nan w th the ta k ug leg

Aod th 8 wooden leg bave dooe .ome good to o~he a When loom. out of the hoap tal aud stumped a ound to mv rna e and told em what I d sulfered and that r d s goad the pledge :five of em d d tbe same and three have kept t to th a day The cther two went baok and one o dead and t other nobody know. where He left a w fe and thr.e oh Idren bah ud h m

Wbeo first I took my stand he e J got ha dly any mesoagea I had a bad name and people m ounder otood my leg but wheu they got to know that t waa a leg tbat wouldo t go nto a pub 0 house work began tv roll n On Saturday I m run u ng ahont a I day aud I looe a lot at the oross ng no doubt but tb. me,aenger money a fa r1y ea ned wh Ie a sh II ng a day at tbe cross ng 8 ve y fa pay I sweepa t n

tbe morn ng ahout oeven tben aga n at n ne and 80 on eve y wo hon p, f r am he e aod f you put t al

together you won t make more than an hour s fa r work of t II ke the m.asonger ng aB It 0 boneat labor and I m t nsted and t fi, n w h t other so that I m bard y ever die

And what do you make per week? I aaked

• POWBR 011 "LEISCR -What a

strange power s. lenoe I How mauy re,olut ana are formed-how many subl me couquesta effected­ao ng that pause when the P' are olosed aod tbo sao Becretly leels tbe e e of he M3ker opon her Wheo some of toe cutt ng sharp b gh ng wo do have been opokeD wh ob send the hot od goaDt hlood to the face and head f those to whon t .y a e addre.oed keep s lence oDk at them w th awe for a m gbty work s go ng on w th n them and tbe ap nt of ev I or the guara 0 angel "very near to tbeo u that hour Dn ng that pause

they have made a s ep toward heav en or towsrd ben and an tem haa been "cored n the book wb oh the day of Judgmeot shall 'ee op~ned They a e the strong one. who lino how to keep • lence when t s a pa n and a gr ef to them those who g ve me to the r own souls to wax otrong aga nst temptat on or to the pawe 0 of wrath to. amp upon them the r pasaage ETlI61'so"

}hMEn ES -A co re'pondent of the Rural Ne1b Yorker oavs I have found be fo low ng es effec

B EWARE OF' FRAUD To p o.c Ih. publ c ag&lnsl 1m

ta 8 a.nd f aud we spec & T caut on &

purchasen 01


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""'""'" w.m. eaN errtI:nb the wom rom. of ramna of th uterus, 1£o.eorr~ I:rregnJa.r and pt1nfuI MenstrnaUa:n.all~'l'rtmble8, ]nft'!mnRtfO-Q and UIceratfon .Flood!ngs, BllDlBpla.cements a.nd the «m­eeqnen spluaJ. ~and" eopec.IaDy adapted to th Ch.D..nge We. wm disBo l"8 and e:rpeJ tumonI fromUteuterw!mBDeWystage dsve1opment.. the ~encytoctLllCel'OWlhum.orilthere h; checlte4 ..,. JpOOdDy byttlil ....

.In tact Ii baa pt(ITed to be tbliI DMt est and befC tem.ed7 thII.t has tn"er been tl1B1)()'rer­

ed. permeAtes: eTCl'TportlaD. ottheQlJt.em,ands:tre­nowUt and'Yigo I :rentOVe:Ifa1ntneBa,btu1ency ~ ~'far~ II.Q4l"eUm11~

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IbI"tJiC 1 willat..n tLtnes,andmuiB:rd ~ 0fJ8, act III lla.rmoQ' with tho I&w thai; fPet1l8 &be temaI .,,-ForKJ..dney~otdbel' es: .. ~ "-Lyd a E P nkham s Vegetable Compound IB~ 1It£!3 andflSSWesteruAfttI1lOt J..7nn. HaM. PrIoo8Loo. '&z: bottles ~ Ben b;rmaiUn thI

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Pu1lnum B Be.1 Drawing Boom and Seeping Coach.. combining all Modem Improvem.nt;, are l'11D IluOugh willioul .hango b.lween SaI&man ... BulllUo Nlag an. F&lls Suspenaion Bri. Cleve1&nd Clnclnnall CblC&i:o and New York HOo leI Dining Coach .. b.l,.e.n New York and ChIcago



500 A. M excep' BundAy. from Dun mIL .Ioppmg at Sh.riden 6 28 Fore.1-ville 5 (() ~Dl1 h. MIllo 6 ~7 Por:y.burg 6 ao Dayton 6 Ii5 altar&ngn. 7!iS Lime Valley ~ 43 Salanjanca 0.25 6leal Vol e1 000 CarroUIoD 1025 V""drJ:a 1000

AJlegaDY 11.25 01 ..... 11 55 A M Hins dale 1228 Cuba 1 BIi FrIendship 8 05 Bel Tldere 8 BIi BelmoD 4.15 BOlO 440 W.Uaville S il5 Andover 6 52 AI1red. 7 42 Almond 810 and amvlngal HomeJl&ville a8B1iPM '"

6 05 A M dally from FI endshlp stop, at Belv dere 6.25 Belmonl 641 Ilcio 700 &Dd amv ... 1 Wellavill. 7 2u A Id

U 10 A M daily trom Dunkirk a op­p Dg a ~bendo. 9 22 Fo es ville 9 30 ~mlth • MIIlII9 (() P.rry.burg 968 Dal Ion 10 07 C&\lara!lg1l1! 10 lIS Lil 1. Valley 10 !is Sulaman .. 1125 Groal ValJ.l1144 AM CarroUton12 01 V""daIlal219,Alle gaDy 11143 0 ... 1 00 IlinBdaI. 1 80 Cuba ».22 Fri.ndshlp 8 03 BelVld.", 3 21 Bel mon 3 BIi Sclo 362 W.llaville 4.10 Ando. 4 46 Alfred GID Almond 5.ll4 arriving a Hom.U.viIle at 5.65 P M

10 50 A M from Salamanca drJI1 ex cep Sudaya arriviDg at CUJ'Ollton 11 02 AM

5 46 P Id dallJ !rom S&lamanoa .top­P4lg 8. 8. statiOll8 a:rnviDg at Homelle­vill. a 12 10 A M

9 15 P M dally !rom Dunkirk stop ping al Sh.ndo. 9 81 Foreolvill. 9 42 SlDlth • MIlla 950 Penyoburg 10 18 Day on 10 2~ Co. tarauguB 11 00 LillI. Valle,

11.24 tuld &rnVlDg a 8aI&manca al11 60 PM

605 P M dally f om Dunkirk ,ops a al 8 auone &l'llVUlK at CarrolltoQ &1;

8 20P M 6 05 P M excepl Bunday. from Car

ou , po al Vandalia 517 Allegany 53 0 ean 6 44 Hilleda. jj 01 arrivlDg. 6 20 P 1\1


2:9 No 1


4.4Ii A M exoepl Sunda,. !rom Ho Ilellavill. otepplng al Almond 6 1~ Al fred 5 40 AIldover 6 25 WeI avIll. 1.25 Bclo 749 BelmoDI 8 15 Belvidere 8 BIi FrlelldeWp 9 05 Cuba 10 87,H1uda e1112 A M 0 ean 111 05 Allegany 12 4ll Van drJI. 1.24 Carrollton 2 OIl 6_1 Valley 2 80 llaIamanea 240 LIltle VaIl.y 4.l!\I Call"",uguB 5 05 Dayton 6 20 P.ny.burg 6 5/; Smi h. MIIlII 1 30 Fo .... TIll. 7.00 Bh.rid.D 8 08 and arriving al D1mkI:rk al 880P M

0.57 A M from Canollton B$oPB a\ all .tallon. amvIllg al Dunkirk D 05 A M

765 A. M .xcept Sundays Irom Cuba stopping a Bmada e 8 14 Olean 880 AUeganl 887 VtuldaJl& S 62 anivlDg al CorroU on 9 02 A M

4.00 P M drJIl from Hornellavill. atops a.t & let&tioDs aniVlllg at: SalIl.Dl&Il co. 1050 P M

4 83 P M f om CarrolltoD dally .x ep Sundaya a.rrlving a Bal&m&nCl. 4.40

PM Fre. lrem aloobo c dang... Physl 926 P M dally from Horn.JI&vill. a

c1ana pronounce it he safes and beat :rivea at We aVIlle 11 150 P M "'mody e er .0 d I mu.1 be .d to Sunday Train I wIlll'11D belw.e. Sal ... know the perlec health .. nd II length 8 Dl&D.C& and Dunkhk USB DBUres


18 Ves.y St N.w Yo k

DrngglBlo .. 1111 Plnl bo lIes.l




AeadeDl1. Collegia'. and Theo oglca! Depa menta C 886 c:&l SCIentific No IDlI M.chtul cal Mualcal Pain Ing and Drawing courses of instruct on

Commencement J'Pll8 29 h 1881


*DaIlJ t DaIll b. w.eD Pon J.rvia and Dun



81''&''1' OBB.

----1-----LeG ••


7 05 A.:II: aDd 6 00 P Id daU, except Sundays from Bradford a opp Dg &I; a11 sta one 8.nd arriving at G esvU e 8.80 A M and645P Id

11 04 A M dally .xcepISWlday. from Carrel ton .Iop. at Llm.,lone 11.20 KeD da I 1 S.1 and arnves at. B:rad1ord 11 S6 AM



Elcape for tby life Grea haa e w .. .-"Y Even ookillg back mfgh de lay their fJJghl and o&uselhem to be ov. taken in he impending a10 m ot wra h I can oot escape to the mount­ain Peo weak mortal He ahould haVll obeyed unheaila ng y H. had uo gro1ll1d for do.b God requlr.a no h1ng of ha ere ....... wblcb Ih.y C8.D Dol pe iorm. Bul his Inlirml ris nol .b.k.d God grr.clo.wy is en. to h. praye aDd perm\1o him te go 0 Ihe tl. cI Y of Z"" Bul dIaoaUa8ed .... th hiB own eho "" be afIorWNd lef Zoor and ook retag. In \1e IIlOWlWo Tha. whUe God heard hi. p .. ,.r he aloo taughl him lho It wou d haYe Ioeen wis. In him to bav. promplly aud tied 10 Ihe mountain .. lirsl

ho d aga n and hold the schoolm tbe afternoon and then t went on qu te well the rest of the Sommer aud Fa uot I cold wea her when we were compell d to ouopend unt I Spr ng Some of our young people then took hold of t and commenoed t ago n n the morn ng and we got

along n co y wlthout any furtber trooble abont treopaos ng on olher t me

D uk gave t to me rep ed Bob and I must say that tao t very grateful to dr nk n retorn for although t makes no se enough In ord nary t kDooks double a. loud whenever I m D gh a publ c hou.e It say. doc t as pia nlV as you cao s r-mean ng don t go n I was oooe nearly led back nto the old waye and waa go ng 0 a The rong sHead w th a f .nd a, I hadn eeen for year. bo th 8 leg wouldn t go n t otber weot over the step r ght eoough but the wooden one t pped up and down I went All r ght I say. you koows bow I got yoa aud I II go bsck aga 0 and oot 1 weot drag

One way and anoth.r aboot as much aa I d d as a aborer Bob rep ed aud the m ssus does .. h t of wash ng aod olear ,to ch og (Bob h moelf waa reDowned for the I nen he wore) and we ve got three ch Idren and a I ttle p oture of a home Mr Sawyer the photogra pher he took me here one morn ng and he put a Ic of my p otores u h s w ndow I ve got one al home be gave me hut tat gu te r ght. He ought to have d De the Jaoket red and t came 0 wh te but the eg • took splend d and that s the

oh ef po nt They a tell me that the pubi caDS ha e the very soond of my leg a. the very no ,e t makes a a .ort of aoouoat on aga not em, aud I do know bat t 8 of en eas~ nto tho r teeth by angrv cuatomel'l!

Expense. t100 0 ,200 ,_no_:-II Term b.lCID. Wedneodlly

Winter 'I'.rm Dec 15 h T.rm March 29 h 1881

dbeet«I ill Tbe doom v 24-26 At sua

rlIe Ihe ga horing olOrm ot d viD. JUS& ce ... ...a,lOb .... fol'\h Theoo""lnlaw of Lol "ho had mo.ted hi. admooilioDa ue noW' .".tened to he tearlul rea i 1 Whal" warning 10 aI wbo delay ropenl ..... Our SaTior hu taught U8 how ... ..... y pro!1 b, tho ... cltol 01 h 0 awfa _ Luk. 17 2S-3O Ljk.wlB. aloa .. II " .. In lb. del0 of Lol: Ibey d d .. &be, cInnk Ihoy boughl Ih." 80 d they planted IheybuUdod day Ihal Lol "001 oal of &dom railled fI • I!rimatou trmil heav.n and d .. ",yed Ih.m all EYe. th ••• hall II be wheD tbe80 .. oflllanlJravea ed Brlm.tone aDd Are Ignited 0 bumillg b lmoloD. MIlCh baa blM .. wrllten b, .m nen sobol an CODcendng the .0& ue of 1hia deltrue-IIoa; Some thI.k It .... a ..,1 ..... o.rup-dOD .. aUlha region be ... III&rka of vol _e _n 0lh8l'lllbink I more of an .nhquAk. or •• e. both eomhlnod sllll o&he .. a din!cl mIracuIouo shower 01 Ii .. or l>uJDIDi brlDialon. Bul "halonr may haft boon &be "II"ncl.. .mployed In Ih.

1 would add Ibat dor ng tbe lat ter part of the Summer and Fall of 1828 the fir.toeaoon of oor Sabbatb sohool we had a prec oua revival of r.1 g on n that 900 ety and .ome 8cores were baptiSed land added to the Church B F CHBSTBR

HOl'KlN'fON R I Aug Sib 1880

Ohristian Umty The effect of the Internat anal

LesooDs to uu fy Cbr 8t an effort and work waa weir lIuatrated the other • day at Chautaoqua. Among the thoosands congr.gated there w th the one object of learn Dg more about effect ve Chmt an work the quest 008 wh oh d VIde the denom nat ons seldom oome to the surfso. butAog 11th notice b. ng given that denom Dat oDal congresses would be held n the afterooon DQ les8 than eleven 8110h meetiDgs were galhered,

g ng my Ir end w th me Of coorse h. added I don t

mean to ... y a, the leg knows Ito do­ngs, that s my medd efor way of

Bpea" ng but s tbsre and It s a ways stumping oul the aame atory Don t dnnk dont dr nk J u.

yoo li8ten to t He .t~.d rap dly op and down

n front of me and reallv the leg aud h a 80uod foot gave out .ounds oat unl ke the wo d. be had .poken

You hear Slr he.a d the woooen leg says dOD t and t oth r ,ays dnnk Put em hoth togeth er and you ve got good adv ce-Don dr ok!

Undoubtedly 1 repl ed but w II VOO tell me bow yon came to loe~ yoor I Inb P It Sa qu "t day and yoo are not I kely to be nter rupted for & few m nates

It 8 soon told ea d Bob E ",bt years ago I wao a br ek

loy.r'e laborer ... mart aot v. fel foll' when I hado t a drlDking fit on hut I Wled to break Ol1t for th

So you oee • r saId Bob ID

cono 0' on tbat 1 walk better 10 every way 8 noe I had th. wooden leg aud I m content to travel .0 om I t shall plesse God to oa I me away to the k ngdom of hAaven whare J.ous w perfect th ngs aud wbere he w II re gn forever

A vo oe from a hou.e on the op pOBlte • de called Bob from me and I walked awsy moa ng opon whatl had heard Th. ltory was not W th out profit to me aud I Irllot It W 11 be of benefit to tbe reader who hao yet to real ze tb. deadly work dr nk s ev.rywhere do ng n th a fa r lsnd

of ours -PM Bntilh Workman


have uaed lye for removlog sk ns from p.acbes for caun ng or drYIng pll po,es and th uk 11 better tban peel ng WIth a kn fa. It IS nOI1)oly

BLtMER M F G CO BELLS Churoh S.hoo Fire Alarm Ftne

toned o_,,:.pri~ wa ran ad. C&Wogue wi h 1,fiOO eBt mOD a.le pI eel e~c lieD free BLYIdER MANUFACTURING CO Cillo nnatl 0

A GENTS AND CANV AllSERS Make flom p~ to too per .... k •• U

Ing goods for E G RIDEOUT &; CO 10 Br. clay S reel N.wYo k _forthe'" C&Wogu. and Ielms.

Bend fo:r Cat.1ogue

ar Through Tlcke'. 10 oll poInls al th8 very Lowellt Rates lor • ..:re a' the Companl'o 0111 ...

Baggage 1rill be ehooted only 011 Tl ..... Oil purchaoed allh. COmjlall}". oIIoe

INO N _ ABBOTT e.1IN&lP-.-' ..... ' _."rart,



ImW YORK AdtJlu-A B Prenll .. Bf'O()~R chard SIlIIm .. B..-I n-;..r Byron Whllfo d O..-_R A. Barber 1H~Br.rIon G Slillman a.....u-E R Crandall I~h.rman G Crandall ~As&MWest Li7ld:l".,.-'-BeDjamln H S\IllmI.n N ... L>tIdon-H. W Palmllor N~Ez.ldeI R Clarke Pm1,,", A. B Crandall Bichbu!:l(h-Edwln 8 BIla. BI4U 1/ridg...:-Jooeph We. &o_Byron L. B&i:ber v.". __ W __ Benj F Sill man WHI ~ B Clarke

COl'iNlWl' /roT JiJJIff<j Bridgo--George Greenm ... W'at..-t~1I e MIU.BO.


I. H"I'kimo..-Alfred B _ck lid lid Hojikiattm---S S Griswold ~am.'R IrIah W_lfI--l!i.nford P B~'" Woodoillo--Hon. .. B U mlm

nw J1WBIIY M...-ibon>-J C Bowen N ... Jf .... koI-F C Duun P/ai7Jjlo!d-J E Iu Mo he Shiloh-W S Bo.ham

I"KN1!!YL T Alfi. L Hebr<m--Geo W BllIIm .. Jfo~G_De N ... ~",., __ D CLog llouIo#<-lARoy L)'lll.AP Un .... Dai6-A. W COOn

WEST YJRGUIU B"-IIG-D N M. ed h Lent Oruk--L B I>avts N ... JfiUon-F anklln F Rando ph N ... 8alem-P .... to. F Rando ph Quul DeU--D H DaTis

OR () Jao/wm Oentr...:-J_b H Babcock

WISCOHSIN -"-ibio1>--E L BUIdl.k B",l n-Dalu. E Lew," Edg-.;-H."'Y W SllIIlWW JfiUon-Paul M G .eD Millon Ju ",/ion-L T Rogers l7Iica-L Coon Walum-Ih--HoweU W R&ndo ph

ILLIN018 Fanna- lease C a weon Vilia ~ B Kelly Wm E B SsundeJ'8

OWA WoIton--L A Loolboro Tolorlo-MBX80n B&bcock

IlINNBBOTA -"-ld8n-J E N Backus Dodg. O.nI.-.-.Geo W HIll. 7ranm-JohnM Rieh.y

J<A>lBAB Norlonoi/k-08ID&D W Babcock P .... du-Bamuel R Whe.l.

lfBBRASKA I&..g Bran<:h--Jo'hu G Babcock NorlA Loup-O,,,,,, B.boock OrIM7I~H E Babcock



in the village of A1hed Centre and A FARM

of 107 ae es 8 m ell BOU h ot the vll age tor sale OD euonab e w ma A.are chance foJ' a pe SOD l..D want ot a village home or a good g .. illg farm Fo la 'thellDforma onaddred8 WM 0 PLACE Allred Cen e N Y



NTERNATIONAL LESSONS Prepared by be SABB TB SCHOOL Eo RD of be Gene II. Ccnfti II e and pub It d a the



B LANK OERTIFICATE::' 0] /dElIIBERBHlP WJth return notice

of the eerWlcatee having btl It used Sll II.

bl.tor any church fo sale at bIB oliloe Pnce by mall po.tage paid pOl do.e. »0 cents ~ qwre 65 cents per hun dred ,1 26. Chureh CI.rilB will lInd 1hR'D" both eo ]J '" "of f't'I m ...

dJ)66 A WEEK IN YOUR d!) OWN TOWN T.rms and ~ onUlI1r... AddMo. H HALLETT & JO Portland He




H ISTORY OF CONFERENCE R.v Jama. Balley haa Ief & f."

eop as of he History of. "the Bayen h-day B&p ist Ge.eral al the RE OORDBB office for saJe at tl 60 Sent by mail po!ltage pa1d OD J'ece p't 01 price Addre •• SABBA'I'H RECORDER Alfled O",uTf'lNY

CARPETS I LARGEST STOCK in New York c:: T Lowe" Prices

CODBisting of Moquettell Wiltons Axm n atel'8 Va v 8 Body and Tapes ry B DB

••• Thr •• P l' and Ing!1llD Ca:pe B (w th to match) () C 0 ha (all w d hs) MalLingo &c

LACE CURTAINS ,1 pe pair to Ih. flne.1 Real La ... 1m poned

D L 0 • Is au ablolute aDd lr ea stlb e en e


EInneas In ElmpetanCtt and he use of Op um Tobacco Na.rcot C,!IJ IDd St ma an 8 removing a1 taste desire and bab of llBing any of them J'endering the taete or deaire for .... yof h.m po te. Iy odious and d aguB iDg a iDg every onEl perfect and 1rre,1,lIb • eontrel of he aobrle 1 01 themse vea or heir friend"

I p eV.Dts thai abao ute pby. cal and mo &l proa rat QD hat tol owe be 811drlen b eak ng off from UP ng B mu &uta 0 Dar coli ..

Package prepaId to cure 1 to ti PeJ'80DB ,2 0 a lour d nggi' a tl 75 per bo Ie

Temr. anceeocietiesshou drecommend t. I IJ perfec 1 harmless and neYer

fail nlf Hop B .rs Manuf •• urlng Co Rochea

ter IS Y 110 e agents Ifop COUGH CnRK de, roy, aI pai:J

looseDs the cough qu e B the nerves PJ'o­dUC68 JElst &nd neve lails to cure

Th. Hop PAD for Stoma.h L ver aDd Xldneys 1a lIuperior to 81 0 hera Cores by abeorptlon II is perlecl-.. k drDg ,w.

Tbe Hop B Iors Mtg Co of Roch ••• N Y t»U, pJ'epare these emedies a 80

the Hop B e18 which &te in no sense a beV8r&ge 0 Intoxicant but tbe pure8 and beet JledicifW ever made makmg more CUleB than a1 other remediel

For Sal. by all J)ru.qgiIU


A: A:. SHA.W WUI ofter for the next Bix 1 days at the

BLUE FRONT STORE H • eDtirs otcrIt of



ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES P",paratorr '" moving Into ha D .... otere whon eomplelecL

AUred CeAu. JIIlIt 1~ 1880.


A mODlbly paper deYOted to Ih. In .... ~ of our 8ABBATH-IlCHOOL8



'1....... 23 O."t. P .. r. Add", .. wilb remittance TBE BIliLJ!:

~C~OLAR Alfred Cen re Allegany c. Dralts .... a Post-()lIIe. Mon., 0,."

should be made payable 0 D B ST1L~ MAN




ALFmm <JKlionuo N Y

N ATUBB S GoD AND H 8 MltHORUt Senes ot Four SermonB on the snb Itt 01 be Sabb&th By Na han Wardn at. mI.o oDary at Shangh&l ChIna •• ~

•• qu.n y .ngaged In Sabba h Rof on obore In Seo and. 112 pp Pape III


THR SAE1IATH AlID'l'llB Smmu Br R A H L.wIs A M Part. Ftret Ar m.nto Part Second HIstory 6~ 008 pp Fine Clo h f125

Tb1s volume is an eames and ab e PfIl sentatton of the Sabbath qneBtiOD. argu m.ntatlvel1 and historically and.b wd be In the hand. of .v.ry one d88lriot IIgh on he Bub ect

THOUGHTS 8UGGEBTBD BY TmCP.RBU8A.LO' Gu.P'ILI.A.N AND OTBKRAUTJIORB ON TH! SAlUIATR. By Rev Th.. B Bro ... Pastor of th. Seven h-<lay Baptf, CbUlll! a Litle Gene ... N Y Second EdiJJ .. 125 pp F1n. Cloth 50 COllie Pope 10 cen •

This Is in many eapec 8 he lnotrt ab e a guIDenl yet publl.1!IId The .u b ...... edDcaood Iil the observance of Sunday ""d was for several ;ye1Lf'B a highly eB"".eemed mInlsIe In the Baptist d.nomInAtioD Tho book 18 a careful reVIew of the 1.l'guID. nll In avo of Sunday and espeolally 0 th wo k of Jam.. GilllIlan of Soo land which has been widely clrcu1ated &m ng the clergymen of America Mr Brown has thoroughly sifted he popula:r D tio • rela ve '" Sundel with grea """dOl kindne,a and abllliy We .opeolally ""'" mend to th0l!8 who like Mr Bran hAve been t&ugh to evere Sunde., &8 lh Sabba It A DEFENSE OF THE. 8AJIBA'I'K in. rep 1

Ward on the Fourth Commandm. By Geo Ca:r ow Third Edition-He it ed 168 pp 25 cenls ThIS work w .. lirs publlahed ill L Dd

1n1724 IIlavaluab .... howmgtll\l.tate ot lb. Sabba h argomenl al tb& lime VrNn CAT ON OF THE TBUB SABBATH n

2 parts Part FIrst Narrative 01 R.ce, Even, Part. SeooDd DiVIDe appoin men of the Se enth Da.y by Be J VI Morton late Missionary of he no­formed P eBbytenan Cburob 60 pp Pap. 10 ""nts This WOl'k is one 01 deCIded "VBlue n

on y as regardB he a gumen adduced b as showmg be extrem9 W&ll of llbera 1 and faun ... which char&ctenzed tho Iri&I

and excommumcation of Mr MOrttJD froll! the P eobyterlan Church TBJI ltOYAL LAw CONTRNDED >'0"- by

Edward Stenne Fl.l5 PIm~ In Lo don m 1658 64 pp Pape 10 .. , ..

LIFE AND l' EATR Bylbe Iale Re Al euude Co.mpbeU 01 B •• ~':"J V. Repnn ed from he Mille Har b Dge Exira 60 pp P <0 U .. , ..

COlUWN ON OR LoaD S SUPPER A S mon de ve ed a Milton Jun U D ".is Jon. 1. h 1878 By Rev N Wardne D D 20 pp

The Society &100 publlah.s tho follomng racta which will be .0 d al oosI In Iarg'

o em&ll quantities to &JJ.y who may d sire them Sp.=.n paekag •••• nlfreeto .. ' who may wish 10 exa.mme \he SabbatL queBtiOn Twen y per can dlaconn1 made to cl gymen on B.D.y of the above IlIIomed books aod a liberal discounl to the trod, o h. ..0 ilB lOOn to be publlahed.

TRACTS No 2--Moral .II. are and Ilcrip un-l Ob

•• rvance 01 the Sabbath. 52 pp No 100Tbe True Sabbath __ &Ld

Obeerv.d t6 pp No 1 R.UglOns Lib.rty Endangered bI

Legial&tive Enactmenta 6 pp No 16-An App •• 1 for Ih. ReBto",tlo, of

the B b !!abba h 40 pp No 10-The ~abbath and • Lold 28 pp No 23--Th. B b eD_eolthe Wee.tJ,

8f.bbath. Top CAL SRRlBS-No 1 My H r

Day No 9 Th. Moral L&w by lie Jame. Bailey 28 pp each

THE SABBA.TH .A 8e emh :0..,. 0 TM Soventh Day WhichI' By Re • .II Wardnor 4pp

TIm Lol1D'e DAY OR ClIlUBTUli SU RATE By R.v N Wardner 4 pp

Dm Chrisl or his, Chang<! th. Sabbath !rom tbe Sev.uth Day 10 the FJ..nI Day of the W uek 'l" B1 Rev N Wardner 4pp

COliBTAliTINB AND TlIB S1JliDAy BI Rev N Wardn.r 4 pp

TuB NEW TE8TAXENT B.l.lUlA.TH By R.v .N Wardner 4 pp

Dm Ch Ial Abollah the Babba h or lb. Decalogue I' By Rev .II Warlin. 4 pp

ARK the Ten ComllWldmo.'" BInding aIIk. "POD J.w and Genlile I' Bl Be Waldner 4 pp

V'i HICR Day of h. Week d d Chris liaDB Keep as he Sabha h dunng 3QO ye&rll &!. Chris I' By Rev N Wan! ne 4pp

Th •• Ia a amaU ,upply ot the .. e ght ra.cta in No wegUUl

Oldere for the SO<l1.Iy'. P.blloallon. aooomplmled Wlth remi:ttanON 10r the 011 of tl!!l Agen B 0 fo gratuitous distnbn­tlon &bouId be addreased to D R STILL­M.t' N Alfred CenlIe N Y




.A.e the Denomin& ona! Paper 01 the ~eveDIb-d&y B&p ISis II" d.voted '" tho expoeition and vindication of ihe 'Vien 01 th& peopl. 11 will advooale aH .. fonna "'ry measurs ... hich ohall .. em likely 10 Improve the moral soci&l or tiliyBie& con <Ii on 01 hnmanlty In 10 Lite...., ""d Intelligence Departm.nls lb. IIlloreo!a ancjtastes of all cl&soeI of read ... wlll be oon!'1lllecL

\. TB.BllB OJ' BUB8CB.IP'fiOlIf

Per y .... In advance ~ 0 Pape.. to fore go coa. rI.. will be

.ha g.rr ~O ce.", add 1I0nal OD aecollD 01 po "8" ';, ... It pay men Ia de ayed beTond .Ix

mon ha ~o cto addillonol will be charged No pap~d!ooonl\qued IlDIil arrNI'IIB'"

are paid xceplal the opllon ot the pui:-Ilah.r


Trt.lll!loni adve_enlo wlll be ~ ed for ~nlo an Inch for th. Jlral _ t n and cena 8ll inch for eacili IU'bIIe-quent rlion Special con .... 1e po WIth part! • adverllJdng oxtenolva1y or for IongteF!i

~':ytv::::en:a;:-: ~~~ vertleeme ,clw>ged quarterIr wlthool ex ra. ch&r

No adv .m.nlo of obJ.ctIo .... bl. char

-:::~~=b':th .lUp~~ obblng rial o.nd more 1rill be .. Ih. b ... IDA, demand .. thai .,1 wOJ'k b:L t t Un., can be exeouW wbII neal1l... dIopaloh

:aDDI1UI. All ""uu!,Ulli .. tlo... who her ... b .....

n_ or fOrUbllcalion Ihonld be od dreeed 10 TRlIl SARBA'l1H RJII(lJJIWo u.~ _ AlIicaJ 0.. X T"