Psycology social complete

CONFIRMATION BIAS JUN 19, 2015 Confirmation bias is a tendency of individual to support data that affirms their assumptions or theories paying a little respect to whether the data is correct. It is normal for everyone to go through this event in their routine beyond any doubt. I am sure everybody will have their conviction and they battle for it despite the fact that the people around him or her have told that we are in the wrong way, but still we stick with our conviction. Confirmation bias is always known as a tendency to search for an information in a way that confirms one preconception, leading to errors. This tendency to give more attention and weight to data that support our beliefs than we do to contrary data is especially pernicious when our beliefs are little more than prejudices. If our beliefs are firmly established on solid evidence and valid confirmatory experiments, the tendency to give more attention and weight to data that fit with our beliefs should not lead us astray as a rule. Of course, if we become blinded to evidence truly refuting a favored hypothesis, we have crossed the line from reasonableness to closed-mindedness

Transcript of Psycology social complete

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JUN 19, 2015

Confirmation bias is a tendency of individual to support data that affirms their assumptions or

theories paying a little respect to whether the data is correct. It is normal for everyone to go

through this event in their routine beyond any doubt. I am sure everybody will have their

conviction and they battle for it despite the fact that the people around him or her have told that

we are in the wrong way, but still we stick with our conviction. Confirmation bias is always

known as a tendency to search for an information in a way that confirms one preconception,

leading to errors. This tendency to give more attention and weight to data that support our beliefs

than we do to contrary data is especially pernicious when our beliefs are little more than

prejudices. If our beliefs are firmly established on solid evidence and valid confirmatory

experiments, the tendency to give more attention and weight to data that fit with our beliefs

should not lead us astray as a rule. Of course, if we become blinded to evidence truly refuting a

favored hypothesis, we have crossed the line from reasonableness to closed-mindedness

Numerous studies have demonstrated that people generally give an excessive amount of value to

confirmatory information, that is, to positive or supportive data . Due to bias, now and then we

will result in a battle or uncomfortable circumstances between our friend zones. Case in point,

today I had dated my companions by trying for a motion picture after our class. Nonetheless, my

class ended earlier then I decided to go sunway pyramid with one of my friends for a quick

shopping. Then, we had our lunch at burger king and have a drink at a coffee shop. When time

struck at 3, I made a call to one of my friends, Izwan which is one my best friends. Suddenly

during the conversation I got an answer that I did not incline towards that enough because that

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izwan told me that the sum of my companions had dropped the film day in view of they were

eager to finish their assignments faster and I did not expect that from them.

I cannot believe any expression of what izwan said because that we only set the arrangement

promptly in the morning I was informed. I cannot accept that they could alter their opinions in

the brief of time. I rejected the information and persist to wait for their arrival. After a few

minutes, we were all there while having a drink at coffee shop until a phone call.

“Phone ringtone ringing”

“Hello, where are you? I and shafiq are waiting here for almost few hours.

“Sorry Fareez, we cannot make it today, because we decided to rush our assignments today”

“Seriously? Only now you tell us this? Why don’t you tell us earlier so we won’t waste our time

waiting for nothing “

“I thought izwan have already told you, but you don’t trust what he said “

“Okay nevermind, you go do your work, see you, bye “

If only if I trusted Izwan I won’t waste our time that much, we could do something else or go

back home earlier. Holding there like a zombie made me pissed off. Despite the fact that I was

desperate, I might not accuse my buddies that I comprehended that lives up to expectation were

more significant. At the end of the day, I went back with no rewards to bring back home.

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JULY 23, 2015

Social loafing is a phenomenon of people exerting less effort to achieve goal when they work in

a group than when they work alone. Social loafing is a very common phenomenon that always

happens at office or any study area. This phenomenon always happens when a person does not

commit into something they are responsible .This wrong doing still happens around us because

of a negative person in a group which disrupts the group work without giving any commitment.

Because of social loafing, this may cause a group to be short of ideas and lack of time to finish a

specific duty on time . Case in point ,I was assigned with my group mates to complete an

assignment which was given by my lecturer. The assignment was expected to be submitted on

time and it should be very good because It is a group work . As we know in group work our

lecturers will always expect something more than just a plain paper. But expectations are not we

expected sometimes from our group mates, my point is that a person that does not commit to a

group work can cause a lot of damage to the work.

On that evening , me and my group mates were planning to at least finish some of the

assignments. I was the leader of the group ,and I was responsible to give specific task for each of

my group members. After a few hours grouping up to do the work everyone was there but then

one person was not there . I had to do my task as a leader to make sure everyone was doing their

work . In my style of doing group work I prefer to do it together so it can be more accurate and


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After a few attempts calling him, he did not answer a single call. Then I decided to not continue

the call as I have other things to concern . Then I decided to give him a chance for another

day ,then after few hours doing the group work I dismissed the group. Then the next group work

meeting I called all my group mates to gather and again the same person is missing. I felt pity

and concern for my group because we are short of ideas and we know he can help us do

something in this assignment.

Again I ignored him because we would give a try to finish the assignment without him. I have a

few complains form my group mates about him and then I suggested them to write everything in

the assessment sheet. However, one day he came to class and attended to show the lecturer like

he committed to the group work . Then me and my group members are having that weird feeling

towards him and he did not feel guilty about anything . I think that in our average age ,I think we

are capable of handling our own responsibilities and get the job done.

On the final week of the submission date of the assignment, we all decided to spend the night at

the studio of our university to make sure everything I completed according to plan. We are very

tired and have to spend few extra hours at the studio and then we could use a hand to finish the

report. I called him and he answer my call for the first time, I ask him why are you not doing

anything in this group work? . I asked him with anger because it is not fair for him to do that to

us and still get marks for the group work. It is like giving free money to someone who is hurting

you at the same time, being a leader in a group takes big guts. He immediately replied my

question with a very unexpected answer, then I decided to report about him to my lecturer on

progression day. On the progression day , I reported about him to my lecturer then my lecturer

replied “ I don’t know it is your responsibility as a leader to make sure everyone show their

commitment “. Then me and my group mates decided to focus and finish the work .

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The final day before presentation day we manage to finish everything but the report is still half

done. We all managed to do our part but he never commit on doing anything. After giving all our

effort for the work we decided to go to his house and tell his parents about him. We all were and

expressed what we thing about him, I think it is fair for all of us and he deserved it . His parents

are giving disappointing facial expressions and said sorry because I felt pity for my groups at the

same time. In a good way I think his parents can advise him to improve his communication skills

and to be more hardworking. We were lucky that he was not there or we have to witness his

parents mocking him .We decided to go back get some rest for the next day presentation.

The presentation day is today and we all are ready for the presentation, our lecturer are expecting

everyone there and well prepared. He was late and as usually we are a bit ashamed because we

have to postpone the presentation a little further. I am glad that he finally arrived and he said

sorry for making a mess in this group .After that the presentation then ended the presentation

well and everyone was happy with the result given by the lecturer.

My advice for this social loafing is not to be self-centered person while others suffer, just

because of one person. I hope this will not be followed by the next generation. Some people just

don’t see this coming because they are just to lazy to commit for something not worth

individually. This can be changed with a better assessment on the student that does not give any

benefit to the group.

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AUGUST 12, 2015

Motivation was characterized as the process that commences ; expresses and upholds objectively

situated practices. It was a desire to a person willing to do things. However, it had two types of

motivation that were intrinsic and extrinsic. For this entry, I would like to talk about intrinsic

motivation, and the latters would be stated in the next entry. Intrinsic motivation occurred when

we acted without any obvious external rewards as praises, respect, results and the like. Rather

than these, we only enjoyed an activity or took it as an opportunity to explore, learn and

actualized our potentials.

Motivation is a common phenomenon when a person is told to push himself more than its

expectations. It is more like to happen in sports activity but it is worth at some point. I would to

explain about myself motivated in a gym life. Even though it is very tiring but I helps me

become more healthier day by day and all I have to do is just follow my gym routine.

Today, only I realized that I have been going to a gym life process for almost a year. And it is

very disappointing that you did not get the results you wanted and out of your expectations. I

worked really hard and taking a few supplements for myself daily which I was expecting to gain

more weight so I can convert everything into muscle while going through many routines of gym

sets . I was told by a friend, once you enter the gym life you should commit most of your time

building some muscle in my fat body. It is never easy to put your effort for something that does

not make any big changes in a short of time. That is why we all need an intrinsic or extrinsic

motivation to makesure you do something without any regrets. One more thing I realize is that if

you ever have mission, you always need your friends or family to achieve it.

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Gym life is about getting tortured by lifting heavy weights while having muscle cramps at every

part of your body during your sleep and even after . I could not picture my self in this pain to be

continued every day , so I decided to make schedule for a rest day and make use of the day

sleeping and resting . In intrinsic motivation, friend are always working out just because it is fun

and makes them release stress in their daily routine but they still get the results they wanted

because they all are passionate about it. In extrinsic motivation, I am person who always do

something that should give me a reward and if I do not get the results that I wanted I would be

stressed and very sad about it. Once a day I look at the mirror and compare my body with my

gym friends, saying to myself that I can prove to them that I can be one of them .It is not a big

deal for me but it makes everyone give big compliments, while being proud of myself .

One day at the gym, my gym mates decided to help me on my gym routine. I am glad everyone

was there to help me on this. Because usually if you are alone you will never get any motivations

to do what you are aiming for. After a few months at the gym ,I decided to look at the mirror

again and I am glad there are big changes. Then when you go out in public you wont have any

problems to think about because you already achieve something positive. Other than that, I am

much more a healthier person than I was before and it can help motivate my self for the rest of

my life.

In this entry I hope all of us can we motivated by doing anything in our life weather it is an

intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation, because I saw a few individuals in the gym look so

disappointed looking at others. My advice is never look at anyone and start motivated yourself to

do things for your own benefit or it can be something fun in your daily life. This small changes

can make things much more easier for you to do any daily routines especially important ones. At

the end of the day , you can prove to everyone that you can achieve something with or without

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your friends and family. This is one of the process of life , motivation is just the beginning for

something big to happen.

Thanks to my family and friends for their time to motivate me achieve what I wanted , without

them I don’t think I can be here today with confident and I am happy to share this experience.

Especially my gym friends who was always motivating me.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2015

Persuasion is another example thought by my lecturer. This reminds me of the ways how I

persuaded my friends developed exercise habit as their daily routine life. According to my

previous entry about motivation I work hard to transform myself from a very heavy weight

person into an average weight person. Every time my friends look at my pictures, they will be

shocked with the changes from my body shapes. After that ,they will start asking me questions

about how I lose my fats then I shared my experiences directly without any hesitation. Since I

have a knowledge about gym ,I would like to share some of my experiences to a friend who was

In need of help.

I have many friends that are having difficulties in losing weight , and i think I have enough

experience to advise him .In instance I directly persuade him to become healthy by going to the

gym daily and take a few supplements to help him burn his fats faster . Without any hesitation he

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directly invited me to the gym and since I am already one of the gym people. I prepared myself

for the gym and drive to the gym. I am very excited to share my knowledge about gym to another

person. His name is ameer , and he is always having problems with his attire and sometime in a

situation which makes him shy about his looks.

I understand the feeling that he is having and it is not comfortable at all. He even told me about

people laughing at him , I feel pity for him and I immediately invited him to the gym and start

from basic. I persuade him to the gym almost daily and he is receiving motivation from me while

working out. I am glad to help him because it reminds me about myself when I was heavy

weighted. After doing the basic i persuade him to make a timetable, to make sure he completes

every gym set and not to miss even one.

Every gym set gives a very big impact to a person and although I hurts after working out it can

help a lot. My persuasion to him is just to make him a healthier person so he can prove to people

that he is not just a fat person but a healthy man. On the next day he came to me and ask me how

longer do I have to make this commitment. And I told him not to start thinking to stop but

instead start thinking how to begin. In this situation you can see that I am persuading a person to

do a specific task for his own benefit.

After a few month doing work outs , we make some measurements of ameers body weights . I

was shocked that he could lose a lot of weight and most importantly I cannot believe that he

followed my persuasion into him. Even though I did not get any benefits , but at the end I know I

should be proud of myself for helping someone that need my help. Ameer never stop doing his

daily gym routines and he get the results he wanted since he started. Ameers parents are also

proud of him because he is capable of achieving something he persuaded to do.

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In this entry ,persuasion is about a person persuading another person to achieve a specific task.

And persuading requires an effort to make sure the persuasion is to be completed. I hope

everyone can learn how to persuade another person so other people can achieve something they

need in their life. Especially now days people are weak and easily down just because of emotion.

This can improve by persuading the person to make sure he successfully complete his task. And

finally, people will always remember you when you help an individual because you they know

you could changed everything with a single persuasion.


MARCH 14, 2015

In my personal opinion, I sincerely believed that men should posses with personality traits of a

gentleman. First and foremost, men must behave comity in front of women no matter in what

kind of situation most of the time but not anytime. It usually depends on the condition of the

situation. However, I would always lend my hand to help my ladies friends between my capacity

of range. Even though I did not get any reward .For instance , I would always help me lectures if

they are having difficulties on carrying their belongings if they are feeling uncomfortable or too

much for them to bear.

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Another example is when one of my female friends are walking alone and the other are just

walking forward, I would always move back and wait for my female friends as a way to ensure

her safety. Some people just never realize how important it is to make sure everyone was moving

together at the same time. One day me and my class mates are doing our assignments at a coffee

shop it is very late ,one of my friends are still not done with the work and he was alone while

doing his work .The other decided to went back home due to lack of sleep and some just wanted

to go home. To show a prosocial behavior I decided to wait for my friend to finish his work and

make sure nothing happen to him.

The most sad part is that he had to go back home with a public transport which cause him a lot of

money and most of all public transport is not 100% safe which leads us to unknown dangers such

pickpockets, kidnapping, and more. After waiting for him I decided to send him back home to

makesure he reach his home safe and even though I did not get any benefit I still believe the

safety of my friends are important as well. To be honest sometime we always need a pro social

behavior to develop a desirable traits inside of us, which we can carry until we grow up.

On the next day i went to class, my lecturer was giving long lecture and before the class ended

my lecturer was asking the whole class about going to an old folks home . I volunteered my self

in the program in order to help the old folks making some changes at their place. My lecturer

reminded us that the trip to old folks home will be not be rewarded to us .Me and my classmates

accepted the condition as we all desired to help them with our own effort. The trip is to be dated

tomorrow and we were all there doing different types of activities.

I decided to help them on painting the wall of the old folks home while the others were doing

other task. After a few hours there we all went inside the old folks home cheering up the old

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folks by singing for them and even had a lunch together. The day ended very well and the old

folks thanked us for volunteering ,and our lecturer surprised us with a small gift.

Prosocial behavior can also be described as donating, donating is another example of when you

give something you won’t get any rewards. On that night, I went to a mamak with my fellow

friends and it is located at seksyen 3 Shah Alam. Me and my friends are having our dinner while

watching football, when I was eating my dinner I suddenly saw an old man outside of the mamak

looking for a something near by the rubbish area and he look really messy and tired. At first we

though he was just a normal guy walking by, then he started digging the trash can and

immediately I asked the mamak workers. Why is that old man digging the trash can? Then he

said the old man is looking for food, directly after he said that I went to the old man and asked

him to eat with us . He walked with me into the mamak and I saw a few people looking at him

just because he is smelly and messy. He told me he did not eat rice for two days amd I asked him

where is your family? Then he replied that he had no family, then I decided to let him eat and

after a few hours with the old man and my friends. I decided to go back and get some of old

clothing which I wanted to throw away but instead I decided to give it to the old man. I wish I

could help him more but I think i did my best to donate what I have for the old man.

Before I went back the old man said thank you and he cried because he never expected this to

happen. I think this kind of act should be something normal to people around us and not just

posting in social media without doing anything. Donating is something we all should have done

in our life, and when you get rich or not rich we all should remember the other people who is

suffering around us which is homeless.

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STUDENT ID : 0322961