Psychology journal


Transcript of Psychology journal

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Psychology Journal

Name : Leong Chee Mun

Student ID : 0316256

Class : Monday 1pm – 4pm

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Some people will think that who enrolls in remove during secondary school is

stupid and will become a person no contribution in social. I’m not elite in language and

my Malay language in UPSR only get grade D, that means I had failed in B.M.. I was not

ashamed although I cannot straight away get into Form 1 but I swore that I want and I

would become an useful person in society. Apart from this, I had been together with my

boyfriend for 6 years already. We started our puppy love when I was 14 years old. At the

beginning, my parents did not look good our love and they believe puppy love will affect

my homework. I prove myself that fall in love will not affect me. Therefor I Strive in my

PMR and SPM. At the end I satisfied result because I got B+ for Malay in SPM. I

continued my studies to become useful person in future.

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Self-fulfilling Prophecy

I am a girl who is not very brave in speaking to public. However, before i become

a useful person, I must practice my courage and leadership.

I got a chance in business class that needs me to present a business plan in a

group. While doing this business plan, I faces some problems with my team members as

they were not active and interested in this assignment. At the beginning, I was

disappointed and felt that I would get a low mark in this assignment. Fortunately, I

changed my mentality and told myself ‘I can do it; I can unite my team members and

never get a low mark in this assignment’.

At the end, I presented well than rehearsal and also get a satisfied mark in this

assignment. The self-fulfilling prophecy was important when we do everything. We must

thing positive and believe I can do it!

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The Optimism Bias

Everyday happened tens of thousands of things, yet I felt luckily that was no

serious thing happen in my life.

Some of my friend was undergoing death of a loved but now I was 20 years old,

fortunately I haven’t undergone any relative leave me. I was proud when I said my 2

grandfathers and 2 grandmothers still alive and health. I believe all my relative will

accompany me and participate my graduation ceremony.

Besides that, I am a very careful and safety awareness people. I will double check

the door, car and everything are lock before I falling in sleep. One day, I was sick until

cannot woke up and I asked my sister checked careful everything before she sleep. Next

day, when I was go out I saw the car was no lock and heard someone said my neighbor’s

car was stole on last night. The thief was not lucky because he chose the wrong car and

wastes their time to open the lock without using alarm. Luckily the worse thing was not

happened in my life.

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We saw and heard the fraud everyday on newspaper and others media. However,

some people are still cheated by liar.

I still remember when I was 10 years old my neighbor has no enough money to

buy an electronic dictionary like Besta for her son. One day, a salesman who came

around the residences to promo his product which is an electronic dictionary. The

salesman started to promo and persuaded her how to help student in their homework by

using the product and it is cheaper than Besta. These are the reason she was easy cheated

by salesman although she watch newspaper every day. She was agrees the salesman

saying and excited she get a cheaper and functional electronic dictionary in market. When

she called my mom to ask suggestion for this brand but my mom stops her be careful it

might be a trap. However, she was stubborn and optimism bias belief she find a cheaper

and best product and won’t become the victim of fraud.

After she decided to buy the product, she photocopied the salesman IC and name

card. The salesman promises her will deliver before 5pm. At the end, she realize that she

was cheated by the salesman and lost her money. I was learning the mother love and fish

follow the bait.

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First Impression

First impressions are not deliberate. I had asked my friend before my first

impressions when we first met up in class? All of my friends said I was a terrible and

calm. After we become friend they realize that I was difference with their first


One of my friends had a tattoo in him hand. When my mother saw him she was

shocked how she daughter friend with gangster and refuse my outgoing request. For my

mother, who had tattoo that means she/he is bad. Actually my friend he is a good guys, he

does not smoking, drinking and participate a gang. He feel that tattooing is an art so he do


One time, my mother and I were shopping at Giant, we encountered him. That

was the first time my mother had a conversation with him, she totally changed the first

impression immediately. She felt that he was an aspiration, ideal person and he can lead

me as well in future.