Psychological Thriller - Film packages


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Film Packages

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• A brand image needs to be maintained across all products relating to the film so that the audience recognise them and can associate it to the film, and so it is important that the same typography is used throughout.

• It is also important that the typography is in keeping with the style used for the genre so that the audience instantly know which genre the film is and fans of the genre can identify the film as one to watch.

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• Psychological thrillers tend to rely on hyper reality and represent the distorted reality and uncertainty that occurs as a result of the characters mental instability. The target audience for psychological thrillers enjoy and expect to see this form of representation, almost as a form of escapism from ‘boring’ reality.

• Sensitive issues can arise in psychological thrillers, such as mental disorder, and so it is important that representation is as accurate and sensitive as possible as not to offend.

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• A well established and widely known institution is best to use when marketing a film, as they will already have large film names behind them. An audience will have expectations and having watched other films produced by this institution will be anticipating one similar to these.

• A popular institution will already have a significant audience base, and so the marketing of the new film will straight away reach these and appeal to them.

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• Once the audience have been drawn to the product with a successful advertising scheme, the narrative is the most important component to keep an audience engaged and entertained, so needs to be explicitly shown to avoid confusion, but not too obvious as to patronise the audience.

• The trailer and poster advertising the film must be clearly drawn from the narrative, as these are what bring in an audience. Failing to do this will create confusion and the audience will not identify with the film.

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• As stated by Robert Warshaw, an audience will go into a film with expectations and ideas based on previous films of the same genre that they have seen, but will still want the narrative to be original. Therefore it is important that a new film still shows typical conventions of the genre in order to keep an audience identifying with it.

• An audience will be drawn in primarily from the advertising products (ie. trailer, poster) and so it is important that these make a lasting impression and that there are clear similarities amongst them so that an audience can easily notice and recognise them.