psycho report.docx

School of Architecture and building and Design Foundation in Natural and Built Environment Sketch Report : Freshman in campus Group Members : Tung Siew Hui 0323823

Transcript of psycho report.docx

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School of Architecture and building and Design

Foundation in Natural and Built Environment

Sketch Report : Freshman in campus

Group Members : Tung Siew Hui 0323823 Jiji Ng 0904Y72861 Chin Cheong Soon 0323529 Jason Goh Kok Wei 0323392

Session : Monday 3.30pm-5.30pm

Lecturer : Mr T. Shankar

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Content Page

1. Acknowledgement

2. Introduction

3. Method a. Materials

4. Discussion a. Concepts and Definition of Sketch b. Storyboard c. Application and Analysis d. Conclusion

5. References


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I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of my group, to express our

appreciation to every group member, Jiji, Chin Cheong Soon, Jason Goh Kok Wei

for their teamwork and efforts to complete this assignment in time and fulfilling the

tasks that is passed to them thoroughly.

Chin Cheong Soon is the director of the sketch as well as the videographer. On

the other hand, Jason Goh was the editor for the video and giving ideas on how we

should shoot our sketch. Jiji was in charge of the presentation slides. I am in charge

of writing the report and providing a few concepts for this assignment.

Lastly, we would like to thank our psychology lecturer Mr. T Shankar for helping us

and guide us throughout this assignment. Throughout this assignment, we manage

to have better understanding for the concepts we used.


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For this assignment, we have to produce a video clip incorporating social psychology

concepts. Then, we have to produce a report of the sketch with precise information of the

script and presentation slides for the video we took in class.

The sketch that was taken must be based around the concepts learned in lectures in class

given by our lecturer, Mr. T Shankar. This assignment helps students to recognise and

identify the connections among concepts and perspectives within social psychology with

other disciplines.


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Throughout the shooting process we used Soon’s camera to record the whole

video. The settings of the video is Taylor’s University entrance, walkway in front of

Student Life Central and inside Student Life Central. We prepared temporary tattoos

and papers for the props. We had a discussion about which concepts we can

incorporate, roles and job division before we start shooting.

For the role delegation, Jason Goh is the character Bill which is the freshman in

campus. Then, Soon will be playing the role Cena ,who looks like a bad student but

he is kind hearted. Jiji will be playing the role as Ms Gigi, the lecturer. For me, Siew

Hui playing the role as Mary, I am the opposite of Cena the student the innocent

student with a bad heart.

We did not write any script because it is hard for us to memorise and it takes up

time. However, we did discuss on how we want our scenes to be like and we decided

to talk casually throughout our scenes.


Jiji first came up with a storyline based on family orientation. However, after our

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group discussion we decided to use the storyline based on college life as a freshman

because it is more convenient for us to meet up and start shooting.

For our sketch title “Freshman in Campus” is based on how social psychology is

able to incorporate in our daily life in campus. Which will be shown in the characters

we played, Cena, Mary and Ms Gigi.

Here are the concepts and definition which we used in our video shooting

Stereotyping against how one’s look

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A stereotype is “...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class

of people.” (Cardwell, 1996).

Bill inflicted discrimination as redirecting his negative behaviours between Mary

and Cena who have different expressed personality and characteristics in his

manifestation of membership upon his grouping preference. He persisted articulated

understanding of stereotyped groups as such in: (1) affiliation with subcultural

members in significance of social appeal and high performance members based on

his meritocratic beliefs, and (2) shared identity of decency in the university’s social


Cognitive Bias, Halo Effect in New Relationship

The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a

person influences how we feel and think about his or her character.

According to Asch’s (1946) social psychological ideologies in his classical

experiments, Bill has more positive ascription about Mary because he involved

passive awareness in engagement of rational identification about Mary’s disposition.

Consequently, Bill spent briefer intervention of assorted thinking on his positive

statement about Mary. As Bill has complication and incompetence in his first-hand

approach of university’s life, he deliberately made hasty generalisation on his first

impression about Mary’s approachability. Bill might afflicted with anxiety, timidity

and uncertainty about the unexpected environment in university. Furthermore, Bill

might inferred with the need of affinity to reduce the indistinctiveness between

himself and high performance student.

Optimism Bias and Counterfactual Thinking on Academic Result

While we often like to think of ourselves as highly rational and logical, researchers

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have found that the human brain is sometimes too optimistic for its own good. If you

were asked to estimate how likely you are to experience divorce, illness, job loss, or

an accident, you are likely to underestimate the probability that such events will ever

impact your life. This is because your brain has a built in optimism bias.

Bill has strong applicability of his academic success on his university’s recognition

and identity. This is assumed as he always feel overshadowed by other’s credibility of

academic success and endured sensitive disapproval with an agitation of self-esteem.

This upward social comparisons pressured him to be empathetic and encouraging

himself by making chronological comparisons between his past and present

performance. Apparently, these defensive and overestimated barrier made by Bill is

inclined to exaggeration of actuality. On the other hand, Bill motivated himself by

using downward counterfactuals as his educator’s criticism influenced him to

generalise a more realistic interpretation of his academic performance, by

pressurising him to predetermine his academic results with credit of examination. Bill

afflicted with abstemious behaviour, which he still oversee himself with self-

protective cognitive inferences.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy on Academic Performance

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is

already true.

Miss Gigi is initial impressed by the declination of academic performance of Bill

and dedicated to scrutinize his following rectification. However, Miss Giji’s

demoralisation about Bill’s academic advancement stereotyped him as unproductive

groups and erroneously impressed about actualisation of his academic competencies.

Her prediction and deterrence in the educational interaction generated self-fulfilling

prophecy in Bill which he inaccurately adjusted his sensitivity, conception and

assessment about individual self-esteem, enthusiasm and effectiveness in subsequent

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Social Loafing in Group Assignment

Social loafing describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they

are part of a group. Because all members of the group are pooling their effort to

achieve a common goal, each member of the group contributes less than they would

if they were individually responsible.

Mary’s output fall off in the completing progression of group assignment due to her

inconsistency in mutual discussion and task-orienting participation. Her insufficient

academic application is comparably ineffectual even though she intervened members’

discussions cooperatively in the preliminary stage of participation. She is susceptible

to subtractive belief of insignificant outcomes upon responsive group involvement

and is less faithful to the group. She perceived with a group norms of poor capacity

upon their completion on group assignment due to her excellent academic

performance, thereby exhibiting higher propensity of social loafing.


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