psych 155 case study.doc

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  • 8/9/2019 psych 155 case study.doc


    Coleen Grace M Servando February 1, 2008

    BA Psychology III Psychology 155


    CASE #1: I Could Be Dying


    In #y o$n assess#en%, %he 52&year&old $hole sale d!s%r!bu%or o' au%o#ob!le (ar%s

    $ould be d!agnosed $!%h Pan!c !sorder) *e had a lo% o' sy#(%o#s %ha% de(!c%s a (an!c a%%ac+

    es(ec!ally $hen he d!scussed abou% h!s an!e%y %o$ards r!d!ng a (lane) Also, due %o h!s

    an!e%y he ac-u!red alcohol!c de(endence, ho$ever, %h!s $asn.% %ha% o'%en only be'ore he $!ll

    %ravel or 'eel an!ous) In add!%!on, he also had %rouble !n slee(!ng and $ould (ar%!cularly

    $a+e !n %he n!gh% 'eel!ng an!ous and under a (an!c cond!%!on)


    /he #an !n %he case s%udy had a h!gher chance o' recovery because !n %he '!rs% (lace

    he subec%ed h!#sel' %o undergo such %rea%#en%) Also, accord!ng %o %he s%udy he !s very

    !n'or#a%!ve, verbal, cheer'ul, 'r!endly and engag!ng) *e has no (roble# !n d!scuss!ng h!s

    concerns and he !s res(ons!ve enough %o$ards %he %rea%#en%)

    CASE #2: Thundersor!


    She!la, a 28&year&old house$!'e, (ar%!cularly had S(ec!'!c Phob!a An!e%y !sorder,

    s(ec!'!cally 'ear o' s%or#s) /h!s d!agnos!s !s (r!#ar!ly su((or%ed %hrough all o' %he s!%ua%!ons

    d!scussed !n %he case s%udy) She $as 'r!gh%ened o' s%or#s s!nce she $as a ch!ld) She !s #os%

    'r!gh%ened o' l!gh%!ng) Accord!ng %o %he s%a%e#en%s !n %he case s%udy, She!la beg!ns %o 'eel

    an!e%y long be'ore a s%or# arr!ves) She also e(er!ences an!e%y $hen %he $ea%her see#ed %o

    sho$ s!gnals %ha% %he s%or# !s abou% %o co#e)

  • 8/9/2019 psych 155 case study.doc



    In #y o$n unders%and!ng, She!la $!ll have a (os!%!ve (rognos!s %o$ards %he d!sorder)

    She has a h!gh chance %o overco#e her an!e%y es(ec!ally $hen she $!ll con%!nue her

    %rea%#en% and added %o %ha% she also coun%er her d!sorder %hrough her o$n sel'&%rea%#en%,

    such as do!ng several %h!ngs %o reduce her an!e%y) Also, %he #a!n 'ac%or %ha% $ould enable her

    %o overco#e her d!sorder !s %ha% she !s a$are o' !% and she recogn!3es %he !rra%!onal na%ure o'

    her 'ear lead!ng %o %he %hough% %ha% (sych!a%r!c %rea%#en% $ould a!d her %o recover)

    CASE #": Burned


    /he 28&year&old $o#an !n %he case s%udy $!ll be d!agnosed by Acu%e S%ress !sorder)

    /he e(er!ences she under$en% $hen %he!r house $as burned, her !nur!es and $hen her

    husband d!ed caused a %rau#a%!c e(!sode !n her l!'e) She also sho$ed sy#(%o#s o' an!e%y,

    'ear and e#o%!onal uns%ableness) She also has a subec%!ve sense o' nu#b!ng, de%ach#en%, or

    absence o' e#o%!onal res(ons!veness) Added %o her sy#(%o#s, she also had d!ssoc!a%!ve

    a#nes!a (ar%!cularly recall!ng an !#(or%an% as(ec% o' %he %rau#a she had e(er!enced)


    /he $o#an, !n #y o$n v!e$, $ould (oss!bly have nega%!ve (rognos!s or a lo$er

    chance %o overco#e her d!sorder) S!%ua%!ons sugges% %ha% she does no% res(ond a((ro(r!a%ely

    !n %rea%#en%) She re'uses %o share her e#o%!ons and 'or %ha% !% $ould be d!''!cul% 'or her %o

    overco#e her 'eel!ngs) She should be able %o channel ou% her nega%!ve 'eel!ngs !n order 'or

    her %o be (ro(erly ada(%!ve !n %he course o' %he s!%ua%!on) 4n'or%una%ely, based !n %he case

    s%udy she d!d no% a((ear %o be $or+!ng %hrough her gr!e' a((ro(r!a%ely) In conclus!on, she

    #!gh% have a lo$er chance o' recovery)