Psy492xb Driver D Slideshare

Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Recently I was watching television and there were about three to five segments on how teenagers who were committing suicide because they were being bullied. After noticing how many teenagers where committing suicide after being bullied I wanted to do some research how interlinked the two were to each other. After doing my research I found out that the two are linked to each other.

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Most people think that bullying that takes place at school is the only type of bullying that can lead a teenager to commit suicide but that is not true. The truth of the matter is that there are several types of bullying that can cause a teenager to commit suicide. All bullying can have a negative effect on teenagers which can lead them to commit suicide especially if they are not sharing the problem with any one.

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Types of Bullying

•Physical Bullying is when someone is being abused in a physical way.

•Verbal bullying is when someone is being bullied by words

•Indirect bullying is when someone spreads rumors

•Cyber bullying is when the bullying takes place over the internet

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

One of the main reasons that bullying can be linked to suicide is because bullying can cause the teenagers to become depressed. The depression that the teenagers are feelings causes them to want to commit suicide because they no longer have to deal with the bullying. Not only do the teenagers no longer have to deal with the bullying but they also do not have to deal with the sadness that they are experiencing because they are being bullied. Over nineteen thousand teenagers attempt to commit suicide because of bullying (Sheridan, 2010).

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Through out my research I have found more and more evidence that there is a link between teenagers bullying each other and teenagers committing suicide. Science Daily conducted a study found that two out of nine teenagers who committed suicide did it because they were being bullied. The study also found out that twice as many teenagers had suicidal thoughts because of the bullying they were being subjected to. One of the most interesting things that the study found out is that not only do the victims of bullying commit suicide but the people doing the bullying are also likely to commit suicide ( Science Daily, 2008).

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Another way to see that there is a connection between teenagers bullying each other and teenagers committing suicide is the number of teenagers who have allegedly committed suicide because they have either been cyber bullied, physical bullied, verbally bullied or indirectly bullied. You can turn on the news or read the news paper and see examples where parents are saying that their child committed suicide because they were being bullied by their peers.

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

There are several examples that I found that showed how linked teenage bullying and teenage suicide are with each other. One example of a teenager committing suicide because of bullying is Christian Taylor. Christian Taylor was being bullied by his peers for months and after one of his peers told him to go ahead a kill his self so the world can be a better place. Christian Taylor did talk to his parents about what was going on at school and his mother did talk to the school. Unfortunately the school was not able to do anything about the bullying and the end result was Christian Taylor committing suicide.

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

Christian Taylor was not the only teenager who committed suicide because of bullying another teenager who committed suicide after being bullied by her peers was Phoebe Prince. Phoebe Prince was being bullied for a while and was feeling depressed about what was going on at school. One day while Phoebe Prince was walking home from school and a group of teenagers started calling her names and throwing things at her this was the final straw for Phoebe Prince. When Phoebe Prince got home she hung herself in her hallway.

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Teen Bullying and Teen Suicide

After researching this subject I found that teen bullying can indeed play a part in a teenager committing suicide. The simple fact that states now have anti bullying law shows us that bullying can be the blame for teenagers committing suicide.