PSY375 - Life Span Perspective

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  • 7/30/2019 PSY375 - Life Span Perspective


    Life Span PerspectivePSY/375

  • 7/30/2019 PSY375 - Life Span Perspective


    Life Span Perspective

    From the time person is brought directly into this globe by birth till the morning they die is

    named a persons lifespan. The different stages somebody goes by way of as he / she develop is

    called lifespan development. In this particular paper I most certainly will explain lifespan

    perspective associated with development and also summarize two theories of life development. I

    most certainly will then clarify how heredity along with the environment communicates to

    individual differences within development.

    The particular perspective associated with lifespan development understands these ongoing

    changes which take place in development. Piaget and also Freud possess opposite theories on the

    subject of lifespan development. Piagets theory is predicated off associated with cognitive

    development which happens over the persons living, whereas the idea that Freud employs is the

    basis associated with id, vanity, and superego. The nature versus nurture is over viewpoints

    within lifespan development nonetheless they affect exactly who and how when you are.

    Lifespan development happens from the time associated with birth until finally death happens for

    individual grows and builds up. The take on life in relationship to people development will be

    lifelong, along with the theories associated with lifespan development seen in Piaget and also

    Freud, as you move the influences of an persons living is nature and nurture.

    An individuals lifespan begins to be a fetus and as it builds up and matures from the womens

    womb from the first 9 months while to become human being female or male will keep on its

    levels of living. The research of people development is usually a science trying to understand

    just how humans adjust over their own lifetime (Berger, 2008). The particular changes that she /

    he goes through because they grow can be steady, foreseeable, linear progressive, but commonly

    none these take place among the changes. The normal stages during lifespan from start to end

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    can be birth, birth, adolescence, adulthood, later years, and finally for the time associated with

    death. To define lifespan development it is smart to bring up that humans during their span of

    life, to work, learn to communicate, learn from relationships and love. Consider that these

    developments go into the viewpoint of development.

    There is a lifelong relationship between human development lifespan perspectives. There are

    three development domains in lifespan perspective. These domains are physical domain,

    cognitive domain, and social domain. Physical development refers to the growth of the body,

    organs, physical systems, signs of aging, change in motor abilities, and all physical changes

    (Sigelman & Rider, 2009). The following development has mental process, problem solving,

    perception, learning language, and memory from the cognitive point of view with development.

    The very last developmental stage is psychosocial stage; this phase takes care of the

    interpersonal and personal feature of development. Psychosocial developmental traits are:

    interpersonal skills, family, personality traits, roles motives emotions, society, and relationships.

    Lifespan development also has five characteristics useful for understanding any age of human

    development (Berger, 2008). Multidirectional characteristics explanations for the change in any

    direction, for it do not have to be in a straight line. Inserting in the lives of human context can

    consist of constraints such as, historical conditions and family patterns, which these

    characteristic refer back to multi contextual characteristics. Something else that defines a person

    is his or her cultural, and multicultural which is in lifespan development. Academic fields can

    also contribute data and insights to human growth such fields of study are: religion,

    anthropology, genetics, neuroscience, sociology, psychology, biology, along with many others in

    the multidisciplinary characters of development. The last of the five developmental

    characteristics is plasticity, which states that every person has traits that can be altered at any

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    point in life, and change is ongoing (Berger, 2008). All these different thoughts come from

    different theories among lifespan development, such as theorists like Jean Piaget and Sigmund


    According to Berger (2008), a developmental theory is systematic statement of principles they

    provide a generalization of coherent framework for understanding the changes of people as they

    grow older.

    Sigmund Freud who is accountable for having many controversial theories and one of these is on

    lifespan development. Freud believed that the first six years of a humans development occurs in

    three different stages, which all are centered around having a sexual pleasure concentrated on a

    specific body part. Infancy is the oral stage, early childhood is the anal stage, and preschool

    years are the phallic stage a source of pride and fear among boys and reason for sadness and

    envy in girl (Berger, 2008). Freuds psychoanalytic explanation of an adult trapped in an

    unconscious struggle is due to their childhood stages.

    Piaget comes from using the cognitive theory on development. Piagets theory gives importance

    to the development and structure of ones thought processes. This theory has dominated

    psychology since 1980, and has brained into many versions, each adds insights about human

    development (Berger, 2008). Piaget grasped that children are thoughtful and curious, and there

    are four stages in cognitive development: formal operational, concrete operational,

    preoperational and sensor motor. Every one of these stages are age-related beginning from birth

    to age two is sensor motor is when the infant uses senses and motor to comprehend life. From the

    age of two to six, kids use language to comprehend life and thats the preoperational stage.

    Continuing on from the ages of six to eleven children start using logical principles, logical

    operations, to interpret and experience through the concrete operational stage. In the last stage

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    which is the formal operational stage kids from the age of twelve through adulthood, think about

    hypothetical concepts, abstraction, and reason analytically and not always emotionally. The one

    question everyone ponders over is which has more of an influence in the development of a

    person, nature or nurture. The topic of nature and nurture has been argued about the comparative

    impact about the development of a person from the time of birth to death. Nature and nurture

    both play a huge role in the making of a person. Nature is genes passed down from one

    generation to the next, biological determinism that a person has evolved predispositions that go

    beyond the influence of environment (Guest, 2011). Nature is an individuals appearance,

    temperaments and abilities. Nature consists of eye color, height, temperament, and a persons

    abilities. Nurture mentions to the area around that an individual is raised up in. An individuals

    surrounding also has an influence on how she or he will be. The surrounding area of a person

    includes their; schooling, interaction with others such as friends, and religion. The way the

    guardian nurtures their child also has an influence on his or her development. Both aspects of

    nature and nurture happen during the early stages of development, which is the most essential

    time for the child.

    In conclusion, lifespan development is a psychological study from the time of birth till death.

    Lifespan perspective is the connection in development which is seen in the three development

    areas and the five characteristic stages. Both Piaget and Freud who had different theories on

    development stages; Piagets was cognitive based psychology which happens in four stages

    while Freuds theory had three stages each containing different sexual pleasures. The debate

    among nature and nurture may go on but they both have strong influences in all the lifes stages.

    Our lifespan is based on all these developments but what judges our outcome of waking up the

    next day to continue on a path of life.

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    Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span (7th ed.). New York,

    NY: Worth Publishers.

    Guest, A. (2011). Taking sides: Clashing views in life-span development (3rd ed.). New

    York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

    Sigelman, C.K., & Rider, E.A. (2009). Life-Span Human Development (6th ed.).

    Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.