
PENGANTAR SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI HAYATI. LUH WAYAN ARI SAWITRI/ 16114058 BIOSYSTEM REVIEW 1. What is system? System is is a set of components that function and interact in some regular and theoretically predictable manner, can be isolated for the purposes of observation and study. There are 3 important things in system. They are : Elements Interconnection Function 2. What is living system/biosystem? Living system or biosystem is an open self-organizing living things that interact with their environment, maintained by flows of information, energy and matter. 3. Explain how we can distinguish the characteristics of biosystem! We can distinguish the characteristics of biosystem by identifying the elements, interconnection and the function. For example we will distinguish the characteristics of ecosystem. In ecosystem elements there are abiotic components and biotic components. Abiotic components likes sunlight, precipitation, temperature and nutrients. And for the biotic components likes bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. In the ecosystem there are : Elements : There are input and output and also flows. The input is the solar energy and the output is heat from transfer energy process. The flows in ecosystem can be found in many kind of cycles likes carbon sycle, nitrogen cycle etc. Interconnection : interconnection in ecosystem is pointed out by the trophic cascade hypothesis. Funtion : Ecosystem functions are the biological, geochemical and physical processes and components that take place or occur within an ecosystem,



Transcript of PSTH_A2_16114058

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1. What is system?

System is is a set of components that function and interact in some regular and

theoretically predictable manner, can be isolated for the purposes of observation and

study. There are 3 important things in system. They are :




2. What is living system/biosystem?

Living system or biosystem is an open self-organizing living things that

interact with their environment, maintained by flows of information, energy and


3. Explain how we can distinguish the characteristics of biosystem!

We can distinguish the characteristics of biosystem by identifying the

elements, interconnection and the function. For example we will distinguish the

characteristics of ecosystem. In ecosystem elements there are abiotic components and

biotic components. Abiotic components likes sunlight, precipitation, temperature and

nutrients. And for the biotic components likes bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. In

the ecosystem there are :

Elements : There are input and output and also flows. The input is the

solar energy and the output is heat from transfer energy process. The

flows in ecosystem can be found in many kind of cycles likes carbon

sycle, nitrogen cycle etc.

Interconnection : interconnection in ecosystem is pointed out by the

trophic cascade hypothesis.

Funtion : Ecosystem functions are the biological, geochemical and

physical processes and components that take place or occur within an


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4. Why is solar energy being called as the ultimate input for ecosystem, as well as

biosystem as a whole?

As we know energy is needed by living things in ecosystem. And solar energy

is the importants elements in ecosystem. The solar energy become the main sources in

ecosystem. The sunlight will be used by plants for photosynthesis. The organism will

eat the plants as producers. That organism called primary consumers and than the

primary consumers will be eaten by the another organism, that organism called

secondary consumers. In this process there will be a transfer of energy that living

things used for their life.

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1. Let’s say that we livein an ecosystem called “Bandung City”.

a. What will happen if all decomposers in Bandung are dead?

Decomposers is a biotic component. Decomposers are usually called

heterotrophic decomposers. Decomposers are living things that decompose

organic substances back. For example, fungus and bacteria.

Decomposers has an important role in the ecosystem. Animals or plants that

die will be decomposed and is returned to the soil to become nutrient

elements / inorganic substances that are essential for plant growth. In addition,

the activity of decomposers can also produce carbon dioxide gas which is very

useful for the process of photosynthesis. So if all decomposers in Bandung are

dead there will be an imbalance of ecosystems. There is no CO2 that used by

the plant as the main material for photosynthesis. So the plants can not

produce oxygen for the another living things. Also there is no inorganic

subtances that will changed into th organic substances for the living things

life. Because of that decomposer is very important in the ecosystem.

b. What will happen if all trees in Bandung are cut down?

Cutting down the trees in Bandung without calculation will also cause

inbalance ecosystem likes there are no decomposers. Cutting down the tree in

Bandung can be eliminate most of the producers in an ecosystem. The another

effect cutting down the tres will changes the hydrological cycle. When rain falls

on open ground, the water will go straight into the soil with high fertility. In the

absence of trees that hold rainwater to seep into the ground will cause the flow of

water on the soil surface becomes large. The existence of a large and rapid flow

will erode the surface of arable land. Loss of soil fertility will reduce earthworm

populations that contribute to help fertilize the soil. Lack of water infiltration in

the soil will cause drought in the dry season. With the cutting of trees, causing

more trees receives sunlight and temperature will rise. Cutting te tress also cause

the natural disesters such as floods. So we have to keep the balance of ecosystems

in the area of Bandung in order to avoid the unwanted

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2. Look at the diagram and explain “why” called system. Describe which are the

elements, interconnection and function within the system.

Because there are a set of components that function and interact in some

regular and theoretically predictable manner, and also there are 3 important things in

system. They are :




The diagram is a system because in the diagram

Elements :

Sunlight (input)

Biomass (input)

CO2 (input)

Fosil energy (input)

Mineral recycle (flows)

Fosil cycle (flows)

Fuel (output)

Heat (output)

New Bioproducts (output)

Power (output)


Factories and agricultural residues through a cycle and the results will

be used by the manufacturer to bring out a product.


Fossil energy through a fossil cycle to produce a product that is used

by living things.