PSS - Patrol Support ·...

In the current international scenario, Law Enforcement agencies are under increasing pressure to provide territorial monitoring and control to ensure the security and safety of the public at large. To address these needs, Selex ES has developed the PSS (Patrol Support System), a comprehensive Law Enforcement support solution. PSS offers a “total territorial control” capability, or the ability to keep track of all the activities involved in patrol missions by centralising information received from the field. This makes the PSS a versatile and powerful solution, providing a global overview of Law Enforcement activities and the ability to react quickly when needed. PSS is useful not only in Law Enforcement for border control, to prevent unautorised access to restricted areas and to verify electronic documents (passports, entry permitsor identity cards), but also for civil applications, including population census and personal identification for the distribution of food and money aid. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The system has a 3-level hierarchical architecture: the Surveillance Center is the top level in the system, where all information about patrol activities performed in the field is managed and monitored the Field Control Units, or collection centres for raw data incoming from peripheral devices; the PSS Device (the current release is II b), which is the hand-held unit used by Law Enforcement officers during patrol missions. PSS comprises a set of applications running both on the device and at central and peripheral levels. PSS Surveillance Center - The features of the Surveillance Center allow it to display the position of active PSS Devices in real-time on a map, together with their status and user data, to send messages to one or more devices, to receive alarm messages and to display detailed information on the activities performed by the devices. PSS - Patrol Support System Biometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control

Transcript of PSS - Patrol Support ·...

Page 1: PSS - Patrol Support · Biometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control. The Surveillance Center

In the current international scenario, Law Enforcementagencies are under increasing pressure to provideterritorial monitoring and control to ensure the securityand safety of the public at large.To address these needs, Selex ES has developed thePSS (Patrol Support System), a comprehensive LawEnforcement support solution.

PSS offers a “total territorial control” capability, or theability to keep track of all the activities involved in patrolmissions by centralising information received from the field.This makes the PSS a versatile and powerful solution,providing a global overview of Law Enforcement activitiesand the ability to react quickly when needed.

PSS is useful not only in Law Enforcement for bordercontrol, to prevent unautorised access to restricted areasand to verify electronic documents (passports, entrypermitsor identity cards), but also for civil applications,including population census and personal identificationfor the distribution of food and money aid.


The system has a 3-level hierarchical architecture:

• the Surveillance Center is the top level in the system, where all information about patrol activities performed in the field is managed and monitored

• the Field Control Units, or collection centres for raw data incoming from peripheral devices;

• the PSS Device (the current release is II b), which is the hand-held unit used by Law Enforcement officers during patrol missions.

PSS comprises a set of applications running both on the device and at central and peripheral levels.

PSS Surveillance Center - The features of the SurveillanceCenter allow it to display the position of active PSSDevices in real-time on a map, together with their statusand user data, to send messages to one or more devices,to receive alarm messages and to display detailed information on the activities performed by the devices.

PSS - Patrol Support SystemBiometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control

Page 2: PSS - Patrol Support · Biometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control. The Surveillance Center

The Surveillance Center also receives and stores all thedata sent by the PSS Devices, and provides reporting toolsthat can be used to perform queries on the database.The Surveillance Center also permits integration withexternal information systems, including AutomatedFingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS), civil registries,license plate hot-lists and others. Interfaces are easy toimplement because of the modular approach used in thedesign of the Surveillance Center, which stores all eventsand transactions in a dynamic database and also allowstheir analysis in play-back.

Field Control Units - The system’s functions are completedby Field Control Units, which are typically installed inremote police stations and connected over a wide areanetwork to the Surveillance Center.The FCUs are used to upload multimedia informationcaptured by PSS Device during patrol shifts to theSurveillance Center and to download hot-lists and softwareupdates. The features of the Surveillance Center can also becustomized to satisfy specific customer needs.

PSS Device - PSS Device is a multifunctional hand-helddevice offering a full set of applications for use in a broadrange of situations, including automatic license platerecognition, fingerprint-based identity verification andmultimedia information capture.A high-sensitivity GPS receiver, a fingerprint scanner, twovideocameras, a contact smartcard reader, a GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPDA cellular modem, and Bluetooth andWiFi connectivity are standard features of the PSS Device, which also includes a 3.5” high-visibility touch-screen and2GB of flash memory for applications and data.

Page 3: PSS - Patrol Support · Biometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control. The Surveillance Center

The docking station is used to charge the user-replaceablebattery in the PSS Device (which has a running timeover 8 hours) and connect it to a PC through a USB portor over a Wi-Fi connection.

PSS Device also has a serial port for connection toexternal devices such as hand-held or car-mounted TETRAor Tetrapol radios.

Another feature of the PSS Device is its modular design,allowing the unit to be fitted with expansion modules thatadd new functionality:

• with the optional MRZ/RF module, the PSS Device can verify electronic documents, including e-passports, identity cards and residence permits, using the “Machine Readable Zone” swipe reader and the contactless chip reader;

• with the optional Barcode/RF module, the PSS Device can be used in logistics and access control applications;

• with the optional RF module, the PSS Device can be used for access control applications;

• with the optional alcohol test module, the PSS Device can be used by Law Enforcement officers as a breathalyser. Measurement reports and fines can be printed using a small Bluetooth printer.


PSS Device performs operator authentication usingbiometric technology to restrict access to the device, aswell as identifying individuals by means of fingerprintrecognition.

Optional integrated face and voice recognition subsystemsare also available, with 1:n matching of biometric data

captured against a fingerprint hot-list stored in the PSS Device, or by sending standard ANSI/NIST format files for comparison with the information contained in a remote AFIS (Automated Fingerprint & Identification System).Authentication is performed against the biometric information contained in an electronic document (1:1 match).


Every PSS Device can constantly inform the SurveillanceCenter and Field Control Units of its geographicalcoordinates during operations.The Surveillance Center makes it possible to display ageographical map indicating the positions of all the otherdevices, to communicate with operators and send back-upif needed.Data communication is established through aGPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA connection, while telephoneconnectivity is provided by a GSM link.


All PSS Device units have both contact and contactlesssmart card readers incorporated, allowing them to accessand verify new electronic identity documents.Electronic documents like biometric smart cards can alsobe created for holder authentication purposes. Smartcards contain the information needed to attach an electronicsignature to transmitted documents and encrypt them.


PSS Device has built-in Bluetooth support to connectvarious peripherals and sensors, such as printers and anyother standard-compliant devices.

The Wi-Fi module can connect to private or public accesspoints to exploit the best possible data exchange rate.

Page 4: PSS - Patrol Support · Biometric Solutions for Territorial Monitoring and Control. The Surveillance Center

For more information please email [email protected] ES S.p.A. - A Finmeccanica CompanyThis publication is issued to provide outline information only and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part of it may be reproduced or used unless authorized in writing.We reserve the right to modify or revise all or part of this document without notice.2013 © Copyright Selex ES S.p.A. CODE: ei-SEC-ED-098/V1/11/Z

The USB connection provided by the docking stationallows the PSS Device to connect directly to the FieldControl Unit for database (eg. fingerprint hot lists) andapplication software updates, as well as to upload massivedata sets (such as Audio/video registrations) capturedduring field operations.GMS/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA technology providescontinuous bidirectional data transmission betweenthe Operations Centre and all units in the area.AFIS transactions to match digital fingerprints againstremote databases are one example.An earpiece is also provided to make and receive telephonecalls over the cellular network.


PSS Device can capture image, video and soundecordings, include them in reports on operations andassociate them with geographical coordinates provided bythe GPS subsystem, in order to pin-point events forimmediate intervention.

The image and audio capture capability also supportsalternative forms of biometric recognition (face and voice).


With its built-in video camera and white/infrared LEDilluminators, the PSS Device can automatically recogniselicence plate numbers captured live, in any light conditions.The OCR application rapidly recognises the alphanumericcharacters on vehicle licence plates, comparing them witha hot-list stored on the device (up to 4 million licencenumbers).

This application can identify vehicles which have beenreported as stolen, or which have been flagged for otheradministrative reasons or as a result of unauthorisedaccess to restricted traffic zones. Fines can also be printedout using an external Bluetooth printer.