1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND Children language acquisition has been an interesting topic for the linguist. Even though, the process of how children get and learn the language itself still related from the scientist’s study in field of knowledge, such as field of education, psychology and linguistic. Learning language basically consists of four aspects, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Commonly, those four aspects are learned at formal school. There are two ways how children learn. The first way is obtained unconsciously, informally, and implicitly. This way is called language acquisition. The second way is obtained with the lecturing, classroom atmosphere and curriculum. This conscious way is called language learning since there is teacher and learner. 1 Normal children acquire language naturally and are able to participate in language learning. Nevertheless, some of them get difficulties in acquiring and learning language. In fact, language is one of some important 1 . browsed on Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 10.00 a.m.






Children language acquisition has been an interesting topic for the linguist.

Even though, the process of how children get and learn the language itself still

related from the scientist’s study in field of knowledge, such as field of education,

psychology and linguistic.

Learning language basically consists of four aspects, listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Commonly, those four aspects are learned at formal school.

There are two ways how children learn. The first way is obtained unconsciously,

informally, and implicitly. This way is called language acquisition. The second

way is obtained with the lecturing, classroom atmosphere and curriculum. This

conscious way is called language learning since there is teacher and learner.1

Normal children acquire language naturally and are able to participate in

language learning. Nevertheless, some of them get difficulties in acquiring and

learning language. In fact, language is one of some important aspects for human

to express themselves, socialize, get knowledge in education and communicate in

their environment.

Different with normal children, mental retardation children can’t

understand and produce words, phrase and sentence perfectly. Mental retardation

children have such difficulties in processing the information in their brain. The

difficulties are caused by the broken part of the brain that is functioned to save

and process the memory. This damage is signed by cognitive, communicative,

social interaction and behavior disorder.2

Children language development depends on brain maturation,

environment, cognitive and motorist development, structural integrity and

1 browsed on Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 10.00 a.m.2


functional of organism.3 When there is a problem in the process of children

development, it will affect on the process of children language learning. The

problems can be speaking disorder, hearing disorder, autism, aphasia, dyslexia

and etc.

To analyze children language disorder, researcher needs to know kind of

the problem first. Then, the researcher can determine that there are two aspects of

science those are collaborated as the way out. The main aspect is linguistics. The

collaboration depends on what aspect that will be learned. Since the study is

related with children psychological, so the researcher chooses psychology as the

collaboration aspect. Even though, it is possible that the researcher encloses

neurology aspect.

This study will collaborate three aspects as base theory; those are

linguistics, psychology and neurology. Those are done since study about mental

retardation children language can’t be separated from those three aspects. The

level in using the theory is based on the fact that the speaking disorder of mental

retardation children causes them difficult in understanding and producing

language (word, phrase and sentence). The second reason is that their difficulties

in understanding and producing language affect their psychology. The last reason,

absolutely the difficulties are happen since there is a broken part in their brain.

Although those three aspects (linguist, psychology and neurology) are related with

mental retardation children in understanding and producing language, this study

will only focused on one aspect which is linguistic aspect. In order to analyze

linguistic aspect, the researchers will take the topic that related with linguistics.

As we know that there are many elements of language which are

phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, etc. In this case, the researchers will

take syntax as our topic. The syntax is related with the structure of the sentence,

such as word, phrase, and the sentence itself. This language element is also related

with language theory which has been proposed by Chomsky. This theory is about

competence and performance. In order to analyze this theory, the researchers

3 browsed on Sunday 29 May 2011 at 06.00 a.m.


could analyze in terms of understanding and production. These kinds of aspects

will be interesting if we analyzed to special students like mental retardations. So,

that’s way the researchers want to know about this.


Based on the problem limitation on the background above, the researcher

determine some questions formula below:

1. Could the 5th grade students of SLB Karya Asih understand and

produce a word, phrase, sentence??

2. Could the 10th grade students of SLB Karya Asih understand and

produce a word, phrase, sentence??


a. For Researcher

Hopefully, this paper can be used as reference for the writer to face the

real world when they start to work, especially in facing and teaching

mental retardation children (as a teacher).

b. For Teacher

It is hoped that the result of the research can be used as a knowledge to

guide when they must teach mental retardation children.

c. For Student

It is hoped that the student (in this case mental retardation children) can

understand and produce language syntactically.


1. To know whether mental retardation children can respond (by

understanding and producing) the language with the appropriate word.

2. To know whether mental retardation children can respond (by

understanding and producing) the language with the appropriate phrase.

3. To know whether mental retardation children can respond (by

understanding and producing) the language with the appropriate sentence.



1. Library Research

The method to collect the data is through reading the books or literatures

that connect with the problems of the research object.

2. Observation

The researchers also do an observation to get the data. The researchers

come to a special school to observe how the mental retardation students

respond to a word, phrase, and sentence by testing them with such a

simple test.

3. Recording

The researchers also make a record during they give a simple test to the

mental retardation students to check their understanding and their

production of word, phrase, and sentence.





There are a lot of syntaxes definition that declared by the linguist.

Tresadimi stated that syntaxes is a study about a norm that organize how to

combine words to form a sentence in a language. It is also stated that syntaxes is a

study about a correlation between component of sentence structure and sentence

arrangement in a word-phrase.4

When a structure appears only in one context, it should be given more

attention. For example, when a child uses wh-question structure correctly on a

sentence, “what is that?” we can’t assume that they understand wh-question well.

It is possible that they may produce, “why we here?” not “why do we here?”.

Another example is the use of possession sign s’. The correct form is “Grandma’s

house”. Perhaps a child will say “I go to Grandma’s”. The possessive s’ is easier

to remember than the correct rule of the word structure in sentence. A word that

used in a single form is remembered and used in whole structure.


Phrase is syntaxes unity which consists of two words or more, which is functioned

as a clause in syntaxes function.5


S P O Ket.(Adv)

Adik saya Suka makan Kacang goreng Di kamar

The clausa’s function above are filled by the phrases:”S” function is adik

saya, “P” function is suka makan, “O” function is kacang goring, “Ket/Adv.”

Function is di kamar.

4 Browsed on Tuesday 7 June 2011 on 03.00 p.m.5 browsed on Wednesday 18 May 2011 at 10.00 a.m.



A phrase is seen from the correlation between the two components on it, is

divided into two categories: coordinative and subordinate phrase. Coordinative

phrase is a phrase which has a same degree in it’s component structure, while

subordinate phrase is a phrase which the degree of the component is not the same.

Seen from the position of the components, phrase is divided into two: endocentric

phrase is a phrase which one of the component can substitute the other

components. Then exocentric phrase is a phrase which the components are in a

unity. Additionally, there are six phrases which are seen from their category, those


1. Coordinative Nominal Phrase

2. Coordinative Verbal Phrase

3. Coordinative Adjectival Phrase

4. Subordinate Nominal Phrase

5. Subordinate Verbal Phrase

6. Subordinate Adjectival Phrase6

Basically, subordinate phrase is the same with endocentric phrase. Kind of

endocentric phrase is:

1. Prepositional Phrase

A. Coordinative Nominal Phrase

CNP can be produce from:

1) 2 Relational antonym word of noun. Example:

Ayah >< ibu

Guru >< murid

2) 2 words which is categorized as noun and a part of location-meaning.


Sawah >< ladang

B. Coordinative Verbal Phrase

CVP can be formed from:

6 browsed on Saturday 28 May 2011 at 10.00 a.a.


1) 2 relational antonym verbs which contain additional grammatical

function. Additionally, conjunction word can be put between the two

words. Example:

Tambah-kurang (tambah dan kurang)

2) 2 verbs which are part of meaningful words. Since they have

grammatical additional function we can put “additional word” between

them. Example:

Dengar – lihat (dengar dan lihat)

C. Coordinative Adjectival Phrase

CAP can be formed from:

1) 2 relational antonym adjectival words. Since they have grammatical

meaning of choice, so we can put the word “atau/or” between them.


Baik - buruk (baik atau buruk)

2) 2 synonymous adjectival words that have grammatical meaning of

“very”. Example:

Cantik molek (very beautiful)

3) 2 adjectival word that have linear meaning and unity grammatical

function, so we can put the word “and/dan”. Example:

Bulat – panjang (bulat dan panjang)

4) 2 adjectival words that shows antonym relation so we can put the word

“but/tetapi” between them. Example:

Murah – bagus (murah tetapi bagus)

D. Subordinate Nominal Phrase

SNP can be formed from SNP in a structure of Noun + Noun:

a) Possession: rumah paman

b) Part : akhir bulan

c) Origin of material : soto ayam

d) Origin of place : jeruk bali

e) Mixing : kopi susu

f) Production : lukisan Affandi


g) Kind : pisau lipat

h) Gender : ayam jago

i) Likeness : jamur kuping

j) Model : topi koboi

k) Equipment that complete it : kereta listrik

l) Special function : tinta computer

m) The place : kapal laut

n) A thing for : botol kecap

o) Position : pintu belakang

p) Completed with : sepeda motor

q) Target : pelestarian alam

r) Origin o behavior: bantuan presiden

s) Tool : balap motor

E. Subordinate Verbal Phrase

SVP can be formed from:

1) Adv + V, has grammatical meaning:

a) Negative : tidak membayar

b) Frequency : jarang tidur

c) Quantity : sedikit bicara

d) Time : sudah makan

e) Wish : ingin pergi

f) Obligation : harus jadi

g) Absoluteness : pasti dating

h) Limitation : hanya makan

2) V + Adv

a) Repetition : tidur lagi

b) Accompanier : minum juga

3) V + N : lempar cakram

4) V + Adj : loncat indah

F. Subordinate Adjectival Phrase

SAP can be formed from:


1) Adj + Noun, has grammatical meaning “seperti/like”. Example: kuning

– emas.

2) Adj + Adj, has grammatical meaning “kind of color”. Example: merah

– terang.

3) Adj + V, has grammatical meaning “untuk/for”. Example: takut

(untuk) dating.

4) Adv + Adv, has grammatical meaning “superlative degree”. Example:

paling indah.


PP is a phrase which has a function as an adverb in a clause. PP is

not subordinate or coordinative phrase but it is an exocentric phrase. So,

there is no subordinate or coordinative component in it’s structure. Both of

the components in a prepositional phrase are a unity. PP consist of

preposition and noun. Example: di pasar.


A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or

printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a

single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes. Word is also defined as

something said; an utterance, remark, or comment. Word is also known as

language that is spoken or written.7

The word itself is part of the language that is used in linguistic

communication. In simple communication we need the word to express what we

want to say. Imagine that people don’t have word memory in their mind. Indeed,

the communication can’t happen at all. 8

7 Browsed on Wednesday 7 June 2011 at 16.00 p.m.8 Browsed on Wednesday 7 June 2011 at 16.00 p.m.



A. The verb

A group of words cannot be described as a sentence or a clause unless at least one of the words is a verb. In some ways, we can describe it as the most important part of speech because it is the 'action' word that tells the listener or reader what is happening in the sentence. Verbs can be ‘action’ words like run, initiate, judge, throw, but they can also denote less active notions and have more to do with mental processes and perceptions, like see, know, think and so on.

B. The noun

A noun is a word which is used to denote a person (woman,pianist etc.), a concrete or abstract entity (fork, field, truth, incoherence etc.) or a place (office, garden). These are all common nouns; there are also proper nouns which are the names of a specific person, place, event etc., usually starting with a capital letter, for example, York , John, Christmas, Saturday.

C. The adverb

The traditional approach to adverbs has been to assign mainly those words which are made from adjectives by the addition of the ending –ly (quickly, hopelessly), plus certain other words which are difficult to classify, like not, just and soon. Their main function is to qualify the action of the verb in the clause in some way, but they can also be used to add more information to an adjective or other adverb e.g. awfully good, incredibly slowly. The class of adverbs is very wide-ranging in form and is used to add comments to many of the other word classes.

D. The preposition

Prepositions allow us to talk about the way in which two parts of a sentence are related to each other. They include words like in, on, under, beside, through, inside, before, opposite. More often than not, these relationships are to do with either time or space, but other types of relationship, such as possession, cause and effect and method can be expressed by using prepositions. The words themselves are generally short and simple but some prepositions are multi-word units; for example, out of, by means of, in spite of, instead of, up to etc. Unless they are part of a verb (get in, pick up, switch off), prepositions are always followed by a phrase containing a noun – at school, in the summer, over the moon and so on.

E. The adjective


An adjective gives the reader or speaker extra information about a noun or delimits it in some way. It can occur in two positions in a phrase:

before the noun as in clear water, beautiful beaches, a terrible decision. The adjectives in these examples are said to be attributive,

following any form of the verb be (e.g. am, is, was, been) and similar verbs (seem, appear, become) as in the water became clear, the beaches are beautiful. These adjectives are in predicative position.

F. The pronoun

Pronouns are usually treated as a special sub-class of nouns. This is because they stand in for a noun or group of nouns. They are limited in number and belong to what is called a closed set, that is, a group of words to which new members are, for practical purposes, not allowed. Some examples of pronouns are: I, you, he, she, our, its, something, anyone and so on. Thus, instead of saying, Bill’s arrived. Bill’s in the lounge, we prefer Bill’s arrived. He’s in the lounge. Or a person called for you; better would be someone called for you. There are several other words which fall into this class; for example (the) one(s), when used to replace dishes in the example: pass me the dishes - the ones on the top shelf.

G. The conjunction

It would be very unusual for anyone to either speak or write completely in simple sentences; instead we tend to use a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences. One way to create longer, more complicated sentences is to use conjunctions. As we have already noted in the section on types of clause, conjunctions serve to connect two or more clauses, phrases or words together to make longer constructions. In the following examples, the conjunction is in bold:

The coffee was strong, but sweet. We can go to the match or watch it on TV. She has a dog and two cats. When I arrived home, they had already eaten. I had to stop driving because the rain was so bad. Can I have a word with you, if you’ve got the time? Although he can’t swim, he goes sailing.

There are two types of conjunction. The first is the coordinating conjunction; examples of this can be seen in sentences a to c above. This type is always used to connect elements that share the same grammatical status, that is, main clause to main clause, verb to verb, noun to noun, adjective to adjective and so on. In sentence a two adjectives, strong and sweet, are conjoined, in b two verbs, go and watch and c two nouns, dog and cats.


The second type is the subordinating conjunction, which most often joins two or more unequal clauses to one another. Typically a main clause will be connected to a subordinate clause as we saw in the section on clause types. So in sentences d to g above, the subordinate clause (which you will remember cannot stand on its own, but needs another more important clause to complete the meaning) begins with a conjunction, here when, because, if


Sentence is a gramatical arrangement that contain an idea or a message

completely. The word complete here means that a sentence contain minimal a

subject, a predicate and an object.9

1) Declarative Sentence

DS is also known as information sentence in a language. DS is

usually used by a speaker or writer to make a statement which contains

information for the reader and the listener. In written form, DS is ended

with “.”, while in spoken form, the speaker ends his/her sentence with low


2) Interrogative Sentence

IS is also known as question sentence. Formally, it is identified

with question words such as what(apa), who(siapa), how(bagaimana), etc.

IS is ended with question mark (?) in written and high voice in spoken. IS

is usually used to get “yes” or “no” answer or information about

something that needed by asking question.

3) Imperative Sentence

A sentence that gives advice or instructions or that expresses a

request or command, compare with sentences that make a statement, ask a

question, or express an exclamation. An imperative sentence ends with a

period or an exclamation point.10

4) Exclamative Sentence

ES is also known as interjection sentense that is used to express the

feeling of surprise. This sentence usually is said directly and accidentally

9 Abdul Qohar. 1998. Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia. PT Rineka Cipta: Jakarta. Pp: 32710 Browsed on Tuesday 7 June 2011 at 04.00 p.m.


when someone sees something that make him/her surprised or when

someone is wondering something. It is also stated that a sentence that

expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation, compare with

sentences that make a statement, express a command, or ask a question.

An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point.11


Special children who suffer mental retardation are called mental retardation

children. The other names of mental retardation children are:

1. Feeble minded2. Mentally retarded3. Idiot4. Mental abnormal

According to American Association on Mental Deficiency mental retardation

children is a condition that causes children having an IQ under the standard, less

than 84. Commonly, mental retardation children are difficult in doing adaptive

behavior. On the other hand, mental retardation children can’t receive

responsibilities as same as what normal children are received since they are

retarded mentally. Even though, mental retardation children also get barrier in

mastering academic skill and communicating with their peer. 12

Since it is different between autism and mental retardation, so we must treat

them differently. Autism is a child who suffers difficulties in communication and

social interaction as well as sensory function. Autism children can grow smarter

or even more stupid than normal children. Autism children are usually born by a

mother from a rich family. The baby gets unbalance nutrition during pregnancy

11 Browsed on Monday 6 June 2011 at 16.00 p.m.12 Browsed on Wednesday 7 June 2011 at 16.00 p.m.


period. Then, mental retardation children are they who get difficulties not only in

communication but also in mastering academic skill. They aren’t as smart as

normal children. Mental retardation children are usually born by a mother from a

poor family. They don’t get enough nutrition during they live in their mother’s


Mental retardation children can’t think about abstract things. They don’t suffer

the retardation in a week, a month, a year but they suffer the retardation forever.

They can’t do everything perfectly.




This chapter is focused on a description of the research setting and subject,

population and sample, research procedure, data analysis, data conclusion and

data validation. All of those elements are discussed as follows:

A. Research Setting and Subject

The setting of this study will be conducted at SLB Karya Asih at

Margerejo Sawah 59-E Surabaya 60238. The subject of this study is the

fifth grade students of elementary school and first grade of high school.

B. Population and Sample

Population is a set (or collection) of all elements possessing one or

more attributes of interest.13 The Population of this study is the fifth grade

and tenth grade students of SLB Karya Asih Margerejo Surabaya. There

are 12 students at this level while the high school only has two students.

Sample is a part of the researched population.14 In this case, the researchers

will take three students of fifth grade and all students at tenth grade.

C. Research Procedure

The study will be conducted under the following procedures:

preliminary study, planning, implementing the action, observing, and


1. Preliminary Study

A preliminary study will carry out to get information about mental

retardation or tuna grahita students at SLB Karya Asih Margerejo

Surabaya, especially the characteristics of those students. In addition, the

researches attempt to get information about the ability of understanding

and producing in terms of syntaxes. In the preliminary study, the

13 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: PT.Bumi Aksara, 2008) Edisi Revisi V, h.10814 Ibid., h.108


researchers meet the headmaster of SLB Karya Asih Margerejo Surabaya

to talk about the plan of the research.

2. Planning

In relation to the application of action research, the researchers will

make a prior preparation to the implementation of the action based on

preliminary study. In this case, the researchers will prepare suitable

technique which could measure the ability of syntaxes. In this technique,

the researchers will use some materials and media, such as pictures and

word cards.

3. Implementing the Action

After the planning is finished, the researchers implement the

technique to the research field. In implementing this study, the researchers

carry out the cards that contain a picture. Those cards will be used to

stimulate the students in producing and understanding of syntaxes which

include word, phrase, and sentence.

Firstly, in order to know whether those students of SLB Karya

Asih could understand and produce the ‘words’, the researchers show the

pictures and ask to students to produce the words. In understanding, the

researchers ask to students to take the word card which match with the


Secondly, the researchers show pictures which indicate ’phrases’,

such as rambut panjang, kucing hitam, rambut pendek, kucing putih. The

researchers ask to students to guess what phrases that match with the

picture and take the word card. In this way, the researchers know whether

those students are able to understand and produce the phrase well or not.

Thirdly, the researchers give a sentence which is followed with

some questions. Those questions indicate the understanding of sentence. In

producing sentence, the researchers show a picture that stimulates them to

produce a sentence.


4. Instrument and Data Collection Technique

There are some instruments prepared in order to be easier in

monitoring the process of this study. All of those instruments are described

as follows:

a) Observation Checklist

The observation checklist contains some indicators that

facilitate the researchers to collect the data. The indicators are

understanding and production of word, phrase, and sentence. These

observation checklist will be used as instrument in order to make

the data clearly and understandable.

b) Field-notes

The field-notes are used to investigate the activities which

are beyond the observation checklist. It contains written

description of what the researches heard, saw, experienced during

this study. These field- notes are intended to anticipate the

possibility of losing the relevant data during the implementation of


c) Set of Test

A test can be defined as a method of measuring an

individual ability, skill, or knowledge in some area.15 This

instrument is used to measure students’ ability in understanding

beyond the sentence. The questions consist of identifying the

subject, predicate, object, and modifier.

D. Data Analysis

There are two kinds of data gathered in this study. The first data is

concerning with result of students ability in understanding of word, phrase,

and sentence. The second data is concerning with result of students ability

15 Renzo Titone and Marcel Danesi, Applied Psycholinguistics: An Introduction The Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985), p.154


in production of word, phrase, and sentence. The result of data analysis

will be reported in next chapter.

The researchers use observation checklist to analyze the result of

this study. The result will explain whether mental retardation students are

able to produce and understand or not. If the result of observation checklist

shows that many of those students could respond correctly, it means that

mental retardation students are able to understand and produce well.

The researchers also analyze data from field-note. The researchers

analyze the condition and characteristics of those students, and everything

that happen during the observation. These field-notes support the data that

might be losing during the observation.




This chapter dealt with the data presentation and discussion of the

researchers. The researchers would like to consider and review what happen

during the implementation of the technique in this study. Discussion will elaborate

the glance of the research object and the answer of problems study in the chapter


The justification of the research finding is discussion about the result of

the observation checklist and the result of field-notes. The discussions mainly talk

about the analysis of understanding and production of syntactically. The

researchers concerning in the parts of syntax; word, phrase, and sentence.

A. The Glance Description of Research Object

This study was placed on SLB Karya Asih which located at

Margerejo Sawah 59-E Surabaya 60238. This location is quite strategic so

that the students could access easily.

There are three level which is provided in that school; elementary,

junior, and high school.

The teachers in this school are friendly. They share about their

students to the researchers. It helps us to get information more about

mental retardation students.

These are the profile of the students:

1) Name : Mohammad Rozi

Class : 5th grade

Age : 14 years old

2) Name : Aditya

Class : 5th grade

Age : 12 years old

3) Name : Nadia

Class : 5th grade

Age : 13

4) Name : Ana


Class : 10th grade

Age : 20 years old

5) Name : Hari

Class : 10th grade

Age : 18

B. The result of the observation checklist


Day/Date : Wednesday/June 8th 2011

No Students Producing UnderstandingName Grade Word phrase sentence word phrase sentence

1 Rozi 5th − − − − − −2 Adit 5th − − − − − −3 Nadia 5th √ − − − − −4 Ana 10th √ √ √ √ √ √5 Harry 10th √ √ √ √ √ √


√ : The student is able to produce or understand perfectly

− : The student isn’t able to produce or understand perfectly

C. The Result of Field-Notes

The researchers take 5th and 10th grade students’ as the sample. Firstly,

the researchers observe the 5th mental retardation students. The researchers want

to test their understanding and production by testing them using such media

consist of word, phrase and sentence. They can’t respond the test perfectly since

the 5th grade of mental retardation children can’t read well. This condition makes

the researchers suffer such difficulties in getting the data. Nevertheless, the

researchers do not give up with it. Then, the researchers go to the 10 th grade

students’ class to do the next test. The researchers treat and give the mental


retardation students of 10th grade the same treatment as like as what they have

been given to the 5th grade mental retardation students. However, the 10 th grade

mental retardation students give the different respond to the test. The respond

also produce the different result. The 10th grade of mental retardation students can

understand and produce the word, phrase and sentence well.

Absolutely, this final test’ result make the researchers proud and happy at

all. Finally, the researcher get the data that 5 th grade of mental retardation

children can’t understand and produce the word, phrase and sentence perfectly

since they haven’t been taught to read yet, while 10 th grade of mental retardation

students can understand and produce the word, phrase and sentence well since

they have been taught to read.




The researchers agree with the theory that mental retardations students are

difficult in understanding and producing word, phrase and sentence. The

difficulties can be caused by their disability or disorder problem. This condition is

proved when the researchers do the observation to special students of SLB Karya

Asih. When we compare between normal students and special students, in 5 th

grade of mental retardation students, they can’t read while the normal students can

read. This problem influences the ability of understanding and production. The

researchers strongly stated that it is normal phenomena since the mental

retardation children are slower than normal students in grasping anything.



1. . browsed on Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 10.00 a.m.

2. . browsed on Sunday 29 May 2011 at 06.00 a.m

3. autis-yayasan-pelita-hati-palembang/. Browsed on Tuesday 7 June 2011 on 03.00 p.m.

4. browsed on Wednesday 18 May 2011 at 10.00 a.m.

5. . browsed on Saturday 28 May 2011 at 10.00 am6. . Browsed on Wednesday 7

June 2011 at 16.00 p.m.7. . Browsed on Wednesday 7 June 2011

at 16.00 p.m.8. Abdul Qohar. 1998. Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia. PT Rineka Cipta: Jakarta. Pp:

3279. . Browsed on Tuesday 7 June 2011

at 04.00 p.m.10. . Browsed on Monday 6 June

2011 at 16.00 p.m.11. Browsed on Wednesday 7 June 2011

at 16.00 p.m.12. Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: PT.Bumi

Aksara, 2008) Edisi Revisi V13. Renzo Titone and Marcel Danesi, Applied Psycholinguistics: An Introduction The

Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985)