PSAT Parody Flashcards By: Daniel Dahmash. Innocuous= harmless or not likely to irritate or offend....

PSAT Parody Flashcards By: Daniel Dahmash

Transcript of PSAT Parody Flashcards By: Daniel Dahmash. Innocuous= harmless or not likely to irritate or offend....

Innocuous= harmless or not likely to irritate or offend.

Innocuous Not Innocuous


Belligerent= aggressive or warlike Like this guy

These two places make for harsh conditions. Cacophonous refers to HARSH SOUND! CONTEXT = KEY!

Cacophonous= harsh, unpleasant, raucous

Capacious=Spacious or roomy, large in capacity

Here is a picture of one of Donald Trump’s houses. I think it is pretty capacious.

Jejune=without interest or significance, insipid, dull

This baby is looking very jejune right now.

Abstruse=difficult to understand or incomprehensible

Abstruse Not Abstruse

Superfluous=Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary

This family has a superfluous amount of kids.

Preeminent=supreme or surpassing all others

These guys were very preeminent in their sport.

Unscathed= not damaged or unscratched. The people in this Hudson Bay plane crash survived unscathed.

Sanguine=Cheerfully optimistic, confident or hopeful

I doubt this seal is very sanguine.

Vigilant=watchful for danger, very alert

Vigilant Not Vigilant

Inaccessible=not accessible or reachable

The basket was inaccessible for the fat guy.