Psalm 119 Language for honest conversations with God about … · 1 Psalm 119 (2/2017) Psalm 119...

Psalm 119 (2/2017) 1 Psalm 119 Language for honest conversations with God about trust, dependence, and loyalty to Him. Based on the New Living Translation Supplemented by the Amplified Bible, NIV, NASB95; light use of The Message. What this tool is for and how to use it… King David wasn’t just a fearless and successful warrior. He wasn’t just a brilliant and successful military general. He wasn’t just a respected and successful leader of the nation of Israel. Long before his days in any of those roles, David was a shepherd, poet, and minstrel. He wrote and played and sung his own songs. This means that when he recorded his prayers, there was a literary beauty, poetic flow, and musical quality to them that when read, still make wonderful prayers today. David’s Brash Honesty But there’s another quality to his conversations with God that are recorded in the book of Psalms. Surprisingly and completely contrary to the beauty of his prayers, they are often hard to swallow. As a guy, and as a tough and fearless warrior, his prayers are often very real, raw, down-right blunt, and often startling to our sophisticated palates in the church today. He held nothing back from God. His relationship with God was completely open. His conversations, even when they make me blush from his emotional honesty, are refreshing because he knew God’s love, knew God already was aware of what was in his heart, and knew his honesty wouldn’t drive turn God off but would endear God to him for his respectful honesty that didn’t try to hide from the God who knows all. This little study is designed and create to help you do the same. This organization of Psalm 119 has been done to assist you in your conversations with God. All you have to do is skim down through the outline to find something that get your attention and touches your heart. First pray through the points by only reading the bold print. Then, if you need more help getting started, look at the extended meanings and expressions to keep your thoughts flowing. Put David’s pray in your own words. Add or subtract, embellish or edit as you need to make it personal. And when you’ve depleted one point, go onto the next one under it or move to a different category. David’s Conviction Before you proceed, consider how David approached what God says. These words are his heart’s disposition toward the word of God, both written down as what can be assumed based on God’s character. This is how he views and treats what God says. Awe, believe, blameless, cling, comforts, compare, no compromise, eagerness, encourage, faithful, delight, desire, determined, follow, hidden, hope, intend, keep, keep my mind on, know, learn/teach, long, love, meditate, my treasure, not forget, not swerved, not turn away, obey, observe, pant, pay attention, please, practice, pursue, reassure, recite, reflect, rejoice,

Transcript of Psalm 119 Language for honest conversations with God about … · 1 Psalm 119 (2/2017) Psalm 119...

Page 1: Psalm 119 Language for honest conversations with God about … · 1 Psalm 119 (2/2017) Psalm 119 Language for honest conversations with God about trust, dependence, and loyalty to

Psalm 119 (2/2017) 1

Psalm 119

Language for honest conversations with God about trust, dependence, and loyalty to Him.

Based on the New Living Translation

Supplemented by the Amplified Bible, NIV, NASB95; light use of The Message.

What this tool is for and how to use it…

King David wasn’t just a fearless and successful warrior. He wasn’t just a brilliant and successful military general. He wasn’t just a respected and successful leader of the nation of Israel. Long before his days in any of those roles, David was a shepherd, poet, and minstrel. He wrote and played and sung his own songs. This means that when he recorded his prayers, there was a literary beauty, poetic flow, and musical quality to them that when read, still make wonderful prayers today. David’s Brash Honesty But there’s another quality to his conversations with God that are recorded in the book of Psalms. Surprisingly and completely contrary to the beauty of his prayers, they are often hard to swallow. As a guy, and as a tough and fearless warrior, his prayers are often very real, raw, down-right blunt, and often startling to our sophisticated palates in the church today. He held nothing back from God. His relationship with God was completely open. His conversations, even when they make me blush from his emotional honesty, are refreshing because he knew God’s love, knew God already was aware of what was in his heart, and knew his honesty wouldn’t drive turn God off but would endear God to him for his respectful honesty that didn’t try to hide from the God who knows all. This little study is designed and create to help you do the same. This organization of Psalm 119 has been done to assist you in your conversations with God. All you have to do is skim down through the outline to find something that get your attention and touches your heart. First pray through the points by only reading the bold print. Then, if you need more help getting started, look at the extended meanings and expressions to keep your thoughts flowing. Put David’s pray in your own words. Add or subtract, embellish or edit as you need to make it personal. And when you’ve depleted one point, go onto the next one under it or move to a different category. David’s Conviction Before you proceed, consider how David approached what God says. These words are his heart’s disposition toward the word of God, both written down as what can be assumed based on God’s character. This is how he views and treats what God says.

Awe, believe, blameless, cling, comforts, compare, no compromise, eagerness, encourage, faithful, delight, desire, determined, follow, hidden, hope, intend, keep, keep my mind on, know, learn/teach, long, love, meditate, my treasure, not forget, not swerved, not turn away, obey, observe, pant, pay attention, please, practice, pursue, reassure, recite, reflect, rejoice,

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remain, revive, run, see, study, think, thank, treasure, trembles, trust(worthy), understand, valuable, wait, walk, wander, work harder.

He says that God’s word is:

Age old, eternal, fair, good, guide, lamp, light, hope, just, limitless, perfect, right, righteous, sweet, true, trustworthy, truth, wonderful.

Ask yourself this question: am I really going to spur something attested to in this way? I believe that David is completely right, but if he’s even remotely correct, we should respect the word of God with similar passion and conviction. How do you treat the Bible you have? David was a man after God’s own heart who did everything God wanted him to (Acts 13:22, see 1Samual 13:14). If you have any desire to have that sort of relationship with God, it would stand to reason that we need David’s respect for what God says. This psalm will make that abundantly clear.

A few quick observations about this Psalm The author’s extreme dependence on God… One of the first things that will become clear is just how much the author depends on God. So much so that it will probably sound strange and feel even stranger coming from your own mouth as you use David’s words in your own conversation with God. His dependence on God’s words and promises is also obviously extensive. Depending on how long you’ve been a Christian it may or may not sound right in your mind, but for most it will be difficult to feel that helpless, or to want to be that needy, let alone to express it. Denial and independence may feel more normal, more comfortable, more self-honoring, less weak… And therein is the problem… If you’ve come this this tool I’ve created looking for the right words to express yourself to God, and this dependence doesn’t match your heart, doesn’t line up with who you are, the problem isn’t in the words or the authors sentiments, but in your heart, in who you are! Yes, that is a bold way to begin, but it’s critical. If you’re already losing interest in this tool and this Psalm, you have finally found the problem with your relationship with God. You are on the cusp of a spiritual breakthrough! The gospels, history, letter and prophesy of the newer testament have a lot to say about our extreme, undeniable, and complete need for God, but the older testament is not silent on this subject, not by a long shot. It’s the first voice on the subject, and as pure and clear a sermon as ever was spoken. You must learn to express yourself this way… and mean it. If your heart doesn’t eventually fall in line you may need some spiritual/pastoral coaching to discover the roots of the persistent independence. This dynamic may explain why our culture has so many relationship struggles. Dependence is relationship, relationship is dependence! The mutuality and reciprocity of a relationship means that there is a shared life, and sharing means dependence. Sharing means that you make your contribution and then trust that the other side of the agreement will faithfully make their contribution, because you’re waiting and depending on them. Maybe it’s house chores, or maybe it mutual respect and affection that’s shared. Without a relationship, there’s no need for any of that. But if you’re going to know the wonder of love, you’ll need to depend on someone else.

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This faith, this belief in someone else, is central to relationship with God as well. We have an immeasurable need for God to do His part! And while God doesn’t technically need us for anything, there’s a need for us to obey God in order for us to genuinely believe we have a relationship with God. And God has chosen to work on the earth through His church and in that sense, he has put Himself in a place where He needs us. The rocks will cry out (Luke 19:40) if we don’t honor Him but He’s given us the first chance to show our love for Him and what He’s done for us by getting to it before the stones do! The author’s confidence in what he has done and will do… David was pretty sure of himself. After all, he was a leader without equal in his day and high level leaders tend to carry a lot of determination, confidence, and even some arrogance. But good leaders also tend to call what is not, into existence. What I mean is that they are positive, visionary, stubborn and paint a picture of a future that is not as yet, as if it already is, because it helps followers believe it will be. Many leaders are anything but humble but many only sound proud in their confidence and vibrato as they attempt to pump people up and motivate them to attempt great things. I think there’s another way we can look at his apparent over-confidence. I am not sure whether the author is as certain as he sounds or if he is trying to convince himself of it. We could call it self-leadership. He could be trying to motivate his own heart. He’s declaring what He hopes will indeed prove true. The olé power-of-positive-thinking at work. While simply thinking good thoughts can’t by itself change reality or bring things into being, it can do something of value. It can lift our spirits. In the same way that he leads others, King David is taking responsibility for leading his own life. His declarative statements are proactive, setting His heart and intentions in the right directions. We’d do well to learn from his example. OT vs NT Language Remembering that God gave the Israelites a temporary system until Jesus could come and establish a more perfect and permeant one, will help us understand a few of David’s techniques. He uses if-you-do-I-will bargaining and often sounds like God owes him something because of his obedience. On the second point, I do think that David may have a better grasp and a more certain posture toward God’s promises. If He’s owed anything by God it’s because he feels that God has given His word and believe that He won’t and can’t go back on it. It sounds like bargaining but may often be little more than confidence in God’s faithfulness and promises. Something that seems to be more a product of the particular agreement that God has with Israel in the older testament is how he can sound like he’s looking more for something from God’s hand rather than God Himself. For blessing, rather than for God. Without getting into the difference in how God relates with us now that Jesus has come and gone, over against how He related with people who were still looking forward to the Messiah (Jesus) and the promised change, consider this simple adjustment. Anytime it sounds like David is more interested in being blessed by God rather than knowing God better, change the language you use to be more God oriented than blessing oriented. When all was said-and-done, and David had poured out his heart, he’d invariable come back to his trust and dependence in God. A good place to both begin and end, but at least the place you definitely want to end at. God is the treasure, not what comes from His hand.

The Many Synonyms for What God Says…

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Of some help will be a little explanation about the different words employed to indicated what God says. While not always important, sometimes the nuances will be enlightening. If you’re reading one of the bullets below, from the New Living Translation, and have questions about what is meant or why that particular term was used, just refer back to this short explanation based on the original language. As with all synonyms, there are subtle difference, some of which hold a slight distinction that will grant greater understanding.

• Commandments - “precepts” in other versions = instructions, procedures, to charge or mandate.

• Commands – “commandments” in other versions = command, commanded, commission, obligations, tradition.

• Decrees – “statutes” in other versions = allotment, portion, limit(s), boundaries

• Deeds – “wonders” in other versions = miracles, wonders, wondrous, marvelous, power, extraordinary.

• Instructions – “laws” in other versions = rule, decision, direction, instruction, legislation

• Law – “testimonies” in other versions = witness, laws, legal provisions, attestation, corroborations, confirmation, evidence.

• Promises – word, speech, promise.

• Regulations – “judgements” and “ordinances” in other versions (4941) = decision, judged, ordinance(s), justice, sentence.

• Word – words, speech, things, acts, matters, messages, answer.

• Ways – path, course, highway. Nuff’ said! It’s time to get praying. My prayer is that this organization of psalm 119 will help you have honest conversations with God about your trust, dependence and loyalty to Him and His word.

Main Divisions:

I. TRUTH: To know and live by II. REQUESTS: To God

III. DESIRES: For Himself IV. CLAIMS: Autobiographical statements V. CHOICES: “I will” statements of determination

I. TRUTH: To know and live by (verses with no autobiographical reference)

1. People of integrity (undefiled, upright, truly sincere, blameless), who follow (walk in, the revealed will, order their conduct and conversation) the Lord’s instructions (law), are full of joy (happy, blessed, fortunate, to be envied). [v. 1]

2. Those who obey His law (keep or observe what He says, His testimonies) and search for Him (seek, inquire, crave) with their whole heart are full of joy (happy, blessed, fortunate, to be envied). [v. 2]

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3. People like those in verses 1-2, do not compromise with evil (No unrighteousness) nor do they walk only in their own path (no willful wanders from His precepts). [v. 3] (precept = noun; a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought; intended to be taken as an authoritative rule.)

4. God has charged us (commanded, ordained) to keep His commandments (precepts) carefully (observed diligently). [v. 4]

5. A young person can stay (keep his way) pure (clean) by obeying (heeding and watching himself according to) God’s word (conforming their life to it). [v. 9]

6. God will rebuke both those who are arrogant (proud, those who think they know so much) and the cursed who wander (err) from His commands. [v. 21]

7. God’s eternal (forever) word stands firm (is settled) in heaven (as firm as the heavens). [v. 89]

8. God faithfulness extends (continues) to every generation and is as enduring (established) as the earth He created. [v. 90]

9. Because everything (the whole universe) serves (are His servants) God’s plans, His regulations (ordinances) remain true (stand) to this day. [v. 91]

10. While every (manmade) perfection (no matter how extensive, noble or excellent) has its limits (ends), God commands have none (are exceedingly broad, extend without limit). [v. 96]

11. Being taught (the unfolding of) Your word gives truth (light, understanding) that’s useful to even the simplest mind. [v.130]

12. God’s regulations (judgments, decisions, all expressions of His will) are fair (upright, righteous, right) because He is (rigidly) righteous (right). [v. 137]

13. God’s laws (statutes, testimonies) are perfect (and completely trustworthy) because they flow from righteousness and (exceeding) faithfulness. [v. 138]

14. Because the wicked don’t hunger for (seek) or otherwise bother with Your decrees (statutes), rescue (salvation) is far from them. [v. 155]

15. Wicked people, those who do not bother with (who do not seek out or hunger for) God decrees (statutes), are far from rescue (salvation). [v. 155]

16. The sum (essence) of God’s word(s) is the whole truth (all individual precepts put/added together), and His just (right/eous) regulations (decisions) are eternal (endures forever, everlasting). [v. 160]

17. Those who love Your instructions (law) have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble. [v. 165]

II. REQUESTS: To God (requests of God to do for author)

Lord, Your law is being broken (frustrated) left and right, it’s time for You to act! [v. 126]

1. Teach & Give Me Understanding 1. Teach me (train me in) Your decrees (statutes, ways of wise living). [v. 12] 2. You listened (answered) when I poured out my heart (declared my ways, told you my

plans, opened my grief to) to You so teach me Your decrees (statutes, deep wisdom)

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and help me understand (teach me) the meaning (way) of Your commandments (precepts); then I will be able ponder and marvel over (meditate) and then share Your wonderful works (deeds). [vs. 26-27]

3. The earth is full of Your (unfailing) love (mercy, loving-kindness); teach me Your rules (decrees, statutes) so I can love like You do (implied). [v. 64]

4. Keep every false way (deceitful ways, the way of falsehood and unfaithfulness) from me and instead (graciously) give (impart, grant) me knowledge (teach) of Your laws (the privilege of knowing your instruction). [v. 29]

5. I believe in (trusted, relied on, clung to) Your commands so teach me the judgement and knowledge (wise/right/good discernment) I need to keep them well (implied). [v. 66]

6. You are good (kind), and what You do is good, now teach me the rules (statutes, decrees) behind that goodness so I can be like You (implied). [v. 68]

7. Since You (Your hands) created me (cunningly fashioned and established me) You can give me the understanding (sense) I need to know (learn) You and Your ways so well (implied) that I follow Your commands. [v. 73]

8. (Re)Unite me with (turn to me) all those who respect (reverently and worshipfully fear) You and know Your laws (testimonies, statutes). [v. 79]

9. I beg (beseech) You to accept my unforced (freewill offering, willing) praises (of my mouth) and teach me Your rules (regulations, ordinances, laws). [v. 108]

10. Since I’m Your servant, give me the understanding (discernment) I need to know (be familiar with Your character) and obey You (Your laws, testimonies, statutes). [v. 125]

11. Look on me, Your servant, with loving pleasure (make Your face shine) and teach me (Your statutes, decrees) how You want me to live. [v. 135]

12. Your way(s) (laws, testimonies, statutes, decrees) will be right (righteous) throughout (are binding to) eternity so help me understand (discernment) and live by it/them now (that I may live). [v. 144]

2. Guide Me, Don’t Let Me Wander

1. I’ve tried hard (with me whole heart) to find You (sought, inquired, yearned for You) so

don’t let me ever wander away. [v. 10] 2. Following Your commandments delights me (where my happiness is found) so cause

(direct, guide) me to walk (go) down (along) the path that they mark out. [v. 35] 3. Guide (establish) my (foot) steps based on (directed by, by means of) Your word so I

keep obeying (hearing, receiving, loving, obeying) it and am rescued (delivered, redeemed) from oppressive people instead of being overcome by their evil (no iniquity/sin have dominion/rule over me). [vs. 133-134]

3. Help Me See, Give Me Discernment

1. Open my eyes so that I see (behold wondrous things out of) how wonderfully true

(behold wonderful things from) your instructions (law) are. [v. 18] 2. I’m a stranger (foreigner, temporary resident) on earth (in the land, these parts) so

don’t hide Your commands from me (give me clear directions). [v. 19]

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3. In Your reliable (unfailing, steadfast) love (loving-kindness) renew me (spare my life, give me life, revive me) so that I’m able to reliably keep (continue to keep; hearing, receiving, loving, obeying) Your laws (testimony, statutes, word). [v. 88]

4. Lord, listen (let it come before You) to my (mournful) cry (prayer, supplication) and give me discernment (understanding from Your word) that protects (rescues, delivers) me, just as You promised. [vs. 169-170]

4. Protect/Rescue Me (from Shame, Snares/Traps)

1. I obey (keep, observe, carefully do what You say) Your directives (laws, testimonies,

statutes), so take away (remove), the (reproachful) mocking and (contemptuous) insults (humiliation). [v. 22]

2. I have chosen (to be) faithfulness (the way of truth and faithfulness), been determined to know and keep (set before me) Your regulations (ordinances), and have basically clung to Your laws, please don’t let it still end in shame for me! [vs. 30-31]

3. I know Your regulations (ordinances, laws) are good but I need help turning away from my/the dreaded shame (disgrace, reproach). [v. 39]

4. While I’m busy concentrating (meditating) on Your commandments (precepts), bring shame (disgrace) to the proud who, without cause, unfairly lied about (dealt perversely, subverted, wronged) me. [v. 78]

5. Proud (arrogant) and hatefully rebellious (godless, who hate Your instructions) people have dug traps for me, hoping I’ll fall in them, but I keep telling myself how dependable (trustworthy, faithful, sure) all Your commandments are. So, protect (help) me from those who lie and deceive (with falsehood) themselves into wrongly believing they have just cause to hunt (pursue, persecute) me. Even though they’ve almost finished me off (consumed, destroyed, wiped me from the earth), I will not forsake Your commandments (precepts). May Your unfailing (steadfast) love spare (preserve, revive, give) my life so that I can continue to keep (obey) the laws (testimonies, statutes) that You speak (of Your mouth)! [vs. 85-88]

6. I am Yours, and I’ve sought out (worked hard at, inquired of and for) Your commandments (precepts) so I’m sure to keep (obey) them (as my urgent need), so rescue (save) me. [v. 94]

7. Lord, I’m cry out (pray) with all my (whole) heart, answer (hear) me with a rescue (save me and I will) so I can keep (carrying out) obeying Your laws (statutes, decrees). [vs. 145-146]

8. See how I’m suffering and argue my case, protect me, rescue me, just as You have promised, for I haven’t forgotten to keep Your instructions. [vs. 153-154]

5. Keep/Remember Your Promises

1. Give me assurance (reassure, establish or confirm Your word) that the promises You

made to those who fear You (reverently fear and devotedly worship) are true. [v. 38] 2. Keep Your promise (that You promised me) and give me (let it come) Your unfailing

love (mercy, loving-kindness) and salvation; it will bolster my trust (I’ll be able to stand) in Your word (that I trust or rely on) so that I have (then I will have) an answer for those that taunt (reproach) me. [vs. 41-42]

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3. Remember (fervently) Your promises (Your word) to me (Your servant) because You are the one that made me (caused me to, have given me) put my hope in them. [v. 49]

4. Keep (per) Your promise to comfort me (Your servant) with Your (unfailing, merciful kindness and steadfast love) love. [v. 76]

5. I’ve suffered (exceedingly afflicted) so much Lord, it’s time to keep (according to Your promise) Your word (promise) and restore (revive, renew, quicken, preserve) me. [v. 107]

6. Keep (according to) Your promise to sustain (uphold) my life (that I may live), don’t let me regret or be ashamed of hoping (dashed, crushed hopes) in You. [v. 116]

6. Revive/Strengthen Me

1. I’m lying here feeling like I could just die (laid low, in the dust, my soul cleaves to the

dust), I need help to go on (stimulate me, preserve my life), revive me as You have said, as You have promised (per Your word). [v. 25]

2. My life is wasting away (dissolves and weeps away) in tears of heavy sorrow (my soul weeps because of grief, weariness, heaviness), God, so lift me up (raise me up) and give me strength (encourage me) as You have said (according to), as You have promised (by Your word)! [v. 28]

3. Since I delight in Your instructions (law) let Your compassion (tender mercy and loving-kindness bring me life (let me live). [v. 77]

4. Lord, in Your steadfast (faithful) love hear my cry (voice) and per Your promise (per Your decree, law, ordinances) give me life (quicken, revive me; preserve my life). [v. 149]

5. Do You see (consider) how much I love Your commandments (precepts)? Revive (give back) my life because of (according to) Your unwavering love. [v. 159]

6. I want You (give an eagerness) to turn (incline) my heart and eyes toward Your laws and ways (testimonies, statutes) and give me life (revive or preserve me), and turn them away from (beholding) the love of money (covetousness, dishonest or selfish gain) and all worthless things (vanity, idols, idolatry). [vs. 36-37]

7. Your mercies (tender mercies, loving-kindness) are so great they’re innumerable, may they give me life (revive, preserve me) as I follow Your guidelines (regulations, ordinances, laws). [v. 156]

7. Be Good to, and/or Bless Me

1. Be good (deal bountifully with, be generous) to me (Your servant) so that I can live and

obey (keep) Your word (not take my eyes off Your road for a minute). [v. 17] 2. Be merciful (gracious) to me just as You have (per Your) promised because I have

sought (entreated, begged for) Your favor (face) with all my (whole) heart. [v. 58] 3. Don’t leave me at the mercy of my arrogant oppressors, but because I’ve done what’s

right (righteousness) and just (justice), guarantee (be surety for Your servant) a blessing instead. [vs. 121-122]

4. Turn and see (look on) me so You know to show (come and show) me Your (merciful, gracious) favor, just like Your do (as is Your way, manner) for all who love You. [v. 132]

8. I Love, Have Chosen & Won’t Forget Your Commands

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1. Don’t snatch (take) away Your word (of truth) so that I forget to proclaim it (utterly out

of my mouth) because those regulations (ordinances, laws) are my only hope (wait for, put my hope in). [v. 43]

2. I praise You all (seven times a) day because Your regulations (decrees, ordinances, laws) are so right (righteous). [v. 164]

3. Since I have chosen to follow Your commandments (precepts), stay constantly ready (let Your hand be ready) to help me. [v. 173]

4. I’ve wandered away (gone astray) and gotten lost (like a sheep), but I haven’t forgotten Your commands, so come find (seek, inquire for, like a shepherd) me. [v. 176]

III. DESIRES: For himself (things the author wishes he himself would do)

1. That my actions (ways) would always (consistently) match (keep, were directed and

established to observe) God’s directives (hearing, receiving, loving, obeying them) so that I won’t be ashamed (by failing to inherit Your promises) when I compare (look at, consider Your commands) the two. [v. 5-6]

2. I’m hungry (long) to obey (for) Your commandments (precepts) so that You will renew (revive, preserve) my life with (through) Your goodness(righteousness). [v. 40]

3. May I blamelessly (sound of heart, sincere, wholehearted) keep (follow) Your decrees (statutes) so that I am never (put to shame) ashamed. [v. 80]

4. When will You comfort me? My eyes fail because I’ve strained them for so long watching (looking, longing) for (the fulfillment of) Your promises (Your word) to come true. [v. 82]

5. My eyes are tired of straining (fail with longing) to see even the slightest glimpse our Your promises come true (be fulfilled); how long must I wait for that comfort? [v. 82]

6. How many days must I (Your servant) wait (endure) for You to punish (judge, execute judgment, haul into court) those who persecute (pursue, torment) me? [v. 84]

7. How (long) many days must I endure (wait) till You punish (judge) those who torment (pursue and persecute) me? [v. 84]

8. Since You have taught me that all Your commands are right, may songs about Your word flow from my lips. [vs. 171-172]

9. May Your regulations (decrees) help me live so that I constant praise of You. [v. 175] IV. CLAIMS: Autobiographical statements (confident assertions of his actions, character & misuse)

1. I Love/Value/Treasure/Desire Your Laws/Commands

1. My soul is addicted to, longing, starved (heart is breaking, overwhelmed with desire, soul is crushed/consumed/ravenous) for Your regulations (ordinances, judgments, laws). [v. 20]

2. I’m delighted (pleased) by Your laws (testimonies, statutes) because they are wise counselors. [v. 24]

3. I delight in, love, honor, reach out for, and meditate on Your commandments (statutes, decrees). [vs. 47-48]

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4. I love your instructions (law) so much that I constantly think about them (ever mine, ever with/before me), all day long (meditate on), making me wiser than my enemies and more (deeply) insightful (better understanding) than my teachers and elders. [vs. 97-100]

5. Your words taste like honey to me but I hate everything that’s false and that’s because Your sweet words (commandments, precepts) give me understanding. [vs. 103-104]

6. Your laws (testimonies, statutes) are a treasured inheritance (heritage) and my heart’s delight (joy), and my soul (heart is inclined) is determined (set on) to keep (perform) them to the very end (forever). [vs. 111-112]

7. Since You reject (spur, set at naught) all who stray from Your decrees (statutes), skimming them off the earth (remove) like scum (dross), their delusions (lying, deceitfulness) fooling only themselves (comes to nothing, is useless), it’s no wonder that I stand in trembling awe (reverential fear, dread) of You and Your judgements (regulations), and love to obey Your laws (testimonies, statutes)! [vs. 118-120]

8. I love Your commands more then I love pure (the finest) gold or great wealth. [v. 127] 9. I hate every false or deceitful way (wrong path) because (I esteem) everyone (all,

concerning everything) of Your commands (precepts) is right, they are all wonderful so it’s no wonder I obey them! [vs. 128-129]

10. I pant with (eager) desire and longing for Your commands. [v.131] 11. Obsession (zeal, consumed) with Your commands has consumed me, partly because my

adversaries ignore (forget) them, but also I love them because Your promises (word) have been thoroughly tested and found reliable (pure, tried and refined). [vs. 139-140]

12. I despise (hate, abhor) falsehood but love Your instructions (law) and praise Your all day long (seven times a day) because Your regulations (decrees, ordinances) right and just (righteous). [vs. 163-164]

13. Lord, I’ve longed for Your rescue (salvation) and delighted in Your instructions (laws). [v. 174]

2. I Obey Your Laws/Commands

1. I remember Your name (who You are) at night and obey Your instructions (laws) in the day. [v. 55]

2. My practice is to live in obedience (keep) to Your commands (precepts). [v. 56] 3. If I hadn’t been delighted by Your law (instructions) I would’ve died (perished) in my

misery (affliction). But since Your commandments (precepts) have saved (quickened, revived, preserved) my life, I’ll never forget them. Even though the wicked wait to kill (destroy) me, I’ll keep my thoughts focused on (diligently consider, ponder) Your laws (testimonies, statutes). [vs. 92-95]

4. I’ve refused to walk down (restrained/kept my feet) any evil paths and to turn away (aside) from the regulations (ordinances, laws) that You’ve taught me so well so that I can remain obedient (hear, receive, love, keep, obey) to Your word. [vs. 101-102]

5. Your word is like a flashlight that illuminates my otherwise dark path so I know where to, and not to, step. [v. 105]

6. Because Your regulations are right I’ve promised again and again to obey them and I’ve not retracted it. [v. 106]

7. Get out of my life (depart from me) you evil-minded people (evildoers) with divide loyalties (undecided, double-minded), I hate you but I love God’s instructions (law), He

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is my refuge (hiding place) and shield, I put my hope in His words (my source of hope) and I intend to obey (observe, keep) His commands. [vs. 113-115]

3. My Story/Testimony/Practice/Habit

1. My life’s story (pilgrimage) has been put to the sound track (theme) of my songs about Your decrees (statutes, decrees). [v. 54]

2. When I considered (pondered) the way (direction) my life was heading, I turned (my feet) to follow Your laws (statutes, testimonies). [v. 59]

3. Suffering (affliction) had a positive outcome (was good for) for me, it taught me the importance of paying attention (learning) to Your decrees (statutes). Now Your instructions (law of your mouth) are more valuable to me (precious, better than) than unlimited riches (thousands of gold and silver pieces). [vs. 71-72]

4. If I hadn’t been delighted by Your law (instructions) I would’ve died (perished) in my misery (affliction). But since Your commandments (precepts) have saved (quickened, revived, preserved) my life, I’ll never forget them. Even though the wicked wait to kill (destroy) me, I’ll keep my thoughts focused on (diligently consider, ponder) Your laws (testimonies, statutes). [vs. 92-95]

5. Your word is like a flashlight that illuminates my otherwise dark path so I know where to, and not to, step. [v. 105]

6. I cry rivers (streams) of tears when I see people disobey (they don’t hear, receive, love or obey) Your commands. [v.136]

7. I get up before (anticipate) the dawn, cry (in childlike prayer) for help, put my hope in Your word, and even stay awake through (anticipate) the night to memorize and think through (meditate on) Your promises. [vs. 147-148]

8. I hope and wait (eagerly long) for Your rescue (salvation), Lord, so because You (fully) know everything I do (all my ways), I love Your laws greatly (exceedingly) and obey Your commands faithfully (kept observing, hearing, receiving, loving, obeying). [vs. 166-168]

9. Because hope in Your word has helped me wait for (tarried) You, others who (reverently) fear and worship You will rejoice (be, glad find cause for joy). [v. 74]

10. I hate every false or deceitful way (wrong path) because (I esteem) every one (all, concerning everything) of Your commands (precepts) is right, they are all wonderful so it’s no wonder I obey them! [vs. 128-129]

4. I’m Console by Your Laws/Commands

1. Your promises and ancient ordinances console (revive, preserves, give me life) me when I’m suffering(affliction), I remember (earnestly recall, meditate on) them and take comfort! (vs. 50 & 52)

2. I may be small, insignificant, shunned and scorned (despised) but (I’m someone because) I don’t forget Your commandments (precepts). [v. 141]

3. Your justice (righteousness) is forever (eternal, everlasting) and Your instructions (law) is truth and when trouble, anguish and/or stress (pressure) bear down (take hold) on me, I find my joy (delight) in Your commands. [vs. 142-143]

5. My Determination When Waiting

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1. I feel I’ve been hung out to dry and forgotten there (shriveled like a wineskin/bottle in

the smoke), but I will not (do not, have not) forget Your decrees (statutes). [v. 83] 2. I’m so tired of watching (straining, longing) for Your promised (righteous word) rescue

(salvation) that I can barely keep my eyes open (my eyes fail), but as Your servant I’ll keep asking for You to deal with me lovingly (per Your mercy, loving-kindness) and to teach me Your decrees (statutes). [vs. 123-124]

6. My Correction/Discipline

1. As You promised, You have dealt well (done many good things) with me (Your servant), like disciplining (afflicting) me when I wander off (went astray), so now I keep (hearing, receiving, loving, obeying) Your word. [v. 65 & 67]

2. Lord, I know Your judgments (laws, regulations) are fair and right (righteous) so that means You punishment (affliction) is a show of faithfulness, because I needed it. Now keep (according to) Your promise to comfort me (Your servant) with Your (unfailing, merciful kindness and steadfast love) love. [v. 75-76]

7. My Friends

1. The wicked (evil people) try to rope me (drag me, ensnare, bind) into sinning, but I remember (not forgotten) Your instructions (law). I rise at midnight just to thank You for Your just (righteous) laws (ordinances), and chose friends who respect (fear, revere) and worship You, companions who obey (keep, observe and give heed to) Your commandments (precepts) also. [vs. 61-63]

8. My Attackers/Enemies

1. The arrogant (proud) mock me unmercifully (hold me in utter contempt, deride me), but still I refuse apathy (not declined my interest) or to turn away (aside) from, Your law. In fact, it makes me furious (burning indignation, terror, sadness seizes/grips me) when the wicked reject (forsake) Your instructions (law). [vs. 51 & 53]

2. Arrogant (godless) people, their hearts dull (brutal, unfeeling) and calloused (covered in fat), smear me with (forged, put together) lies, but because I delight in Your commandments (precepts, laws), my whole (all) heart works to keep (observe, obey) them. [vs. 69-70]

3. Get out of my life (depart from me) you evil-minded people (evildoers) with divide loyalties (undecided, double-minded), I hate you but I love God’s instructions (law), He is my refuge (hiding place) and shield, I put my hope in His words (my source of hope) and I intend to obey (observe, keep) His commands. [vs. 113-115]

4. Lawless people who follow their own wrong thinking and live far from Your instructions (law) are coming to attack (persecute me with wickedness) me, but You are near (nearer than my enemies/foes) and Your commands are true (truth) and right. [vs. 150-151]

5. There are many treacherous people (adversaries) who hound and oppress (persecute) me; watching them care nothing for Your word make my heart sick (I loathe them); but I have not (yet) swerved from Your law (testimonies, word). [vs. 157-158]

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6. Even though powerful people (rulers, princes) pursue and harass (persecute) me, without cause, in my heart I respect and tremble (stand in awe) only at Your word, and rejoice in it like I’ve discovered (found) a massive treasure (great spoils). [vs. 161-162]

V. CHOICES: “I will” statements of determination (I will do something)

I Will… 1. I will NOT BE ASHAMED (by failing to inherit Your promises) when my life is held up next to

(when I have respect for, consider, compared to) Your commands. [v. 7] 2. I will THANK (praise, give thanks You) You by learning (by sanctified experience) Your

regulations and then living as I should (with an upright heart). [v. 8] 3. I will KEEP (obey) Your decrees (statutes), just don’t give up on me (forsake me utterly). [v.

9] 4. I will STUDY (meditate on) Your commands (precepts) and MULL OVER (respect, regard,

consider) Your ways (the paths of life marked out by Your las). [v. 15] 5. I will DELIGHT myself in Your decrees (statutes) so that I will NOT FORGET Your word. [v.

16] 6. I (Your servant) will MEDITATE on Your decrees (statutes) even if those with power and

authority (princes) sit around and talk against me. [v. 23] 7. I will MEDITATE on the wonderful things You do (your wonders, wondrous works) if You

help (make, cause) me understand the way Your commandments lead (the way of your precepts). [v. 27]

8. I will RUN (pursue) the way Your commands direct as You give me a (an enlarged) heart that (broadened) understands and is willing. [v. 32]

9. I will put Your instructions into PRACTICE (obey, keep, observe) with my whole heart behind them if You teaching me Your ways (statutes, decrees) and help me understand them (your law). [vs. 33-34]

10. I will KEEP (obey) Your law forever (continually). [v. 44] 11. I will WALK and LIVE calmly and freely (in/at liberty) because I’ve devoted myself to (seek,

desperately required) Your commandments (precepts). [v. 45] 12. I will TALK about Your laws (testimonies, statutes) to those of wealth, power, influence

and authority (kings) and not be (put to shame) ashamed (embarrassed) or afraid. [v. 46] 13. I will BE QUICK (hurry, not delay, make haste) to obey (keep) Your commands. [v. 60] 14. I will NEVER FORGET Your commands (precepts) (how can I) because they give and protect

my life (have quickened, revived, preserved me). [v. 93] 15. I will FOLLOW (keep, obey) Your perfect regulations (ordinances, laws); I’ve sworn it with

an oath and doubled down (confirmed) with a promise. [v. 106] 16. I will NOT STOP OBEYING (forget) nor ever turn away (gone astray, strayed) from Your

commands (law, precepts) even if I know it will lead me into a trap (a snare laid by the wicked) or possibly cost me my life (it is in my hands, hangs in the balance). [vs. 109-110]

17. I will always (be able to) REGARD (meditate on) Your decrees (statutes) as long as You hold me up (sustain) and keep me safe (rescue me). [v. 117]

18. I will PRAISE you all day (seven times) long because Your regulations are just (righteous decrees, ordinance, laws). [v. 164]

I Am/Have…

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1. I have hidden (laid up) Your word in my heart, treasured it, so that I don’t (might not) sin against You. [v. 11]

2. I have rejoiced in the way (of Your testimonies, statutes) Your law directs me to live as much as in all the worlds riches. [v. 14]

3. My heart has worn out (my soul languishes, grows faint) waiting for Your rescue but (I have put) my hope is still in Your word. [v. 81]

4. I have always (of old, long ago, for a long time) known and am thoroughly convicted (it’s a thoroughly established conviction) that You’ve established (they will last) Your laws (testimonies, statutes) forever. [v. 152]