Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of...

OUTREACH April 2018 Easter Services – see centre page THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF SHEPPARTON includes St. Augustine’s Church, Shepparton St. Luke’s Church Dookie Christ Church, Murchison St. Paul’s Church, Rushworth P.O. Box 471, Shepparton, Victoria 3632. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 5821 7630, (ABN 5595 9844 318) Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path…” Psalm 119: 105

Transcript of Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of...

Page 1: Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of Cathedrals began ... Cathedral or two is on our itinerary – in the past few years I

OUTREACH April 2018

Easter Services – see centre page


St. Augustine’s Church, Shepparton St. Luke’s Church Dookie Christ Church, Murchison

St. Paul’s Church, Rushworth P.O. Box 471, Shepparton, Victoria 3632.

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 5821 7630, (ABN 5595 9844 318)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path…” Psalm 119: 105

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FROM THE PRIEST-in-CHARGE – Helen Malcolm What’s in a name? Rector – or Priest-in-Charge? What’s the difference? Perhaps ‘Rector’ implies a more permanent role in the parish, whereas PiC can sound more ‘interim’? However, the role is the same -

the ministry that is done, the organisational requirements, the encouraging of new activities, the oversight of the spiritual needs of parishioners, leading services, etc., etc.. If you have any suggestions as to what you think is lacking because we don’t currently have a ‘Rector’, please let me know, with suggestions as to how, together, the clergy and laity can make it happen. I think I’ll go for this definition of, in some places, both Rector and Priest-in-Charge: (in the Church of England) the incumbent of a parish where all tithes … passed to the incumbent! Lay Minister? Who amongst the congregation is NOT a lay minister? We’re all lay ministers, including the clergy, by virtue of our baptism. The clergy and many lay people have specific additional roles to help provide all that is needed as the body of Christ in this parish and community. The Diocese has more formal Lay Minister roles which require appropriate training, the support of Parish Council and authorisation by the Bishop. Our lay ministers in this parish assist by taking services in Residential Aged Care facilities, in our churches and by taking home communion to those who can’t get to church. Easter Day This year, Easter Day will also be known as April Fools’ Day. Wikipedia says “Although no Biblical scholar or historian is known to have mentioned a relationship, some have expressed the belief that the origins of April Fools’ Day may go back to the Genesis flood narrative. In a 1908 edition of the Harper's Weekly cartoonist Bertha R. McDonald wrote: ‘authorities gravely back with it to the time of Noah and the ark.’ The London Public Advertiser of March 13, 1769, printed: 'The mistake of Noah sending the dove out of the ark, before the water had abated, on the first day of April and to perpetuate the memory of this deliverance it was thought proper, whoever forgot so remarkable a circumstance, to punish them by sending them upon some …

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errand similar to that ineffectual message upon which the bird was sent by the patriarch'.” Was Noah mistaken, or just full of faith? As Christians, we believe in things that many believe can’t be proven and have been superseded by science; we worship a man who was killed on a cross. Will we be thought to be ‘holy fools’ at Easter by those who see simply a holiday – a time for hot cross buns, Easter eggs and a break from work? The clergy wish you a reflective walk through Holy Week, culminating in a joyous celebration on Easter Day.


FORTHCOMING EVENTS MEN’S BREAKFAST 21ST APRIL 8AM A Eucharist followed by a cooked breakfast in the hall. Guest speaker to be announced. MID YEAR GARAGE SALE 19TH MAY A Garage Sale will be held in St. Augustine’s hall along with a Cake Stall and Sausage Sizzle. Don’t wait till Spring to clean out unwanted items. Have an Autumn clean-out and we will dispose of them for you. Items can be collected by phoning Dorothy Cook 58253096 or Carole Henderson 58218430 or the Church office 58217630, or alternatively they can be left at the Church office between 9am and 1pm Monday to Friday. LOOK FOR FURTHER ADVERTISEMENTS.

Page 4: Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of Cathedrals began ... Cathedral or two is on our itinerary – in the past few years I

FROM THE (RETIRED!) ASSISTANT PRIEST – Gunnar Rippon Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of Cathedrals began many years ago when, as a young chorister in a small church in England, I sang at the annual Choirs

Festival in St Nicholas Cathedral in Newcastle upon Tyne. I well remember how awesome that building was - its size, its architecture, its beauty, its bells. The Cathedral was our mother church in the Diocese of Northumberland and in subsequent visits to the city with my brothers we would always ‘pop our heads in’. My next encounter with these wonders of construction was with that magnificent edifice of Sts. Peter and Mary in Cologne, Germany, whilst on holiday with family. I was well and truly hooked after that experience! Since those early years, of course, on my travels around the world, Margaret and I always make a point of visiting these magnificent architectural masterpieces built to the glory of God. Each time we return to the UK and Europe, another Cathedral or two is on our itinerary – in the past few years I can recall Ely, Ripon (of course),York Minster, Durham, Coventry, St Paul’s (London), Notre Dame (Paris), St Peter’s Basilica, (Rome), Parma & Modena (Italy), and others I cannot recall at this time. I am always drawn to these sacred places of worship by their sheer presence in the landscape. My experience of worship in Cathedrals here in Australia has taken me to St. John’s Brisbane, Christ Church Newcastle, All Saints Bathurst, St. George’s Perth, St. Peter’s Adelaide, St. Paul’s Melbourne, Holy Trinity Wangaratta, Christ Church Darwin, St. David’s Hobart and the list goes on. It has been a joy to worship in all of these sacred places. However, that joy has been heightened in these past 11 years when I was appointed as Dean of Bunbury and so began a ministry IN a Cathedral: how was that possible I ask myself? St. Boniface Cathedral is of brick construction and only 53 years old and reflects the architecture of today but with the adornments of yesteryear and stands alongside Christchurch Cathedral in Ballarat in Victoria (which is much smaller) as a small provincial Cathedral. I had the great privilege of ministering in that Church as Acting Dean for some months in 2012. In 2014-16 I was blessed to serve in the magnificent Cathedral Church of St. Saviour in Goulburn NSW, a building of stature that would not look out of place in any city in the world. The richness of its fabric, the music, the beauty of the liturgy combined to lift one’s spirit to a higher place.

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I concur with Robert Louis Stevenson when he remarked “I never weary of great churches. It is my favourite kind of mountain scenery. Mankind was never so happily inspired as when it made a cathedral.”

Revd Canon Gunnar Rippon

SHADOW OF THE DOVE We dream, we reason, we despair, we blame, we feel, we give, we share, we experience, we rejoice, we doubt. Perhaps we just wait ............ And then she emerges from within, from deep in our innermost being, this messenger of hope, this Holy Dove. We see her fly across mountain and valley, plain and plateau, city and village. Over the warm breast of the earth she skims, her shadow falling on the watcher in the tower, the refugee in the ditch, the weary soldier at the gate, the lone searcher amongst the rubble. Her shadow of hope is cast across the bars of a prison cell, filling with momentary light rooms tense in conflict, bringing a brief respite, a slither of gold across the darkness. She flies untiring across flooded landscapes; fields that once held the promise of abundant harvest, forests whose tall canopies sheltered the life within, communities that once existed! We feel the power of peace and healing in her wings. We turn towards her and we pray. O Holy Spirit of love, bring comfort, bring healing, bring peace. Anon Submitted by Gunnar

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FROM THE LOCUM PRIEST – John Southerden Dear Friends, Thank you for your warm welcome. It has been great to renew my friendships with people...especially as you are most accommodating of my memory lapses. It has also been great to have the opportunity of making new friendships. Like the other clergy I have had to fill in forms, make declarations, been photographed, had my details checked for criminal behaviour etc. so that I could be declared fit to work with children & with adults . If you see my photograph which I have to wear when I go to the GV hospital you may well think that an ill patient would have a health relapse when they look at it! All of this could seem to be ridiculous....until we remember the scandalous way in which trusted adults have behaved in the past, as well as in the present. My hope would be that the time will come when we clergy and lay members of the church will no longer need to be checked out, because we behave as good Christians who love our neighbours as ourselves. However, we cannot complain. We cannot pretend that the Church which teaches that we are all sinners did not remember that when setting its procedures in place in the past. Sorry to go on about this, but it is very much in my mind at the moment. Should you wish to have a visit please give me a call. My work days are Sunday, Thursday & Friday.

Your brother in Christ, Father John

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1. Confirmation Last chance to add names of children or adults to the list of those wishing to be confirmed this year. Details of preparation will be announced soon.

2. Singing Hymns From time to time at all centres we get comments that people don’t know the hymns that are chosen for Sundays. We will only know what you know if you tell us! I would invite everyone (but especially those from Dookie, Rushworth and the 10.30 service at St. Augustine’s) to submit to the office a list of their favourite hymns – that you know well enough to sing, not just listen to! Please provide at least 3 or 4, more if you’d like to. Spend half an hour sitting in the church with the hymn books and listing your favourites – perhaps a good pastime for Holy Week. Don’t limit yourself to the hymnbooks we have though – other suggestions are welcome. We will collate the lists for each centre and then hope you’ll join in the singing.

3. Various ministries Thank you to those who have responded. We would still love to hear from anyone interested in the following: Lay Minister, Eucharistic Assistant, Flower Arranger, Reader, Intercessor, Pastoral Assistant (baptism, bereavement, weddings, home, hospital), Computer Operator (10.30 service), Lawn Mowing, etc. Appropriate training and support will be offered. Some of the requirements are dictated by the Diocese/State Govt. Safe Church Awareness legislation.

4. Safe Church Awareness workshops There will be training in Shepparton on 16th June. All Parish Councillors, Eucharistic Assistants, Sunday School teachers, Lay Ministers, Pastoral ministers MUST do this training. Otherwise it will be difficult to support your continued ministry. Everybody is welcome to do it – check with Helen if you’re not sure whether it is compulsory for you.

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The Impact of One Faithful Witness Jesus said, "You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." (Mark 16:15) Many of you have read the story about a Sunday School teacher named Edward Kimball. Mr. Kimball was a timid shoe salesman who gathered the nerve to share the gospel with a co-worker named Dwight. L. Moody. D.L. Moody made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and went on to become one of the greatest evangelists in history. Do you know the rest of the story? D.L. Moody went to England and worked a profound change in the ministry of F.B. Meyer. F.B. Meyer, with his new evangelistic fervour, influenced a college student named J. Wilbur Chapman. Chapman accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and employed a converted baseball player in his ministry named Billy Sunday. Billy Sunday became the greatest evangelist of his generation. Billy Sunday preached the gospel in Charlotte, North Carolina and had such a tremendous impact that he was invited back. However, when he was unable to return, he recommended a preacher named Mordecai Ham. Ham went to Charlotte and preached his heart out, but there was only a limited response to his preaching. On the last night of Mordecai Ham's revival, a tall, lanky boy who worked on a dairy farm walked forward and asked Jesus to come into his heart. The local folks knew him as Billy Frank, but we all know him as Billy Graham. Today, as we reflect on the tremendous life and ministry of Billy Graham, it is also a wonderful time to reflect on the fact that it all started with a layman named Edward Kimball, who took seriously Christ's commission to be a witness in his world. It is highly unlikely that you and I will ever become a Billy Sunday or a Billy Graham, but every single one of us can be an "Edward Kimball". Every one of us can share the gospel with those we see every day of our lives. . Suggested prayer: "Dear God, I'm available for you to use; please use me today and every day to be an effective witness for you, and to be 'as Jesus' in some way to every life I touch. And grant that they, seeing Jesus in me, will want you for themselves. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name. Amen." submitted by Bet Brown

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‘While Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came by. When she saw Peter warming himself, she stared at him and said, "You also were with Jesus, the man from Nazareth." But he denied it, saying, "I do not know or understand what you are talking about." And he went out into the forecourt. Then the cock crowed. And the servant-girl, on seeing him, began again to say to the bystanders, "This man is one of them." But again he denied it. Then after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter, "Certainly you are one of them; for you are a Galilean." But he began to curse, and he swore an oath, "I do not know this man you are talking about." At that moment the cock crowed for the second time. Then Peter remembered that Jesus had said to him, "Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times." And he broke down and wept. ‘ Mark 14:66-72

If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

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Page 11: Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of Cathedrals began ... Cathedral or two is on our itinerary – in the past few years I

Palm Sunday 25th March St. Augustine’s, St Paul’s, Christ Church - Eucharist at all centres at normal Sunday times (even though it is a ‘fourth Sunday’) Dookie 6pm – see poster on previous page Holy Week – St. Augustine’s Monday 26th 7pm – Jesus’ last week Tuesday 27th 7pm – Tenebrae service (11am Clergy renewal of ordination vows Wangaratta Cathedral) Wednesday28th 7pm – Stations of the Cross Maundy Thursday 7pm – foot washing, Eucharist, followed by Vigil Good Friday - 8.45 a.m. St. Luke’s, Dookie

9.30 a.m. St. Augustine’s 10.00 a.m. Combined Murchison & Rushworth at St. Paul’s Rushworth

**Holy Saturday – there will be NO midnight mass Easter Day 1st April **6.30 a.m. Lighting of the New Fire and first Eucharist of Easter, St. Augustine’s 9.30 a.m. Eucharist, St. Augustine’s (note change from previous Outreach) 8.45 a.m. St. Luke’s, Dookie (note correction from earlier pewsheet) 9.00 a.m. St. Paul’s, Rushworth 11.00 a.m. Christ Church, Murchison Macedonian Easter Saturday 7th April – 10.45PM Lighting of the New Fire and Eucharist, St. Augustine’s Good Friday and Easter Day are much more meaningful if you can join in some/all of the services during Holy Week. I would encourage you to attend. Please sign up to assist at the above services where you can – see lists in the Narthex.

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REACHOUT Our next meeting will be on April 9

th in Roz's Room to finalize our next fund raising event.

“BLING IS THE THING” Sunday April 15th at 2pm

A free musical fun afternoon with delicious afternoon tea. Dress code is as sparkling as possible and tiaras are very acceptable. Bring along your spare change to vote for your favourite entertainer.

I am delighted to report that we will be raising funds this year in two important areas: (1) To help with The Salvation Army's emergency relief - baby/and personal ladies’ goods and (2) Swags We would like donations in cash or through the trade table donation box, as we will be bulk buying, except for Baby Formula; we need to buy vouchers for that. All of the goods purchased will stay in Shepparton and the surrounding area. These will be displayed in the Narthex so that you can see the results of your generosity before the big 'Handing over'.

Marg Rippon 0427799444


Diary Dates: Major Raffle Planning Group - Thursday, 19th April - 4.00 p.m. Parish Fair Planning Group - Thursday, 26th April - 4.00 p.m. Parish Fair - Saturday, 20th October

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GARDEN GROUP NOTES On a journey through the garden (and life) we see the 1. Fountain (a loved one) surrounded by many 2. Colourful flowers (children) and 3. Shrubs (friends) and backed by 4. Trees (guardian/parent) and 5. Fences (the Boundaries set by community). Some may have a special retreat – a fish pond (a holiday to the beach), a secluded grotto (a retreat for time-out), or a simple log upon which to rest. And so we may contemplate what we either ‘give to’ or ‘receive from’ each:

1. water – joy 2. variety – laughter 3. shelter – smiles 4. strength – guidance 5. ethos – opportunity

As 1. is a necessity to existence, 5. is defined as ‘the characteristic Spirit of community, people or system’ – all can be found by looking and thinking with gratitude every day and in every place. Easter blessings to all.

Beryl Bonfitto

GARDEN THERAPY Lose yourself in nature and find peace. GARLIC If there is one backyard crop that will make a difference in your life it’s garlic. Most garlic sold in Australia is imported and is treated with chemicals to knock any nasties, along with bleaches and growth retardants to improve its appearance and shelf life. Home grown garlic is full of flavour, rich in vitamins and antioxidants and free from unwanted chemicals. According to gardening lore, garlic is planted on the shortest day of the year and harvested on the longest day but it isn’t necessary to wait that long. Garlic is a bulb and can be planted from late autumn to early winter and harvested seven to eight months after planting. Plant individual cloves pointy side up 15 cms apart and 2 cm deep in well- drained soil . It’s hard to wring my hands when I am busy rolling up my sleeves. Plant pansies, violas, cinerarias and Iceland poppies in a sunny spot, and they will reward with winter blooms. Move indoor plants into better light as days get shorter, but keep them away from indoor heating. Rosemary Mitchelmore

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ST AUGUSTINE’S CATERING TEAM We supply morning/afternoon tea/light lunch in the Church facilities or in the place of your nomination. Ring Dorothy on 0358253096 or 0427772457 ANY ENQUIRIES WELCOME .


January 2018 Income: $19,465.18 Expenditure: $21,294.34 February 2018 Income: $22.043.73 Expenditure: $20,092.74

The Will of God The will of God will never take you,

Where the grace of God cannot keep you. Where the arms of God cannot support you,

Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, Where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you,

Where the spirit of God cannot work through you, Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you, Where the army of God cannot protect you, Where the hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you,

Where the love of God cannot enfold you, Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,

Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears, Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you,

Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears, Where the Word of God cannot feed you,

Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you, Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

Author unknown - submitted by Helen

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On the lighter side:

(via Bev with thanks to St. Brendan’s pewsheet) Q. When was medicine first dispensed in the Bible? A. When God gave Moses two tablets. Q. Who was the most fragrant lawbreaker in the Bible? A. Moses, because, after chiselling the ten commandments on the stone tablets, he broke them all at once.

FOR SALE Semi precious gems, mineral and rock specimens Contact Tony 0417151780

And God Laughed !! (submitted by Bet. Brown) Through a child’s eyes:

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Baptisms 18th February Finley Graham Barnes Funerals 12th February Dora May Dunham 19th February Stewart Arthur Lynas

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REGULAR PARISH SERVICES Please note that there are various occasions when these service times change. These are usually announced in advance in the weekly pewsheets, but please ring the Parish office on 5821 7630 to confirm service times for the following Sunday if you are not sure. Please note the TIMES for the Combined Services on the Fifth Sundays. St. Augustine’s, Shepparton: 1st – 4th Sundays: 8.30am Sung Eucharist 10.30am Family Eucharist 5th Sundays: 9.30am Combined Eucharist Rushworth: 1st – 3rd Sundays: 9am Eucharist 4th Sunday: 9am Morning Prayer Murchison: 1st – 3rd Sundays: 11am Eucharist 4th Sunday: 11am Morning Prayer Rushworth/Murchison: 5th Sunday: 10.30am Combined Eucharist, except final 5th Sunday for the year 5pm, alternating between towns. Dookie: 2nd Sunday: 8.45am Eucharist 4th Sunday: 9am Eucharist alternating between the Anglican Church and

the Uniting Church


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Page 19: Psalm 119: 105 OUTREACH · 2020-05-05 · Cathedrals I have known (and served in!) My love of Cathedrals began ... Cathedral or two is on our itinerary – in the past few years I

Pancake Tuesday @ Rushworth Traditionally, in Rushworth, the Uniting Church always did Pancake Tuesday. Except they never did it on the Tuesday, it usually happened the following Saturday. The main organiser was not able to continue because of health issues – which left a gap. It’s a tradition, it’s become quite the social thing; however, it’s an opportunity to put the church out in the community. In this we succeeded. We modelled the event more on what used to happen at Tatura, providing lots of pancakes with simple savoury and sweet fillings. This included savoury mince, cauliflower in cheese sauce and mushrooms in sauce (which was a bit runny). Dessert was mixed seasonal fruit with icecream. We also constructed gluten free pancakes using gluten free flour and Buckwheat flour, the colour looked a little weird, but the taste was very good. The famous Pancake Parlour in Melbourne use Buckwheat flour in their mix. Considering the Anglicans hadn’t done this in Rushworth, for a very long time, having 18 turn up was very good. They all said they liked the food and the conversation. Next year we’ll have another go at it, perhaps advertising a little more widely to encourage more locals - there were some that came that never go to church, which is a good thing. Many thanks to Kay Dempsey, Dawn Vincent and Roseanne Williams for their valuable assistance in the kitchen. Jane Boswell

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The Anglican Parish of Shepparton

Weekday Services


Morning prayer


Eucharist 10.00 am.

Parish Office

St Augustine’s Church, 95 M

aude St., Shepparton P O

Box 471, Shepparton 3632

Phone 5821 7630 Em

ail: staugustines.shepparton@


ffice Hours

Mon – Fri

9.00 am. – 1.00 pm


Sunday Services St Augustine’s Shepparton

1st – 4

th Sundays: Sung Eucharist 8.30 am

. Eucharist and C

hildren’s Church 10.30 am

. 5

th Sunday Com

bined Eucharist 9.30 am.

St Luke’s Dookie

Eucharist 2nd Sunday 8.45 am


4th Sunday 9am

alternates between U

niting and Anglican church R

ushworth and M

urchison Eucharist 1

st, 2nd and 3

rd Sundays 9.00 & 11.00 am

. M

orning Prayer 4th Sundays 9 & 11 am

. 5

th Sundays: Com

bined Service 10.30 am.

Parish Clergy

Priest-in-Charge R

ev.Dr. H

elen Malcolm



ev. Gunnar R

ippon Locum


ev. John Southerden






F Shepparton If undeliverable, please return to: St A

ugustine’s Anglican Church

Post Office B

ox 471, Shepparton, VIC.

3632 Print Post A

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