Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development...

Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. Urban and Transportation Consultant

Transcript of Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development...

Page 1: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Providing reliable, sound, and responsive

consulting services.

Urban and Transportation Consultant

Page 2: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Corporation in Brief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01

Expertise Field

Regional Development Planning/Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02

Urban Development Planning/Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

International/Regional Transportation Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04

Urban Transportation Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05

Transportation Project Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06

Logistics, Maritime Transport, Port, and Airport Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

Traffic Safety and ITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

Environment Planning / Disaster Mitigation Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09

Economic and Industrial Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Project Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Major ALMEC Projects in the Past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Our People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Page 3: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

International Competitiveness / Environmental Sustainability with Economic Development / Region-specific Industrial Policy / Poverty Reduction /

Minority Consideration / Stakeholder Workshop / Community Involvement / Analysis on Development Potential / Urban Atlas / Capacity Development

/ Compact City / Low-carbon City / City Development Strategy / Program Approach / Urban Development Mechanism / Household Interview Survey /

Urban Karte / GIS-based-analysis on Development Potential / Strategic Environmental Assessment / Public Exhibition / Inter-city, International, Cross-

border Transport / National Land Structure / International Competitiveness / Spillover Effect on Regional Economy / Environmental and Social

Assessment / Corridor Analysis / Project Priority Analysis / Donor Coordination / Transit Oriented Development (TOD) / Inter-modal Accessibility / Park

& Ride / Transport Demand Management (TDM) / Compact City / Household Interview Survey (comprising Person Trip Survey and Social Survey) /

Mobility Analysis / Private Development Initiative / Present and Future OD Matrix / Traffic Demand Analysis / Economic and Financial Viability / Social

Environmental Impact / Institutional Arrangement for O&M / Human Resource Development / Public-Private Partnership (PPP) / Investment

Environment / Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT) / TOD / Station Square / Inter-modal Facility / Public Involvement / Globalization / Free-trade Agreement /

Supply Chain Management / Inter-island Transport System Planning / Cross-border Transport Route / Maritime Logistic Development / Ship Financing

Scheme / Forecast of Future Shipping Needs / Economic Analysis / Fleet Planning / 3E (Engineering, Enforcement, Education) / Traffic Safety Culture /

Traffic Accident Analysis / Traffic Safety Audit System / Participatory and Experience-oriented Traffic Safety Education and / ALMEC Corporation

Campaign / ETC (Electric Toll Charge) / Smart Card / Variable Message Board / Climate Change / Kyoto Protocol / CDM (Clean Development

Mechanism) / Vulnerability / Urban Resilience against Disaster / Disaster Management System / Sustainable Development / Low-carbon City / Compact

City / GIS-based Hazard Mapping / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

01ALMEC CORPORATIONCorporation in Brief

Corporation in Brief

We have been known by in over four decades of

consultancy as:

Creative, resourceful, efficient. Our stable of multi-

disciplinary experts include trailblazers and some of the

best in the industry.

Responsive, comprehensive, practical. Our work bears

an indelible stamp of a holistic perspective, practical

approach, and responsive solutions, traits that we have

been known for in all the aggregates of our expertise, be

it urban development planning and strategies,

transportation planning and engineering, traffic safety,

regional development, logistics, environmental strategies,

or disaster mitigation, among others.

Reliable, respected. The hallmarks that have kept us in

the cutting edge of urban and transportation planning

since 1971.

We are a leading urban

and transportation planning

consultancy with an extensive

portfolio in the Asia-Pacific


Page 4: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Socio-economic Development Master Plan for Long An Province up to

2020 and Vision Toward 2030 (LAPIDES) Vietnam Long An People’s / /


The People's Committee of Long An Province requested ALMEC Corporation to

design the province’s socio-economic plan with the goal to turn Long An,

among the provinces in Vietnam, into a sustainable development model.

This plan was thoroughly discussed amongst the Party Committee of Long An

Province and, along with its strategic environmental assessment report, was

submitted to the Central Government for the final approval of the Prime

Minister for official implementation.

Study for Development of the Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Ports in the

Republic of Indonesia (GSMP) Indonesia JICA/ /

The purpose of the Study for Development of the Greater Surabaya

Metropolitan Ports, a project of JICA, is to formulate an integrated long-term

port development plan for Surabaya and its adjacent areas including the west

part of Madura Island to sustain future maritime traffic and provide efficient

port services. The target planning year is set in 2030.

ALMEC Corporation provided assistance in the formulation of a doable

development plan, adoption of a participatory approach, and preparation of

implementation schemes.

Key project experiences

ALMEC CORPORATION02 Expertise Field Regional Development Planning/Strategy//

The concept of regional development has evolved in the

context of globalization. Regions now face emergent

issues that ensure local socio-economic wellbeing even as

they strive for growth through international trade and


A firm practitioner of both horizontal and vertical

coordination in its studies, ALMEC Corporation has

espoused socio-economic dynamism beyond traditional

administrative boundaries of cities, provinces, or

countries and has promoted horizontal/vertical


In regional development planning ALMEC Corporation

has been a paragon of sound and strategic utilization of a

region’s economic, cultural, and institutional strengths

molded through a well-defined and comprehensive

strategy and vision of growth.

• • Socio-economic Development Planning

Regional Development Strategy Regional •

Industrial Development Strategy Tourism •

Development Planning

Regional Development Planning/Strategy

KEYWORDS International Competitiveness Environmental Sustainability // /

with Economic Development Conformity with Higher Plans Region-/ /

specific Industrial Policy Poverty Reduction Minority Consideration / / /

Stakeholder Workshop Community Involvement Analysis on Development / /

Potential Urban Atlas Capacity Development/ /

SEDP Concept Plan

Preservation zone

Agri./ Eco-tourism/ Border gate eco. zone

Buffer zone

Urban area

Industrial zone/ park

Urban cluster

Agro-based industry cluster

Industrial cluster

District center

Commune center


Primary road (1st class road)

Secondary road (2nd class road)

Tertiary road (3rd class/ main rural road)

Suburban railway

UMRT corridor (BRT/LRT)



Development Image of Tg. Bulupandan Port (Target Year 2030)

Page 5: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

03ALMEC CORPORATIONExpertise Field Urban Development Planning/Strategy//

Urban Development Planning/Strategy

The 21st century might be the era of the modern city but

nowhere in the evolution of modern urban life has the ills

of urbanization borne more heavily on the residents of

today’s cities, especially in the developing countries. A

city’s burden lies not only in being an economic driver

but also in being a simulacrum of other cities, all

competing for the same goods, services, attention, and

pride of place.

The shifting global climate has also nudged old

paradigms of cityhood, such as the growing adherents for

compact cities, disaster resilient cities, and others.

A pioneer in urban development planning, ALMEC

Corporation continues to espouse the visionary in urban

development planning, especially through the hallmarks

of inclusivity, soundness of plans, and comprehensiveness

of its development strategies.

• Comprehensive Urban Development

Planning City Development Strategy • •

Urban Development Project Scheme •

Diagnosis on Living Environment

Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) /

Vietnam JICA/

The Comprehensive Urban Development Program is a comprehensive vision of

the growth of Hanoi, Vietnam’s cultural center and seat of government. The

study epitomized Vietnam’s rise as a new developing country that covered all

key development areas such as socio-economic, environment, transportation,

water, housing, and others. HAIDEP was a definitive template of Hanoi’s future

growth; based on extensive development strategies that emphasized

participatory activities like enlisting help of a large number of stakeholders,

utilizing a household interview survey for 20,000 households, and holding

workshops, seminars, and public exhibits. HAIDEP also included the landmark

revision of urban planning laws in Vietnam and harmonized all transport urban

railway development in the city.

Among the proposed projects, the capacity building on urban planning

administration for institutions and individuals was conducted from 2009 to

2012 and the detailed engineering design for Urban Mass Rapid Transit Line 2 is


Project on Capacity Development in Urban Development Sector in

Mongolia (MUGCUP) Mongolia JICA/ /

The JICA project “Capacity Development in the Urban Development Sector in

Mongolia” (MUGCUP) was to expand the capacities of implementation and

management of urban development through improvements in urban

development policy and legal framework and capacity enhancement of

organizations and individuals responsible in the urban sector. The overall goal is

to improve land use and living environment in Ulaanbaatar City through the

implementation of urban development projects proposed in the city’s urban

master plan. Counterparts in the capacity development project were Ministry of

Road, Transport, Construction and Urban Development, and Ulaanbaatar City

Government. In 2015, ALMEC Corporation also conducted the second phase of


KEYWORDS Compact City Low-carbon City City Development Strategy // / /

/ / / Program Approach Urban Development Mechanism Household

Interview Survey Urban Karte GIS-based-analysis on Development / /

Training Course

[a] Proposed General Plan

[b] Motorcycle flow in Hanoi

Page 6: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

ALMEC CORPORATION04 Expertise Field Transit Oriented Development (TOD)//

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

In response to road congestion, urban sprawl, and carbon

emission, transit oriented development, or TOD, has been

the approach for livable and sustainable communities

that is mixed-use, compact, walkable, and centered

around affordable, quality public transportation.

Railway developments have been accelerated in

developing countries, but railways should be constructed

in integrated manner with urban and transportation

planning to maximize its benefit.

ALMEC Corporation has been a promoter of TOD concept

to cities in developing countries, introducing experiences

of Japan in public transport based urban planning.

Preparatory study on Promotion of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

for Urban Railway in the Republic of the Philippines Philippines JICA/ /

The preparatory study promoted public transportation through enhancement

of transportation capacity and accessibility as well as promotion of an

integrated development. ALMEC Corporation developed a TOD plan for ten

stations along the North-South Commuter Railway (NSCR). The concept design

of the terminal Tutuban Station was prepared in consideration to the historical

value of the old station building and traffic congestion. The concept includes

the design guidelines for Tutuban Area Redevelopment and terms of reference

of both Tutuban Station intermodal facilities project and Dagupan Street

Widening from the Department of Transportation (DOTr; formerly the

Department of Transportation and Communications). DOTr is working on the

Dagupan widening project in coordination with Department of Public Works

and Highways.

The Project on Integrated UMRT and Urban Development for Hanoi

(HAIMUD) Vietnam JICA/ /

The purpose of the Project on Integrated Urban Mass Rapid Transit (UMRT) and

Urban Development for Hanoi was to prepare concrete strategies and programs

on the integrated development of Phase 1 sections of UMRT Lines 1 and 2,

which are already in the implementation pipeline, to maximize the benefits of

both UMRT and urban developments. This resulted to the creation of a new

model for urban development in cities.

The specific objectives of this JICA project are to formulate development plans

and implementation strategies for UMRT station-related facilities and propose

the development concept and framework for areas adjoining UMRT stations

and areas along lines 1 and 2.

KEYWORDS Promotion of Public Transport Use Modal Shift Park and // / /

Ride/Intermodal Facility Development Universal Design Seamless Transfer / /

/ / / Railway Passenger Analysis Pedestrian Traffic Flow Micro Simulation of

Station Square Stakeholder Workshop Willingness to Use Survey on Public / /

Transportation and Railways

• • Station Area Development Planning

Feeder Bus Network Planning Intermodal •

Facility Planning Promotion Policy for •

Railway Use

Aerial View of Tutuban Redevelopment

Facility Layout Plan and Development Image of Integrated Urban Development of West Area

Page 7: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

The primacy of effecting an efficient transfer of people

and goods is an integral part of local and regional growth

and development.

ALMEC Corporation has an extensive portfolio of regional

transportation projects in some of the most strategic

growth areas in Asia, putting in some of the most cogent

and extensive outputs on socio-economy analyses, traffic

demand, industry, environment, trade and logistics,

financing and the other aggregates of transport planning

at both the local, regional as well as international levels.

Comprehensive Study on the Sustainable Development of the Transport

System in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) Vietnam JICA/ /

The Study on the Sustainable Development of the Transport System in Vietnam

(VITRANSS 2) is a comprehensive transport development plan. One of the

study’s major objectives was to address the traditional and persistent

transportation gaps that fuel growth imbalances in key regions of Vietnam. The

study covered all transport subsectors such as roads, railways, aviation, inland

waterways, coastal shipping, logistics, and mega-projects--expressways and

high speed railways. For the final output in the creation a sustainable and

extensive transportation development strategy, ALMEC Corporation developed

a comprehensive traffic and transport database taken from a series of wide-

range surveys. The formulated strategy was considered as one of the inputs to

the transportation policies in Vietnam.

Roadmap for Transport Infrastructure Development for Metro Manila and

Its Surrounding Areas (Region III & Region IV-A) Philippines JICA/ /

The Roadmap for Transport Infrastructure Development for Metro Manila and

Its Surrounding Areas, part of a technical assistance project to the National

Economic Development Authority (NEDA), was conducted to help ease

congestion in the metropolis. The proposed roadmap outlined short- and long-

term components that cited the need to boost infrastructure development,

which include new gateway airports and seaports, improved road networks and

expressways, integrated urban mass-transit network in Metro Manila, road-

based public transport modernization, and "soft" components such as upgrade

of traffic management system. The NEDA Board, chaired by former President

Benigno S. Aquino III, approved the Roadmap in September 2014. More

detailed studies on priority projects from the Roadmap, Mega Manila Subway,

NSCR, and New NAIA were conducted after this project.

KEYWORDS Inter-city, International, Cross-border Transport National // /

Land Structure International Competitiveness Spillover Effect on Regional / /

Economy Environmental and Social Assessment Corridor Analysis Project / / /

Priority Analysis Donor Coordination/

• Regional Transportation Development

Strategy Comprehensive Development •

Planning/Strategy on National

Transportation System Development Cross-•

border Transportation Planning

National Land Structure




Primary (NFEZ, CFEZ, SFEZ)

Primary (road/rail/air/water)

Development Clusters

Development Corridors

Secondary (coastal)

Secondary (road/rail/air)

Secondary (upland)

Secondary (sea/water)

International gateways (primary)

International gateways (secondary)

International/Regional Transportation Planning

Main Transport Network Concept for Central Area of Metro Manila

05ALMEC CORPORATIONExpertise Field International/Regional Transportation Planning//

Page 8: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences


By tradition, large cities have always been riven by the

dichotomy of clangor and chaos on one hand, and the

quietness and efficiency of a working transport grid,

especially one that do justice to the transportation needs

of their robust populations and bustling commerce.

ALMEC Corporation’s trailblazing work on transport

planning for some of Asia’s largest metropolises always

had a distinctive mark of specificity and uniqueness. It

involved plans that were tailored to fit the specific needs

and conditions of a particular city and the visions of its

proponents. ALMEC Corporation takes the traditional

elements of transportation planning, such as transport

infrastructure development, traffic demand management,

operation and maintenance, financing, etc., and molds

them into a variable but holistic whole, such as its

seamless integration of urban and transport plans.

Project on the Revision and Updating of Strategic Transport Plan for

Dhaka (RSTP) Bangladesh JICA/ /

ALMEC Corporation revised and updated the Strategic Transport Plan for

Dhaka, which was approved by the Government of Bangladesh in 2005, and

formulated a roadmap that consists of high priority projects to solve urban

transport issues. The roadmap includes five mass rapid transit (MRT) and two

bus rapid transit (BRT) lines as an entire public transport network. MRT Line 1

was envisioned as the public transport backbone that connects the flourishing

urban areas of Dhaka and was ready for implementation within the short-term

period. Therefore, the pre-feasibility study for MRT Line 1 was also conducted as

part of this project. Following the recommendations in the RSTP, the feasibility

studies of MRT Lines 1 and 5 commenced in June 2016.

Preparatory Survey on Urban Transport Development in the Greater

Yangon (YUTRA) Myanmar JICA/ /

The JICA project “Preparatory Survey on Urban Transport Development in the

Greater Yangon (YUTRA)” is a comprehensive transport development plan.

Besides the preparation of a comprehensive urban transport plan up to 2035 for

Greater Yangon, ALMEC Corporation assisted in the pre-feasibility study for the

construction of New Thaketa Bridge, which was selected as priority in the

Project for Strategic Urban Development Plan of the Greater Yangon. ALMEC

Corporation also implemented the pilot project “8-Mile Intersection

Improvement.” Based on YUTRA, the Project for Construction of New Thaketa

Bridge was launched in April 2015 under Japanese Government grant aid and

the BRT LITE has been under operation by joint public-private venture Yangon

Bus Public Company Limited since February 2016.

KEYWORDS Urban Framework Future Land Use Inter-modal // / /

Accessibility Transport Demand Management (TDM) Hierarchical Public / /

Transport System Household Interview Survey (comprising Person Trip /

Survey and Social Survey) GIS Database Mobility Analysis Private / / /

Development Initiative Present and Future OD Matrix/

• • Urban Transportation Planning Public

Transportation Planning Road Network •

Planning Transport Demand Management • •

Traffic Modeling

Main Features and Strategies of YUTRA Master Plan

Urban Transportation Planning

Urban Transport Master Plan of


ALMEC CORPORATION06 Expertise Field Urban Transportation Planning//

Page 9: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

Transportation studies are an indispensable tool in the

world of growth and development because an efficient

transportation system is the scaffolding that holds and

fuels the socio-economic activities of a locale, city,

province, or region.

In the field of transportation project studies, ALMEC

Corporation has been an exemplar in incorporating

private financing in transport development projects and

has an unwavering belief in sustainable operations, and

effective maintenance mechanisms.

Preparing the Ho Chi Minh City Outer Ring Roads Technical Assistance

Loan Project Vietnam ADB/ /

The Technical Assistance for Ho Chi Minh City’s Outer Ring Roads Project, which

is the Pre-Feasibility Study on Ring Road 3 (RR3) and Ring Road 4 (RR4), was

designed to address the issue of connectivity among the various growth areas

within Ho Chi Minh Metropolitan Region and help enhance the region’s status

as one of the country’s engines of growth. ALMEC Corporation concluded that

the formulation of RR3 is urgent while the necessity of RR4 to meet expressway

standards is not justifiable at present. Moreover, for a smooth implementation

as recommended, the final phase specifications for RR3 should be defined to

reduce cost and ensure financial viability. The Feasibility and Social/Safeguards

Studies for Ben Luc-NH22 and NH22- Binh Chuan sections of RR3 are under this

Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance project.

KEYWORDS Economic and Financial Viability Social Environmental Impact // /

/ / / Institutional Arrangement for O&M Human Resource Development Bus

Operation Planning Coordination with Other Transportation Modes / /

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Transport / /

Demand Forecast Investment Environment TOD Station Square Inter-/ / / /

modal Facility Public Involvement/

• Feasibility Study on Transportation Project

• • Urban Railway Development Project

Capacity Development for O&M Public-•

Private Partnership Project Planning

Location of Ring Road 3 and Ring Road 4

Before and After the Pilot Projects: Sidewalk on Nguyen Van Linh Street

Transportation Project Studies

Project on Improvement of Urban Transportation of Danang City

(DTRIP) Vietnam JICA/ /

JICA implemented the “Study on the Integrated Development Strategy for

Danang City and Its Neighboring Areas in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(DaCRISS)” from 2008 to 2010 to formulate regional development strategies for

the Central Economic Zone and Master Plan for Danang City up to 2025. As

specified in DaCRISS, strengthening the planning and implementing capacity of

the Danang City People’s Committee (DPC) is critical to implement measures to

shift transportation demand from private to public mode. DPC then requested

JICA to implement a technical cooperation project to improve their

administrative capacity to solve critical urban transportation issues. Thus, the

“Project on Improvement of Urban Transportation of Danang City (DTRIP)” was

realized. The main components of DTRIP were implementation of pilot projects

to improve urban transport system and capacity development training for

urban transport improvement. Pilot projects were implemented to improve the

situation of Le Duan/Tran Phu Intersection and sidewalk of Nguyen Van Linh

Street. DPC continued to apply the same geometric intersection design and

traffic signal management in other intersections and carried out own methods

in parking management on sidewalks after the project.

07ALMEC CORPORATIONExpertise Field Transportation Project Studies//

Page 10: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

As the paradigm of interconnectedness continue to hold

sway in today’s global community, the tools that realize,

enhance and sustain growth continue to become

significant in the ever globalizing world, such as logistics

planning, maritime transport, ports, and airports

development studies.

ALMEC Corporation has a strong portfolio of logistics,

ports, and airport development projects in Asia and its

robust output in this field has been marked by a seamless

synthesis of cross-sector goals and plans, plus the proper

interplay between transport, industry, finance, agriculture,

and services.

ALMEC Corporation has a solid pool of international

transport, logistics, maritime, and finance experts that

have done cogent work in landmark logistics and

transport studies in developing countries.

KEYWORDS Globalization Free-trade Agreement Supply Chain // / /

Management Inter-island Transport System Planning Cross-border / /

Transport Route Maritime Logistic Development Ship Financing Scheme / / /

Shipping Industry Forecast of Future Shipping Needs Economic Analysis / / /

Public and Private Partnership (PPP) Fleet Planning/

• • Logistic Development Strategy Port

Development Planning Domestic Shipping •

Development Planning Maritime Industry •

Development Planning

Study on the Development of Domestic Sea Transportation and

Maritime Industry in the Republic of Indonesia (STRAMINDO) /

Indonesia JICA/

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, yet its shipping industry has

not been adequately developed to meet local needs in terms of capacity and


In the Study on the Development of Domestic Sea Transportation and Maritime

Industry, its objective was to increase the share of Indonesian flag vessels in

domestic cargo and passenger transport through improved sea transport

services and active cargo and passenger flow in all domestic shipping routes.

The main outputs were a master plan until 2024 and an action plan for short-

term priority projects. Both plans covered shipping fleet and operations,

shipbuilding and repair yards, shipping-related institutional framework,

shipping safety and environment, and maritime human resources. ALMEC

Corporation conducted the technical assistance for public ship finance scheme

and advanced maritime education program in 2004-2005.

The Master Plan and Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an ASEAN

Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) Shipping Network and Short Sea Shipping /

ASEAN member countries JICA/

Part of the 15 priority connectivity projects of the ASEAN is the Master Plan and

Feasibility Study on the Establishment of the Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) Network

and Short Sea Shipping. The project is perhaps the best representation of

ASEAN’s goal to infuse a working connectivity among its member countries;

modeled after shipping inter-connections in East Asia and Europe. The master

plan was authorized by the ASEAN in 2010.

ALMEC Corporation conducted field surveys over eight candidate routes pre-

selected by ASEAN in order to identify international RO-RO shipping

opportunities and constraints. Priority routes of Dumai–Malacca, Belawan–

Penang–Phuket, and General Santos–Bitung were selected and implementation

arrangements were worked out by route for their early implementation by 2015.

Daily Monitoring System

Logistics, Maritime Transport,Port, and Airport Planning

Surveyed Routes

ALMEC CORPORATION08 Expertise Field Logistics, Maritime Transport, Port, and Airport Planning//

Page 11: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

In many parts of the world, especially in the developing

countries, traffic safety either has become a mere

footnote to the goal of achieving growth and

transportation efficiency or a mere collateral in the rapid

rise of motorization, insufficient policy frameworks, over

population, and urbanization.

ALMEC Corporation has been an advocate of traffic safety

as an adjunct of urban development and crucial nexus to

the overall livability index of a local, city or region.

In its traffic safety studies, ALMEC Corporation has

espoused the philosophy of harmonizing “new

transportation” paradigms, with the principles of “safe

mobility” of goods and people, infrastructure integrity,

policy efficiency and urban livability. These precepts have

guided its comprehensive transport management and

traffic safety plans and ITS.

KEYWORDS 3E (Engineering, Enforcement, Education) Human Resource // /

Development of Traffic Police Traffic Safety Culture Traffic Accident / /

Analysis Traffic Safety Audit System Participatory and Experience-oriented / /

Traffic Safety Education and Campaign ETC (Electric Toll Charge) Smart / /

Card Variable Message Board Application of Japanese Technology/ /

• • Traffic Safety Planning Human Resource

Development on Traffic Safety Traffic •

Safety Campaign Technology Transfer for •

ITS Development

Project for Strengthening the Traffic Police Training in People’s Police

Academy and Various Police Training Institutions in Vietnam Vietnam / /


The Project to Strengthen Traffic Police Training in the People’s Police Academy

(PPA) in Vietnam is an effort to mitigate one of the highest vehicular accident

rates in Asia through improvement of teaching instructions among the police

academy and police training institutions.

ALMEC Corporation focused on the improvement of training capacity by

curriculum upgrade of the traffic police undergraduate. Training and lectures

for skills improvement of lecturers and trainers from various police training

institutions were also conducted. Curriculum and skills development stressed

the enforcement of road traffic laws, proper inculcation of traffic safety

education, traffic guidance and control, traffic enforcement, collection and

analysis of traffic accident data, and effective policy making. The Traffic Safety

Research Center was also established in the PPA to strengthen policy-making

based on analysis and empirical data on road accidents nationwide.

The Study on National Road Traffic Safety Master Plan in the Socialist

Republic of Vietnam Vietnam JICA/ /

The Study on National Road Traffic Safety Master Plan in Vietnam developed the

National Road Traffic Safety Master Plan to 2020 and Action Program for

National Road Traffic Safety 2008-2012 to mitigate one of the poorest traffic

safety records in Asia. This is the first comprehensive master plan on road traffic

safety of Vietnam.

To create a new comprehensive traffic safety plan for Vietnam, ALMEC

Corporation adopted the basic precepts of 4E’s in its strategy: Engineering for

infrastructure improvement, Enforcement, Education for traffic safety, and

Emergency medical care. The plan promoted traffic safety measures

throughout the country with the use of posters and leaflets prepared for and

distributed by local government officers. The proposed mission of the prepared

master plan of a “Kindhearted Traffic Accident-Free Society” was also

accomplished through the traffic safety plan. ALMEC Corporation also

conducted examinations of required institutional mechanisms for Traffic Safety

Culture Development and on the establishment of Traffic Safety Foundation.

Left: Trial Lesson in the Classroom (group discussion)

Right: Training of Traffic Enforcement by Police Motorcycle

Poster for Traffic Safety Master Plan

Traffic Safety and ITS

09ALMEC CORPORATIONExpertise Field Traffic Safety and ITS//

Page 12: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

The onslaught of disasters spawned by global warming

has paved the way for the ascendancy of environment

planning and disaster mitigation and new norms in urban

development and disaster mitigation paradigms such

disaster resiliency, sustainability, environment-friendly

transport planning, cities with low carbon footprints, etc.

Extrapolating from Japan’s own history of environmental

disasters, as well as those in other countries, ALMEC

Corporation has been in the forefront of environmental

studies and disaster management plans and has applied

them to several clients in the Asia-Pacific region.

KEYWORDS Climate Change Kyoto Protocol CDM (Clean Development // / /

Mechanism) Monitoring Reporting Verification (MRV) Vulnerability / / /

Urban Resilience against Disaster Disaster Management System / /

Sustainable Development Low-carbon City Compact City GIS-based / / /

Hazard Mapping Biodiversity/

• • Eco-city Development Strategy CDM

Project Formulation Disaster Management •

Planning Disaster Impact Mitigation •


The JICA Sector Study on Climate Change Program Loan in Thailand /

Thailand JICA/

Current GHG emission per capita of Thailand does not exceed the world

average. However, Thailand has already initiated various policy measures

against Climate Change. In this connection, The Thai Government and JICA

drafted the policy matrix (PMx) in June 2010 in order to formulate the

Climate Change Program Loan (CCPL). And both parties decided to review

the Policies and Action under five sectors; Energy, Transport, Agriculture and

Forestry, Disaster Prevention, and Coaslt Erosion.

In JICA-funded sector study, ALMEC Corporation reviewed the PMx for CCPL

and facilitate the drafting of the Background Paper. For each sector, the

situation and expected impact of climate change were identified, strategies,

policies and work plan for climate change were elaborated, and Background

Paper of the PMx was prepared.

Pilot Study for Integrated Urban Disaster Management Project in

Jakarta Metropolitan Area Indonesia JBIC/ /

Jakarta, one of Asia’s largest metropolitan areas and most environmentally-

volatile regions in the world, was overdue for a disaster mitigation and

preparedness program.

In the JBIC-funded Pilot Study for Integrated Urban Disaster Management

Project, ALMEC Corporation laid down a template for disaster resiliency

against calamities and natural disasters for Jakarta. A series of assessments

on hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities to natural disasters (earthquake, flood,

and tsunami) that could occur were mapped out followed with an array of

disaster mitigation programs and measures and identified priority projects.

Key Strategies and Outcomes on Policy Matrix Hazard Map with Road Facilities in Jakarta

High risk area for 3 disasters

High tsunami risk area

High flood risk area

High earthquake risk area

Kabupaten boundary

Other roads

Toll roads

Intersection/ flyover

Environment Planning/Disaster Mitigation Planning

ALMEC CORPORATION10 Expertise Field Environment Planning/Disaster Mitigation Planning//

Page 13: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

11ALMEC CORPORATIONExpertise Field Economic and Industry Policy//

Infrastructure development can provide enormous

benefits to people’s lives and nation’s socio-economic

development. However, it requires the huge amount of

budget, which the public fund cannot be enough for.

Public and Private Partnership (PPP) is a tool to

supplement the required budget by leveraging private


ALMEC Corporation has aimed to develop economy both

in Japan and developing countries through proposing

policies and schemes of PPP as well as foreign investment

promotion considering small scale businesses.

KEYWORDS Financial Market Readiness Public Financial Management // /

/ / / Public and Private Partnership (PPP) Model Investment Policy Investment

Environment Development Project Finance Macro Economic Analysis / / /

Business Environment Survey Economic and Market Analysis Finance / /

Mechanism Risk Analysis Security Package/ /

• • Promotion of Foreign Investment Public

and Private Partnership (PPP) Planning •

Base of the Economic Pyramid (BOP)

Promotion Small Business Promotion • •

Regional Industry Policy

Capacity Development for Promoting Foreign Direct Investment (FIDP) /

Mongolia JICA/

The development of domestic industries and the Economic Growth Support

and Poverty Reduction Strategy placed importance on the "stability of the

macro economy and efficiency of the public sector" and "transition to a market

economy and institutional and environmental establishment for national

growth driven by the private sector." Introduction of foreign capital is essential

to kick-start private sector development. The challenge for Mongolia lies in how

it gives preferential treatment to foreign direct investments.

Because of the conditions, the project for Capacity Development for Promoting

Foreign Direct Investment was conducted to improve the research function and

investment promotion services.

ALMEC Corporation strengthened the capacity of the Department of Foreign

Investment Regulation and Registration through preparation of action plan to

improve investment environment and working plan for investment promotion

services including website improvement, database development, one-stop

service center establishment, and others.

Seminar Photo and Leaflet of FIDP

Economic and IndustrialPolicy

Feasibility Study for the Dau Giay–Phan Thiet Expressway Project /

Vietnam Private Sector/

The Dau Giay-Phan Thiet Expressway Study is the first public-private

partnership expressway project in Vietnam and one of World Bank’s model

projects relative to institutional improvement. The 10-km expressway forms

part of Vietnam’s vital North–South transport axis that connects the seat of

government Hanoi and financial center Ho Chi Minh.

ALMEC Corporation designed the project to reduce regional disparity

through the proper spread of growth and investments in key regions of

Vietnam. The feasibility of the project was also tested under various socio-

economic scenarios.

Intercity expressway (image of the project)

Page 14: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Key project experiences

Due to the globalization and technological advances,

socio-economic environment in developing countries and

Japan varies day by day. The global environmental

problems are common issues in the world.

ALMEC Corporation continues research works to expand

new development sectors and improve capacities for

proposing the right solutions for right places, envisioning

the future.

KEYWORDS Global Environmental Action Pilot Project of Advanced // /

Technologies ODA Policy Infrastructure System Export Strategy Best / / /

Practice Literature Review Support for International Conference / / /

Database Development and Analysis Development of Knowledge Platform/

• • Sustainable Cities Good Practices in Japan

• • Infrastructure System Export Strategy

Globalization for Local Government of Japan

Research on the Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries World / /


Cities in developing countries, in particular, face problems due to rapid

economic and population growth and both contribute significantly to the

environment. The Research on Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries

reviewed the long-term changes in the world, examined sustainable urban

development practices, and identified JICA's future policy and approach to

sustainable urban development.

ALMEC Corporation defined that sustainable cities should have a good

balance of the five characteristics: equity and fairness, safety and security,

environmental friendliness, convenience and competitiveness, and creativity.

Identified priority issues, balanced characteristics, and strengthened urban

infrastructure and urban management makes a sustainable city. A strategic

approach is now required to balance city's development needs and each

environmental issue.

Basic Policy and Development Approach for Sustainable Cities

Project Research

International Conference on Ecological Cities as Economic Cities, Eco2

Cities Japan World Bank/ /

The World Bank initiative "Ecological Cities as Economic Cities," or Eco2 Cities, is

an urban development program that seeks to strike a balance between the

quest for economic growth and ecological integrity.

World Bank and JICA co-organized an Eco2 conference in Yokohama Minato

Mirai to outline the principles of the Eco2 initiatives. ALMEC Corporation acted

as program secretariat as well as conducted and presented case studies on

sustainable urban development in Japan.

Conference view

ALMEC CORPORATION12 Expertise Field Project Research//

Page 15: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

ALMEC CORPORATION 13Major ALMEC Projects in the Last 10 Years

Major ALMEC Projects in the Past 10 Years

Data Collection Survey on the Regional Comprehensive Development in Mongolia (MONDEP) Mongolia 2015, on-going JICA/ / /

Study on Roadmap for Sustainable Urban Developmet in Metro Cebu Philippines 2013-2015 JICA/ / /

La Encuesta de Recolecciòn de Datos Sobre el Sector de la Agricultura en la Repùblica de Honduras Honduras 2012-2013 JICA/ / /

Development Strategies for Dak Lak Province and Buon Ma Thuot City (A study integrated with the “Vietnam Transport Sector Study”) Vietnam 2010-2011 JICA/ / /

Study on the Socio-economic Development Master Plan of Long An Province up to 2020 and Vision Toward 2030 Vietnam 2009-2011 Long An People’s Committee/ / /

The study on formulation of spatial planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA (GKS) Zone in East Java Province, the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia 2009-2010 JICA/ / /

The Study for Roadside Station Master Plan in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vietnam 2007-2009 JICA/ / /

Promoting Silk Income for the Rural Poor in the Central Highlands (JFPR9033-VIE) Vietnam 2005-2007 ADB/ / /

Yogyakarta Regional Development Project (YRDP) Indonesia 2004-2006 World Bank/ / /

Data Collection Study on New Development Project in Mongolia Mongolia 2016 Private Sector/ / /

Project for Promoting Sustainability in Future Cities of Thailand Thailand 2015, on-going JICA/ / /

The Project on Capacity Development in Urban Development Sector in Mongolia Phase 2 (MUGCUP2) Mongolia 2015, on-going JICA/ / /

Data Collection Survey on Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development in Danang Vietnam 2014-2016 JICA/ / /

Ulaanbaatar Urban Planning Improvement (UBUPI) Mongolia 2014-2016 ADB/ / /

Project for Urban Plan and Development Management Malawi 2013-2015 JICA / / /

Project on Capacity Development in the Urban Development Sector of Mongolia (MUGCUP) Mongolia 2010-2013 JICA/ / /

The Project for Tirana Thematic Urban Planning Albania 2011-2012 JICA/ / /

The Study for Technical Corporation Project Promotion on Urban Development Sector in India India 2009-2011 MLIT/ / /

Urban Planning Formulation and Management Capacity Development Project in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (CUPCUP) Vietnam 2009-2012 JICA/ / /

Data collection survey on the socialization of barrier-free policy in Malaysia Malaysia 2009 JICA/ / /

The Study on Integrated Development Strategy for Da Nang City and Its Neighboring Area in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (DaCRISS) Vietnam 2008-2010 JICA / / /

Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam’s Medium-sized Cities Vietnam 2008 World Bank/ / /

The Study on City Master Plan and Urban Development Program of Ulaanbaatar City (UBMPS) Mongolia 2007-2009 JICA/ / /

An Assessment of Housing for Low Income Groups in Da Nang Vietnam 2006 World Bank/ / /

Integrated Urban and UMRT Line 1 Development Strategy in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 2006 JBIC/ / /

Metropolitan Management: Case Studies of Tokyo and Osaka Japan 2006 WB/ / /

Preparation of a Comprehensive Framework for the Development of a Central Business District in Quezon City Philippines 2006 WB/ / /

Case Study on Water Tariff in Small- and Medium-sized Cities in China China 2005-2006 WB/ / /

The Comprehensive Urban Development Programme in Hanoi Capital City (HAIDEP) Vietnam 2004-2007 JICA/ / /

Preparatory Survey on Promotion of TOD (Transit Oriented Development) for Urban Railway in the Republic of the Philippines Philippines 2014-2015 ICA/ / /

The Project for Studying the Implementation of Integrated UMRT and Urban Development for Hanoi (HAIMUD2) Vietnam 2014-2015 JICA/ / /

The Project on Integrated UMRT and Urban Development for Hanoi (HAIMUD) Vietnam 2009-2011 JICA/ / /

Integrated Urban and UMRT Line 1 Development Strategy in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 2006 JBIC/ / /

Roadmap for Transport Infrastructure Development for Metro Manila and Its Surrounding Areas (Region III & Region IV-A) Philippines 2013-2014 JICA/ / /

The Project for the Study on JABODETABEK Public Transport Policy Implementation Strategy in the Republic of Indonesia (JAPTraPIS) Indonesia 2011-2012 JICA/ / /

Vietnam Transport Sector Study Vietnam 2010-2011 JICA/ / /

The Comprehensive Study on the Sustainable Development of Transport System in Vietnam (VITRANSS 2) Vietnam 2008-2010 JICA/ / /

Northern Region Comprehensive Transport Strategy Study Vietnam 2006-2007 World Bank/ / /

Strategic Review of Transport Donors Support to the Government of Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2006–2010 Vietnam 2005-2006 DFID/ / /

Regional Development Planning/Strategy

Urban Development Planning/Strategy

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

International/Regional Transportation Planning

(as of October 2016)

Page 16: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

ALMEC CORPORATION14 Major ALMEC Projects in the Last 10 Years

Preparatory Survey on Urban Transport Development in the Greater Yangon (YUTRA II) Myanmar 2016, on-going JICA/ / /

Project on the Revision and Updating of Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka Bangladesh 2015, on-going JICA/ / /

Data Collection Survey on Railways in Major Cities (METROS) Vietnam 2013-2016 JICA/ / /

Urban Transport Policy and Planning- Yangon Urban Transport Master Plan (YUTRA) Myanmar 2012-2014 JICA/ / /

Lahore Urban Transport Master Plan (Phase2) Pakistan 2011-2012 JICA/ / /

Implementation of Asian City Transport – Promoting Sustainable Urban Transport in Asia Project (Davao Sustainable Urban Transport) Philippines 2010-2011 ADB/ / /

The Project for Lahore Urban Transport Master Plan (Phase1) Pakistan 2010-2011 JICA/ / /

Transport Investment in Medium Sized Cities Vietnam 2008-2009 WB/ / /

Transport Planning and Traffic Management in Metropolitan Cities in Philippines Philippines 2008/ WB/ /

The Study on Integrated Urban Transportation Master Plan for Istanbul Metropolitan Area Turkey 2007-2009 JICA/ / /

Urban Transport in Vietnam’s Medium-sized Cities Vietnam 2007 WB/ / /

Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of Transportation Capacity of Public Bus in Phnom Penh Vietnam 2016 JICA/ / /

The Project for Enhancing Management Capacity of Transport System Focused on Public Transport in Binh Duong Province (3B Project) Vietnam 2015, on-going JICA/ / /

The Project on Improvement of Urban Transit Corridor in Danang City (TMFP) Vietnam 2016, on-going Danang City People’s Committee/ / /

Data Collection Survey For Hanoi Metropolitan BRT, Viet Nam Vietnam 2016 JICA/ / /

Study on Impact on Introducing BRT Feeder Bus System in Danang Vietnam 2015-2016 Private Sector/ / /

Study and Facilitation for Expansion of Urban Transportation Systems Overseas through Coordination between Public and Private Asia 2014-2015 MLIT/ / /

Project on Improvement of Urban Transportation of Danang City (DTRIP) Vietnam 2013-2016 JICA/ / /

Preparatory Survey on Metro Manila Central Business Districts Transit System Project in the Republic of the Philippines Philippines 2013-2015 JICA/ / /

Traffic and Transport Management for Philippines CDS Cities Project Grant No. TF 098692 Philippines 2013-2014 WB/ / /

Formulation of Detailed Plan for Project on Improvement of Traffic Management Capacity in Lahore Central Area (Intersection Plan) Pakistan 2013 ICA/ / /

Project for Improving Public Transportation in Hanoi Vietnam 2011-2015 JICA/ / /

Study for the Formulation of High Speed Railway Projects on the Hanoi–Vinh and Ho Chi Minh–Nha Trang Sections Vietnam 2011-2014 JICA/ / /

The Ho Chi Minh City Outer Ring Roads Technical Assistance Loan Project Vietnam 2011-2012 ADB/ / /

The Project on Traffic Demand Management of Historical Area in Istanbul (iSTDM) Turkey 2010 JICA/ / /

The Project for Capacity Development on Transportation Planning and Database Management (MUCEP) Philippines 2011-2014 JICA/ / /

Ulaanbaatar City Urban Transport Project in Mongolia (UTPUB) Mongolia 2011, on-going JICA/ / /

Hanoi City Urban Railway Construction Project (Nam Thang Long - Tran Hung Dao Section (Line2) (I) Vietnam 2011, on-going Hanoi City People’s Committee/ / /

Survey and Feasibility Study for the Dau Giay–Phan Thiet Expressway Project Vietnam 2009-2010 private sector/ / /

Urban Transport Development Project Mongolia 2009 ADB/ / /

Feasibility Study for Improvement of Public Transport in Da Nang City 2008-2015 Vietnam 2008-2009 KfW Entwicklungsbank/ / /

Special Assistance for Project Implementation for Hyderabad ORR Project Phase I India 2008-2009 JBIC/ / /

Formulation for Kinshasa City Road Construction And Renovation Project In The Democratic Republic Of Congo (Road Planning/Urban Planning) Condo 2008 JICA/ / /

The Feasibility Study and Implementation Support on the CALA East-West National Road Project Philippines 2005-2006 JICA/ / /

Feasibility Study and Implementation Program for Ho Chi Minh City UMRT Line 1 (east section) Vietnam 2005 Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry of Japan/ / /

Master Plan and Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an ASEAN Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) Shipping Network and Short Sea Shipping 10 ASEAN member countries 2012-2013 / / /


Preparatory Survey for Domestic Shipping and Sea Transportation Improvement Project in The Republic of Indonesia Indonesia 2011-2012 JICA/ / /

Improving Indonesia's connectivity: Inter-island transport services study Indonesia 2011 WB/ / /

The Final Evaluation of Maritime Logistics Modernization Project in Syria Syria 2009 JICA/ / /

Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) (CLMV, Transport Infrastructure Development Program Formulation) 4 ASEAN member countries 2008 JICS/ / /

ASEAN Logistics Development Study 10 ASEAN member countries 2007 ASEAN Secretariat/ / /

The Study for Development of the Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Ports in the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia 2006-2007 JICA/ / /

The Study on Domestic Shipping Development Plan in the Republic of the Philippines Philippines 2004-2005 JICA/ / /

Study on the Development of Domestic Sea Transportation and Maritime Industry in the Republic of Indonesia: Assistance for Public Ship Finance Scheme and Advanced Maritime

Education Program (STRAMINDO II) Indonesia 2004-2005 JICA/ / /

Transportation Project Studies

Urban Transportation Planning

Logistics, Maritime Transport, Port, and Airport Planning

Page 17: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Project to Strengthen Traffic Police Training in the People’s Police Academy and Various Police Training Institutions in Vietnam Vietnam 2010-2014 JICA/ / /

Assistance for the Introduction of ITS Related to the Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Construction Project in the Republic of India India 2010-2013 JICA/ / /

Study on Promotion of Japanese ITS Technology in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand 2009-2010 MLIT/ / /

National Road Traffic Safety Master Plan in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vietnam 2007-2009 JICA/ / /

The Project for Traffic Safety Human Resource Development in Hanoi (TRAHUD) Vietnam 2006-2009 JICA/ / /

Special Assistance for Project Formation on Traffic Safety Improvement Project in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vietnam 2006 JICA/ / /

Stakeholder Traffic Safety Program on Inter-urban National Road in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vietnam 2005 JBIC/ / /

Traffic Safety Baseline Study (Traffic Safety Management & Facilities) Vietnam 2004-2005 JICA / / /

APEC Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Project Phase 6 Philippines 2016 APEC/ / /

The Preliminary Works for the Technical Cooperation on Low-Emission Transport System Lao PDR 2013-2014 JICA/ / /

Interim Review on Research Partnership for the Application of Low Carbon Technology for Sustainable Development India 2012 JICA/ / /

Capacity Development Project on Nationally Mitigation Actions [NAMAs](3rd Phase)) Serbia 2012 JICA/ / /

Basic Data Collection Study on Low-emission Public Transport System in Lao PDR Lao PDR 2012 JICA/ / /

Development of an MRV Methodology for Urban Modal Shift Project in accordance with “Guidelines to Measure, Report, and Verify GHG Emission Reductions in JBIC’s “Green”

Program (J-MRV Guidelines) 2011 JBIC/ /

Study of Japanese Experiences on Sustainable Urban Development including pollution control and management, resource/energy efficiency and GHG reduction Japan WB/ / 2010 /

The JICA Sector Study on Climate Change Program Loan Thailand 2010 JICA / / /

Study on Applicabilities of CDM in Transport Sector World 2010 JICA/ / /

Energy Efficiency Activities Using Idling Stop Equipments for Buses in Jinan, Shandong Province, People's Republic of China China 2009-2010 GEC/ / /

Special Assistance for Development Policy and Projects Phase 2: Study on Climate Change Impact over Asian Mega Cities (Metro Manila) Philippines 2008 JBIC/ / /

Study on Climate Change Mitigation Measures of Local Governments in Japan Japan 2008 JICA/ / /

China Urban Transport Climate Change Strategy, Public Transport Financing Urban Rail in China China 2008 WB/ / /

Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Plan China 2007-2008 WB/ / /

The Study on Natural Disaster Management in Indonesia Indonesia 2007-2009 JICA / / /

Guidelines for Preliminary Estimations of Carbon Emissions Reductions in Urban Transport Projects China 2007-2008 World Bank/ / /

Integrated Urban Disaster Management Project in Jakarta Metropolitan Area Indonesia Indonesia 2006-2007 JICA / / /

Study on the Preparation of Methodologies for the Promotion of CDM/JI in the Transport Sector Thailand, Vietnam 2006-2007 Japan Transport Cooperation Association/ / /

Study on CDM Methodology in the Transport sector Thailand 2005-2006 Japan Transport Cooperation Association/ / /

Promotion of Bio-diesel Development and CDM Project Formulation Study for the Transport Sector in Thailand Thailand 2005-2006 Global Environment Centre Foundation/ / /

The Study on Long-term Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Plan in Myanmar Myanmar 2013-2014 JICA/ / /

Data Collection Survey for Collaboration with International Cooperation and Business by the Japanese Municipality for Comprehensive Urban Development in Developing

Countries (Yokohama City) Vietnam, Indonesia 2013 ICA/ / /

Capacity Development for Promoting Foreign Direct Investment Mongolia 2010-2012 JICA/ / /

Advisory Services to Support the Supervision of the Support for Strategic Local Development and Investment Project (SSLDIP) Philippines 2009-2010 WB/ / /

Program Formulation Study on Sustainable Jakarta Metropolitan Development in collaboration with the Private Sector Indoensia 2008 JICA/ / /

Project on Gender Mainstreaming Phase 2 Cambodia 2013-2015 JICA/ / /

The Project for Training of Frontline Officers in Community Development in Conflict Affected Areas in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2014 JICA / / /

Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (Phase2) Cambodia 2011-2014 JICA / / /

Interim Review on The Project on Capacity Development of Participatory Agricultural and Rural Development for Poverty Reduction in the Central Highlands Vietnam 2011 JICA / / /

Research on Improving the Realization of Urban Development Master Plan World 2016 JICA/ / /

Research on Action on Traffic Safety in Development Countries Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand 2015-2016 JICA/ / /

Research on Increasing Energy Efficiency by Improvement Public Transportation System Vietnam 2014-2015 Private Sector/ / /

Interim Review on Research Partnership for the Application of Low Carbon Technology for Sustainable Development India 2012 JICA/ / /

Research on Practical Approach for Urban Transport Planning World 2011 JICA/ / /

Research on Transport Hub Function of Urban Railways India 2009 JICA/ / /

Research on the Cross-border Transportation Infrastructure: Phase II World 2006-2008 JICA/ / /

Traffic Safety and ITS

Environment Planning / Disaster Mitigation Planning

Economic and Industrial Policy

Social Development

Project Research

ALMEC CORPORATION 15Major ALMEC Projects in the Last 10 Years

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Page 19: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program


ALMEC Manila


ALMEC Jakarta

ALMEC Ulaanbaatar

Dr. IWATA Shizuo / Chairman

Mr. SHOYAMA Takashi

Mr. OZAWA Kunihiko

Mr. WAKUI Tetsuo

Mr. TAKAGI Michimasa

Our People

At any given time ALMEC Corporation has a pool of 60

experts and professionals, comprising regional and urban

planners, transportation planners, engineers,

environmental specialists, system engineers, economists,

financial experts, sociologists, etc. Aside from this pool its

expertise is supplemented by a pool of associates

composed of specialists, consultants, and academicians.

ALMEC Corporation also works extensively with local

consultants to ensure that technology transfer, a key

tenet of the organization’s philosophy, is perfectly

Board of Directors





Branch Offices:Manila




City PlanningGroup

General PlanningGroup

Company structure



Established: 1971

Board of Directors

Dr. NAGAYAMA Katsuhide / Managing Director

Mr. ISHIMOTO Jun / Managing Director

Mr. KUMAZAWA Ken / Director

Mr. ONUMA Yasuhide / Director

Mr. MATSUOKA Hiroshi / Director

Dr. MASUJIMA Tetsuji / Director

Senior Consultants


Transport Specialists and Planners

Regional and Urban Planners

Environmental Specialists


Financial Analysts

Transport System Engineers

Disaster Management Specialists

Educators and Training Specialists

Community Development Specialists

Operation and Management Specialists

Project Coordinator and Facilitator

Turnover (gross fees)

1.1 billion Yen in 2010

1.2 billion Yen in 2011

1.2 billion Yen in 2012

1.1 billion Yen in 2013

Mr. YAJIMA Mitsuro

Mr. WATANABE Tamaoki

Mr. ABE Osamu

Ms. ABE Tomoko

Page 20: Providing reliable, sound, and responsive consulting services. · Comprehensive Urban Development Program for Hanoi (HAIDEP) / Vietnam / JICA The Comprehensive Urban Development Program

Kensei Shinjuku Building

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T F +81 3 3353 3200 +81 3 3353 2411

E [email protected]

Rm. #301, One Corporate Plaza

845 Arnaiz Street, Legaspi Village 1229

Makati City, Metro Manila

T +63 28 815 3328 F +63 28 818 8145

E [email protected]

5th Floor, HQ Building

193C3 Ba Trieu street, Hai Ba Trung District


T +84 4 3934 4214 F +84 4 3934 4221

E [email protected]

Rm. #308, 3rd Floor, Brauhaus Building

Seoul Street, 3rd Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District

Ulaanbaatar City

T +976 11 329105

E [email protected]






Branch Offices

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