Protistology The free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf ...Protistology• 103 rounded and has a...

© 2007 by Russia, Protistology Protistology Introduction e Gulf of Mexico has been known as a very rich region in biological production where free-liv- ing ciliates play an important role as a food reserve for animals consuming protozoa. Free-living ciliates of the Gulf of Mexico have been studied mainly in its eastern part near Florida (Borror, 1963) and es- pecially from coastal waters near Kingston Harbor, Jamaica (Gilron and Lynn, 1989; Gilron at al., 1991; Lynn at al., 1991; Lynn and Gilron, 1993). e taxonomical study of this group of one-cellu- lar animals of the west side of the USA Atlantic coast had not been carried out before our studies. is paper gives the results of short-term taxo- nomical studies of free-living ciliates of the western part of the Gulf of Mexico coast (plankton, periphy- ton, psammon) near Port Aransas city and its sub- urbs. Material and Methods A total of twenty-seven samples were collected from different points of the Mexican Gulf coast near Port Aransas city and its suburbs in September 2005 (see map). Ten samples of marine psammon (fine sand) as well as ten samples of periphyton from coast stones were collected on the supralittoral part of the Gulf beaches and ship channel near Port Aransas city and its suburbs. Seven plankton samples were col- lected from the water surface on the pier of Marine Science Institute. Average water temperature during the sampling period was 27 0 C. e ciliates were observed in vivo (10 specimens of each species) then fixed by Boin or Champy fluids in the University of Texas Marine Sciences Institute (Port Aransas, Texas, USA). All fixed cells and some alive samples were delivered (by the first au- thor) to the Protistology Laboratory of the Institute The free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf coast near Port Aransas city and its suburbs (South Texas, USA) Ilham Alekperov 1 , Edward Buskey 2 and Nataly Snegovaya 1 1 Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan 2 University of Texas, Marine Sciences Institute, Port Aransas, Texas, USA Summary Free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf coast near Port Aransas city and its suburbs were studied. A total of 28 species of marine ciliates found in psammon, periphyton and plankton were measured and identified. Six new species are established: Holophrya portaransasii sp. n., Zosterodasys texensis sp. n., Z.minor sp. n., Strombidinopsis magna sp. n., Paratontonia mono- nucleata sp. n., Euplotes minor sp. n. All descriptions (6 new and 22 most characteristic species) are based on live observations, morphometric analysis, protargol and silver nitrate impregna- tions. Key words: Ciliophora, Mexican Gulf, psammon, periphyton, plankton Protistology 5 (2/3), 101–130 (2007/8)

Transcript of Protistology The free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf ...Protistology• 103 rounded and has a...

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© 2007 by Russia, Protistology



The Gulf of Mexico has been known as a veryrich region in biological production where free-liv-ing ciliates play an important role as a food reserve for animals consuming protozoa. Free-living ciliates of the Gulf of Mexico have been studied mainly in its eastern part near Florida (Borror, 1963) and es-pecially from coastal waters near Kingston Harbor, Jamaica (Gilron and Lynn, 1989; Gilron at al., 1991; Lynn at al., 1991; Lynn and Gilron, 1993).

The taxonomical study of this group of one-cellu-lar animals of the west side of the USA Atlantic coast had not been carried out before our studies.

This paper gives the results of short-term taxo-nomical studies of free-living ciliates of the western part of the Gulf of Mexico coast (plankton, periphy-ton, psammon) near Port Aransas city and its sub-urbs.

Material and Methods

A total of twenty-seven samples were collected from different points of the Mexican Gulf coast nearPort Aransas city and its suburbs in September 2005 (see map). Ten samples of marine psammon (finesand) as well as ten samples of periphyton from coast stones were collected on the supralittoral part of the Gulf beaches and ship channel near Port Aransas city and its suburbs. Seven plankton samples were col-lected from the water surface on the pier of Marine Science Institute. Average water temperature during the sampling period was 270C.

The ciliates were observed in vivo (10 specimensof each species) then fixed by Boin or Champy fluidsin the University of Texas Marine Sciences Institute (Port Aransas, Texas, USA). All fixed cells andsome alive samples were delivered (by the first au-thor) to the Protistology Laboratory of the Institute

The free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf coastnear Port Aransas city and its suburbs (South Texas, USA)

Ilham Alekperov 1, Edward Buskey 2 and Nataly Snegovaya 1

1 Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan2 University of Texas, Marine Sciences Institute, Port Aransas, Texas, USA


Free-living ciliates of the Mexican Gulf coast near Port Aransas city and its suburbs were studied. A total of 28 species of marine ciliates found in psammon, periphyton and plankton were measured and identified. Six new species are established: Holophrya portaransasii sp. n., Zosterodasys texensis sp. n., Z.minor sp. n., Strombidinopsis magna sp. n., Paratontonia mono-nucleata sp. n., Euplotes minor sp. n. All descriptions (6 new and 22 most characteristic species) are based on live observations, morphometric analysis, protargol and silver nitrate impregna-tions.

Key words: Ciliophora, Mexican Gulf, psammon, periphyton, plankton

Protistology 5 (2/3), 101–130 (2007/8)

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Map. 1. The sample points near Port Aransas city (Texas, USA).

of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku city) for further investigations.

The fixed specimens were impregnated, using eitherthe silver nitrate methods (Chatton and Lwoff, 1930) orsilver proteinate modification (Alekperov, 1992). Allthe measurements were made on no less than 10 living specimens and 6-8 impregnated cells. The type mate-rial of the new taxa has been deposited in the Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku city.

Morphometric data are based on randomly se-lected, protargol impregnated and mounted non-di-viders; statistics were performed using the program SigmaStat 2.0; abbreviations in the tables: X– – arith-metic mean, M – median, SD – standard deviation, SE – standard error, CV – coefficient of variance (in

%), Max – maximum, Min – minimum, n – number of specimens.

Results and Discussion

Class Karyorelictea Corliss, 1974Subclass Trachelocercia Jankowski, 1980Order Loxodida Jankowski, 1978Family Loxodidae Bütschli, 1889Remanella rugosa (Kahl, 1933) (Fig. 1, A-B; Plate 1,

A-B; Table 1).Live specimens of Remanella rugosa are about

150-190 µm, after fixation no more 110 µm in size,strongly flattened. The species are very flexible andusually spirally contorted. The anterior body end is

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rounded and has a snout-like ventral process. Theposterior part is narrowed and tail-like elongated. The right lateral side has 10-12 somatic rows of diki-netids. The left lateral side has only two rows of diki-netids, located along animal body margins. The oralarea is located in the anterior forth of the cell. Theoral infraciliature is composed of left outer buccalkinety extending along the left margin of the buc-cal overture and consists of closely spaced dikinetids having the posterior basal body ciliated.

The left inner buccal kinety consists of rotateddikinetids the anterior basal bodies of which are cili-ated and according to Foissner (1996) associated with a thick long fibre, possibly a nematodesmata, extend-ing horizontally to the dorsal buccal wall.

The right buccal kinety extends along the rightmargin of the buccal overture and consists of very tightly spaced and inverted somatic dikinetids. Thereis also an intrabuccal kinety, which extends to the right of the buccal ridge from the anterior end of the cell. The intrabuccal kinety consists of dikinetidshaving ciliated anterior basal bodies. Usually there are 3 Müller vesicles located along right margin of the right lateral side.

Endoplasm transparent. There are two ovalmacronuclei with single spherical micronucleus. Our specimens show morphological characteris-tics, which correspond to the species described by Dragesco (1965). According to Foissner (1996), Kahl (1933) founded Remanella genus with five new spe-

Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of Remanella rugosa (Kahl, 1933)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 174.29 180.0 15.12 5.71 8.675 150.0 190.0 10

Somatic rows (right, lateral side) 11.143 12.0 1.069 0.404 9.593 10.0 12.0 7

Somatic rows (left, lateral side) 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Müller vesicles number 3.857 3.0 1.069 0.404 27.716 3.0 5.0 7

Macronuclei number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Micronucleus number 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 7

Fig. 1. A, B – Remanella rugosa (Kahl, 1933) from life (A) and after protargol impregnation (B); C-D - Remanella multinucleata (Kahl, 1933). C – right lateral view, D – left lateral view (C-D – protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: DM – developing Müller vesicle; IK – intrabuccal kinety; LOK – left buccal kinety; LIK – left inner buccal kinety; RK – right buccal kinety; F – fibres; B –buccal overture; Pt – pharyngeal tube; MV – Müller vesicles; Ma – macronuclei; Mi – micronucleus; DLK – dorsolateral kinety.

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Plate 1. A – Remanella rugosa (Kahl, 1933) from life; B – R.rugosa; C - Holophrya portaransasii sp. n.; D - Paraspathidium fuscum (Kahl, 1928); E - Fuscheria marina Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995; F - Lacrymaria delmarei Dragesco, 1960 (B-C, E-F - protargol impregnation; D -impregnation by silver nitrate).

Table 2. Morphometric characteristics of Remanella multinucleata (Kahl, 1933)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 592.857 600.0 93.223 35.235 15.724 450.0 700.0 10

Somatic rows (right, lateral side) 21.0 21.0 0.816 0.309 3.886 20.0 22.0 7

Somatic rows (left, lateral side) 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Müller vesicles number 5.286 6.0 0.951 0.360 17.991 4.0 6.0 7

Macronuclei number 12.143 12.0 3.934 1.487 32.397 7.0 18.0 7

Micronuclei number 5.500 5.500 1.871 0.764 34.01 3.0 8.0 7

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cies and one new variety, none of which he desig-nated as type. The genus is thus invalid according tothe International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1985). At the present time Foissner (1996) declared Remanella Kahl, 1933 to be a nomen nudum, but re-installed Remanella as a new genus to avoid an infla-tion of names and fixed R.multinucleata (Kahl, 1933) as type species of the new genus with improved di-agnosis.

Remanella multinucleata (Kahl, 1933) (Fig. 1, C-D; Table 2).

The ciliary pattern described above for R.rugosa is very similar to the R.multinucleata, which much more differs in size and nuclei proliferation.

Live cells of R.multinucleata are about 450-700 µm, after fixation - no more 550 µm. The shape vermi-forme hard flattened and usually spirally contorted.

The oral apparatus of R.multinucleata similar to the above-described R.rugosa, occupies the anterior part of the cell. The right lateral side covered with 20-22 somatic rows, consists of dikinetids with two cilia.

The left lateral side covered only with two rows of diki-netids (each with single cilium) located along animal body margins. The number of Müller vesicles is 4-6.

Our specimens of Remanella multinucleata usu-ally have 7-18 macronuclei with 3-8 micronuclei. Our specimens show morphological characteris-tics, which correspond to the species described by Foissner (1996). This species as well as previous oneswere found in the ocean psammon near Marine Sciences Institute.

Order Trachelocercida Jankowski, 1978Family Trachelocercidae Kent, 1881Tracheloraphis oligostriata (Raikov, 1962) (Fig. 2,

A-D; Table 3).Live specimens are about 350-600 µm long. Body

elongated, filiform and flattened shape. Fixed speci-mens up to 320 µm, banana-shaped. Anterior end with a small transparent head. On the left side ofthe head there is small diagonal row consisting of 5-6 dikinetids (brosse). On the right side of the head below oral bulge well observed nematodesmata. The

Fig. 2. A-D – Tracheloraphis oligostriata (Raikov, 1962): A – from life, B-D – after protargol impregnation, C – left side view ofanterior body portion, D – right side view of anterior body portion; E – F – Placus antarcticus Petz, Song, Wilbert, 1995: E – gen-eral view, F – anterior end after silver nitrate impregnation. Abbreviations: B – brosse; OB – oral bulge; Nem – nematodesmata; N – nuclei; SK – somatic kineties; SC – subapical cavity; AO – adoral organelle; CK – circumoral kinety; Ep – excretory pore of contractile vacuole.

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somatic infraciliature consisting of 5 kinetic diki-netids rows has only the right surface, left is bar-ren.

Endoplasm with some food vacuoles.Usually macronuclei number 6-8 in single strand

arranged in groups each consists of two macronuclei with single micronucleus.

Our specimens show morphological character-istics which correspond to the species described by Foissner (1996), differing by two times lower nuclei number. From specimens described from the Gulf-Shore of Saudi Arabia (Al-Rasheid, 1998) they differ by one number fewer somatic ciliary rows.

Fig. 3. A-C – Holophrya lemani (Dragesco, 1960): A- general view (after silver nitrate impregnation), B – nuclei (Feulgen nuclear reaction), C – silverline system (after silver nitrate impregnation); D – Holophrya portaransasii sp. n.: general view (after protargolimpregnation). Abbreviations: DB – dorsal brosse, Nem – nematodesmata; CV – contractile vacuole; CF – cytofarinx; Ma – mac-ronucleus, Mi – micronucleus.

Table 3. Morphometric characteristics of Tracheloraphis oligostriata (Raikov, 1962)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 500.0 520.0 92.916 35.119 18.583 350.0 600.0 10

Somatic rows 5.0 5.0 0 0 0 5.0 5.0 7

Macronuclei number 6.875 7.0 0.835 0.295 12.145 6.0 8.0 8

Micronuclei number 3.833 3.5 0.983 0.401 25.646 3.0 5.0 7

Table 4. Morphometric characteristics of Placus antarcticus Petz, Song, Wilbert, 1995

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 86.429 80.0 18.420 6.962 21.312 70.0 120.0 10

Body width 70.400 70.000 12.149 3.842 17.257 50.0 85.0 10

Nematodesmata number 14.429 14.0 0.787 0.297 5.454 14.0 16.0 7

Somatic rows number 37.714 38.0 2.360 0.892 6.258 35.0 40.0 7

Postcavity kineties number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 6

Cytostome length 18.167 18.0 2.483 1.014 13.668 15.0 21.0 6

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Order Prorodontida Corliss, 1974Family Placalidae Song and Wilbert, 1989Placus antarcticus Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995

(Fig. 2, E-F; Table 4).For the first time this species was found in the pan-

cake ice of the Weddel Sea, Antarctica (Petz et al., 1995). We found Placus antarcticus in the periphyton on the stones of the ship channel at the Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens 80-160 × 50-85 µm, after fixa-tion – 70-120 × 40-70 µm. Body shape oval. Adoral organelles extending from subapical cavity along the right side of cytostome are composed of 8-9 pairs of kinetosomes. Apical cytostome elongated with 14-16 nematodesmata. Somatic ciliature is composed of about 40 rows of kineties. From the right side of subapical cavity there are 3-5 slightly shortened rows, terminated at adoral organelles. There are alsotwo postcavity kineties (terminology by Song and Wilbert, 1989) extending from posterior portion to subapical cavity.

Endoplasm with numerous food vacuoles, consist-ing of dinoflagellates and diatoms. Contractile vacu-ole located at the posterior body end. Macronucleus spherical with single micronucleus occupied equato-rial body part.

Our specimens of P. antarcticus differ from origi-nal description by the shape of macronucleus. Thisspecies had not been recorded in other regions of the world prior to our research.

Family Holophryidae Perty, 1852Holophrya lemani (Dragesco, 1960) (Fig. 3, A-C;

Table 5).Alive specimens 80-90 µm, after fixation up 75 µm.

Outline ellipsoid. Cytostome apical with 15-20 nema-todesmata. Dorsal brosse includes three short rows of different length, each of them composed of doublekinetosomes. The entire surface covered by silverlinesystem with small polygonal argiroconts. Somatic ki-neties numbering 38-45. Endoplasm yellowish with several food vacuoles consisting of dinoflagellates.

Macronucleus bean-like, about 15 µm, contains few spherical nucleoli. Contractile vacuoles termi-nal.

Our specimens of Holophrya lemani had smaller size (80-90 versus 115) and had fewer somatic rows (38-45 versus 50-55) than those described by Al-Rasheid (2000).

Holophrya portaransasii sp. n. (Fig. 3, D; Plate 1, C; Table 6).

Diagnosis. In vivo 40-60 × 30-40 µm. Outline elliptical to spherical. 30-32 bipolar somatic rows. Giant apical cytostome with huge long pharynx end-ing near posterior body part. Single horseshoe-like macronucleus with single spherical micronucleus. Contractile vacuoles terminal. Marine.

Type location. Plankton of the ship channel near Port Aransas city.

Table 5. Morphometric characteristics of Holophrya lemani (Dragesco, 1960)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 86.857 88.0 3.761 1.421 4.330 80.0 90.0 10

Dorsal bross rows number 3.0 3.0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 7

Somatic rows number 41.143 40.0 2.734 1.033 6.645 38.0 45.0 7

Macronucleus length 12.429 12.0 1.902 0.719 8.771 10.0 15.0 7

Table 6. Morphometric characteristics of Holophrya portaransasii sp. n.

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 49.167 47.500 7.360 3.005 14.969 40.0 60.0 10

Body width 34.286 35.0 4.499 1.70 13.122 30.0 40.0 10

Somatic rows number 31.0 31.0 1.0 0.378 3.226 30.0 32.0 7

Cytostome width 15.429 15.0 2.149 0.812 13.928 13.0 20.0 7

Nematodesmata number 22.857 24.0 1.574 0.595 6.886 20.0 24.0 7

Nematodesmata length 33.857 35.0 2.055 0.769 6.070 30.0 35.0 7

Macronucleus length 46.0 45.0 4.123 1.558 8.963 40.0 50.0 7

Micronucleus number 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 7

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Type specimens. 1 holotype as a slide (Tex. N10) of protargol impregnated cells.

Description. In vivo 40-60 × 30-40 µm, after fixa-tion – 30-40 × 20-30 µm. Outline elliptical to spheri-cal. Giant cytostome (15 µm) located anteriorly, with 22-24 huge long nematodesmata forming a long (35 µm) funnel-shaped pharynx. Dorsal brosse not shown up by impregnation with protargol. Somatic kineties composed of 30-32 bipolar rows, starting from the cytostome and ending on the posterior body end.

Endoplasm transparent without inclusions.Macronucleus (length up to 50 µm) horseshoe-

like with single spherical micronucleus are located in the equatorial body part.

Contractile vacuole (in vivo size up 8 µm) situ-ated posteriorly.

Comparison with related genera and species. The general organization, e.g. infraciliature and

apical cytostome, clearly shows that this species be-longs to Holophrya. Arrangement of pharynx rath-er resembles Gymnozoum Meunier 1910, but all its other taxonomic characteristics (one spiral kinety (kinetofragmon) and several (4-5) spiraling kine-ties curving semicircularly around oral area) are absent.

Described above Holophrya portaransasii sp. nov. clearly differs from other representatives ofHolophrya genus by small body size and number of somatic rows and giant size of cytostome with cyto-pharynx. Besides, from main species of Holophrya, our H.portaransasii differs by the shape of its mac-ronucleus.

Order Spathidiida Foissner and Foissner, 1988Family Didiniidae Poche, 1913Didinium gargantua Meunier, 1910 (Fig. 4, A;

Table 7).

Fig. 4. A – Didinium gargantua Meunier, 1910 (after protargol impregnation); B – Monodinium balbiani subspecies rostratum (Kahl, 1926) (after protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: Pr – proboscis, Tx – toxicysts; B – brosse; ACG – anterior ciliary girdle; PCG – posterior ciliary girdle; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronucleus; CV – contractile vacuole.

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Table 8. Morphometric characteristics of Monodinium balbianii subspecies rostratum (Kahl, 1926)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 57.286 55.0 11.772 4.449 20.550 45.0 70.0 10

Body width 44.571 40.0 8.997 3.401 20.186 35.0 57.0 10

Proboscis length 32.571 30.0 5.884 2.224 18.065 25.0 40.0 7

Pectinelles number 48.286 48.0 1.890 0.714 3.914 45.0 50.0 7

Brosse, number of rows 5.0 5.0 0 0 0 5.0 5.0 7

Macronucleus length 25.429 25.0 2.370 0.896 9.320 22.0 28.0 7

The alive specimens 70-100 × 40-80 µm, fixedcells up to 30-80 × 15-30 µm. Body cup-shaped pos-teriorly broadly rounded and distinct proboscis (up to 14 µm) anteriorly. Proboscis (oral dome) has toxi-cysts (20 µm long) and is located in the centre of an-terior trunk end. There are 55-60 somatic kineties,extending from anterior to posterior end. Two ciliary girdles, anterior and posterior, are composed of short 55-60 rows (pectinelles). Cilia in the pectinelles are 20 µm long. All basal bodies between ciliary girdles are non-ciliferous.

Brosse composed of three short different lengthrows starting from three anterior and three posterior pectinelles.

Endoplasm transparent light grey contains sever-al food vacuoles with dinoflagellates. Macronucleussausage-shaped usually oblique in the equatorial part of the body with numerous ribbon-like nucleoli. Micronucleus single, spherical.

Before our investigation, this marine species had been found only in the cold waters of Arctic Ocean and Antarctic region (Garrison, 1991; Hada, 1970; Palmisano and Garrison, 1993; Petz et al., 1995). It is the first record of this species for the tropical marinewaters.

Our specimens differ from D.gargantua described by Petz et al. (1995) by smaller cell size and somatic rows number (40-80 versus 52-114) and (55-60 versus 50-75). Additionally, our specimens somewhat differby the arrangement of brosse rows.

Monodinium balbianii subspecies rostratum (Kahl, 1926) (Fig. 4, B; Table 8).

Foissner et al. (1999) divides Monodinium bal-biani Fabre-Domerque, 1988 into three subspecies, which differ mainly by the shape of the proboscis(oral dome). This cone-shaped protrusion is moder-ately long and rather narrow in M.balbianii balbianii, short, broad and depressed in M.balbianii brevipro-boscis and long and very narrow in M.balbianii ros-tratum. Below, we describe later subspecies, which were found in desalinized marine water reserve ter-ritory near Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens 45-70 µm, fixed cells up to 60µm. Long and narrow proboscis (30 µm) in centre of anterior trunk end, has numerous extrusomes. Body outline ovoidal with rather elongated cau-dal end. About 50 basal body rows, which are cili-ated only at the single anterior conspicuous girdle (pectinelles). Brosse consists of five different lengthrows of double kinetosomes starting from five ante-rior pectinelles.

Endoplasm transparent light grey or brown, con-tains food vacuoles with flagellates.

Macronucleus sausage-shaped (25 µm) usually oblique in the equatorial body part with numerous ribbon-like nucleoli. Micronucleus single, spherical. Contractile vacuole in posterior body end.

Our specimens show morphological character-istics, which correspond to the species described by Foissner et al. (1999).

Table 7. Morphometric characteristics of Didinium gargantua, Meunier, 1910

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 70.0 70.0 23.094 8.729 32.991 70.0 100.0 10

Body width 59.286 60.0 14.840 5.609 25.031 40.0 80.0 10

Proboscis length 14.143 14.0 2.911 1.100 20.583 10.0 17.0 7

Anterior pectinelles number 57.500 57.500 2.258 0.922 3.927 55.0 60.0 6

Brosse, number of rows 3.0 3.0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 7

Macronucleus length 45.429 48.0 14.695 5.554 32.347 27.0 65.0 7

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It had not been found in the marine biotopes be-fore our investigation.

Family Paraspathidiidae Foissner, 1997Paraspathidium fuscum (Kahl, 1928) (Fig. 5, A-B;

Plate 1, D; Table 9).For the first time the family Paraspathidiidae was

mentioned by Jankowski (1975). However he provid-ed the name only, i.e. did not characterize it. Thus, itwas a nomen nudum and later Foissner (1997) estab-lished Paraspathidiidae and characterized this new

family as having excavated oral opening, dikinet-idal perioral cilature and two or three rowed brush. Below, we describe P.fuscum, which was found in the marine sediments on the Mexican Gulf near Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens 210-350 × 40-60 µm, after fixa-tion 180-260 × 30-45 µm. Length: width ratio vari-able – our specimens usually 4:1 – 7:1. In vivo very flexible and high contractile especially anterior half.

Oral zone apical, ellips-shape. Circumoral kinety at base of oral dome. There is a cytopharyngeal basket.

Table 9. Morphometric characteristics of Paraspathidium fuscum (Kahl, 1928)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 287.143 300.0 46.085 17.418 16.049 210.0 350.0 10

Body width 52.857 55.0 8.092 3.058 15.309 40.0 60.0 10

Macronucleus nodule length 26.286 27.0 4.112 1.554 15.643 20.0 30.0 7

Micronucleus diameter 4.857 5.0 0.900 0.340 18.530 4.0 6.0 7

Somatic kineties number 30.714 30.0 0.951 0.360 3.096 30.0 32.0 7

Macronuclear nodule number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Micronuclei number 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 7

Fig. 5. A-B – Paraspathidium fuscum (Kahl, 1928) (after silver nitrate impregnation): A – general view, B – anterior end; C-D – Fuscheria marina Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995 (after silver nitrate impregnation (C) and Feulgen nuclear reaction (D). Abbreviations: CB – cytopharyngeal basket; DB – dorsal brush; PS – perioral ciliary corona; CK – circumoral kinety; Ma – mac-ronuclei, Mi – micronucleus; CV – contractile vacuole; Ph.p – pharyngeal plug.

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Dorsal brush located at dorsal anterior end of animal and consists of two rows dikinetids. Somatic ciliature consists of 30-32 bipolar rows. Somatic rows around the oral area form a perioral ciliary corona (terminol-ogy by Foissner, 1997), with dikinetids. All the other areas are covered with simple monokinetids.

Endoplasm highly granulated, dark usually with refractive inclusions, especially oral area. Two oval macronuclei with single micronucleus.

Our specimens differ from P.fuscum from French Atlantic coast (Foissner, 1997) by smaller size and two times lower number of somatic rows.

Fusheria marina Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995 (Fig. 5, C-D; Plate 1, E; Table 10).

This species for the first time was found in thepancake sea ice of Weddel Sea (Antarctica) (Petz et al., 1995) and as far as we know, it had not been found in other regions before our investigation. Below, we give short morphological description of Fusheria marina found on the periphyton of the ship channel rocks of Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens 80 × 30 µm, after fixation up65 x 20 µm. Outline oval. Cytostome apical, of-ten with several (3-5) pharyngeal low projections. Cytostome has toxicysts, nematodesmata originate from circumoral kinety.

Somatic ciliature consists of 32-35 bipolar rows composed of monokinetids only 1 or 2 circumoral kineties (adesmokineties) composed of dikinetids.

Dorsal brosse formed of two different length diki-netids rows, started near cytostome and ended about ¼ body length.

Endoplasm transparent often light brown and con-sists food vacuoles with flagellates.Macronucleusellip-soid with numerous nucleoli. Micronucleus invisible.

Our specimens differ from original descriptionby somewhat smaller cell size (80×30 versus 100×40) and lower somatic rows number (32-35 versus 34-39).

Lacrymaria delmarei Dragesco, 1960 (Fig. 6, A; Plate 1, F; Table 11).

This species for the first time was described fromFrench Atlantic coast (Dragesco, 1960), then record-ed from the Brasilian coast (Kattar, 1970) and Saudi Arabian Gulf shore (Al-Rasheid, 2000). Below, we give short description L.delmarei found in the psam-mon on the Texas coast near port Aransas city.

Alive species 140-170 µm, after fixations up 130µm. Body flack-shaped has well distinct pharyngealplug and neck. Apical cytostome equipped with long trichites. Somatic kineties spiraling numbering 32-38.

Endoplasm colorless, usually yellowish, con-tains numerous food vacuoles with flagellates.Macronucleus ovoid (17 µm) with single micronucle-us. Contractile vacuole terminal.

Our specimens show morphological character-istics, which correspond to the species described by Dragesco (1960) and Al-Rasheid (2000).

Order Synhymeniida Puytorac et al., 1974Zosterodasys texensis sp. n. (Fig. 6, B; Table 12).Diagnosis. In vivo about 180-230 × 55-65 µm.

Outline elongate elliptical. 47 ventral, 36 dorsal kine-ties. Synhymenium restricted to ventral surface, with 85-88 double kinetosome groups. 18-22 nematodes-

Table 10. Morphometric characteristics of Fusheria marina Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 54.286 50.0 19.276 7.286 35.508 30.0 80.0 10

Body width 26.429 25.0 3.780 1.429 14.302 20.0 30.0 10

Macronucleus length 29.286 30.0 3.450 1.304 11.780 25.0 35.0 7

Somatic rows number 33.714 34.0 1.380 0.522 4.093 32.0 35.0 7

Cytostome diameter 3.714 4.0 0.488 0.184 13.139 3.0 4.0 7

Pharyngeal projections number 41.143 4.0 0.900 0.340 2.187 3.0 5.0 7

Table 11. Morphometric characteristics of Lacrymaria delmarei Dragesco, 1960

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 157.143 160.0 11.127 4.206 7.081 140.0 170.0 10

Body width 46.667 47.5 4.082 1.667 8.747 40.0 50.0 10

Somatic kineties number 35.429 35.0 2.699 1.020 7.618 32.0 38.0 7

Macronucleus length 14.286 14.0 2.138 0.808 14.966 12.0 17.0 7

Head with pharyngeal plug length 13.286 13.0 1.380 0.522 10.387 12.0 15.0 7

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mata. Macronucleus bean-shape. Several contractile vacuoles. Marine.

Type location. On the aquatic plants in the shal-low bays of desalinize marine water reserve territory near Port Aransas city.

Type specimens. 1 holotype and 2 paratype as 2 slides of protargol impregnated cells have been de-posited.

Description. Body elongate, slightly compressed dorsoventrally. Nasse with 18-22 nematodesmata.

Synhymenium 65-70 µm long, restricted to ventral surface consisting of 67 (ventral) and 20 (dorsal) double kinetosome groups.

Somatic ciliature more or less uniformly dis-tributed on ventral and dorsal surface. Ventral side with 45-47 kineties arranged longitudinally be-tween synhymenium and posterior pole. On ante-rior part, between cell apex and synhymenium, ki-neties curve around nasse. On dorsal surface 30-36 kineties present.

Fig. 6. A – Lacrymaria delmarei Dragesco, 1960 (after silver nitrate impregnation); B – Zosterodasys texensis sp. n. (after protargolimpregnation). Abbreviations: Ph.p – pharyngeal plug; H – head; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronucleus; N – nasse; Cp.B – cy-topharyngeal basket; S – synhymenium; CV – contractile vacuole.

Table 12. Morphometric characteristics of Zosterodasys texensis sp. n.

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 210.0 220.0 20.0 7.359 9.524 180.0 230.0 10

Body width 61.429 60.0 3.780 1.429 6.153 55.0 65.0 10

Nematodesma number 20.143 20.0 1.676 0.634 8.321 18.0 22.0 7

Nematodesmata length 61.143 60.0 3.532 1.335 5.777 55.0 65.0 7

Cytostome diameter 12.429 12.0 1.618 0.612 13.018 10.0 14.0 7

Ventral kineties number 46.143 47.0 1.069 0.404 2.317 45.0 47.0 7

Dorsal kineties number 34.143 36.0 2.854 1.079 8.359 30.0 36.0 7

Synhimenium dikinetids number (ventral) 66.857 67.0 1.345 0.508 2.012 65.0 68.0 7

Synhimenium dikinetids number (dorsal) 19.429 20.0 0.787 0.297 4.051 18.0 20.0 7

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Endoplasm colorless with numerous food vacu-oles with diatoms and flagellates. Macronucleusbean-shaped with single spherical micronucleus.

Comparison with related species.After latest revision, 16 valid species were included

into the genus Zosterodasys (Fernandez-Leborans and Alekperov, 1996). Additionally Zosterodasys transver-sus (Kahl, 1928) was re-described by Foissner et al. (1994) and Zosterodasys kryophilus described from Weddel Sea (Petz et al., 1995). In all there are only 5 marine Zosterodasys species known.

Our Z.texensis sp. n. clearly differs from Z.caspica Fern.-Leb. and Alek., 1996, Z.agamalievi Deroux, 1978 and Z.cantabrica Fern.-Leb. and Alek., 1996 by more than two times bigger cell size and higher number of nematodesmata. Only Z.caspica has 17 nematodes-mata. Marine Zosterodasys kryophilus Petz et al., 1995 also has smaller cell size (100-170 versus 180-230 µm) and number of somatic rows (57 versus 83).

The single specimen of Zosterodasys sp. found by Agatha et al. (1993) in Arctic Sea ice differs from ourZ.texensis sp. n. by lower number of somatic rows (40-50 versus 83) and nematodesmata (11 versus 18-22).

Zosterodasys minor sp. n. (Fig. 7, A-B; Plate 2, A; Table 13).

Diagnosis. In vivo about 50-60 × 30-40 µm, afterfixation 35-50 × 20-30 µm. Outline elongated dorso-

ventrally flattened. Left anterior border with a clear-ly defined protuberance and a fold below it. Nassewith 14-16 nematodesmata. Synhymenium arranged obliquely to main axis of the cell, interrupting prac-tically all ventral kineties. 33-36 somatic kineties on equator, 21 of them ventral. Macronucleus elliptic (15 µm), micronucleus spherical. Several contractile vacuoles. Marine.

Type location. Sediments on the sand beach near Marine Science Institute building.

Type specimens. A holotype as a slide of protargol impregnated cells has been deposited.

Description. Outline elongated with anterior pro-tuberance and fold on the left anterior border. Nasselocated in the middle zone of anterior part of body with 14-16 nematodesmata. Synhymenium arranged obliquely to main axis and consists of 43 ventral double kinetosome and 16 dorsal. Somatic ciliature consists of 18 ventral and 16-18 dorsal rows.

Endoplasm transparent light brown with several food vacuoles usually with flagellates. Macronucleuselliptic with single spheroid micronucleus located close to macronucleus. Several contractile vacuoles located mainly at the posterior body part.

Comparison with related species. Our Z.minor sp. n. differs from all known marine representativesof this genus by its small cell size and lower number of nematodesmata and somatic rows. From all other

Fig. 7. A-B – Zosterodasys minor sp. n. (after protargol impregnation: A – ventral side; B – dorsal side: C – Dysteria procera Kahl, 1931: left side view after protargol impregnation. Abbreviations: N – nasse; Nem – nematodesmata; S – synhymenium; Cp.B – cy-topharyngeal basket; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronucleus; CV – contractile vacuoles; Lf – left frontal kineties; Pr – preoralkinety; Tf – terminal fragment; CO – circumoral kineties; Cph – cytopharyngeal rods; VK – ventral kineties; EF – equatorial fragment; P – podite.

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Zosterodasys species our Z.minor sp. n. clearly differsby its left anterior border protuberance and a fold be-low it.

Before our investigations Zosterodasys with small cell size, low number of somatic rows, nematodesma-ta and cell outline like Zosterodasys minor had not been described.

Order Cyrtophorida Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1956Family Dysteriidae Claparede and Lachmann,

1858.Dysteria procera Kahl, 1931 (Fig. 7, C; Plate 2, B;

Table 14).

This species has been redescribed using silverimpregnation methods by Chinese ciliatologists from the Yellow Sea coast (Gong and Song, 2003). Below, we describe this species found in periphyton of the ship channel stones near Institute of Marine Research building.

Alive specimens 80-120 × 30-40 µm, fixed cells 60-90 × 20-30 µm. Body elongated and slender in outline shape, dorsoventrally flattened. There are three ventralkineties in the right field, with the right two extendingapically on the upper cytostome level and bending to the dorsal side. Left of them is shortened ending on theequatorial level. One short (consist of 18-21 kineto-

Plate 2. A – Zosterodasys minor sp. n.; B - Dysteria procera Kahl, 1931; C - Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954; D - Linostomella vorticella (Ehrenberg, 1838); E - Pelagostrombidium neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994); F - Strombidinopsis elongata Song and Bradbury, 1998) (A-F – protargol impregnation).

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somes) equatorial fragment. At the same level there are genus typical 7-8 short rows of kinetosomes in leftequatorial field. Podite-attachment organelle distallypointed, posteriorly on right ventral side.

Cytostome in anterior. Cyrtos narrow. Arrange-ment of oral kineties typical of genus: one double rowed preoral kinety, located dorsally to cytostome, three single-rowed short left frontal kineties, andtwo circumoral kineties. Its arrangement somewhat differs from specimens described from Yellow Sea(Gong and Song, 2003). Long cytopharynx slender and strait, longitudinally oriented, extended posteri-orly more than 80% of cell length.

Endoplasm colorless to grayish with 3-8 food vac-uoles. Two contractile vacuoles located ventrally.

Macronucleus ellipsoidal, heteromerous, about 38 µm length and positioned in mid-body.

Our specimens D.procera Kahl, 1931 show mor-phological characteristics which correspond to the species described earlier by Chinese ciliatologists (Gong and Song, 2003) differing only by the arrange-ment of two circumoral kineties.

Order Scuticociliatida Small, 1967Family Uronematidae Thompson, 1964

Uronema paramarinum Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995 (Fig. 8, A; Table 15).

This species was found in the Weddel Sea –Antarctica region (Petz et al., 1995) and before our investigation had not been recorded from other re-gions. We found U.paramarinum in the plankton samples from ship channel near Marine Sciences Institute building.

Alive specimens 40-60 × 15-35 µm, after fixation30-50 × 12-25 µm. Body drop-shaped. Anterior end pointed. Buccal cavity located on the anterial part of the ventral side. Buccal ciliature typical of Uronema. L-shaped undulating membrane (paroral mem-brane) composed of zigzag row of basal bodies and located on the right margin of buccal cavity. M1 and M2 membranelles are single-rowed and consist of 5 basal bodies each (M2 is L-shaped), M3 membranelle is double-rowed, it consists of 4 pairs of basal bodies. Cytostome on the left margin of buccal cavity.

Somatic ciliature composed of 13-15 bipolar rows of dikinetids 8 of them on the ventral side. Silverlines along somatic kineties. Scutica located under undu-lating membrane and consists of a row of four and to the right of these two basal bodies. Nuclei typical of Uronema situated in mid-body.

Table 13. Morphometric characteristics of Zosterodasys minor sp. n.

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 58.143 60.0 5.984 2.262 10.292 50.0 60.0 10

Body width 34.286 35.0 4.499 1.700 13.122 30.0 40.0 10

Cytostome, diameter 6.0 6.0 1.155 0.436 19.25 5.0 8.0 7

Nematodesmata number 14.857 15.0 0.9 0.340 6.058 14.0 16.0 7

Nematodesmata length 19.286 19.0 1.496 0.565 7.757 18.0 22.0 7

Ventral kineties number 20.286 20.0 0.756 0.286 3.727 19.0 21.0 7

Dorsal kineties number 15.667 16.0 0.516 0.211 3.294 15.0 16.0 6

Synhimenium dikinetids number (ventral side) 41.714 42.0 1.113 0.421 2.668 40.0 43.0 7

Synhimenium dikinetids number (dorsal side) 15.429 15.0 0.787 0.297 5.101 15.0 17.0 7

Macronucleus length 13.0 13.0 1.155 0.436 8.885 12.0 15.0 7

Table 14. Morphometric characteristics of Dysteria procera Kahl, 1931

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 98.571 100.0 13.452 5.084 13.647 80.0 120.0 10

Body width 35.714 35.0 4.499 1.700 12.597 30.0 40.0 10

Ventral kineties number 3.0 3.0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 7

Ventral kineties that extend apically, number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Basal bodies equatorial fragment number 19.286 19.0 1.113 0.421 5.771 18.0 21.0 7

Basal bodies in terminal fragment, number 6.714 7.0 0.488 0.184 7.268 6.0 7.0 7

Macronucleus length 36.0 36.0 2.236 0.845 6.211 32.0 38.0 7

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Our specimens show morphological character-istics which correspond to the species described in original description (Petz et al., 1995).

Family Microthoracidae Wrzesniowski, 1870

Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954 (Fig. 8, B;Plate 2, C; Table 16).

Alive species 40-60 µm, after fixation usuallyup to 45 µm. Body bean-shape, laterally flattened.

Table 15. Morphometric characteristics of Uronema paramarinum Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 51.429 55.0 9.449 3.571 18.373 40.0 60.0 10

Body width 25.0 25.0 7.071 2.673 28.284 15.0 35.0 10

Somatic kineties number 14.143 14.0 0.900 0.340 6.364 13.0 15.0 7

Macronucleus diameter 16.714 17.0 1.380 0.522 8.257 15.0 18.0 7

Fig.8. A – Uronema paramarinum Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995: ventral side after silver nitrate impregnation; B – Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954: right side after protargol impregnation. Abbreviations: Um – undulating (paroral) membrane; M1, M2, M3 – adoral membranelles; Cs – cytostome; Cp – cytoproct; S – scutica; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronucleus; Cph.B – cyto-pharyngeal basket; PM – paroral membrane; PB1, PB2 – post-buccal kineties; K1-K2 – somatic kineties; EP – pore of contractile vacuole.

Table 16. Morphometric characteristics of Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 52.143 55.0 7.559 2.857 14.497 40.0 60.0 10

Body width 39.286 40.0 4.499 1.700 11.452 35.0 45.0 10

Kineties on right side number 9.0 9.0 0 0 0 9.0 9.0 7

Kinetids in paroral membrane, number 4.0 4.0 0 0 0 4.0 4.0 7

Kinetids in kinety 1, number 19.286 20.0 0.951 0.360 4.931 18.0 20.0 7

Kinetids in post-buccal kinety 2, number 9.286 9.0 0.488 0.184 5.255 9.0 10.0 7

Macronucleus length 11.571 12.0 0.787 0.297 6.801 10.0 12.0 7

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On the right lateral side 9 kineties. Our specimens have lesser density of kinetosomes in kinety 2 than specimens of D.papillifera described in the literature. The cytostome with circular cytopharynx occupiesmid-body part. There are three adoral membranelles(M1, M2, M3) on the left of the cytostome and paroralmembranes near the cytostome, which is typical of microthoracids.

On the left lateral side there is only one frontalciliary row and sparse kinetids mainly unciliated.

Endoplasm transparent without conclusions. Very rarely, we observed specimens D.papillifera with dia-toms in the food vacuoles.

Macronucleus bean-shape (12 µm) with nucleoli.According to Foissner (1997) D.papillifera is very

likely a rare species, because it has been discovered rather recently and, since then had been only several times recorded (before our investigations).

Tuffrau (1954) discovered this species in marinesands near Concarneau (France). Later Dragesco

(1965) found it in marine sand at Port-Etienne (Mouritania), then Fenchel (1968) observed a few specimens in the Øresund (Danmark). Wicklow and Borror (1977) and Borror (1980) found D.papillifera near mean tidal level at Foss beach (New Hampshire). Small et al. (1985) found D.papillifera from fine ma-rine sands of Tom’s Cove, Assateague Island, Virginia (USA) and Sudzuki (1979) found this species from Japan. Foissner (1997) found D.papillifera in coastal marine sands at Roscoff (France) where it occurredtogether with many karyorelictids.

Likewise we found D.papillifera in fine marinesands near Marine Research Institute building.

Class Polyhymenophora Jankowski, 1967Order Heterotrichida Stein, 1859Family Condylostomatidae Kahl in Dofflein and

Reichenow, 1927Linostomella vorticella (Ehrenberg, 1838) (Fig. 9,

A-B; Plate 2, D; Table 17).

Table 17. Morphometric characteristics of Linostomella vorticella (Ehrenberg, 1838)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 125.714 120.0 27.603 10.433 21.957 90.0 160.0 10

Body width 94.286 90.0 19.024 7.190 20.177 70.0 120.0 10

Adoral membranelles number 50.0 50.0 4.082 1.543 8.164 45.0 55.0 7

Somatic ciliary rows number 35.571 35.0 2.070 0.782 5.819 32.0 38.0 7

Macronucleus nodules number 10.286 10.0 1.704 0.644 16.566 8.0 12.0 7

Fig. 9. A-B – Linostomella vorticella (Ehrenberg, 1838) (ventral side after protargol impregnation); C – Pelagostrombidium neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994) (after protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: AZM – adoral zone of membranelles; UM – undu-lating membrane; SR – somatic rows; CG – cortical granules; PB – peristomial bottom; IM – internal polykinetids; EM – external polykinetids; K1-K5 – somatic kineties; Em – endoral membrane; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronuclei.

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This species, named formerly Condylostoma vor-ticella Ehr., 1833 was erected to the genus Linostoma by Jankowski (1978). But Linostoma Jankowski, 1978 is a homonym, discovered by Aescht. She replaced it by Lynostomella nov.nom. For nomenclatural pur-poses the replacement name and the species have to be cited as “Linostomella Aesht it Foissner, Berger and Schaumburg, 1999” and “Linostomella vorticel-la (Ehrenberg, 1833) Aescht in Foissner, Berger and Schaumburg, 1999”.

Before our investigation L.vorticella was mainly found in freshwater sometimes in saline inland wa-ters, but not marine habitat.

Below we describe Linostomella vorticella found in marine plankton of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

Alive specimens size 90-160 × 70-120 µm, afterfixation usually 70-130 × 50-100 µm. Body ellip-soidal in the old culture to spherical, rounded on anterior and posterior ends. Ventral anterior half with wide peristome. Its all anterior and left ventralmargins are occupied with adoral membranelles zone, consisting of about 50 membranelles. In the right peristomial bottom an undulating membrane is situated.

Somatic ciliature consists of about 35 longitudinal to slightly spirally rows. Between ciliary rows there are colorless cortical granules arranged in stripes.

Endoplasm light brown with several food vacu-oles often with small oligotrich ciliates. Contractilevacuoles in posterior end.

Macronucleus moniliform near mid-body and composed of 8-12 (usually 10) ellipsoidal nodules.

Our specimens of Linostomella vorticella are more similar to these described by Foissner et al. (1999), especially in adoral membranelles number (45 our specimens, 40-50 according to Foissner et al. (1999), versus 19-22 according to Tuffrau (1967) andDragesco (1970).

Class Oligotrichea Bütschli, 1889Order Choreotrichida Small and Lynn, 1985

Family Strobilidiidae Kahl in Doflein andReichenow, 1929

Pelagostrobilidium neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994) (Fig. 8, C; Plate 2, E; Table 18).

This new genus was established for species “withlongitudinal and transversely arched somatic kine-ties which do not form a spiral at posterior pole” (Petz et al., 1995). According to Agatha et al. (2005) since the genus was established, one further species has been described, and now the genus includes three species: P.spirale (Leegaard, 1915) (Petz et al., 1995; P.neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994) Petz, Song and Wilbert, 1995 and P.simile Song and Bradbury, 1998. Below, we describe P.neptuni, which was found in main plankton samples near Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens 60-85 × 45-65 µm, fixed cell 40-70 × 30-50 µm. Overall shape subspherical, bowl-like, posteriorly broadly rounded. Transverse sec-tion circular. External (collar) membranelles (45-52 in number) consist of rows, 3 basal bodies in each; the cilia are up to 65 µm long. There are two or threeinternal membranelles. Endoral membrane single-rowed in oral cavity.

Five somatic kineties with typical for this genus arrangement of somatic kineties commence about 25 µm posterior to anterior body end.

Endoplasm brown with green inclusions and 3-8 food vacuoles with diatoms.

Macronucleus C-shaped, transversely oriented underneath external membranelles, contains nu-merous globular nucleoli. There are two ellipsoidalmicronuclei.

For the first time P.neptuni was found in sur-face waters off the Canadian west coast (BritishColumbia) (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994). Thenthis species was also found in the spring plankton of the Weddel Sea, Antarctica (Petz et al., 1995) and Agatha et al. (2005) discovered P.neptuni from the North Sea, Irish Sea and Mediterranian Sea. In our opinion, this widely distributed marine species is very likely cosmopolitan.

Family Strombidinopsidae Small and Lynn, 1985

Table 18. Morphometric characteristics of Pelagostrobilidium neptuni (Montagnes and Taylor, 1994)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 72.857 70.0 9.063 3.426 12.439 60.0 85.0 10

Body width 55.0 55.0 7.071 2.673 12.856 45.0 65.0 10

External membranelles number 49.0 50.0 2.236 0.845 4.563 45.0 52.0 7

Internal membranelles number 2.714 3.0 0.488 0.184 17.981 2.0 3.0 7

Macronucleus length 36.667 35.0 2.582 1.054 7.042 35.0 40.0 6

Macronucleus number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

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Strombidinopsis elongata Song and Bradbury, 1998 (Fig. 10, A; Plate 2, F; Table 19).

This species for the first time was found in ma-rine plankton of coastal waters in Northern China (Song and Bradbury, 1998) and as far as we know, it had not been reported from other regions before our investigation. Below, we describe S.elongata found in marine plankton of ship channel near Port Aransas city.

Alive species 90-130 × 45-60 µm, fixed cells – 70-105 × 30-45 µm. Body shape elongate conical or cylindrical. Anterior end truncated. Endoral mem-brane in the buccal cavity. There are 15-18 externalmembranelles and 1-2 internal ones. Somatic cilia-ture contains 12-14 longitudinal somatic kineties, each of them consisting of 16-18 dikinetids (in origi-nal description 35-40 dikinetids).

Endoplasm transparent rarely with 3-5 food vac-

Fig. 10. A – Strombidinopsis elongata Song and Bradbury, 1998 (after protargol impregnation); B – Strombidinopsis magna sp. n. (after protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: EM – external membranells; IM – internal membranells; E – endoral membrane; SK – somatic kineties; Ma – macronuclei; Mi – micronuclei.

Table 19. Morphometric characteristics of Strombidinopsis elongata, Song and Bradbury, 1998

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 105.714 100.0 15.119 5.714 14.302 90.0 130.0 10

Body width 50.714 50.0 5.345 2.020 10.539 45.0 60.0 10

External membranelles number 16.857 17.0 1.215 0.459 7.208 15.0 18.0 7

Internal membranelles number 1.857 2.0 0.378 0.143 20.355 1.0 2.0 7

Somatic kineties number 13.286 14.0 0.951 0.360 7.158 12.0 14.0 7

Basal bodies number in somatic kineties 19.429 20.0 1.718 0.649 8.842 17.0 21.0 7

Macronucleus segment number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Micronuclei number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

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uoles containing diatoms and flagellates. There aretwo bean-shaped or elliptic macronuclei located in midbody with associations with corresponding small spherical micronuclei.

Our specimens differs from original descriptionmainly by twice lower number of dikinetids in the somatic row and two micronuclei not observed in the Chinese population (Song and Bradbury, 1998).

Strombidinopsis magna sp. n. (Fig. 10, B; Table 20).Diagnosis. Large sized marine Strombidinopsis in

vivo 140-180 × 55-80 µm, after fixation – 110-150 × 40-60 µm. Conical body with pointed caudal end; 35-40 external membranelles, 1-2 internal ones. 20-22 evenly distributed somatic kineties with 30-35 dikinetids in each row; two macronucleus with single micronuclei.

Type specimens. One holotype as a slide Tex. N12 of protargol impregnated cells.

Description. Alive specimens 120-180 × 55-70 µm, fixed cells up 145 × 45 µm. Body shape elon-gated, moderately conoid Anterior truncated. Buccal cavity shallow, rounded with 35-40 external (collar) polykinetids (membranelles) and 1-2 internal ones. Paroral membrane single rowed. There are 20-22 lon-gitudinal somatic kineties, distributed evenly around cell, each of them composed of 30-35 dikinetids, usu-ally with two cilia from 2-5 µm long.

Endoplasm usually transparent, colorless, with 5-12 brownish vacuoles with diatoms and algae.

Two ovoid or spherical macronucleus (25 µm) with single micronucleus.

Comparison with related species. Our Strombi-dinopsis magna sp. n. clearly differs from all knownStrombidinopsis species by its giant size. Most repre-sentatives of Stombidiopsis have size about 18-50 µm, rarely – up to 80-90 µm. Only Strombidinopsis elon-gata Song and Bradbury, 1998, has cell size 80-110 µm (versus 140-180 µm). But later species clearly differfrom our S.magna sp. n. by lower number of external membranelles (19-24 versus 35-40) and somatic rows (11-15 versus 20-22). Additionally our species differfrom S.elongata by the arrangement of nuclei.

Order Oligotrichida Bütschli, 1889Family Strombidiidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1970Parallelostrombidium rhyticollare (Corliss and

Snyder, 1986) (Fig. 11, A; Plate 3, A-B; Table 21).Taxonomy of the many oligotrichs species has un-

dergone many changes and is being developed at the present time. For example, Corliss and Snyder (1986) for the first time described new species Strombidium rhyticollare from Antarctica region. In nine years this species was redescribed and transferred with some other species to the Spirostrombidium genus according to the spiraling course of the equato-

Table 20. Morphometric characteristics of Strombidinopsis magna sp. n.

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 165.714 170.0 16.183 6.117 9.766 140.0 180.0 10

Body width 69.286 70.0 10.965 4.144 15.826 55.0 80.0 10

External membranelles number 38.286 38.0 1.890 0.714 4.937 35.0 40.0 7

Internal membranelles number 1.714 2.0 0.488 0.184 28.471 1.0 2.0 7

Somatic kineties number 21.0 21.0 1.0 0.378 4.762 20.0 22.0 7

Basal bodies number in somatic kineties 32.714 33.0 2.138 0.808 6.535 30.0 35.0 7

Macronucleus segment number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Micronuclei number 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 7

Macronucleus length 26.571 25.0 2.370 0.896 8.919 25.0 30.0 7

Table 21. Morphometric characteristics of Parallelostrombidium rhyticollare (Corliss and Snyder, 1986)

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 198.857 200.0 13.801 5.216 6.940 170.0 200.0 10

Body width 65.714 50.0 23.703 8.959 36.070 60.0 140.0 10

Anterior adoral membranelles number 38.571 39.0 1.618 0.612 4.195 36.0 40.0 7

Ventral adoral membranelles number 14.429 15.0 1.813 0.685 12.565 12.0 16.0 7

Macronucleus length 55.0 55.0 4.082 1.543 7.422 50.0 60.0 7

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rial kinety (Petz et al., 1995). But later on (Agatha, 2004b) these species were included into the new Parallelostrombidium genus with type species P.rhyticollare (Corliss and Snyder, 1986).

Diagnosis of this new genus is as follows: Ventral kinety follows posterior portion of dextrally spi-raled girdle kinety, thus, both with same orientation. Below, we describe Parallelostrombidium rhyticollare (Corliss and Snyder, 1986), which was found in the main marine plankton samples of Mexican Gulf near Port Aransas city.

Alive specimens about 170-200 × 60-140 µm, afterfixation – 145-180 × 40-100 µm. Outline elongate, fusi-form body tapering to a slightly curved point posteri-orly. Anterior adoral membranelles number 36-40, each of them composed of 3 basal body rows. Ventral adoral membranelles number 12-16 continuous with anterior membranelles. There is a paroral membrane to the left ofthem. Equatorial and ventral kinety composed of diki-netids. Equatorial kinety starting near left margin of cell,it follows complete circle across ventral and dorsal side, then moves posteriad spirally to end dorsally in longi-tudinal part. Ventral kinety follows posterior portion of dextrally spiraled girdle kinety. Extrusomes not ob-served in vivo. Endoplasm transparent, usually brown-ish. 1-8 food vacuoles with diatoms and dinoflagellates.Contractile vacuole unknown.

Macronucleus elongated with nucleoli, left of ven-tral adoral membranelles, with single micronucleus.

Our specimens is closely related to P.rhyticollare (Corliss and Snyder, 1986) differs from it only by biggercell size (170-200 versus 90-134). From description of this species found later (Petz et al., 1995) our P.rhyticollare specimens differ mainly by the shape of macronucleus (oval versus elongate to sausage-shape) and less ventral membranelles number (12-16 versus 22-40).

Laboea strobila Lohman, 1908 (Fig. 11, B; Plate 3, C; Table 22).

According to Maeda and Carey (1985) the ge-nus Laboea was established by Lohmann (1908) to include those species that possessed polysacharide plate or platelets. Later Fauré-Fremiet (1970) rede-scribed this genus to include those animals which had a spiral form of polygonal cortical platelets. But, Maeda and Carey (1985) retained this species in the genus Strombidium.

Accordingly, modern data (Agatha et al., 2004) erected Laboea to the genus again and has given improved diagnosis by adding the number and di-rection of the spiral whorls performed by the girdle kinety – “Strombidiidae with anterior and ventral membranellar zone and girdle kinety performing more than one sinistral turn around cell”.

Fig. 11. A – Parallelostrombidium rhyticollare (Corliss and Snyder, 1986) (after protargol impregnation); B – Laboea strobila Lohman, 1908 (after protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: AM – adoral membranelles; VM – ventral membranelles; PM – paroral membrane; EK – equatorial kinety; VK – ventral kinety; Ex – extrusomes; Ma – macronuclei; GK – girdle kinety; OF – oral fibres.

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Plate 3. A - Parallelostrombidium rhyticollare (Corlis and Snyder, 1986); B – P.rhyticollare – arrangement ventral kinety; C - Laboea strobila Lohman, 1908; D - Euplotes cristatus Kahl, 1932 (ventral side); E - Euplotes minor sp. n. (ventral side); F - Euplotes minor sp. n. (dorsal side); (A-C – protargol impregnation; D – F – impregnated by silver nitrate).

Table 22. Morphometric characteristics of Laboea strobila Lohman, 1908

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 110.0 110.0 20.817 7.868 18.925 80.0 130.0 7

Body width 60.714 70.0 18.803 7.107 30.970 35.0 80.0 7

Anterior membranelles number 15.143 15.0 0.900 0.340 5.943 14.0 16.0 7

Ventral membranelles number 14.714 15.0 1.604 0.606 10.901 12.0 16.0 7

Macronuclear nodules number 62.143 65.0 13.496 5.101 21.718 40.0 60.0 7

Paroral membrane dikinetids number 29.714 30.0 2.059 0.778 6.929 27.0 32.0 7

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Below, we describe Laboea strobila Lohmann, 1908, which was found in the main marine plankton samples near Port-Aransas city.

Alive specimens 80-130 × 35-80 µm, after fixation60-100 × 20-60 µm. Cell with screw-like appearance due to spiral of girdle kinety in pointed abconical posterior portion. Usually girdle kinety performs 5 whorls, consisting of dikinetids.

Anterior and ventral membranellar zones dis-tinctly separate. Anterior membranelles number – 14-16, ventral membranelles – 12-16. Paroral membrane extends on inner wall of buccal lip and composed of 30 basal bodies. Oral fibres located near lower part ofventral membranelles and paroral membrane.

Endoplasm colorless, sometimes brownish. Macronuclear nodules numerous (usually 40-60)

Fig. 12. A – Tontonia turbinata Song and Bradbury, 1998 (after protargol impregnation); B – Paratontonia mononucleata sp. n. (after protargol impregnation); C – Tintinnopsis baltica Brandt, 1896 (after protargol impregnation). Abbreviations: AM – adoral membranelles; VM – ventral membranelles; PM – paroral membrane; GK – girdle kinety; TK – tail kinety; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronucleus; L – lorica; S – stalk; RCF – right ciliary field; LCF – left ciliary field; Lat.Cf – lateral ciliary field; VK – ventralkinety; PK – posterior kinety.

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with nucleoli. Contractile vacuoles and cytopyge not observed.

Our specimens of L.strobila show morphological characteristics, which correspond to the species described from Northern Adriatic (Agatha et al., 2004) and Woods Hole coast (Montagnes at el., 1988). Jamaican population of this species (Lynn and Gilron, 1993) differs from ourspecimens by lesser cell size (80-130 versus 44-63).

Described earlier Laboea (Strombidium) strobila from the Barents Sea (Alekperov and Mamajeva, 1992) clearly differs from all other populations of thisspecies by great length of the collar region and high number of ventral membranelles (27-30). In Agatha et al. (2004) opinion, these specimens possibly repre-sent a different species.

Family Tontoniidae Agatha, 2004Tontonia turbinata Song and Bradbury, 1998

(Fig. 12, A; Table 23).This species was described for the first time from

coastal waters in North China. Below, we give a de-scription of specimens found in the plankton of Ship Channel near Marine Science Institute building.

Alive specimens 40-60 × 20-30 µm, with long belt-like tail about 120-140 µm, fixed cells about 30-50 × 15-20 µm, tail highly contracted appendix-shape at dorsal side.

Oral cavity conspicuous. Adoral zone of membra-

nelles prominent. Anterior adoral (collar) mem-branelles number 21-25, each of them composed of 3 basal body rows. Ventral (buccal) membranelles number 14-16, clearly separate from anterior mem-branelles. On the right of oral cavity located paroral membrane composed of the short dikinetids row.

Girdle kinety containing closely spaced dikinet-ids, starting from mid-body on ventral side, curving upper and across dorsal side and then around ventral surface again terminating at caudal end and prolon-gated as tail kinety, also composed of dikinetids.

Endoplasm transparent, often yellowish withfood vacuoles contains green algae. Contractile va-cuoles not observed.

Macronuclear nodules spherical, each containing a few globular nucleoli. Macronuclear nodules num-ber 35-50. Micronuclei not observed.

Our specimens in general show morphological char-acteristics, which correspond to the original descrip-tion (Song and Bradbury, 1998). They differ by a highernumber of collar membranelles (21-25 versus 14-16) and some details of body shape and coursing of girdle kinety. The differences might be due to fixation results: a few of our specimens of T.turbinata were successfully fixed andtheir tail was contracted only a little.

Paratontonia mononucleata sp. n. (Fig. 12, B; Table 24).

Table 23. Morphometric characteristics of Tontonia turbinata Song and Bradbury, 1998

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 51.429 50.0 8.522 3.221 16.570 40.0 60.0 7

Body width 25.714 25.0 4.499 1.700 17.496 20.0 30.0 7

Anterior membranelles number 22.714 23.0 1.254 0.474 5.521 21.0 25.0 7

Ventral membranelles number 15.429 16.0 0.787 0.297 5.101 14.0 16.0 7

Tail length 134.286 140.0 7.868 2.974 5.847 120.0 140.0 7

Paroral membrane length 13.571 14.0 1.512 0.571 11.141 12.0 15.0 7

Macronuclear nodules number 44.571 48.0 6.373 2.409 14.299 35.0 50.0 7

Table 24. Morphometric characteristics of Paratontonia mononucleata sp. n.

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 29.143 30.0 3.716 1.405 12.751 25.0 35.0 7

Body width 17.571 18.0 2.070 0.782 11.781 15.0 20.0 7

Paroral membrane length 5.714 5.0 0.951 0.360 16.643 5.0 7.0 7

Tail length 60.714 50.0 28.640 10.825 47.172 35.0 120.0 7

Anterior membranelles number 24.333 24.50 0.816 0.333 3.353 23.0 25.0 6

Ventral membranelles number 11.714 12.0 1.380 0.522 11.781 10.0 13.0 7

Macronuclear diameter 4.714 5.0 0.756 0.286 16.037 4.0 6.0 7

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Accordingly improved by Agatha (2004) the diag-nosis of genus Paratontonia Jankowski, 1978 “Girdle kinety horizontally oriented on dorsal side, while kinety ends extend to posterior end of ventral side”. At the present time Paratontonia genus includes only two species: type species – Paratontonia gracil-lima (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) and Paratontonia poopsia (Montagnes and Lynn, 1988).

Below, we describe new Paratontonia mononucle-ata sp. n., which clearly differs from all known speciesby single macronucleus.

Diagnosis. Alive specimens 25-35 × 15-20 µm, fixed cells 15-20 × 10-15 µm. Body funnel-shaped.Tail up to 4 body length. Anterior membranelles 23-25, ventral – 10-13. Girdle kinety horizontally orientated on the dorsal side and from left and rightmargins of ventral side spirally continuous to the two tail kineties. All girdle kineties composed of dikinet-ids with 1 cilium each. No separate ventral row. One macronucleus. Marine.

Type location. Plankton of Ship Channel near Marine Science Institute building.

Type specimens. A holotype as a slide of protargol impregnated specimens have been deposited.

Description. Alive specimens 25-35 × 15-20 µm, body funnel shaped with long (up to 4-x body length) flattened tail. Anterior adoral membranelles number23-25, ventral membranelles number 10-13 situated diagonally. Girdle kinety horizontally oriented on the dorsal side and from the left and right margins ofventral side spirally hauling down to the caudal part and continuous as tail kinety on the tail margins. All girdle kineties composed of dikinetids with 1 cilium each. Long microfilaments located in the middle ofthe tail manage the contraction of the tail.

Endoplasm transparent often with food vacu-oles contain flagellates. Contractile vacuoles not ob-served.

Macronucleus spherical (typical for species) with single micronucleus.

Comparison with related species: As far as we known before our investigations tontoniids with single macronucleus had not been described. Our P.mononucleata sp. n. differs from other species bydouble-edged ciliated tail margins.

Family Codonellidae Kent, 1881Tintinnopsis baltica Brandt, 1896 (Fig. 12, C;

Table 25).At the present time there are 15 species of tintinnid

ciliates described from protargol stained specimens. According to Laval-Peuto and Brownlee (1986) tintin-nid ciliates can be separated into 4 groups based on the kinetal density index (KDI) values, the length of the kineties and the position and construction of the oral apparatus. Described below T.baltica Braudt, 1896 included in the second group with a high KDI, special-ized ciliation and a mouth with slight ventralization.

Lorica size 80-150 × 35-60 µm. Lorica anterior slightly obconical, posterior end conical, agglomer-ated. Stalk attached cell to posterior end of lorica, contractile.

Anterior membranelles number 20-25, ventral membranelles – 3. On the ventral body side there are right ciliary fild, consisting of 7-9 kineties with diki-netids, left ciliary fields with 3 kineties. There are alsotwo ventral kineties – one longer with 15-17 dikinet-ids (only posterior kinetosome ciliated) and shorter kinety (K2 according Laval-Peuto and Brownlee, 1986) with 8-10 dikinetids. Between ventral kinety

Table 25. Morphometric characteristics of Tintinnopsis baltica Brandt, 1896

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Lorica length 114.286 120.0 27.603 10.433 24.153 80.0 150.0 10

Lorica width 50.0 55.0 11.186 4.226 22.372 35.0 60.0 10

Body length 78.591 80.0 11.073 4.185 14.089 60.0 90.0 10

Body width 50.0 50.0 4.082 1.543 8.164 45.0 55.0 10

Anterior membranelles number 23.143 24.0 2.116 0.800 9.143 20.0 25.0 7

Ventral membranelles number 3.0 3.0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 7

Right ciliary field (rows number) 8.429 9.000 0.787 0.297 9.337 7.0 9.0 7

Left ciliary field (rows number) 3.714 4.0 0.488 0.184 13.139 3.0 4.0 7

Lateral ciliary field (rows number) 18.286 19.0 2.059 0.778 11.260 15.0 20.0 7

Dikinetids of ventral kinety number 16.429 17.0 0.787 0.297 4.790 15.0 17.0 7

Dikinetids of K2 kinety number 9.286 10.0 0.951 0.360 10.241 8.0 10.0 7

Macronuclei number 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 7

Dikinetids of posterior kinety number 12.286 13.0 0.951 0.360 7.741 11.0 13.0 7

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Fig. 13. A-B – Euplotes cristatus Kahl, 1932 (after protargol impregnation); C-D – Euplotes minor sp. n. (aftersilver nitrate impregnation). Abbreviations: FTC – frontoterminal cirri; TC – transverse cirri; CC – caudal cirri; AZM – adoral zone of membranelles; Ma – macronucleus; Mi – micronuclei; DK – dorsal kineties.

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and left ciliary field situated lateral ciliary field con-sists of many (15-20) short and dense rows.

Endoplasm transparent, colorless, two more or less oval macronuclei (10-12 µm) with two spherical micronuclei (2-3 µm).

Our specimens Tintinnopsis baltica Brandt, 1846 differ from those of the same species described byBrownlee (1977) by higher number of anterior mem-branelles (20-25 versus 12-17) and lower number of right ciliary field rows (79 versus 21-24) and left ones(3 versus 6-9). We found T.baltica in the plankton samples near Marine Sciences Institute building.

Order Hypotrichida Stein, 1859Family Euplotidae Ehrenberg, 1838Euplotes cristatus Kahl, 1932 (Fig. 13, A-B; Plate 3,

D; Table 26).Alive specimens 65-80 µm, after fixation up to

60 µm. Body shape ovoid, flattened dorsoventrally.Adoral membranelles zone possesses 45-52 elements. Adoral zone situated antero-dorsally on the left ven-tral margin. 10 fronto-ventral, 5 transverse and 4 caudal cirri. On the dorsal surface – 8 dorsolateral kineties, with 10-14 dorsal bristles in each. Dorsal ar-gyrome – type “Vannus”.

Endoplasm colorless, usually with 1-3 food vacu-

oles consists of small diatoms. The contractile vacu-ole lies in the right posterior part of the body, and the pore is ventral.

The macronucleus is usually C-shaped. The mi-cronucleus is small, spherical and adjacent to the macronucleus.

Our specimens E.cristatus Kahl, 1932 shows mor-phological characteristics, which correspond to the spe-cies described by Tuffrau (1960). This marine specieswas found in the periphyton at the Ship Channel stones not far from Marine research Institute building.

Euplotes minor sp. n. (Fig. 13, C-D; Plate 3, E-F; Table 27).

Diagnosis. Body length in vivo 25-35 × 18-25 µm, about hemispherical in cross-section, flattened dor-so-ventrally. 10 frontoventral, 5 transverse and 4-5 caudal cirri, 4 dorsolateral kineties with 7-8 dikinet-ids in each, 23-25 adoral membranelles. Dorsal argy-rome of the “double” type. Nuclear apparatus con-sists of a C-shaped (20 µm) macronucleus (common for Euplotes) and one small, spherical micronucleus. Marine species.

Type location. Periphyton on the marine rocks of the Mexican Gulf near Port Aransas city (South Texas, USA).

Table 26. Morphometric characteristics of Euplotes cristatus Kahl, 1932

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 70.0 70.0 5.473 2.236 7.819 65.0 80.0 10

Body width 47.143 45.0 2.673 1.010 5.670 45.0 50.0 10

Adoral membranelles number 51.0 51.0 1.00 0.578 1.961 45.0 52.0 7

Frontoventral cirri number 10.0 10.0 0 0 0 10.0 10.0 7

Transverse cirri number 5.0 5.0 0 0 0 5.0 5.0 7

Caudal cirri number 4.0 4.0 0 0 0 4.0 4.0 7

Dorsal kineties number 8.0 8.0 0 0 0 8.0 8.0 7

Dikinetids number in middorsal rows 12.143 12.0 1.676 0.634 13.802 10.0 14.0 7

Table 27. Morphometric characteristics of Euplotes minor sp. n

Character X̄ M SD SE CV Min Max n

Body length 29.571 30.0 3.505 1.325 11.852 25.0 35.0 10

Body width 21.286 20.0 3.039 1.149 14.277 18.0 25.0 10

Adoral zone of membranelles length 18.429 18.0 1.618 0.612 8.780 16.0 21.0 7

Adoral membranelles number 24.714 25.0 1.380 0.522 5.584 23.0 25.0 7

Fronto-ventral cirri number 10.000 10.0 0 0 0 10.0 10.0 7

Transverse cirri number 5.000 5.0 0 0 0 5.0 5.0 7

Caudal cirri number 4.571 5.0 0.535 0.202 11.704 4.0 5.0 7

Dorso-lateral kineties number 4.000 4.0 0 0 0 4.0 4.0 7

Dikinetids number in middorsal row 7.857 8.0 0.378 0.143 4.811 7.0 8.0 7

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Description. Small marine ciliates with ovoid body shape, flattened dorso-ventrally and hemi-spherical in cross section. Ventral surface with 10 frontoventral, 5 transverse and 4-5 caudal cirri. Near each cirrus there are two up to five argirophil points.Adoral zone of membranelles long (18 µm) situated on left margin of ventral side and consisting of 23-25 elements. On dorsal surface 4 longitudinal dorsal ridges present. There are 4 dorso-lateral kineties with6-8 dikinetids in each row. Dorsal argyrom of the ‘‘double’’ type.

Endoplasm colorless containing 1-3 food vacu-oles with flagellates or bacteria. Contractile vacuoleat about the level of the transverse cirri. Slow move-ment, crawling on substrate.

Comparison with relates species. E.minor sp. n. is one of the smallest representative of the genus. It clearly differs from all marine Euplotes species not only by small body size, but also by lowest number of dorso-lateral kineties and lowest dikinetids number in middorsal row.

AcknowledgmentsThestudywassupportedbythe"CRDFAzerbaijan –

US Bilateral Grants Programs" Project N 3100.

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Address for correspondence. Ilham Alekperov. Laboratory of Protistology, Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, 370073. E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial responsibility: Sergei Fokin

• Ilham Alekperov, Edward Buskey and Nataly Snegovaya