Prosto Lab 1

Prosto lab 1 The aim of this lab was to differeniate between the dr and tech work because you are going towork as both now and in 4 th  year major equipments u will need are the rubber bowel and the spatula prefered to be plastic not metal and some burs we are going to talk aboutthem later on *** First the dentist when any patient needing complete pr partial dnture he must do things step by step inorder to reach the best result and the complete that he will be proud of it and these steps are : 1 examination of patient intra and extra orally 2 selecting the most suitable tray that he will need it to work with it 3 taking primary impression 4 taking secondary impression depending on the s econdary tray for more details 5 chek the GRR which is the jaw realtion ridge as I call resembling also the realtion between of occlusion through thewax rim that is done and select the shade of teeth that is suitable for the patient 6 try in the denture tomake sure it is perfect and there is nothing that is unsuitable or making troublesfor the patient 7 delivery of the denture to patient  

Transcript of Prosto Lab 1

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8/11/2019 Prosto Lab 1 1/3

Prosto lab 1

The aim of this lab was to differeniate between the dr and tech

work because you are going towork as both now and in 4th


major equipments u will need are the rubber bowel and the

spatula prefered to be plastic not metal and some burs we are

going to talk aboutthem later on

*** First the dentist when any patient needing complete pr

partial dnture he must do things step by step inorder to reach

the best result and the complete that he will be proud of it and

these steps are :

1 examination of patient intra and extra orally

2 selecting the most suitable tray that he will need it to work

with it

3 taking primary impression

4 taking secondary impression depending on the secondary

tray for more details

5 chek the GRR which is the jaw realtion ridge as I call

resembling also the realtion between of occlusion through

thewax rim that is done and select the shade of teeth that is

suitable for the patient

6 try in the denture tomake sure it is perfect and there is

nothing that is unsuitable or making troublesfor the patient

7 delivery of the denture to patient


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***Now we move for tech work which is somethingin the

future you will not be responsilbe for it there will be someone

doing it for you but you must have a background about it and

you will spend this year working as tech and as a dentists andthe steps that the tech must work by them are :

1 make a cast from the primary impression he got from the dr

to make secondary tray that is more aqqurate in recording


2 making base plate from secondary impression and forming

wax rim aslo

3 after the dr set the Grr tech will set the teeth and put plaster

which will use to remove the wax and then put acrylic insed it

to make the denture

4 removeal of plaster

5 denture will go under ultra sonic path to remove any anyremenants of plaster befor use also make the rimming of it and

the plishing befor send back for try in

***Now we move in the intra oral and extra oral examinationspots that we as dentist relay on them very much :

Intra oral examination spots:

1 labio mento groove 2 naso labio grove 3 zona pellecudia

4 lobium frenum

5 bucco frenum 6 labio gingiva 7 alveloar mucosa 8

salivary sinuses

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9 gingival margins 10 muco gingival margins 11 free

gingiva 12 attached gingiva

13 free gingival groove ( cant be seen in all patients ) 14 inter

dental papilla

15 mucogingival junction 16 foramen cecum 17

circumvallate papilla

Extra oral examination spots :

1 forehead – nose – lips – cheeks – eyes –neck

2 lymphnodes areas : submental lymphnode / submandibular

lymphnode / preauricular lymphnode / post auricularer

lymphnode / occibital auricularer lymphnode /

sternocleomastoid lymphnode / sternoclavicular lemphnode /

posterior neck lymphnode

3 tmj joint by making patient open his mouth

4 jaw clitching by maing patient open and close his mouth

Excuse me for any spelling mistake maybe they are so much

coz my word is not active 

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