Prosperity blueprint-e book



This is an e book written by Burt Goldman regarding the Law Of Attraction and it can help one multiply prosperity and abundance (other Universal Laws are referred to within) and this e book has been monumental in my progress (thank you Burt!)

Transcript of Prosperity blueprint-e book

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There are three basic things that prevent a person from reaching a prosperous lifestyle; self-sabotage, guilt, and ego. Allow me to address the first thing self sabotage—that insidious feeling that you don’t deserve the good things in life that builds limitations.

Roland Webster was a prime example of a person whose thinking kept him from the success and easy life he dreamed about but just never could quite attain. He was intelligent, educated and well brought up by loving parents. He had two younger siblings, a brother and sister who had both done very well in life. His sister was an executive in a major corporation and his brother Marvin a successful attorney in West Los Angeles. Whenever there was a family gathering Roland felt like hiding in a closet he felt so demeaned by the fact that his younger brother and sister were successful while life for him was a constant struggle. Marvin was nominated to be the City of Hope’s man of the month the year before and Roland didn’t even attend the ceremony as there was a sixty dollar a plate charge for the celebratory dinner and Roland couldn’t scrape up the money.

He had heard it said that Marvin could fall into a pile of manure and come up smelling like roses and Roland snorted when he heard that. Roland was of the opinion he could fall into a pile of roses and come up smelling like manure. Roland was a prime example of a fellow who just couldn’t get out of his own way. He sabotaged himself at every turn and try as he might just could not seem to find his niche in life. He would start a project and something would invariably go wrong with it. His last scheme seemed like a real winner but as usual, it turned out sour and he lost time as well as money. About ready to give up he came to one of my seminars and told his story; as he spoke I noticed a lot of sympathetic nods as though many of the others in the class were having similar problems. As self sabotage was the topic of the hour I decided to use Roland as a subject to see if we could discover his problem.

Often when one is looking for how negativity started; if a person concentrates on a single subject with the intention of uncovering and identifying the cause of a problem such as self sabotage the origin comes to mind. Sometimes it’s obvious and sometimes not but when your intention is to discover the reason for the problem it usually comes through loud and clear.

I helped Roland to get to the concentrative state with a simple meditation and when he was there I suggested that he relax and allow his mind to go back to the time the problem of self sabotage first came about. Roland was in front of the class, seated, deep in meditation. I asked ‘Where are you?’ His answer was that he was with his little brother Marvin, they were playing in the backyard. It seems as though he had gone back quite a few years. Roland was about ten years old, his brother five. The family cat had been tormenting a mouse and brought it over to the brothers as cats will sometimes do. Roland cringed and backed away from the mouse but Marvin ran over to it, chased the cat away and squished the mouse with a big rock.

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Roland reported this incident that didn’t appear to have anything to do with the problem of self sabotage but I had long ago learned you never know why a person went to a specific experience. What was important was to walk through the event and examine all aspects of the scene. This Roland did. He made the scene brighter, reported every movement. He was in the meditation state about five minutes. Finally he opened his eyes and came out of the meditation.

By the time the seminar was over, which was the next evening, Roland had seemingly undergone an epiphany. He said that he felt a wave of energy come over him after the meditation. He thought about that event of his pre-teen years and said that he realized he had lorded over his brother and felt much superior to him all that time. Years later, when his little brother had decided to become an attorney Roland had laughed and demeaned him and in his own mind had still carried the thought of his brother as a mouse killer, helpless and ignorant, dependent on him to be helped through life. What this had to do with anything is anyone’s guess. Psychologists and other medical professionals will have different opinions some guessing one way others bringing up some other reasons depending on their training and experience. My experience through many sessions similar to Roland’s lead me to believe there is a release of some sort simply by walking through the incident that comes up during a deep meditation when the intent is to neutralize and get rid of the factors that are creating that which we call ‘self sabotage.’

Why did this simple, seemingly over simplification work? It doesn’t seem as though anything really happened. Roland simply pulled a long buried memory out of his mind during meditation.

Over the years I’ve seen it work again and again. When the individual who has a problem goes into a meditation state and then tell themselves that they want to go back to the incident that is causing the problem, whatever that problem is, and then allow their mind to drift back to an early incident in their lives, that will often resolve the problem.

We can speculate for weeks as to the whys of this method but what for? If it works, it works. If you have a problem with prosperity, and you just can’t seem to get out of your own way, chances are the solution is in a past event, some experience that is preventing you from getting around the obstacles in your life. Our Quantum Absolution method is based on that idea.

The second factor is guilt. You may not consciously feel any guilt or regrets in your life and yet you are still nagged by the feeling that there is something beyond your control that is holding you back.

When some event in the past, something you did, or didn’t do, bothers you to the extent that if you could go back to that event you would change it, then an urge to repeat the action in a different way comes about. This urge to repeat the act in a different manner, we call guilt. Think about this, if you feel guilty about something and you had the ability to change the past, to go back into the past so to speak, and correct the thing, then you wouldn’t feel guilt. Understanding that, it is easy to see how guilt can be defined as an urge to repeat an act we feel is wrong.

If this urge is not repeated correctly nature brings in a reminder, the reminder is a prodding to go back and do it right but often you can’t do that. Because you feel that you

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have done something wrong, you bring about self punishment in the form of limitations. Feeling you’ve wronged yourself you limit yourself in some area of your life; prosperity as example. And then the inner consciousness comes into play, you’ve been a bad boy, a bad girl, and you only deserve so much. You only deserve so much money, or friends, or looks, or relationships, or whatever. You know the best way to punish you is to limit things you want in life. The limitation you unconsciously choose is generally known as self sabotage.

Limitations are a major factor in the lives of every person with any experience at all. If a person limits themself in the way of health and constantly find themselves with a cold, or the flu, or feelings of discontent they have imposed health limitations feeling they only deserve so much good health. Limitations with respect to money will find a person believing that they only deserve so much money, or that they are just unlucky, or some other excuse as to why they can never seem to get out of the pit they are in. Limitations with respect to friends will invariably lead to selecting the wrong partner in life or in business. Whenever there is a problem in ones life you will generally find that the person has subconsciously placed a limitation in that area.

The third factor that keeps a person from the prosperity mode is ego. To understand this factor it is essential that you understand exactly what ego is. People think of it in a variety of ways but few offer a definitive definition. Allow me to do so now. Your ego is your opinion of yourself. How you think of yourself in the various aspects of your life defines what you regard as the real you. Consider this, you have a variety of egos. You have an opinion of yourself with respect to money, it either comes easy or hard is what is in your mind. You have an opinion of your state of health, you have an opinion about the way that you look the food you eat the people you know and on and on. You have many egos and each one affects the part of your life that it is directed to.

As example, consider your present life as the product of your experiences. The experiences you had and have with other people, with your parents, with your culture, your schooling all have had a significant effect on the present you. Each one of those experiences had a great many tributaries or choices that lay before you on your road of life. You chose the direction you would take mainly due to your beliefs at that time. Focus on the belief that some of the choices you made were damaging and negative and those choices will flow into your present to keep you from getting what you hope to acquire. However the power that you have to change is in the now. Your point of power is now. If your present thinking is that it is difficult for you to attain the prosperous lifestyle you would like then you will forever be affected by that belief.

The problem with those negative beliefs is that you view those past events in the light of your current convictions. As the power to change is now you must use the now to change those negative beliefs about prosperity and begin to program experiences that require affluence and prosperity.


Leon was a telephone solicitor. He worked for Global Marketing in the San Fernando Valley, a section of Los Angeles. He was stuck in the same dead end job for

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years selling ads in a business register, and he seemed to attract all the garbage in life. The law of attraction worked very well for Leon, only problem was it worked in reverse. Leon joined the army after graduating from high school and one night, when in basic training he was on guard duty. He’d only been in the army two months and was strolling back and forth on a field that had a flagpole in the middle of it. Leon marched with his rifle at right shoulder arms thinking whatever thoughts a man would think while marching in a field with a rifle at his shoulder. But that flagpole was like a magnet to him and without realizing what was happening, Leon marched right into the flagpole and knocked himself unconscious. True story although I will admit it is a bit over the top. I heard the story from Leon’s’ cousin, a student of mine, who told me that Leon walked through life with a black cloud over his head.

Leon hated his job but it was a job and he went about his day listless and limp as a dishrag with respect to any thoughts of a creative nature. He, like so many others just accepted his lot in life not realizing there was a world out there. The only joy in his life was the horse races. Leon lived in Alhambra, not too far from Santa Anita, and when the race track there was closed, Hollywood Park race track was open so for half the year his every thought was that of the weekend so that he could gamble on the horses. The race track was Leon’s security blanket. And win or lose it was the only thing in life that gave him even a sliver of enjoyment. His world was his hated desk, the hated telephone, and his beloved horse races; and so he lived, a senseless, stagnant life.

What changed Leon was a story he heard me tell during a class he attended. Leon’s’ cousin Bebe brought him to one of my seminars. Bebe said that Leon was really affected by the story of the Mud Hen; it goes like this.

Once upon a time there was a man who made his living selling newspapers on a downtown street corner. He lived in a damp, single room apartment that was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. He we aware of his newspapers, his simple room, his ill-fitting secondhand clothing, the simple food he ate, and little else. Other people he knew lived differently, but it was difficult for him to imagine that other world. How could a mud hen hope to aspire to the grandeur of the eagle, slowly circling higher and higher, working a swirling updraft, wings spread proudly in magnificent flight?

The Mud Hen’s name was Bobby, and every morning when he awakened, eyelids still clogged by the effects of sleep, his first thought was to see himself standing on his corner hawking newspapers. The visualization was always the same, half a dozen under his left arm and a single newspaper held in his right hand as he shouted out the headline in a raspy voice hoarsened by years of abuse. Some mornings, still half asleep, he would see a customer give him a dollar, saying “Keep the change.” On these mornings he would open his eyes and smile it would be a good day. As he ate a simple breakfast of biscuits, bacon, and coffee, he would think about how many newspapers to buy. If he really felt good he’d order half again his normal quota. If he did not feel good he would order only half as much.

Seeing a beautiful woman on her way to work, he’d visualize himself selling her a paper. Seeing a well-dressed man, he’d think, “That one’s gotta be good for a dime tip.” If he saw a policeman, he would see himself handing the officer a paper and the policeman smiling at him Passing a stockbrokers’ office, he’d imagine the brokers busily

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engaged in reading one of his newspapers.

He related everything to newspapers. They were his life his world, his reality. Everything he was conscious of he would in some manner relate to newspapers.

He believed himself to be a small, raspy-voiced failure of a man capable of selling only newspapers and so he was, for he accepted only information which reinforced that belief. He enclosed himself in a structure he himself had built, brick by brick by brick. Every time he bought himself a worn-out pair of second hand pants he added a brick. Every time he brought home a stale, crusty, day-old bread to save fifteen cents he added a brick. Every time he sold a newspaper he added a brick.

In the mornings, as he slowly pushed himself out of bed, he saw himself selling papers and being tipped for his efforts. In the evenings he thought over the day’s events and smiled because of tips or sulked because of torn papers. It was then he added the mortar.

And so he lived, and so he died, never knowing that he was an eagle all the while. An eagle bound with the most senseless chains of all. Those of limited awareness. For what good is being an eagle if you believe yourself to be an earthbound mud hen? Believe yourself to be a mud hen and you will not only see one in your mirror, you will view the world from that perspective.

After I told the story Leon raised his hand. He asked, ‘How could Bobby have changed? He was who he was.’

‘No Leon, he was who he believed himself to be. He was who he thought he was.’

‘Well what’s the difference?’ Leon asked.

‘The difference is that you have control over who you think you are. Let’s take the story apart to see how our mud hen could have turned into an eagle.’

The message in the story is simple; if you keep thinking and doing things the same way, you should expect the same result. When a person gets up in the morning and the images in mind are of the day and the job and the work you set up energies that bring about the very thing that you object to. The story of Bobby is an old one. I first told it in 1955 more than fifty years ago. And it’s a true story although it seems to be a made up one. At the time I lived in West Hollywood.

On the corner of my street was a middle aged man who sold newspapers, his name was Bobby and I bought a paper from him just about every morning. The thing I remember most about him was smoking. He always had a cigarette between his lips keeping it there until it burned down to a lip burning stub at which time he would put his papers down, take another cigarette from his pocket and light the new one with the butt of the old one. I saw this fellow every day for almost a year and never, ever saw him without a lit cigarette, between swollen lips, in a corner of his mouth. I asked him once, as I’m sure many others did as well, ‘how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?’ and he just shook his head and shrugged saying, ‘I don’t know but I know they’re killing me.’

And then one morning, there was a new person on the corner selling newspapers. I bought one and asked him where Bobby was. ‘He died last night,’ was the reply. That was one of the last times I heard about Bobby but I thought about him and asked around.

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He had been on that corner for twelve years; more than a decade of building himself a place in life that he walled himself up in. A hidey-hole. Cigarettes were his security blanket and his only joy in life. They eventually killed him but he could no more give them up then he could breathing. He was stuck in that place he had created; a familiar place brought on through the comfort of repetition over the years.

Leon didn’t smoke, his security blanket was the races and he understood that right off. ‘How do you let go?’ was his question. And although it seems like a simple enough question it is not. It’s not easy to let go of something that is familiar to go into the world of change with all the unknown qualities. He may have hated his work but it was routine and familiar. Familiarity is comforting, change is going into the unknown and takes a bit of courage. The longer one hangs on to the familiar, even though you know it stagnates you, the harder it is to let go. To tell Leon to find a job he liked and to stop going to the race track would be akin to telling Bobby to stop smoking. First you have to offer something better and then show him how to go about getting it.

Leon’s problem was that he had an inner need to compete with his high school friends who had gone on to college and made it big in the world. One of them was a real estate developer, another a doctor, and his childhood best friend was a wealthy internet merchant. He felt that it would be impossible to achieve what he felt was the heights of his friends and so simply gave up. In doing so he turned himself into a negative magnet, attracting the refuse and debris of life.

Well he was at my seminar and so had taken the first step just as you have taken a step by reading this far. The next step was to do things differently. Once again, do the same thing you did and you will get the same result. The step that Leon had to take was to make a change. What kind of change? It really doesn’t matter all that much so long as his intention was that the change would have a positive effect on his life. The first change he made was in competing. He decided to compete not with his friends, nor for that matter with anyone else; he decided to compete with himself, and that was his key to change his life forever.

His first change was his car. He couldn’t afford a better one and so he sold his car and got an older one but the difference was that this time the purchase was done with intent, he decided the car was to be the vehicle that would carry him to success. He energized some water as he learned in the seminar and sprinkled it over his new, older car. Now every time he got in the car he felt the new energy, something good was going to happen today was were his thoughts every morning as he drove to work. As he drove to work his thoughts were no longer on dreading the telephone but on what he could do to better his life. He knew all about telephone soliciting why not put that knowledge to good use?

To energize water fill of glass about ¾ full. Hold it up in front of your forehead.

Imagine a beam of light coming out of the center of your forehead going into the water

and energizing it. Before filling the glass with water you must have intent on your side.

What is your intention with regard to the water? If it’s to take negative energy out of

something fine that’s your intent and that’s enough. If it’s to heal, that’s your intention to

heal. Whatever is your intent that is what the beam of light will energize the water to


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As Leon drove along Ventura Blvd, a main street in Encino, he noticed a restaurant that had just opened up. He stopped the car and went inside ideas still forming in his mind. The restaurant wasn’t opened for lunch as it was too early but Leon asked for the owner who appeared and looked at Leon questioningly. ‘What would it be worth to you if I could show you how to double your business?’ Leon asked.

The man smiled and asked what Leon had in mind. By then Leon’s mind was racing he told the man that he would call every single household in the neighborhood and tell them of a special that the restaurant had that week. The restaurant owner asked how much it would cost and Leon replied ‘ten percent of your increase.’

Two weeks later there was a line in front of the restaurant and Leon was on his way. He quit his job at Global Marketing and started his own company. Soon he had ten phone solicitors working for him, his specialty, restaurants.

And the mud hen turned into an eagle.

Below you will find the meditation exercise that Leon and hundreds of others have used to break from their old way of life that was keeping them from the things they wanted and the catalyst to change for a newer, better self.

The meditation is designed to eliminate the negative programming of the past that is causing you problems now and will tend to cause more problems in the future. Just go along with the meditation it will help you to get to the point of concentration where you will reach that original cause that is creating problems for you now. When you reach that point don’t judge or critique where you are imagining you are. Whatever you come up with just imagine it and walk through the scene as though you were invisible to whatever and whoever is involved.

So find yourself a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for fifteen minutes or so and begin.

Meditation; Wiping Away the Problem’s Cause

Make yourself comfortable and relax,

Begin with a 3 to 1 count.

Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 2 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 1 three times.

To go still deeper, and relax even more count to yourself from 10 to 1. On every descending number, feel yourself going inward and you will enter a pleasant, relaxed level of mine. Count mentally, slowly, from 10 to 1.

When you reach the number one mentally say, "EVERY DAY, IN EVERY

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WAY, I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER." When you say the words, sense yourself improving in all areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.

When you feel you are relaxed go back to an earlier time; an earlier you. It will be a time when something happened to create a problem that you are having with prosperity and good fortune. It may be something obvious, it may not. It may not seem to have anything at all to do with the problem. Do not judge it or critique it or question it. Just walk through the scene as though you were invisible. View the scene, imagine it, but don’t interfere with it just imagine it. Daydream it. The difference between a day dream and a dream is the control. You are in control.

Just tell yourself that you are going to go back to a time when something took place that is causing a problem regarding prosperity and you.

After mentally viewing the scene come out of it and recall the scene you walked through. Get a sense that the scene is a photograph. An entire book of photographs. Imagine that book of photographs of the past event that was causing you problems. Now see the book moving away from you getting smaller as it goes. Imagine the book of photographs is getting smaller, smaller as it flies off into the distance. And then cause the book of photographs to disappear.

And so the incident has been wiped out. If ever that scene comes back mentally yell out ‘stop’ and hurl the scene into the horizon. The scene has now been erased.

And now you can start the journey back, the journey back to the land of prosperity, affluence, and success. To come out of the meditation just squeeze your eyelids together and your eyes will pop open.

During the next meditation your blueprint for prosperity continues as you take advantage of your now neutral state of consciousness. With this meditation you neutralized the problem event.

The 5-Step to setting your Prosperity Blueprint.

Ask yourself honestly, what would you rather have spinning around in your brain, ‘Money is the root of all evil,’ or ‘Every day in every way I’m getting better and better,’

It’s been said many times that thoughts are things and thinking a thing often does make it come to pass. Not only is that biblical it is Victorian and modern as well. In the year 1570 Montaigne said ‘A strong imagination brings on the event.’ Napoleon in the eighteenth century attributed his successes to the fact that he imagined them beforehand. Again and again there are historical records of thoughts affecting one’s life. And then, in the early part of the last century a man came along who was to set up the concept in a positive, helpful way for the next century and beyond. That man was Emil Coué, a French pharmacist who lived and worked in Nancy, a small town in France. His mantra, one that attracted hundreds of thousands of adherents was, ‘Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.’

First used a hundred or so years ago the affirmation remains a solid fixture in the personal development field and in the minds of millions who use it. The next personal

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development giant to keep the affirmation alive was Jose Silva who included the phrase in all of his mental conditioning exercises.

I think so much of the phrase that I co/wrote a book and titled it ‘Better and Better’ which is about a Silva instructor presenting the original Silva seminar and who answers the questions of a skeptical participant. And of course that is where I picked up the affirmation, during the time I was teaching and writing about the Silva Method.

I myself have brought the words into play many times but it is important to understand the underlying philosophy behind the words. To employ them haphazardly without thought is to undermine the hidden power vested in them.

To use the affirmation with thought we utilize a technique that is both ancient and modern; the Bagha. This is a simple device that tells the mind to get ready, we are going to do something. You energize the Bagha by touching the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. That in a nutshell is the Bagha. The more you use it, the more you will use it. More on that later.

These next few words may well be the most important that you have ever heard, cherish these words, but use them carefully because they may well save your life some day.

You are like an electromagnet circuit. The difference between magnetism and electro magnetism is that magnetism is constant. The electro magnet is constant only so long as an electrical charge is activating it. Stop the charge and the magnet no longer attracts. Something like that happens in your mind. When an electrical charge is going through your brain your powers of attraction are at their highest level, turn off the charge and the attraction is gone. Now you can ask the question that will do so much good for you; the question is of course: How do I create that electrical charge and can I control it?

The answer is ‘Yes you can create it, and yes you can control it.’ The creator of the circuit that activates the magnetic force is intent. Intent is your state of mind when you plan on doing something. To simply mouth the words of the better and better affirmation with no other intention then to state the words will give you a measure of peace and satisfaction but to actually overcome a particular problem you will need a higher degree of concentration than simply mouthing the words.

All things can be measured by degrees. A hundred watt bulb will draw more electricity and is much higher in degrees of wattage than a ten watt bulb and will therefore give out more light. The electrical current is the same for both bulbs but the larger bulb gives out more light because that is what the manufacturer intended. It’s easy to get more light out of a lamp; you know how to do that, just get a bigger bulb. But how do you get more action out of the better and better affirmation, and why does it work so well for some people and not for others?

Let’s take an example. Say that you want to have more money and you decide to check out the affirmation. You say the words, ‘Every day and in every way I’m getting better and better.’ Then what? Does it suddenly start raining money for you right then and there? Not even the most naïve would expect that. Well, if not then, when? Aha, that depends on the degree of the magnetism that you yourself have created when you speak the words, either out loud, or mentally. The electro part of the magnetism comes into play

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with your imagery, your imagination, your state of mind at the time of the affirmation.

Then you shorten the affirmation and think and say the words ‘better and better’. Someone asks how you feel, how you are, how you’re doing; your response is an immediate ‘better and better’.

At this point I should say that from Coue’s time through Jose’s time and through my own teachings tens of millions have learned, used, and benefited from that affirmation and the Better and Better mini version which is simply the three words, better and better. Better and better works in all aspects of one’s life although it is probably used more for health reasons then prosperity. However as this is about prosperity we will bypass the health usage but you will see the general purpose after practicing the phrase for awhile and begin, like I do, to use it for everything.

The better and better affirmation is not a magic wand. It’s an attention getter, it’s telling your mind and your sub-consciousness’ that there’s something you want. And then you want to do something about it.

The best time to utilize the maximum benefits of the better and better expression is during the time when you are certain that you are getting rid of toxins in your body. This becomes a physical as well as a mental issue as when toxins leave the body you are indeed becoming better. The one time you may be certain of toxins leaving the body is after the kidneys have filtered them out and during urination. While urinating get used to mentally saying the words, ‘every day in every way I’m getting better and better’ over and over until you have finished urinating. That means that in all probability you will be saying it just after you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night as well as the times you urinate during the day. This alone, after a few weeks, should cause a greater sense of well being and an improvement in your general health. It will also set the stage for the next segment of the Prosperity Blueprint, the Dwadle.

The Dwadle for those who have learned it during other programs of mine has been used primarily for health and pain relief purposes. It may also be used to stimulate the universal energies for a positive thrust towards the prosperity that you seek. The Dwadle is a simple stick figure drawn with intent on a sheet of paper.

How you draw a Dwadle is to take an ordinary sheet of paper, and while you are thinking the words, every day in every way my life gets better and better, you draw with either a pencil, or pen a series of circles the outline of a person, kind of like a mish mash of a stick figure. Simply put the pencil on the paper and draw a circle very quickly and without taking the pencil from the paper continue to draw circles all over the sheet of paper. Big circles and small circles and medium circles in the form of a person. The circles can be oblong when you get to the arms and legs. When you have finished, and it shouldn’t take more then ten seconds or so, fix it to a wall of your kitchen or bedroom where you will be able to see it and just leave it there. Don’t be concerned if your circles become spirals as you move the pen around the page, you cannot do it wrong. Now note that we have changed the affirmation a wee bit. This change is for Dwadle drawing only. Every day in every way, my life gets better and better, instead of I’m getting better and better. After the Dwadle is drawn and fixed to a wall go back to your regular affirmation.

What the Dwadle does is to confirm your intention to become more successful;

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whether with health, friendship, relationships, or prosperity is immaterial. You know what you are drawing it for. That knowledge is called intent. And intent is a vital ingredient for anyone’s success. Sound silly? It works.

The next technique is that of Feng Shui. Not the conventional Feng Shui that hundreds of books have been written about, I’ve written one myself some time ago, but a nibbling of Feng Shui designed to further your entrance into the world of prosperity. What I am going to do is to take the best part of Feng Shui, that part that solidifies intent and somehow produces those energies that turn losers into winners. We will call this segment of the Prosperity blueprint, simplified Feng Shui.

What you are going to do is to turn one of your rooms into a prosperity magnet. This could be your bedroom, living room, family room, den, or just about any room in the house with the exception of the bathrooms and kitchen. One of my graduates even used a walk in closet as his prosperity magnet. He took all the clothes, shoes and the rest of the stuff out, cleaned it up and used it to meditate in as well. How you turn a room into a prosperity magnet is to first dispose of all the clutter in that room. Let’s say as example that you are using your bedroom as the magnet. You’ve cleaned all the clutter from the room and that includes what’s under the bed as well. Clutter and disharmony are the enemies of Feng Shui prosperity and should be eliminated from the room entirely.

If you have a few favorite pictures or paintings you will want to place them on one of the walls of the room. When you do put them up chant mentally ‘this is all I need to do to turn this room into a prosperity magnet’. It doesn’t matter which wall or how they are placed so long as it is your intention to place the pictures to attract. Now then, if you have a chair, or night table, or anything that normally holds things you want to take all the things there and place them in a pattern. What kind of pattern? It doesn’t matter so long as it is you making the pattern and not something that you got out of a magazine or book. The pattern could be a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle whatever, so long as it is your pattern. Say that you have a book, a pen, a pamphlet, a hat, and a scissors on a dresser. Put the book close to the bottom edge, the pen above it horizontal, the hat to the right of it and the scissors on the pamphlet to the right and above the book. I don’t say that to give you the pattern to use, only to show you an example. You don’t want to use my pattern, make up your own. But make your pattern.

Once again you say, this is all I have to do to turn this room into a prosperity magnet. Get rid of the clutter, create patterns while mentally chanting the affirmation, and hang pictures. If you have no pictures that you feel would be appropriate purchase a few posters that you like and just tape them to the wall.

When I did seminars in Europe I always stopped at a poster shop and bought a few posters that I liked and taped them on some of the walls of the hotel room I was in. I also moved furniture around in a pattern of my liking so that the seminar would be well accepted and helpful to all who attended.

At this point I should say that the bit of modified Feng Shui you just learned is the jist of a hundred books on the subject but none of them put it any better. But then again, how could straightening a few nik naks on a tabletop make a difference in your life? My friend, I don’t know. What I do know is that people have used the technique I described and variances of it for more than a thousand years. It would not have flourished that long

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if there were not some value inherent in the method.

So then, to recap, we have The Five Steps to setting your Prosperity Blue Print.

1) Bagha2) Coue's Better and Better3) the Dwadle4) Feng Shui5) Alter-Ego


Step five is what brings the blueprint all together and makes it work. The Alter Ego Meditation. But first; let me tell you about Mary Castillo.


Mary Castillo said that she had never been without a job. Steady work with minimum pay according to Mary was easy, but not only was prosperity not around the corner; it was nowhere in sight, she had no skills; how, she asked, could she ever hope to become prosperous? At that seminar were a lot of other people working below the line where they could be comfortable and take a week or two off whenever they liked. I asked the group how many were presently prosperous.

I should say that the seminar was not featuring prosperity; prosperity was just one of the segments. After I asked that question about a third of the people raised their hands. Now I should say at this time, that I consider prosperity a state of mind as well as a condition of economics. I had previously announced that people who flourish, whose minds are open to new ideas and are happy with their present lives are prosperous. So there were those present who saw prosperity as the accumulation of wealth, and there were people there who saw prosperity as a condition of satisfaction. After all the person who is happy with his row boat is much more satisfied than the guy with the seventy foot yacht who longs for an eighty footer and is dissatisfied with his life because he wants that eighty foot yacht. But Mary Castillo wasn’t satisfied with her life, she wanted more, and so she asked, ‘How does someone like me get to be prosperous?’

Well I like it when someone gets in my face with the most important question of the day and I decided to use Mary as an example and display her in the next seminar as an example of the Prosperity Blueprint’s effectiveness. Of course it wasn’t called the Prosperity Blueprint then but the material is the same. But back to Mary Castillo. I asked her if she truly wanted to be prosperous would she let me be her mentor for three months. She would have to do exactly as I say with no argument. She agreed immediately and I began what would later be known as The Castillo Project, something I wanted to use as an example that everyone would relate to.

I discovered that Mary worked at barely over minimum wage jobs, that she lived modestly, no children and was single. She also said that she had saved a little over three thousand dollars.

Well first off we had to get her to using more of her mind and so I taught her the Alter Ego technique, that would start her on the right road, or at least it would narrow the choices. But before she could use it she had to decide what she would do, what action she would take to start. I personally was thinking about the Dwadle, a bit of mini/shui, and a touch of Coue, that would get her off to a good start with the Prosperity Blueprint.

A blueprint is a plan of action, a design, an order of things, put it how you will it

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is going after an objective with some sort of strategy in mind. The PB strategy is to utilize the 5 steps to provide the ultimate resource. When I first did this lo those many years ago it worked so well it was almost frightening.

But let me get back to the Castillo Project. Initially we had to get rid of that minimum wage mentality.

First of all she was taught to use the Bagha which is a simple technique. She was told that with mouth closed to touch the roof of her mouth with the tip of her tongue. I usually touch the gum line inside my teeth, but others go for the middle of the palate; either will do. Before you use the Bagha you must have some sort of an intention. Intent makes it work. Intent is the instigating factor. Somehow, when you have a thought in your mind, and then touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue, the thing happens.

No it doesn’t happen every single time, its not a magic wand, but it happens often enough to make you feel you have some bit of control over your life. You might say that it is a trigger and when you set it off it tells your mind to come to attention, something is about to happen. As the mind has been given an order, electromagnetic energies are released to either reject or attract the outcome.

Here’s another way to use the Bagha. Say that you are getting angry over something and you do not want to be angry. If it is your intention to be calm, just say to yourself, ‘calm’ or ‘anger dissolve’ and touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. You will find the anger disappearing. The Bagha is kind of an instruction to the mind saying, ‘Hey get ready, here comes an order for you.’ In this case the order is a new mind set, the B and B affirmation. After using the Bagha, Mary was instructed repeat the mantra, ‘Every day and in every way, I’m getting better and better.’ She was to do this twenty one times first thing in the morning, and again 21 times in the evening before going to bed.

After using the Bagha and the Better and Better affirmation for a minimum of three days, she then was to draw a Dwadle on a sheet of paper and hang it on her bedroom wall where she could see it first thing in the morning on awakening and the last thing before she turned out the light in her bedroom.

She did that for another three days. Now she was using the Bagha and the Better and Better affirmation twice a day and had drawn her Dwadle and hung it. She called for further instruction.

I said now I want you to make your bedroom, ‘the room with the Dwadle on the wall’ picture perfect. Take off any pictures you have on the wall and replace them with new ones that you have chosen specifically for positive energies. Shop for some pictures or posters you like with the intention that those pictures will create an atmosphere of prosperity. Just have that in mind when you purchase them. And while hanging them on your bedroom wall repeat mentally ‘this is all I need to do to turn this room into a prosperity magnet’.

She did that looking forward to what was to come next.

The next day she called to say she had found some posters and had taken down the pictures she had on the wall and put them in her garage. I then instructed her to take everything that was on her dresser and night tables and rearrange the material in a pattern,

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either circular, oval, or rectangular. While doing that she was to use the Bagha and repeat mentally, ‘this is all I need to do to turn this room into a prosperity magnet’.

By this time Mary was really into changing her life and looking forward to beginning again. She was in her late thirties and prior to the seminar had nothing but dreariness and defeat to look forward too but now she reported, for the first time in memory life seemed to be stimulating and she was filled with hope.

She called very excited and told me she had gone over her bedroom as instructed and gotten rid of all the clutter, vacuumed, gotten a new bed covering, hung her posters, had the Dwadle on one of the walls, and for good measure had done the same thing in her bathroom that was adjacent to the bedroom.

‘What’s next?’ she asked with enthusiasm.

Next was a meditation to set all the new material that she had learned in her subconscious where it would create the positive effects that we were looking for automatically.

But there was still a bit of a way to go. After all, Mary’s negative programming had been her guiding force for thirty years and more. Much of it took place in her early childhood. Some people use that early poverty training they receive from family and friends as a springboard and jump the other way to make a success out of life but many do not and early, ‘you’ll never amount to anything’ training sticks with them all their lives. Mary was part of the later group, we had to wipe that slate clean, the meditation was designed to do just that.

After the slate has been cleansed of the limitations and attitude that has held Mary back we will complete the Prosperity Blueprint with the strongest technique of them all, The Alter Ego. But for now get ready to wipe away all the minutiae that you would not ordinarily think about but that has an effect on your life. Mary has thought for many years that all she could aspire to was the most basic and menial of jobs. That was her programming, and that affected her belief and her attitude. When she left that comfortable base she grew wary of the new territory and longed to get back to that place where she felt comfortable. Well that was no longer going to be the case, she had to feel a sense of discomfort doing what she had been doing for years, she had to look forward to a future of things she had never dared to dream before. The new dreams were going to be incorporated into her subconscious as soon as the slate was cleared of the old ones, and the meditation ‘Wiping the Slate Clean’ was the means.

Wiping the Slate Clean.

Often, when we think about the past, we tend to exaggerate. The good things in

our lives get better while the bad things get worse. But those things no longer exist except in your mind. But memories, even the vivid ones, tend to be faulty even when they affect your life. Memories bring up feelings of guilt, and guilt brings on feelings of limitations. But all the things in your life that happened, both the good and the bad are gone, they only exist in your memory bank. However where you are at present is the result of all those past events. At present they are all in your memory, they are metaphors or one thing

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that represents another thing. These memories represent where you are at present and so we will now use a different metaphor to allow you to make different choices.

The metaphor we will use will be that of a chalkboard, the kind that is used in schools. A large slate blackboard. On that board you will imagine the things of the past that are creating those problems in the present.

Imagine yourself writing all the things of the past that you feel are causing you to be limited in your job choices, limited in some aspects of your life. Imagine yourself writing these things on the slate chalkboard.

After you have mentally written the problems on the board visualize picking up a wet rag and wipe the slate clean.

Fine, now the slate is clean. Imagine on the slate blackboard your present work, the things you are doing that you feel is not going to get you to be where you want to be with respect to a life of ease and prosperity.

Imagine those words or pictures on the board.

And once again wipe the slate clean.

You may now begin a new life, have a new beginning. At this time, with all those things that were holding you back gone; imagine what you would like to do with your life; what kind of work you would like to be doing. How much money you would like to be earning. Imagine that.

Now that you have an idea of the new you, and what general direction you would like to go prepare yourself for the, final segment of the Prosperity Blueprint, the Alter ego Event.

Acting as If

The negative programming of the past is often the culprit that keeps people from that prosperity consciousness they would like to reach. But you don’t have to climb a mountain to get to the top you may already be there and not know it.

One of the simplest and most popular techniques that people report success with is the "act as if" that I’ve been writing about and teaching people over the years. The alter-ego technique allows you to use an alter-ego to "act as if". Or, in other words, you visualize an alter ego character, or actor, who takes your role. This works because you may feel limitations in certain areas of your life, but an actor playing you has no such programming.

Acting as if is such a simple concept that at first it seems unlikely that it can be used as a resource but it is anything but simple. When a person has the confidence and walks through life as though the world belonged to him, or her, better get out of the way or you’ll get stomped on. Many highly successful people are like that, they act as if everything they want is there’s for the taking and often it is.

I had an uncle like that, Ray Cohen. He was a former marine master sergeant and taught marines in boot camp marshal arts or Judo as it was known then. That was back in

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1946, and he was a very tough guy. He once took on six other marines all by his lonesome and three minutes after they attacked him all six were lying on the ground and moaning, Ray knew every trick in the book. One day, I believe the time was 1986 or thereabouts I was visiting Ray in Westchester, a town in Los Angeles near the airport. Ray had gotten old, he was in his late seventies, had a huge gut, was bald with a few fringes of grey surrounding his skull. If you would have seen him waddling down the street with his stomach preceding his body you would have thought him to be an obese, harmless old man who could barely move. But in Ray’s mind he was still that tough guy of his youth.

We stopped at a bank and Ray cashed a check for two hundred dollars. Leaving the bank he held the money in front of him and counted it. I said ‘Ray, let’s go back in the bank if you’re going to count it.’

‘Why?’ he asked as he continued to count.

‘Well this isn’t the nicest neighborhood; someone may see all that money and try to take it from you.’ I said.

Ray looked at me and grinned; ‘I’ve been praying that someone would try.’

In his mind, he was still a tough guy. And you know what; he exuded toughness even though his demeanor belied the idea that he couldn’t hold his own against an aggressive ten year old. But he acted as if he still had it. No one ever went after Ray, he just acted too tough.

Mary Castillo was acting like a chambermaid when I first met her. And you might say that she acted like that because that was what she was. She worked at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles just another low paying job in a lifetime of low paying jobs. How, she asked, could she act like anything else? She didn’t realize it but she had already taken the first step just by attending the seminar. The price of the seminar was three hundred dollars, a substantial sum in 1981, especially for someone who was earning a little more than five dollars an hour but she was determined to change. How could she act as if she were the person she dreamed of being?

First I had to demonstrate to the whole class that a person could indeed act as if they were the person they most wanted to be. Mary knew the entire Prosperity Blueprint. She’d already started to practice using the Bagha. Just a light touch on the roof of the mouth prior to setting a goal for something to happen immediately was the way she used it the most. She left the class and got into her car to drive home, coming to a stoplight she used the Bagha thinking green light, she stopped at a market and used the Bagha thinking parking place, on arriving home she used the Bagha thinking neat and clean, and on and on. You may wonder why? The answer is simple; Mary was learning to think in positives, the Bagha was just a catalyst. When she felt tired she used the Bagha saying energy, when she went to bed she used the Bagha and said tired and sleepy. Mary soon got used to using the Bagha to change into the person she wanted to be, a successful entrepreneur.

She cleaned the clutter from her bedroom, hung a Dwadle on her wall, and every evening and every morning chanted ‘every day in every way I’m getting better and better’ and it wasn’t long before she utilized the one very best technique of them all, the

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‘Alter Ego.’ But first she needed a goal. She soon reached the point where she no longer acted like a chambermaid but what was she going to act like? She thought about that for a few days; what did she want to be? If she was going to be prosperous she would have to go into business for herself; that was her first thought: But what business?

There I couldn’t help her, that was a decision she herself would have to make. Most of her friends also held low paying jobs, many of them working in the same hotel that she had been working for the past few years. They too were stuck and acting like maids and waiters and waitresses. Then she remembered a story that I told in class about another maid who also earned minimum wage working in various homes cleaning, doing dishes and so on. That woman extended herself by calling on real estate people and telling them she would go into their hard to sell homes and redo them completely by moving furniture in a decorative manner, new pictures on the walls and generally changing things around so that it would be more appealing.

Mary meditated on the subject thinking before she closed her eyes that she wanted help from a higher intelligence. What could she do with her present skills, which were very few? While in the medative state she thought about what she had learned in the class. There was the Bagha the Dwadle, the better and better affirmation, Feng Shui and suddenly she reported it was like a great light exploded in her mind; Feng Shui—that she could do. She learned only a bit of it in the class but she thought over the words.

Get rid of the clutter, create patterns while mentally chanting the affirmation, and hang pictures or posters with intent. Mary thought about that, so far she could do it. How about if she got a few books on Feng Shui and learned some of the vernacular, she could be an authority on Feng Shui home embellishment. She thought about that and suddenly that became her goal. She could be doing the same thing she had been doing, but not in a hotel for a measly eight dollars an hour. She could do like that other woman did that she’d heard about and charge by the house, not the hour. She would Feng Shui a house for three hundred and fifty dollars.

Time to use the last technique of the Prosperity Blueprint, the Alter Ego.

Here is how the Alter Ego technique worked for Mary Castillo.

First she closed her yes and meditated so that she was comfortable and could concentrate on her mental imagery. That was the way that you want to begin every meditation. But allow me to give you the technique that Mary used. It’s the same one that thousands of my past students have used successfully in the past.

Take yourself to the alpha level by counting downward from three to one and then from ten to one. Visualize yourself sitting on a park bench, then imagine a scene in front of you. Imagine that someone is playing you, acting like you, the person acting like you could be a personality, or a higher part of yourself, it is your alter ego. You’re watching the scene from the park bench.

Imagine that you are sitting comfortably. When that picture is set in your mind,

visualize the action. Bring people who are involved in the problem into the scene as well.

Most successes are preset patterns. The more you do something, the easier it becomes.

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Your goal is to remove all limitations from you so that you can go beyond your normal abilities, and most of all to set the pattern for success. During this part you will use an alter ego to smooth the path for you. An alter ego is someone else playing you, acting like you.

Think for a moment: if you could choose any personality, living or not, real or fictional, to represent you in a play about your life, whom would you choose? This player will be your alter ego and will act out the solution to your problem. You have already determined the positive end result of your program, your goal; during this segment you will imagine something happening while your alter ego acts out the scene. You are the director as well as the author, and you may mentally change the action at any time.

Imagine a scene, a scene of life where something is happening. Your alter ego is playing your role. You begin the action. Visualize your alter ego being successful at whatever you are programming for. See the action. If you’re programming for a new job, for example, see your alter ego in the new job, sitting at your desk or performing your duties on a stage set to represent your desired work environment. Have others, if you feel that any others should be in the scene, act out all of the activities of your goal accomplished.

Now bring in a target date: hear a voice saying, “This will happen by [target date].” After setting the date, mentally state, “This is the way I want it to be.”

Now that your alter ego has set the pattern, the only thing remaining is to do it yourself, and that is when the final visualization comes in. You will play out the scene in exactly the same way as your alter ego did. The pattern has been set. You bring in the same date. This time, however, you will create the action.

Act out the solution to your problem in the same manner as did your alter ego. Bring in the same target date. After acting out the positive end result with yourself playing the starring role, project yourself back to the park bench and mentally say “This is the way it will be.” That is the Alter Ego technique.

I recommend doing The Alter Ego technique at least three times for each one of your goals.

Mary used Jennifer Lopez, the motion picture actress as her alter ego and visualized her first making beds in the Hilton Hotel, and then switching the scene saw her putting ads in the newspapers about the Feng Shui expert who could build a new powerful energy around your house for a mere $300. And then, after the scene was set in her mind she saw herself doing the same thing. This sets up a powerful force in the universe and Mary Castillo was motivated beyond d her wildest dreams.

And yes, Mary is now a Feng shui expert specializing in what she calls, ‘Powerizing You Home with cutting edge Feng Shui.

Think of the many ways that you can use the Prosperity Blueprint to change your life for the better. Mary Castillo is just a metaphor that represents anything you want in life; think about that for a while, preferably while meditating; what is it you want to do to bring about your prosperity life style? Daily Money Attraction Rituals

There was another woman who began as a housemaid, this one started out by

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cleaning motel rooms. Her name was Patel, a name which is common in India but I am referring to one family who came to the U.S. some time ago and who had a goal of owning a motel. The woman went to work in a motel as a maid and her husband as a low paid helper. Neither of them had any skills but they knew what they wanted, they wanted to own a motel.

Later one of Mrs. Patel’s friends asked her, ‘Didn’t you feel demeaned making beds and vacuuming floors. After all, in India you were both highly thought of as teachers in the local university. ‘No not at all,’ was Mrs. Patel’s answer, ‘I never felt demeaned because I wasn’t making beds or vacuuming floors, I was buying a motel.’

Her husband wasn’t washing windows, he was buying a motel. Attitude.

This was exemplified for me one day long ago while I was visiting a friend Jackson Lee. Lee was a Chinese man who had a wrought iron works company specializing in outdoor furniture. He was in a 20,000 square foot brick building that was like an overturned box with an office in one corner of it. We were in his office talking about his hobby which was motorcycles when, during the conversation I asked him how much rent he paid for the building. ‘I don’t pay rent,’ was his reply, ‘I own the place. As a matter of fact,’ he added proudly, ‘I built it.’

‘Really,’ I said, ‘so you bought the land and hired a general contractor?’

‘No, I built it. Me myself.’

I looked at the place. It was to my eye enormous, and I said, ‘you mean you hired sub contractors yourself?’

‘No,’ he replied, ‘I mean I built it myself.’

I still didn’t get it. ‘Well you don’t mean that you personally built it with your own two hands?’

At that, Lee got somewhat disturbed. Using rather colorful language he yelled at me, as good friends sometimes do, ‘Don’t you understand English Burt, I built it, every brick, the plumbing, the electrical, the concrete, everything; I did it all.’

I still couldn’t fathom how anyone could build anything so big all by himself. The look on my face, one of doubt, caused Lee to tell me to go over to a small pile of bricks in the corner of his office and bring two of them over to him, which I did.

He then said, ‘Put one of the bricks on top of the other.’

After I put one brick on top of the other one Lee said, ‘that’s all I did. I put one brick on top of the other. I just did it a lot. Took me two years. Burt you’re looking at the whole thing and it seems impossible, but like all things you do it one brick at a time.’

That building on Crocker Street in South Los Angeles remains strong in my memory to this day even though the incident took place long ago, in the sixties.

I tell you that story because it is solely due to that memory that I wrote my first book. It happened this way. I had written a few pages of a story just to pass the time when a friend happened over who looked at it and read it. After reading it he said it was pretty good, too bad I wasn’t a writer. Well one thing led to another and then I thought

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about Lee and the brick building. I asked myself a question, ‘Can you write a sentence.’ Sure I thought, anyone can write a sentence. Well then, the thought came, what’s a book. A book is bunch of chapters, a chapter is a bunch of paragraphs, a paragraph is a bunch of sentences; therefore if you can write a sentence you can write a book, you just have to write one sentence after the other. Put one brick on top of another and you have the beginning of a brick building. Since that time I’ve written eleven books, one sentence at a time. But I wasn’t writing a sentence, I was writing a book. Attitude.

Oh and by the way, as of this date one third of the motels in the United States, that is approximately 30,000 motels, are owned by that very same Patel family. This mind boggling figure came about the same way, ‘I wasn’t making beds, I was buying a motel.’ And conversely; one brick on top of the other.

So then my friend enough stories, you do get the idea don’t you. There are no magic wands, but if you want to succeed; the Prosperity Blueprint is there to help. What are your bricks going to be, that is your first decision. Wherever you begin, that is not what you are doing, you’re doing what your ultimate goal is going to be. You’re not writing a sentence, you’re writing a book, your not washing dishes, you’re buying a restaurant, you’re not…. What is it you are going after?

Here with the Prosperity blueprint you have the tools. Let’s go over them one more time and simplify still further.

First of all, you must, must, must decide what it is that you want. Let’s just say that you want one of the better things in life. You want a large 4,000 square foot professionally decorated house. What are you doing now? How much are you earning now. After your expenses and taxes and whatever else you do with your money, how much do you have left at the end of the month, at the end of the year. Not much you say. Well then how is that going to get you a large house? Understand please that the house or the sailboat, or the Bentley, are metaphors for something that you want out of life.

You may not want a large house; all right, decide what it is you do want. Decide, right now. Take a few minutes, or an hour if necessary, but decide. What do you want out of life that you don’t have at the present time?

After deciding what it is that you want; ask yourself these questions. What would you be willing to do to get the thing that you want? Simply wishing for it won’t do, a wish is desire without energy. You desire something or you wouldn’t be listening to me talk about the variety of techniques here to be successful in achieving the thing you want. So then the question comes up how do you energize that desire?

Desire is an energy form, a vibration that manifests into reality. Every single thing on the planet was produced by a vibration or an energy form. Think also whether you will be comfortable in attaining the thing you want. People are often very comfortable in there little niches in life. They dream about better things but inwardly they feel good about the familiar. Prosperity brings about the unfamiliar with changes in life style, changes in relationships, changes in friendships. Consider the consequences. Do they frighten you? Think about having the good things that you will be programming for with the Prosperity Blueprint, what are the consequences of your attaining them? If you are indeed comfortable with your goals accomplished then it is time to change your vibrational

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energies with the sequence of the Prosperity Blueprint.

First of all, to recap, there is the Bagha. Prior to doing anything, whether it is to stimulate luck, get a parking place or relax during the day, that simple touch of the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth tells your mind, ‘Hey there mind, get ready, I am about to rouse the energies of the universe to get something, to have something come to pass. This alone stimulates that positive thinking mode that is so necessary to successful ventures.

Second, to activate that energy flow and keep the positive attitude going so that things become routine for you there is the Coué affirmation. Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.

Now that you have set up the positive energies for your new attitude you work in a catalyst to create an iconic energy. The Dwadle. The Dwadle is similar to the icons in a church or temple; candles are other examples. Your intention, while drawing the Dwadle, or for that matter your intention when you light a candle in church, is to stimulate the energy to facilitate getting what you want. The way to draw a Dwadle is to imagine an ordinary stick figure and draw that on a sheet of paper. But draw it with circular motions, not linear. Nothing fancy, it’s only a representation. A circle for the head, a larger elongated circle for the body and four elongated circles for the arms and legs. No eyes, nose or mouth. It is just a representation. But before you draw it think about the thing you want. Then let the thought go and draw. Preferably without taking your pen or pencil off the paper. Hang it on the wall, stand three to six feet away from it and allow your eyes to move around the perimeter of the figure for thirty seconds every few days.

The fourth thing to do is a bit more elaborate but not much. Simple Feng Shui. Here we use one of the rooms in your home to stimulate still more energy. Note the sequence of the blueprint. Energy flows to facilitate the prosperity attraction are started with the Bagha, enhanced by the Coué affirmation, stimulated still further by the Dwadle, and heightened enormously by the four thousand year old technique of Feng Shui, simplified and brought to modern standards.

Using Feng Shui is simple if you follow a few uncomplicated rules. Let’s say that you decide to use your bedroom as your Feng Shui room. First of all remove all clutter from the room, and that includes anything under your bed. Then move the furniture in the room in some sort of pattern. It could be a simple pattern, it could be elaborate, but it must be a pattern that you yourself have created. If the only thing in your bedroom is a bed, a dresser and a chair; move them to a different position. Prior to moving the furniture consider your intent. You must have a thought in your mind when you move things around. Next, there will be things on top of the dresser, or the night stand. Whatever is there move and place in a pattern of your choosing. You might make a circular pattern, or a square, or a triangle with a hairbrush, a bottle of perfume and a book. Whatever. It doesn’t matter, you are creating a metaphor for success. That is your intent. You can use Simple Feng Shui in any room of your home, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in your bedroom.

And fifth and last, the Alter Ego meditation. After the first four parts of the Prosperity Blueprint you lock it all in with the Alter Ego meditation. All phases of the blueprint are important but the last segment is the one that cements the five together to

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create a symbiotic relationship much stronger than any of the elements by themselves.

Meditation, Alter Ego Goal Setting

Make yourself comfortable and relax,

Begin with a 3 to 1 count.

Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 2 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 1 three times.

To go still deeper, and relax even more count to yourself from 10 to 1. On every descending number, feel yourself going inward and you will enter a pleasant, relaxed level of mine. Count mentally, slowly, from 10 to 1.

When you reach the number one mentally say, "EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY, I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER." When you say the words, sense yourself improving in all areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.

If you could choose any personality, living or not, real or fictional, to represent you in a play about your life, whom would you choose? This player will be your alter ego and will act out the solution to your problem. You have already determined the positive end result of your program, your goal; during this segment you will imagine something happening while your alter ego acts out the scene. You are the director as well as the author, and you may mentally change the action at any time.

Imagine the personality that you have chosen to play you to set the pattern of your

day. Imagine your alter ego getting up from bed in the morning and chanting the words ‘Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.’

Imagine your alter ego drawing a Dwadle and then looking at it. Get a sense that your alter ego is moving furniture around in a chosen room and Feng

Shui’ing it. Imagine your alter ego creating patterns with the accessories in the room. Imagine a scene where something is happening. Your alter ego is playing your role.

You begin the action. Visualize your alter ego being successful at whatever you are programming for. See the action. If you’re programming for a new job, for example, see your alter ego in the new job, sitting at your desk or performing your duties on a stage set to represent your desired work environment. Have others, if you feel that any others should be in the scene, act out all of the activities of your goal accomplished.

Now bring in a target date: hear a voice saying, “This will happen by [target date].”

After setting the date, mentally state, “This is the way I want it to be.”

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Now that your alter ego has set the pattern, the only thing remaining is to do it

yourself, and that is when the final visualization comes in. You will play out the scene in exactly the same way as your alter ego did. The pattern has been set. You bring in the same date. This time, however, you will project yourself into the scene and you will act out the positive end result of your program accomplished.

Act out the solution to your problem in the same manner as did your alter ego. Bring

in the same target date. After acting out the positive end result with yourself playing the starring role, project yourself back to the park bench and mentally say “This is the way it will be.”

Imagine that it is morning and you are getting out of bed. Visualize yourself chanting

the words, ‘Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.’ Imagine yourself drawing a Dwadle and hanging it on a wall in your home.

Visualize yourself arranging the accessories and furniture in the room you have chosen to set up the Feng Shui energies.

Imagine yourself acting out the objective that you have chosen, your goal. Sense your goal completed. Take your time. Begin.

That you have completed the Prosperity Blueprint consider what it will take to begin. What can you do today, or tomorrow, that will be the primary cause to eventually create the effect you want. You’ve planted the seeds. All it takes now is to take an initial action. Begin and that day will truly be the first day of the rest of your life.

Prosperity Bonus section – Past Lives

I’m going to be offering you something a bit different here. Please don’t dismiss this one out of hand as I would be the first to admit it could have more to do with placebo than the magic wand it seems to be, the thing is, it works. How do I know. I’ve been teaching hypnotists for a good many years; and I’ve also trained hypnotherapists all over Europe in the art of hypno therapy for a good many years. During those years I did a lot of demonstrating and one of the resources every great hypno therapist will have in his or her kit will be past life therapy. Do you have to believe in past lives, or re incarnation, or Hinduism, or any such thing? Let me give you a loud and resounding no. You absolutely do not have to have any beliefs, many people believe it’s just a guided fantasy; well maybe it is; but let me repeat, I’ve seen it work again and again and again. I’ve seen seemingly miraculous things happen during and after past life therapy and so I personally believe that something is definitely happening; and for the good. Always for the good.

I don’t really know any more about it than any other so called expert. We’re all ignorant because there are no facts to back it up. Only anecdotal material and of course numbers. There have been a considerable number of successes that can only be attributed to using past lives as part of the therapy. It works; that’s all we should be interested in.

And so let’s just assume for now that you are just acting as if you’re in a past life.

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We have a physical body, and we have a mind. That we all know. The mind recalls many of our experiences but not all of them. As example, when you were six years old you were still you, you were the same you that you are now, but you acted differently and your senses were different. You had more energy and your taste buds were at their finest. You could see better, hear better, and be more active. Think about a day in your life when you were six. Do you recall what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Can you recall anything at all? Probably not; and yet it was you. Nature has given us the blessing of not remembering. Imagine having perfect recall, remembering every single thing you have ever read, eaten, thought, smelled, seen and heard. Everything. You couldn’t function with that mass of material in your mind.

Now multiply that by ten, by a hundred, and say that suddenly, from out of the blue, you could remember every single lifetime of yours. Don’t try to think about it as you cannot comprehend it; no one can.

But that past of yours is valuable; it is what makes you the person that you are. You act and react due to the experience of that past. You may not remember why you don’t want to drive 120 miles an hour even though it will get you to your destination sooner, but something in your past, something you did, or heard about causes you to consider the possible consequences of driving at that speed and so you keep it to a sensible pace and the consequence of that is that you will arrive at your destination safely.

All of your past experiences create your attitude toward everything even though you do not understand the original setting up of the causes that create your present attitude. Now allow me to extend the thought into a previous life mode. To simplify the idea of Karma, the saying, ‘What you sow so shall you reap,’ comes to mind. Karma simply says that you pay for every misdeed no matter how small, no matter how large. Whatever the deed your Karmic responsibility will eventually kick in. Does that mean that we have no control over our lives? After all if you were an evil being in a previous life and you had that debt to pay in this one then of what use is programming, or goal setting, or prayer; if it is your karma to suffer then what’s the use of trying to overcome that responsibility?

Now then Karma is too big a subject to deal with here, I am going to have to simplify the subject to better explain the real theme of this part of the prosperity program, and that is past life programming. To assume there is any value in past life programming one must think that there is such a thing as reincarnation and as I’ve said, that too is a subject much to vast to completely explain here. Well then, you may well ask, ‘What’s the point. If you don’t assume karma, and you preclude reincarnation, then how can you speak of past life programming?’ Good question. I go only by my own experience; after all, how else can anyone explain anything except through the avenue of one’s own experience?

Let me repeat myself please; aside from personal conditions there have been many anecdotal situations, too many to overlook. During my ten years of daily practicing hypnotherapy in the U.S. and Europe, especially when I was teaching others the subject, I always included a segment of past life therapy when all else seemingly had failed to get the result the client was seeking. In many of these cases the client did not believe in

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reincarnation and just went along with the process skeptical with the entire procedure but treating it as though it were a simple guided fantasy. My own belief was always open as in an infinite universe, one of the concepts I teach, anything is possible. And so I used just one criterion, one standard: Did it work? If it worked, I used it without questioning the veracity of the belief. Were the people actually going to a past life? Maybe. Was it just an elaborate day dream? Maybe. Did it work? Yes, and that was all that I have ever been interested in. If it works then it’s useful. During this segment on past life therapy we will assume when you go to a past life that is having an effect on this one that you are indeed getting valuable information from that past life. Assume. That means just pretend that it will work and go along with it. You can question the concept later on but if the process solves your problems, reverses your limitations in life, enhances your health, creates better relationships, and gets you what you want, then use it, and keep it as one of your most valuable resources.

What we are going to do here is to open you to other possibilities, things that perhaps you do not accept at first. And that’s OK, I prefer that you be skeptical, I am to a degree myself. As a seeker after the truth I will be using logic in most cases, and in some supposition. Supposing. What if. But the aim, and the final result is to benefit you, your health, your pocket book, and your general life style.

All your past lives have an effect on your present life. All the good you accomplished in past lives show up in this one as well as the bad. Everything is growth; and grow you will. This may very well be the most valuable course you have ever been involved with. This train will take you to a higher state of evolvement the last stop, a better you. And once again, here’s the strange part, you don’t have to believe it; after all, there’s no real evidence, but after reaching a past life once or twice you will at least have opened the door. And more knowledge can only lead to more wisdom.

This bonus to the Prosperity Blueprint takes in the one thing that few others address. Responsibility. Responsibility to a you of another time, in another place; a you who perhaps did things that you wouldn’t have approved of. But if the premise is right then you may be paying for that feeling of responsibility with the limiting factors of your life. But you may well say, how can I feel responsible if I can’t recall the thing and even more, the thing isn’t even imbedded in my physical brain. How can I be accountable for something done in another life?

That my friend is a subject that has been debated by some of the wisest souls on the planet for thousands of years and will be debated for another thousand for to answer that question you would need information that just isn’t available on the physical plane. Let me say it just one more time; if it works then there’s nothing to debate.

So just do the following Meditation exercise without questioning it, make it a recreational day dream if you wish. Who knows maybe that memory of another you is buried in your DNA.

Here’s the past life meditation, just treat it like a relaxation exercise and make yourself comfortable and relax,

Begin with a 3 to 1 count.

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Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 2 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 1 three times.

To go still deeper, and relax even more count to yourself from 10 to 1. On every descending number, feel yourself going inward and you will enter a pleasant, relaxed level of mine. Count mentally, slowly, from 10 to 1.

When you reach the number one mentally say, "EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY, I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER." When you say the words, sense yourself improving in all areas of your life. Sense yourself getting better and better.

Now we are going to play a game. The game is called ‘What if?’. What if there were a multitude of lives that everyone lived and as the great principle of rhythm states everything is cyclical. That would mean that when something ends, something else begins. Or to put it another way when something dies, something is born. And further, what if during one of those past lives you did things that were against the principles of your oversoul. Your oversoul wouldn’t interfere with what you do as that would negate free will and free will is a prime directive.

What if during one of those past lives you did something that is causing a problem in this life? Primarily the problem of not being prosperous. You want to be prosperous but somehow it eludes you. It’s as if there was a limitation being placed on you. But what if that limitation came about due to something that that past self of yours had done?

That is the premise of this meditation because you are going to go back to that incident of the past that is keeping you from a life of prosperity, and you are going to neutralize the incident by observing it. By observing it you will take the power out of it because that is your intention, to neutralize the thing that is keeping you from getting the things that you want out of life.

In a moment I will count from one to three, at the count of three project yourself to an incident in a past life that is keeping you from a life of prosperity. Do not judge, do not critique where you are. At the count of three just imagine that you are viewing an incident in a past life; an incident that is having an effect on this one.

Just allow it to happen. It may seem like a simple day dream, let it. But do get an impression of something.

Now count from one to three and at the count of three imagine that you are somewhere else.

Where are you? What do you see, what do you sense? Just allow the scene to take place and imagine that you are viewing what is happening.

Now that you have viewed or walked through the scene allow it to disappear.

And after viewing it, squeeze your eyelids together and allow them to pop open.

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Fine, that’s all there is to it.

Utilize the material and the techniques and meditations you have found here and you may well find that elusive life and life style you have only dreamed about.

Have a good life.