Proprietary and Confidential ProQuest Information & Learning The electronic library – how do we...

Proprietary and Confidential ProQuest Information & Learning The electronic library – how do we manage it? AND make our patrons use it? By Helle Lauridsen Technology Manager – Europe Moscow April 2007
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Transcript of Proprietary and Confidential ProQuest Information & Learning The electronic library – how do we...

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

The electronic library – how do we manage it? AND make our patrons use it?

By Helle Lauridsen

Technology Manager – Europe

Moscow April 2007

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- our researchers:

Collections invisible in library Difficult to find full text Too many choices? How to keep up ?

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

The Basics – make your journals visible

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- our researchers:

Collections invisible in library Make each journal title visible through an A-Z list

Difficult to find full text Too many choices? How to keep up ?

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- our researchers:

Collections invisible in library? Make each journal title visible through an A-Z list

Difficult to find full text? Use an open URL resolver

Too many choices? How to keep up ?

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Then make them easily available ….

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- our researchers:

Collections invisible in library? Make each journal title visible through an A-Z list

Difficult to find full text? Use an open URL resolver

Too many choices? Central Search

How to keep up ?

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ProQuest Information & Learning

All the various interfaces Could be searched from one platform, with one interface?

Wouldn’t be nice, if :

Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- our researchers:

Collections invisible in library? Make each journal title visible through an A-Z list

Difficult to find full text? Use an open URL resolver

Too many choices? Central search

How to keep up ? RSS feeds

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ProQuest Information & Learning

But how to keep up with the latest?

RSS is a simple XML-based system that allows users to subscribe to their favorite websites.

Programs known as feed readers or aggregators can check a list of feeds on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that they find.

Many journals provide RSS feeds RSS feeds can be found at the individual journal homepage or in

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ProQuest Information & Learning

Common Issues for the electronic library- the librarians

It is all becoming virtual – how do we manage? We need to:

Compare long lists of ”good” offers from vendors Figure out if we have it already – somewhere…. Organize the usage statistics Keep track of journal titles, prices, where to get them


Evaluate aggregator packages

Manage licenses and access

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ProQuest Information & Learning

Why Electronic Resource Management?

Helping Your Library Be the Best Partner for Research

Vendor License


Terms of Use

Access URLs

Coverage Dates


Trial Notes

Logins & Passwords

Usage Stats

Acquisition Notes

Outage Reports

Renewal Dates Vendor


MARC Record



IP Addresses

Admin URL


Link Resolver

Fed SearchWorkflo


Proprietary and Confidential

ProQuest Information & Learning

ERMS – Solves Lifecycle and Workflow Issues

Helping Your Library Be the Best Partner for Research

Resource Lifecycle Manage all lifecycle stages from a single module:•Discovery•Pre-acquisition evaluation•Trial•Acquire•Customize•Access•Post-acquisition evaluation•Ongoing issue management