Proposal Word Document

The use of social media in increasing organisation’s performance Submitted to British University in Egypt Submitted by: Ahmed Fikiry El-Baz ID: 114632 SUPERVISED BY: PROFESSOR TAREK ALI FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, AND POLITICAL SCIENCE 2014/2015


Proposal for the British University in Egypt

Transcript of Proposal Word Document

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Submitted to British University in Egypt

ID: 114632





This proposal provides a beneficial source for the Egyptian companies, in the way of increas-

ing their organizational performance emphasizing the power of social media communication

networks of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Foursquare. Hence, Social media is any plat-

form that allows users to communicate virtually. From this line of reasoning, this proposal

aims to examine the impact of social media’s features including: Hardware, software, data-

base, and data reporting on an organisation’s visibility, persistence, edit-ability, and associa-


Keywords: Social Networks, and organizational performance.

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Word count: 3140

Table of Contents


RESEARCH QUESTION:....................................................................................................................6





RESEARCH OBJECTIVES:...............................................................................................................7





LITERATURE REVIEW:....................................................................................................................8

RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE:.........................................................................................................16

RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS:.............................................................................................................17

H 1:....................................................................................................................................................17

H 2:....................................................................................................................................................17

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H 3:....................................................................................................................................................17

H 4:....................................................................................................................................................17

RESEARCH LIMITATIONS:...........................................................................................................18

CHAPTER OUTLINE:.......................................................................................................................19

INTRODUCTION CHAPTER:.................................................................................................................19

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER:........................................................................................................19

LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER:........................................................................................................20

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK CHAPTER:.............................................................................................20

EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK CHAPTER:..................................................................................................21

FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION CHAPTER:............................................................................................21



CASE STUDY:.....................................................................................................................................22

DATA COLLECTION:...........................................................................................................................22

DATA ANALYSIS:................................................................................................................................23




ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE:....................................................................................................38

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Social media is the most rising aspect in people’s daily life. It is a network that con-

nect people together all the time, but that’s not its only powerful edge. Social media plat-

forms are rising and increasing everyday, and this allows users to share everything they do

with their followers, subscribers, and friends. Facebook for example, allows its users to share

their interests, likes, and opinions with friends and followers. Moreover, Twitter allows peo-

ple to share their every moment comment or opinion to their followers.

Many social media platforms are developed and used to reach more people. According to Si-

mon Kemp the number of social media users crosses the mark of 2 Billion (Kemp, 2014). To

put that in perspective, according to the, the total human population is about

7 Billion (current world population, 2014), this means that approximately 35% of the human

population is using or have accounts on social media. Social media takes many forms; it is

not only about interacting by licking a post or commenting on it.

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There are many forms of social media that have business aims; for instance Linkedin is used

many by businessmen and companies officials to build virtual relationships with each other.

One way of benefiting from the enormous amount of people, who use social media, is by ben-

efiting from the employees usage of social media. Since those employees put there whole in-

formation on social media, including there emotional status, connections, relationships, news,

and other different personal aspects.

This proposal aims to identify the impact of studying the employees’ social media in-

formation, and integrating it into an HRIS to see what will be its effect on the over all perfor-

mance of companies. In this proposal social media will be dealt with as the independent vari-

able; and its sub-variables are:

Company’s infrastructure “hardware”

Company’s software used

Data collection

Data reporting

The dependent variable, which this proposal will measure upon, is organisational perfor-


HRIS allows companies and organisations to enhance some of its activities, like accounting,

finance, and management by feeding information into it, and the system do the activities elec-


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The main purpose of this proposal is to make organisations in Egypt understand the impor-

tance of having a portal in the HRIS system dedicated to social media. This portal will allow

organisations to understand and monitor the unseen behaviors of the employees.

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Research question:

Q1:What is the impact of the company infrastructure “hardware” on the level of organisational



What is the impact of the company’s software on the level of organisational performance?


What is the impact of data collection process on the level of organisational performance?


What is the impact of data reporting style on the level of organisational performance?

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Research objectives:


Describe the impact of the company’s software on the level of organisational performance.


Understand the impact of the company’s software on the level of organisational performance.


Describe he impact of data collection process on the level of organisational performance.


Understand the impact of data reporting style on the level of organisational performance.

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Literature review:

This literature review is going to state what literature has been done in the fields of

social media and overall organisational performance. Also it will try to highlight the common

aspects between those two variables.

Social media is one of the things that are clear and people cannot have contradicting thoughts

about. According to “ (Simon, Goldberg , Limor Aharonson, Leykin , & Adini , 2014)” So-

cial media consist of tools that enable open and online exchange of information through con-

versation, interaction and exchange of user-generated content. These tools continuously pro-

duce excessive amounts of data, both relevant and irrelevant.

In other words, this means that social media is composed of some instruments, those instru-

ments allows the users to interchange their information. This kind of interchange can produce

an enormous amount of data. These data can be either relevant or irrelevant based on how

people can use this data.

According to “ (VERHEYDEN & GOEMAN , 2014)”, social media is “Common characteris-

tics that include the engagement of the user, Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and

more interactivity between producer and consumer, sometimes labeled ‘Produsage’”.

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This source declare that social media must have an engagement from two parties or more, this

engagement or communication is mediated and facilitated by computers. When this process

of engagement happens, it allows the users to have an interchangeable activity between them.

Based on this statement, social media can be a source of collecting those interchangeable ac-

tivities between users.

According to “ (NAVARRO-MAILLO, 2013)” social media has evolved from a traditional

way of communication. Also social media is able to highlight and underline relationships that

are considered weak in the offline world.

This source is stating that social media in this current time, is an evolved way of communica-

tion between people. Furthermore, not only this evolved way of communication can underline

the relationships between people, it can also underline the relationships that are considered to

be weak in the offline or real world. This statement has more than one implication which one

of them can be having a clear image of people relationship network in the offline and online

world. This can help in studying the people and the networks they are in, as they are clear and

visible to anyone.

Social media is consisted of more than one platform. Those platforms take more than

one form; Social media can be between ordinary people with each other like friends and fam-

ily, or it can be between employees and managers.

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According to “ (CROMITY, 2012)” social media are platforms like feeds from blogs, status

updates, wikis, discussion boards, and latest generation of Web 2.0 technologies (blogs,

wikis, RSS, etc.).

This source suggest that Social media is composed of platforms like blogs and discussion

boards. Those platforms enable people or users to contribute effectively and without limita-

tions. This contribution is a perfect source of gathering information related to users’s mindset

and opinions. Thus, it will be an excellent source for organisations to collect data about their


According to “ (NAVARRO-MAILLO, 2013)” social media are platforms like Facebook and

twitter. This source did not declare much of the social media platforms.

On the other hand, those two platforms in specific are the most powerful platforms of social

media as they have the highest number of users in the social media filed. Facebook and Twit-

ter allows users not only to write in text what are they feeling and their opinions, it allows the

users to visualise in images and videos what they want. As the saying goes “ a picture is

worth a thousand words.

According to “ (VERHEYDEN & GOEMAN , 2014)” social media platforms are categorised


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Social network services like Facebook, linkedin, and myspace.

Blogging and microbloging like Wordpress, Twitter, and Blogger

Audio, photo, video like Flickr, Spotify, and Youtube

Information management like RSS, igoogle, and Netvibes.

Location like foursquare

This source did an effective work in classifying and categorising the social media platforms.

It proposes that social media is a wide field that consists of categories. Each category has its

own social media platforms. For instance, Wordpress, Twitter, and Blogger are categorised

under the category of Blogging and micro-blogging. This source made it clear for identifying

from where the information needed can be grasped. For example, when the organisation col-

lects data about the employees, and it wants study opinions and mindsets of there employees,

they would monitor Bolgging and Micro-blogging social media, as well if it wants to study

the behaviour of their employees they can monitor their social networks like Facebook along

with the location based social media like Foursquare.

Social media is one of the most debatable topics when it comes to its implications and

outcomes. In the current time, a lot of researches argue that it has substandard effects, and on

the other hands, a lot of other researchers state the social media has a numerous benign ef-


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According to “ (Chen, 2013)” social media has a direct effect on the distress of its users. This

source claims that the frequent use of Facebook generates a distressful psychological mental

state. Moreover, this source states that continual use of social media, Facebook specifically,

can enhance the job performance.

According to the information stated in this source, organisations can enhance their em-

ployee’s performance, hence, the overall organisational performance by allowing employees

to use social media more frequently. This concept implicates that, not only organisations can

increase its performance, but also can increase employee’s satisfaction which will lead in the

leverage of the over all organisational status.

According to “ (Robinson, Evan , & Winter , 2014)” they used Linkedin, a professional social

net- working website used by over 200 million working professionals (LinkedIn, 2013), to

make a research on the application of turnover. The source suggests that social media has the

potential to be a source of research, specifically in the fields of businesses.

Using the information from this source, it is clear that social media has evolved from just a

method of communication, into an open source of data for people and organisations to use.

The results of this research implicates that organisations can now use a much cheaper and ef-

fective method of conducting research, to collect data about the employees, using social me-

dia and networks.

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According to “ (LAZAROIU, 2014)” Social media generate a set of affordances. In the

source definition of affordances, it states that an affordance is what benefits or uses an object

can have for a person. The source argues that psychologists evaluate objects based on its

quality, texture, and color, but the source argues that people should think of the object’s af-

fordance rather than anything else. The source points out that social media can generate the

following affordances:





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The source points that social media gives organisations the ability to see employee’s behav-

iors, knowledge, preferences, and communication network connections, because of the visi-

bility affordance. The source also argues that those information were “once invisible” before

the social media made it clear and open to public usage. The second affordance the source

points out is persistence. As the source argues, communication is one of the most treasured

prices of information that organisations can use. Social media allows communications to per-

sist even after the presentation of it is done. The source claims that having a persistent type of

communication allows the users to contextualise the information properly, and give them the

time they need to properly understand it. The third affordance that social media generates is

editability. In the source definition of editability; it the ability of users to revise or modify

content that have been already communicated. The source argues that if a person sent an

email to another person with a mistake or an error, he/she cannot revise or modify this mis-

take without the other person noticing. On the other hand, the source claims that if using

wiki, blog, or SNS “social networking sites” the users who made the communication with a

mistake, can easily modify the error without the following receivers even noticing. The fourth

affordance is association. In the source definition of association, it claims that it is a commu-

nication that is established between individuals, between individuals and content, or between

an actor and a presentation. The source continues by stating that, association can take two

forms. The first form is between an individual and another person. This form of association is

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referred as social tie. Social ties are like bonds that attach two people together on social me-

dia “friends”. The other form of association is between an individual and a piece of informa-

tion. This form of association can take place in wikis and blogs. According to the source, the

details about the person who communicated this piece of information can be viewed to users

who interact and communicate other pieces of information.

A conclusion of the information grasped from this source, is that organisational performance

and social media are connected directly. Furthermore, Social media can benefit organisations

in more than one way. The visibility affordance allows organisations to study their employees

in a more effective way, thus providing them with better working aspect, which will later

benefit the organisational overall performance. Also, the persistence of communication held

between employees and their managers or between top managers and seniors, will benefit the

whole human resources within the organisation. By having a record of the actions recom-

mended in every situation the possibility of making mistakes will be highly reduced. More-

over, by having the editability affordance, employees can modify their communications

whenever there is an error or a mistake in it. Also, they can change the information when it’s

outdated. Finally by having the association affordance, employees inside the organisation can

associate and build a benefit based virtual relationship, which will benefit the whole organisa-

tion performance at the end.

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Research significance:

This proposal aims to increase organisations performance by using its human

resources. By applying this proposal, organisations in Egypt will create a new portal in their

HRIS systems devoted for social media. After applying this proposal, organisations will have

the benefit of studying their employee’s social media data, and feeding it into the HRIS sys-

tem to receive valid information on how to deal with them. By doing so, organisations will

have the ability to maximise the performance of every employee inside the organisation who

uses the different platforms of social media. Thus, increasing the whole organisational perfor-


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Research hypothesis:

H 1:

There is a significant impact of the company infrastructure “hardware” on the level of organi-

sational performance

H 2:There is a significant impact of the company’s software on the level of organisational perfor-


H 3:

There is a significant impact of data collection process on the level of organisational perfor-


H 4:

There is a significant impact of data reporting style on the level of organisational perfor-


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Research limitations:

This report has a set of limitations. The first limitation is time; since that this is a uni-

versity report, time is a limitation when it comes to the deadline of submitting of the report.

The second limitation is functional limitation; this report tends to be continued by implement-

ing it on the British university in Egypt and specifically the business department. Unfortu-

nately, it could not be conducted on the whole university departments. The third limitation is

place; this report is limited to the British University in Egypt.

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Chapter outline:

Introduction Chapter:

This paper sole purpose is to raise awareness to the enormous amount of benefits so-

cial media has on the organisations. Social media takes a huge place in everyone’s life, and

that is why information has never been easier to found. Information resembles the key to

users minds. Using this information is like having an open access to the, in our case, employ-

ees state of mind. This gives the employer more accurate information about the employees,

which is requested to be used in tailoring the best packages, offers, settlements, work envi-

ronment, and getting back in return higher satisfaction and performance.

Table of Contents Chapter:

This proposal starts by asking various questions which resembles the topic of the

question, or in other words what will this proposal talk about. Then there are set of objectives

that are set upon the research questions. Hence, for this proposal to have a solid ground a

thorough literature review was conducted to support the claim of the proposal. After the liter-

ature review is conducted the research significance part emphasis the importance of this pro-

posal, and the application of it. Then, the hypothesis that this proposal suggests which is that

there is a strong and positive relationship between social media and organisation’s perfor-

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mance. Then come the limitations that this proposal was regulated by. Furthermore, the

methodology section takes place, in order to explain what methods were used in this pro-

posal. Then, the references of the literature and sources used inside the proposal are found in

the references section. Finally, the appendix section, which includes two questionnaires, one

is to assess the HRIS system inside the BUE, and the second is to assess the orgaisation’s per-


Literature Review Chapter:

The literature review conducted in this proposal suggested that there is a direct and

positive relationship between the two variables examined in it. Moreover, it also suggested

that this relationship could be used in favor of the organisation’s overall performance.

Theoretical Framework Chapter:

The two variables examined in this proposal are Social media and organisation’s per-

formance. Those two variables will be examined thoroughly to test the effect that will take

place, when adding an extra portal inside the HRIS system for employee’s social media data.

The information “output” that will be generated from this mechanism will be used in numer-

ous applications that will leverage the organisation’s performance.

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Empirical Framework Chapter:

Those two variables, discussed above, will be examined together in the British Uni-

versity in Egypt, and there are two questionnaires, one for assessing the HRIS system and the

other for assessing the organisation’s performance, that will help in solidifying the case. Both

questionnaires are external and this proposal did not create them. The organisation perfor-

mance survey or questionnaire was done by SHRM.

Findings and Conclusion Chapter:

The findings and conclusions are not ready yet, and they will be ready in the future re-


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The population that this research is going to hit on is the private universities. Since

that the public universities in Egypt, are not capable of developing and deploying an HRIS

system that would comprehensively cover all the HR practices and policies, and that relies on

the low funding they receive from the government. Therefore, the population that will be

used is the private university.

Case study:The case study that this proposal will focus on is the British University in Egypt. The

reason behind this chosen case study relies on that; this proposal is done in the limitation of

the course this proposal is submitted to.

Data collection:

This research will use two data collection methods; questionnaires, and interviews.

The first questionnaire is to assess the HRIS inside the British University in Egypt. The sec-

ond questionnaire is to assess the overall organisational performance. Both questionnaires are

found in the appendix section. The questionnaires are going to be distributed to IT profes-

sionals, HR specialists, Head of departments, Presidents, and vice presidents. The interview

method is gong to be done with head of departments for further and deep understanding of

the relation and linkage.

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Data analysis:The data extracted from the questionnaires and the interviews that will be conducted

in the British University in Egypt will be analyzed using the SPSS. The social media will be

measured using the HRIS assessment questionnaire found in the appendix section. Also, the

organisation performance will be measured using the organisation performance questionnaire

also found in the appendix, and created first by SHRM.


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TECHNOLOGIES . Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice , 6.

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plied quantitative methods , 8 (4), 16.

current world population. (2014, 11 29). Retrieved 11 29, 2014, from

Chen, W. (2013). Sharing, Liking, Commenting, and Distressed? The Pathway Between

Facebook Interaction and Psychological Distress . CYBERPSYCHOLOGY, BEHAVIOR, AND


CROMITY, J. (2012). The Impact of Social Media in Review. Taylor & Francis Group.

Kemp, S. (2014, 8 8). Global Social Media Users Pass 2 Billion. Retrieved 11 28, 2014, from

NAVARRO-MAILLO, F. (2013). The informative purposes of social media updates shared

by cybermedia with diferent media matrix .

Simon, T., Goldberg , A., Limor Aharonson, D., Leykin , D., & Adini , B. (2014, 8 25). Twit-

ter in the Cross Fire—The Use of Social Media in the Westgate Mall Terror Attack in

Kenya .

Robinson, S. D., Evan , S., & Winter , J. (2014). Social Media as a Tool for Research: A

Turnover Application Using LinkedIn.

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HRIS:Section1: Organization Information

Make a separate copy of the questionnaire for each type of HRIS or organization that is be-

ing assessed.

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Department Name:

Mailing Address:

Your Name

(Assessment Lead):

Assessment Team


Date(s) of Assess-


Type of Organization

or HRIS:

(select only one)

Scholarship and/or


Qualification (Li-

censing, Registra-

tion, Certification)

HR Manage-


Workforce Planning Other (specify):

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Complete the following information for every person participating in completion of this ques-

tionnaire, including you. Attach additional sheets if more space is needed.

Name Job Title or Role Telephone

(include country


E-mail Address Sections Com-


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Section 2: Infrastructure

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Yes No Unsure

2.1 Do you have a telephone in your office or access to a


2.2 Do you have a mobile phone?

2.3 If yes, does your mobile phone have internet access or


2.4 If you have a mobile phone, is it provided by your place

of business?

2.5 Do you have electrical power outlets in your work area?

2.6 How many computers are there in your immediate

working group?


2.7 Do you have access to your own computer or a shared


2.8 Do you have network access via this computer?

2.9 Do you have Internet access via this computer?

2.10 Is there someone in your organization who is qualified

to keep the computer(s) functioning well, and is he/she

routinely available to deal with any issues?

2.11 If yes, is this person located on-site?

2.12 If no, how often are they available?

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On call Daily Weekly Monthly Other (specify):


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Section 3: Human Resources Information System Software

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3.1 Indicate the name of your HRIS:

3.2 What type(s) of data does your HRIS collect? Check all options that apply.

Disease sta-


Facility HMIS Human re-



training Patient


Payroll Pharmacy Pre-service



Other (explain):

Yes No Unsure

3.3 Is this HRIS application paper-based? (If yes, skip

to Section 5.)

3.4 Do you receive and enter HRIS information via

spreadsheets or other electronic documents?

3.5 Do you receive and enter HRIS information via a

database program?

3.6 If so, what is the type of database?





Oracle My SQL Unknown

Other database (specify):

Yes No Unsure

3.7 Does this system meet your current needs?

3.8 Do you have a technical support person/team for

this HRIS application?

3.9 Is there a system or process for sending comments

for improving this HRIS application?

3.10 Are updates or changes made regularly to this

HRIS application based on the feedback received?

3.11 Who maintains this HRIS application? Check one option.







Districts NGO





Other (explain):

3.12 How do you access the system? Check all options that apply.

Any com-

puter with In-




(without net-

Printed doc-


Unable to

access system

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Other (explain):

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3.13 What features are available for data security? Check all options that apply.

Secure user



data backups

Unknown Other (explain):


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Section 4: Data Collection

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Yes No Unsure

4.1 Is a standard set of data collected on a regular ba-

sis? (If no, skip to section 6.)

4.2 Indicate the type of data collected on a regular basis. Fill out a new sheet for each

type of data collected. Make additional copies of this section and attach.

Disease sta-


Facility HMIS Human re-






Payroll Pharmacy Pre-service training

Other (explain):

4.3 How often is this dataset collected?

Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

Only when requested

4.4 On which sectors of the health workforce do you collect this dataset? Check all that


Public Private, for






Private, as-


Private, in-


Other (specify):

4.5 List all departments, organizations and/or people that supply this data:

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4.6 How is this dataset collected? Check all that apply.

Paper Electronic




Other (specify):

4.7 From first request to receipt of last entry, how long does the data collection activity


An hour A day A week A month A year


4.8 How accurate are the data you receive?

Very accurate and can

be trusted

Somewhat accurate but

must be verified

Inaccurate and cannot

be trusted until verified

Yes No Unsure

4.9 Is a data-quality audit routinely performed?

4.10 If routine data-quality audits are performed, how often?

Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Only when


4.11 Provide a short description on the type of data collected in this dataset:

4.12 Attach copies of data collection forms and/or screenshots of computerized systems.

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Section 5: Data Reporting and Use

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Yes No Unsure

5.1 Do you have a standard set of data or set of reports

that you provide regularly?

5.2 Who are the principal users of the data and/or reports? Check all options that apply.

Senior man-









Medical fa-


Private sec-


All staff General pub-



Other (explain):

5.3 In what format do you produce reports?

Paper Spreadsheet Document Other (specify):

5.4 How often are these data reports produced?

Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

Only as re-


Other (specify):

5.5 From the time the request for a report is received, how long does it take to generate a

report? An hour A day A week A month A year

Varies (explain)

Yes No Unsure

5.6 Are these data used for practical decision-making

(such as advocating for funds, designing program

5.7 If data were easier to obtain, maintain and pro-

duce, is there opportunity for additional use in

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Section 6: Sustainability

Yes No Unsure



Did you receive training on your HRIS and/or poli-




Is there a manual or handbook on your HRIS and/or




Is there a routine review of the HRIS and/or poli-

cies for all employees in your department?



Can you submit feedback and suggested improve-

ments to the HRIS?



Are updates routinely made to the HRIS and poli-

cies based on user feedback?


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Section 7: Additional Information

Yes No Unsure



Are there other people or organizations you feel

should be interviewed or should complete this

questionnaire in order to have a complete picture



If yes, indicate who else should be contacted for an interview or to complete this ques-




Does your organization’s HRIS already link to or

share information with other human resources in-



In your opinion, what are the primary advantages or strengths of your organization’s

HRIS? Check all options that apply. Data accu-


Ease of ac-

cess to data

Ease of up-

dating records

Data security Speed of re-

port generation Other (explain):



What are the primary limitations of your organization’s HRIS? Check all options that

apply. Data accu-


Ease of ac-

cess to data

Ease of up-

dating records

Data security Speed of re-

port generation Other (explain):



What changes would you recommend be made to the system?



Please provide any information about the system that could help the HRIS team to

think about how the system could be strengthened.

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Organisational performance:

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