Proposal PresentationUpdated

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1. The Text Music Collective By David Byron Queen 2. * A microwave that can be used as a temperature controlled garden. Five unconventional uses of social technology * An iPod frisbee. * Cell Phone glow as a flashlight. * Twitter as a collaborative screenwriting software. * A cell phone vibration as a dog collar, for when a dog goes off a leash. 3. My interests, traveling, writing, film, soccer... and much more! David Byron Queen 4. Music Although I have very little formal training and no knowledge of music theory, I do love and enjoy music and have played guitar in several bands over the years. The initial concept for my project is that I want to return to working with music but, this time, on a social networking level. 5. I really like the idea of chance influencing music.Ive heard stories that John Cage used to pick notes at random for some of his compositions or how AC/DC used to shuffle a deck of cards and let the card number determine what chord they would use.My concept is to bring this idea of chance based music to a social community; to create one ongoing piece of music with the chance and participation of an entire social network. 6. Currently, I am thinking about using cell-phones and a blog or Facebook page.I will have people pick a note, any note, A through G (while also stating whether their note is sharp or flat or not) and send the information to me via a text message.I will then place the note on a timeline using some sort of sequencing program (probably GarageBand, unless I find a better one).This will be their individual contribution to the song. An unlimited amount of people can participate in the project where ever they are.They can literally be working on a song (through sending text messages) while riding the train to work, or underneath their desk during class. 7. Rules (which will probably change): - Notes received within a half hour of each other will be layered and combined into a chord. - Certain days of the week will be designated to different instruments.Monday = guitar, or Tuesday = bass, Wednesday = trumpet, etc. - The octave of the notes will be loosely based on when the texts were received during the 24 hour day.For example, if I were to receive a text at four AM, the note would be a lower octave than if I received a text at four PM. - Notes can be sustained if multiple texts of the same note are sent in a row. -Note:I still havent worked out a system of incorporating rhythmic elements or time signatures...and it certainly does not help that I have absolutely no background in music theory. 8. I think my audience is definitely people who have a great appreciation for music and want to contribute to the experiment and see how chance can influence music on a community scale.It might also be interesting considering certain theories of telepathy involving cell-phones.For example, everyone has had a moment where they think about someone in their life and suddenly receive a text or call from that person.A sort of technological sixth sense.Perhaps there can be something magical, or those sixth-sense type of magic moments, about people creating a piece of music together via phone waves.Or maybe not.Maybe it will turn out to be just random noise? Audience: