Proposal clear

CHAPTER I 1.1. Background and Reason Choosing the Title In daily life human being must do activity called communication. Without human communication as a social creature would have knocked out and left behind in the community. Whatever profession and his work, whether a teacher, a politician, a journalist, poet, translator, and as with respect to any language as a means of communication, it will face linguistic problems. Language is the most important tool in human’s life, so it seems obvious that the human language can convey his heart to each other or can also express themselves. Language is used in all human life, whether for communication, publication or cultural development of the nation as a tool to make the language as a key to improve human’s knowledge. So the language is very important in the activities of science.



Transcript of Proposal clear

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1.1. Background and Reason Choosing the Title

            In daily life human being must do activity called communication. Without

human communication as a social creature would have knocked out and left behind in

the community. Whatever profession and his work, whether a teacher, a politician, a

journalist, poet, translator, and as with respect to any language as a means of

communication, it will face linguistic problems.

           Language is the most important tool in human’s life, so it seems obvious that

the human language can convey his heart to each other or can also express

themselves. Language is used in all human life, whether for communication,

publication or cultural development of the nation as a tool to make the language as a

key to improve human’s knowledge. So the language is very important in the

activities of science.

           Fabricate is a whole series of activities a person expressing an idea and present

it to the public through written language readers to understand. Writing ability is the

ability to convey thoughts or orders to others in the written language.

To produce a good essay, and meaningful, authors must be a master of

language. word is the smallest unit after phrases and clauses in the syntactic units.

The word is also one of the important elements in forming a sentence. Efficient use of

the word is related to the provision choose to express an idea, thing or things to be

mandated and compliance in the use of words that have been selected.

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Therefore, according to the language skills sufficient the grammar. Wealth of

a person's skill of grammar also determine the quality of the speaking and also

writing appearances. To have a rich grammar’s skill student must understanding the

grammar and be a master of the meaning of these words. it can be said that a student's

ability to fabricate obviously depends on the quality and quantity of its vocabulary.

Increasingly rich vocabulary has, the greater the likelihood that a person is able to


Grammar also has a big role definition of language, because grammar is used

to express some case ,or some expression to be meaningful for understanding. As we

seen, every language has its own particular ways of making the words be understood.

So, when we say that English grammar is different from French grammar or Germany

grammar, but there is simply another way to saying that the behavior of words in the

English is so different from the behavior words in many language grammar.

The most element that we have meet in every sentences is noun, because

noun has many function to express something or things depend of the speaker need to

use it, it can be concrete noun, and also it can be abstract noun. This case is the

background for the analyst for choosing to be researched, in this paper.

The Analyst want to use the once of many method of teaching it’s called

Computer assisted method, this method is a blending between technology and

human’s skill, because the student must listen the audio that was recorded before it to

be played for the student and then the student must fill the assessment form from the


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1.2. Statement Of the Problem

 Through this paper The Analyst want to use once of many method of

teaching it’s called Computer assisted method, this method is a blending between

technology and human’s skill, because the student must listen the audio that was

recorded before it to be played for the student and then the student must fill the

assessment form from the teacher.

1.3. Scope Of The Problem

This paper limits its discussion on analysing the analyzing of computer assisted

teaching method for teaching a types of noun and also the function in their each

sentences for the students of junior high school for the ninth grade.

1.4. Method and Procedures of the Analysis

This paper uses descriptive qualitative method. The technique of collecting

the necessary data and ground theory are through library research. The analyst starts

from indentifying the noun and also their function in each sentences and the computer

assisted program. By using the ground theory about noun and its function, each data

is then explained thoroughly. The last procedure taking assessment from the student

while to check their understanding of this method.

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2.1. Noun Description and Types of Noun

Noun is a word to indicate a person, a place, or a thing. A thing in this

description can be a physical entity or it can be an abstract idea. A noun may be used

as a subject of a sentence, as a direct object, as an indirect object, or it may be used as

the object of a preposition. Some additional noun applications are addressed below.

Some examples of noun usage appear in the following sentences

For the first, Noun has many types such as Common Noun, Proper Noun,

Collective Noun, Abstract Noun, Compound Noun, Count Noun, and the last Mass

noun. From these types of noun, we can know that noun is has many function and

also many type as we discuss below. So there are seven types of noun that we use to

convey the meaning. So ,There are seven types of noun.

2.1.1. Common Noun

Common noun is the noun that used to refer to a general class of person,

place, or thing. For the example: boy, girl, zoo, and rock. These words refer to a

category of noun, rather than to the special title of the specific noun.

2.1.2. Proper Noun

Proper noun is the noun to express some names that refer specifically to

identity of certain special noun. Proper noun include the names of people (Obama),

Geographical names (Indonesia), names of brand (Coffee Bean), institutional names

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(Bina Sarana Informatika) as well as titles of film, literature and artwork (Iron Man).

Proper nouns are always by capitalized.

2.1.3. Collective Noun

Collective noun is used to refer to a group or collection of noun with one

word. Consider for example the first word in each of the following phrases: flock of

geese, pack of cigarettes, crowd of people, and bundle of sticks.

2.1.4. Abstract Noun

Abstract noun is the noun to use to refer the concept that we objectify in our

thought and our speech but we don’t have the material form. Example: hope, desire,

fear, anguish. From these examples, we can know that these words are unique, for we

may treat them as an object in the sentences, while they do not exist as object in the

physical thing, as do other noun.

2.1.5. Compound Noun

Compound noun is the noun that consist for two or more words combined.

Some compound nouns are hyphenated or linked by a line. Example(jack-in-the-box).

Other consist of separate of words. Example(board of trustees). And some compound

nouns are two or more words combined without hyphen or linked without a line


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2.1.6. Count Noun

Count noun is the noun that may be counted in numbers, for example: two

eggs, three cars, four birds. Count noun is used to show plurality, there may add an

“s” to the end of the word, but in some case we must add “es”: bushes, dishes,


2.1.7. Mass noun

Mass Noun is the noun that called non-count noun, or it means the noun may

be not counted, such as milk, water and sunlight. These nouns may be quantified by

certain constants. Example (jar of milk, rays of sunlight), but we may not give the the

number in the standard plural fashion such as in this example (three milks, two


According to (cf Bunt 1985, 44-47)

The fact that mass extensions are non atomic expresses the intuition that

the meaning of words like water and ice does not specify minimal parts (cf.

Bunt 1985, 44–47)

2.2. The Functions of Noun

After we know about the types of noun, we can know that noun has some

usefulness in their each function. Noun is not only a part of things but it has many


Various theories have been proposed to explain the constructions and

interpretations of this type of combination (Lisa Paulson: 2012, 1)

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2.2.1. Noun as a Subject

Example: Mr. Rojali drive a car into the parking place

Asmat is the famous dyak in Borneo

If it were Saturday, Mrs. Szalinsky would be here

From these examples we can know that Mr. Rojali is the subject of the first

sentence. Asmat is the subject of the second sentence. Asmat is the name of some

native ethnic group of Borneo. A noun that represents the name of a person or a

specific place is a proper noun. Some other nouns are also proper nouns, e.g.,

September, Easter, Holocaust. A proper noun is capitalized regardless of its position

in the sentence. Mrs.Szalinsky is the subject of the third sentence.

2.2.2. Noun as Direct Object

Example: Mr. John washed the car

The Lecture commended Ali

From these examples we can identify the direct by asking whom or what?, for

the first sentence, we can use the question tag “what”, what did Mr. John wash?;

Answer: a car. So, the car is the direct object of the verb washed. And for the second

sentence, we can use the question tag “whom”, The Lecture commended whom?;

Answer: Ali. So, Ali is the direct object of the verb commended.

2.2.3. Noun as Indirect Object

Example: I gave Stephanie a rose

He bought the dog a chain

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To indicate the indirect object we can use the question tag “to what?” or “for

what?”, and “to whom?” or “for whom?”. For the first sentence, I gave a rose to

whom?, Answer: Stephanie, So, Stephanie is the indirect object of the verb gave. And

for the second sentence, He bought a chain to what?, Answer: the dog.

2.2.4. Noun as Object of Preposition

Example: He drive the car into the garage

For her perspective, the meeting was a success

For the first sentence, the preposition word is to. So, the object of preposition

is the garage. And for the second, the preposition word is from. So, the object of

preposition is perspective.

2.2.5. Noun Functioning as Predicate of Noun

In this case the intransitive verb cannot accept an object. A noun that follows

an intransitive verb and completes the meaning of a sentence is called a complement.

The word complement means to complete. A sentence has a subject and a predicate.

Predicate also has a generic term that includes those parts of the sentence that explain

the subject of the sentence. The noun that follows an intransitive verb and completes

the predicate it may also called a predicate of noun or predicate nominative.

Example: Mr. John is a Dentist

I am a policeman

For the first sentence, the subject is Mr. John and Dentist is the predicate

noun. So, the predicate of Mr. John is a Dentist. And for the second sentence the

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subject is I, and policeman is the predicate noun of I. So, the predicate of I is a


2.2.6. Noun Functioning as Appositive noun

The appositive noun means near. In English grammar an appositive is a noun

or pronoun located near another noun or pronoun, and the appositive enhances our

understanding of the original noun or pronoun.

Example: My brother, Azhar, is in town for the reunion.

Miguel, the American, will deliver the commencement oration

In that sentence, my brother is the subject, and Azhar is the appositive. Miguel is the

subject of the second sentence, and American is the appositive.

2.2.7. Noun as Possessive Modifier

The noun as possessive modifier it means the noun can be used to modify

another noun. So, the noun functions as an adjective or adverb, and also convey a

sense of possession. Consider the following example.

Example: The town’s water supply is in jeopardy

The word town is a noun. In the sentence above the word town's identifies which

water supply is in jeopardy. Town's is possessive case. The town possesses the water


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2.2.8. Noun Functioning as an Adjective

Example: The water pump is broken

The word water is a noun, but in this example it functions an an adjective to describes

the kind of pump.

2.2.9. The Noun Functioning as an Adverb

Example: I walked home.

The word home in this sentence is a noun, but in this example it functions as an

adverb that defines where I walked.

There are many function of noun, but it can’t be used for teaching in senior

junior high school for the ninth grade, it will be continue in the syllabus of senior

high school for the next.

2.3. The Computer Tutorial Program

The computer tutorial program is the new way to teach in the country which

use English language for the second language, this method was taken as a self access

computer assisted. It can also use to be more interactive for the student and the

teacher, because the computer linked from the teacher’s computer as a server to

another student’s computer. In this country it may be called computer’s laboratory or

language laboratory.

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According to (Hartoyo,M.A., Ph.D. 2006:57) :

“The tutorial program was installed in the hard disk and in the floppy disk for

some handy use of the computer available in laboratory to enable the student

to use it anytime....”

So the students and teacher can talk to each other directly without wasting a

time for walking or playing, but it also must under teacher’s surveillance. Because the

computer is thing that need more protected than a book.

The computer tutorial program is consist of five units and each units contains

two sections(material presentation and exercises). The material presentation presented

firstly in every section of each unit. The explanation must be related with the topic

that given in the form of pop up which appear whenever the students click it in some

table or the hot words that linked with the pop up windows.

This program is non-sequential or the program is not only a trial, because if

the program sequential or only for trial, the teacher cannot get the full access in that

program. The program which use in this method must designed by using multimedia

authoring software, Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook, to enable the students to

choose any topic or information which they want.