Prop Notes

Prop Notes

Transcript of Prop Notes

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Prop Notes

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We used several props for our production to help make the setting as realistic as possible, for example using tables and chairs to make a typical setting of a classroom. However We did not use any typical props you would see in an action movie hence challenging the conventions of typical action movies which tend to have guns and grenades. Instead of showing typical action movie scenes we decided to stimulate violence without any physical action. We also felt it would help the comical side of the production, not using typical action props gave the production a more light-hearted feel which is a typical convention in comedies. This also allowed us to exaggerate our sound effects which would help the audience identify the actions taking place.

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Clock – One of the main props we used was a clock in the beginning of the production, we needed this to exaggerate time, which is a typical convention of an action film, as they often have to race against time, which also relates to our production.

White board – A white board is used at the start of the production, it indicates the students are in detention, as it has ‘DETENTION 3:10 – 4:00’ written on it. It helps the audience identify what is happening.

Table – we use a table as a major prop, it helps construct the room to look like a typical classroom.

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Chairs – are also used as major prop as the students are first seen sitting on them as the production begins. They set the setting of a typical school classroom and therefore are of vital importance.

Pencil – Freddie is seen tapping a pencil at the start of the production. The pencil indicates the boredom Freddie is feeling and the importance of time going very slowly, which later changes.

Pen and paper – A pen and paper is used as we see Ty drawing, this is Ty’s indication of boredom as we see him ‘doodling’, he shows no interest in what is going on around him, and the teachers frustration, giving the audience a feel of his personality.

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Mug and Water machine – We see props all around the staff room, the main 2 props we have used in the staff room are a mug and water machine as we see a close up of Mr Shadeppi filling his mug with water. This gives of a typical staff room environment which we felt was important as we wanted to keep up the typical school environment setting throughout the production.

Glasses – Freddie wears thick rimmed glasses, this is a typical convention of a geek look. His glasses signify his personality and nature as an innocent person. They are also important throughout the production when they fall of and Char comes and helps him put them back on, showing there may be a love interest in sight.