Prop list for the music magazine template

St. Andrew’s Catholic School Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media Prop Reason why/Inspiration Front Cover An electric guitar The electric guitar is very conventional to rock magazines, as it is an important element of rock music. My inspiration came from ‘Kerrang!’ magazine, where front covers with Green day for example, had a man playing the guitar. A shirt and a leather Jacket This sort of outfit is conventional for a rock musician. For example, Metallica and Guns n roses. The representation it holds are those of: rebelliousness which may be negative, but also confidence and self- motivation, and perhaps talent, which is also a good aspect. Long hair style The hairstyle should be somewhat long, as it represents being wild and active, and is very stereotypical to rock n roll genre, so it can attract audience’s attention. Singers such Asuka Young 4149

Transcript of Prop list for the music magazine template

Page 1: Prop list for the music magazine  template

St. Andrew’s Catholic School

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Prop Reason why/InspirationFront CoverAn electric guitar

The electric guitar is very conventional to rock magazines, as it is an important element of rock music. My inspiration came from ‘Kerrang!’ magazine, where front covers with Green day for example, had a man playing the guitar.

A shirt and a leather Jacket This sort of outfit is conventional for a rock musician. For example, Metallica and Guns n roses. The representation it holds are those of: rebelliousness which may be negative, but also confidence and self-motivation, and perhaps talent, which is also a good aspect.

Long hair style The hairstyle should be somewhat long, as it represents being wild and active, and is very stereotypical to rock n roll genre, so it can attract audience’s attention. Singers such as David Bowie and guitarists such as Angus Young have inspired me.

Prop List

Asuka Young4149

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Leather Boots / black shoes The Leather boots represent the model’s wild and bright personality, stereotypical of rock n roll genre- but also it would suit with the Leather Jacket that I mentioned before, but I also noticed that lots of bands mentioned in Kerrang! Wear casual shoes also.. My inspiration was the band led Zeppelin and Avenged Sevenfold.

A necklace / ear ring etc. This prop would help to represent the rebellious, wild/fast beat music because this is the sort of music that associates with skulls. It may also be something of an upside down cross, which represents satanic religion that people could perhaps relate to- but skulls are better in terms of representation, in my opinion.

Equipment needed: The equipment that will be used to take pictures will be a high quality camera with lenses, and a tripod for steadiness. I would use the tripod for shots in the photography studio, and use the camera only for the shots outside (DPS). (I can use both for the contents page).

DPS Photo*Same as the Front cover but in a different location, without the guitar.

The DPS Photo is going to be one image of the model across the page, but emphasized on the left hand side of the page. As it is presented on the image left hand side,

Asuka Young4149

Page 3: Prop list for the music magazine  template

Editor Photo


Editor Photos normally consists of medium shots to close-up shots of the editor’s face. The background normally consists of white / grey color, but sometimes it may be of a room setting, and the editor may be posing in such a way that represents their character. OR in a suit to represent respect of their profession. It may give to the readers the impression that this magazine is of a high quality.

Asuka Young4149