Pronounciation Wrong

THE FOX AND THE GRAPES One day a fox was very angry. He searched every were for food. He came yupon a grape orchard . There he found a bunch of betiful grapes hunging from a high brench. “Boy those shore would be thasty ,” he thought to himself.he backed up and tooked a running start,and jumped. He did not get hight enough. He went bag to the starting spot and treat again. He almost got high enough this time, but not quiet. He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldn’t get high enough to grap the grapes. Finally, he cave up. As he walked away, he put his nose in the hair and said : “I am sure those grapes are saw.”



Transcript of Pronounciation Wrong

THE FOX AND THE GRAPESOne day a fox was very angry. He searched every were for food. He came yupon a grape orchard. There he found a bunch of betiful grapes hunging from a high brench. Boy those shore would be thasty, he thought to himself.he backed up and tooked a running start,and jumped. He did not get hight enough. He went bag to the starting spot and treat again. He almost got high enough this time, but not quiet. He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldnt get high enough to grap the grapes. Finally, he cave up. As he walked away, he put his nose in the hair and said : I am sure those grapes are saw.

fks nd greps

wn de fks wz vri gri. hi srtt vri wr fr fud. hi kem yupon grep rtrd. r hi fawnd bnt v betiful greps hunging frm haj brench. boy oz r wd bi thasty, hi t tu hmslf. hi bkt p nd tooked rn strt, nd dmpt. hi dd nt gt hajt nf. hi wnt bg tu strt spt nd trit gn. hi lmost gt haj nf s tajm, bt nt kwajt. hi trajd nd trajd, gn nd gn, bt dst kdnt gt haj nf tu grap greps. fajnli, hi kev p. z hi wkt we, hi pt hz noz n hr nd sd : i m r oz greps r s.