Promotional package for The Conjuring

Promotional Package The conjuring

Transcript of Promotional package for The Conjuring

Page 1: Promotional package for The Conjuring

Promotional Package

The conjuring

Page 2: Promotional package for The Conjuring

TrailersThe producers of The Conjuring have released many different trailers a few months before it is

released so that the public can see what the film is about. When releasing trailers most producers put the most funny/scary/jumpy scenes into the trailer so that it entices the public to go and see it. The reason so many different trailers are released is so that you can put them on different forms of media for people to watch. For example as it is rated 15 there will be a trailer which only people aged 15 and above can watch. These are normally released into cinemas and shown when another 15 plus movie is about to be shown. There will also be a trailer that is shown on TV, however this will not have many of the scary scenes in as any body of any age could be watching. There is normally a number of different trailers that are shown on TV, sometimes it may just be the title of the film and release date that shows on screen. Other trailers will also be put on the Conjuring website itself so that anyone who is browsing the web page can easily have a look at them. Various trailers are also put on YouTube as well so when anyone searches horror films, films released in 2013 or even that specific film it will come up and they can choose which trailer they would like to watch. Trailers are a great way to promote films as they can be found and watched on almost everything, especially now we have web 2.0, TV, smart phones and tablets. All of the Conjuring trailer also have the release date shown on them either at the beginning of the trailer or the end, this means that anyone watching the trailer will be able to know when it comes out into the cinemas so that they can go and see it.

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FaceBook PageFacebook is a great way to promote films as social networking sites are getting more and more popular and nearly everyone is starting to use it. The Conjuring page was very quick and easy to look for as well which a lot of people have already done as it has thousands of ‘likes’ and ‘comments’. This page is also filled with information about the film i.e. what its about, the page also includes various different pictures and posters from the film. Fans have commented on the page their thoughts about the film which is great feedback for the producers if they ever decide to make a sequel.

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TwitterLike FaceBook, Twitter is another social networking site that is just growing in popularity. On twitter you are able to follow The Conjuring to find out about movie update etc and you can also view pictures from the film to see what its like. This way the producers of the film can stay in contact with the fans of the movie. Both social networking sites keep their pages up with the genre of the film, for example on the twitter page as you can see their background is of the house in the movie which makes the page fit in with the genre.

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PostersThere are only a few posters for this films unlike some other movies which have loads.

However these posters can be found on Google, social networking sites and places around the world which is why the posters are different sizes. For example the rectangular posters are mostly used on sides of buses or on bill boards whereas the square posters are mostly used in the cinemas. There are many different poster which tell you certain things about the movie and promote different areas of the film. For example the poster which shows you the tree with a noose hanging from it and the house is an establishing poster as it shows you the location of where the film is set, as nearly all of the film is filmed within the house and its garden it is very important. The clever thing about this poster is that although the noose doesn't have anyone hanging from it on the ground you can see that shadow of someone hanging from the noose. Another example is the poster with the woman holding up the match, this is promoting one of the main characters in the film to the public. The poster shows her looking very frightened in the dark while she tries too see. Again like the trailers all of the posters tell you the date that the film is released into cinemas and also a few of the rectangular poster have ‘Based on true case studies of the Warrens’ on the bottom to promote the UPS of the film.

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WebsiteThe website is full of information regarding the movie. The website fits in with

the horror genre as its a dark webpage, they also have moving images with sound as the background when you go onto different pages on the website. There are many different links that you can click on, these are things like the gallery which has poster and pictures from the film, they have download links for screensavers etc, you are able to listen to the soundtrack from the film, watch three different trailers for the movie, read other people haunted stories or even post your own, you can book tickets to see the film in your nearest cinema and even see what countries the film has been released in and lastly there is a page which tells you about the film. All of these are great ways of promoting the film as it means fans can get involved, especially with posting your own horror story as they can tell everyone about their experiences and maybe even relate to the film.

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The unique selling point of the film• A great movie or a great product will more than likely have a UPS so that it attracts

the audience or the buyer in as the products have something special that no other product like that has. The Conjuring has two UPS’s which makes the film different and worth seeing. The first UPS is that this film is based on a true story which is expressed when the film starts and when it ends, we are also told that it is based on a true story at the end of some trailers and also on some posters. This is a UPS as there are not many other horror films that are based on a true story so therefore it shocks you when you find out as you wouldn't think something so scary actually happened to a family in real life. Another UPS about the film is that it has a happy ending, although this UPS is not promoted as much at it being a true story it is still a UPS as it is very rare to have a horror film with a happy ending because of the genre that it is.