Promotional Package Feedback

Promotional Package Feedback: 1. What do you think about the brand identity? The brand identity is clear to see (the trees) and connotes that the music is likely to be relaxed and possibly of the indie genre You can clearly identify the brand identity. It fits in well with the indie genre and your music video. The brand identity is very clear throughout the two products, especially through the colour scheme. 2. What Codes and Conventions stand out the most? The way you have used the text and where you have placed it clearly fits the codes and conventions along with displaying the logos of where you can access the music. The text and image, they work well together (creates a relaxed atmosphere) The way you have used the same image and font for the album cover and advertisement. 3. How does the Digipak and Advert attract an audience? It attracts the audience because the font stands out against the dark background, making it eye catching The shilloettes of the trees contrast well with the text, making it eye catching and fulfilling the main purpose of an ancillary product. The white font is very eye-catching in contrast to the background on both products. Also the placement of the 5 star reviews is effective in drawing in an audience as they are more or less in the middle of the poster which is where people will look first. 4. How does the Advert and Digipak work together?


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Transcript of Promotional Package Feedback

Page 1: Promotional Package Feedback

Promotional Package Feedback:

1. What do you think about the brand identity?The brand identity is clear to see (the trees) and connotes that the music is likely to be relaxed and possibly of the indie genre

You can clearly identify the brand identity. It fits in well with the indie genre and your music video.

The brand identity is very clear throughout the two products, especially through the colour scheme.

2. What Codes and Conventions stand out the most? The way you have used the text and where you have placed it clearly fits the codes and conventions along with displaying the logos of where you can access the music.

The text and image, they work well together (creates a relaxed atmosphere)

The way you have used the same image and font for the album cover and advertisement.

3. How does the Digipak and Advert attract an audience?It attracts the audience because the font stands out against the dark background, making it eye catching

The shilloettes of the trees contrast well with the text, making it eye catching and fulfilling the main purpose of an ancillary product.

The white font is very eye-catching in contrast to the background on both products. Also the placement of the 5 star reviews is effective in drawing in an audience as they are more or less in the middle of the poster which is where people will look first.

4. How does the Advert and Digipak work together? They work together because you have used the same typography, colours and the brand identity of trees

The image, text and shade of colour is the sameThey work well together because of the same colour scheme throughout and the same/similar fonts.

5. Is there anything that could be improved?

Page 2: Promotional Package Feedback

The four small pictures on the digipak appear pixelated, if it isn’t just how they appear in InDesign I suggest re-taking the photos as they aren’t of the same quality as the others. Possibly add a website on the advert, the artist’s website

I agree with above, if you can’t retake them or they are meant to be pixelated, then I suggest making the outline of each image much more prominent.

It might look nice if you align the text on the back cover of the album to flow with the shape of the trees, instead of aligning it in the centre? It would look more natural which fits with the rest of the imagery.