PROLOGUE. Summariser 13 March 1940, Caxton Hall, Westminster, London Udham Singh is at a meeting, in...


Transcript of PROLOGUE. Summariser 13 March 1940, Caxton Hall, Westminster, London Udham Singh is at a meeting, in...

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  • Summariser 13 March 1940, Caxton Hall, Westminster, London Udham Singh is at a meeting, in which many people attended, including Lord Zetland and Sir Michael ODwyer. Udham shoots ODwyer, in revenge for killing all those innocent people in India several years ago.
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  • Vocabulary Simplifier Page number and paragraph WorddefinitionReason for choosing word 1. Pg 2 paragraph 3 Tudor roomThis is a large area/hall, for special occasions or functions Important to the placing of the story 2.Pg 2 paragraph 3revolverA pistol/gun with revolving cylinder (usually having sick chambers for bullets) Another word for gun 3.Pg 2 paragraph 3AmritsarIs a city in the north western part of India, spiritual center for the Sikh religion. It contains the Golden Temple. Place
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  • Discussion Director Who are the important characters in the prologue? What assumptions can be made about Sir Michael ODwyer from his description? From the information given, why is Udham so hateful towards ODwyer?
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  • By Minh Hua, Monique Volf & Tim Eastwood Part 2 The brothers City of ghosts
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  • Summary The revelation of Sohnis mothers real cause of death might explain Darshanas harsh change in appearance previous to marrying Gulbaru. Also the boys witness a man shot in the market because he possessed a gun, this startles the boys. There is also reference to Mohni and the mysterious woman's relationship and Gurdial, Jeevan and Bissens relationship which is based on relation, understanding and raw emotion. There is also references to Bissen being a drug addict in particular addicted to opium. The mysterious woman makes another appearance, encountering Bissen outside the post office and again happens to know things she shouldnt know. Jeevan also is introduced to the revolutionaries and Hans Raj tries to gain his trust with lies and understanding.
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  • Scene Selector Location of PassageReason for choiceCentral Quote Page 80, Paragraph 2Foreshadowing of the massacre.In India to be the lowest of the low meant starvation and disease, and infant mortality was like a cancer eating away at the core of India. Page 85, Paragraph 1Description of Bissen Singh.Bissen Singhwas a hero who achieved more than the two boys. Page 87, Paragraph 1The protagonists bonding.All three were lostthat was why they were brothers. Page 92, Paragraph 2Story of Jeevans orphanage.He looked on helpless while those monsters used his mother. Page 99, Paragraph 5A memorable and powerful quote.There is always excuses for death. Page 110, Paragraph 8Reference to the revolutionaries feelings.Our mother is being raped in front of our eyes.:
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  • Scene Selector Location of PassageReason for choiceCentral Quote Page 114, Paragraph2History of Amritsar.For many hundred years it had been a place of contemplation and worship, frequented by the Buddah and Guru Nanak too. It had been excavated by the fourth Guru, Ram Das, who increased in its size. The sarovar was now full of amrit, holy water provided by an underground spring. It was this spring that gave the city its name. Page 122, Paragraph 6Jeevans main conversation with Hans Taj that compels him to join the revolutionary force. This soil is rich with the blood and tears of our people.
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  • Vocab Simplifier Location of wordWordMeaningReason for choice Page 74 Paragraph 1GorehWhite/BritishIndian language Page 75 Paragraph 7NaliThe SewerIndian Language Page 76 Paragraph 4BhaiBrotherIndian language Page 77 Paragraph 2ParathaType of BreadInterested in what type of food Page 77 Paragraph 2DhalType of CurryInterested in what type of food Page 77 Paragraph 2GurkhasSoldiersUnfamiliar Page 78 Paragraph 5India ZindabaadLong Live India!!For benefit of others
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  • Vocab simplifier continued Location of WordWordMeaningReason for choice Page 80 Paragraph 1EngreziEnglish PeopleIndian language Page 82 Paragraph 6PhemeOpiumUnfamiliar Page 83 Paragraph 2GurdwaraThe Actual Temple (Golden Temple) Unknown place Page 90 Paragraph 4Aloo GobiPotato CurryInterested in what type of food Page 91 Paragraph 3Mooli WaleType of BreadInterested in what type of food Page 94 Paragraph 4Sat-sri-akaalType of GreetingIndian Language Page 99 Paragraph 8KotwaliPolice StationUnfamiliar Page 105 Paragraph 4Theerry MaadhiSwear WordIndian Language
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  • Discussion director 1. What do you think is the significance and mystery beneath Mohni and the mysterious womans relationship? 2. What is your opinion of the mysterious woman being all knowing and all seeing and why do you think Bali Rai has made her this way? What does he wish to accomplish by this? 3. How might have Jeevans experience with his mothers death have affected his identity and behaviour? 4. Bissen, Jeevan and Gurdial are all tied together in an unique way, this is because they rely on each other emotionally because they can relate. However, they dont talk about their feelings with each other, do you agree with this? 5. How might befriending the revolutionaries influence Jeevan in positive and negative ways?
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  • Discussion Director 6. Is Gurdial right in giving up on his quest so quickly and what do you think of Bissens agreeing and encouraging him to give up? 7. How would you describe Hans Rajs personality and tactics with convincing Jeevan to join his rebellion?
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  • QUIZ What does Theerry Maadhi mean? What ties Bissen, Jeevan and Gurdial together? What words are used to describe Darshanas appearance now? What does the Rowlatt act allow? What happened to Jeevans mother? What is a Kotwali? Who is compared to a buffalo?
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  • Part 3-The Revolutionaries Presented to you by group Tu (2) Page 1
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  • Introduction Hi~ today youre presenters will be: Vocabulary - Vincent Zou Scene Selector Kai Zhong Discussion director Liam Na Summariser Peter Nguyen NYAN CAT! Page 2
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  • Home - Index Vocabulary Simplifier Scene Selector Discussion Director Summariser Page 3 En d
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  • Vocabulary Simplifier Maachord an insulting term. Pg. 131 Para 1 This word was used many times by people against the soldiers Sardonically scornfully or cynically mocking pg. 131 Para 3 Unfamiliar word Aquiline curved or hooked, similar to an eagles beak pg. 132 Para 5 Describes Pritam's facial features Parattah an Indian flat bread, usually served as a crispy side pg. 132 Para 2 I wanted to know what food it was Dhal a preparation of pulses stripped from their outer shell pg. 132 Para 2 I wanted to know what food it was Hartal strike, protest Unfamiliar word Waylaid stop or interrupt someone from conversation or trouble pg. 133 Para 3 Unfamiliar word Hom e Page 4.1
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  • Vocabulary Simplifier Chastised to punish someone by beating them pg. 133 4 Chastising was common during this period of time Protg a persons welfare, training or career is promoted by someone influential pg. 133 5 Foreign word Whoremonger a person who deals with prostitutes pg. 133 Para 7 It exemplifies the commonness of prostitution Ochre a golden-yellowish colour pg. 133 Para 8 Many walls in houses are of this colour Furtive trying to avoid attention because of an incident or guilt pg. 134 Para 1 People in the book tend to look furtive Goreh term used for British people pg. 134 Para 7 It is almost always used when talking about a British person Incessantly to continue without any interruption pg. 138 Para 1 Unfamiliar word Page 4.2 Hom e
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  • Vocabulary Simplifier Delegations entrusting something to another person pg. 138 Para 2 Upper class men tend to do this to lower people such as Gulbaru giving Gurdial that deed Gawped to stare in a stupid way 139 Para 4 Descriptive word for peasants Envisaged to contemplate or conceive an image of the future pg. 141 Para 5 Unfamiliar word Beteh a term used to describe an affectionate boy pg. 150 Para 3 This word was used many times to describe people like Jeevan and Gurdial Forlornly Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned pg. 156 Para 4 Unfamiliar word Compatriot A citizen/national of a country A good word to use besides fellow citizen Interminable Endless It is used to describe things metaphorically in the text Page 4.3 Hom e
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  • Scene Selector Hom e Page 5.1 PAGE NUMBER REASON FOR CHOOSING SCENEDIRECT QUOTE Pg 129 Scene represents that Udham sing embraces and accepts that he is about to die, he is not scared. I hope this uncle tom is quick. Let them bring me from this dark dank hole to a place of light. Let me kiss that noose and take death as my bride and fo to wait for the freedom of my mother Pg 130 Demonstrates how Hnas Raj manipulation has changed Jeevans feelings towards the problems of India There are 2 types of people on this earth there are those who love on their knees and those who will die standing up Pg 131 Clearly exemplifies the power of Hans Rajs manipulation of Jeevan. Turning him against his best friend look in the mirror, gurdial your life is meaningless Pg 134 Revolutionaries challenge to the British, the start of the war theme today were going to strike fear into the hearts of those dirty dogs pritam told them Pg 136 The seriousness of this challenge as well as the degree of danger from the revolutionaries I say we go out this evening and find a gorah to kill Pg 139 Dr Satyapal losing power and being challenged by youngsters of the revolutionary Im here to tell you your time is over! Pg 140 Dr Satyapal starting to lose his followers hes right said someone at the back of the crowd Pg141 The revolutionaries stating who their enemies are and scaring the people into joining them there is a revolution to fight right now and you are either with us, comrades, or against us Pg 142 Pritams anger and what he thinks the solution is we mist kill and kill and kill again
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  • Scene Selector Page 5.2 Pg 148Pritams pent up anger and the deadliness of it pritam pretended to smile. As je did so he drew a small blade from his pocket and went over, the man whimpered only slightly as pritam slid the blade into his bloody eye. Pg 149 Hans raj explaining that everyone is an enemy if they are not with the revolutionaries Hans raj came over and placed a hand on his shoulder they are all enemies my son Pg 150 This demonstrates how jeevan has moral justice and doesnt really believe in the revolutionaries ways and plans Jeevan shook his head again No, bhai- jiHe was just a drunk. Its not right he said Pg 151 Implies that Hans raj is up to something in the backround It would jeopardize everthing he had tried to build. He whispered in his ear keep an eye on him Pg 153 Jeevans complete trust in Hans Rajhe is always right Pg 154 Exemplifies the importance of Dr Satyapal but that, doctor Satyapal is the law of this land. And the law shall be obeyed Pg 160 Rehill is a cunning person who lies to achieve his goals The old man shrugged and there is no game being played? no sir you have my word Pg 164 Smiths negative view on the Indians, racism. He also clearly feels far more superior to the Indians, almost like he is their owner. they are subservient by nature. And whenever they do rise up, we put them down again just as quickly. We are their superiors, Plomer Pg 167 More obviously states Hans Raj association with the british and his schemes Lieutenant colonel smith talking to something me thinks him calling Hans Raj Hom e
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  • Scene Selector Page 5.3 Pg 170 The power of numbers. The british realize that they cannot hold them off Thousands of themwe wont be able to hold them Pg 171 The fact that the revolutionaries were looking forward to killing people clearly indicates how corrupt they have become One by one his friends took their weapons, and one by one their faces lit up Pg 172 Bissen explains how fear is how people survived in the midst of battle the fool is the one who has no fear. Fear is what kept me alive, son. Fear and god.. Pg 178 Jeevans moral and the revolutionaries fighting in his mind Part of him asked what the lowly guard had ever done to hurt mother india. The other part told him all white people were enemies Pg 181 Ram singhs death As Ram singh took his last breath, he cried out for his mother Pg 185 The mass of the revolutionaries killing for no reason BURN THE DOGS BURN THE DOGS sang the mob Pg 186 Jeevan reasoning to himself and pritam, questioning the whole point of this murderous rampage I just dont understand, what have we achieved today? Pg 189 Jeevans realization His need to belong had lead him down a dirty, immoral and dangerous path, and all because evil men had spoken the words they knew hed wanted to hear Pg 191 The torment that Udham singh is put through remembering the massacre. Also the acceptance of death They swim around in my head and disturb my sleep. They poke me with their bony fingers and scream at me with their disembodied voice. Soon I wil join them and become what they became. I too will become one of the ghosts of amritsar Hom e
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  • Discussion Director Why is Bissen Singh considered as traitorous dog? Bissen Singh is considered to be a traitorous dog because he fought for the Goreh (White People) for the money How does Hans Raj manipulate? Hans Raj manipulates Jeevan by using the story of his mother against him. How have Pritams father and mother impacted Pritam? How have they affected the death in Pritams eyes? Hom e Page 6.1
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  • Discussion Director In this chapter, there is a mentioning of Pritams mother as a prostitute, and his father as a rich merchant, who is friends with Why is Hans Raj never around? The book constantly refers to random meetings of the Goreh and Hans Raj. This implies that he is working with the Goreh Peace is mentioned in the text as nonsense made by politicians. What are Pritams thoughts to this, and how does he act towards this? Pritams thoughts towards the peace is different to peace politicians desire. He thinks justice and equal rights makes the peace. He also believes the solution to obtain this peace is to kill the oppressors, although in fact this will only result in war between the 2 factions Page 6.2 Hom e
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  • Summariser - key points Udham is about to be hung accepts it Jeevan has turned against Bissen and Gurdial Pritam and Hans Raj lies have brainwashed Jeevan into a violent delinquent Their gang have put a malicious poster on a clock tower out in public challenging all to a fight Hans Raj talks of a time to strike in the future. A group of seven complain to Dr Satyapal about their living conditions until they are interrupted by; Pritam Throws a rock and breaks one of Dr Satyapal's windows and accuses him of not doing enough to stop the abuse of the British Pritam tells the crowd, that he has gathered by his insolence towards Dr Satyapal, that on Vaisakhi day there will be a revolution Hans Raj appears once again to support his gang, he tells them that Ghandi will not be allowed into Amritsar Hom e Page 7.1
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  • Summariser- key points It is clear that Hans Raj is a part of the Brotherhood, sent to start up more and more cells like Pritam's - what he gains from doing so is still unclear Pritam's gang notice that there are no British soldiers in sight, telling us that something is amiss In front of Pritam's mothers brothel, He kills a drunkard by slitting his eye with a knife - showing us how much anger that has corrupted his very being. Jeevan's faith in the gang weakens only to be, yet again, taken advantage of by Hans Raj and strengthening his desire to free mother India. To the point that he believes that Hans Raj is 'always right'. Doctors Satyapal and Kitchlew are to be deported by Miles Irving, however they have brought company who're complicating things. Superintendent of Police, Mr Rehill plans to distract the men by inviting them to lunch and sneaking away with the two doctors. Plan fails as Lieutenant-colonel Smith seems to be conspiring with Hans Raj and allows the crowd the doctors brought to spread news of their deportation around the city immediately. Page 7.2 Hom e
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  • Summariser- key points First violent defiance by the Punjabi for having their leaders deported. Large battle occurs on the railway bridges that connect Amritsar and the British's territory with 30 dead. Pritam's gang slaughter the other innocent British people who had nothing to do with the past events. Ram Singh dies while trying to take a life by the hands of Zardad Khan. Jeevan is resolution is wavering after seeing Pritam smash open heads with a club. Once the gang had rested, they were ordered to go out and fight again- this time Pritam, noticing Jeevan's insecurity, orders him to set alight the managers of the national bank (or the post master generals). Udham is at his last moments, waiting to be hung, he dwells upon what happened at the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre, how felt at that time and what he'd learnt. Udham also tells us that, Amritsar, the City of Ghosts haunts his dreams and that he will soon be one of them, his need to be set free by death supresses all his other killing desires and allows to finally accept his fate. Page 7.3 Hom e
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  • Thanks for watching! Page
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  • By Cindy, Lyn, Vevaan & Michelle 10B
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  • Summary -How the war has effected Bissen mentally, emotionally and physically -Post traumatic stress -Present times flashes back to Bissens memories Neuve De Chappelle -Bissens homesickness & perspective on the conflict -Bringing the reader into the eyes of The Solider, Bissen -Watching his best friends die & leaving the love of his life behind -Religion dedication and faith in God -Bissens character and personality determined and optimistic -Bissen comes back to the post office, as he had every other day in hopes for something from Lillian.
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  • Key Points to remember 1. Bissen has a very optimistic and determined persona. 2. The war still affects Bissen, even years after. (This infers Post Traumatic Stress) 3. Bissen believed that he was not 'fighting a white man's war', but rather 'fighting to keep the world free' (relates back to his mature and optimistic personality) 4. Even in those times of war, the Sikh's still believed in their religion and that 'God watches over us wherever we go'.
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  • Why is Bissen still haunted by the war -Reminds him of his failure -Thoughts about Lillian bring him back to the war -Post Traumatic Stress -Guilt of killing innocent people "[The Punjabis] are like dogs that shit in their own basket and roll around in it-" Do you agree with Bissen's opinion? Why? - Attempt to make peace using violence - Doesn't affect the British - Hurting themselves Quote from page 198 5 th paragraph
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  • What did you learn about Bissen's past - Painful memories - Experiences hardships What was the most traumatic experience for Bissen - Comrades dying - Injuries Why hadn't Bissen let the German soldier live - Heat of battle - Survival - Contradicting his religion
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  • Why do you think the Indians would leave their homeland in order to fight in the war - honour of battle - bribes/threats - beliefs - for the good of Mother India Why does Bissen's grandmother refer to God as the 'wife' - relates ideas of God to human gender differences
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  • Important Quotes and Explanations here we are in this man-made hell and God will forgive us our small acts of sin. - Bhan Singh Page 202 10 th line However I am killed, replied Bhan Singh, it will be here, fighting for these people so that they can continue to keep our motherland in shackles. Or perhaps Ill die running away? Wherever it is, it wont be for the good of my own country. - Page 204 2 nd last line here I am fighting a white mans war. Bhan Singh Page 203 12 th line from bottom he found yet more broken and twisted bodies, lying in the stinking filth of an exploded latrine. German, Englishmen, and Indians, covered in shit, not glory, and all equal in death. Page 213 last paragraph -War something that they are obliged to do; a hell they were forced to enter -Everyone is equal and in the end people do not ask for your social class or caste before killing you -Wont benefit their own country
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  • About five feet from where they were crouched, Private James Burton, aged eighteen years, tried to stop crying. Our father who art in Heaven he sobbed. - Page 206 4 th line -Reciting Catholic prayers to a deceased Sikh There would be other Jiwan Sings lots of them. The trick was not to become one too. -Page 209 end of 2 nd paragraph - Fighting not for India, or the British, but rather for himself Death came swiftly to those who stood still in the heat of battle... as he recalled the teachings of the Gurus. Every man is your brother, every woman your sister. - Page 213 2 nd last paragraph It was the screaming that snapped him back to reality. Opening his eyes again, Bissen saw that he had speared his brother through the heart. Page 213 last paragraph - Going against his own religion and blaming it on the heat of battle
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  • Page Number /Paragr aph WordDefinitionReason for choosing word 1195/1PyrePile for burning bodiesThis word explains what kind of environment the book based on. 2195/1CacophonyMixture of sounds The wars sounds 3197/2RathiA stick used by the policeUnfamiliar word, ideas of the riots in India 4197/3RotoundRound in shapeUnfamiliar word 5211/2SonorousDeep in soundWar sounds 6211/1DiscordantDisagreeing in opinionMore war sounds 7211/1TablaTwo small pair of Indian drumsBissens memory of home 8213/4LatrineToilet or something used as a toilet, as a trench in earth. Where the German boy died 9215/1JovialJoyous humour, spirit of good fellowship Ernest Wodehouses personality from Bissens perspective 10216/SubedarIndian Army rank below British commissioned officers Unfamiliar word
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  • Quiz Who is this chapter based on? Bissen
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  • What time period is this chapter set in? The chapter is introduced in 1919 however there is a flashback to 1915 during the war.
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  • Name one person who dies in this chapter. Jiwan, the little boy, Gobar Singh Negi, Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Wodehouse (aka the British officer)
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  • What is Bissens perspective on the war? That they are not fighting a white mans war, but they are fighting to keep the world in peace.
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  • Who was involved in the war? (There are three countries specifically in this chapter) Germany, England and India
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  • Part 5 CITY OF GHOSTS - The Journey Shine Tran Chi Vu Ilam Nguyen Karen Chow
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  • Summariser Chi Vu
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  • Day before Vaisakhi: Gurdial contemplates about the task set out for him by Gulbaru. To find the most precious thing in all of India. Meanwhile, Darshana and the Chinaman plot Sohni and Gulbarus death. Heera sees the opportunity to use Gurdials task to save Sohni. Takes Gurdial on a journey of enlightenment. He meets people who all have differing definitions of the most precious thing in all of India, ignites confusion and frustration. Soon realises, each person favours their own mirage, their wants and needs. Heera brings Gurdial back to the market place at the exact time that they first met, the day before the deadline of Gurdials task Guardial goes to Gulbaru with a mirage of the nagmani: precious element found in the king cobra. Gurdial was able to fool Gulbaru with the false promise of a son Darshana would bear. To keep his son, Gulbaru is told that he must save his daughter first. He arrives in time to save Sohni, but Heera was waiting She chokes the Chinaman, erupts Darshanas stomach and lets a vicious dog loose on Gulbaru. Places Sohni in Gurdials care, Heera leaves, promising to return.
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  • Scene Selector Shine Tran
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  • The journey (Page 260- 264.) This part depicts the rare brutality of Heera, Sohnis deceased mother. After hearing about Darshanas plan to kill Sohni, Heera shows up to prevent her daughters death The Chinaman knew what was coming, acceptance. The Chinaman smiled. It must come to us all, he said sadly. I have lived a long life - I look forward to the next. pg 260, para one. Clenching of her fists was all it took to kill the Chinaman. Heera cunningly plans out her revenge, involving Gurdial to lure in Gulbaru. Gulburu is easily influenced, tricked by magic and a promise of a very sought after baby boy. Immediately after gulbarus arrival at the scene, he rushes to tell Darshana of the good news He realises Heera was there when she spoke up. Like a maggot-ridden mango, evil eats at us from within, she continued. 'Behold the fruit of your loins... pg 262, para six. The churning in Darshannas stomach becomes more and more violent, making it excruciatingly painful, her stomach then gets ripped open by hundred and hundreds of rats, a befitting death. Gulburu attempts to again kill his first wife, Heera, but to no avail. She sedates him and releases a dog she has been restraining since the start of this scene, so that it may be by the fangs of a dog that kills him just like how he fed her body parts to the street dogs not many years ago.
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  • Discussion Director Karen Chow
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  • 1. What was the significance of the rats exploding from Darshanas stomach? 2. What does the Nagmani signify? 3. What was shown through Darshanas avidity to have a boy? 4. What was seen through the way Darshana, the Chinaman and Gulbaru dies? 5. What can be inferred through Gulbarus severe actions when he realises that Sohni is no longer a virgin?
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  • Vocabulary simplifier Ilam Nguyen
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  • Vaishaki: A festival for the 2 nd month of the Hindu Calendar Solitary: To lack companionship Tumult: Violent agitation/noisy disturbance Heeding: To pay close attention to Cavorting: Play boisterously Tranquillity: Untroubled/peaceful state Acrid: Strong/sharp/harsh in tone Perplexed: Full of differences, confusion/bewilderment Rajah: Prince or King of India Intellect: Knowledge, ability Resplendent: Have great beauty Infanticide: Murder infant Threshold: Starting point for new experiences Vaishaki: Page 225, Gurdial: On the eve of Vaishaki, he was about to fail Solitary: Pagee 225, Gurdial: A sad, solitary, pathetic failure Tumult: Page 225, Gurdial: Revolutionary tumult gathered place Heeding: Page 225, Gurdial: Heeding her warnings Cavorting: Page 227, Darshana: Your daughter has been cavorting with the orphan Tranquillity: Page 223, Gurdial: Feeling of tranquillity that had come over him Acrid: Page 234, Gurdial: Bitter, acrid taste hit his senses Perplexed: Full of differences, confusion/bewilderment Rajah: Page 241, Irula/snake catchers: The rajah had all the wealth in the world Intellect, Resplendent, Infanticide: *** Threshold: page 265, Sohni: see her father at a threshold
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  • Quiz
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  • Q. What was significant about the day Heera took Gurdial on the journey?
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  • A. The day before Vaisakhi and the day before the deadline of Gurdials task
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  • Q. What is the meaning of Rajah?
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  • A. Prince or King of India
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  • Part 6 The Soldier and the Nurse
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  • Vocabulary Simplifier page numberwordmeaning pg 272 p1umpteenthrelatively larger, but unexpected in number pg 272 p2bhai Brother; used as a term of endearment when the person is not ones brother pg 272 p3fathomcome to understand pg 283 p1vagariesextravagant pg 291 p1subterraneansituated beneath the earths surface pg 305 p2chattelsa personal possession pg 320 p13heathens one that adheres to religions besides Judaism, Christianity and Islam pg 329 p2untenablebeing such that defense or maintenance is impossible pg 330 p2clandestinedone secretly pg 331 p1idyllica poem describing a peaceful or romantic scene
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  • Summariser Bissen Singh is taken to a hospital ward after injury in the Neuve Chappele battle. There he is introduced to Lillian and has an unconditional love for her despite meeting her for a short period of time. Bissen is taken away and lives with Lillian and uncle Bertie where he has his beard and hair shaved as part of his cultural identity. However Bissen is forced depart due to the workmen discovering his secret.
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  • Scene Selector Pg 285: Para 4: Demonstrates that Bissen had feelings for Lillian: There was something about Lillian-a warmth and tenderness- that he desired... Pg 275: Para1: Description of Lillian: ...eyes were bright blue, shimmering like the waters that surrounded the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Pg 302: Para 2 and 3: Appeal to the past, how people can t marry other people of a different background: Being together will be difficult(Lillian).....I know, replied Bissen, I am Indian.... Pg 305: Para 3: An example that Indians did not want to contribute to the white men s war: We had no freedom to begin with. We were merely their chattels- the same dogs who ruin our country... Pg 323: Para 1: The first time in Bissen s life that he had encountered snow: He had never seen snow before: when he picked it up, if froze his hands before melting away into nothingness.... Pg 336:Para 3: Shows how positive things do not last and that Bissen s departure is inevitable: How quickly things had changed. He told himseld, from bliss to depair. He closed his eyes and thought about Lillian s smile as the van took him away from her.
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  • Discussion Director What would you feel like if you were deported to a place that wasn t really your home during a war? Does Bissen really see England as his new 'home' or is it just his love for Lillian? Why does Bissen sign up for the army? Is it patriotism?
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  • What effects does war have on Bissen? Bissen faces shellshock, nightmares and is dependent on opium for pain relief. Why are there stigmas against multicultural couples? Because of traditions and because of change which many people dislike.
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  • Quiz 1. Where would it be suitable to use the term Bhai to address people. 2. Where in England was Bissen hospitalised?
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  • By Brian, David, Jimmy, Vincent, Damien Phoo 10B Part 7 Jallianwalla Bagh, Amritsar
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  • Summariser(Damien Phoo) Miles Irving leaves office in exhaustion Lieutenant Colonel Smith gets informed about the situation by Rehill, Smith hints at massacre, talks of things that needed to be done to keep our empire together Gurdial leaves Sohni to seek for Jeevan Gurdial gives Bissen the letter he has been waiting for Jeevan talks to priest about his actions Heera shows Jeevan his destiny, Jeevan accepts it willingly Bissen gets dragged by friend to Vaisakhi British rock up at Vaisakhi and start shooting everyone Bissen and Jeevan die, Jeevan takes hit and kills Pritam with him Leads to prologue
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  • Scene selector (Brian and Vince) LocationReasonCentral Quote Page 348 paragraph 3Story/plotThe riot would not have happened if the doctors hadnt been sent to Dharansla Page 250 paragraph 3Theme, belonging, class(orphans) Motherless young men who yearned to belong, to find new families. Page 350 paragraph 9Character development, even wealthy people want to fight Pritam came from a wealthy family Page 341 paragraph 1PlotNo attempt was being made to stop the meeting at Jallianawala Bagh neither by Dwyer.
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  • Vocabulary selector(David Chau) Page number/paragraph WordDefinition Pg. 340Myriad A very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things Pg. 340 Pg. 341 pg. 343 Proclamation A public and official announcement Pg. 341Consternation A sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay Pg. 342Machinations Crafty schemes; plots; intrigues Pg. 346GurdwaraA Sikh temple in India Pg. 383AcridSharp or biting to the taste or smell; bitter
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  • Pg. 349Angst A feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish Pg. 352ProvenancePlace or source of origin Pg. 355Revolutionary Radically new or innovative Pg. 363KhukurisA cured steel knife with a razor-sharp edge used in combat by the Gurkhas
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  • Pg. 368Incessantly Continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending Pg. 369CallousedMade hard, hardened Pg. 370Self-propagating To cause an organism to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from parent stock Pg. 371GesticulatingTo express by gesturing Pg. 374Sardonic Characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking Pg. 376TrundlingTo roll along Pg. 377GrimacedA facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain
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  • Pg. 378Contorted Twisted in a violent manner; distorted Pg. 379Retch To make efforts to vomit Pg. 382Decreed A formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law Pg. 383AcridSharp or biting to the taste or smell; bitter
  • Slide 71
  • Discussion Director(Jimmy Tran) Was death the only way Jeevan could forgive himself? Why would Pritam lead a revolt? Could the British have prevented the revolt? Could the British attack have just been a mistake or was Hans Raj involved? Would the British have done the same if the rebelions were white people?