Project1 3

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  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3




    employee Benefits AT IREL, OSCOM, CHATRAPUR

    Certified by ISO-9001, 14001 and OHSAS-18001


  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    ABOUT IRE !Indian Rare Eart"# i$ited%&

    Indian Rare Earths Ltd (IREL) was incorporated on august 18, 1950 as a private

    limited compan !ointl owned " the #overnment o$ India and the government o$

    %ravancore, &ochin su"se'uentl in ear 19* it "ecame a $ull $ledged government o$

    India underta+ing under the administrative control o$ department o$ atomic energ

    IREL is a pioneer in the $ield o$ mining and processing o$ "each sand minerals

    such as illuminate, Rutile, -ircon, .ona/ite, #arnet and illimanite etc It is operating

    three mining and mineral processing units vi/ t &havara (2erala), .anavala+urchi

    (%amil 3aidu) and &hatrapur (4rissa)lt is also operating a chemical plant, rare earth

    division at dogamandal (+erala) $or processing mona/ite and producing rare earths

    compounds with several diversi$ication plans in progress, including moderni/ation o$

    e6isting plant and machiner, the compan is poised $or $urther growth $rom its current

    level o$ sales turnover o$ appro6 Rs7900 .illion with $oreign e6change earning o$ appro6

    Rs1000 .illion part $rom meeting the domestic demand, IREL alters to the

    international mar+ets vi/, &3 %RI, R3&E, 34R:;, #ER.3;,

    24RE, &>I3, 2RI3 etc, even under several glo"al competitions

    ?esides providing raw materials to the "asic industries and the core sector o$ the

    countr, IREL also plas a strategic and uni'ue role in the strategic atomic energ

    program o$ the countr It is the onl producer o$ the mona/ite mineral containing thorium

    and uranium ranium is "eing e6tracted at the RE ivision o$ IREL and is used in the

    nuclear reactors as $uel, while thorium is considered as the $uel $or the $uture nuclear

    energ programme o$ the countr %he /ircon mineral "eing produce " IREL is the raw

    material $or the manu$acture o$ /ircalo tu"es used $or $illing uranium $uel in the nuclear


    ince incorporation o$ the compan at .um"ai in 1950, the compan has growing

    steadil during the post 50 ears and the sales turnover 50, 7000@7001 reached all time

    highl o$ race 7591 .illion %he compan has "een a signi$icant earner o$ valua"le

    $oreign e6change $or the nation IREL has "een e6porting its product to advance

    countries li+e , 2, R3&E, #ER.3; etc In the decade e6ports earnings have

    risen $rom Rs 779.illion to impressive Rs 1000.illion over 7 e6pertAs hours

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    %he IREL has own "ear elo'uent testimon to itAs consistent e6port per$ormance

    over the decades IREL has "uild up a corporation image in the world mar+et as a relia"le

    supplier o$ "each minerals and rare earths compound %he I49007 certi$ication received

    " all $our operating units o$ IREL "ears $urther testimon to commitment o$ the compan

    $or e'ualit and customer satis$action

    %he companAs pride lies in its harmonious cordial relationship with the emploees

    $or several ears %he production plants o$ IREL have adapted highest level o$ sa$et

    standards along with environmental $riendl techni'ue to e6ploit the o"edientl availa"le

    minerals $rom the "eaches o$ eastern and western part o$ Indian peninsula

    %he management o$ the compan is interested with a group o$ highl 'uali$ied

    and e6perienced directors down $rom di$$erent $ieldAs technical mar+eting $inance RB

    and mining aspects o$ its operations

    Esta"lished as Rare Earths &ompan, "each sand minerals "usiness continued to

    "e the main sta o$ IREL and is e6pected to remain so in the current changing

    environment o$ li"erali/ation which has promoted glo"al participation and entr private

    entrepreneurs into the $ield o$ "each sand minerals


    %o "e a leading supplier o$ "each sand minerals $rom sia " suppling 10 C o$ the

    world demand $or "each sand minerals over the ne6t D@10 ear It would "e achieved "

    ma6imum utili/ation o$ e6isting capacit, new capacit addition, and capturing ma!or

    portion o$ the incremental growth in the glo"al %i47 $eedstoc+ demand and " developing

    competitive value added -ircon, Rutile, illimanite B #arnet products that ma+e

    handsome contri"ution to revenue B pro$its

    %o "ecome the pre$erred rare earth products supplier (=roducermar+eter) $or

    domestic customer to ensure long@term sustenance and pro$ita"ilit o$ rare earths

    "usiness and to achieve ade'uate e$$icienc in .ona/ite processing as long as it is

    necessar worthwhile

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    %o harness "each sands in an environmentall and sociall responsi"le manner

    $or e$$icientl producing minerals and their traditional and innovative value@added products

    o$ world@class 'ualit, that are used to ma+e increasingl superiornovel products re'uired

    " customers

    %o pla a dominant role in developing domestic rare earths mar+et " producing

    andor mar+eting the 'ualit value@added products to reali/e ma6imum potential o$ rare

    earths in a range o$ applications

    %o "uilt a pro$essional, creative and committed wor+$orce and nature an

    environment that $osters learning, sharing and development

    private entrepreneurs into the $ield o$ "each sand minerals



    Located 10 +m north o$ 2ollam, 85 +m $rom %hiruvananthapuram capital o$ 2erala

    and 15 +m " road $rom &ochin is perhaps "lessed with the "est mineral sand deposit o$

    the countr %he plant operates on a mining area containing as high as F0 C heav

    minerals and e6tending over a length o$ 7 +m in the "elt o$ 3eenda+ara and

    2aam+ulam %he deposit is 'uite rich with respect to llmenite, Rutile and -ircon and the

    mineral@llmenite happens to "e o$ weathered variet anal/ing 0 C %i47 %he =resent


    ( + (INERA DI'*TA(I NADU






  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    annual production capacit o$ &havara unit engaged in dr as well as wet (dredging up@

    gradation) mining and mineral separation stands at 1, 5F,000 o$ llmenite, 9,500t o$

    Rutile, and 1F,000 o$ -ircon and D,000t o$ illimanite

    (ANA'AA+URCHI !(+%&-

    =lant is situated 75 +m north o$ 2ana+umari (&ape &omorin), the southernmost tip

    o$ the Indian su"@continent ll weather ma!or seaports %oticorin and the nearest airport at

    %hiruvananthapuram are e'uidistant, a"out 5 +m $rom the plant site 3agercoil at a

    distance o$ a"out 18 +m $rom the plant is the closest ma!or railwa station .2 plant

    annuall produces a"out 90,000 llmenite o$ 55 C %i47 grade, 500t Rutile and 10,000

    -ircon in addition to 000t .ona/ite and 10,000t #arnet "ased primaril on "each washing

    supplied " $ishermen o$ surrounding $ive villages IREL has also mining lease o$

    mineral rich areas where in raw sand can "e made availa"le in large 'uantities through

    dredging operation In addition to mining and minerals separation, the unit has a chemical

    plant to add value to -ircon in the $orm o$ -ircon $rit and other -irconium "ased chemicals

    in limited 'uantities


    RE is an e6clusivel value adding chemical plant wherein the mineral mona/ite

    produced " .2, is chemicall treated to separate %horium as >dro6ide upgrade and

    rare earths in its composite chloride $orm It is located on the "an+s o$ river =eriar at a

    distance o$ 17 +m " road $rom &ochin %his plant was made operational wa "ac+ in

    1957 to ta+e on processing o$ 1F00t o$ .ona/ite ever ear >owever over the ears, the

    capacit o$ the plant was graduall augmented to treat a"out 00t o$ .ona/ite Ela"orate

    solvent e6traction and iron e6change $acilities were "uilt up to produce individual 46ides,

    li+e 46ide o$ &e, 3d, =r and La in ade'uate purities %oda RE has "uilt up large stoc+

    pile o$ impure thorium hdro6ide upgrade associated with rare earths and unreacted


    >ence$orth, RE proposes to treat this hdro6ide upgrade rather than $resh

    .ona/ite to convert thorium into pure o6alate and rare earth as two ma!or $ractions

    namel &e o6ide and &e o6ide $ree rare earth chloride

    OSCO( !Ori##a Sand C/$e2%&-

    %he mineral "elt running over a coastal length o$ nearl 18+m with a total area o$

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    over 7s'+m "etween #opalpur in the outh and Rushi+ula River in the north is

    estimated to contain a"out 70 million Ions o$ raw sand with 70@75C heav minerals and is

    e6pected to last $or a"out 100 ears %o e6ploit these natural resources, IREL has "uilt an

    integrated industrial comple6, un+nown as 4&4.(4rissa ands &oraple6)near

    .athi+halo village a"out 8+m,outh o$ &hatrapur town(4RI)in the ear 198F


    %he &hatrapur sand deposit is situated along the Eastern &oast in #an!am district

    o$ 4rissa state (%op sheet noG DF15 and DFE) %he area is "ound on the $our sides "

    Rushi+ula River on the 3orth@East, the coastline o$ ?a o$ ?engal on the outh@East,

    2endal River (#opalpur cree+) on the outh@:est and the %ampra inland lagoon and its

    canal sstem on the 3orth@:est %he coordinates o$ the area along the coast are as


    Dire3ti/n atitde /n5itde

    3orth@East 1971H 0 8F0H 7

    &entral =ortion 1918H 0 8F58H

    outh@:est 1915H 8 8F55H 00

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    %he "road gauge main line o$ outh Eastern Railwa connecting >owrah and

    .adras passes through &hatrapur railwa station at a distance o$ 90 2ilometres $rom

    the plant %he ma!or railwa station is ?erhampur at a distance o$770+ilometers $rom

    the plant =rivate railwa siding lin+ed with &hatrapur railwa station is availa"le up to

    loading plat$orm inside the mine premises


    %here are two all weather roads connecting plant site to 3>@5 (&alcutta and

    .adras) 4ne road o$ F0 +ilometers length connects directl to 3>@5 at 2alia"ali village

    and the other o$ 50 +ilometers length at &hatrapur


    %he nearest airport is at ?hu"aneswar at a distance o$ 150 +ilometers " road

    rom ?hu"aneswar $lights are availa"le to &alcutta, Jisha+hapatnam, >dera"ad,

    .um"ai etc

    Sea /rt&

    %he nearest all weather sea port is at =aradeep appro6imatel 750 +ilometers awa

    " road $rom the plant &alcutta, .adras and Jisha+hapatnam are the other ma!or ports

    with suita"le road and rail connection %he #opalpur port ad!acent to plant is presentl

    wor+ing as seasonal port and is underdevelopment as an all weather port


    %he location o$ the $actor has got man advantages li+e %ransport, Electric,

    .anpower and water ete %he $actor gets its raw material (sand) $rom the sea %he

    $actor also gets its power and water suppl easil 4ne more advantage is

    communication* 3> Road is 5+m awa $rom the $actor



    %he raw sand deposit containing heavy minerals is mined out using dredger %he

    sand in slurr $orm is pumped out to the upgradation unit which is mounted on a pontoon

    >ere, the heav minerals (>.) are separated out $rom the lighter mineral, vi/, 'uart/, in a

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    "atter o$ spiral separators, "ased on the speci$ic gravit separation principle %ailings are

    pumped to "ac+$ill the area mined out %his $acilit ena"les upgradation o$ heav mineral

    content $rom a"out 70C to 90C and re!ected the "ul+ o$ the gangue at the mining site

    itsel$ %he dredge also helps tapping the mineral values e6tending "elow the water ta"le

    up to meters


    %he product o$ the := is pumped to another upgradation plant consisting o$ a

    "atter o$ spirals >ere, the >. content o$ the sand is $urther upgraded to 9DC plus,

    which is the $eed to the .ineral eparation =lant


    %he product o"tained $rom the >= contains around 9DC heav minerals which

    are separated in the .= using special techni'ues, utili/ing the di$$erences in the phsical

    properties o$ the minerals, vi/, electrical conductivit, magnetic suscepti"ilit, sur$ace

    characteristics, speci$ied gravit grain si/e etc %he ma!or separation e'uipments in this

    plant consist o$ electro@dnamic (high tension) separations, electrostatic separators,

    rare earth drum magnetic separators, $loate6 densit separators, spiral separators, wet

    ta"les, air ta"les, $lotation cells etc >ere the $eed material is separated into llmenite,

    Rutile, -ircon, .ona/ite, #arnet and sillimanite


    pilot plant $or producing high pure /irconium o6ide and various other products

    li+e calciamagnesiaceria;ttria sta"ili/ed -irconia, other /irconium chemicals was

    commissioned in the ear 7000

    pra ring nit has "een added to this plant in

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    nal/er, p> meters, >igh %emperature urnace, %hermo #ravimetr i$$erential

    canning &alorimeter(%#@&), ur$ace area nalser ?4 Incu"ator, =recision

    ?alances, =cno meter, ?om" &alorimeter, &ar"on ulphur determination pparatus,

    Jiscometer, lash =oint meter, .oisture nalser, Respira"le ust ampler, round the

    cloc+ weather monitoring station etc

    La"orator provides round the cloc+ "ac+up services to all process plants and

    utilit services to produce 'ualit products %he well e'uipped environmental la"orator o$

    %echnical ervices ept regularl monitors e$$luents, stac+ gases B am"ient air 'ualit



    .ainl used in the manu$acture o$ %itanium io6ide (a white pigment) which is

    used in paints, paper, ru""er, te6tile etc It is also the raw material $or the manu$acture o$

    titanium allos which is used in the aerospace and chemical industries " virtue o$ its

    light weight, toughness, heat and chemical resistance lso used $or the production o$

    nthetic Rutile

    sed $or coating o$ welding electrodes and also $or the production o$ %itanium

    io6ide and titanium %ehactiaride used $or the production o$ titanium metal sponge


    %his plant processes thorium o6alate, produced, at the Rare Earths ivision o$ IRE,

    dogamandal %he process is "ased on solvent e6traction techni'ues to produce thorium

    nitrate (mantle grade), thorium o6ide etc odium 3itrate solution is " product o$ this plant


    pilot plant $or producing high pure /irconium o6ide and various other products

    li+e calciamagnesiaceria;ttria sta"ili/ed -irconia, other /irconium chemicals was

    commissioned in the ear 7000

    pra ring nit has "een added to this plant in

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    customers %he analtical la"orator is well e'uipped with modern sophisticated

    instruments and e'uipments li+e KR, KR, tomic "sorption pectrophotometer, J@

    Jis pectrophotometer, 4rion peci$ic Ion nalser, .icrowave igester, =article si/e

    nal/er, p> meters, >igh %emperature urnace, %hermo #ravimetr i$$erential

    canning &alorimeter(%#@&), ur$ace area nalser ?4 Incu"ator, =recision

    ?alances, =cno meter, ?om" &alorimeter, &ar"on ulphur determination pparatus,

    Jiscometer, lash =oint meter, .oisture nalser, Respira"le ust ampler, round the

    cloc+ weather monitoring station etc

    La"orator provides round the cloc+ "ac+up services to all process plants and

    utilit services to produce 'ualit products %he well e'uipped environmental la"orator o$

    %echnical ervices ept regularl monitors e$$luents, stac+ gases B am"ient air 'ualit



    .ainl used in the manu$acture o$ %itanium io6ide (a white pigment) which is

    used in paints, paper, ru""er, te6tile etc It is also the raw material $or the manu$acture o$

    titanium allos which is used in the aerospace and chemical industries " virtue o$ its

    light weight, toughness, heat and chemical resistance lso used $or the production o$

    nthetic Rutile


    sed $or coating o$ welding electrodes and also $or the production o$ %itanium

    io6ide and titanium %ehactiaride used $or the production o$ titanium metal sponge


    sed in oundries, &eramics and Re$ractories lso used as raw material $or the

    manu$acture o$ -irconium 46ide, its compounds, metal B allos o$ /irconium which $ind

    application in man chemical, electronic and nuclear industries


    E6traction o$ thorium concentrate and Rare earth &ompounds used in various chemical

    and electronic industries sed $or the manu$acture o$ thorium nitrate used in gas mantles

    It is also a source $or thorium and uranium in nuclear reactor


    sed in the manu$acture o$ a"rasives, grinding wheels, $or polishing glass%J

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    tu"es, as sand "lasting media, in water $iltration, water !et cutting and in antis+id



    .ainl used in the manu$acture o$ high temperature Re$ractories and Insulators


    IL.E3I%E B R%ILE

    s %i47 white pigment $orG

    =aintsJarnishes =lastic =aper L Ru""er

    L =rinting In+L &oated 9a"ric %e6tilesL &osmetics, 0un =rotection &reams

    1s %itanium sponge.etalG

    L 8i$$erent 1llosL 1erospace IndustrL 0urgical E'uipmentsL Electrical %ur"ine %u"ing

    L ?ullet =roo$ Jests

    :elding Electrodes


    &eramics oundr Re$ractor &omputer .onitors %elevision creen ;ttria -irconia $or 46gen ensors

    &utting %ools cratch Resistant ?racelets merican iamond 3uclear Reactors in llo orm


    >igh grade re$ractor "ric+s >igh alumina re$ractor

    teel B #lass Industries &ement 2ilns

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    >eat %reatment $urnaces etc


    and ?lasting "rasives,

    :ater iltration :ater !et cutting &leaning o$ casingspipes in petroleum industr 4il wells

    s =owder orG

    &eramics #lass =olishing and nti +id sur$aces =olishing o$ picture tu"es


    4&4. has a $ull $ledged sa$et B %raining epartment to implement the sa$et

    training polic o$ the compan B to compl whit the statutor re'uirement in coordination

    with various departments a$et and Environmental &ommittee is constituted " giving

    due representation to wor+men and the committee deli"erates regularl on various sa$et

    B environment issues epartment ta+es active role in arranging house+eeping

    competitions, displa o$ sa$et posters, slogans, etc a$et wee+s are cele"rated to

    promote the sa$et awareness among the emploee a$et manual are printed in

    regional languages and distri"uted to all emploees a$et audit are also conducted



    >ealth =hsics nit o$ ?ha"ha tomic &entre is located at site to loo+ a$ter health

    phsics aspects o$ the emploee


    IREL is loo+ing $orward o$ snchroni/ing the present with the $uturedevelopment .ineral "ene$iciation and chemical process development la"oratories are

    activel engaged in process optimi/ation and development o$ new competitive products,

    such as ;ttria B ceria@sta"ili/ed -irconia $or special application in structural ceramics,

    electronic components and ma+ing arti$icial diamond

    RB .ineral processing La"orator is e'uipped with an arra o$ mineral

    "ene$iciation Bvalue addition e'uipment such asG

    .oving "ed plasma dissociation $urnace and static plasma $urnace $or RB

    studies on melt separation o$ metali/ed ilmenite into titanium slog and iron metal

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    =lasma $urnace $or dissociation o$ /ircon mineral into /irconium o6ide and silica

    Rotar tu"ular $urnace $or studies on reduction and metalli/ation o$ silica

    loate6 densit separator and spiral test@rig separator $or mineral upgradation


    lotation cell $or studies on $lotation o$ minerals li+e sillimanite, mona/ite etc

    Electrostatic and magnetic separators, isodnamic magnetic separators $or

    mineral "ene$iciation studies

    RB studies have contri"uted immensel $or optimi/ing the $low sheets o$

    :=, >= and mineral separation plan $or achieving enhanced production and high

    level o$ recover


    %he technical services department maintains a Li"rar to disseminate technical

    in$ormation to scienti$ic and plant operating personnel

    E&4L4#;G Restoration o$ natural environment a$ter mining is "eing carried out $rom

    198F onwards $$orestation programmes are "eing success$ull implemented in mined

    out areas Jarious species o$ tree li+e &asuarina, &ashew, &assia, istula, Eucalptus,

    arca indica etc are planted in the plant premises, mined out areas and housing colon

    IREL is ta+ing steps to protect the coastal line and is wor+ing in laison with several

    concerned e6pert agencies in this regard and a sstematic plantation programme is

    "eing carried out in order to have a thic+ green "elt along the ea &oast E6perimental

    plantation with species such as !o!o"a and cinnamon are also "eing tried at site

    E(OEE 7E)ARE

    4&4. nit provides direct emploment to more than 1700 persons "esides

    indirect emploment to $ew hundreds %he wel$are o$ emploees and the mem"ers o$ their

    $amil are given utmost importance to have an overall health growth .edical services a

    with health care centre provide preventive, curative and promotional health care to

    emploees, mem"ers o$ the $amil and also to the people o$ neigh"oring villages

    >ousing colon provided with English medium and Local Language chools, Recreation

    &entre, =la #round, .ar+eting &entre etc ma+es the environmental livel


    s a leading producer o$ "each sand minerals and association value added products

    :e demonstrate continual improve in Mualit, Environment, 4ccupational health B a$et


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  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    chieve Rs1000 corer turn over " 7010

    %o meet a"ove organi/ational goal, the targeted delivera"le was identi$ied asG

    1 Enhance com"ined production o$ all minerals up to 1 million tonNannum ilmenite andassociated minerals

    7 =roduce 150 ton o$ J08 $rom sources &ontinue production o$ 3@%>o7 $rom sourcesF 2eep a share in the rare earths mar+et


    1 %o optimi/e the e6traction o$ heav minerals7 %o ena"le the compan in optimum utili/ation o$ resources %o maintain $inancial soundness o$ the compan " managing the $inancial operation in

    accordance with good commercial utilities practicesF %o develop appropriate commercial polic leading to remunerative tari$$s and minimum

    receiva"les5 %o $unction as responsi"le citi/en and discharge social responsi"ilit in respect o$

    environmental protection and reha"ilitation %o adopt human resource development polic trading to creation o$ a team o$

    motivated and &omponent power pro$essionalsD %o develop research and development $or achieving improved plants relia"ilit

    8 %o lign towards strategic activities o$ E


    %he 4&4. 3I% 4 IREL had capital out la o$ appro6 Rs 8,50 la+hs %he

    initiall investment made in 700D@7008 is Rs 1,75851 la+hs%he investment made $rom

    various shares amount to Rs F,0981 la+hs >owever, 4&4. has "een running

    pro$it since it went into commercial production %he accumulated pro$it as on 17008

    was a"out 77,8D5D8la+h as the provision $or ta6 as on 17008 was Rs D,18719 la+hs

    ma+ing accumulated pro$it to R 15,55DF9 la+hs


    IRE meets the demands o$ advanced mar+eting li+e , &anada, rance,

    #erman, , E6ports $rom IRE(4&4.) have increased over the same $ew ears "ecause its

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    products stand up to international 'ualit standard


    Rutile F1,00000 10,000

    -ircon F5,00000 8,000

    llmenite 5,00000 7,70,000

    illimanite 11,00000 0,000

    #arnet ,D5000 10,000


    D0C o$ emploees are localities o$ #an!am district and rests are $rom other part o$ the

    countr 4&4. ta+e local villagers as contract "asis emploee $or gardening wor+ planted

    over the mine out area and loading the railwa trac+ regularl IREL 4&4. provides school $acilit $or 4ria and English to the local villagers

    4&4. provides school $acilit $or 4ria and English to the local villagers


    .ining o$ "each sand minerals

    eparation o$ si6 heav minerals

    Jalue addition on -ircon

    Jalue addition on >ematite

    &hemical processing on magnetite, the concentration reel

    =roduction o$ 3# thorium nitrate


    1 @ dministration7 @ >R. @ E%%EF @ .edical5 @ 2ol+ata 4$$ice @ =urchaseD @ tore8 @ .ar+eting9 @ inance

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    10 @ Internal aduit11 @ ecurit17 @ r mining1 @ dwup1F @ .=

    15 @ =ro!ect1 @ %ech service1D @ Instrumentation18 @ .echanical19 @ Electrical70 @ &ivil71 @ %ransport pool77 @ utopool7 @ tilit7F @ ?oil75 @ %horium plant

    7 @ a$t B training7D @ .I (.anagement in$ormation sstem)78 @ ?himili pro!ect79 @ ??R 4$$ice0 @ ire



    RE# 3 :E% =

    #R%I43 =L3%


    E3%>I%I& R4%ILE =L3%









    =L3 %

    ELE&%RI&L B


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    A3tieavies upgrading plant (>=) through pumps

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    >= is installed near" mineral separation plant (.=) onl upgrade heav minerals

    up to 9DC and send that to .= pgradations o$ minerals are possi"le onl o$ having higher speci$ic gravit as

    compare to re!ected minerals +nown as 'uart/


    %he heav mineral concentrate o"tained $rom dredge and wet concentrator plant is

    $ed to the concentrator upgradation plant (&=) which consists o$ several circuits o$

    spirals and wet ta"les $or $urther upgradation o$ heav minerals to 95 to 9DC %herea$ter

    the &= concentrate is $ed to .= $or separation o$ individual minerals %he separation

    o$ individual minerals is done "ased upon their phsical properties %he heav mineral

    concentrate mi6ture which is $ed to .= contains llmenite(5@8C), Rutile(75@C),

    -ircon(75@C), .ona/ite(15@7C), illimanite (8@17C) and #arnet(17@1C) %he phsical

    properties o$ the a"ove minerals are as $ollowsG


    llmenite &onducting and strongl magnetic F5F

    Rutile &onducting and non@magnetic F75

    -ircon 3on@conducting and non@magnetic F8

    .ona/ite 3on@conducting and wea+l magnetic 575

    illimanite 3on@conducting and non@magnetic 75#arnet 3on@conducting and moderatel magnetic F11

    %he ma!or separation e'uipment consists o$ >igh tension separators, Electro plate

    separators, Electro screen separators, Induced roll magnetic separators, >ighl induced

    roll magnetic separators, Li$t roll magnetic separators, &ross "elt magnetic separators,

    ttritioners, &onditioners, roth $loatation cells, piral concentrators, :et ta"les, ir

    ta"les and hdro cclones etc In addition, a num"er o$ drers are provided to eliminate

    moisture in the $eed concentrate and products $rom wet separators and also to heat drsolids "e$ore high tension separators

    (e3"ani3a ei$ent# in (S&

    ?elt conveers

    crew conveers




    rug conveers

    ?lowers :et ta"les

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    ?uc+et elevators

    Ji"rating screen

    ir ta"les

    loatation cells


    %he plant was set up at 4&4. in 1997 and $rom ver ne6t ear it started its production

    &apacit o$ plants G 770 ton per annum o$ thorium nitrate

    Raw material G %horium o6alate $rom RE, allos

    =roduction G %horium 3itrate and thorium o6ide

    (ain #e /f r/d3t

    %horium nitrate in mar+eting o$ gas material %horium o6ide as a shield in atomic power station


    1 EACHIN.& T"/ri$ o6alate O caustic leP%horium hdro6ide7 DISSOUTION& %horium hdro6ide O 3itric acidP%horium nitric solution %his

    method is

    used $or removing the rare earth impurities* SO'ENT E@TRACTION&

    a) %he $eeds solution is processed to separate %horium and rare earth in continuous

    counter current solvent e6traction "atteries") &lean solvent coming out o$ stripping unit o$ solvent e6traction sstem has small

    unstrapped thorium and solvent decomposition product with it It is possi"le with

    series o$ washes li+e al+aline water, process water and acidi$ied water

    4* THORIU( RECO'ER CONTAINS = STES&a) =ure %horium nitrate solution o"tained is concentrated " evaporates in 7 stages") rom the a"ove %horium nitrate crstals are recovered " crstalli/ed last stage o$ plant is

    sstematic handing o$ waste as per the guidelines o$ atomic energ regulator "oard and4rissa state pollution control "oard

    (ateria# #ed f/r t"e r/d3ti/n /f T"/ri$ Nitrate are a# f//6#&

    &austic le(3ao>)

    3itric cid(>34

    oda sh

    >drogen pero6ide(>747)

    %?=(%ri@?utl phosphate) (&F>94)=4



    (ain ei$ent# in T"/ri$ ant&

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    ilter press e'uipments

    .i6ture settles



    %an+ and agitation

    Te3"ni3a Ser

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3




    ?rown llemnite

    llmenite A.2A #rade

    llmenite A4RA #rade

    llmenite AMA #rade



    OC :C SA(ES O) (S:

    D7UOC : C SA(ES O) T




  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    1 .ainl used in the manu$acture o$ %itanium dio6ide (a white pigment) this is used in

    paints, ru""ers, te6tiles etc7 It is used as raw material $or manu$acture o$ %itanium allos which is used in aerospace


    chemical industries sed $or production o$ snthetic RutileF


    #arnet A.21#rade (3ormal)

    #arnet A4RA #rade

    1 It is used in the manu$acture o$ a"rasives, grinding wheels, $or polishing glass%J

    tu"es ,as sand "lasting media, in water $iltration ,water !et cutting



    E6traction o$ %horium concentrates and earths compounds used in various chemical and

    electronic industries

    sed $or the manu$acture o$ %horium 3itrate used in gas mantels

    It is also a source $or %horium and ranium in nuclear reactors


    RutileA.2H #rade

    Rutiie A4RA #rade

    Rutile AMA #rade

    1 It is used $or coating o$ wielding electrodes and also $or the production o$ %itanium

    io6ide and %itanium %etrachloride used $or the production o$ %itanium materialNsponge



    illimanite AMA #rade

    1 It is mainl used in the manu$acture o$ high temperature re$ractor and insulators


    -ircon and A.2A #rade

    -ircon and AMA #rade

    ir3/n OR .rade

    1 It is used in $oundries, ceramics and Re$ractor7 It is used as the raw material $or the manu$acture o$ /irconium o6ide, its compound

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    metal and allos o$ /iroconium which $ind application in man chemical electronic andnuclear industries


    1 sed in the $oundries $or high temperature castings and $or manu$acture o$ -iroconium

    4paci$ierIRCON OACI)IER&

    1 It is used as an opaci$ier in ceramics

    Unit# r/d3t Caa3ity

    4rissa sands Ilmenite 78D5%annum

    &omple6 Rutile 1,000%annum

    (4&4.) -ircon ,000 %annum

    illimanites 8,000%annum

    #rant 5,000%annum









    UNS+IED 7OR+




    AD(N 7 7 7 1(IS 7 1BBSR O))ICE 1 1 1URCHASE


    7 1


    1F 7 9 7ESTATE 1 SECURIT 7 1 D FFS:T 7 7 1 7 1)IRE 1 15DNNT AUDIT 7 1URCHASE 7 7AUTO


    7 5F 7D



    5 7 8



    F 1 1

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    IL.E3I%EQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 7,70,000 %=


    -IR&43QQQQQQQQQQQQQ 8,000 %=


    #R3E%QQQQQQQQQQQQ 17,000 %=

    %>4RI. 3I%R%EQQQQQQQQ 775 %=



    Rare Eart" C"/ride&

    :idel used in the manu$acture o$ much metal used $or ma+ing lighter $lints in

    the production o$ catalast $or crac+ing petroleum in the manu$acture o$ metallic soaps

    which $ind catalst $or crac+ing petroleum in the manu$acture o$ metallic soaps used as

    dries in the paints as a starting material $or the production o$ pure rare earths and earths

    compounds $or the removal o$ organic impurities and decolourisation o$ paper mill

    e$$luents and in the manu$acture o$ special $errous castings

    Rare Eart" )/ride&

    sed in the car"on industr to increase the intensit $or glass polishing in optical glass

    composition and re$ractor materials

    Ceri$ /2ide&

    sed in the car"on industr to increase the intensit $or glass polishing in optical glass

    composition and re$ractor materials

    Tri#/di$ "/#"ate&

    :idel used as decaling and degreasing agent in hollers as in $iller in the manu$acturer o$

    detergent powders to improve classi$ication o$ sugarcane !uice and to decrease the 'ualit

    at molasses also used in te6tile,paper and $ood industr $or cleaning

    T"/ri$ /2ide&

    sed in the gas manu$acturing industr and $or starters in $luorescent tu"es and $or

    ma+ing $uel elements nuclear reactors

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    I4 9000@7008 I3&E 1998(Mualit)

    I4 1F001@700F I3&E 700F(Environment)

    4> 18001@700Dsince 7005(4ccupational health and a$et per$ormance)


    %o get certi$ication on 4> 18001@700D

    %o get certi$ication on environment sstem 1F001@700F(3ew nit)


    In the ultimate analsis, it is the human resource which converts the natural

    resources into productive su"stance, thus $ul$illing the o"!ectives o$ an organi/ation

    and achieving the development o$ an econom 4&4. is emploing a"out 10

    persons as its permanent emploees as on 1057009 consisting o$ 581 persons in

    technical and F55 persons as non@technical groups %he total manpower has "een

    classi$ied as permanent and temporar part $rom this compan is utili/ing la"ors

    STE O) (ANA.E(ENT&-

    =rimar, the organi/ation o$ 4&4. "elieves in the democratic stle o$

    management >owever, in man occasions, the organi/ation also adopts the participative

    stle o$ management





    1 4I&ER 18 10

    7 #E%.#.% %RI3EE F =

    ;4I&ER;E3#I3EER G 48 1F

    F % 1F 0 1F

    5 2ILLE :4R2.3 84 84 0

    32ILLE =8G 0 =8GD E&RI%; #R 4 0 4

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    8 >EL=ER (3I%%I43) = 0 =

    .RAND TOTA 1010 GF 44


    t present, Rare Earths Emploees union is the one and onl trade union

    operating in the organi/ation o$ 4&4. It is a$$iliated to I3%& It is a recogni/ed union

    %he union was esta"lished on 1st.a 1980 %his union has "een registered under the

    %rade nion ct, 197lt was registered on 11 th eptem"er 1980 under the name and

    stle o$ Rare Earths Emploees having registration num"er o$ 17988090C o$ the

    emploees are mem"er o$ the union run 2umar 3aha+ as the president o$ the e6isting

    union %hus, there is alwas internal leadership so $ar as the o$$icers o$ the union are

    concerned %he activities o$ the union are con$ined within the organi/ation onl


    4&4. has its own pollution control %he organi/ation also has its own

    environment development polic :ith regard to environment development, 4&4. has

    received di$$erent awards troph in the $orm o$ shield $rom di$$erent "odies 4&4. has

    also received the inter unit "est environmentalgreener award $rom the &. (&hairman

    cum .anaging irector)



  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    19G& .2 and &havara =lants are ta+en over $rom %ravancore .inerals Ltd

    =roduction at .2 and re$ur"ishing o$ &havara =lant commence

    19GG& IREL completes ranium .ill pro!ect at !aduguda, hands over to &IL

    19GF& IREL ta+es over >B: (%ravancore) plant at .2 .ineral ivision

    $ormed comprising &havara B .2

    19F0& Re$ur"ished &havara =lant goes into production &apacit o$ .2 plant is


    19F& =ilot plant is set up $or separation o$ individual Rare Earths

    19FF& &ommencement o$ 4&4. pro!ect

    19F9& =re@concentrator plant is commissioned at .2

    198& .oderni/ation and >elium and ranium Recover pro!ect (.4>R)

    commences at RE

    198G& 3ew :& =lant commences at .2, hero =R4R is commissioned, 3ew :& pro!ect commences at &havara, 3ew

    %horium =lant commences at 4&4.

    1988& &ommencement o$ &= at 4&4. and .2

    1990& .R& is launched at Muilon >ER4 plant is commissioned at lwae

    :&= at &havara, &= at 4&4. and .2 are commissioned

    1990-91& IREL I#3 .4 with #overnment o$ India iversi$ =lant pro!ect

    (==) starts trial production $or augmenting &erium >drate, idmium

    &ar"onate at lwae

    199-94& &o@generation plant is commissioned at RE3%= starts commercial


  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    Trainin5 and C/$eten3e&

    trength awareness, s+ills and competence o$ our emploees and contractor

    personnel to care $or prevention o$ the environment

    :e shall ma+e this availa"le to all over emploees and interacted part


    r/fie /f t"e HR( Deart$ent

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3






    S* .rade T/ta Te3"ni3a N/n- Te3"ni3a

    HEAD , OSCO(




    .(!(ateria% D.(





















    Ti$e Offi3e 7efare ?E#tate Offi3e an5a5e IR RO RTI?e5a Se3rity E#tabi#"$ent

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    1 8F0@C @7FD0










    11 - 11

    7 =8 - =8

    1 4

    F G 1 48

    5 = 114 =8 8G

    D 11 F 94

    8 G9 =F 4=

    9 4 =9

    10 =0 ==0 10

    T/ta F40 80 G01 R#* 1=G00-=00 G4 49 1

    T/ta G4 49 1

    1 R#*1G400-4000 G 1 8

    7 R#*=0G00-4G00 = 1 F

    R#*=4900-000 4 41 4

    F R#*=9100-400 41 8

    5 =900-8000 10 8 =

    GG00-G=000 F =

    D 4=00-GG000 -

    T/ta 18F 11 G

    1 R#* 1G400?- 3/n#ti = 1 1

    T/ta = 1 1

    .rand T/ta 99 G1 4=


    n organi/ation is made up o$ $our resources, namel .en, .aterial, .achiner and

    .one 4$ these, the $irst one is living one ie >uman and other three are non@living ie

    non@human It is the people that ma+e use o$ non@human resources >ence people are

    most signi$icance resources in an organi/ation

    >uman resources are heterogeneous in the sense that the di$$er in personalit,

    perception, emotion, values, attitude motives and mode o$ thoughts %heir "ehavior to

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    stimuli is o$ten inconsistent and unpredicta"le :hile other resources are depreciated,

    human resources appreciate with the passage o$ time ?etter educated, more s+illed,

    "etter aware o$ their interest and right are some distinguished $eatures o$ modern human

    resources #iven the highl competitive and comple6 "usiness environment, attracting

    and retaining 'uali$ied and competent emploees, have "ecome a real challenge o$ the

    da $or >R. dept

    >R. ept has plaed a crucial role in the organi/ation $or attaining goals and o"!ectives

    It is ver much committed to towards the emploeeAs wel$are with discharging the !o"

    e$$ectivel EmploeeAs service means eradicating the dissatis$action o$ the emploee

    Obe3tiR.A in place o$ personnel $unction is itsel$ sm"olic

    o$ this change In the das gone ", line organi/ations used to "e happ with having a

    middle level manager head the personnel department, whereas toda most organi/ations

    have #eneral .anagers, Jice =residentAs and irectorAs ta+ing care o$ this activit %he

    personnel $unction has ac'uired a uni'ue status and reputation in almost all service

    sectors including "an+ing, $inance, insurances, telecoms, so$tware, hotels, apart $rom the

    traditional manu$acturing and engineering $ields =ersonnel people are the new corporate

    heroes assuming positions o$ prestige and importance %he A>RA $unction has enriched

    itsel$, over the ears, " including within it a AevelopmentA dimension and thus moved

    itsel$ $rom a AReactiveA and A.aintenance@orientedA $unction to a A=ro@ctiveA path

    "rea+ing evelopment oriented $unction %oda personnel people tal+ o$ lin+ages with

    corporate planning, >R approach to Industrial Relations, >R &limate and ?udgets,

    evelopment 4riented appraisal sstems, multiple reward mechanisms, reengineering wor+

    cultures and ethos, etc %hose handling >R $unctions are "eing increasingl viewed as

    A&>3#E #E3%

    >uman Resource evelopment (>R) in the organi/ation conte6t is a process " which

    emploees o$ an organi/ation is helped in a continues and planned wa

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    T6/ e$"a#e# are inuman resources do not merel $ocus on emploees as individuals "ut also other

    human units and process in the organi/ation

    .an organi/ations have set up new departments +nown as >R departments

    which have done remar+a"le wor+ in attempting to $ind out new wa developing

    emploee competencies, people need competencies, +nowledge, attitude, s+ills to

    per$orm tas+s higher degree and 'ualit o$ per$ormance o$ tas+s re'uire higher level o$

    degree o$ s+ills without continues development o$ competencies in people or organi/ation

    is not li+el to achieve its goals, component and motivated emploees are essential $or

    organi/ational survival, growth and e6cellence %he emploee competencies are

    developed or sharpened through policies and practice o$ an organi/ation

    In this chapter there is necessit o$ >R. department in an organi/ation %he

    structure and duties and responsi"ilit o$ di$$erent department and also the polic o$

    4&4. are discussed

    Birt" /f HR( Deart$ent&

    =roduction is the com"ined e$$orts o$ $ive agents as Land La"our, .aterial,

    .anagement and Enterprise E$$icient manpower is essential $or the proper coordination

    o$ these without which production cannot "e carried out 4rgani/ation need people and

    $unction onl through them o human resource is the most important one %his has lead

    to the development o$ a separate department named as A>R.A epartment It deals with

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    all the >R activities li+e Industrial relation, grievances handling, industrial disputes, trade

    unions $unctioning, disciplinar action, dismissal, discharge etc

    .r/6t" /f HR( Deart$ent&

    >R. in India is a recent phenomenon which develops due to gradual growing

    o$ industriali/ation and the statutor o"ligations under the actories ct 19F8, the

    =lantation La"our

    ct 1951 and the .ines ct 1957or the wel$are o$ wor+ers and the wel$are o$$ice is

    created in

    ever organi/ation " these cts

    Str3tre /f t"e HR( Deart$ent /f IRE td&

    =eople who are gathered to wor+ within common aim and o"!ective re'uired a well

    de$ined structured through which the interact and get coordination with each other to

    $orm a team %he entire structure o$ the >R. epartment o$ IRE Ltd unit is headed " #.

    (>R.) >e is not the ape6 o$ >R. department and the ultimate authorit in personnel

    administration >e also loo+s a$ter the estate and ?hu"aneswar o$$ice

    ?esides there is a senior dministration o$$icer $or Estate and dministration

    o$$icer $or ?hu"aneswar o$$ice cum guest house %he manager (personnel), utilit is assisted " a senior assistant and an assistant

    %he manager (personnel), unit head'uarters is also the vigilance o$$icer o$ the unit

    >e is assisted " senior personnel manager, chie$ securit o$$icer and >ead o$$icer

    enior personnel o$$icer is assisted " 7 senior assistants,F senior time+eepers and

    assistants enior administrative o$$icer, estate, estate is assisted " an o$$ice assistant, helpers

    dministration o$$icers, ?hu"aneswar o$$ice is assisted " a driver and securit guards %he manager (personnel), mining and .= is assisted " a senior assistant and assistant

    At"/rity and Re#/n#ibiity /f t"e fn3ti/na "ead# /fHR( Deart$ent#&

    1* Dy* .enera (ana5er !HR(%&

    >e is the head o$ the department >e is loo+ing a$ter the general administration o$

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    the unit, estate and the ?hu"aneswar o$$ice and guest house

    =* (ana5er Jer#/nne% tiity&

    >e is to loo+ a$ter the smooth management o$ manpower o$ "oiler plant, chemical,

    =, R= and 3%=

    * (ana5er!er#/nne%$inin5 and (S&>e is to loo+ a$ter := and .= personnel ?oth the manager o$ utilit and

    .= deals with the matters relating wage and salar administration, wor+ers

    participation in the management and other da to da industrial relation $unctions o$

    the concerned plants4* (ana5er!er#/nne%nit "ead arter#&

    >e is loo+ing a$ter the administration esta"lishment, tales, telephone, industrial

    relations, time o$$ice, wel$are o$$ice, securit section, o$$ice correspondence and

    promotion o$ o$$icial language >indi is the unit >e is the unit o$ vigilance o$$icer* Seni/r er#/nne Offi3er#&

    >e is handling the time o$$icer and deal with recording and maintenance o$

    attendance egister o$ emploees >e is loo+ing a$ter the wel$are section and handless

    all the matters relating o the $ringe "ene$its implementation o$ suggestion scheme >e

    is dealing the wor+ and pament o$ ontract la"our

    G* C"ief Se3rity Offi3er*>e is handling the securit section and loo+ing a$ter the sa$et and securit o$ the

    plant and olon >e is also loo+ing a$ter the $ire section which is meant $or saving the

    li$e and propert o$ the unitF* Dy* Hindi Offi3er&

    >e is in charge o$ promotion and use o$ o$$icial language >indi in the unit level It

    is "eing romoted through competition, discussion, de"ate and eas writing8* Seni/r ad$ini#tratie is loo+ing a$ter the colon 'uarters unit guest house, estate Land

    ac'uisition and decoration etc

    9* Ad$ini#tratie is loo+ing a$ter the guest house meant $or

    the IRE td, .athi+halo emploees on o$$icial duties

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    Hierar3"i3a State$ent /f (an/6er in

    Offi3e HR( Offi3er HR( Offi3er HR( DSO

    Se3rity In#e3t/rStaff?7/r$en

    Se3rit .ard






  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3




    >uman Resources pla a ver crucial role in an organi/ation >uman Resource

    department solel responsi"le $or "ringing in "est and most suited wor+$orce in an

    organi/ation It has to "e most strategic and has to do with $our competencies It has to

    pla more emphasis areas related to capa"ilities and competencies helping the

    organi/ation to reshape it It has sale so as to $ul$ill the aims and o"!ectives o$ the

    organi/ation $or which it has "een $uture e6pectation and demand

    HR( Deart$ent in OSCO(&

    Deart$ent r/fie&

    >uman resources department is a pro$essionall managed department o$ India Rare

    Earth Limited loo+ing a$ter the $ollowing ma!or $actorsG







  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3




    Estate and %ownship dministration $actors

    Industrial Relation



    %ime 4$$ice



    =u"lic Relation

    T"e ab/

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    ?e an all@rounder with hands on e6perience the right e6posure and good team

    management s+ills as integral traits o$ hisher personalities

    Relevant e6posure s+ills and visions mple +nowledge to ta+e up daunting tas+ to $ul$ill the wor+ or goal o$ organi/ation


    %he serve as a road map $or managers It is a plan o$ action that leads towards #oal and

    o"!ective o$ the organi/ation #enerall the >R polic tend to

    1 Ena"les organi/ation to $ul$ill their main o"!ectives7 %o ensure that the emploers are well in$ormed a"out to polic %o provide such condition o$ emploment so as to una"le them to develop a sense o$

    sincere "elongingness and dedication to carr out their duties e$$ectuallF %o provide securit to the emploment5 %o provide $air and ade'uate wages


    1 %o ensure consistence treatment to all persons throughout the organi/ation to

    which $avoritism and discriminating its elements

    7 It helps to put the right man in the right place " care$ul selection

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    1 Recruitment7 election %raining and evelopment

    F .an =ower =lanning5 =er$ormance ppraisal =olic on Industrial RelationD Emploee ?ene$it

    CHATEH- '7E)ARELa"our wel$are activities in an industriali/ed societ has $ar reaching impact not

    onl on the wor+ $orce "ut also all the $acets o$ human resource It includes all such

    activities, which not onl secures essential necessities "ut also ensures improvement in

    spiritual and emotional 'uotient, it comprises o$ short term and long terms goals towards

    "uilding a humane societ

    s la"our wel$are is a dnamic concept, changes in its principles activities and the

    rationale supporting them, have not "een static %he closel $ollow the stages o$

    advancement o$ the industriali/ed societ @$rom police %heor to unctional %heor

    ccordingl principles $or success$ul implementation o$ la"our wel$are activities ranges

    $rom ade'uac o$ wages to impact on e$$icienc as well as trans$ormation o$ personalit in

    nut shell, it is e6tension o$ democratic values in an industriali/ed societ

    %he term A:el$areA e6presses man ideas, meanings and connotations, such as thestate o$ well "eing, health, happiness, prosperit and the development o$ human resource

    It includes "oth the social and economic aspects o$ wel$are %he social concept o$ wel$are

    implies the wel$are o$ man, his $amil and his communit ll these three aspects are inter@

    related and wor+ together %he economic aspect o$ wel$are covers promotion o$ economic

    development " increasing production and productivit

    %he word la"our means an productive activit In a "roader sense, there$ore the

    phrase la"our wel$are means the adoption o$ measures to promote the phsical, social,

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    pschological and general well "eing o$ the wor+ing population :el$are wor+ in an

    industr aims or should aim at improving the wor+ing and living conditions o$ wor+ers and

    their $amilies

    %he concept o$ la"our wel$are activities, however, is $le6i"le, elastic and di$$ers $rom

    time to time, region to region, industr to industr and countr to countr, depending upon

    the value sstem, level o$ education, social customs, degree o$ industriali/ations and the

    general standard o$ the socio@economic development o$ a people

    It is also related to the political situation in a countr urther it depends upon the

    +inds o$ pro"lems with which societ is con$ronted as well as on the structure o$ the

    industr It is molded according to the age group, se6, socio@cultural "ac+ground, marital

    status, economic status and educational level o$ the emploees in various industries


    %he o"!ective o$ wel$are activities is to promote economic development "

    increasing production and productivit

    Improving the e$$icienc o$ the la"our is another o"!ective o$ la"our wel$are

    activities E$$icienc gives dou"le reward, one in the $orm o$ increased production and the

    other in the shape o$ higher wages due to achievement o$ higher productivit

    nother o"!ective o$ wel$are activities is to secure the la"our proper human

    conditions o$ wor+ and living :or+ing conditions o$ organi/ation ma "e led " an arti$icial

    environment which $eatures are dust, $umes, noise, unhealth temperature, etc It is

    generall $ound that these conditions impose strain on the "od

    %he wel$are activities are done to minimi/e the ha/ardous e$$ect on the li$e o$ the

    wor+ers and their $amil mem"ers It is the dut o$ the emploer to see these human


    %he ne6t o"!ective o$ wel$are activities is to add in a real wa to the low earning o$the la"our %he $acilities are provided to supplement the income o$ the wor+ers " services

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    such as housing, medical assistance, school, co@operative, canteens, stores, pla grounds


    %hus, the o"!ective o$ activities are to promote greater e$$icienc o$ the wor+ers,

    assure proper human conditions to the wor+ers and their $amil mem"ers, supplement

    their wages in monetar teams, give more real wages and $oster "etter industrial relations

    %he success o$ wel$are activities depends on the approach which has "een ta+en

    into account in providing such activities to the emploees :el$are polic should "e guided

    " idealistic morale and human value

    :el$are acilities

    Statt/ry 6efare OSCO(, IRE

    Environment $riendl wor+ing place

    &ool rin+ing water

    &anteens onl $or snac+s

    helter, rest room and lunch room


    :ashing $acilities irst aid "o6

    :aste disposal spittoon etc

    N/n-#tatt/ry 6efare

    Leave %ravel &oncession



    rin+ing :ater

    .ar+et &omple6

    oap, detergent and &oconut 4il %ransport




    &ommunit centre etc

    7efare? C/$$nity De

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    %he period $ settlement shall have 5 ($ive) ears ie $rom 010D7008 to 00701

    :or+men re$erred to in this settlement will include all the wor+men and sta$$ o$ 4&4.


    SCAE O) A

    :1 8F0@C @7FD0

    :7 8FF@C@7D50

    : 8550@C@7F00

    :F 8D0@C7FF00

    :5 8800@C@7FDD0

    : 89F0@C@7510

    :D 9090@C@75580

    :8 9750@C700

    :9 9F70@C@7898


    %he $itment "ene$it S 7C o$ the pre@revised ?asic =a as on 007008 and

    corresponding J o$ the wor+men as on 010D7008 which is 01C in the pre@revised

    scale where ?asic =a is less than Rs 550@ and 77C where ?asic =a is higher thanRs 550@ su"!ect to a minimum o$ Rs 19D7@

    7EI.HT A.E

    :or+men will "e given weightage $or rendered " them at the rate o$ Rs 5@ $or completed



    i =re@revised ?asic =a as on 007008

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    ii =ersonal =a, i$ an, "eing drawn " the wor+men as on 007008iii &orresponding J o$ the wor+men as on 010D7008 which is 01C in the

    pre@revised scale

    where ?asic =a is less than Rs550@ and 77C where ?asic =a is higher

    than Rs550@ su"!ectto a minimum o$ Rs19D7@iv %he $itment "ene$it S 7 C o$ sum o$ clause (i) (ii) and (iii)v ervice weightage


    I$ as a result o$ the a"ove weightage $ormula, a senior wor+men with the same

    designation draws a lower pa than his !unior, then it will not "e treated as an anomal


    n annual increment S rate o$ C will "e given on the "asic to all wor+men


    %he wor+men will "e granted ne6t annual increment in the new scale o$ the date the

    increment normall $alls due


    u"se'uent to the wage settlement we$ 010D7008, 100C neutrali/ation will "e

    adopted $or all wor+men in the revised pa scale %hus J as on 010D7008 will "e nil

    $or I&=I 150 points and the $irst installment o$ J would would "ecome due $rom

    01107008 and therea$ter shall "e rvised 'uarterl (1 st

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    &onveance allowance will "e paid SRs1744@ per month we$ 010D7008 to wor+men


    Educational llowance $or the dependent children o$ the wor+men is revised as

    $ollows e$$ective $rom 010D7008

    pto and including 10thstandard RsF000@

    ndergraduate studies, O7 I%I, %%& etc Rs5000@

    iploma in engineering o$ ears duration, #raduate studies

    such as ?c, ? and 4ther vocational studies o$ min ears



    ?=harm, ?&, 3ursing, LL? Rs8000@

    egree in engineering, .edicine, ?Jc, ?c griculture ,

    post graduate studies li+e ., .sc, .?,.&,LL., .: etc

    o$ minimum 7 ears



    i H hi$t Rs 75@ =er daii T?H i$t Rs 5@ =er daiii TcH hi$t Rs 50@ =er da


    Lunchinner llowance to those wor+men who are sent out side " the .anagement on

    speci$ic o$$icial dut other than normal dut to ?erhampur&hatrapur during lunch

    timedinner time will "e paid Rs5@ per head per da


    :ashing allowance is provided S 1D5@ per month to all wor+men


    >ardship allowance paa"le to all wor+men S 700@ per month is provided


    sum o$ Rs1700@ per month is "eing paid to all wor+men %he a$oresaid pament will

    "e su"!ect to L4= deduction on prorate "asis

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3



    on the re'uest o$ the REE nion, it has "een agreed " the .anagement to

    introduce the 3ew =ension stem(3=) $or all wor+men who are on the regular rolls o$

    4&4., introduced " pension und Regulator and development uthorit, $or :hich

    &ompan will contri"ute an amount o$ Rs000@ per wor+men per wor+men per ear and

    concerned wor+men will contri"ute an e'ual amount o$ Rs000@ per ear %he 3= will

    "e made e$$ective on the e6pir o$ one month, a$ter the date o$ signing o$ this



    %he emploees o$ IREL are provided Leave %ravel &oncession %he $acilit also

    e6tends to their $amil mem"er including parents Leave %ravel &oncession Rules has

    "een $ormulated and $unctioning in IRE since 197 %he details are illustrated "elow

    ll the emploees o$ the compan e6cepting casual wor+ers and those not on

    the whole time emploments are eligi"le $or this $acilit %he concession will cover sel$

    and $amil %he concession will "e admissi"le onl to those emploees who have

    completed one ear o$ continuous service on the date o$ !ourne per$ormed " him o$

    hisher $amil as the case ma "e, Emploees on deputation $rom a centralstate

    #overnment =u"lic ector nderta+ing will "e entitled to the concession in

    accordance with the rules on the su"!ectG the cost o$ the concession in such cases will "e

    met " the compan %his is su"!ect to the condition that the had not alread availed o$

    the concession under the &entraltate #overnment=u"lic ector nderta+ing during the

    particular "loc+ "e$ore deputation and in the &ompan "e$ore their reversion ll such

    cases should "e re$erred to >ead o$$ice $or approval "e$ore under ta+ing the ER RI3#E ?E3EI%

    SI N/ ITE( Rate

    01 Incidental e6penses on L%& to visit anplace in India


    07 m"rella Rs700 per ear

    0 a$et hoes and soc+s %he e6isting sstem will continue

    0F Recreation tour RsD00@

    05 ni$orm %he e6isting sstem will continue

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    0 angri cloth %wo num"ers %ur+ish $ace towelo$ standard si/e, per ear

    0D titching charges Rs00@ per two pair

    08 llowance $or helper wor+ing as &oo+ in#uest >ouse

    Rs 0@ per month

    09 =arade allowance Rs 0@ per month

    10 ire $ighting allowance Rs 175@ per month

    11 tenograph allowance Rs 100@ per month

    17 &ash handing allowance

    >elper assisting cashier

    Rs 1F0@ per month

    Rs 90@ per month

    1 Kero6 machine operating allowance Rs 100@ per month

    1F or+li$t %ractorloaderdo/ertipper Rs 17@ per da

    15 #enerator operating allowance Rs 15@ per da

    1 pecial allowance Rs Rs 115@ per month

    1D .ining allowance Rs 15@ per month

    18 ield allowance Rs @ per da

    19 L%& Encashment u"!ect to D5C on entitled class

    70 oap 5 nos per month

    71 &oconut oil 50 ml per month

    77 .il+ %he e6isting sstem

    7 >ire purchase loan

    >ouse hold articles including &

    ? %ow wheeler (scootermotor ccle orcomputer)

    irst occasion

    econd and su"se'uent occasion (onl$or two wheelers

    Rs 0000@

    Rs F5000@

    .a6imum Rs la+hs as er

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    7F >ouse "uilding advance Rs 175 La+h and upt Rs F5la+hsG 8C Rs F5 la+hs and upto la+hs@9C n insurance covershall "e ta+en on each >? ore6isting cases a recovera"le

    advance on interest SFC shall"e provided to the emploee $orone time insurance premium $or$resh cases insurance premiumshall "e deducted $rom the >?to "e advanced

    75 or enlargement o$ e6isting livingaccommodation as per e6isting

    Rs 750000@ with interest

    7 pecial cheme $or enlargement .aintenance o$ >ouse &onstructed

    purchased " availing >? the &ompan

    Rs 150000@ with interest

    7D Education advance Rs 5000@

    78 :rist watch Rs 7500@ $or twent earcomplete o$ service

    79 pectacles Rs 500@ twice in service

    0 weater %he e6isting sstem will continue

    1 Rain &oat %he e6isting sstem will continue

    7 .aternit ?ene$it %he e6isting sstem will continue

    .edical reim"ursement Rs 11000@ under the e6istingterms and conditions e$$ective$rom the accounting ear 7009@10

    F weat pac+et u"!ect to a ma6imum price o$75@

    5 llowance $or helper (medical) Rs D0C per month

    ttendance "onus %he e6isting sstem will continue

    D nnual allowance %he e6isting sstem will continue


    n emploee o$ the &ompan is entitled $or availing $ollowing trans$er traveling allowance

    in case o$ hisher trans$er

    %he de$inition o$ Uamil $or %rans$er %ravelling allowance will also include

    parents, sisters and minor "rothers residing with and wholl dependent upon the


  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    ? %rans$er #rantn emploee the &ompan on trans$er will herea$ter draw lump sum as per under

    categori/ed o$ the emploees

    .rade ay Ran5e Tran#fer .rant

    irst #rade ?asic Rs FD5@ or more 500@

    econd #rade ?asic Rs D5@ to FD5@ F00@

    %hird #rade ?asic Rs 7FF5@ to D5@ 700@

    ourth #rade ?asic upto Rs 7FF5@ 100@

    & %rans$er incidentals

    n emploee shall in addition to the $are $or himsel$ and mem"ers o$ the $amil $or

    !ourne " Rail teamerir, as the case ma "e under the e6isting rules and revised

    Road mileage as per para 7 ($) a"ove $or the !ourne " road, draw one dail

    allowance $or himsel$ and reach mem"er o$ the $amil $or ever completed da

    occupied in the !ourne $rom residence rec+oned $rom midnight to midnight, $or the

    period less than 7F hours 4n an da, the dail allowance will "e admissi"le as


    pto >ours 3il

    E6ceeding >ours "ut not e6ceeding 17 >ours D0C

    E6ceeding 17 horus ull

    &hildren "elow 17 ears will "e allowed dail allowances, at >al$ o$ the rates $or ult

    %ransportation o$ =ersonal E$$ectsE %he .a6imum limit $or carriage o$ personal e$$ects " goods train revised as

    [email protected] +5#* T/be 3arried by .//d# Train

    irst #rade 000+gs

    econd #rade 000+gs

    %hird #rade 1500+gs

    ourth #rade 1000+gs

    3ote 7@ s emploee carring goods " road "etween places connected " rail can draw

    actual e6penses "ut not e6ceeding the amount which the ma6imum admissi"le 'uantit o$

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    personal e$$ects " goods train

    E llowance $or carriage o$ personal e$$ects on trans$er " Road

    In the event, an emploee transports goods " road "etween places connected " Rail,

    actual e6penses incurred or D5C o$ the amount o$ the $ollowing uni$orm $ate o$ road

    milage, su"!ect to conditions speci$ied herein "elow will "e reim"ursedG

    .rade @1?@1 &lass &ities 4ther places (Rs =er 2m)VRs =er 2m)

    irst #rade 000 1800

    econd #rade 1500 1000

    %hird #rade 800 00

    ourth #rade 00 F00


    Reim"ursement o$ road mileage, su"!ect to clause (") "elow, will "e calculated

    on the "asis o$ distance " rail the shortest route? %he higher rate o$ road mileage shown at column (7) a"ove is applica"le $or

    transport o$ personal e$$ects "etween one place to another within the limits o$ @1,

    AA or A?A class cities& :here an emploee on trans$er, transports personal e$$ects partl to his new

    >ead'uarters and partl to his >ome %own $rom his old >ead'uarters,

    reim"ursement is limited su"!ect to $ollowing $urther conditionsGI Reim"ursement will "e restricted to an overall 000 +gs

    II %he distance to "e calculated $or the purpose o$ pament o$ road mileage

    shall "e the

    distance " rail " the shortest route $rom the emploeeAs old head'uartersto new

    head'uarters, or old head 'uarters to home town which ever is the latestIII %he reim"ursement will "e limited to the actual e6penses incurred $or the

    transportation o$ goods as a whole, or the distance arrived at(ii) a"ove In case o$ an emploee on retirement who transports goods " road to a place

    where he intends to settle down, the actual e6penses incurred, or the amount

    arrived at under clause (a) a"ove, will "e reim"ursa"le >owever, those who opt $or

    lump sum amount under the e6isting administrative instructions distance " rail "

    the shortest route to his home town and admissi"le amount thereo$ shall onl "e

  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


  • 8/11/2019 Project1 3


    %he 17 wee+s o$ .aterinit leave to the $emale emploee can "e granted in accordance

    with the .aternit "ene$it ct 191

    Se3ia Di#abiity ea