Project Sanctuary Radio Ad

Project Sanctuary Radio Ad Aired on 1:00 minute SFX: A BACKGROUND OF SOFT, CALM, PLEASANT MUSIC PLAYING THROUGH OUT COMMERICAL. ERICA: Hey everyone! Erica Wellman here. Recently I went to DIA to send a dear friend of mine off to Afghanistan. As I watched him walk down the terminal it really hit me that this brave soldier may not come home. I have become involved in a non-profit organization called Project Sanctuary. Project Sanctuary was formed with the belief that the best way to support our men and women serving in the armed forces is by supporting their family and friends. Project Sanctuary’s retreats put families on the path to healthy, happy home lives…. But that is just the first step into making a long and difficult journey. They make a commitment to every family to continually offer support, healing, and guidance for at least 2 years. The key to making this happen is money-through donations, grants, and fundraisers. There are currently over 500 families on the waiting list, and that list is sure to grow. ERICA: This year you can help by buying tickets to the New Year’s Eve Celebration at Kirks Hall, Castle Rock. Proceeds from ticket sales and from cash bar will go directly to Project Sanctuary. It will be a fun night, but more importantly with your support we can give our nations unsung heroes the attention they deserve. Lets start off the New Year with a fun New Year’s Eve and enough money to send a handful of veterans to a Project Sanctuary Retreat! ERICA: Tickets are on sale now! Go to for more info! SFX: SOFT, CALM, PLEASANT MUSIC PLAYS ALONE AND ENDS THE COMMERICAL.


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Transcript of Project Sanctuary Radio Ad

Page 1: Project Sanctuary Radio Ad

Project Sanctuary Radio Ad Aired on 1:00 minute



ERICA: Hey everyone! Erica Wellman here. Recently I went to DIA to send a dear friend of mine

off to Afghanistan. As I watched him walk down the terminal it really hit me that this

brave soldier may not come home. I have become involved in a non-profit organization

called Project Sanctuary. Project Sanctuary was formed with the belief that the best

way to support our men and women serving in the armed forces is by supporting their

family and friends. Project Sanctuary’s retreats put families on the path to healthy,

happy home lives…. But that is just the first step into making a long and difficult journey.

They make a commitment to every family to continually offer support, healing, and

guidance for at least 2 years. The key to making this happen is money-through

donations, grants, and fundraisers. There are currently over 500 families on the waiting

list, and that list is sure to grow.

ERICA: This year you can help by buying tickets to the New Year’s Eve Celebration at Kirks Hall,

Castle Rock. Proceeds from ticket sales and from cash bar will go directly to Project

Sanctuary. It will be a fun night, but more importantly with your support we can give

our nations unsung heroes the attention they deserve. Lets start off the New Year with

a fun New Year’s Eve and enough money to send a handful of veterans to a Project

Sanctuary Retreat!

ERICA: Tickets are on sale now! Go to for more info!