Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems

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Transcript of Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    G r o u p 7 A r n a b | R u d r a | A t u l | A n k u r

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Kent Square Office Tower - construction project at Philadelphia

    Owner wants Turner to release $500,000 in projects savings

    Wants to reinvest in additional project upgrades

    Job is now 80% complete5 months to completion

    Unspent contingency reserve not likely to be needed, therefore returned.

    Savings Participation Contract

    Once a contingency is released as savings it is shared- 75% to the owner + 25% for Turner asadditional project earning

    Managers have to protect the gross earning

    Once money is released unforeseen problems and developments can cut into the feeearnings of Turner.

    Tendency to hold contingencies till the last minute.

    Waiting too long can to release the savings can threated relationship with the client.

    Pressure from Top Management to release contingency to earnings.

    Need to meet Turners quarterly corporate earnings projections

    Because of loss of sale of a development building, division has to come up with additional

    $200,000 earnings in the quarter.

    Case Facts

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Decision Problem

    Determine how much savings can be safely released to the owner at this point

    Once the earnings are booked, it will look bad if the division falls short of projection in the subsequentquarter.

    Estimated bill of the project $29 million

    Remaining Construction Contingency $511,000 = 1.8% of total job cost

    C holds = $328,000, E holds =$471,000

    The scope changes are still taking place

    $215,000 has already been released from contingency account

    Releasing $500,000 will solve two problems

    Owner would get the spending money

    Turner would be able to book $100,000 in quarters earnings

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    To make the owner as partner in managing the project: A way of getting repeat


    Turners Business strategy

    How does it differ from competitor?

    1. Ability to shareaccurate informationwith the ownerduring the progressof the project

    2. Projecting itself asquality work (notcompeting on price

    3. Use of GMP whichleads to sharing ofsavings


    1. Used to identifythe timing of thesavings in the project

    2. Identify theproblems and

    options in the project

    Utilization of IOR

    1. Competition is notbased solely on price

    2. Turner shows thatthey are expertmanagers and canspend moneyefficiently

    3. Selectedknowledgeableclients to work with

    4. Decentralizedorganization


    Success Reasons

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Contingencies that could threaten Turners strategy viability














    High running costsin making IOR,decision makingand negotiationwith owners

    Cost over runs thatmight occur after adecision takenunder pressure ofowner

    after releasing the

    savings somesituation likestrike, overtimedemand etc mightoccur

    Cost overrunsthat occurbecause of

    improper costestimates whichhappen becauseof difficulty inestimating

    Results inholding thefunds for a longtime and notinforming thesituation toowner

    Lot of time beinginvested inupdating IORand decision

    making later on.This time iswaste if IOR isnot estimatedproperly. But,

    Not all costengineers areequally adeptat making IOR

    Needexecutives whohave beenexposed to allparts ofbusiness

    Demands ofowner to release

    savingsprematurely -thinking theycould invest thesavings andpressurizing thecompany

    Un natural and

    frequentchanges in scope

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Evaluate the IOR system and related reports and

    meetings. Does the IOR system force managers and

    the project team to address the contingencies youidentified in Question 2.

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Indicated Outcome Report

    Need regularupdates

    Cost reportbreaks down

    the fullhistory of thejob in detail

    Can be used as areference to finetune the strategyfurther

    Critical lineitems, whichinfluence major



    Contingency holds(C-holds)

    Exposure holds (E-holds)

    Backbone of formalreporting systems

    Heart of managementsystem at Turner

    Forward looking projectmanagement tool

    total expected cost of completedproject

    earnings contribution of completedproject

    Itemizes the dollar flow from ownersto subcontractors and suppliers

    Best efforts prediction atany point of time

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    IOR Review Meetings

    Cooperatingtogether to

    identify issuesor/and


    Realizing overallsavings on the


    Monitoring the

    overallperformance of

    the staff andsubcontractors,

    from theperspective of aproject manager

    Overall, IOR system asa tool, combined with

    related reports andmeetings definitely

    force the managersand the whole project

    team to discuss andaddress all thecontingencies

    Avoid any glitches or

    surprises during theproject

    Project team

    anticipates financialand operationalproblems

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Advantages of IOR


    All the cost engineers are cross trained vigorously

    The quality of data is very high


    Appraisals of managers not tied to performance in the IOR

    Honest reporting without fear of hiding any bad news


    Early warnings about the critical tasks

    Helps in deciding where risk management is most critical


    Cost engineers do not report to any line management

    They can make rounds in various projects to get information

    The above advantages would help in solving the contingencies more effectively

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    Funds in E-hold: $471000

    Construction contingency:


    Funds in C-hold: $328000

    E-hold funds usually get spent on

    trade activities. Thus releasing E-

    hold is not wise

    Still 20% of the project is yet to be

    completed, there is still a good

    chance of problems occurring Overtime charges due to possible

    local strikes will be charged out of

    construction contingency

    A portion of C hold can be


    With 20% of work remaining,

    releasing all C-hold is not

    wise Overtime expenses @10000 per

    month for 7.2 months of work left

    Amount needed= $72000

    Keeping a buffer of 50%, total

    amount needed in Construction

    contingency fund $108000 Amount remaining in Construction

    contingency= $403000

    Releasing $97000 from C-hold,

    amount left in C-hold= $231000

    Fund release prospects Allocating $500000

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems


    To owner

    Releasing fundsaccording toproportionate estimatefrom the Constructioncontingency fund

    Not a very accuratemethod, hencedeviations may occur

    These deviations willhave to shared betweenthe company and theowner

    Senior management

    Conservative approachundertaken in estimatingholding funds

    Entire Constructioncontingency was notgiven off due to thepossibility of strikes anda fair amount of workbeing left

    A buffer quantity of 50%was kept to support anydeviations

    C- holds usually do notget spent, hence we arebalancing the amountfrom C-holds

    Project team

    Due to limited availabilityof contingency funds,situations need to bemonitored more closely

    All precautions should betaken to keepovershooting of costs tothe minimum

    The smooth running ofthe project should becontinued at any cost

    Gary Thomsons views

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management Turner Construction Company Project Management Control Systems
