Project change

Project Change

Transcript of Project change

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Project Change

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I have taken the decision to expand and change the original project started. I have taken the decision to expand towards a more mainstream pop indie audience that targets a much wider age range of audiences that will be able to interact with the artists more and create a much simpler outlook towards the narrative.

We have decided to go with a popular narrative involving gender. The classic narrative of the male chasing the female is being slightly twisted (common in indie genre). We think this appeal to a much wider mainstream audience of the young adult age group we intend to target.

Creating this new narrative and following a much more traditional genre we think will make a much more appealing and entertaining final video. It will also help us to create a much more clear market style in which to function our ancillary tasks around making the brand of our music video much clearer. This conforms to the expectation of the media theorist Chomsky who suggest that in order to achieve in media there must be a marketed brand that can relate to the mainstream audience.

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However the previous research and planning is not wasted. By choosing the pop indie genre, we are still exploring the expectations of society and how music can convey those. By creating an issue of gender in our narrative we are conforming to an expectation of women lusting after males. We have created a stereotypical role of a young adult female looking for a male. Combing this with song lyrics such as ‘one moment I’m tearing off your blouse now your living in my house’ conforms to an pressure on young girls to commit and relay on men to fuel their life. This coupled with the mention of the characters age to be ‘17 and half years old’ introduces a relatable and expected feeling for a mainstream teenage audience. The mention of ‘tearing off your blouse’ suggest a sexual nature to the relationship’ then the further mention of commitment conforms to a common teenage concept of differentiating between the ‘physical’ and the ‘emotional’. Describing the female as having difficulties separating the two while the male is perfectly able to suggest a typical gender personality divide. This narrative appeals to both genders. It can relatable to females who may experience the same thing and in another aspect entertaining for males. Laura Maulvely would suggest so because they enjoy seeing things through their own point of view involving superiority. She would suggest putting the male in such a position of power when communicating messages through media is a reflection of how society sees gender.

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This means my work will continue to revolve around the perception of genders in society, especially regarding ‘pop culture’. Further investigating this concept of media means that the further aspects of our investigation can continue to be of inspiration.