Programs That Work - 2008 Report - Vision 2009 - 2010

The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Fund LLC (AOAACF) End of year report 2008 – Vision for 2009 - 20010 When a boy or girl in Africa is orphaned or abandoned, their parents, victims of disease, poverty or violence, there is often nowhere for that child to turn. Relatives, also poverty- stricken, are many times unwilling or incapable of taking on another mouth to feed. These children to often are left to fend for themselves, on the streets or in the slums, some relying on garbage for a morsel of food; anything that can keep them alive another day another minute . . In Africa, a person dies of hunger every 3.6 seconds. The majority of them are children. Every six seconds a child is orphaned or abandoned. The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Fund is committed to ending this plight for abandoned and orphaned children. We work with local and faith-based orphan care ministries to reach Africa’s hungriest children. By working together, through your support, we are able to feed a hungry and starving child that would not otherwise have a place to turn to. Nowhere in the world is care more needed than in the poorest and deadliest slums of Africa. Crime is rampant. Raw sewage flows freely where children are playing. There is no running water, no electricity, no medical care. And children are dying . . . of malaria, pneumonia, typhoid, 1 We see in Mathew 25: 34 - 40 (RSV) how we are to respond to this situation: 34 Then the King will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' 37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38 And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39 And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?' 40 And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.'


The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children's Fund LLC 2008 Report and vision for 2009 - 2010.

Transcript of Programs That Work - 2008 Report - Vision 2009 - 2010

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The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Fund LLC (AOAACF) End of year report 2008 – Vision for 2009 - 20010

When a boy or girl in Africa is orphaned or abandoned, their parents, victims of disease, poverty or violence, there is often nowhere for that child to turn. Relatives, also poverty-stricken, are many times unwilling or incapable of taking on another mouth to feed. These children to often are left to fend for themselves, on the streets or in the slums, some relying on garbage for a morsel of food; anything that can keep them alive another day another minute . .

In Africa, a person dies of hunger every 3.6 seconds. The majority of them are children. Every six seconds a child is orphaned or abandoned. The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Fund is committed to ending this plight for abandoned and orphaned children. We work with local and faith-based orphan care ministries to reach Africa’s hungriest children.

By working together, through your support, we are able to feed a hungry

and starving child that would not otherwise have a place to turn to.

Nowhere in the world is care more needed than in the poorest and deadliest slums of Africa.

Crime is rampant. Raw sewage flows freely where children are

playing. There is no running water, no electricity, no medical care. And children are

dying . . . of malaria, pneumonia, typhoid, conditions and illnesses unheard of or easily treated here in the U.S.

These slums are perhaps the worst place on earth to be a child.

And yet, in the middle of this devastation and horror, there is hope- hope delivered through your support of AOAACF! Hurting boys and girls can receive treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, amoebaisis, anemia, ears/nose/throat infections, wounds, skin infections and more. We have been able to support the efforts of Dr. Michael and Kay Johnson, (pictured above) missionaries with World Gospel Mission in Nairobi Kenya, in their efforts to reach the children in the streets of Nairobi and the surrounding area.

But for many, there is no medical care at all and children continue to die. You can make a difference.


We see in Mathew 25: 34 - 40 (RSV) how we are to respond to this situation:

34 Then the King will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink?38 And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee?39 And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?'40 And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.'

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Your pocket change can help save a child’s life

Thanks to the generosity of our partners in the United States, we can provide critical, much needed help to our associates in Africa to care for children.

An estimated 40 million orphaned and abandoned children live in Sub-Saharan Africa (WHO), and that number is growing every day. With nowhere to turn, and no one to help them, these orphans flood into the

city streets, living on scraps from garbage heaps and sleeping in cardboard boxes. There is no medical care, no sanitation, and no way on

earth to avoid disease.

That makes life in the jungles and on the streets a death sentence for hundreds of thousands of Africa’s orphans every year.

The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Fund (AOAACF) works hand-in-hand with indigenous ministries, like Mt. Horeb Children’s Home in Kenya, at a grassroots level with compassionate people trained to meet the special needs of orphaned and abandoned children. They are helping to rescue boys and girls each year by placing them in foster homes caring for orphans, day care centers, and with other residents specializing in orphan care.

A future of hope – Building Lives not just buildings

In addition to the devastating AIDS pandemic, hopelessness and poverty also hold the people of Africa in a death grip. With unemployment as high as 90% in some areas, many men, women and children live day to day in desperation.

That’s why, with your support, AOAACF has provided funds to indigenous ministries for micro-financing projects. By providing funds to ministries to start small businesses, such as Women of Hope Ministries (Jos, Nigeria) you have been able to help widows to start sewing businesses and a chicken farm. This provides a “hand up” not a hand out.


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We are also investing in young minds and hearts by partnering with the existing efforts of African nationals, such as Pastor Daniel Sappor of Source of Light Ministries, Ghana, who serve on the frontlines combating illiteracy and hopelessness through education. Recognizing that education is the key to real change and a future of hope for boys and girls, our orphan care projects include supporting schools, providing books and uniforms (in many cases, no uniform means no school for children) and subsidizing fees for poverty-stricken children.

You can help build a future

We are raising funds to purchase equipment to build schools, clinics, churches, children homes and shops for businesses. You can be a part of this. Every project is run in partnership with indigenous agencies, churches and missionaries. We enable native churches to meet the needs of their communities by providing training, support and resources.

Long after sponsorship has ended, churches still continue to work as agents of change amidst their people. Our present project is to raise $12,000 for a block making machine and training and shipping. This will cut the costs of building

schools, homes, clinics - building a life not just a building. We focus on child development and discipleship

The cruelty and frustrations of orphanage and street life are having a visible psychosocial impact on the children of Africa—some have become destructive (fighting and joining with rebel groups and street gangs); some isolate themselves and do not talk; while others experience sleeplessness, anxiety, and terrifying nightmares. There are millions of children living in the streets and orphanages of Africa. They are hot, restless, homesick, cramped, angry, hungry, and bored. They are waiting.

Unlike other organizations that focus on community development, we put the needs of children first. We believe that the best way to benefit a society is to develop its children. When the children in one of our partner’s programs grow into powerful

Christian leaders, they help transform their society and communities. Building up children first, with the help of missionaries, churches, schools and communities, is an excellent strategy to bring lasting change. We believe the most


Pictured above is a graduating class of Women of Hope Ministries sewing class and sewing machines donated through your giving. This will enable these women to become self-sufficient in their efforts to better themselves.

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loving thing we can do for children is to introduce them to the Love that is fostered around the teachings of Jesus Christ.


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Thank you for taking the time to read this message. If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Africa, get involved. You can get involved through us or any agency or church that is working in Africa but get involved. As we have seen in the news lately, with the piracy off the coast of Africa, the young men of Africa are finding destructive ways of fulfilling their lives.

The future is in your hands.

In 2008 we raised $7489 to help in Africa and dispersed $6791. This is double the efforts from 2007!! These figures do not include the gifts that

were given directly to our partners as a result of our promotions or out of pocket expenses for the operating costs of AOAACF. These costs were

borne by Dr’s Joseph and Peggy Rayman.

In 2009 we are already exceeding the amount raised by this time last year. We are presently assisting the efforts of indigenous partners in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya.

Our vision is not to support our own efforts in Africa but to assist existing ministries in their efforts to reach out to the children of Africa. We support the efforts of ministries in Africa as they request and funds are available. Check our website at for a complete detail of projects. Attached is a request from Mt Horeb Children’s Home for funding for their efforts to reach the children. We can assist through funding the projects and by providing a block making machine to cut down on costs of building.

You can change the future of the continent of Africa

To make a donation or for information contact:

Dr. Joseph L. RaymanFounder –AOAACF287 Lewis Scott Rd NELudowici GA 31316(912) 654-4864


If you are in the Hinesville area, visit with us on the first Saturday of the month. We are meeting from 12:00 – 2:00 PM at T.O.P Christian book store on

South Main Street to discuss what is happening in Africa and how we can assist.

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The African Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s FundSpecial Projects for 2009 - 2010.

Project 1

Mt Horeb Children’s Home

PROPOSAL for funding building projects.Costs are in Kenya Shillings present exchange rate 72ks per $1.00 USD


Poles to cover 5 acres (perimeter) 250@200ks 50,000Wire to cover 5 acres (perimeter) 20 pcs@ 4200ks 84,000Nails 20 kgs@140ks 2,800Transport to site pickup fuel 9,000Labor 30,000Miscellaneous (unforeseen costs) 5,000 Total 180,800ks


We were of the opinion that we start planting on two (2) acres of the land as we progress. This will be enough to feed the children with green vegetables and sell the remaining to cover some of the increasing food costs towards the children’s up keep.

Preparation of the landPloughing (tractor) 2acres@ 4800ks 9,600.00Planting seeds 5,000.00Fertilizer 12,000.00Spraying (insecticide) once 6,000.00Water fir irrigation (three months) in the absence of rain 9,000.00Labor three (3) workers @ 2,000ks per month 6,000.00Miscellaneous (unforeseen costs) 3,000.00 Total 50,600.00ks


In January this year we moved the children from the rented house where they were living due to security reasons (because of the political unrest experienced in our country. We rented a big apartment so that we can share together with my family. I have three children, one son and two daughters all in high school.

We brought fourteen (14) children and one worker. I have a total of 20 family members living together and experiencing a lot of love. Due to increasing food and other expenses in our country, I and my wife with our grown children do work as frontiers towards the services of these helpless children.

The expenses so far incurred to care for these large families are thus; (2008)

Rent- per month 25,000ks


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Worker (one) per month 4,000ksElectricity- per month 6,800ksWater per month 5,200ksTransport to school (fuel) per month 8,000ksFood per week 13,000ksCosts; Public SchoolExtra Books per month 4,000Tuition per month 2,800Pens and Pencils per month 500One orphan is attending high school per month 3,500 Medical expenses/medicine per month 6,000Rented pick up per month 10,000Sanitary (child utilities) per month 3,000 Total 91,800KS

We need a watchman to the new site as a strict condition from the children department. The watchman we have at the moment is paid by the land lord in the rented apartment.

The kids are attending a public school where we pay minimal fees. In Kenya the government does not allow children to have home school because part of the school fees is taken care of by the tax from the ministry of education.

The children attend school every day from Monday to Friday. They are dropped in the morning in the school by using a hired van and picked in the evening. On Saturdays they are taken out and Sundays they attend church as a family.

The medical expenses are so high. We do have some of the children who are HIV positive thus need special attention. My wife does give special attention with the close supervision of doctors.

The land is owned by the organization (MOUNT HEROB) through trustees. Our vision is not to build a temporary home. We are building an organization that will out live us and take care of the suffering children across the country and even the entire East African region. Be assured that even your own children in the future will come to help and work in the home in Africa. We are praying that God helps us to set up an establishment that will produce leaders on its own, beginning with the orphanage, (2) schools (3) hospitals and home for the elderly.

The project recurrent cost in the last page of the project proposal sent to you earlier e.g. administrator, matron. Cooks, security, guards e.t.c. is a projection cost giving the future administrative structure one the home is built on its own land and not now.

The home is estimated to have 100 children boarding along side their school and hospital once it’s complete.


From the project development budget in page 6(six) of the earlier document, phase one is already complete (purchase of land) and the remaining part is fencing and planting or which we have phase (2).There are three houses to accommodate fifty four children each. They will be divided into three units having 18 children each. Every family with foster parents will accommodate 6 children for easy care and proper management.


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This is the most expensive phase to build which may take up to five (5) years to complete. It includes three houses each costing more than Kshs. 1.8 million. It will include beds and other furniture, dining hall, kitchen and the chapel.

Building a house depends on the availability of funds. It may take even a month to complete once materials are available.