Programming assignment help

Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 1 Programming Assignment Help By myassignmenthelp

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COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 1

Programming Assignment HelpBy myassignmenthelp

COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 2

Programming Languages

� Machine Language

� Assembly Language

� High level Language

COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 3

Machine Language

� In the earliest days of computers, the only programming languages accessible have been machine languages.

� The fundamental language with the computer’s processor, also known as Low Level Language.

� All programs are converted into machine just before they could be executed.

� Contains combination regarding 0’s and also 1’s in which symbolize high and also low electrical voltage.

COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 4

Assembly Language

� The next evolution in programming came with the idea of replacing binary code with regard to instruction as well as addresses along with symbols or even mnemonics. Simply because they used symbols, these languages were first known as symbolic languages

� A low level language that is similar to machine language.

� Uses symbolic operation code in order to signify the actual machine operation code.

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High Level Language

� Assembly languages enhanced programming efficiency, they still required programmers to concentrate on the hardware they were using. Working with symbolic languages had been additionally really tedious, because each machine instruction needed to be separately coded. The actual need to enhance programmer efficiency and to change the focus from the computer to the problem being solved led to the development associated with high-level languages.

� Computer languages that are better to understand..� Uses English like statements.� Examples are C ++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Fortran and …....

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Programming Language Concepts

� What is a programming language?� The reason why exist a lot of programming

languages?� What are the kinds of programming languages?� Can the entire world will need new language?

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What is Programming Language?

A programming language is a set of rules that provides with informing some type of computer exactly what operations to perform. A programming language is a set associated with rules with regard to communicating an algorithm. It provides a linguistic framework with regard to explaining computations.

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Levels of Programming Language

High Level Programming

Low Level Programming

Executable Machine Code

COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 9

The Evolution of Programming Languages

� A programming language is a notation with regard to composing programs, which are specifications of a computation or even algorithm.

� Computer can understand only machine level language so it's categorize in to three categories: � Machine languages� Assembly languages� Higher-level languages

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Programming Language Standard

� Procedural Languages are procedures, sequential execution associated with code tend to be fundamental building obstructs associated with program. � FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, C, ALGOL, COBOL

� Object-Oriented Program is designed around the objects required to resolve the issue.� Smalltalk, Ada, C++, Java, C#.

COMP102 Prog. Fundamentals I:Introduction to C++ / Slide 11


� Functional Languages was created round the around the evaluation associated with functions, instead of changing state. � LISP, Common Lisp, Dylan, Logo, Scheme, ML, Haskell.

� Scripting languages (used for text processing, shells, HTML, CGI)� Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby.

� Logic Program is declarative, depending on mathematical logic� Prolog

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What does programming look like?

� Here are some examples of an instruction to print the word “HI”� Logo PR [HI]� JavaScript alert(“HI”);� FORTRAN PRINT “HI”� BASIC PRINT “HI”� COBOL DISPLAY ‘HI’.� C++ printf(“HI”);� Pascal WRITELN(‘HI’);� Assembly XPRNT MESSAGE1

Language MESSAGE1 DC ‘HI’

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