PROGRAMME BLANC PROJET MOVECHEM ÉDITION 2013 DOCUMENT SCIENTIFIQUE Acronyme / Acronym MOVECHEM Titre du projet Modélisation On-line de la gétation, CHimie Et Météorologie Proposal title On-line coupling of vegetation, meteorology and chemistry-transport Comité d’évaluation / Eva- luation panel Type de recherche / Recherche Fondamentale / Basic Research Type of research Recherche Industrielle / Industrial Research Développement Expérimental / Experimental Development Coopération internationale / Oui, en dehors d’un accord bilatéral / Yes, outside of a bilateral agree- ment International cooperation Non / No Aide totale demandée / Grant requested 411 ke Durée du projet / Project duration 36 mois Partenaire coordinateur / Identité du coordinateur : MENUT Laurent Coordinator partner Identification de l’établissement : Laboratoire de Météorologie Dyna- mique Lien avec un projet du programme Investissements d’Avenir (IA) / Link with a project of the Investment for the future programme Oui Non 1/32

Transcript of PROGRAMME BLANC PROJET MOVECHEM ÉDITION 2013 DOCUMENT ...menut/documents/ANR-MN-2013-MOVEC… ·...


Acronyme / Acronym MOVECHEMTitre du projet Modélisation On-line de la VÉgétation, CHimie Et MétéorologieProposal title On-line coupling of vegetation, meteorology and chemistry-transportComité d’évaluation / Eva-luation panelType de recherche / � Recherche Fondamentale / Basic ResearchType of research � Recherche Industrielle / Industrial Research

� Développement Expérimental / Experimental DevelopmentCoopération internationale / � Oui, en dehors d’un accord bilatéral / Yes, outside of a bilateral agree-

mentInternational cooperation � Non / NoAide totale demandée /Grant requested

411 ke Durée du projet / Project duration 36 mois

Partenaire coordinateur / Identité du coordinateur : MENUT LaurentCoordinator partner Identification de l’établissement : Laboratoire de Météorologie Dyna-

miqueLien avec un projet duprogramme Investissementsd’Avenir (IA) / Link with aproject of the Investment forthe future programme

� Oui � Non














































































































































































MOVECHEM project Table of contents

Résumé de la proposition de projet / Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Contexte, positionnement et objectifs de la proposition / Context, position and objectives of the proposal . . . . 51.1 Objectifs et caractère ambitieux/novateur du projet / Objectives, originality and novelty of the project . . . . . . 5

1.1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.1.2 Originality and novelty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1.3 Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2 État de l’art / State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.2.1 Land-surface with meteorology or chemistry-transport models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.2.2 Meteorology and chemistry-transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Programme scientifique et technique, organisation du projet / Scientifical and technical program, project or-ganisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.3 Programme scientifique et structuration du projet / Scientific program, project structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.3.1 Scientific program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.3.2 Project structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.3.3 Project management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4 Description des travaux par tâche / Description per task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.4.1 Task 1 : Models developments for homogeneization before coupling and processes improvements . . . 131.4.2 Task 2 : Vegetation/chemistry interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.4.3 Task 3 : Meteorology/vegetation/chemistry interactions in case of dense aerosols plumes . . . . . . . . 151.4.4 Task 4 : Surface and satellite data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.5 Calendrier / Tasks schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.5.1 List of tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.5.2 List of deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Stratégie de valorisation, de protection et d’exploitation des résultats / Dissemination and exploitation of re-sults. Intellectual property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.5.3 Scientific and public communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.5.4 Valorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.5.5 Scientific benefits and perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Description du partenariat / Consortium description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.6 Description, adéquation et complémentarité des partenaires / Partners description, relevance and complementarity 211.7 Qualification, rôle et implication des participants / Qualification and contribution of each partner . . . . . . . . 23

1.7.1 Biographies / CV, Résumé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231.7.2 Implication des personnes dans d’autres contrats / Staff involvement in other contracts . . . . . . . . . 28

Justification scientifique des moyens demandés / Scientific justification of requested budget . . . . . . . . . . . 28Références bibliographiques / References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29



Résumé de la proposition de projet / Executive summary

Following the current European regulations, operational forecasting of air quality has taken considerableimportance in the last two decades. Together with efforts in developing the air-quality measurement net-works, chemistry-transport models (CTM) such as CHIMERE have been developed in order to be able topredict air-quality in an operational context and to improve the understanding of the underlying processesin a research context. However, for computational reasons, these models are essentially used offline, i.e.forced with precalculated meteorological fields and surface state. In the recent years, this has been iden-tified as a source of error in the analysis and forecasts, missing some important processes such as theinteractions between particles, clouds and radiation. Even though the impact of these processes may beweak during low pollution events, the retroactions between those processes lead to significative discre-pancies when huge pollutants sources are considered (forest fires, mineral dust transport). Therefore, thedevelopment of platforms coupling online meteorology, chemistry and vegetation has been identified asa priority for both research and forecast applications.This project proposes to build an online-coupled platform putting together a meteorological model(WRF), a ground-vegetation-hydrology model (ORCHIDEE) and a CTM (CHIMERE). This couplingwill be done through the OASIS coupler, which will offer greater flexibility and computational advan-tages compared to a direct hard-coded build of a supermodel including all these three models. The re-sulting modelling platform will be used for fundamental research purposes, assessing the importanceof the retroactions between meteorology, vegetation and chemistry, and distributed for research and fo-recast applications. Developed by the OASIS, CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE developers, this will be thefirst French tool dedicated to the online modeling of the regional atmospheric composition. The mainscientific questions addressed in this project will be related to the huge aerosols plumes due to intenseand sporadic emissions of forest fires and mineral dust over arid areas. The analysis will be performedover the Euro-Mediterranean region and for the period ranging from 2003 to 2012. The simulations willbe compared to surface and satellite data, both for the vegetation, the emissions and for the atmosphericcomposition after long-range transport.



Contexte, positionnement et objectifs de la proposition / Context, positionand objectives of the proposal

1.1 Objectifs et caractère ambitieux/novateur du projet / Objectives, ori-ginality and novelty of the project

1.1.1 Objectives

This fundamental research project aims at quantifying the interactions between meteorology, vegeta-tion and atmospheric composition in the case of large atmospheric aerosols plumes, in the contextof a better knowledge of regional air quality, for analysis of past events and for daily forecast.

FIG. 1.1 – Scheme of the main processes studied in this project : In addition to the antrhpogenic andbiogenic emissions, the huge and sporadic emissions of forest fires and dust particles will affect thesurface budget of air quality, but will also have a non negligible direct effect on photochemistry andboundary layer height development and surface turbulence.

The history of atmospheric composition modeling, also called chemistry-transport modeling (CTM), ledto a parallel development of all required geophysical compartments. For example, a scientific communitydedicated itself to developments in meteorology, while another community specialized in trace gases andparticles modelling. The same evolution occured for oceanography and surface and vegetation model-ling. In the last ten years, a lot of meteorological and CTM systems were developed. Used for analysis,scenarios and forecast, these models show satisfactory results for the modeling of pollutants degradingthe air quality. However, at the regional scale, these good results are mainly limited to the cases of lowto moderate emissions and thus injection of pollutants in the atmosphere : the retroactions of pollutantson vegetation and meteorology is thus low and are often neglected. This assumption is generally wellaccepted for all current meteorological/ chemistry-transport modeling systems in analysis or forecast(for example the French PREVAIR system, [Rouïl et al. (2009)], or the European GEMS system, bothwith WRF and CHIMERE), when considering the photochemistry or the background surface emissionsof gaseous and particles species (from traffic, residential, industries and biogenic sources).But, this assumption of ’negligible feedback’ does not remain valid in the case of intense emissions andtransport of particles such as forest fires and mineral dust plumes. In this case, strong feedbacks bet-ween meteorology, vegetation and pollutant concentrations have to be taken into account and modelled,[Grell and Baklanov (2011)]. Today, few modeling systems are able to take into account these retroac-tions. They are mainly global models used for climate scenarios studies, such as the IPCC exercise.At the regional scale, such system with vegetation,meteorology and chemistry at the same time, does notexist yet (there is WRF-Chem but it does not take into account vegetation in the feedbacks) and the nextIPCC exercise will most probably require horizontal resolution finer than what current global models canreach (around a few tens of kilometers while global models are running with few degrees of resolution).



Currently, for example and for air quality modeling, the vegetation is precalculated and considered, as afirst guess, being not sensitive to pollutants concentrations. Also for example, the meteorological modelsare using aerosols climatologies for their radiative properties evolution. In reality, all the geophysicalcompartments interact and the main goal of this project is to quantify these interactions.The main objective of this project is to improve our knowledge of intense emission sources such asforest fires and mineral dust and their impact on meteorology, vegetation and air pollution. Suchobjectives will be achieved by developing a new online model platform, based on the regional modelsWRF (meteorology), CHIMERE (chemistry-transport) and ORCHIDEE (hydrology and vegetation). Thecoupling will be achieve with the OASIS coupler, leading to a very modular and optimized system,dedicated to be freely distributed to the scientific community and used in the context of the future versionsof the forecast systems PREVAIR and GEMS.

FIG. 1.2 – Interactions between meteorology, soil-vegetation and air-quality in the proposed modellingplatform.

1.1.2 Originality and novelty

The originaly and novelty of the project is to answer scientific questions on reciprocal interactionsbetween meteorology and aerosols (radiative impact and possible retroactions on aerosol transportand emission), soil and meteorology (seasonal impact of soil moisture on meteorology), vegetationand air quality (reduction of LAI due to high ozone rates and retroaction via lower dry deposition),as presented in the Figure 1.2. This project will also answer scientific questions about simultaneousinteractions between these three components of the climate system, such as reactions of the vegetation tothe ozone concentrations modifying dry deposition of contaminants, but also the evapotranspiration andtherefore the meteorology in the planetary boundary layer, with possible retraoactions on atmosphericchemistry. While studies can be performed using off-line coupling, only a fully on-line coupled platformwill allow to investigate deeper into these effects, including retroaction loops involving more than twomodels and give the possibility to take these retroactions into account in operational platforms for theweather and air quality forecast.It is the first time that a regional modelling platform coupling meteorology, chemistry, surface,vegetation and hydrology will be built effectively. This new model will allow to study atmosphericcomposition and interactions between geophysical compartments at high temporal and spatial reso-



lution, more precisely the regional scale with a few kilometers for the horizontal resolution and a fewminutes for the time step. The proposed platform will be built directly by the developers of its mo-dules, more specifically CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE. For the meteorological part, the WRF developerswere contacted and are very interested to have the OASIS implementation in their own code. The WRF,CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE models are well recognized and are widely used state-of-the-art models.The complete modelling chain is based on open-source models only. In this way, we want to ensure acompletely free diffusion of our work. The four components are already open to the community and,by making the choice to freely distribute the complete platform, we target a wide use of this new plat-form as well as feedbacks from the community to ensure that the models remain at the state of the artin terms of geophysical knowledge. Compared to other modeling platforms, the present project aims atoptimizing the coupling : depending on the topic of interest, it is not necessary to exchange all para-meters every time steps. The principle of this platform is thus to offer the flexibility to easily change thecomponent models, but also to choose the parameters to couple and to choose the coupling frequency ofthese parameters.

1.1.3 Locks

The models that will be used in this project (WRF, CHIMERE, ORCHIDEE) as well as the couplerOASIS are widely used in a variety of scientific and operational centers, on a variety of distinct compu-ting platforms. They are also already in use at LMD on the computers that will be used for the projectso that their installation does not present any particular problem. See for example, the CHIMERE usersweb page ( or the LMD experimental web site, COSY,daily using WRF and CHIMERE ( The project being managed by theinvolved model developers, their adaptations and changes for the project is not a technical lock. In addi-tion, the OASIS-MCT coupler used in this project is already developed and validated, thus ready to beused in the final modeling platform. Considering that online global models exist (only in the US and atthe global scale), we consider that there is no major scientific locks : the scientific studies proposed inthis project will be a gain in the understanding of geophysical interactions are the regional scale and forthe meteorology, vegetation and atmospheric composition behaviour.Technically, the OASIS libraries are already included and used in WRF and ORCHIDEE and are easy totransport with the model versions. The only technical work for this project is to implement these librariesin CHIMERE, but this is not a difficult task.An important lock is not related to the content of this project but to the funding. This is the third timethis project is submitted. The first two times, we sent the project to the ANR "Modèle Numériques" : oneimportant remark was that the project was not enough "big numeric tool" for the MN call. This is whythe project is now submitted to this call ANR "blanc".

1.2 État de l’art / State of the art

1.2.1 Land-surface with meteorology or chemistry-transport models

For the coupling with the meteorology and at the global scale, the soil-vegetation-hydrology models suchas ORCHIDEE have been increasingly sophisticated, [Foley et al. (1998)]. For example, ORCHIDEE inits current version includes the effect of air chemistry on plants (reduction of LAI due to interactionwith ozone) and advanced vegetation and soil parameterizations, [Krinner et al. (2005)]. At the regionalscale, and over the Euro-Mediterranean area, recent studies ([Vautard et al. (2007)], [Zampieri et al.(2009)]) have shown that the long-term memory of soil moisture is a determinant factor in the occurenceof exceptionnally warm summers over France and central Europe. While rainy winters and springtimestend to accumulate large quantity of water in the ground, tending to generate cooler temperatures insummer, a lack of precipitation in winter and springtime as a factor that favors the occurence of hot



summers. More recently, a coupling between WRF and ORCHIDEE and using OASIS was done toquantify the retroactions between phenology, evaporation and soil moisture, [Stefanon et al. (2012)].For the coupling with chemistry-transport models, studies has begun only in the recent years by in-vestigating retroactions between ozone and LAI. These studies have shown that high ozone rates havea significant impact on modelled LAI, in turn affecting atmospheric chemistry through changes in drydeposition and in VOC emissions ([Anav et al. (2012)]). It has been shown that during periods of highozone concentration, the reduction of the LAI is about 13-20%, with an associated reduction over 20%of the Gross primary product (GPP) of the vegetation, Figure 1.3.

FIG. 1.3 – Ozone concentrations differences between an off-line simulations and the hard-coded couplingbetween CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE. [left] coupling only interactions between Leaf Area Index and bio-genic emissions calculations ; [right] the same and adding the coupling between ozone concentrations,dry deposition, LAI and biogenic emissions. The results shows that interactions between vegetation andsurface ozone concentrations may change up to 40% the ozone values, mainly during summer whenconcentrations are at their highest level and dry deposition efficient.

This coupled study has been performed at LMD by coupling WRF and CHIMERE without the use ofan external coupler such as OASIS. It will be used in the MOVECHEM project in order to validate theversion coupled through OASIS (by performing the same simulation and comparing outputs). In addition,we will directly use the WRF/ORCHIDEE coupled with OASIS, developed at LMD, as a basis to startthe other couplings.

1.2.2 Meteorology and chemistry-transport

The development of platforms coupling online a chemistry-transport model and a meteorological modelhas been undertaken at global scale, with a particular focus on stratospheric ozone (e.g. [Hunt (1969);Clark (1970)]). and more recently for climate studies ([Marti et al. (2010)]). Since these first milestones,other effects were gradually taken into account in major GCMs, including aerosol radiative and micro-physical effects, feedback of tropospheric trace gases to heating rates in the troposphere. In the contextof global climate change and preoccupations concerning stratospheric ozone depletion, while great at-tention has been paid to the inclusion of chemistry-transport processes in the GCMs ([Zhang (2008)]),much less effort has been devoted to regional and local coupled meteorological-chemical modelling. Inthis direction, only two coupled atmosphere-chemistry platforms exist worldwide, both developed in theUnited States : the WRF-CHEM model, designed for regional or local use (e.g. [Grell et al. (2004)]),and the GATOR-GCMOM model which is designed to be used from global to urban scale (e.g. [Jacob-son (2007)]). Therefore, it is worth noting that no European Regional coupled atmosphere-chemistry



platform exists so far. In the EU GEMS project, a beta version of the OASIS4 tailored for the projectspecific needs was used to test the 3D coupling fields between one atmospheric general circulation modeland 3 different atmospheric chemistry models. The use of an external coupler facilitated the switch bet-ween the chemistry components. However, no vertical interpolation was used as the vertical levels of thecomponent matched, [Hollingsworth et al. (2008)] and the coupling was for meteorology and chemistryonly, not including vegetation changes.

For air quality forecasting, the state of the art is currently modelling photochemistry and aerosols witha CTM (among the most used CTMs are CMAQ, CAMx and CHIMERE) forced offline by the dataproduced by a previous meteorological simulation. The most used meteorological models in air-qualityforceasting are MM5 and WRF ([Menut and Bessagnet (2010)]). The typical horizontal resolution ofthe CTMs range from ≈5x5km for city-scale domains to ≈50x50km for the European domains. Usualstrategy is that a preexisting meteorological simulation forces the CTM with an actualization of the themeteorological fields every hour.

For scientific applications, an integrated model has been developed by including a chemistry module intothe WRF model. The resulting model, named WRF-CHEM ([Grell et al. (2005)]) is used for scientificapplications such as evaluating the impact of biomass fires on weather forecasts ([Grell et al. (2011)]) orthe radiative and meteorological impact of aerosols ([Chapman et al. (2009); Fast et al. (2006)]). Eventhough these and other studies have highlighted the strong interest of online coupling for meteorologyand air-quality in terms of improving the realism of both meteorological and air-quality simulations,the WRF-CHEM currently has a too heavy computational cost to be used for forecasting ; even casestudies have to be run for relatively short times (e.g. three days in [Chapman et al. (2009)]) in order toavoid excessive computation time. This aspect currently explains why even though the interest for usingintegrated models in an operational context is rising ([Grell and Baklanov (2011)]), this has not beendone so far, surely because of the strong computational constraints and very high computational cost ofexisting regional online-coupled models. Therefore, optimization of the model algorithms is identified asa major challenge for the generalization of online meteorology-chemistry modelling ([Zhang (2008)]). Inthis direction, the coupling of two separate models (WRF and CHIMERE), each model being reasonablywell optimized and running with adapted timestep and spatial discretization, may bring a good solutionto this challenge.

An important point to notice is that the development of WRF-CHEM seems currently frozen, the de-velopers considering that the ’hard-coded’ implementation of the chemical module in the meteorologicalmodule was not the best choice (and was a problem for the well-known off-line CTMs widely used in thecommunity such as CMAQ and CAMx). The new direction seems to be the use of an external coupler,as for the present project. Thus, the WRF developers are interested by our project, as well as the ANRPULSATION, already coupling WRF and NEMO using OASIS (our consortium is collaborating withthe ANR PULSATION colleagues via IPSL). A letter by William Skamarock, showing his interest forthe MOVECHEM project is presented in p.32.

Regarding the question of the feedbacks between air-quality and meteorology, there has been less re-search until the recent years. Recent results have shown that the aerosol direct effect reduces the amountof shortwave radiation arriving into the PBL, which in turn reduces the photochemical activity. It hasbeen shown ([Péré (2010)]) that this effect significantly impacts the NO2 and ozone rates in the PBL, thestrongest impact being simulated for NO2 rates, with a simulated increase of the order of 10-15% in warmanticyclonic conditions. The aerosols indirect effects consist in their impact on the clouds microphysics,by modifying cloud droplet density and size. These effects will in turn affect meteorology (precipitation,cloud cover, boundary layer) and therefore feedback on aerosol and trace gases concentration.



Programme scientifique et technique, organisation du projet / Scientificaland technical program, project organisation

1.3 Programme scientifique et structuration du projet / Scientific pro-gram, project structure

1.3.1 Scientific program

The project aims at studying the interactions between several geophysical processes at the same timeand in the framework of the regional atmospheric composition changes. The focus will be the Euro-Mediterranean area, which is under the influence of very different sources of air pollution : anthropoge-nic, biogenic and natural. If the anthropogenic and biogenic sources are relatively well-known and mo-delled (for analysis and forecast), the sporadic and intense natural sources such as forest fires and mineraldust remain uncertain. The main goal is thus to improve the representation of fires and dust at the regionalscale, study the impact of such dense plumes in the troposphere on the meteorology, radiation and ve-getation. The emissions and transport processes will be improved by direct model developments, mainlythe chemistry-transport model CHIMERE and the hydrology-vegetation model ORCHIDEE. The inter-actions between meteorology, vegetation and chemistry will be studied using a new modeling platformbased on the OASIS software to couple on-line the three models, WRF, ORCHIDEE and CHIMERE.The first step will be to finalize the on-going development of the CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE coupling (fol-lowing the recent work of [Anav et al. (2012)]). The second step will be to quantify the retroactionsbetween meteorology and chemistry-transport, by coupling the models using OASIS and for the full at-mospheric column (following the recent work of [Péré et al. (2011)]. The last step will be to quantify thefull possible interactions between vegetation, meteorology and chemistry-transport with the 3D couplingusing OASIS, leading to a unique regional on-line model in Europe.The scientific program is organized around two main scientific questions :

1. Vegetation and chemistry interactions : Quantify the impact of the retroactions between vegeta-tion and chemistry-transport (using a bi-dimensional coupling at the surface with OASIS), mainlydue to the dry deposition processes via the vegetation and the surface concentrations of ozone.

2. Impact of dense aerosols plumes on meteorology, vegetation and chemistry : Quantify theretroactions between meteorology and chemistry-transport in case of dense plumes transport offires products and dust. This will include the retroactions with the vegetation, to provide a fullthree-dimensional coupling of all geophysical compartments.

To these scientific questions, three complementary tasks are defined :

1. The project coordination : One goal of this project being to provide an on-line coupled model tothe community, several numrical tools will be built such as a dedicated website, a documentation,a users list etc. following the existing structure of the CHIMERE french national tool.

2. Direct model developments : Improve our knowledge on forest fires and mineral dust surfaceemissions and injection in the troposphere. This task will be the first one of the project, beingnecessary before the coupling.

3. Surface and satellite data analysis : Compare the new simulations and their improvements bycomparing the model results to surface (Airbase, Aeronet) and satellite data (IASI, MERIS, MO-DIS, CALIOP). This task will be achieved all along the project.

1.3.2 Project structure

For each questions, tasks are defined and presented below. Each task corresponds to a step forward in theon-line model development. This leads to three scientific tasks, plus the project management. The Tasksare defined to build the complete system setp by step and to ensure the validation during each step. This



validation will be done by using the surface and satellite data analyzed during the Task 4 (all along theproject). The various steps are displayed in the Figure 1.4.

FIG. 1.4 – All tasks of the project. The Task 1 is necessary to prepare the models to the coupling andoptimize the model settings by homogeneizing the various databases. The Task 4 will give data analysisfor the emissions validation. Once the Task 1 is finished, the Task 2 is dedicated to the CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE coupling, to replay the previous study on ozone /vegetation interactions, then to extend thisstudy to a longer period to quantify the long-term effect of the coupling. When the Task 2 is finished,CHIMERE includes the OASIS librairies and is ready to be coupled with WRF in the Task 3. The directaerosols effects will be included and a dense plumes (fires and dust) will be conducted, with validationusing the dedicated data analyzed with the task 4. Last, the complete on-line version including the threemodels is built at the end of the task 3.

• Task 0 : Project coordinationThis task will be led by L.Menut (LMD). This coordination will include regular meetings (one every6 months) with all partners and in Paris. In order to provide the tool realized during this project, thefirst step will be to build a SVN repository to be use by all project participants to always have the lastdeveloped model version. In parallel, a dedicated website containing all informations about the projectwill be created„ following the structure of the already existing CHIMERE web site, widely used bythe scientific community.

• Task 1 : Models developments for homogeneization before coupling and processes improvementsThis task will be led by M.Valari (LMD).The two models will be improved independently by improving the direct processes taken into accountfor emissions. Forest fires and mineral dust emissions are ongoing research projects currently in thecourse with the CHIMERE model. The main goal will be to use in direct modelling the new Europeanemissions inventory and to continue the development of the mineral dust emissions, as a continuationof the developments presented in [Menut et al. (2012a)].



In addition, light changes need to be brought to the CHIMERE model before coupling it with WRF.This task is a technical step and would not be long, being a logical evolution of the CHIMERE model.This task being partly done by the model developers themselves at LMD and is already in the course.These modifications include minor modifications such as an homogeneization of the landuse files usedto be coherent with the meteorological model and a change of vertical coordinates in CHIMERE so thatthe vertical levels of CHIMERE fit a subset of WRF levels. This task will begin in the first month ofthe project and is planned for 12 months. Some light adaptations are also required for the ORCHIDEEmodel.

• Task 2 : Vegetation/chemistry interactionsThis task will be led by S.Mailler (LMD).At the interface between surface and atmosphere, a lot of interactions exist and are often badly mo-delled. The first on-line version will couple the vegetation with the chemistry-transport. The goal is toanswer the question : What are the interactions between high ozone concentrations and vegetation ?It is planned to investigate quantitatively the retroaction loop between LAI and trace gases, with highozone concentrations tending to reduce LAI, which in turns impacts both dry deposition of trace gasesand biogenic emissions of volatile organic composites. This can be done with a coupled ORCHIDEE-CHIMERE simulation forced by WRF. A preliminary study was already done in [Anav et al. (2012)],but using an hard-coded coupled models and for only one year (2002). The main goal of this WP isto model the same vegetation/chemistry coupling, but this time using the on-line coupler OASIS. ThisWP will first ensure the coupling validation. Second, the interactions will be quantified for a longerperiod with a a 4-year run (2003-2007). This work will be done in collaboration between LMD (forCHIMERE), LSCE (ORCHIDEE) and CERFACS (OASIS). The simulations will be achieved at LMD.

• Task 3 : Meteorology/vegetation/chemistry interactions in case of dense aerosols plumesThis task will be led by L.Menut (LMD).The main goal is to estimate the complex possible interactions between meteorology, vegetation andatmospheric composition by coupling the three models. The studied cases correspond to huge aerosolsload events, such as the mineral dust and the forest fires products emissions and transport. By actingon radiation, some direct effects will be studied such as the impact on the convection intensity and thephotochemistry. The impact on convection may change the surface winds and the corresponding dusterosion. The impact on radiation will directly affect the photochemistry and thus the surface budget ofpollutants concentrations.

• Task 4 : Surface and satellite data analysisThis task will be led by C.Flamant (LATMOS).The main goal of this task is to analyze surface and satellite data to compare to the simulations. Thesesets of data will be used to validate the surface databases used for the surface characteristics and thedust and fires emissions inventories. They will also be used to complement the simulations analysis interms of aerosol transport (both dust and aerosols resulting from biomass burning).Space-borne monitoring will be a key aspect of the work conducted within this task regarding de-tection of fires and dust sources, in relationship with soil moisture, surface roughness and vegetationdensity. Complementary meteorological data from the Meteorological Offices across Europe (surfaceand radiosounding stations) will be used, together with aerosol characteristics derived from the sun-photometer stations network AERONET. The former are needed to assess the reliability of the simula-ted impact of thick dust and biomass burning aerosol plumes on meteorology. The later will be used incombination with the satellite products to assess quality of the simulated aerosol optical, microphysicaland radiative properties.This task will be done all along the project : the surface and satellite will be used for validation of dustand fires emissions in the Task 1 and for the atmospheric dense plumes simulations in the Task 3.



1.3.3 Project management

The coordination will be at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique and led by Laurent Menut. Theproject will be realized by a consortium including LMD, LSCE, LATMOS. CERFACS will be involvedalong the project for its assistance for the OASIS implementation and use. INERIS will be involved forthe last phase, being to test the model plat-form for long-term simulations and daily operational forecast.Except for CERFACS, all the partners well known each other and are located in the Paris area. Thecollaborations between these partners are already in the course in the framework of other projects :the development of CHIMERE, with LMD and INERIS, the french Labex BASC (led by LSCE, andinvolving LMD), for example. For CERFACS, being in Toulouse, frequent meetings will be organize tomeet in Paris. The main coordination task will be to ensure fluid contact between all the partners, andthe organisation of annual project meetings. He will pay particular attention to the fact that scientificvalidation begins swiftly as soon as a product is available, and will manage the release of the developedsoftware and modelisation platforms on a dedicated internet website.The softwares developed will be shared between project members with a versioning system so that workis centralized and to avoid redundant work. This SVN platform will be led at LMD by Dmitry Khvo-rostyanov, following the procedures already existing for the CHIMERE model (also for ORCHIDEEmodels at LSCE). All data and softwares will be shared using a dedicated web page located at LMD (onthe same format as the CHIMERE web page :, with a specific userse-mail adress, the sources codes and a complete documentation of all developed softwares.

1.4 Description des travaux par tâche / Description per task

1.4.1 Task 1 : Models developments for homogeneization before coupling and processesimprovements

This task will be led by M.Valari (LMD).

Continuous development of dust and fires emissions

S.Turquety, L.MenutA regional emission inventory of fire emissions has been developed at LMD in the framework of theAPIFLAME project ( Aerosols and trace gases emissions are eva-luated based on areas burned derived from the MODIS satellite observations, biomass density from theORCHIDEE model, and emission factors for each vegetation type from the literature. A 1-dimensionalpyroconvection model ([Rio et al. (2010)]) is used in order to derive an emission profile. These emissionsare integrated into the CHIMERE model and the simulated fire plumes are then compared to satellite ob-servations of aerosols and trace gases in order to evaluate both the emissions themselves and the transportprocesses. The project proposed here is a direct continuity of the APIFLAME project (ending in 2013).Apart from testing the above-mentioned findings on fire-meteorology interactions in a new context (sou-thern Europe), the added value of this study compared to the state of the art will be to make longersimulations, allowing a more complete long-term vision of the effects of fires on meteorology.The dust emissions scheme is a continuous development of the CHIMERE model. The first step wasto replace the surface and soil datasets by a new one, able to extend the modelled domain by usingglobal and spatially highly resolved data, [Menut et al. (2012a)]. The next step will be to adapt theemissions schemes to the particular landuse of Europe, including the possible erosion of mineral dust overagricultural areas. This will include the impact of the vegetation and soil moisture. These developmentswill be done directly in the CHIMERE model, being actually as a model preprocessor.



Improvements of the CHIMERE version

M.Valari, B.BessagnetSome changes are needed before an efficient coupling and are currently underway. First we will proceedto a landuse datasets homogeneization. Currently WRF and CHIMERE use different landuse datasets.CHIMERE uses either GLCF or GLOBCOVER dataset with added fresh-water class (which makes 14and 24 classes, respectively), while WRF employs the USGS dataset containing 16 classes. Couplingbetween CHIMERE and WRF implies consistency in the landuse data between the two models. Thischange is already planned and necessary for the mineral dust modeling over Europe ([Bessagnet et al.(2008)]).The correspondance between the several model grids will be simple. The CHIMERE and ORCHIDEEmodels are able to use any grid. The WRF grid will be used for the three models, avoiding horizon-tal interpolation. Along the vertical, the meteorological model uses around 40 vertical levels. For thechemistry-transport with CHIMERE, it has been shown that no significant improvement is achieved byincreasing the number of levels from about 10, which is typically used in the operational and researchcontext ([Menut et al. (2012b)]). The transition from 40 to 10 vertical levels is already used with CHI-MERE. We will keep this specificity allowing a coupling without any vertical interpolation during theOASIS coupler phase. This means we will not implement spatial interpolation, horizontal or vertical, butwe will use the same grid for the horizontal and the current specificity, already working, on the verticalin CHIMERE.

Improvements of the ORCHIDEE version

CDD LSCE, N.Vuichard, N.Viovy, N.De NobletThe important point is that the OASIS coupler is already implemented in ORCHIDEE and was success-fully used at LMD ([Stefanon et al. (2012)]). However, this model is evolving quickly and the coupledplatform will be realized with the latter available version. This is mainly related to the last developmentswith the inclusion of the modelling of agricultural ecosystems (large cropland, meadows, managed fo-rests etc.). This was recently done during the PhD of Valentin Bellassen at LSCE (under direction of N.De Noblet). In order for the platform proposed in this project to be as close as possible to the currentstate of the art, it is important to consider these ongoing developments of ORCHIDEE as a part of theproject. Since the WRF/CHIMERE/ORCHIDEE platform needs top be suitable for small-scale use onregions such as the Paris area or the PACA region in southern France, it seems important to include partof the ongoing developments of ORCHIDEE into the current project. The funding asked for the deve-lopment of ORCHIDEE will be dedicated to the numerical integration of the above-mentioned modulesinto ORCHIDEE.


• Provide a new version of the dust emissions• Provide a new version of the forest fire emissions• Use in CHIMERE of a landuse coherent with WRF• Updates of the ORCHIDEE version, following its developments

1.4.2 Task 2 : Vegetation/chemistry interactions

This task will be led by S.Mailler (LMD).

Implementation of the OASIS coupler in CHIMERE

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, D.Khvorostyanov, S.Valcke, L.Cocquart



This task corresponds to the first on-line version of the platform, using ORCHIDEE and CHIMERE. Thiscorresponds to the implementation of the OASIS coupler, already implemented in WRF and ORCHIDEE.We will follow the rules defined by CERFACS to implement the OASIS routines in CHIMERE. To dothat, S.Mailler already followed the OASIS formation at Toulouse in November 2012. A new formationwill be organized at LMD in March 2013, delivered by CERFACS and including S.Mailler, S.Truquety,D.Khvorostyanov and L.Menut. The CHIMERE version including these new routines, but without acti-vating the coupling, will be tested on the 2003 heatwave test case to ensure that this numerical change(i.e. adding subroutines) has no impact on the modelled pollutants concentrations.

Replay the deposition/ozone study for the year 2002

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, D.KhvorostyanovRetroactions between ozone and the Leaf-Area Index (LAI) have been studied recently, and a manuallycoupled CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE system has been used, [Anav et al. (2012)]. In this study, CHIMEREand ORCHIDEE have been coupled via canopy conductance (Cp), leaf area index (LAI), and surfaceozone concentration (O3). In order to compute the impact of ozone on photosynthesis and the consequentchange in dry deposition, the canopy conductance and surface ozone concentration are exchanged by themodels at hourly time step, while the LAI provided by ORCHIDEE is used at daily time step by theMEGAN model. CHIMERE uses the canopy conductance Cp directly computed by ORCHIDEE. Thecanopy conductance is then used by CHIMERE dry deposition parameterizations. This LAI reductionaffects the atmospheric chemistry in two ways. First, it reduces dry-deposition on vegetation, and second,it affects biogenic emissions, which are represented by the MEGAN model inside CHIMERE. While ithas been shown that this effect on LAI may have a rather little retroaction on ozone concentrations, itseffect on NO2 has been shown to be as large as 30% in this modelling system. It has been shown to bespace-dependant, depending on climate zones and vegetation types.The study of the [Anav et al. (2011)] case (year 2002) with the new coupled platform will first allow totest the consistency of the results of the new platform with the previously simulated results, thus checkingthe informatic implementation of the platform.

Long-term CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE simulation

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, D.KhvorostyanovThe strength of this modular coupling is to be able to select the coupling frequency and the number ofparameters to couple. The goal is to optimize the system to have an on-line system as fast and efficientas the current WRF and CHIMERE versions, thus able to be also use in an operational forecast system.In order to estimate the long-term impact of retroactions between vegetation and surface pollution, theCHIMERE-ORCHIDEE coupled system will be use to simulate the atmospheric composition duringseveral year (from 2003 to 2007). The results will be analyzed in term of trends and statistically compareto surface data such as the Airbase surface concentrations for ozone, NO2 and PM10. Simulations andcomparisons to measurements will be done at LMD, in the CHIMERE development team.


• CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE bi-dimensional coupled platform with OASIS• Existing case study (2002) replay with CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE and validation• Long-term (2003-2007) CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE simulation : analysis, comparison to observations.

1.4.3 Task 3 : Meteorology/vegetation/chemistry interactions in case of dense aerosolsplumes

This task will be led by L.Menut (LMD).



Three-dimensional coupling between CHIMERE and WRF

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, L.Menut, D.Khvorostyanov, S.Valcke

This technical part is dedicated to extend the bi-dimensional coupling to the three-dimensional coupling.The implementation is chosen to have no interpolation, horizontal and vertical. This means that theimplementation of OASIS will be numerically straightforward and that the main work will be dedicatedto the parameters to exchange only. The main goal of this task is to make a new code, easy to run andcoupling WRF and CHIMERE using OASIS, to test the various librairies and makefiles to run the modelon the same plaforms than actually when the two models are used separately. The main deliverable of thissub-task is a complete distribution of WRF and CHIMERE and all scripts, libraries and documentation touse the two models in off-line or on-line by using only a flag in a single launching script. After this step,the numerical structure is ready and have to give strictly the same results in off-line or on-line mode. Thisvalidation will be done on the existing test case defined for the CHIMERE users, available on the website and related to the european heat wave observed during the summer 2003 (the analysis was publishedin [Vautard et al. (2005)]).

Implementation of the aerosols direct effects

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, L.Menut

The new platform version, including the exchange of meteorology and aerosols concentrations in thewhole tropospheric column, will receive parameterizations able to taken into account the direct effectsof aerosols. The indirect effects will be implemented later, after this study.

The meteorological parameters of interest for the photolysis and the transport are well-known, beingalready included in a chemistry-transport model such as CHIMERE. For the coupling, the need concernsthe feedback from the chemistry-transport model to the meteorological model. The CDD LMD will firstmake a bibliography to estimate the aerosols species to inject in the meteorological radiation scheme.For the first developed on-line version, the RRTM scheme of WRF will be used and using the OPTSIMtool developed at LMD for the calculation of optical properties ([Stromatas et al. (2012)]), the aerosolsCHIMERE model species will be selected. For a first study, the mineral dust alone will be selected toensure that the new model plat-form is running correctly. Then, all other species having a radiative impactwill be added.

The large amount of aerosols injected into the atmosphere during the fires have a strong direct radiativeeffect (with implication on stability, photochemical reaction rates, etc.) and modify cloud formation andproperties [Koren et al. (2008)]. [Grell et al. (2011)] studied the direct effects of fires plumes in Alaskaand for two times two days only (due to very high computational cost). With this specific test case,they showed a significant improvement in the simulations of vertical profile soundings in the 24 hoursfollowing massive fires, showing that there is a potential for improving weather forecasts by includingwildfires, even though more work is still needed regarding the processes.

The evaluation of aerosol effect on meteorology will here first be explored by modeling the summer2007, during which dense forest fires plumes were observed over the Euro-Mediterranean region. Thesimulations will be compared to the off-line simulations already done with WRF and CHIMERE inthe framework of the APIFLAME project, and the benefit of the on-line model will be quantified bycomparisons to the surface and satellite data analyzed during APIFLAME and improved with the workof the Task 4 of this project. We shall also focus on a case of dust emission over Central Europe inMarch 2007 related to a frontal low-level jet caused strong surface wind speeds eroding large areas ofagricultural land over the southern Ukraine ([Bessagnet et al. (2008)]). The analysis of surface-based andspace-borne observations needed to evaluate the performances of the coupled model will be performedin Task 4.



Analysis of dense aerosols plume transport and impact on air-quality

CDD LMD, S.Mailler, S.Turquety, L.MenutThe impact of the aerosols direct effects will be supplement by a longer study over the Euro-Mediterranean area. Our objective here is to analyze these impacts for the 2003-2010 period.First, two case studies will be detailed to better understand the feedbacks : the summer of 2003 duringthe heat wave in Europe (large fires in Portugal) and the summer of 2007 (large fires in Greece). Thesetwo case studies will be studied by using the on-line model to replay the analyzes done in [Vautardet al. (2005)] and [Turquety et al. (2009)]. The results will be different due to the addition of the revisedmineral dust and fires emissions as well as the addition of the aerosols direct effects. The simulationswill be compared to the surface and satellite data analyzed in the Task 4, and the gain obtained with theon-line model will be quantified.Second, a long term and continuous simulation will be done from 2003 to 2007. The goal is to takeadvantage of the coupling with ORCHIDEE to analyse the long term effect of changing the interactionsbetween vegetation and atmospheric composition, year after year.


• Three-dimensional coupling of CHIMERE and WRF. First model version with new librairies anddocumentation.

• Implementation of the aerosols direct effects• Three-models coupled platform distributed as free software on internet.• Documentation and reference articles.• Analysis of dense aerosols plume transport and impact on air-quality

1.4.4 Task 4 : Surface and satellite data analysis

This task will be led by C.Flamant (LATMOS).

Wildfires detection over Europe

CDD LATMOS, C. Flamant, S. TurquetyWildfire detection will be achieved using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) andthe Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) as well as Meteo-sat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI). The formertwo provide reliable information on the location of wildfires with a high precision. However, these arelimited to the time of overpass of the Terra and Aqua platforms. The latter has the advantage of beinggeostationary and can be used to analyze the diurnal cycle of wildfire propagation with a 15-minute timeresolution (but with a coarser spatial resolution than ASTER and MODIS). In addition to aerosol mea-surements, observations on trace gases from the IASI/METOP will be used. The carbon monoxide (CO)retrievals will be particularly usefull since CO is a good tracer of transport from combustion sources.AERONET sun-photometer AOT retrievals, satellite aerosol products from various instruments such asSEVIRI, MODIS and CALIPSO will be used to monitor biomass burning aerosol plumes events overEurope. Weather records from meteorological observation stations will be analyzed to characterize ac-companying atmospheric conditions. AERONET sun-photometer retrievals, satellite aerosol productsfrom various instruments such as MODIS and CALIPSO will be used to monitor biomass burning aero-sol plumes over Europe. Sun-photometer retrievals together with spaceborne retrievals of key variables(aerosol optical depth -AOD, single scatter albedo -SSA, Angstrom exponent, asymmetry factor, sizedistribution) will be used to assess the performance of the newly developed coupled model simulationsperformed in Task 3.



One objective is to contribute to the analysis of the two case studies selected in Task 3 : the summerof 2003 during the heat wave in Europe (large fires in Portugal) and the summer of 2007 (large fires inGreece). Wildfire propagation for both events will be analyzed in conjunction with soil moisture data(32 years, 1978-2010) record available at the University of Vienna (TU Wien) and based on observationsfrom the C-band scatterometers on board of ERS-1, ERS-2 and METOP-A.A second objective is to use the enhanced knowledge on the wildfire life cycle gained from the 2003 and2007 episodes in order to contribute to the analysis of the aerosol burden over the Mediterranean regionin the framework of the ChArMEx projects. A couple of cases identified during the Special ObservingPeriod (June-July 2013) will be studied in detail.

Dust sources detection over Europe

CDD LATMOS, C. Flamant, L.MenutAs shown by [Schepanski et al. (2007)] SEVIRI observations at 15-minute time resolution can be used todetermine dust source areas with respect to the time-of-day when dust mobilisation has started. A com-parison between dust source areas inferred from 15-minute MSG imagery and areas inferred from dailyMODIS DeepBlue AOTs and OMI AI values was performed highlighting significant spatial differencesin retrieved dust source areas [Schepanski et al. (2012)]. Results strongly suggest that the temporal reso-lution is a key issue when inferring dust source areas and that a SEVIRI-based approach should be chosenover methods based on sun-synchronous platform based instruments such as MODIS, MISR, etc...The first objective is to improve our knowledge on the spatio-temporal distribution of dust emitted fromanthropogenically-disturbed land in order to assess its impact on local air quality. Meteorological condi-tions related to wind erosion from agricultural land in Europe will be assessed discussing relevant surfacecharacteristics such as soil moisture, vegetation cover and land use. Weather records from meteorologicalobservation stations will be analyzed to characterize accompanying atmospheric conditions. The impactof soil moisture on dust events will be analyzed using the Vienna University dataset.AERONET sun-photometer retrievals, satellite aerosol products from various instruments such as MO-DIS and CALIPSO will be used to monitor dust events over Europe. Sun-photometer retrievals togetherwith spaceborne retrievals of key variables (aerosol optical depth -AOD, single scatter albedo -SSA,Angstrom exponent, asymmetry factor, size distribution) will be used to assess the performance of thenewly developed coupled model simulations performed in Task 3.A second objective is to use the enhanced knowledge on the spatio-temporal distribution of dust emittedfrom anthropogenically-disturbed land in order to assess its contribution to the aerosol burden over theMediterranean region in the framework of the ChArMEx projects.


• Provide all necessary surface-based and space-borne observations of wildfire events over Portugal(2003) and Greece (2007) for the evaluation of the simulations performed in Task 3 : detection andpropagation, monitoring of the biomass burning aerosols optical, radiative and microphysical charac-teristics, soil moisture and meteorological conditions associated with the events,

• Provide all necessary surface-based and space-borne observations of dust emission over Ukraine(March 2007) for the evaluation of the simulations performed in Task 3 : detection and propagation,monitoring of the dust aerosols optical, radiative and microphysical characteristics, soil moisture andmeteorological conditions associated with the event,

• Improve our knowledge on the spatio-temporal distribution of dust emitted from anthropogenically-disturbed land as a function of meteorological conditions, soil moisture, vegetation cover and landuse.

• Provide all necessary surface-based and space-borne observations of wildfire events and dust emissionevents over Europe likely to affect the aerosol burden over the Mediterranean in June-July 2013, in the



framework of the ChArMEx project. The choice will be made of a couple of representative events ineach case, to be selected after the field campaign is performed.

1.5 Calendrier / Tasks schedule

1.5.1 List of tasks

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3M6 M12 M18 M24 M30 M36

T.0 CoordinationT0.1 Project meetingsT0.2 SVN repository for developmentT0.3 Model web site improvementT0.4 On-line model distributionT.1 Model developmentsT1.1 Fires emissionsT1.2 Dust emissionsT1.3 Improvements of CHIMERET1.4 Improvements of ORCHIDEET.2 Vegetation/chemistry interactionsT2.1 Implementation of the OASIS coupler in CHIMERET2.2 Replay the deposition/ozone study for the year 2002T2.3 Long-term CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE simulationT.3 Interactions in case of dense aerosols plumesT3.1 3D coupling of CHIMERE and WRFT3.2 Implementation of the aerosols direct effectsT3.3 Analysis of dense aerosols plume transportT.4 Surface and satellite data analysisT4.1 Wildfires detection over EuropeT4.2 Dust sources detection over Europe

TAB. 1.2 – Project organization

1.5.2 List of deliverables



Task Deliverable ResponsableT.0 Coordination L.MenutT0.1 Project meetings L.MenutT0.2 SVN repository for development D.KhvorostyanovT0.3 Model web site improvement L.MenutT0.4 On-line model distribution L.MenutT.1 Model developments M.ValariT1.1 Fires emissions S.TurquetyT1.2 Dust emissions L.MenutT1.3 Improvements of CHIMERE M.ValariT1.4 Improvements of ORCHIDEE N.VuichardT.2 Vegetation/chemistry interactions S.MaillerT2.1 Implementation of the OASIS coupler in CHIMERE D.KhvorostyanovT2.2 Replay the deposition/ozone study for the year 2002 S.MaillerT2.3 Long-term CHIMERE-ORCHIDEE simulation S.MaillerT.3 Interactions in case of dense aerosols plumes L.MenutT3.1 3D coupling of CHIMERE and WRF L.MenutT3.2 Implementation of the aerosols direct effects S.MaillerT3.3 Analysis of dense aerosols plume transport L.MenutT.4 Surface and satellite data analysis C.FlamantT4.1 Wildfires detection over Europe C.FlamantT4.2 Dust sources detection over Europe C.Flamant

TAB. 1.3 – List of deliverables of the project



Stratégie de valorisation, de protection et d’exploitation des résultats / Dis-semination and exploitation of results. Intellectual property

1.5.3 Scientific and public communication

In order to have documents to present to the commnunity, reference articles will be published, presentingthe on-line model and the scientific results obtained with the WP4. The results presentation articles areplanned as follows :

• A technical paper about the coupled platform itself. This paper will describe the existing models used,the changes done in each one and will present all informations necessary to enable external usersto download and use this platform. The paper could be published in peer-reviewed journals such asJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (AGU) or Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)(EGU).

• Research papers highlighting the benefit to use online models in pace of offline models. At least, onepaper will be on the results of the long-term simulation of the whole years 2003 and 2006, anotherpaper will be on the results on the transport of fire plumes and impact on air quality and meteorology.

During the project, we will communicate our progresses to the whole community, hoping that otherscientific questions will be adressed with the platform, leading to other publications.The developers will present the model and the results at international conferences such as AGU (SanFrancisco, US) and EGU (Vienna, Austria).At the end of the project, an international workshop will be organized. We plan to contact the alreadyexisting users of CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE (around 150 persons) and to propose a joint-communitiesevent. A two days meeting will be necessary to present the new model and the main results. The goal isto create a unique community, dealing with atmospheric composition and vegetation research projects.Training days will be organized for the new users : this structure already exists for the CHIMERE model(all informations are on the CHIMERE web site). Two days, two times per year, the CHIMERE deve-lopers present the model and how to install and use it. The training will be adapted to the new on-linemodel. In addition to the CHIMERE developers, the ORCHIDEE developers will join the training daysto also present the main functionalities of the land surface model.

1.5.4 Valorization

All the code created or updated in this project, once finalized, will be put at the disposal of the researchand forecast communities. This means the development of a website such as the ones already existingfor the CHIMERE, WRF and ORCHIDEE models.The WRF development being managed in the United-States, there is no need to change this. But, being incontact with the WRF developers, we will propose the changes needed to run the platform. This will bealso integrated into the WRF model release used by the scientific community. The OASIS developmentbeing at CERFACS, there is no need to change that also. The dedicated web site is already complete, withthe source code and the documentation. Some links will be added to propose to visit the MOVECHEMwebsite.CHIMERE and ORCHIDEE are developed and maintened at LMD and LSCE, respectively, two labora-tories of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL). We are also collaborating with the LOCEAN (also atIPSL), working on the coupling of ocean and atmosphere (in the framework of the ANR PULSATION,for example). We are in contact regarding all necessary changes in WRF, including the libraries requestedto include OASIS-MCT. These coupling projects are also done in the framework of the ’Regional mode-ling group’ of IPSL (http ://, allowing frequent meetings around these scientific projectsand the associated numerical developments.For MOVECHEM, a website will be developed at LMD . It will be based on the same structure than theCHIMERE website ( Links will be added to the WRF, ORCHIDEE



and OASIS websites. The specific developments done during the project and necessary to couple allmodels will be proposed as well as the SVN directories. The website will also include all data necessaryto perform a test run, as it is already proposed on the CHIMERE web site to run the 2003 summer overEurope as an example. A complete documentation of all models will be proposed on this website as wellas a documentation and a tutorial for the coupling.

1.5.5 Scientific benefits and perspectives

The first scientific benefits will be with each model developments. The CHIMERE model is widely usedin Europe for analysis and forecast in more than 30 research institutes and air quality network. All thechanges planned in this project are related to an optimization of the CHIMERE model and an update ofthe surface emissions (fires and dust). But these changes will interest all the CHIMERE users community,being important improvements in both offline and online mode. The changes in the landuse management,to be consistent with WRF, will be an important step for our users, the code being easier to read andchange, the calculations more homogeneous. For ORCHIDEE, the requested changes are about an updateof the version used and some additional parameters such as agricultural variability (implementation of theagricultural model STICS). This development will be distributed to the whole ORCHIDEE community.The main scientific benefits should be obtained with the use of the complete online platform. This al-lows to work on new open research scientific questions. If the modeling of mean average pollutionis satisfactory with the current version of WRF and CHIMERE, the on-line coupling including the ve-getation will makes possible to study more extreme events such as the fires and dust plumes transportand deposition, the retroactions between atmospheric composition and vegetation, mainly during ex-treme meteorological periods such as drought periods, more often observed in the last decades in theEuroMediterranean region in a context of climate change.The new on-line model will be used in the framework of the HYMEX and CHARMEX experiments,and will be able to ensure that strong feedbacks are better represented than in current existing chemistry-transport models. At a finer spatial scale, typically regional to urban scale, additional scientific questionswill be studied : (i) the interactions between meteorology, radiation and particles during the formationof fog events, (ii) the impact of boundary layer clouds on the radiation, vertical mixing and the retroac-tions due to the specific urban environment (temperature, humidity and pollutant load in the boundarylayer), (iii) scenarios of landuse changes and retroactions with the meteorology and the air pollution.The agricultural changes (present and future in a context of climate change) will be studied in term ofimpact of surface properties on meteorology (surface fluxes) and retroactions of meteorological changeson surfaces (more or less erosion of mineral dust ? humidity changes ?).

Description du partenariat / Consortium description

1.6 Description, adéquation et complémentarité des partenaires / Part-ners description, relevance and complementarity

The consortium is composed of :

• LMD, LSCE and LATMOS are research laboratories and are the three partners of the project. TheLMD is responsible of the CHIMERE development, the LSCE responsible of the ORCHIDEE de-velopment. LMD is organizing the model training (offered twice a year) and relationships with users.The meteorological model WRF is developed at NCAR, and is installed at LMD for various dynamicalmodeling. Developers

• INERIS and CERFACS are French public research body of an industrial and commercial character(EPIC). INERIS is involved in the development of CHIMERE and will contribute to the project with



its expertise on interactions between meteorology and chemistry (INERIS). CERFACS is responsibleof the OASIS development and will contribute to the project with its expertise on on-line coupling.

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD)

Dmitry Khvorostiyanov, Sylvain Mailler, Laurent Menut, Solène Turquety, Myrto ValariThe Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory) is internationally re-cognized for its expertise in the study of the atmosphere and its role in the understanding of the climatesystem. This project is based on two strong skills of the laboratory : the study of dynamic processes(global or regional) and the study of air pollution (particulate and gaseous).LMD is leading the development of the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model (L.Menut coordina-tor). LMD has a strong expertise on the analysis of satellite observations for the study of atmosphericcomposition (S.Turquety), especially by a direct contribution to the scientific teams of the CALIPSO andIASI/METOP missions for many years and with numerous collaborations with science teams of A-Trainand METOP.

Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE)

Nicolas Vuichard, Nicolas Viovy, Nathalie de NobléLSCE is leading the development of the ORCHIDEE model. LSCE is a research unit under jointsupervision of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), the CentreNational de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and l’Université de Versailles Saint - Quentin en Yve-lines (UVSQ). About 320 persons work at LSCE, about one half of them permanent researchers, lectu-rers/professors, engineers and administrative staff, one quarter Masters and PhD students and one quar-ter postdocs or visiting researchers. The LSCE is co-leader of the Labex BASC (impact of land-coverchanges, caused by economic drivers and land-use, on climate and air composition, at both global andregional scales).

Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS)

Cyrille FlamantThe Laboratoire Atmosphères Milieux Observations spatiales (LATMOS, UMR 8190 CNRS-UPMC-UVSQ) has a well established, internationally recognized expertise in developing and operating activelaser remote sensing instruments (LIDARs). LATMOS has contributed to large international field experi-ments dedicated to advance knowledge on the life cycle of dust in Africa. LATMOS also has world-classexpertise in the exploitation of the space-borne LIDAR CALIOP in different regions of the globe, andparticularly in the so-called dust-belt (Africa, Southwest Asia, ...). Recent examples of such programmesare the African Monsoon Multi-disciplinary Analysis (AMMA, 2006) and FENNEC (2011). Within theseprojects, LATMOS has contributed to improving our comprehension of dust raising mechanisms as wellas the impact of dust on atmospheric dynamics.

Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CER-FACS)

Sophie Valcke, Laure CoquartCERFACS is leading the development of the OASIS software.CERFACS ( is a research organization that aims to develop advanced methods for thenumerical simulation and the algorithmic solution of large scientific and technological problems of in-terest for research as well as industry, and that requires access to the most powerful computers presentlyavailable. CERFACS is governed by a Conseil de Gérance with representatives from its shareholders,and benefits from the recommendations of its Scientific Council.



CERFACS has seven shareholders : CNES, the French Space Agency ; EADS France, European Aero-nautic and Defence Space Company ; EDF, Electricité de France ; Météo-France, the French meteorolo-gical service ; ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab ; SAFRAN, an international high-technology group ;TOTAL, a multinational energy compagny. CERFACS hosts interdisciplinary teams, both for researchand advanced training that are comprised of : physicists, applied mathematicians, numerical analysts,and software engineers. Approximately 115 people work at CERFACS, including more than 95 resear-chers and engineers, coming from 10 different countries. They work on specific projects in nine mainresearch areas : parallel algorithms, code coupling, aerodynamics, gas turbines, combustion, climate,environmental impact, data assimilation, and electromagnetism and acoustics.

The OASIS model

The new version of the OASIS coupler, OASIS3-MCT, will be used to perform the exchanges betweenthe different components of our coupled system. OASIS3-MCT, [Valcke et al.], was released in August2012. This new parallel version of the coupler is interfaced with the American MCT (Model CouplingToolkit, developed by the Argonne National Laboratory and uses it internally toperform parallel regridding (based on user-defined weights and addresses) and parallel exchanges of thecoupling fields. MCT design philosophy, based on flexibility and minimal invasiveness, is close to theOASIS approach. MCT uses distributed objects to store the coupling data and pre-computed regriddingweights as well as a "domain decomposition descriptor" (DDD) to describe the parallel decomposition ofthe component models. Parallel communication patterns are computed automatically from the source andtarget DDDs. Parallel data transfer is then accomplished by pairs of send/receive methods with couplingdata and communication pattern as inputs. MCT is, most notably, the underlying coupling software usedin NCAR Community Earth System Model 1 (CESM1).This new parallel OASIS3-MCT solves the problem of the coupling bottleneck observed at high num-ber of cores for previous OASIS versions, with which the coupling fields had to be reassembled ontoone coupler process to perform a mono-process interpolation. One big advantage of OASIS3-MCT isits upward compatible with previous versions of the OASIS coupler, in particular in the sense that thecommunication library API (Application Programming Interface) does not change, even if fully paral-lel coupling is now supported. OASIS3-MCT was validated with a two-component toy coupled modelexchanging fields with O(1 000 000) grid points on the Bullx Curie platform at the "Très Grand Centrede Calcul" (TGCC) for up to 2024 cores per component. OASIS3-MCT is currently used with successin real coupled models at CERFACS, IPSL, MPI-M (Germany), BoM (Australia), MetOffice (UK) forhigh-resolution ocean-atmosphere coupling. It is also used at BTU-Cottbus (Germany) to perform 3Dcoupling between a regional atmosphere model and a global atmosphere model. This last coupled set-upis implemented as a many-level 2D coupling without any vertical interpolation and is very close to whatwill be implemented in MOVECHEM between the chemistry model and the atmospheric model.

1.7 Qualification, rôle et implication des participants / Qualification andcontribution of each partner

The qualification and contribution of each partner is described in the Table 1, p.2.

1.7.1 Biographies / CV, Résumé

Dmitry Khvorostiyanov, IPSL/LMD

Dmitry Khvorostiyanov (LMD) is CNRS research engineer at LMD-IPSL. He is in charge of the CHI-MERE model development and distribution in the scientific community. He is specialized in meteo-rological and chemistry/transport modeling including land-surface parameterizations, pollen transport



modeling, and post-processing tools development.Publications :• Anav, A., L. Menut, D. V. Khvorostyanov, N. Viovy (2010), Impact of tropospheric ozone on the Euro-Mediterranean vege-

tation, Global Change Biology, DOI : 10.1111/j. 1365-2486.2010.02387.x• C. Koven, P. Friedlingstein, P. Ciais, D. Khvorostyanov, G. Krinner, and C. Tarnocai (2009), On the formation of high-

latitude soil carbon stocks : The effects of cryoturbation and insulation by organic matter in a land surface model, Geophys.Res. Lett., 36, L21501, doi :10.1029/2009GL040150

• D. V. Khvorostyanov, G. Krinner, P. Ciais, M. Heimann, S. A. Zimov (2009), Reply to L. Kutzbach, Tellus B, 61, 3, 579-580• Khvorostyanov, D. V., P. Ciais, G. Krinner, and S. A. Zimov (2008), Vulnerability of east Siberia’s frozen carbon stores to

future warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L10703, doi :10.1029/2008GL033639

Sylvain Mailler, ENPC/LMD

Sylvain Mailler received a PhD in atmospheric physics in 2010, and is a researcher at the Laboratoire deMéteorologie Dynamique since Jan. 2012, in the INTRO team, dealing more particularly with regionalcoupled studies and the development of CHIMERE, hired by the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.After his PhD thesis, which was dedicated to studying the dynamical effects of the Tibetan Plateau on thewinter climate in east Asia, with a particular focus on winter climate and extreme cold events, he spent10 months in a postdoctoral stay at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), studying the impactof the emission inventory on air quality simulations over the Iberian peninsula.Publications :• Mailler S. and F. Lott, 2009, Dynamical influence of the Tibetan Plateau on the winter monsoon over southeastern Asia,

Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L06708• Mailler, S., and F. Lott, 2010, Equatorial Mountain Torque and cold surge preconditionning, J. Atmos. Sci., 66(6), 2101-2120• Mailler, S, Influence dynamique du Plateau tibétain sur le climat en Extrême-Orient (PhD thesis), Université Paris-Est, Sept.

29, 2010• Mailler, S, P. Jimenez and J. M. Baldasano, Impact of the vertical emission profiles on ground-level contamination rates for

SO2 and NO2 simulated with the CHIMERE Chemistry-transport model over Spain for year 2004, In preparation

Laurent Menut, IPSL/LMD

Laurent Menut received a Ph.D. in atmospheric physics in 1997 and is a researcher at the CNRS since2000, at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique since 2004. He works on the dynamics and che-mistry of the atmospheric boundary layer. He began his research on the analysis of observations withthe ECLAP field campaign ECLAP (1995), obsrevations and modeling with ESQUIF (1998-2000) andESCOMPTE (2001). These analyzes included the processing and analysis of lidar, sodar and radiosonde.He then contributed to developments in modeling regional chemistry-transport model with CHIMERE.These developments cover the direct modeling (analysis of pollution events, parameterizations of emis-sions and transport of mineral aerosols) and inverse modeling (adjoint modeling for anthropogenic emis-sions optimization). He studied the impact of pollution on health and is involved in projects to understandthe relative part of volcanic and forest fires emissions in the air pollution budget over Europe. L.Menut isauthor or co-author of over sixty publications and is coordinator of the CHIMERE model development,coordinator of the LMD INTRO team (including 10 permanent and ten non-permanent reserachers). Heis a member of Section 19 of the CNRS (since 2008), a member of the steering committee PREVAIR(since 2005), committee member of the Department of Mechanics at Ecole Polytechnique (since 2010).Publications :• Menut L., A.Goussebaile, B.Bessagnet, D.Khvorostiyanov, A.Ung, 2012, Impact of realistic hourly emissions profiles on

modelled air pollutants concentrations, Atmospheric Environment, pp. 233-244, doi :10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.057• Anav A., L.Menut, D.Khvorostiyanov and N.Viovy, Impact of tropospheric ozone on the Euro-Mediterranean vegetation,

Global Change Biology, vol. 17, issue 6, DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02387.x• Colette A., O.Favez, F.Meleux, L.Chiappini, M.Haeffelin, Y.Morille, L.Malherbe, A.Papin, B.Bessagnet, L.Menut, E.Leoz,

L.Rouil, 2011, Assessing in near real time the impact of the April 2010 Eyjafjallajokull ash plume on air quality, AtmosphericEnvironment, 45, 1217-1221

• Valari M., E.Chatignoux and L.Menut, 2011, Using a chemistry transport model to account for the spatial variability ofexposure-concentrations in epidemiologic air pollution studies, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 61,164-179



• Menut L. and B.Bessagnet, 2010, Atmospheric composition forecasting in Europe , Annales Geophysicae, 28, 61-74• Menut L., O.Masson, B.Bessagnet, 2009, Contribution of Saharan dust on radionuclides aerosols activity levels in Europe ?

The 21-22 February 2004 case study, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D16202, doi :10.1029/2009JD011767

Solène Turquety, IPSL/LMD

Solène Turquety is assistant professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC - Paris 6) since2008, and is working at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD/IPSL) as part of the INTROgroup. Her research is dedicated to the analysis of the long-range transport of pollution, combining bothobservation analysis and chemistry-transport modeling (CTM). After a PhD thesis on the analysis ofsatellite observations for ozone retrieval (obtained in 2003 from UPMC), she became strongly involvedin the analysis of the data provided by recent satellite missions (A-Train, IASI/METOP in particular)to validate and improve the emissions and processes accounted for in regional and global CTMs. In herpast and current work, she is studying more particularly the emissions and transport of pollution fromvegetation fires. She contributed directly to two international intensive observation campaigns (ICARTTin 2004 and POLARCAT in 2008), and is involved in the preparation of the CHARMEX experimentdedicated to atmospheric composition observation in the Mediterranean region. She is PI of the API-FLAME project (Analysis and Prediction of the impact of fires on air quality in the Euro-Mediterraneanregion ; 2010-2013), and co-PI of several related projects. She is author or co-author of more than 35peer-reviewed publications.Publications :

• Coheur, P.-F. L. Clarisse, S. Turquety , D. Hurtmans, and C. Clerbaux, IASI measurements of reactive trace species in biomassburning plumes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 5655-5667, 2009.

• Turquety, S. , D. Hurtmans, J. Hadji-Lazaro, P.-F. Coheur, C. Clerbaux, D. Josset, and C. Tsamalis, Tracking the emissionand transport of pollution from wildfires using the IASI CO retrievals : analysis of the summer 2007 Greek fires, Atmos.Chem. Phys., 9, 4897-4913, 2009.

• Turquety, S. , C. Clerbaux, K. Law, P.-F. Coheur, A. Cozic, S. Szopa, D. A. Hauglustaine, J. Hadji- Lazaro, A. M. S.Gloudemans, H. Schrijver, C. D. Boone, P. F. Bernath, and D. P. Edwards, CO emission and export from Asia : an analysiscombining complementary satellite measurements (MOPITT, SCIAMACHY and ACE-FTS) with global modeling, Atmos.Chem. Phys. , 8, 5187-5204, 2008.

• Cook, P. A., N. H. Savage, S. Turquety , G. D. Carver, F. M. O’Connor, A. Heckel, D. Stewart, L. K. Whalley, A. E. Parker, H.Schlager, H. B. Singh, M. A. Avery, G. W. Sachse, W. Brune, A. Richter, J. P. Burrows, R. Purvis, A. C. Lewis, C. E. Reeves,P. S. Monks, J. G. Levine, J. A. Pyle, Forest fire plumes over the North Atlantic : p-TOMCAT model simulations with aircraftand satellite measurements from the ITOP/ICARTT campaign, J. Geophys. Res. , 112, D10S43, doi :10.1029/2006JD007563,2007.

• Turquety, S. , J.A. Logan, D.J. Jacob, R.C. Hudman, F.Y. Leung, C.L. Heald, R. M. Yantosca, S. Wu, L. K. Emmons, D.P.Edwards, and G.W. Sachse, Inventory of boreal fire emissions for North America in 2004 : the importance of peat burningand pyro-convective injection, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D12S03, doi :10.1029/2006JD007281, 2007.

Myrto Valari, IPSL/LMD

Myrto Valari is physicist scientist at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC - Paris 6) since 2011.Her research activity as member of the Intro group at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique fo-cuses on urban scale air-quality modeling, human exposure and health-impact assessment. She is co-PIof a national (ACHIA, GIS) and a european (ACCEPTED, ERA-NET) research projects where she worksas a member of inter-disciplinary consortia involving physicists, statisticians, sociologists and epidemio-logists. She received her PhD in 2009 on the health impact of atmospheric pollution in urban areas fromthe Ecole Polytechnique and then joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where she workedin the development of a sub-grid scale emission scheme to capture small scale pollutant variability in theCMAQ chemistry-transport model (18 months appointment). She contributes in the development of theCHIMERE chemistry transport model and gives lectures in several master courses.Publications :

• Valari, M., L. Martinelli, E. Chatignoux, J. Crooks, and V. Garcia (2011), Time scale effects in acute association betweenair-pollution and mortality, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L10806, doi :10.1029/2011GL046872.



• Valari M., L.Menut, E.Chatignoux (2011), Impact de la pollution sur la sante : le cas de la region parisienne, La Meteorologie,no 73, Mai 2011

• Valari, M., L. Menut and E. Chatignoux (2010), Using a Chemistry Transport Model to Account for the Spatial Variabilityof Exposure Concentrations in Epidemiologic Air Pollution Studies, Air and Waste Management Association, 61(2).

• Valari, M., and L. Menut (2010), Transferring the heterogeneity of surface emissions to variability in pollutantconcentrations over urban areas through a chemistry-transport model, Atmospheric Environment, 44(27), 3229-3238,doi :10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.06.001.

• Valari, M and L. Menut (2008) : Does an Increase in Air Quality Models Resolution Bring Surface Ozone ConcentrationsCloser to Reality ?. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25, 1955-1968.

Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, IPSL/LSCE

Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré is a bioclimatologist that has spent most of her time trying to understandwhat roles the terrestrial biosphere plays in the climate system. She first turned her attention towardspast climates (mainly the last glacial-interglacial cycle) and contributed to demonstrate that vegeta-tion dynamics are an active player in the climate system that needs to be accounted for in order tosimulate climatic transitions. More recently, she turned her attention towards human-induced land coverchanges and their influence on climate at the global scale. With Dr. Andy Pitman and with the supportof IGBP/iLEAPS and GEWEX/GLASS, Dr de Noblet-Ducoudré has launched the LUCID internatio-nal intercomparison project discussed in this article. Essentially a modeller, she tries to see whetherthe knowledge of regional to global land-atmosphere interactions and their potential predictability canhelp anticipate the consequences of land-use strategies. She’s also coordinating a french ANR projectORACLE (https :// :

• Ringeval, B., P. Friedlingstein, C. Koven, Ph. Ciais, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, B. Decharme and P. Cadule (2011) :Climate-CH4 feedback from wetlands and its interaction with the climate-CO2 feedback. Biogeosciences, 8, 2137-2157doi :10.5194/bg-8-2137-2011.

• Woilliez, M.-N., M. Kageyama, G. Krinner, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, N. Viovy and M. Mancip (2011) : Impact of CO2 andclimate on vegetation changes during the Last Glacial Maximum2̆019. Climate of the Past, 7, 557-577, doi :10.5194/cp-7-557-2011.

• Delire, C., N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, A. Sima and I. Gouirand (2011) : Effect of vegetation dynamics on climate variability :contrasting results from two modeling studies. Journal of Climate, 24, 2238-2257, DOI : 10.1175/2010JCLI3664.1.

• de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., J.-P. Boisier, A. Pitman, G.B. Bonan, V. Brovkin, F. Cruz, C. Delire, V. Gayler, B.J.J.M. van denHurk, P.J. Lawrence, M.K. van der Molen, C. Müller, C.H. Reick, B.J. Strengers and A. Voldoire (in press) : Determiningrobust impacts of land-use induced land-cover changes on surface climate over North America and Eurasia ; Results fromthe first set of LUCID experiments. Journal of Climate.

• Pielke, R.A. Sr., A. Pitman, D. Niyogi, R. Mahmood, C. McAlpine, F. Hossain, K. Klein Goldewijk, U. Nair, R. Betts, S.Fall, M. Reichstein, P. Kabat and N. de Noblet (2012) : Land use/land cover changes and climate : modeling analysis andobservational evidence. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Climate Change. doi : 10.1002/wcc.144

Nicolas Viovy, IPSL/LSCE

Dr Nicolas Viovy is a senior research scientist, expert in modelling biogeochemical cycles in the terres-trial ecosystems. He is one of the main developers of the ORCHIDEE model. He belongs to the GlobalCarbon Project expert group and to the GEWEX-PILPS steering committee. He contributed to severalEuropean project (e.g CARBOEUROPE, CARBOAFRICA, CARBOEUROPE-GHG..) and coordinateseveral national projects. He contributed to 58 A-ranking publication in peer reviewed journals with ah-index of 23.Publications :

• Botta A., N. Viovy, P. Ciais , P. Friedlingstein , P. Monfray (2000) A global prognostic scheme of leaf onset using satellitedata Global Change Biology 6 (7) : 709-725

• Chuine I., P. Yiou, N. Viovy, B. Seguin, V. Daux, E. Le roy Ladurie (2004) Grape ripening as an indicator of past climate,Nature, 432, pp 289-290 Krinner G. ,N. Viovy ,N. de Noblet, J. Ogée, P. Friedlingstein, P. Ciais, S. Sitch ,J. Polcher , I. C.

• Prentice (2005b), A dynamic global vegetation model for studies of the coupled atmosphere-biosphere system Global Bio-geochemical Cycles, 19, doi :1029/2003GB002199,pp1-33



• Lathière J., D.A. Hauglustaine, A. Friend N. de Noblet Ducoudré, N. Viovy, J. Polcher, G. Folberth (2006) Impact of climatevariablility and land use changes on global biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions Atmospheric Chemistry andPhysics 6 : 2129-2146

• Moulin S., L. Kergoat , N. Viovy , G. Dedieu (1997a) Global Scale Assesment of Vegetation Phenology UsingNOAA/AVHRR Satellite Measurements, Journal of Climate,10,1154-1170

Nicolas Vuichard, IPSL/LSCE

Dr Nicolas Vuichard received his PhD in Environmental Sciences in 2005 (Université Pierre et MarieCurie, Paris). He is a research scientist, expert in modelling carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems,with an emphasis on managed lands such as croplands and grasslands. He is currently working to thedevelopment of the ORCHIDEE model at LSCE (IPSL). He is also involved in several EU FP7 projects(GHG-Europe, ClimAfrica) aiming at better quantifying the land/atmosphere carbon and water fluxes,from seasonal to multi-annual time scales, and at continental scale. He contributed to 20 A-rankingpublications.Publications :

• Vuichard N, Ciais P, Viovy N, Calanca P and Soussana JF. Simulating the Greenhouse Gas Budget of European Grasslandswithin a Process Driven Approach : Part 2 Spatial and temporal patterns of radiative forcing fluxes, Global BiogeochemicalCycles, 21(1), 2007.

• Vuichard N, Ciais P, Belelli Marchesini L, Smith P and Valentini R. Carbon sequestration due to the abandonment of agri-culture in the former USSR since 1990. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB4018, 2008.

• Ciais P, Gervois S, Vuichard N, Piao SL, Viovy N. Effects of land use change and management on the European croplandcarbon balance. Global Change Biology, 2010.

• Wattenbach M, Sus O, Vuichard N, Lehuger S, Li L, Leip L, Tormellieri E, Kutsch WL, Buchmann N, Eugster W, Dietiker D,Aubinet M, Ceschia E, Béziat P, Gruenwald T, Hastings A, Gottschalk P, Osborne B, Ciais P, Cellier P, Smith P. The carbonbalance of European croplands : a cross-site comparison of simulation models. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2010.

Cyrille Flamant, LATMOS

DR2 CNRS, Head of the SACE department of LATMOS. Academic degrees : 1996 - Ph. D, Univ. Pierreet Marie Curie, Paris. 2007 - DHDR, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie. Coordinator of the airborne componentof the AMMA SOP (2006). Coordinator of the FENNEC project (2011). Broad scientific backgroundin experimental work using airborne laser remote sensing (LIDAR) applied to atmospheric boundarylayer processes, mesoscale atmospheric dynamics in complex terrain and dust-meteorology interactions.Author or co-author of 98 peer-review papers. Prix, distinctions : Médaille de Bronze du CNRS (2006)Publications :

• F. Abdi Vishkaee., C. Flamant, J. Cuesta, L. Oolman, P. Flamant, and H. Khalesifard, 2011 : Dust transport over Irak andnorthwest Iran associated with winter Shamal : a case study, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D03201, doi :10.1029/2011JD016339.

• C. Lavaysse, J.-P. Chaboureau, C. Flamant, 2011 : Dust impact on the West African heat low in summertime, Q. J. Roy.Meteorol. Soc., 137, 1227-1240.

• C. Lemaître, C. Flamant, J. Cuesta, J.-C. Raut, P. Chazette, P. Formenti and J. Pelon, 2010 : Radiative forcing associated with aspringtime case of Bodélé and Sudan dust transport over West Africa, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8131-8150, doi :10.5194/acp-10-8131-2010.

• C. Flamant, P. Knippertz, D. Parker, J.-P. Chaboureau, C. Lavaysse, A. Agusti-Panareda, and L. Kergoat, 2009a : The impactof a mesoscale convective system cold-pool on the northward propagation of the inter-tropical discontinuity over West Africa,Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 135, 139-165.

• C. Flamant, P. Knippertz, D. Parker, J.-P. Chaboureau, C. Lavaysse, A. Agusti-Panareda, and L. Kergoat, 2009b : The impactof a mesoscale convective system cold-pool on the northward propagation of the inter-tropical discontinuity over West Africa,Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 135, 139-165.

Sophie Valcke, CERFACS

Dr Sophie Valcke holds a "highly qualified" research engineer position at CERFACS. Dr Valcke is cur-rently leading a team of about 4 engineers for the developments of the OASIS coupler. Through the user



support provided for the OASIS coupler, Dr Valcke established working contacts with many climate-modelling groups in Europe. Dr Valcke is CERFACS Principal Investigator for the current IS-ENESproject and was CERFACS PI in the METAFOR (Common Metadata for Climate Modelling Digital Re-positories) project, funded by the European Commission 7th framework program. These projects alsofavour Dr Valcke’s interaction with other groups developing coupling framework internationally, such asthe USA-led ESMF project, the USA NCAR Community Earth System Model 1 (CESM1), and EarthSystem Grid (ESG).Publications :

• R. Redler, S. Valcke, H. Ritzdorf, 2010. OASIS4, A Coupling Software for Next Generation Earth System Modelling. Geosci.Model Dev., 3, pp. 87-104, (on-line access)

• S. Valcke, E. Guilyardi, C. Larsson, 2006. PRISM and ENES : A European approach to Earth system modelling. ConcurrencyComputat. : Pract. Exper., 18(2), pp. 231-245.

Laure Coquart, CERFACS

Laure Coquart is a CNRS engineer (IE) working on OASIS since five years at CERFACS. She has beenworking on OASIS4 in collaboration with DKRZ and MPI at Hamburg, on OASIS3 and more recentlyon OASIS3-MCT. She tests the functionalities and the evolutions of the different versions of the couplerthrough the development and use of many toys on different platforms at CERFACS, Meteo-France, CEA,CINES, DKRZ. She also provides user support by email or via training, or visiting some teams in France.

1.7.2 Implication des personnes dans d’autres contrats / Staff involvement in othercontracts

Partenaire /Partner

Nom des personnes impli-quées / Name of involvedpeople

Intitulé du projet, source de finan-cement, montant attribué / Projectname, financing institution, grantallocated

Date début etDate fin / Startand end dates

1 (LMD) S.Turquety (12pm) APIFLAME, PRIMEQUAL 2010-20131 (LMD) L.Menut (6pm) APIFLAME, PRIMEQUAL 2010-20131 (LMD) L.Menut (10pm) CHEDAR, ANR 2009-20132 (LSCE) N.Viovy (6pm) GHG-EUROPE, EU-FP7 2010-20142 (LSCE) N.De Noblet (12pm) ORACLE, ANR 2011-20143 (LATMOS) C.Flamant (12pm) FENNEC, ANR blanc 2010-20143 (LATMOS) C.Flamant (12pm) IODAMED, ANR blanc 2010-2014

Justification scientifique des moyens demandés / Scientific justification ofrequested budget

The main requested budget for this project is for the recruitment of one engineer, during three years,and dedicated to the platform development and the research projects that will be done with the platformat LMD. Another funding in term of recruitment is requested for the LSCE, to improve ORCHIDEE.Finally, for the missions (i.e participation to conferences or project meeting for the CERFACS, not loca-ted in the Paris area), we count 2 ke for each. For the CERFACS, being located at Toulouse (when allother partners are in the Paris area), an additional budget for the project meetings is requested. Detailsare given below for each partner.



Partner 1 : LMDEquipment Cluster upgrade (development and numerical tests of the platform) 10ke

Disks for simulations and storage (update of existing system) 10keStaff 3 years of engineer for the platform and projects. The profile necessary for

this work is a geophysical scientist, having a good knowledge in meteorologyand chemistry-transport modeling. It is required to have a PhD in atmosphericsciences. To develop and test the online modeling platform, a good knowledgein computing is necessary (Fortran 90, OpenMPI for parallelization codes de-velopment). The work will be done at LMD with interactions with CERFACS(OASIS) and LSCE (ORCHIDEE).

150 ke

Subcontracting 1 The INERIS team will provide its expertise on the landuse databases mana-gements for CHIMERE, including a new version in NetCDF, adaptated to theclasses used in the mode.

40 ke

Subcontracting 2 The CERFACS team will provide its expertise on the coupling, including atraining on OASIS at LMD

24 ke

Travel 1 international conference per year for each of the project, for the 4 LMDparticipants

32 ke

Requested for CERFACS to come in Paris for the project meetings 2 keTotal LMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 kePartner 2 : LSCEEquipment Cluster upgrade (local development and numerical tests of ORCHIDEE) 15keStaff 12 months of engineer for the ORCHIDEE development and related simula-

tions. The profile necessary for this work is dedicated to the continuous de-velopment of the ORCHIDEE model, more precisely the integration of theSTICS model. The engineer will be both in LSCE and CLIMPACT, and incontinuous relation with the projetc team at LMD, to update the ORCHIDEEcoupled in the online platform.

50 ke

Travel One international conference during the project 2 keTotal LSCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 k ePartner 3 : LATMOSEquipment Disk storage (20To) for surface and satellite data 10keStaff 12 months of engineer for the surface and satellite data analysis 50keTravel 1 international conference per year for each of the project, for the 2 LATMOS

participants16 ke

Total LATMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ke

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Letter of recommendation
