Program planning for worksite stress management Marlyn...

Running head: PROGRAM PLANNING FOR WORKSITE STRESS MANAGEMENT 1 Program planning for worksite stress management Marlyn Damiano Rowan University

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Page 1: Program planning for worksite stress management Marlyn · involving 44 hospitals found that a comprehensive stress management


Program planning for worksite stress management

Marlyn Damiano

Rowan University

Page 2: Program planning for worksite stress management Marlyn · involving 44 hospitals found that a comprehensive stress management


Executive Summary

Excess stress left un-checked can have severe poor health implication. This ever prevalent

problem in our society costs people their quality of life and health and businesses billions of

dollars in lost productivity not to mention the toll taken on health care costs. The worksite stress

management program has been designed to meet the needs of a small business (GCV

Productions LLC) that operates in a very time sensitive and pressured environment. The goals of

the program will be to increase coping skills of employees and reduce perceived levels of stress

in the employees of GCV Productions, thereby also reducing the costs associated with lost

productivity and increasing the employees’ health and quality of life. The program will run for

employees approximately six months and there will be another six months devoted to the

planning, development, and evaluation of the program. The level of influence of the worksite

stress management program will be on the intrapersonal level using both the Health

Communications Strategy and Health Education strategy. Both will be used to increase

awareness, educate and influence the priority population to move them towards change regarding

reducing and coping with daily stress. During and after the program has finished, several

objectives will be evaluated in order to determine whether or not objectives and goals have been

met. A combination of interviews, discussion sessions, observations, attendance log reviews, and

dissemination of educational material log review will be used to determine the program’s



A rational for the development of a worksite stress management program at GCV Productions

LLC by Marlyn Damiano. Stress is a prevalent problem in our society. Excessive stress affects

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health in very bad ways. According too, the National Institute of Mental Health over time,

continued strain on your body from routine stress may lead to serious health problems, such as

heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.

Reported by (Hathaway 2012) experiencing stressful life events, such as a divorce or job loss,

can reduce regions of the brain that regulate emotion and important physiological functions in all

individuals. This finding was reported by Yale researchers in a study found in the journal

Biological Psychiatry.

On a national stand point, the American Psychology Association (2007) says, “One-third of

Americans are living with extreme stress”, about 95 million, that is a little more than the

combined state populations of California, New York and Texas. “Almost half of Americans

believe that their stress has increased over the past five years.” American Psychology

Association (2007) goes on to say, “about one-third of employed adults have difficulty managing

work and family responsibilities.” That’s equivalent to 2,191 full Philly baseball stadiums. Also

“35% report jobs interfering with their family or personal time as a significant source of stress.”

American Psychology Association (2007) also reports that, stress causes more than half of

Americans, the combined population of the West Coast and East coast of America, to fight with

people close to them and one in four people report that they have been alienated from a friend or

family member because of stress.

Stress enables un healthy behavior. Reported by the American Psychology Association (2007)

and Barrington (2007) they found that a multitude of Americans miss manage high levels of

stress by engaging in unhealthy behaviors such as: over eating or eating unhealthy foods, skip a

meal, drink alcohol, smoke, lower levels of physical activity and lack of adherence to physical

activity and choose to watch TV, surf the web, or play video games. According to the American

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Psychology Association (2007) many people experienced fatigue, headache, upset stomach,

muscle tension, dizziness, irritability and anger, and loss of sleep when under high stress. These

findings support the idea that stress inhibits positive health behaviors, ultimately affecting one’s

risk for obesity. Ultimately these behaviors promote disease and lost productivity in a person’s


Stress is a major problem. The sheer number of Americans reporting high stress levels, and the

afore mentioned ill effects to mind, body, and economy, needs to be addressed. Stress has a

negative impact on productivity at work. According to Health Advocate Inc., stressed workers

tend to be fatigued, prone to mistakes, incur injuries, and are more likely to be absent from work.

Most significantly, this hurts the bottom line, they incur healthcare costs twice as high than for

less stressed employees. Altogether, the consequences of stress-related illnesses, from depression

to heart disease, costs businesses an estimated $200 to $300 billion a year in lost productivity.

There is good evidence that shows the mental, physical and financial cost of stress is


The proposed solution to the ever increasing stress problem is to implement a stress

management education program at GCV Productions. Most working adults spend the majority of

their life at their job so it makes sense to have quality of life improvement services available to

someone in a place they frequent the most. The program will be designed to increase awareness,

knowledge about stress reduction, coping techniques and the reduction of barriers that limit

decreases in stress. The program will encourage stress talk in a positive way so as to promote an

atmosphere for constructive ideas and feedback. Through increased awareness and education

employees will begin to reduce their stress levels in their lives more effectively than what they

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have been doing already. The participants would have the opportunity to choose the stress

management techniques they want to learn more about. In effect this program will improve

health status, work productivity, increased work morale, improved job satisfaction, reduced turn

over, reduce absenteeism, reduce health care costs, reduce conflict, increase GCV Productions

Image and Employment appeal.

The success of other stress management programs can help speak for the success of the

proposed plan. Many reports on worksite stress management programs have been conducted.

According to the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations,

“Evaluation research suggests that the ones [stress management programs] that have been well-

designed and carefully implemented not only reduce employee stress and improve health, but

also result in bottom-line benefits.” Other studies mentioned by the Consortium for Research on

Emotional Intelligence in Organizations are, a 10-week program for hypertensive employees in a

large corporation led to a sharp cut in health care claims: the average value of claims for the year

following the program were half the annual averages in previous years, a program for highway

maintenance workers led to a significant improvement in attendance records and lastly a study

involving 44 hospitals found that a comprehensive stress management program led to a

significant reduction in malpractice claims. Stress management programs work.

Needs Assessment Analysis

The tool used to collect the needs assessment data was a quantitative and qualitative survey

determining the participants stress levels, knowledge about stress management, awareness of

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programs at GCV and feelings about a health education program implementation to reduce

overall stress. Sample of tool in Appendix A. The survey was deployed over a 4-day interval.

The demographic data collected from the needs assessment showed 60% female and 40% male,

all Caucasian. The setting employees at GCV work in is an office setting. 5 out of 7 or 71% of

employee’s experience average to sever stress levels. 2 out of 7 employees feel the work spaces

are cramped, 3 out of 7 enjoy the open work area, 3 out of seven find the work space enjoyable

and clean 1 out of 7 feel the open space makes it difficult to focus on tasks which. The majority

of employees are interested in learning interventions and techniques on how to eliminate or

reduce stress. Half showed interest in a health promotion education and or activity such as stress

management at the workplace. The majority (85%) of employees feel nothing is currently being

done to resolve stress at GCV and most stress reduction takes place at home by relaxing,

socializing, vacation, physical activity or there is no stress reduction taking place at all. 70% of

employees feel stress has not been addressed well at GCV, 3 out of 7 employees feel stress has

not been addressed well at home the rest were successful at home and at GCV. Employees

reported GCV not having any kind of health related policy other than Full time employees

receiving sick, vacation and an Alcohol and Drug policy. 85% of employees are aware of

opportunities that exist in the local community or nearby surrounding area to promote health.

Based on the needs assessment the majority of employees are in favor of a stress management

program being implemented at GCV Productions.

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Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives and Evaluation Strategies of Program

Mission statement: The mission of the GCV Productions stress management program is to

provide stress awareness, education, and a wide variety of tools for employees to utilize for

stress in their lives. See Appendix B for Evaluation tools.

Goal 1: To increase coping skills of employees at GCV Productions.

1st Process Objective: By the end of the program the program planner will have posted or

distributed at least 5-10 informational brochures and posters on coping skills for GCV


Evaluation strategy: The program planner will keep a record of how many informational

brochures and posters based on coping that they distributed.

2nd Process: Prior to the start of the program, the program planner will deliver the program

description pamphlet to all employees interested in the program.

Evaluation strategy: The program planner will keep a record of who and how many

pamphlets they handed out to interested employees.

1st Impact: After completion of the program 1/2 of employees will be able to identify 2 coping


Evaluation strategy: After completion of the program the program planner will briefly

interview employee participants and ask them to identify 2 coping techniques. Then the

program planner will record how many could identify 2 coping techniques. The interview

would take place after completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day

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over a week period. Question: “Can you identify 2 coping techniques the program


2nd Impact: Four weeks after completion of the program at least 1/2 of interested employees will

have employed coping techniques to help reduce stress.

Evaluation strategy: Four weeks after the completion of the program the program planner

will briefly interview interested employee participants and record how many effectively

employed coping techniques to help reduce stress. The interview would take place four

weeks after completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week

period. Question: “Have you employed coping techniques that you learned from the

program to help reduce stress in your life?”

1st Outcome: After the completion of the program 1/2 of employees who used coping skills as a

stress reducing mechanism will show a 30% better disposition in the work place.

Evaluation strategy: After the completion of the program the program planner will

observe employees disposition levels. The program planner will record observations over

the duration of the program and after. The after program observation will be conducted

over a week time period. The program planner will also consult managers during and

after program completion on whether they observe better employee dispositions in the

work place.

2nd Outcome: After the completion of the program ½ of employees who used coping skills from

the program will reduce their perceived stress.

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Evaluation strategy: After the completion of the program the program planner will briefly

interview those who participated assess their perceived stress levels and whether or not

they used coping skills to reduce stress levels. The interview would take place after

completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period.

Questions: “Did you used coping skill from the program to reduce your perceived

stress?”. “You employed coping skills to reduce your perceived stress, how did it work

out for you?”.

Goal 2: To reduce perceived levels of stress in the employees of GCV Productions.

1st Process Objective: By the end of the program the health educator will have posted or

distributed at least 5-10 informational brochures and posters on stress reduction techniques for

GCV employees.

Evaluation strategy: The program planner will keep a record of how many informational

brochures and posters based on stress reduction techniques that they distributed.

2nd Process: During the program interested GCV employees will participate in at least 2 stress

management discussions during lunch.

Evaluation strategy: The program planner will keep a record of who and how many times

an interested employee participated in lunch stress management discussions.

1st Impact: During the program at least 3/4 of participants will be able to explain 1 stress

reduction technique.

Evaluation strategy: During the program the program planner will briefly interview

employee participants and ask them to explain 1 stress reduction technique. Then the

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program planner will record how many could explain 1 stress reduction technique. The

interview would take place during the program at lunch or the end of the day over a week

period. Question: “Can you explain at least 1 stress reduction technique addressed by the


2nd Impact: After the program at least ¾ of participants will be able to identify at least two

disease risks related to high stress levels.

Evaluation strategy: After completion of the program the program planner will briefly

interview employee participants and ask them to identify least two disease risks related to

high stress levels. Then the program planner will record how many could identify least

two disease risks related to high stress levels. The interview would take place after

completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period.

Question: “Can you identify least two disease risks related to high stress levels addressed

by the program?”

1st Outcome: After the completion of the program 1/2 of those who participate in the program

will report a reduction in perceived stress than those who do not participate.

Evaluation strategy: After the completion of the program the program planner will

interview those who participated and who did not to assess their perceived stress levels.

Then the program planner will record how many and who reports a reduction in

perceived stress. The interview would take place after completion of the program during

lunch or at the end of the day over a week period. Question: “Did you experience a

reduction in your perceived stress through education and discussion by the program?”

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2nd Outcome: 1/3 of those who participate in the program will increase productivity during the

life of the program than those who did not participate.

Evaluation strategy: During the program the program planner will interview those who

participate and who did not to assess their productivity levels. The program planner will

also consult the project manager to see if they witnessed an increase in productivity. The

interviews would take place during the program at lunch or the end of the day over a

week period. Then the program planner will record how many and who showed an

increase in productivity. Question: “How do you feel your Productivity levels are at this

point in time?”. “Do you feel as though the program is helping you reduce your stress

levels to a point that this is increasing your productivity at work and in life?”

Program theory base

The Theory that was chosen to fit the work site stress management program would be the

Health Belief Model. The Health Belief Model hypothesizes that health-related action depends

on the simultaneous occurrence of three classes of factors: The existence of sufficient motivation

to make as issue important or closely connected to a person, the belief that the person is

susceptible to the issue, or perceived threat, and the belief that the benefits are worth the cost, or

perceived barriers, for the person to make a change. Self-efficacy, the feeling of competency a

person has to overcome perceived barriers also has its place in the health belief model. The

constructs of the Health belief model are as follows, each need to increase or occur for a person

to achieve behavior change: Cues to action, such as mass media, advice from others, doctor

reminders, illness of family or friend and written articles, perceived susceptibility, perceived

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seriousness/severity, perceived barriers, perceived benefits all add up to the likelihood of a

person taking recommended preventive health action.

This theory was chosen because stress is a perceived understanding and feeling of an event in

a person life. It makes sense to use a model that uses a person’s perception as its main basis to

help health educators understand how to educate, communicate and motivate a person to adopt

preventative action. The program’s level of influence is intrapersonal. This level is perfect for the

program and the theory behind it. Peoples health beliefs are an intrapersonal matter and the

program will connect on this level. Some intrapersonal factors influencing health behaviors are

GCV Productions employee’s perceptions of severity and susceptibility about health risks

brought on by chronic stress. Health education plays a major role in influencing perceptions.

People need to know what stress is and its effects on health before they perceive stress as a

health threat to them. The worksite stress management program will provide a curriculum and

disseminate education materials so that GCV’s employee’s knowledge base and awareness is

expanded. Through health education, cues to action are given, which would influence the

perception of threat and then the likelihood of action. Through education and demonstration of

the different techniques for coping and reducing stress they may gain the resources needed to

reduce perceived barriers, increase self-efficacy in managing stress and increase the perceived

benefit of successful stress management over the present barriers. Recognition will be given to

those who experience a benefit from the program. The target population that will participate in

this program will be the Employees of GCV Productions male and female ages ranging from 25

to 58 years old. The facility where the program will be held is GCV Productions.

Program details

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The program details are as follows: The entire scope of the program will run for 12 months

and the implementation phase will be run for 6 months. It will incorporate health

communication, health education and a minor incentive strategy. There are no funds available for

any additional equipment or rewards to be purchased for the program. There is access to the

work site printer and paper for educational pamphlets, posters, notes and instructions for

employees for the duration of the program. The conference room / lunch room space is available

for small group sessions and discussions. A billboard is available for program usage located in

the conference / lunch room. The first goal of the program is to increase coping skills of

employees at GCV Productions. The second goal is to reduce perceived levels of stress in the

employees of GCV Productions.

The following are the specific activities and strategies that will be taken to communicate,

educate, increase perceived awareness, susceptibility and severity of stress and it’s affects as

well as assist with successful stress reduction. Every Friday Employees will receive motivational

and positive messages as well as stress tip notes stuffed with their paychecks. This part of the

program is intended to increase motivation, improve mood and give food for thought on stress


On Mondays, the most stressful day of the week, and Wednesdays (hump day) a 15-minute

meditation group session (40% of Employees expressed interest in this), a 15-minute breathing

technique session (40 % of Employees expressed interest in this), and a 15-minute yoga group

session (30% of Employees expressed interest in this) will be cycled through on those two days

for the duration of the program. The sessions will take place in the conference / lunch room

before lunch. There are different meditation and breathing techniques, only techniques that can

be facilitated within 15 minutes will be used for demonstration purposes. Yoga is a progressive

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technique with beginner, intermediate and expert levels. Explore yoga at a pace that is safe and

effective for all employees. There is room for additional group sessions to be employed, only if

approved by the program planner, employees, and GCV Owners. This part of the program is

intended to actively take employees through a stress reduction technique and reduce stress while

on the work site. It is also intended to physically educate and introduce these techniques in the

hopes to reduce perceived barriers and improve self-efficacy towards gaining skills for

successful stress management.

Lesson plan for meditation group session. Priority Population: GCV Productions Interested

Employees. Length of Lesson: 15 minutes. Resources & References: Comprehensive Stress

Management Text Book, an 18-minute

Guided Meditation - Blissful Deep Relaxation. This video gives great of how to conduct a

meditation session with music and an example of what to say during mediation for the group. is the above videos home

page and the party responsible for many great meditation videos worth a look. Content:

Introduction: No more than three minutes spent describing the session and technique. Body: Ten-

minute Meditation session complete with music and spoken relaxation script. Conclusion: Last

two minutes bringing group back from meditation and turning up the lights, thank for

participation. Evaluation: During Lunch immediately after ask how everyone felt about the group

session, notate feedback.

During lunch and at end of the day, where appropriate, make conversation with Employees

on how they are making out with reducing stress. Notate each person’s outcomes on stress

reduction. Make sure to ask them if they have a story of when they employed a stress coping and

or reducing technique learned from the program within the past week. If they have a story, record

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it and post it on the billboard the following week for special recognition, incentivizing repeat

behavior and bolster others to gain recognition. This is a great time to also answer any questions

and take feedback and suggestions for the program. This part of the program is intended to

gather data on how employees are doing during the program, giving recognition to employees,

incentivizing repeat behavior and bolster others to gain recognition.

Health education and communication will occur on the company bulletin board located in the

conference / lunch room. Topics, that are only science and evidence based and pre-approved by

GCV owners, will be rotated out on a weekly basis. Topics that will be posted are: Diseases

linked to stress, Stress symptoms, Stress tests, Breathing techniques, Stress coping techniques,

Meditation techniques, Yoga poses for beginners, intermediate, and expert, Exercise benefits for

stress and how to do them, Nutrition and stress, Autogenic training, Imagery, Progressive

relaxation, Massage and its benefits for stress, Acupuncture, stretching, Quieting reflex, Instant

calming sequence, Mindfulness, Music and relaxation, Tai Chi, Pets and stress, Art and stress

reduction, Stress relief games, Anything that elicits a relaxation not found in studies (fish tank

watching, people watching, baking, cleaning), Perception intervention technique, Life situation

intervention technique, Emotional intervention technique, Notice to employees of service

provided by Shoprite: shop online, pick up, and delivery options, GCV will allow Shoprite to

deliver groceries to the place of work for employee convenience and Additional topics: any

sought by Employees and Owners. This part of the program is intended to provide information to

employees in an open format in order increase perceived awareness, susceptibility and severity

of stress and it’s affects. It is also intended to assist with successful stress management though

providing information on different tips, techniques, and strategies related to stress management.


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Marketing uses the four P’s to sell an innovation. For the stress management program, the

products are small educational classes twice a week and a motivation, awareness and education

bulletin board campaign. The Product’s benefits would be increasing awareness, educating

people of the dangers of stress, different techniques to cope and reduce stress and classes to give

a hands on learning experience to help people overcome barriers like wondering if they are doing

a technique correctly. The classes will show how to do each technique and time will be afforded

to ask questions and discuss any topics. The price for participants is a free admission except if

they need a yoga mat which will be sold for $10 each. The priority population has access to the

product at their work place GCV Productions. This will make attendance easier and more

convenient. All employees gather at the same time to eat lunch so this is the most appropriate

time the program will take place, 15 minutes before lunch. Many employees have children and

other out of work obligations that would hinder their ability to go to a class before work or after

work. The bulletin campaign and classes will be held in the middle of the day right before lunch

so employees are less likely to feel the urge to leave for other obligations if the program took

place after hours or not attend due to other obligations if the program took place before working

hours. Participants have no other place to be other than work during the programs assigned time.

Full implementation of Marketing for the program will take place one month before the

beginning of phasing in the program and will continue through to program completion 7 months

later. The program will be promoted at GCV Productions through the bulletin board flyers, word

of mouth, presence of the program planner and their promotion and pay check stuffers. Appendix

C shows an example of a Marketing flyer for Monday and Wednesday 15 minute classes, an

educational flyer on how to cope with stress from the National Institute of Mental Health and a

paycheck stuffer. The pretest results were positive. The propriety population liked the artistic

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style, information and messages being conveyed. They showed excitement for the program if it

were implemented.

Budget development


The Program Planner and the Owners are needed to plan the Program. The Program planner and

student yoga instructor are needed to implement the program. Both people are needed to instruct

the classes and the Program planner is needed to collect the data, notate daily attendance,

activities, and distribution of program material. The budget is tight so someone being hired to

evaluate the program is not up for discussion. Program Planner will evaluate the program. The

Program Planner and GCV Owners are capable enough to handle the program.

Curriculum and other instructional resources

Educational materials needed to implement the program are an introductory brochure, paycheck

notes, class curriculum and educational bulletin flyers. The planner will create the brochure,

curriculum, notes, and the flyers. Lesson plans will be created by the program planner and used

by the program planner and student Yoga instructor during the 15 minute sessions. This program

will be created in-house.


The available space for implementing the program are The conference / lunch room and the

bulletin board. The space will be donated by GCV Productions with no hidden costs. They are

needed for the 15 minute sessions, awareness, and educational materials.


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Equipment needed for the planning and implementation of this program are a computer, chairs

and copier. These will be supplied by GCV at no cost. Chairs, a computer, copier and a radio are

needed for the classes and the billboard. Both will be supplied by GCV Productions at no cost.


Supplies needed for planning the program are copy paper, toner, thumb tacks and yoga mats. All

but the thumb tacks will be bought by the program planner. GCV will supply the thumb tacks.

Mail will not be used in the program for any reason.

Financial resources

GCV Productions will pay for the Program planner and the student yoga instructor wages. The

program planner and a GCV Partner will be responsible for creating and monitoring the budget

since funds are low to seek outside assistance.

Revenue and Support Amount

Contributions from Sponsors: $13,780 from GCV for Program planner and student

yoga instructor wages.



Participant fee:

Sale of curriculum material: $70 7 Yoga Mats sell $10 each

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Total Income: $13,850


Direct Costs


Salary & Wages: $13,000 for Program Planner $25 per hour 5 hrs a

day 2 days a week for 52 weeks

$780 for Student Yoga instructor $15 per 15-minute

session 2 times per month for 26 weeks

Fringe benefits: $0

Consultants: $0


Instructional materials: $36 8 Yoga Mats at $9 for 2

$6 500 sheet ream of copy paper

$50 Toner cartridge 1200 pages

Incentives: $0

Meeting costs: $0

Equipment: $0

Travel: $0

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Postage: $0

Advertising: $0

Total of direct costs: $13,872.00

Indirect costs:

(Rent, insurance, telephone & other utilities)

Total indirect costs: $0

Total Expenditures: $13,872.00

Balance: -$22.00


Tasks Months


Meet with and update


x x x x x x x x x x x x

Develop program



Conduct and analyze

needs assessment


Develop goals and



Create intervention x

Conduct formative



Assemble necessary



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Develop emergency

care plan and discuss

with Owners


Create curriculum x

Create billboard

awareness and

education campaign


Print curriculum and

campaign materials


Print marketing



Hire Yoga Instructor

and Train


Market program x x x x x x x

Gather consent forms

from participants


Pilot test program x

Refine program x

Phase in program x

Full implementation x

Post and circulate

awareness and

education campaign

fliers’ weekly

x x x x x x

Collect Weekly

attendance in program


x x x x x x

Collect and analyze

data from program


x x x

Collect and analyze

data from program end



Collect and analyze

data from 4 weeks

after completion of



Prepare Evaluation x

Distribute Report x

Logic Model and Assumptions

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Two inputs are personnel and educational curriculum and campaign materials. Personnel

responsibilities are to develop, market, implement and evaluate the program. Educational classes

and campaign are provided for participants. An assumption of the program will be to provide the

priority population with the necessary education, awareness and skills to combat and cope with

stress more effectively. The priority population will know about the program. The program will

be available and accessible to the priority population. Two outputs are educational classes and

billboard campaign. These are to teach the priority population about the problem and solutions.

An Assumption would be the priority population will use their new awareness and knowledge to

reduce their stress levels. Two short-term outcomes are to increase the knowledge and awareness

base of priority population. An assumption would be the priority population will use their new

awareness and knowledge to reduce their stress levels. Two mid-term outcomes are 75% of

priority population will be able to explain 1 stress reduction technique and 30% of priority

population will increase work productivity. An assumption would be this will arm the employee

with knowledge to reduce stress and provide more work productivity increasing the businesses

bottom line. Two long-term objectives 50% of employees will report a reduction in perceived

stress and 50%of employees who used coping skills as a stress reducing mechanism will show a

30% better disposition in the work place. Assumptions based on this are the employees will

become healthier and happier thus sharing the benefits at the work place by not missing work

and increasing productivity and work place relations.

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American Psychology Association (2007). Stress a Major Health Problem in the U.S, Warns

APA. Retrieved from website. Access date: March 2, 2016.

Barrington WE, Ceballos RM, Bishop SK, McGregor BA, Beresford SAA. (2005–2007)

Perceived Stress, Behavior, and Body Mass Index Among Adults Participating in a

Worksite Obesity Prevention Program, Seattle. Prev Chronic Dis 2012;9:120001.

Retrieved from article on website. Access date: March 2, 2016.

Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Stress Management

Training. Retrieved from website. Access date: March 7, 2016.

Hathaway, Bill. (2012) Even in the healthy, stress causes brain to shrink, Yale study shows.

Retrieved from website. Access date: March 2, 2016.


Health Advocate Inc. Stress in the Work Place: Meeting the Challenge. Retrieved from website.

Access date: March 11, 2016.


Jerrold S. Greenberg (2013) Comprehensive Stress Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

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National Institute of Mental Health. Fact Sheet on Stress. Retrieved from website. Access date:

March 2, 2016.

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Appendix A

Anonymous Needs Assessment Questionnaire:

Stress Assessment Research Study: Worksite Priority Population’s Stress Self

Assessment and Interest in Stress Management Program.

By: Marlyn Damiano

Rowan University

I want to assure you that your responses are completely anonymous. Responses to anonymous surveys

cannot be traced back to the respondent. No personally identifiable information is captured unless you

voluntarily offer personal or contact information in any of the comment fields. Additionally, your

responses are combined with those of many others and summarized in a report to further protect your


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Running head: PROGRAM PLANNING FOR WORKSITE STRESS MANAGEMENT 26 Date: __________________________

Anonymous Needs Assessment Questionnaire: Stress

There are two different kinds of stress. Eustress and Distress. According to (Text) eustress is the moderate

or normal psychological stress perceived as being beneficial. It motivates, it can feel exciting and improves

performance. Distress is the kind of stress, hereinafter called stress, that causes anxiety, sorrow, or pain. It

decreases performance, feels unpleasant and can lead to mental and physical problems including disease.

“Studies have shown stress having positive and negative impacts on the body and immune system. There

are many health issues related to excess stress. Some health issues are hypertension, stroke, asthma,

coronary heart disease, ulcers, migraine headaches, tension headaches, cancer, allergies, asthma, hay fever,

rheumatoid arthritis, backache and temporomandibular syndrome (TMJ syndrome). Some experts have

even suggested that no illness is completely free from the influence of stress.” (Greenberg 2011)

Stress Assessment

This stress assessment survey allows you to determine your current level of stress quickly. According to

Pro Mind Management and Organisation Development the following scale is used with the following

survey to determine a person’s level of stress:

0: I have never experienced this symptom

1: I suffer from it sometimes (about once per month)

2: I have suffered from it more than once per month but not more than once a week

3: I often suffer from it (more than once per week)

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1. Do you often have headaches? ____

2. Do you suffer from tension or stiffness in the neck, shoulders, jaw, arms, hands, legs or stomach?


3. Do you have nervous twitches? ____

4. Do you feel you heart beating strong or faster than usual sometimes? ____

5. Do you have abnormal heart beats (heart pounding)? ____

6. Do you sometimes have difficulty breathing? ____

7. Do you suffer sometimes from dizziness or light-headedness? ____

8. Do you feel like you have a lump in your throat or having to clear it? ____

9. Do you get sick often? ____

10. Do you often suffer from indigestion, nausea, stomachache? ____

11. Do you often suffer from diarrhea, constipation? ____

12. Do you bite your nails? ____

13. Do you have difficulties falling asleep, or sleeping for a whole night? ____

14. Do you feel tired in the morning? ____

15. Do you often have cold hands or feet? ____

16. Do your teeth tend do gnash? Do your jaws hurt? ____

17. Do you tend to sweat a lot? ____

18. Are you irritable or angry? ____

19. Do you have any pains (back, stomach, head, muscle)? ____

20. Do you think you might be suffering from anxiety, worry, agitation,

nervousness? ____

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0 - 10 points - No stress whatsoever. Are you sure you’re still alive?

11 - 20 points - Slight stress. You are in a good health in general, but you could be affected by some

stressful events in your life.

21 - 30 points - Average stress: You should be aware that you are probably standing under some internal

or external strains. You might want to do something about that.

31 - 40 points - Severe stress. You might not be in control of your life anymore and should quite

definitely consult a psychotherapist.

41 - 60 points- Extreme stress. You may need immediate assistance from a psychologist or doctor.

Based on Archibald Hart’s book « Adrenalin and Stress »

Based on the previous assessment findings please answer the following questions:

1. What Techniques, if any, do you know on how to reduce stress and how often do you employ


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2. Would you be interested in learning interventions and techniques on how to eliminate or reduce


3. How do you feel about a health promotion education and or activity such as stress management at

the workplace?

4. What is currently being done to resolve stress at GCV, home, and other facets of life?

5. How well has stress been addresses in the past at GCV, home, and other facets of life?

6. What topics or activities would you like to see and or address in a stress management program?

7. “What kind of health-related policies does the GCV have?” (CDC)

8. What space/bulletin boards, kiosks, intranet at GCV could be used for health promotion education

or activities?

9. “How would you describe the look of your work place? Does it impact your stress

levels?” (CDC) Enjoyable, Harsh, boring, safe, uninviting, cozy, clean, cramped ect…

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10. “What type of setting are you working in?” (CDC)

11. “What opportunities exist in the local community or nearby surrounding area to promote health to

employees?” (CDC) Examples: On-site fitness facilities, walking/running trails, basketball hoop,

medical establishments, clubs/organizations, or open green space for exercise or relaxation.

12. What is your age?

13. What is your gender?

14. What city and State do you live in?

15. What is your ethnicity?

16. What is your marital status?

17. What is your occupation?

Optional questions for statistical purposes only.

1. What is your personal income level?

2. What is your education level?

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Appendix B

Process Evaluation

Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 1: The program planner will keep a record of how many

informational brochures and posters based on coping that they distributed. Evaluation strategy 2

Goal 1: The program planner will keep a record of who and how many pamphlets they handed

out to interested employees. Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 2: The program planner will keep a

record of how many informational brochures and posters based on stress reduction techniques

that they distributed. Evaluation strategy 2 Goal 2: The program planner will keep a record of

who and how many times an interested employee participated in lunch stress management


Impact Evaluation

Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 1: After completion of the program the program planner will

briefly interview employee participants and ask them to identify 2 coping techniques. Then the

program planner will record how many could identify 2 coping techniques. The interview would

take place after completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week

period. Question: “Can you identify 2 coping techniques the program addressed?” Evaluation

strategy 2 Goal 1: Four weeks after the completion of the program the program planner will

briefly interview interested employee participants and record how many effectively employed

coping techniques to help reduce stress. The interview would take place four weeks after

completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period. Question:

“Have you employed coping techniques that you learned from the program to help reduce stress

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in your life?” Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 2: During the program the program planner will briefly

interview employee participants and ask them to explain 1 stress reduction technique. Then the

program planner will record how many could explain 1 stress reduction technique. The interview

would take place during the program at lunch or the end of the day over a week period. Question:

“Can you explain at least 1 stress reduction technique addressed by the program? Evaluation

strategy 2 Goal 2: After completion of the program the program planner will briefly interview

employee participants and ask them to identify least two disease risks related to high stress

levels. Then the program planner will record how many could identify least two disease risks

related to high stress levels. The interview would take place after completion of the program

during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period. Question: “Can you identify least two

disease risks related to high stress levels addressed by the program?”

Outcome Evaluation

Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 1: After the completion of the program the program planner

will observe employees disposition levels. The program planner will record observations over

the duration of the program and after. The after program observation will be conducted over a

week time period. The program planner will also consult managers during and after program

completion on whether they observe better employee dispositions in the work place. Evaluation

strategy 2 Goal 1: After the completion of the program the program planner will briefly

interview those who participated assess their perceived stress levels and whether or not they used

coping skills to reduce stress levels. The interview would take place after completion of the

program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period. Questions: “Did you used

coping skill from the program to reduce your perceived stress?”. “You employed coping skills to

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reduce your perceived stress, how did it work out for you?”. Evaluation strategy 1 Goal 2: After

the completion of the program the program planner will interview those who participated and

who did not to assess their perceived stress levels. Then the program planner will record how

many and who reports a reduction in perceived stress. The interview would take place after

completion of the program during lunch or at the end of the day over a week period. Question:

“Did you experience a reduction in your perceived stress through education and discussion by

the program?” Evaluation strategy 2 Goal 2: During the program the program planner will

interview those who participate and who did not to assess their productivity levels. The program

planner will also consult the project manager to see if they witnessed an increase in productivity.

The interviews would take place during the program at lunch or the end of the day over a week

period. Then the program planner will record how many and who showed an increase in

productivity. Question: “How do you feel your Productivity levels are at this point in time?”.

“Do you feel as though the program is helping you reduce your stress levels to a point that this is

increasing your productivity at work and in life?”.

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Appendix C

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Reference List

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014). Workplace Health Promotion - Site Assessment &

Interviews. Retrieved from website. Access date: March 1, 2016.

HR4Free (2011 – 2013). Optimizing Your Stress Management and Coping Strategies – Stress Assessment

Questionnaire. Retrieved from website. Access date: March 1, 2016.



Jerrold S. Greenberg (2013) Comprehensive Stress Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

National Institute of Mental Health. Fact Sheet on Stress. Retrieved from website. Access date:

March 2, 2016.