Program Calendar FALL 2012/5773 - Park Avenue Synagogue · Ari Y. kelman and Jack Wertheimer ......

Program Calendar FALL 2012/5773

Transcript of Program Calendar FALL 2012/5773 - Park Avenue Synagogue · Ari Y. kelman and Jack Wertheimer ......

Program Calendar FALL 2012/5773

See page 14 for more information.

Vicki k. WimpfheimermiTZVAh DAY 2012SunDAY, noV. 18

september – d

ecember 2012


the park Avenue synagogue Lecture series 4Adult Learning Opportunities 6 Classes 6 Shabbat Dinner Series 12community events 13save the date: 2013 events 15Arts, Literature and music 16caring Network 18Young Family education 20congregational school 23day school community 25Youth programming and rJNHs 26Arms and committees 30 JTS@PAS 30 Men’s Club 30 PAS Women’s Network 31 Singles Committee 33 Tikkun Olam 34 UJA@PAS 35 Young Couples 36religious services 37contact Us 38

pArk AveNUe sYNAgOgUe prOgrAm cALeNdAr tAbLe OF cONteNts

Fall 2012/5773


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The PArk Avenue SynAgogue LecTure SerieS SeekS To engAge ToP SchoLArS And noTAbLe inTeLLecTuALS to address the major challenges facing American Jewry and to generate transformative thinking towards the continued revitalization of the Jewish community.

The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry In every generation, the survival of the Jewish people has depended on our ability to remain rooted in the wellsprings of Jewish vitality, while adapting to the changing conditions in which we live. Our age is no different. A commitment to a dynamic Jewish future demands an open and honest conversation about the tectonic shifts occurring right beneath our feet. Do the institutions, ideologies and denominations of American Jewry of the last century recommend themselves for the next one? Does the alphabet soup of current American Jewish organizational life recommend itself to the Jewish future? Are the operating assumptions of American Jews today the same as those of past generations? If not, how (if at all) is the Jewish community adapting to these new conditions? This year, our community will seek to understand a variety of transformations taking place in American Jewry. Through a series of dialogues, dinners and guest lectures, we will assess the journey traveled, openly consider our present station in the arc of Jewish history and begin to construct a series of recommendations for a dynamic future.

Made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor.

4 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

to register for the park Avenue synagogue Lecture series, go to and click on the appropriate registration link under “Events” on the left side of the page. Those without Internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121.







tuesday | November 13 | 7:00 pmDor L'Dor: Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities in Contemporary American JewryAri Y. kelman and Jack Wertheimer

Ari Y. keLmAN is the Jim Joseph Professor of Education and Jewish Studies at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, where he holds affiliations with the Taube Center for Jewish Studies, the American Studies Program and the Center for Comparative Studies of Race and Ethnicity. Dr. Kelman wrote a book on the history of Yiddish radio in the United States, edited a collection of the works of Jewish American cartoonist Milt Gross, and co-authored a national study of synagogue transformation projects.JAck WertHeimer is Professor of American Jewish History at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he served as Provost, chief academic officer, between 1997-2007. He specializes in the history and current condition of the American Jewish community since the end of World War II. Among his works are studies about the state of contemporary Judaism, trends in Jewish education and the new generation of leaders. He also edited a two-volume history of JTS entitled Tradition Renewed.cost: $18/lecture for members; $25/lecture for general.

tuesday | december 11 | 7:00 pmCandlelight Conversation: The New Conservative Rabbis of the East Siderachel Ain, scott bolton, elliot cosgrove and ephraim pelcovits; moderated by steven Wernick

rAbbi rAcHeL AiN is the rabbi of the Sutton Place Synagogue. She previously led Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas in Syracuse, NY, and served as director of the National Young Leadership Department at the Jewish Federations of North America.rAbbi scOtt bOLtON recently became the rabbi of Congregation Or Zarua. Formerly, he served as the head of school at the Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School in New City, NY.rAbbi epHrAim peLcOvits is the rabbi of the East 55th Street Conservative Synagogue. He earned his BA at Brandeis University and was ordained at JTS in 2010.

rAbbi steveN c. WerNick serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the new United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). In 2010 he was named one of Newsweek’s 50 Most Influential Rabbis in America

and was on The Forward’s 50 List of Influential Jewish Leaders. He has shepherded the successful launch of several new programs for USCJ including a new Sulam for Emerging leaders, focused on strengthening and transforming kehillot through strengthening and transforming their future leaders. 212–369–2600

A Call for CommentsWednesdays | November 13, december 12 | 12:00 pm | rabbi elliot cosgrove

The day after each Tuesday evening lecture, Rabbi Cosgrove will host an hour-long conference call to discuss the forces shifting the American Jewish community. Register at, or call 212.369.2600, x121.

tHe pAs LectUre series: FALL LectUresSee the lecture series brochure or for a full listing of lectures.

The dePArTmenT oF AduLT educATion inviTeS you To exPerience JudAiSm on A new LeveL. You can take a year-long course or a single class, come to The Park Avenue Synagogue Lecture Series (p. 4) or the Shabbat Dinner Series (p. 12). Classes and lectures are all opportunities to deepen your connection to Judaism. We look forward to learning together! For more information, please contact Liz Offenbach, Director of Synagogue Programming, at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x142.



dAYtime LeArNiNg

Post-Minyan Classes: A Lively Start to Your Morning!Classes meet immediately after morning minyan at about 8:00 am.

tUesdAYs Essential Essaysrabbi elliot cosgrove

Join in a discussion of Jewish philosophy, theology and thought. Pick up the essay for each week from the literature rack in the main lobby. The essay is also distributed via a weekly email; if you wish to be added to the distribution list, please contact the rabbi’s office at 212-369-2600, x120.

WedNesdAYsPerusin’ the Parashah Medieval StyleAbe Lebovic

Puzzled about what the Torah reader is reading each week? Join this class to get a sneak peek and overview of the week's Torah portion through the novel lens of the great medieval scholars, like Rashi, Ramban (Nahmanides) and Abrabanel. If time allows, we might even give the week's Haftarah a once-over as well.

FridAYsTalmud Torah: The Blessings of Liferabbi steven rein

Our lives are filled with opportunities to recognize God’s presence by saying a blessing. Each time we act on the opportunity, we sanctify both God and ourselves. We will study the first chapter of Massekhet Berakhot, Tractate Berakhot, to look at the rubrics, guidelines and theology of these daily blessings.

6 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773 212–369–2600

dAYtime LeArNiNg

Learn at Lunch

tO register FOr AdULt edUcAtiON cLAsses, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to, click on “Classes” on the left side of the page and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121.

Learn at Lunchtime

Midtown Lunch & Learn: Preparing for the High HolidaysWednesdays | september 5, 12 | 12:00 – 1:00 pmrabbi Neil Zuckerman

The month of Elul builds up to the High Holy Days with daily shofar blasts and weekly haftarot of consolation. Our individual experiences of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur can be enhanced and deepened by thoughtful preparation. Join Rabbi Zuckerman as we prepare for the “Days of Awe” by studying major themes and selected passages from the High Holy Day liturgy.

Midtown Lunch & Learn: For the Sake of PeaceWednesdays | October 24, 31; November 7, 14 | 12:00 – 1:00 pmrabbi steven rein

The whole of the Torah is for promoting peace, as it is written, “Its ways are pleasantness, and all its paths are peace” (Babylonian Talmud Gittin 59b). Peace is perhaps the most important value in our lives. No blessing can truly be enjoyed without it. For millennia, we have gone to great lengths to promote peace—within our homes, among our neighbors and with our enemies. This class will focus specifically on the importance of shalom bayit (family harmony), our relationships with non-Jews and whether Israel may exchange land for peace.

Library Lunch & Learnthursdays | ongoing | 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Members of the Clergy and Senior Staff take turns leading an hour of study and discussion on topics ranging from the Holocaust in film to the history of cantorial music to Talmudic tales. Come one week or every week and join in.

Parashat HaShavuashabbat/saturdays | ongoing | 8:45 am

Participate in a lively discussion of the week’s Torah portion for half an hour before the start of Shabbat morning services. Newcomers always welcome!


AdULt LeArNiNg OppOrtUNities

The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School (FMAMS)

Learn at Lunch

A Taste of Melton: A Rosh Hashanah Learning OpportunityWednesday | september 12 | 7:00 pm

Rabbi Neil Zuckerman—one of our most popular Melton instructors—will use Melton’s text-based approach to learning to help you prepare your heart and mind for the High Holidays. Liz Offenbach will explain the specifics of the FMAMS program and will be available to answer questions. Open to past, current and potential Melton students.

The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Wednesdays | beginning October 10 | 6:45 – 9:00 pm | rabbi carol Levithan and marga Hirsch | $thursdays | beginning October 11 | 9:15 – 11:30 am | rabbi elliot cosgrove and debbie cosgrove | $

The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School program builds Jewish literacy through a sophisticated, intellectually stimulating, text-based curriculum for students of all levels and Jewish backgrounds. More than 18,000 adult learners have participated in this international program designed by expert educators at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The two-year course meets for 30 sessions each year.Space is limited. Register by September 13 at 3:00 pm to receive the early bird rate of $580 (members) or $680 (general).

HasidismWednesdays beginning October 10 6:45 – 7:45 pm | $thursdays beginning October 11 9:15 – 10:15 am | $rabbi Zalman rothschild

Now one of the largest, fastest growing Orthodox movements, Hasidism was founded in the mid-18th century by Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, also known as the Ba’al Shem Tov. Initially limited to a small circle of mystics, Hasidism spread rapidly, developing into a wide-ranging movement by the turn of the century and instigating one of the fiercest schisms in Jewish history along the way. Explore the historical origins of Hasidism, its ideologies and teachings and discover some of the different strands of Hasidism in contemporary times.

Centropa Wednesdays beginning October 10 8:00 – 9:15 pm | $rabbi shmuel Afek

This course will explore the world of Jews in a number of European countries at strategic moments of the 20th century. Using both video and edited interviews from the website, in addition to other relevant materials, we will study the lives of Jews in the period between the world wars (1918-1939) in three centers: Poland, Middle Europe (Hungary and Austria) and the Balkans. The “Centropa method” allows us to focus more on “how the Jews of Europe lived, rather than how they died.” Towards the end of the course, there will be an opportunity for participants to bring their own family photographs and to tell the stories associated with them.

Leadership and Crisis: Jewish Resources and Responsesthursdays beginning October 11 10:30 – 11:30 am | $rabbi Neil Zuckerman

Many contemporary historians and thinkers feel that as a result of the unique blessings and challenges of modern life, the Jewish people once again finds itself at a moment of crisis. We will explore Jewish responses in past times of crisis, considering ideas and values found in Biblical, Rabbinic and Modern thought to discover how Jews have historically transcended crisis and ultimately grown from it.

For Graduates of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-SchoolPAS offers 10-session graduate courses to those who have completed the two-year Melton core program. The following classes for graduates of the Melton program have reached capacity; please contact [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x121 to be placed on the waiting list.

8 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773



AdULt LeArNiNg OppOrtUNities

The Observant Life: A Discussion on the Art of Being Jewishtuesday | October 16 | 7:00 pm

Join the Rabbinical Assembly for a panel discussion to kick off our year of learning with The Observant Life.

Contemporary Jewish Thoughttuesdays | ongoing | 11:30 am rabbi steven rein

Louis Finkelstein remarked: “Conservative Jews regard Judaism not as an ossified museum piece, but as a living and vital tradition.” This mandate has recently been put into words in the Rabbinical Assembly’s new masterpiece, The Observant Life. We will read selections of this work and discuss what it means in the ultimate sense to live a Jewish life and to live it honestly, morally and purposefully.

Jewish Law 101: Ask the Interntuesdays | October 23, 30; November 27; december 4 | 6:00 – 7:00 pmdavid minkus, pAs rabbinic intern

This four-session course will offer a brief overview of Jewish Law and how we incorporate this legal system into our lives. We will study early rabbinic legal works and compare them to those of modern rabbis and thinkers. This class will provide background information for the topics covered in Rabbi Cosgrove’s class The Observant Life Observed. dAvid miNkUs is in his fifth year in Rabbinical School at JTS. He serves as the student rabbi at the Fitzgerald Hebrew Congregation in Fitzgerald, GA and is excited to be a rabbinic intern at PAS. David grew up in Skokie, IL and graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Psychology.

The Observant Life Observedtuesdays | October 23, 30; November 27; december 4 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm rabbi elliot cosgrove

Rabbi Cosgrove will use essays from The Observant Life to examine the issues most central to our Jewish lives. How do we live as Conservative Jews in the 21st century, observing the laws and mores that are the foundations of our faith?

WANt mOre OF tHe ObservANt LiFe? Rabbi Zuckerman will teach additional topics and themes from The Observant Life this spring.

Learn at Lunch

The Observant Life Published last spring, The Observant Life: The Wisdom of Conservative Judaism for Contemporary Jews features a multiplicity of contemporary Conservative rabbinic voices on the most pressing issues of Jewish life. This year, we will offer several classes that explore the essays that comprise this seminal work. 212–369–2600




eveNiNg LeArNiNg

Hebrew @ PASPAS offers beginning Hebrew with a goal of enabling learners to read and follow in the siddur (prayer book). The Modern Hebrew class focuses on conversation and literacy. Classes meet from October through May. October through May.Siddur Hebrew 1tuesdays | beginning October 166:15 – 7:15 pm | $cantor Judi rowland

Learn the alef-bet and begin to read! cost: $350 members; $450 general.

Siddur Hebrew 2mondays | beginning October 15 6:15 – 7:15 pm | $cantor Judi rowland

Practice reading and build your vocabulary and grammar skills using the siddur (prayer book). Prerequisite: ability to read the alef-bet or instructor’s permission. cost: $350 members; $450 general.

Modern Hebrewmondays | beginning October 15 7:30 – 9:00 pm | $varda Hubara

Converse, read and write in order to build vocabulary and increase fluency.cost: $400 members; $500 general.

AdULt LeArNiNg OppOrtUNities

Adult Bat Mitzvahmondays | beginning October 15 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm | $rabbi Neil Zuckerman and cantor Judi rowland

Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is a year and a half journey that began in January 2012. Open to PAS women of any Jewish background who did not have the opportunity to experience a Bat Mitzvah, the class explores Jewish issues from the spiritual perspective of American women in the 21st century, creates new rituals, grapples with issues and texts, and develops synagogue skills—trope, prayers and blessings. Participants will celebrate their Bnot Mitzvah on Shavuot 2013/5773. cost: $180/semester. Registration for this year’s program is now closed.

The Music of the Torahtuesdays | October 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20, 27 | 6:15 – 7:00 pmcantor shiree kidron

In this class we’ll learn the system of cantillation, or trope, used to chant the Torah, enabling students to prepare Torah readings on their own. The class is open to people who are interested in learning trope in order to better understand the Torah reading, as well as to people who want to read from the Torah at services. Prerequisite: ability to read Hebrew.

10 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

tO register FOr AdULt edUcAtiON cLAsses, unless otherwise noted in the description, go to, click on “Classes” on the left side of the page and then on the appropriate registration link. Those without Internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121.

eveNiNg LeArNiNg

AdULt LeArNiNg OppOrtUNities

Introduction to Judaismtuesdays | beginning October 16 | 6:15 – 8:30 pm | $rabbi steven rein

Whether you are Jewish or are considering conversion to Judaism, Introduction to Judaism will provide a foundation in Jewish learning and a welcoming entry into the Jewish community. From 6:15 – 7:15 pm, members of the class participate in Siddur Hebrew 1, becoming familiar with the language of Jewish prayer. The second part of each class session is devoted to Jewish concepts, values, holidays, worship and lifecycle events. Jewish partners of participants who are converting are required to enroll and to participate in the second part of every class session. Participants who know how to read Hebrew will be excused from Siddur Hebrew 1. cost: $500/person; $750/couple plus the cost of books.

ContextWednesdays | beginning October 10 | 6:45 – 9:30 pm | $

Context, the flagship adult education program of the Jewish Theological Seminary, offers an intellectual journey through Jewish history and thought. Taught by scholar-teachers with advanced academic training, the two-year program features four historically organized, text-based courses, exploring Jewish intellectual and cultural civilization in the biblical, rabbinic, medieval and modern periods. Registration for 2012-2013 is now closed. We hope you will join us next fall!

Monthly Interfaith DialogueFirst thursday of each month | beginning October 4 | 6:30 – 8:00 pmJoin Rabbi Steven Rein and Father Ugo Nacciarone from St. Ignatius Loyola for an intimate dialogue on key aspects of theology as they relate to and shape Judaism and Catholicism. Space is limited. rsvp to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x111 for class location.

Holidays Ahead of Timerabbi Zalman rothschild

Get in sync with the rhythm of the Jewish year at these pre-holiday seminars. Come to one or all!

Wednesday | september 12 | 8:00 – 9:00 pm: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippurthursday | september 27 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm: Sukkot monday | december 3 | 7:00 – 8:00 pm: Hanukkah

cLAsses 212–369–2600

eveNiNg LeArNiNg

eveNiNg LeArNiNg







AdULt LeArNiNg OppOrtUNities

The ShAbbAT dinner SerieS ProvideS congregAnTS wiTh An oPPorTuniTy To Join TogeTher in prayer, share a meal as a community and learn from noted scholars and rabbis on topics of social, intellectual and spiritual interest. The musical Kabbalat Shabbat service begins at 6:15 pm, followed by dinner at approximately 7:30 pm.cost: $35/members; $45/general.

registration is required by the monday before the dinner. space is limited. to register, go to and click on the appropriate registration link under “Shabbat Dinner Series” on the left side of the page. Those without Internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121.

sHAbbAt diNNer series

David HarrisFriday | October 26American Jews, U.S. Elections and Global Challenges

dAvid HArris is one of the Jewish people’s leading advocates and most eloquent spokesmen. The Executive Director of AJC (the American Jewish Committee) since 1990, he travels the globe meeting

with world leaders to advance the well-being of Israel, combat anti-Semitism, monitor the condition of Jewish communities, and promote intergroup and interreligious understanding. Mr. Harris is the author of seven books and co-author of an eighth and has written hundreds of articles, op-eds, letters, and reviews in leading newspapers and magazines. Since 2001, he has had a regular spot on the CBS Radio Network, reaching 30-35 million listeners. He also has a popular blog on international affairs at the Huffington Post and the Jerusalem Post. Mr. Harris graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, pursued graduate studies in international relations at the London School of Economics and then spent a year as a Junior Associate at Oxford University (St. Antony’s College). In 2003, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Hebrew Union College. In 2009, he was elected a Senior Associate at Oxford University (St. Antony’s College). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Ambassador Yehuda AvnerFriday | November 30When Another Holocaust Loomed: Menachem Begin’s Decision to Bomb Saddam Hussein’s Nuclear Reactor

AmbAssAdOr YeHUdA AvNer is an Israeli former diplomat and prime ministerial advisor. Born in Manchester, England in 1928, he arrived in British Mandatory Palestine in 1947. He fought in the 1948 War of Independence and was

among the founders Kibbutz Lavi in the Galilee. During a lengthy diplomatic career, he served in positions at the Israeli Consulate in New York and the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, and as Israel’s Ambassador to Britain, Ireland and Australia. Ambassador Avner served as speechwriter and secretary to Israeli Prime Ministers Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir, and the advisor to Prime Ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin and Shimon Peres. Ambassador Avner is the author of The Young Inheritors: A Portrait of Israel’s Children and The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership. In 1995, the Yehuda Avner Chair in Religion and Politics was established at Bar-Ilan University. Ambassador Avner is a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

Ambassador Avner will also be joining us on Saturday, December 1. Check and the Bulletin for more details.

12 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

cOmmUNitY eveNts

Selihot Service: Prayers of Awareness and Reflectionsaturday | september 8 | 8:30 pm reception; 9:00 pm service

Join Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shiree Kidron, the High Holiday Choir and the Congregational Singers for a service to prepare your heart and spirit for the High Holidays. Dr. Erica Brown will speak on the topic “Repentance: Finding the Way Home.” Join us at 8:30 pm for light refreshments and to pick up your pre-ordered copy of Dr. Brown’s new book, Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe. Visit or call 212-369-2600, x121 to reserve your copy in advance of the evening.

dr. ericA brOWN is the scholar-in-residence for the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and consults for the Jewish Agency and other Jewish non-profits. Dr. Brown is the author of Inspired Jewish Leadership, a National Jewish Book Award finalist; Spiritual Boredom; and Confronting Scandal; and the co-author of The Case for Jewish Peoplehood. Previously a Jerusalem Fellow, Dr. Brown is a faculty member of the Wexner Foundation, an Avi Chai Fellow, winner of the Ted Farber Professional Excellence Award, and the recipient of the 2009 Covenant Award for her work in education. Erica Brown holds degrees from Yeshiva University, University of London, Harvard University and Baltimore Hebrew University. 212–369–2600



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NeW! Scholar-in-Your-Residence: Shabbat Hospitality Matching Programshabbat/saturdays | October – december | lunchrabbi Zalman rothschild and david minkus, pAs rabbinic intern

You bring the people; we’ll bring learning! This fall, PAS will sponsor a Shabbat lunch matching program. Hosts gather eight to 12 PAS members for a kosher/dairy lunch following services, and PAS will provide a guide for your Shabbat experience. There are a limited number of spaces for this program, so if you are inter-ested in hosting or attending, contact [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x121.

cOmmUNitY eveNts

Sponsored by the Tikkun Olam CommitteeVicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day 2012sunday | November 18 | 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

Join the PAS community for a day of Learning & Doing! Help those in need on Mitzvah Day. There will be opportunities for everyone to get involved, learn about mitzvot and do hands-on projects.

■ Interactive learning sessions led by clergy■ Activities at the ECC ■ Preparing packages and gifts for seniors and homeless in New York, for Jewish soldiers and for families and children around the world■ Community tzedakah box and coin rolling ■ Children's and teen book drive■ Making packages with the High School Food Pantry■ Annual blood drive■ Behind-the-scenes tour of PAS ■ Mitzvah Day Café■ And much more!

Check regularly at under Tikkun Olam/Mitzvah Day 2012 for updates including schedule, itemsto donate and a list of beneficiary agencies. please note: There will be no Tag Sale this Mitzvah Day. The synagogue will be holding collection drives throughout the year. Please check regularly for more information.

If you are interested in getting involved with Mitzvah Day, please join us at the Mitzvah Day Kick-Off Planning Meeting on Friday, September 14 at 9:15 am contact Joanna Silver at [email protected] or Amy Steiner at [email protected].

14 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773




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773 Annual PAS Book Fair and Hanukkah Boutique

tuesday | december 4 (afternoon only)Wednesday and thursday | december 5 and 6 (all day)

Always a highlight of our year! The Congregational School Parents’ Association presents hundreds of books for readers of all ages, from recent bestsellers to classics of Jewish literature. You can also find holiday gifts for everyone in your family! Toys, clothing, accessories, stationery and personalized gifts are all available from our wide variety of vendors. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more information in the November Bulletin.

cOmmUNitY eveNts

sAve tHe dAte: 2013 eveNts

Gala 2013thursday | march 7

Honorees TBA. Come for a lively celebration acknowledging community leaders for their contributions to the PAS community.

Shabbaton 2013Religion in America: Trends and How They Affect the Jewish CommunityFriday and saturday | January 25 and 26

Religion is a constant in the lives of Americans. It impacts our political, business and social interactions. Join experts Jonathan Sarna, professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and author of When General Grant Expelled the Jews, and Robert Putnam, professor of Public Policy at Harvard University and author of American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, for a weekend examining the nuances of American religion and what it means for American Jewry. 212–369–2600

Above: from The Park Avenue Synagogue Collection

Jewish Lens Photography by PAS Zayin Learnersseptember – december

Each year, Zayin learners in the Congregational School partner with students in Israel in the Jewish Lens project. Last year’s topic was “green mitzvot.” PAS learners focused on tzedakah, caring for trees, and protecting animals, matching their photographs to texts they had studied. The exhibition features photography from participants in Israel as well as from our own learners. PAS has participated in The Jewish Lens since its inception in 2003.

Cantorial Salon: "Ghetto Theresienstadt: How Music Illuminated the Darkest Hours"thursday | November 8 | 7:00 pm

On the anniversary of Kristallnacht, a lecture by Robert J. Elias, President of the OREL Foundation, featuring chamber music in live performance. The OREL Foundation encourages interest in and performance of works by composers suppressed by the Nazis and raises awareness of the importance of these composers in the history of 20th century music.

Hanukkah Concertsunday | december 9 | 4:00 pm

See the PAS website and Bulletin for more information.

The PAS Congregational Singersthursdays | september 6; October 25; November 15, 29; december 6 | 7:00 – 8:15 pm

The PAS Congregational Singers is a community choral group directed by Cantor Azi Schwartz. The group rehearses regularly and performs throughout the year at musical services and concerts, including Selihot services on September 8, Shabbat morning services on October 27 and the Hanukkah concert on December 9. The Congregational Singers aims to provide all people, whatever their musical background or ability, an opportunity to sing together and celebrate the warmth and vitality generated through music making. Everyone is welcome!For more information, please contact Gil Smuskowitz at [email protected].

Tavim Youth Choirmondays | 5:00 – 5:40 pm

Tavim, the Park Avenue Synagogue Youth Choir, is open to anyone in third grade and up. The group learns music for Shabbat, holidays and just for fun. Tavim performs at services and celebrations during the year and also visits senior centers to entertain and sing with residents. contact Cantor Shiree Kidron at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x126 for more information.


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16 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

The PAS gALLery


Arts, LiterAtUre ANd mUsic

Sponsored by the PAS Women’s NetworkDaytime Book Discussion Groupmondays | 11:00 am – 12:30 pmrenée Waldinger

Join us to reflect on a variety of fiction and nonfiction books related to Jewish themes. For more information, please call Renée Waldinger at 212-860-4308.

October 15: For the Soul of France: Culture Wars in the Age of Dreyfus by Frederick BrownNovember 19: Out of Egypt: A Memoir by Andre Acimandecember 17: Great House: A Novel by Nicole Krauss

Evening Book Discussion Group mondays | 8:00 pm pat davidson

The Evening Book Discussion Group meets monthly. Book selections feature provocative characters and situations that always stimulate lively discussion.

september 10: When General Grant Expelled the Jews by Jonathan SarnaOctober 29: Hope: A Tragedy: A Novel by Shalom Auslander december 3: Joy Comes in the Morning by Jonathan Rosen

Sholem Aleichem Yiddish Clubtuesdays | October 16, November 13, december 11 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm

An affiliate of the International Association of Yiddish Clubs, our club provides opportunities for Yiddish conversation and for exploring Yiddish culture—stories, poetry, music, theater, and film. Sylvia and Zane Liff provide the material for our programs and conduct the sessions. English translations are given for the stories and poetry, so don't hesitate to come if you want to experience Yiddish culture but have minimal skill in speaking Yiddish. For more information, call the head of the club, Florence Solomon, at 212-369-3856.

Park Avenue Synagogue



ond de Rothschild Library

The edmond de roThSchiLd LibrAry iS The PAS cenTer For bookS, FiLm, muSic, And onLine JewiSh reSourceS. The Library is a haven where congregants of all ages learn Torah, read novels, surf the web, chat in Yiddish, listen to cantorial gems, or play with Hebrew alphabet blocks. You can join one of the classes that meets in the Library, borrow a DVD to view at home, read a board book to your toddler, or visit Torah study sites on the Internet. Our Librarian Extraordinaire, Marga Hirsch, can help you find your next leisure read, research a knotty question, interlibrary-loan a book from another library, or choose a Jewish book for your child or grandchild.

Library Hours | monday through thursday 12:00 – 6:30 pm, Friday 10:00 am – 1:00 pmMarga is generally in the Library at other times as well–feel free to stop by with questions or for book recommendations! The room is always open, with instructions on the desk for how to check out books in Marga’s absence. 212–369–2600

Sponsored by UJA@PASForgiving Ourselves and Forgiving Others: Pre-High Holiday Reflectionsthursday | september 13 | 12:00 – 1:00 pmAliza scharf-bendov, LcsW

The High Holidays can be a difficult time for anyone who has experienced a significant loss. Please join JBFCS Partners in Caring social worker Aliza Scharf-Bendov, LCSW for an opportunity to honor your loved ones and talk about the challenges of forgiveness in the context of loss. In this workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to learn about and discuss the experience of loss in a safe environment. This workshop will use Jewish texts as well as psycho-education about grief and loss.

A Workshop for ParentsRules That Make Sense: How to Set Boundaries That Empower KidsFriday | October 19 | 9:15 – 11:15 am pippi kessler

Learn how to modify behavior and set limits using techniques that encourage self-moderation and cooperation between adults and young people. Discipline doesn’t need to be a struggle! At this workshop, you’ll learn

concrete strategies to help kids grow to be successful adults. Join Pippi Kessler, Program Director at Ma’yan, a program of The JCC in Manhattan, and director of Rowe Young People’s Camp, to learn concrete tools that will transform your interactions with young people and empower them to grow up to be great to Craig Demarest at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x111.

18 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773






The cAring neTwork AT PArk Avenue SynAgogue seeks to nurture the soul of every individual at moments of joy, sorrow and transition. As part of our effort to foster a caring community, the Caring Network provides support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief. At the same time, we reach out to families during times of joyful transitions—birth, adolescence, marriage and beyond. For more information, contact Rabbi Steven Rein at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x124.

cAriNg NetWOrk 212–369–2600

Co-sponsored by the Men’s Club and UJA@PASHospice and Palliative Care for Health Care Professionalssunday | November 4 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Rabbi Steven Rein and representatives from Metropolitan Jewish Health System will discuss what health care professionals need to know about end-of-life decisions.

Sponsored by UJA@PAS Lights in the Darkness: Pre-Hanukkah Reflections thursday | december 13 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Join Rabbi Steven Rein and our JBFCS Partners in Caring social worker for Hanukkah candle-lighting. Take the opportunity to honor your loved one in the context of Hanukkah and to share stories and wisdom from the tradition with others who understand.

Sponsored by UJA@PASMonthly Caregiver Support Group and Text StudyWednesdays | september 5, October 10, November 14, december 19 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Come for inspired text study with Rabbi Rein and caregiver support discussion led by a UJA Partners in Caring social worker. Explore changing relationships, share experiences and exchange essential resources with other family caregivers. This ongoing group takes place once a month. Open to PAS members who serve as caregivers for family members and to anyone who is a caregiver for a PAS member. For more information, contact Rabbi Rein at [email protected] or at 212-369-2600, x124.

Sponsored by UJA@PASSocial Work Support for PAS Seniors, Families and their Caregiversthursdays | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

If you are looking for companionship, shopping assistance, an escort to a medical appointment, a volunteer opportunity or caregiver support for yourself or a family member, please contact our DOROT social worker, Yael Kornfeld, LMSW. Onsite social work support is made possible by a UJA Partners in Caring grant.For more information or to make an appointment, contact Rabbi Rein at [email protected] or at 212-369-2600, x124 or Yael at 212-769-2850.

Sponsored by UJA@PASSocial Work Support for PAS Members and Their FamiliesA JBFCS social worker will provide onsite services including: loss and bereavement counseling; crisis intervention; addiction and recovery services; and support for divorced individuals, single parents, workers affected by the economic downturn and unexpected career transitions, families suffering from acute and chronic illness and parents who have children with mental health needs. Onsite social work support is made possible by a UJA Partners in Caring grant.For more information or to make an appointment, contact Rabbi Rein at [email protected] or at 212-369-2600, x124.

Bikur Cholim Caring Committee The PAS Bikur Cholim Caring Committee reaches out to those in need through telephone calls, visits and holiday packages. The committee is comprised of trained volunteers committed to providing confidential hands-on support and companionship to members of our congregation. Generously supported in loving memory of Dr. Albert and Phyllis L. Cornell. To arrange for this mitzvah, please call Rabbi Cosgrove’s office at 212-369-2600, x120.


The young FAmiLy educATion (yFe) dePArTmenT holds events for families with children who are newborn to six years old. YFE programs offer families a regular venue for Jewish music, dance, art, Shabbat dinners and t’filah. There are weekday morning classes for toddlers, afterschool activities for toddlers and preschoolers, and Shabbat programs for families. Come to our future events and join us at the synagogue! For more information, contact Matt Check, Director of Young Family Education, at [email protected], with questions.

YFe FALL 2012


Kitah Rishonah (First Class)tuesdays | 10:00 – 11:00 am; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | $ Ages: Newborn – 18 months

Have a Jewish experience with your child through music. We will sing kid-friendly songs for Shabbat, holidays and every day.

HaMishpachah Sheli (My Family)thurs. and Fri. | 9:30 -10:30 am; 10:30 – 11:30 am | $ Ages: 18 months – 3 years

Explore Jewish themes and holidays through stories, song, movement, arts and crafts, and free play.

cost for toddler programs for pAs members and non-members: $660/child per semester.

YFe FALL 2012


DramaZonemondays | 12:15 – 1:45 pm; 1:00 – 2:45 | $ | Ages: 3 – 4 (must be age 3 by septmber 1, 2012)tuesdays | 2:15 – 3:45 pm | $ | Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by september 1, 2012)

Taught by the pros from the DramaZone, these classes are all about movement, games and fun. No experience necessary. All music is appropriate and child-friendly. cost for pAs members and non-members: $730/child per semester.

Bilingual BirdiesWednesdays | 2:15 – 3:00 pm | $ | Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by september 1, 2012)

Children learn basic vocabulary and short phrases in Hebrew through live music, movement, dance, puppetry and games.cost for pAs members and nonmembers: $660/child per semester.

20 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773



AFterscHOOL prOgrAms cONtiNUed

Krav Magathursdays | 2:30 – 3:15 pm | $ | Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by september 1, 2012)

Come for some rumbling, tumbling and exercise through Krav Maga, a system of hand-to-hand combat used by the Israeli Defense Forces. Classes emphasize values like determination, goal-setting, endurance, persistence and patience. The moves are taught through challenging and competitive games, which combine technical learning and discipline in a safe environment. Instructors are former Israeli Special Forces soldiers who understand the importance of being a positive role model for their young students.cost for pAs members: $660/child per semester. cost for non-members: $760/child per semester.

Karatethursdays | 2:00 – 3:00 pm | $ | Ages: Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by september 1, 2012)

Class includes meditation, martial arts games, inspirational karate stories, stretching and self-defense techniques. All sessions are taught by Sifu Eddie Kelen, a fourth degree black belt who has been teaching Karate for 22 years and heads afterschool programs at locations such as Ramaz, Manhattan Day School, Yeshiva Ketana, Columbia Grammar and Park East Synagogue.cost for pAs members: $660/child per semester. cost for non-members: $760/child per semester. (price includes snack, uniform and gear bag.)

YFe FALL 2012


Shabbat Services and Dinners for Families with Young Children—Birthday Blessings, Too!Fridays | september 7, October 12, November 16, december 7 | service 5:00 pm, dinner approx. 5:30 – 6:30 pm | $

Families with children ages zero to six are invited to join our clergy for a family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed immediately by a child-friendly buffet dinner and short program. Each month, children with birthdays that month will receive a birthday blessing and a small gift. Space is limited. cost: $35/members, $45/non-members, $15/children.

Shabbat Morning Programs saturdays | september 8; October 13, 27; November 3; december 15 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm

Service includes Shabbat songs, dancing, a short story and other activities, and ends with Kiddush and a light snack. Look for details about leaders and locations in the Bulletin and at 212–369–2600

sHAbbAt ANd HOLidAY prOgrAms cONtiNUed

Havdalah for Families with Young Childrensaturday | October 20 | 5:00 pm

Havdalah (Hebrew for “distinction”) is the service that separates Shabbat from the rest of the week. Led by members of the clergy, we end Shabbat with a crafts project or other activity, a short service and a snack.This is the first of a four-part series, “Holidays in the Home.” Families will explore a Jewish ritual and will learn about ways to do it at home.

Sukkah Decorating Workshopsunday | september 30 | 10:30 – 12:30 pm | Ages: 3 – 6

Come for an age-appropriate art activity and provide our finished products as decorations for the congregational Sukkah. An annual event not to be missed!

Young Family Second Day Sukkot Service tuesday | October 2 | time tbd | Ages: 3 – 6

See the Bulletin or for more information.

Family Hanukkah Celebration with Sheldon Low and PJ Library sunday | december 2 | Afternoon (exact time tbd)

Join Sheldon Low for a rocking afternoon of Jewish music, storytelling and food in celebration of Hanukkah.

sHeLdON LOW is a singer and song leader who has performed and been artist-in-residence at camps, schools and synagogues throughout the U.S. He has recorded albums for both teens and young children. His latest

album, “Look At Me,” is a collaboration with PJ Library recorded with Rick Recht.

to rsvp, go to and click on Young Family Education. Under Upcoming Events on the right side, click on the event name to access information and registration forms for each program. For dinners, cancellations with refund (or credit towards another dinner) are possible until the Wednesday before the dinner.


PJ Library at Park Avenue Synagogue! PJ Library is a North American program offered by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and implemented on a local level. Every month, PJ Library mails free, high-quality Jewish children's books and music to families, each book matched to the age of the child who will receive it. Thanks to a generous grant from the Hoine family, PAS is thrilled to offer PJ Library to all families with children between the ages of six months and eight sign up for pJ Library, go to, click on Young Family Education and then the link for PJ Library.

22 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

SHABBAT PROGRAMSThe PAS Congregational School is a Shabbat-centered program. In addition to the weekly Shabbat Experience program for those in Gimel, Dalet, Hey and Vav (Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6), the Congregational School will be holding the following Family Shabbat Programs:

Gan, Alef and Bet (K, 1 and 2) Family Shabbat Experiencessaturdays | October 13, 27; November 17; december 1, 1511:00 am

Gan, Alef and Bet (K, 1 and 2) families are invited to Family Shabbat Experiences (previously known as Nitzanim). Gan, Alef and Bet families will join together for a both a service and family learning. Learners will have an opportunity to practice the prayers they are learning during the week.

Gimel and Dalet (Grades 3 and 4) Family Shabbat Experiencessaturdays | October 27, dec. 8 10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Learners arrive at 10:00 am; families join at 11:00 am

Families will join their Gimel and Dalet learners throughout the year for Family Shabbat Experiences. These Shabbat programs will be held at the Liederkranz Foundation building at 6 East 87th Street (between Madison and 5th Avenues).

Hey and Vav (Grades 5 and 6) Family Shabbat Experiencessaturday | Nov. 17 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm | Learners arrive at 10:00 am; families join at 11:00 am

Families will join their Hey and Vav learners throughout the year for Family Shabbat Experiences. These Shabbat programs will be held at the Liederkranz Foundation building at 6 East 87th Street (between Madison and 5th Avenues).




AL scH



The congregATionAL SchooL iS dedicATed To PoSiTive And engAging JewiSh educATion To inSPire LiFeLong PArTiciPATion in The JewiSh communiTy For ALL our k – 12 LeArnerS And Their FAmiLieS. In partnership with our families and with the synagogue community as a whole, the School provides meaningful learning through both formal and experiential education. For more information, contact Rabbi Eve Rudin, Principal of the Congregational School, at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x132. 212–369–2600

Retreat ProgramsFamilies of learners in Gimel and Dalet are invited to participate in Family Shabbat Retreats. A retreat is a wonderful opportunity for your family to leave the city and celebrate Shabbat together with other families from the synagogue community! All family retreats will take place in the spring.

Open Houses for Gan, Alef and Bet (Grades K, 1 and 2) Families of our Gan, Alef and Bet learners are invited to visit classrooms the week of October 22. Open houses will be held from 5:00 – 5:30 for Gan (Kindergarten) classes and from 5:30 – 6:00 pm for Alef and Bet classes (Grades 1 and 2).

Pizza in the Hut: Congregational School Sukkot CelebrationsWednesday | October 3 | 5:00 – 7:00 pmthursday | October 4 | 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join the Congregational School community for an evening of Sukkot learning, celebration and eating in the PAS Sukkah! Regular classes will not be held on these days. cost: $15/person.

to sign up, please visit and click the link to the event.

Kabbalat Shabbat Friday Evening Experience Friday | November 9 | 6:00 pm

Join the K – 7 Congregational School community for festive Shabbat services and dinner. cost: $35/person.

to sign up, please visit and click the link to the event.

Annual PAS Book Fair and Hanukkah Boutiquetuesday, Wednesday and thursday december 4, 5 and 6 | 5:30 pm

There will be early dismissal on all three of these days so that you can visit the PAS Book Fair with your child. See p. 15 for more information about the book fair.

Synagogue Wide Hanukkah Candle Lighting in the Lobbymonday – thursday | december 10 – 13 | 6:00 pm

Join the PAS Community for candle lighting and song!

Parent-Teacher Conferencesmonday – thursday | december 17 – 20 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Parent-teacher conferences will be held for those who wish to meet with their children’s teachers. Sign up information will be sent in advance.

Bnei Mitzvah Family Trip to Israelsaturday december 22, 2012 – tuesday, January 1, 2013

Join Rabbi Cosgrove and fellow PAS Members for a trip to Israel geared to families with children who are becoming Bnei Mitzvah in 2012-2013.




AL scH




24 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773


Vav (Grade 6) Family Bnei Mitzvah Programs tuesday | October 23 | 5:45 – 6:45 pm thursday | November 29 | 5:45 – 6:45 pm As part of the Bnei Mitzvah journey, there are four family programs during the Vav year for parents and children to learn together about topics related to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience. On an evening when there is a family program, there is no regular class.

Zayin (Grade 7) Bnei Family Program: Museum of Jewish Heritagesunday | October 21 | time tbA

The Zayin class will visit the Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. We will tour sections of the permanent exhibition and meet a Holocaust survivor. Lunch will be served at the museum.

dAY scHOOL cOmmUNitY

The dAy SchooL communiTy weLcomeS ALL PAS FAmiLieS wiTh chiLdren who ATTend JewiSh dAy SchooL. We meet throughout the year for programs and holiday celebrations. If you have children attending a day school, please let us know! The Day School Committee wants to keep you informed of events throughout the year. We are updating our database, so share your contact information with Emily Gindi ([email protected]), Diane Hess ([email protected]) or Amy Steiner ([email protected]).

Day School Community Sukkah Dinnertuesday | October 2 | time tbd

Join Day School families for a fun, casual dinner in the Ritter Sukkah on the roof!

Day School Community Shabbat DinnerFriday | November 2 | time tbd

Day School families are invited for a family-friendly Shabbat dinner following evening services.

cONgregAtiONAL scHOOL 212–369–2600

YOUtH prOgrAmmiNg ANd rAbbi JUdAH NAdicH HigH scHOOL

PArk Avenue SynAgogue ProudLy oFFerS Age-APProPriATe exPerienTiAL ProgrAmming For chiLdren, TeenS And FAmiLieS. Through fun and informal activities, learners of all ages socialize, perform gemilut hasidim (acts of loving kindness), and strengthen ties to the synagogue and the broader Jewish community. Children and teens from member families who are not registered for Congregational School are welcome to attend all activities! For more information and to RSVP for all programs, contact Director of Youth Engagement Caryn Roman at [email protected].


PAS Food PantryWednesdays | 3:00 – 5:00 pmFridays | 3:30 pm – beginning of shabbat

The Food Pantry is a 27-year-old program at PAS, steeped in a rich and vibrant cultural history. Coordinated and run entirely by teens, this is the largest such food pantry in the entire country. Volunteers meet year-round every Wednesday to prepare food packages and on Friday afternoons distribute packages to hundreds of local families in need.

High School Kick-Off and Ice Cream SocialWednesday | september 5 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Post-Bnei Mitzvah learners and their families are invited to have a sweet snack and hear about new opportunities available this year in the Rabbi Judah Nadich High School Program. Caryn Roman, our new Director of Youth Engagement, will be on hand along with members of the clergy team and high school teaching staff to schmooze and answer questions about the program.

26 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

NO’Ar pAs: 8tH – 12tH grAde LeArNers cONtiNUed

Parent and Teen Shabbat Study Sessions with Rabbi Cosgrovesaturdays | October 6, November 3, december 1| 4:00 – 5:00 pm

In what has become a treasured PAS tradition, Rabbi Cosgrove leads meaningful conversations about Torah, Judaism and contemporary events at these monthly gatherings. Post-Bnei Mitzvah learners and their parents are invited to meet at Rabbi Cosgrove’s apartment (or another location as interest and space dictate) for study, schmoozing, snacks and Shabbat joy!

High Holiday Food Drivesunday – Wednesday | september 16 – 26

It has become an annual tradition that from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, our youth department leads the congregation in collecting non-perishable food items for donation to the Yorkville Common Pantry. The entire PAS community is invited to help by taking donation bags home from Rosh Hashanah services, filling them with food and returning them to PAS on Yom Kippur. High school-aged learners oversee the collection of donations at High Holiday services.

Vicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day: Thanksgiving Event Packagingsunday | November 18 | 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

We count on Mitzvah Day volunteers to help prepare for our massive Thanksgiving Food Pantry distribution. We typically give away more than 500 turkeys and more than 800 bags of Thanksgiving food to local families who need help around the holidays. We welcome all Mitzvah Day participants to share in this proud tradition by helping us get the food ready.

Food Pantry: Thanksgiving Package DistributionWednesday | November 21 | 1:00 – 5:00 pm

On the Food Pantry’s biggest day of the year, we need a lot of helping hands! If you’re a student out of school early or home for the holiday break, come by and take part in this annual tradition. We expect to hand out over 500 turkeys and more than 800 Thanksgiving meals, so come out in force and give our clients a very happy beginning to the holiday season. RJNHS and Food Pantry alumni welcome!

Project Ezra Hanukkah Luncheonsunday | december 9 | 11:00 am

As part of Park Avenue Synagogue’s annual Hanukkah celebrations, PAS learners and Men’sClub members host a party for elderly Jewish residents of the Lower East Side who participate in Project Ezra. Our guests are transported from their homes to PAS where we welcome them warmly, serve a hearty Hanukkah meal, sing and play dreidel, to give these honored members of our community an unforgettable holiday experience.

YOUtH prOgrAmmiNg 212–369–2600


High Holiday Food Drivesunday – Wednesday | september 16 – 26

Begin 5773 by performing gemilut hasidim (acts of loving kindness) in our Upper East Side community. From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, we will collect non-perishable food items for donation to the Yorkville Common Pantry during Sukkot. Come lend a hand by collecting and sorting donations at High Holiday services.

Vicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Daysunday | November 18 | 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Bnei Tzedek teens are invited to participate in the Thanksgiving Event Packaging (see p. 27) and other Mitzvah Day programming to be announced.

Food Pantry: Thanksgiving Package DistributionWednesday | November 21 | 1:00 – 5:00 pm See p. 27 for description.

Project Ezra Hanukkah Luncheonsunday | december 9 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

See p. 27 for description.

28 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

YOUtH prOgrAmmiNg


Sukkah Sleepoversaturday – sunday | October 6 – 7 | 7:00 pm – 9:00 am

Kick off the year with us in a great way! Every year, we get together to observe Sukkot and to sleep under the stars, but that’s not all. We’ll play games, watch movies, make s’mores, and much more! There’s limited space in the Sukkah, so make sure to RSVP by September 28.

Vicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day & Ice Skatingsunday | November 18 | 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Join the PAS community in its annual celebration of gemilut hasidim (acts of loving kindness), then spend the afternoon zooming and twirling on the ice at Central Park’s Wollman Rink! We’ll walk over together following the conclusion of the Mitzvah Day program and return to PAS for pickup at the end of the afternoon. RSVP by November 12.

KADIMA & ETGAR Hanukkah Partysunday | december 9 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Save the date—details TBA!


Sukkah “Sleep-under”saturday | October 6 | 7:00 – 10:00 pm

Kick off the year with us in a great way! Enjoy time in our rooftop Sukkah eating, playing games, watching movies and making s’mores. We’ll end the evening with a pajama Havdalah under the stars. There’s limited space in the Sukkah, so make sure to RSVP by September 28!

Vicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day & Ice Skatingsunday | November 18 | 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

See above for description.

KADIMA & ETGAR Hanukkah Partysunday | december 9 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Save the date—details TBA!

YOUtH prOgrAmmiNg 212–369–2600

Jts@pAsPAS has a longstanding relationship of mutual support with the Jewish Theological Seminary—the center of Conservative Judaism and the institution where many of our clergy and staff have earned their degrees.

meN’s cLUbThe Park Avenue Synagogue Men’s Club is a welcoming social group where men of all ages participate and become active at PAS through monthly meetings, cultural, social and intellectual events, and fundraising activities. Our primary goals are promoting social interactions among our members and performing tzedakah for the Jewish community in New York and in Israel. Come to one event or to all! For more information or to share your ideas, contact Charles Yellen at [email protected].

Torah on TapWednesday | september 5 | 7:30 pmthursday | October 25 | 7:30 pm

Join us as Rabbi Rein leads an informal discussion of Torah over beer and fine spirits. Open only to members of the Men’s Club.

Men’s Club and PAS Women’s network Sukkah Dinner Wednesday | October 3 | 7:30 pm

See p. 31 for more information.


s A






30 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

The STrengTh oF PArk Avenue SynAgogue LieS in iTS memberS. While supported by an excellent team of clergy and professional staff, our dedicated volunteers are the heart and soul that lift PAS to new levels every day. Read on to learn about our arms and committees and their activities.

Arms ANd cOmmittees

meN's cLUb cONtiNUed

Men’s Club Reception for new Year 5773 thursday | October 18 | 7:00 pm More information to come on and in the Bulletin.

Hospice and Palliative Care for Health Care Professionalssunday | November 4 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

See p. 19 for more information.

Bagel Brunch and Speakersunday | december 2 | 10:00 am

Join us for morning minyan, and stay afterwards for a speaker—and bagels, of course.

Project Ezra Hanukkah Party sunday | december 9 | 11:00 am

Join the Men's Club and the Hebrew High School students for our annual party where we provide lunch and entertainment for elderly residents from the Lower East Side. Volunteers needed! You don’t have to be a member of Men’s Club (or a man) to help!

pAs WOmeN’s NetWOrkThe PAS Women’s Network builds community and camaraderie through social, intellectual, and spiritual activities. We are also dedicated to having fun! We offer something for everyone—day and evening activities, speakers, events, parties, lectures, films, visits to museums and art galleries, and more. In addition to the programs listed below, the Women's Network sponsors the Daytime Book Discussion group (see p. 17). Contact [email protected] for more information and to RSVP for events.

Mitzvah in Elul: DOROT Holiday Package Deliverysunday | september 9 | 11:00 am – approx. 2:00 pm

Deliver nutritious kosher meals and visit with DOROT seniors. Meet at Brandeis High School, 145 West 84 Street.

Men’s Club and PAS Women’s network Sukkah Dinner Wednesday | October 3 | 7:30 pm | rsvp

Enjoy the mitzvah and the pleasure of dining under the stars in the beautiful PAS Sukkah. We will have an informal buffet dinner.

Opening Receptionthursday | October 11 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm | rsvp

Join us to celebrate the start of the PAS Women's Network, a welcoming, vibrant, multigenerational community for all the women of PAS. Meet our officers and learn more about the Women's Network, and most important, meet other congregants in a warm and friendly setting. Enjoy wine, cheese, and other refreshments. 212–369–2600

pAs WOmeN's NetWOrk cONtiNUed

Lunch, Film and Discussion: Hollywood: The Jews, the Movies, and the American Dreamtuesday | October 30 | 1:00 pm

This fascinating documentary film explores the roles of Jewish studio heads, producers, directors, writers and actors in developing a vibrant movie industry that greatly influenced American popular culture.

Open Meeting about the PAS Women’s networkmonday | November 5 | 6:00 pm

Learn about the new PAS Women’s Network, and find out how to get involved.

Lunch, Film and Discussion: Inside Israel: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Differencespeaker: rayna kalish of the American society for technion–israel institute of technologytuesday | November 20 | 1:00 pm

This film illustrates the triumph of the human spirit. Israelis, surrounded by enemies, have turned a desert without any natural resources into a flourishing and productive land. Rayna Kalish will introduce the film and lead the discussion afterwards.

Museum Visit: The new York Historical Society, “World War II and new York City”thursday | November 29 | 1:30 pm | $ | rsvp

When World War II started, New York was a cosmopolitan, heavily immigrant city with many Jews. The influx of European refugees in the 1930s had already changed the intellectual and cultural life of the city, but more change was to come from wartime industries and the war effort, which had a strong impact on the lives of most New Yorkers. Join us for a guided tour of this fascinating exhibition.

Jews on the Chocolate Trailspeaker: rabbi deborah prinzmonday | december 17 | 7:00 pm | rsvp

rAbbi priNZ has recently written a book called On the Chocolate Trail: A Delicious Adventure Connecting Jews, Religions, History, Travel, Rituals, and Recipes to the Magic of Cacao. She will speak to us about this book, which is the culmination of years of research and travel. After her lecture, there will be a chocolate tasting.

Lunch, Film and Discussion: Broadway: the American Musical, Part 6 tuesday | december 18 | 1:00 pm

Jews have long played a prominent role on Broadway as composers, lyricists, producers, directors, choreographers and actors. This film brings us the story of American musical theater in the period of 1980 to 2004 when productions became more lavish and innovative.

Arms ANd cOmmittees

32 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

Arms ANd cOmmittees

pAs WOmeN's NetWOrk cONtiNUed

The PAS Women’s network Rosh Hodesh Group thursdays | 7:30 – 9:00 pm Heshvan | October 18kislev | November 15tevet | december 13

Members of Women’s Network meet in a home on or near the first day of the Jewish month, to celebrate Rosh Hodesh. According to the Midrash, Rosh Hodesh was given to women as their holiday because women refused to donate their gold jewelry for the creation of the Golden Calf. In our own times, Rosh Hodesh has become an occasion for women to focus together on their experience as Jewish women.

siNgLes cOmmittee The Singles Committee is dedicated to introducing Jewish individuals to one another as well as touching their lives spiritually for the continuity of Jewish religion and tradition. For more information, contact Les Agisim at [email protected].

“Welcome to the Fall” PartyWednesday | september 5 | 6:30 – 9:00 pm Meet new friends while you eat, drink and listen to music outdoors. Cost: $25/ to Fred Mirsky at 212-634-6447, x2158 or visit to register.

Hanukkah Party monday | december 10 | 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Enjoy latkes, jelly donuts, music and wine as we celebrate the Festival of Lights. Cost: $25/ to Fred Mirsky at 212-634-6447, x2158 or visit to register. 212–369–2600

Arms ANd cOmmittees

tikkUN OLAm cOmmittee The Tikkun Olam Committee sponsors programs and projects that "repair the world" by helping the most vulnerable members of the community and promoting social justice. As the central address for tzedek initiatives in the synagogue, the Tikkun Olam Committee coordinates the social action projects of all the departments, arms, and committees in order to maximize the effectiveness of our activities. The Mitzvah of the Month Program offers monthly volunteer opportunities to help the poor, the elderly, children in need, the homeless, the hungry and the sick. For more information, contact Lite Sabin at [email protected] or Marlene Muskin at [email protected].

Sponsored by the Women’s NetworkMitzvah in Elul: DOROT Holiday Package Delivery*sunday | september 9 | 11:00 am – approx. 2:00 pm

See p. 31 for more information.

Grocery Packaging at Yorkville Common Pantrythursday | October 25 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm | Adult volunteersHelp pack groceries for the hundreds of clients of YCP. See the electronic ordering system which allows recipients to choose specific items from all the food groups, which both benefits the clients and eliminates waste. The Yorkville Common Pantry is located at 8 East 109th Street. Please wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes. rsvp to Lite Sabin at [email protected] or 212-628-2863.

Vicki K. Wimpfheimer Mitzvah Day 2012sunday | November 18 | 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

See p. 14 for more information.

Sponsored by the Men’s ClubProject Ezra Hanukkah Party sunday | december 9 | 11:00 am

See p. 31 for more information.

*UJA-Federation of New York Beneficiary Agency

34 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

Arms ANd cOmmittees

UJA@pAsThe UJA@PAS Committee promotes cooperation and collaboration between the synagogue, UJA-Federation of New York and its many beneficiary agencies. Through mitzvah projects, speakers and other special events, our goal is to promote a synagogue culture that encourages gemilut hasadim (acts of loving kindness). We encourage you to participate in one of our programs or tap into the social services available to PAS congregants. For more information about UJA@PAS, please contact Tamara Stark at [email protected] or Suzi Stadler at [email protected]. For information about UJA-Federation of New York and its agencies, please visit

Monthly Caregiver Support Group and Text StudyWednesdays | september 5, October 10, November 14, december 19 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm

See p. 19 for more information.

Social Work Support for PAS Seniors, Families and their Caregiversthursdays | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

See p. 19 for more information.

Social Work Support for PAS Members and Their FamiliesSee p. 19 for more information.

Employment and Career Counseling, Financial Consultation, Debt Counseling, Budget Assistance, Legal Services and Personal Counseling These services are available to individuals in the Jewish community (confidentially and at no charge) through UJA-Federation’s Connect-to-Care and Connect-to Jobs initiatives. To reach a Connect-to-Care counselor, please call 212-399-2685, x206.

Assistance in navigating Mental Health Care for Children and AdolescentsIf you are concerned about your child’s emotional well-being, UJA-Federation’s Mental Health GPS (Guiding Parents through Services) can help direct you toward comprehensive mental health services including community programs, public and private health practitioners, mentoring and school-based programs, and hospital-based support. For more information, please contact family resource specialist Meredith Levine at the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services at 212-632-4668.

Center for Youth Philanthropy and Leadership: Volunteer OpportunitiesDo your middle or high school students have community service hours to complete during this school year? Students can volunteer at UJA-Federation agencies throughout the city. Volunteer opportunities can be one-time or ongoing depending on the young person’s interests and school requirements. To learn more, please contact Erica Cohen at [email protected].

Center for Youth Philanthropy and Leadership: Give a Mitzvah–Do a Mitzvah for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students UJA-Federation’s mitzvah program enables Bar and Bat Mitzvah students to create their own individualized mitzvah projects that connect their interests and hobbies to UJA-Federation’s work around the world. For more information about Give a Mitzvah–Do a Mitzvah, please contact Brittany Wayne at 212-836-1460 or [email protected]. 212–369–2600

Arms ANd cOmmittees

YOUNg cOUpLes grOUpThe Young Couples Group (YCG) provides opportunities to meet and socialize with other members of the congregation between the ages of 25 and 45. Our social, cultural and fun events take place at the synagogue, at the homes of YCG members and at various locations in Manhattan. For more information and to RSVP for all events, contact [email protected].

Fall Planning MeetingWednesday | september 5 | 6:00 pm

If you are interested in learning more about YCG and getting involved, please join us for our planning meeting where we discuss future events and volunteer opportunities and brainstorm new events.

Fall Cocktail PartyWednesday | september 19 | 7:30 pm

It's the beginning of the year and the YCG is excited to host our “kick-off” party. It's a great time to catch up with old friends and meet new ones! We encourage new members to check it out and learn more about YCG and our programming at PAS.

Sukkah Brunchsunday | October 7 | 10:30 am

Please join us for a wonderful brunch with great food, music and art projects—all in the beautiful PAS rooftop Sukkah! This is always a fun Sunday to spend with other young couples and families.

Latke/Vodkathursday | december 6 | 7:30 pm

Hanukkah is not just for kids! Please join us for our annual holiday party with plenty of latkes, vodka and other treats to go around!

36 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773


ShabbatFriday | musical kabbalat shabbat | 6:15 pmsaturday | sanctuary service | 9:15 am

Morning Minyanmonday – Friday | 7:15 amsundays and Legal Holidays | 9:00 am

Weekday Minha/Ma’arivsunday – thursday | 5:45 pm

Shabbat Minhaseptember 8, 15, 22, 29; October 6, 13 | 20 minutes after morning servicesOctober 20, 27 | 6:00 pmNovember 3 | 5:45 pmNov. 10, 17, 24; december 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | 4:30 pm


Havurahsaturdays | september 8; October 6 (with lunch in the sukkah), 20; November 10; december 1, 15 | 9:30 am

The Havurah is a lay-led and child-friendly Shabbat morning service open to individuals and families of all ages who want an intimate and informal prayer experience. We invite people of all skill levels to participate by leading a part of the service, reading Torah or Haftarah or by facilitating a Torah discussion.

Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services with Guest ArtistsFridays | October 26, November 30 | 6:15 pm

Guest artists will enhance our weekly welcoming of Shabbat with musical instruments and song.

High HolidaysFor service dates and times, please refer to the September and October issues of the PAS Bulletin, and your High Holiday tickets.

Meals in the Ritter Sukkah sunday, monday, Friday | september 30; October 1, 5

reservation deadline: Friday, september 21. cost: $55/person; $15/child under the age of 8. To reserve places at any dinner, go to and click on Calendar and then September 30, or call 212-369-2600, x121. 212–369–2600


Us serv


Guest artists will enhance our weekly welcoming of Shabbat with musical instruments and song.

Please visit for more information about synagogue departments and staff and to sign up for congregational emails.

50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128telephone: 212-369-2600

fax: 212-410-7879email: [email protected]

38 park Avenue synagogue program calendar Fall 2012/5773

rabbieLLiOt J. [email protected], x120

Assistant rabbisteveN i. [email protected], x124

cantor and music directorAZi [email protected], x125

Assistant cantorsHiree [email protected], x126

executive directorberYL p. [email protected], x111

director, congregational educationrAbbi NeiL [email protected], x123

director, synagogue programmingLiZ [email protected], x142

principal, congregational schoolrAbbi eve [email protected], x132




director, early childhood centercArOL [email protected], x150

director, Young Family educationmAttHeW [email protected], x140

director, Youth engagementcArYN [email protected], x141

Library director and publications editormArgA [email protected], x127

Please note: All Park Avenue Synagogue (PAS) programming is exclusively for its members and guests. Any news agency, media outlet or individual who wishes to cover (including photography) a PAS program requires the advance written permission of PAS. Please direct all inquires to Liz Offenbach at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x142.

The Park Avenue Synagogue Lecture Seriesbringing global Jewish conversations into the Park Avenue Synagogue community

5773/fall 2012 – spring 2013

The Shifting Landscapeof American Jewry

See page 4 for more information.


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