Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011 - Ahfad...

Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights (RIG/DPR) Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011

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Page 1: Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011 - Ahfad · Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity,

Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights


Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011

Page 2: Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011 - Ahfad · Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity,
Page 3: Profile of the Graduates 1999 – 2011 - Ahfad · Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity,

Ahfad University for Women The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights


Dissertation Titles, Region, Sponsor, Place of Work and Date of Graduation of the Msc. Graduates (1999 – 2010)

NO Name of the Students Thesis Title Region Date of


Sponsor Place of


1 Entisar Ahmed Abdel Hamid The Attitude of University Women Student towards Wards the Selection of Spouse

Khartoum 1999


Socio –




2 Nadia Ahmed El Amin A Socio-Economic Perspective of the Role of Women in Development. Case study of Displaced Women, Population & Development Project in Hay Elbaraka Area

Khartoum 1999 Private NGO

3 Manal Abd Elazim Siddig Sudan Economic Crisis: Gender Dimensions and Survival Strategic

Khartoum 1999 Private INGO

4 Alzahra Mohamed Ahmed How Patriarch Operates in the Family Institution (Case Study of Dinka Tribe)

Gazira 1999 Private Government


5 Awadia Mohamed Ahmed Factors that Influence the Sudanese Women Political Participation

Darfur 1999 Private Out of


6 Nafisa Badri State Power on The Female Body Khartoum 1999 Private Company

7 Maha Addullahi Elamir Civil War in the Nuba Mountains: In Search of A Gender Dimension

Khartoum 1999 Private UNFPA

8 Nada Mustafa Habash The Role of Sudanese Women in War and Peace Situation Khartoum 1999 AUW AUW

9 Azza Mamoun Monawer Perceptions and Attitudes towards Women’s Acquisition to the Right to Divorce Themselves

Khartoum 1999 Private Company

10 Mai Izeldeen Osman Marital Relationship: A Case Study from Sudanese Families Khartoum 1999 Private AUW

11 Sawsan Ali Mohamed Domestic Violence between Spouses: Realities and Responses Khartoum 1999 Private Out of


12 Leena Omer Alim Women Executive Managers in the Sudanese Banking System Experience and Challenges

Khartoum 2000 Private Company

13 Tayseer Elfatih Abdel Aal Factors Influencing Women’s Participation Community Organizations (A Case Study of Ab Asslya Area in Omdurman Province)

Khartoum 1999 Private AUW

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NO Name of the Students Thesis Title Region Date of


Sponsor Place of


14 Khadiga Elsayed Saeed The Impact of Male out –Migration on Women’s Role and Status in Sudan

Khartoum 2000 UNFPA +




15 Nawal Arbab Elsaaed Sudanese Women’s Perception and Rights to Wards Family Planning

Khartoum 1999 Private NGO

16 Madina Hussien Dousa Gender Identity Formulation and Its Impact on the Status of Women

Darfur 2000 Private Nyala


17 Amal Hussein Mohamed Poverty Gander Dimension and Economic Policies.

Khartoum 1999 Private Government


18 Ghada Hatim El-Tahir Children Games : Towards Different Gender Roles Gazira 2000 Private INGO

19 Rasha Osman Hamed Health Seeking Behavior Regarding Infertility A Case Study of Jebail Altina Area

Gazira 2000 Population




20 Mai Ali Babiker Female Heads of households: Dependent versus independent perceptions

Khartoum 2000

Private Arab



21 Widad Ali A/ Rahman Employed Women and Domestic Responsibilities Perceptions Challenges and Strategies

Central 2000 AUW AUW

22 Manal Ali Basheir The Position of Women Unionists in the High Echelons of the Sudanese Trade Unions

East 2001 Private INGO

23 Nahid A/Rahim Hashim The Perception and Behavior of Both Genders Towards Infertility.

Khartoum 2001 Private Government


24 Wigdan Hassan Idriss Gender Sensitivity in the Policies of the Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society (SECS)

Khartoum 2001 Private NGO

25 Sara Hassan Mohamed Assessing Quality of Maternal Health Cares Service in Khartoum State

Khartoum 2001

Private Ph.D



26 Mona Bakri Mohamed دراسة لألثر األجتماعي (برنامج و أنشطة المرأة قي الطریقة السمانیة الطیبیة القریبیة(

Khartoum 2001 Islamic



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27 Elham Abdel Rahim El-Amin Knowledge and Use of Modern Family Planning Methods in Mayo Hay Elnasr

Khartoum 2001 AUW UNFPA

28 Magda Abdelhalim Tamimi

The Impact of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Alleviation Project in Empowering the Internally Displaced Women in Urban Areas.(A Case Study from Mayo Mandella Displaced Camp) .

Khartoum 2001

Private UNDP

29 Zeinab Mohamed Blandia Credit Approach and Its Impact on Women’s Situation. (A Case Study of Gadarif State)


Mountains 2001




30 Limia Abdel Gaffar Khalafalla Towards Gender Sensitive Policies in Sudan (A Case Study: Sudan National Comprehensive Strategy 1992-2002)

Khartoum 2001

Private Ministry of



31 Alia Farag Mustafa Factors that Influence the Legislation of Personal Status Law.( A Case Study of Sudanese Personal Status Laws on Divorce and Polygon)

Iraq 2000 Private Iraq


32 Samia Osman Ishag Women in Home based Activities: Conditions of Work and Empowerments

Darfur 2000 INGO INGO

33 Thoraya Suliman El-khalifa Women’s Work in Petty Trade of Handicraft Production on Omdurman Market.

Khartoum 2001 Private Housewife

34 Sundus Majzoub A. Mahmoud Ahfad University Student’s Opinions on Sexual Harassment.

Khartoum 2001 Private Private


35 Karima Fath Elrahman Abdien The Sudanese Islamic Movement Perception Women’s Rights .

Khartoum 2002 Private NGO

36 Alawia Elfil Patriarchy and Sudanese Women Pioneers 1940-1950.

Khartoum 2002 Private Private


37 Majda Awad صورة المرأة فى برامج األسرة باألذاعة السودانیة Khartoum 2002 AUW Sudan T.V +

Un Radio

38 Maria Mohamed Ali Males Perception of Female Genital Mutilation.

Khartoum 2002 Private Out of


39 Amel Suliman Adam Changes in Gender roles among Eritrean Refugee in Khartoum. Eritrean 2002 UNHCR Eritrea

40 Amel Mohamed Salih Sudanese Men and Women’s Knowledge and Attitudes towards CEDAW.

Khartoum 2002 Private Saudi Arabia

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NO Name of the Students Thesis Title Region Date of


Sponsor Place of


41 Maimuna Amin Said Gender Dimension in Agricultural Extension Services South 2002 Governmen


Ministry of


42 Beatrice Kiki Wani Women Experiencing Racism and Sexism in Sudan. Case Study of Khartoum State

South 2003 UNFPA Southern


43 Omelsad Mohamed Modawi دراسة حالة فى مدینة (اختیار الشریك و تأثیر التمایز األجتماعى فى المجتمع الحضري

) امادرمان

Khartoum 2003 AUW AUW

44 Hala Hassan Siddig The Perception of Honor Killing among Hawazma Men and Women in Abukershola Area of South Kordofan State.

Kordofan 2003 University

of Juba

University of


45 Nafisa Elsadig Badri Perception towards Remunerating the Unpaid Reproductive Labor.

Khartoum 2003 AUW AUW

46 Osharia Maohamed Elamin The Factors that Influence the Use Contraceptives among Working Women in West Kordofan.

kordofan 2003 Private INGO

47 Makelina Emilio Tibi Maku Factor that Influence the Use of Modern Family Planning Methods among Sudanese Couples

South 2003 UNFPA Southern


48 Zeinab Abbas Badawi Gender Sensitivity in Sudanese Labor and Employment Laws Working Women Views and Experiences

Khartoum 2003 Private EU

49 Lucia Peter Shallouma Factors Affecting Maternal Health among Nuba People. South 2003 UNFPA Passed

50 Fatma Jubran Ali . )٢٠٠٠- ١٩٩٩(السیاسیة للمرأة الیمنیة الفاعلیة Yemen 2003




Ministry of

Social Welfare

51 Maryam Malik Badri Women،s Symbol of National Identity a Case Study of Southern Women in Khartoum

Khartoum 2003 Private INGO AUW

52 Hind Babiker Hamza Women Participation in the Peace Talks. A case Study of Sudanese Women Empowerment for Peace Network (S U W E P)

Khartoum 2004 Private Company

53 Sara Ayak Edward Southern Women Political Participation Case Study: Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and Union of Sudan African Parties .

South 2004 Private Southern


54 Cangjwok Ajak Deng Marriage Customs in a Changing Context: Case Study of Shilluk in Jebel Aulia Displaced Camp.

South 2004 UNFPA Parliament

55 Huda Abo Mohamed دراسة حالة محفظة المرأة اتحاد عام(التمویل الصغیر و المرأة )المرأة السودانیة

Darfur 2004 UNFPA Government

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Name of the Students

Thesis Title


Date of



Place of


56 ٍ ◌Sonia A/ Aziz Malik The Legal Status of Female Genital Mutilation Under the Law Khartoum 2004 Private AUW

57 Nazik Ali Elrayah The Empowerment of Women through Micro Credit Finance Programs: Case Study Port-sudan Association for Micro Credit Finance (Pased)

East 2004 UNDP UNDP

58 Suhail Eisa Elfaki سیاسة الدولة و عألقتھا بانتشار الفقر.


Mountains 2005


59 Sara Gabrial Showka The Perception of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to Repatriation (Case Study Mayo Displacement Camp, Khartoum State )

South 2005 UNFPA AUW

60 Aisha Mohamed Mahmoud

دراسة مقارنة بین حزب األمة القومى و : مشاركة المرأةالسودانیة فى األحزاب السیاسیة.الحزب الشیوعى السودانى

East 2005 UNFPA NGO

61 Um-Elhussien Yassin Women and Work an Examination of How Women Manage their Triple Roles.

Khartoum 2005 Private NGO

62 Amani Saeid Abdeen دراسة حالة نساء جبال النوبة بمعسكر ود : الھجرة القسریة و أثارھا فى تغییر ادوار النوع


Nuba ٢٠٠5 UNFPA NGO

63 Nawal Mohamed Elfaki Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Maternal Mortality in Khartoum State

Khartoum 2005 Private Government

64 Lubna Mohamed Abdelaziz االثر االقتصادى لبرنامج مراكزتدریب الشباب على المرأة بوالیة سنار

Blue Nile 2006 UNFPA Government

65 Lucia Lawrence Ojwok The Constrictions and Needs of Women Farmer in Mechanized Rain Fed Agriculture Production. Case Study Errenk Locality

South 2006 UNFPA Government

66 Magda Abdalla Ibrahim Impact of Darfur Conflict on Women Traders.

Darfur 2006 INGO INGO

67 Jihad Ali Elshik سنة ٤٩-١٥(العوامل المؤثرة على استخدام الصحة االنجابیة(

Khartoum 2006 Private UN

68 Amani Hashim Elsayed Attitudes on Exportation of Sudanese Refugees in the Sherkole Camp in Western Ethiopia towards Repatriation.

Khartoum 2006 Private Out of


69 Manal Makki Suliman استراتیجیات تدریب القابالت القرویات و المعوقات التى تواجھن . Blue Nile 2006 UNFPA Government

70 Maha Merghani Musa Culture of Sexuality among Shulok Tribe Case Study Kassala


Mountains 2006



71 Rabab Ishag A. Al Mustafa Marriage of Sudanese Women and Men to Non- Sudanese Nuba

Mountains 2006 UNFPA UN

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Name of the Students

Thesis Title


Date of



Place of


72 Zahra H. Mansour Ahmed محلیة أمبدة، تسرب البنات واألوالد من الدراسة في وحدة دار السالم Darfur 2007 UNFPA Government

73 Mona Khalil Eltayeb Moh. Violence Facing Women in Court in Divorce Cases Khartoum 2006 Private Legal


74 Huda Bakri Hussain Elrufaai بالتطبیق علي .(ء السودانیات المسلمات لحقوقھن الزوجیة في الشریعة اإلسالمیةمفھوم النسا .)طالبات جامعة أمدرمان اإلسالمیة وجامعة األحفاد للبنات

Khartoum 2006 Private NGO

75 Amani Abd Elgadir Elbingawi The Attitudes of Islamist Women Activists Towards Women and Gender Studies

Darfur 2007 Private

76 Amuk Albino Akol Akol Financial Problem Facing Infertile Couples Seeking Assisted Pregnancy.(In Khartoum Fertility Centre)

South 2007 UNFPA Bahr Alghazal


77 Aysha Siddig Moh. Ahmed HIV/AIDS Stigma in Khartoum Khartoum 2007 UNFPA Ministry of

Social Welfare

78 Enssaf Abbas Musa Balanga جنوب كردفان(وعي المرأة المتعلمة بحقوقھا الدستوریة( Nuba

Mountains 2007



79 Rasha A Alla Moh. Sharief غرب دارفور(وعي المرأة السودانیة بحقوقھا الدستوریة( Darfur 2007 UNFPA Government in Darfur

80 Safia Massaad Moh. Elamin Educated Sudanese Women Knowledge on Women Rights in the Constitution. In Khartoum State

Khartoum 2007 Private INGO

81 Salma Moh. Sayed Mahgoub حالة قناة النیل األزرق. دور اإلعالم واإلعالمیات في تفعیل مرحلة السالم Khartoum 2007 Private Shiroog T.V

82 Tayseer Elnourani Mohamed ١٩٨٦-١٩٨٢دراسة تحلیلیة مقارنة -اإلنتخابات والنوع في السودان Khartoum 2007 Private Politician,

Government University

83 Yosra Mohammed Elmustafa Toward Antifemale Genital Mutilation (FGM) Policy in Sudan Khartoum 2008 Private

84 Fatima M. Lam Eldin والیة غرب دارفور(شكالت المرأة العاملة في مجال التجارة بأسواق مدینة الجنینة م( Darfur 2008 UNFPA Government

85 Sabah M. Adam تناول قضایا المرأة في الصحافة السودانیة Khartoum 2008 Private Journalist

86 Amot Francis Wol Challenges Facing Women Farmers in South Sudan (Case Study: El – Nasire Country)

South 2008 CORD AID South Bahr

Alghazal University

87 Amani Abdel Mageed Ali

Alsarraj Sudanese Women Owned Large Scale Enterprises: Opportunities and Perspectives

Khartoum 2008 Private Company

88 Nafisa Hammad Dafaala The Role of Azza Women Association in Empowering Displaced Women

Khartoum 2008 NGO NGO

89 Marlyn R. A. Ossome Southern Sudan Children between Socialization in Kenya and Reintegration in Sudan

Kenyan 2008 CMI - Norad


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Name of the Students

Thesis Title


Date of



Place of


90 Hanan Suliman Adam المرأة والفقر بمدینة نیاال Darfur 2008 CORD AID Government

91 Nadia A. Alla Hamdoun The Role of Credit on Gender Roles and Women Empowerment in the Agricultural Production (case study: South Kordofan Rural Development Program)

Kordofan 2008 CORD AID Government

92 Gihan Hassan Ahmed Mahgoub The Gender Dimension among Mobile Useers of the Zain Telecommunication Company in Sudan

khartoum 2009 Private Zain Sudan

93 Hanan Suliman Adam المرأة والفقر بمدینة نیاال Darfur 2009 CORD AID Government

94 Eveline Lawrence Jamba Barnaba Women's Awareness to their Constitutional Rights in Juba Juba 2009 CORD AID Government

95 Fathia Mohammed Osman Zakaria The Situation of Basic Education in Nomadic Societies from Gender Perspective: A Case Study of Nomads in Kapkabia Locality

Kordofan 2009 CORD AID Government

96 Atfa Abd Alla Mohammed Badri Discrepancies in Basic School Education, Khartoum State Omdurma

n 2009 Private Government

97 Mona A. Ghani Ahmed Saad Violence Against Adolescent Girls in Secondary Schools in Omdurman Locality

Khartoum 2009 Private NGO

98 Nabawia A. Rahman Harbi Gassour Homeless Girls in Omdurman Locality: Causes and Consequences Khartoum 2009 Private IDEA

99 Jawahir Musa Suliman Hassan The Domestic Violence among Displaced Women in North Darfur (Abushook Camp)

Darfur 2009 CORD AID Government

100 Farida Hassan Albana koko Gender Sensitive Budget Initiative in Sudan: Prospects and Constraints

Darfur 2009 CORD AID Ministry of

Social Welfare

101 Grace Severio Paul Jambu The Perception of Southern Sudanese Women about Self-

determination as Stipulated by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)

Juba 2009 CORD AID NGO


Tayseer Musa Rashad االثار االجتماعیة للفقر علي المرأة بجنوب الدمازین والیة النیل االزرق

Blue Nile 2009

CORD AID Ministry of



103 Fatima Abdelrahman Osman Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of University Students in Khartoum State towards HIV/AIDS

Khartoum 2009 Private NGO

104 Amani A. Mageid Ali A. Mageid Sudanese Women Owned Large Scale Enterprise, Opportunities and Perspectives

Khartoum 2009 Private NGO

105 Hanan Faisal Eltayb Hassan Women’s Awareness of the Constitution (River Nile State) Khartoum 2009 Private NGO

106 Asma Shams Eldeen Hassan Saeed Gender Sensitivity in Health Education Messages Darfur 2010 CORD AID Ministry of



Azahir Ahmed Elsaid Ahmed الحرمان من التعلیم في منطقة شمقتا : العنف ضد المرأة بوالیة شمال كردفان

Darfur 2010

CORD AID Government

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NO Name of the Students Thesis Title Region Date of


Sponsor Place of


108 Suada Mohammed Yagoub Zariba

األداء البرلماني للمرأة بوالیة جنوب دارفور في الفترة من ٢٠٠٨ – ١٩٩٥

Darfur 2010

CORD AID Nyala University

109 Anna Mussener “Sudanese. That’s it” Explorations into the dynamics of ethnic identity Germany 2010 Private

110 Najat Mohammed Salih Abdelmuti

Sudanese Women Parliamentarian Contribution to the Advancement of Women Status in Sudan (2005 – 2006)

Khartoum 2010 Private NGO

111 Aisha Mohamed Jama Msc. GAD By courses

Kassala 2010 Macro-micro Project


112 Amira Ismail Saeed Elnour Msc. GAD By courses

Darfur 2010 Macro-micro Project


113 Nagla Idris Hassan


Msc. GAD By courses Darfur 2010

Macro-micro Project

Ministry of Higher

Education 114 Selma Elsanosi Abdel Hadi Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2010 Private NGO

115 Hadia Mohammed Hassaballa Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2010 Private AUW

116 Afaf Ibrahim Abd Elfadeel Msc. GAPs By courses

Khartoum 2010 Private Ministry of

Youth and Sport

117 Areeg Shams Alden Mohamed Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private NGO

118 Haifa Yahia Mohamoud Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private NGO

119 Khadija Ali Omer Siror Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private NGO

120 Kokab Elnour Eltieb Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private Police Officer

121 Nawal Abdel Halim Mukhtar


Msc. GAPs By courses khartoum 2010

Private Lawyer

122 Raja Gouluf Jennis Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private Private School

123 Sara Mekki Hassan Abbo Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2010 Private UNHCR

123 Zeinab Tahir Salih Msc. GAPs By courses

Kassala 2010 Macro-micro Project


124 Afaf Mustafa Ali Amin Msc. GAPs By courses Port Sudan 2011 Private Teacher

125 Anna Kristina Luhrmann Msc. GAPs By courses German 2011 Private UNDP

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126 Hadia Allah Gabou Faddal Nimir Msc. GAPs By courses S. Kordofan 2011 Private

127 Hiba Suliman M. Saad Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

128 Israa Abdelmoneim Awidaa Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private Cambridge

129 Lesley Lowe Msc. GAPs By courses USA 2011 Private

130 Manal Mohamed Hamed


Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum

2011 Private

131 Manar Abdu Hashim Hamdallah Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

132 Afaf Mustafa Ali Amin Msc. GAPs By courses PortSudan 2011 Private

133 Aida Bashir Altigani Hamed Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private Teacher

134 Arwa A.Rahman A.Raouf Alkhangi

Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private RIG/DPR AUW

135 Asha Hamad Mohamed Humad

Msc. GAD By courses Port Sudan 2011 Private UNDP

136 Maisoon Abuabdalla Elbukhari Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private UNDP

136 Sana Ahmed Abd Elgalil Abuzaid

Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

137 Shama Elkhalifa Mekki Arabi Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private UNDP

138 Siham Sid Ahmed Mohamed Kheir

Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

139 Amira Babeker Ahmed


Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum

2011 Private

140 Azza Eltigani El Tayeb


Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum

2011 Private

141 Fatima Mohamed Elagib

Ahmed Taha

Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum

2011 Private

142 Malka elder Absher Msc. GAD By courses Kassala 2011 Private UNDP

143 Monica Sabino Madut Acho Msc. GAD By courses Juba 2011 CMI - Norad

144 Nagia Eltayeb Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

145 Noon Sharff Ali Gigir Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

146 Sanaa Mohammed Msc. GAD By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

147 Afaf Ali Mohamed Babikir Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

148 Amal Sirag Eldin Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

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149 Badria Hussein Aboud El Safi Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

150 Bina Jackson Lujang Msc. GAPs By courses Juba 2011 Private

151 Ghada Salah Hassan Mattar Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private

152 Yosra Fuad Akasha Sabir Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum 2011 Private MOH

153 Zienab Mustafa Hemidan


Msc. GAPs By courses Khartoum

2011 Private Lawyer

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Name of the Students, Region, Date of Graduation, Sponsor, Place of Work of the Diploma Graduates

NO Name of the Students Region Date of


Sponsor Place of


1 Ann Grace Victor Juba 2004 UNFPA WFP

2 Samara Nicola Nuba

Mountains 2007 UNFPA IFAD

3 Khalda Daw Elbeat Darfur 2007

UNFPA Ministry of Finance – Western Darfur

4 Rose Piter Mabiel Juba 2007 UNFPA Upper Nile University

5 Viegientiemalla Ahmed

Mohamed Khartoum 2007


6 Sara Mohammed Ahmed

Alageed Khartoum 2007

Private Housewife

7 Rana Mahmoud Salih

Ghandour Khartoum 2007

Private Housewife

8 Lubna A. Hafeiz Fath Gazira 2007 Private University of Gazira

9 Nawal Mohamed Musa Darfur 2008 CORD AID Government

10 Amal Hashim Algack Fragalla Khartoum 2009 Private NGO

11 Rehab Maisara Hassan Khartoum 2009 Private UN

12 Amira Mohammed Khairy Mohamed khartoum 2009 Private Egypt

13 Selma Mohammed Abdel

Razig Eltwem Darfur 2010

Private Government