Professor Geoffrey Lipman President ICTP Driving Competitiveness.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman President ICTP Driving Competitiveness

Transcript of Professor Geoffrey Lipman President ICTP Driving Competitiveness.

Professor Geoffrey LipmanPresident ICTP

Driving Competitiveness

“To provide a comprehensive strategic tool for measuring the factors and policies that make it attractive to develop the T&T sector in different countries.

The results can be used by all stakeholders to work together to improve industry competitiveness in their national economies, thereby contributing to national growth and prosperity.”

Klaus Schwab

• Comparisons against norms

• Urgent policy action & investment

• Key strategic challenges

• Issues for critical attention

Infrastructure• Aviation• Ground • Tourism • ICT Price

Human resources

Affinity for T&T

Natural resources

Cultural resources

Climate Change



Safety& Security

Health & Hygiene


– Developing countries rank way below developed

– Tunisia at 47 Mauritius at 53 and South Africa at 66 are the only African countries in the top half of the index.

– Africa as a whole is generally in the bottom half of the index and the average result clusters around 118 of 139

– North Africa outperforms Sub Saharan Africa

– You also score high marks in terms of price competitiveness (37th) and your propensity to recognize T&T as an important part of the socio-economic fabric (43)

– In terms of Infrastructure South Africa is generally around the middle of the overall index but a higher 48th in terms of aviation. But these figures fail to reflect the 2010 World Cup investments.

– Stronger performances in the policy and regulatory area - Tunisia at 23, Mauritius at 27 and South Africa at 31 are the leaders.

– Even more so in terms of Environmental Sustainability. Sub-Saharan region ranks high with strong conservation policies.

– 14 African countries in top 50 in this pillar with South Africa ranking 48th as well as an even more significant 14th in the related area of natural resources.

– At the same time the health & hygiene, as well as safety and security components are very weak across sub-Saharan Africa.

– In the former South Africa slips to the third quartile and in the later to a very low ranking in the bottom 10. In fact 18 of 35 African countries are ranked lower than 100 in this area.

– South Africa also has much ground to make up in terms of human resource development

South South

Top 20 by 2020“Green Growth”