Professional Services @ Al-Arab Rajasthan

Specialist in Overseas Manpower Recruitment India | Nepal | Bangladesh | Philippines | Pakistan Approved by Government of India L C A H B A R L E L V E N N O G N E A Al-Arab Rajasthan [License No-B-0709/RAJ/PART/1000+/5/9036/2013] [Since 1996]

Transcript of Professional Services @ Al-Arab Rajasthan

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Specialist in Overseas Manpower RecruitmentIndia | Nepal | Bangladesh | Philippines | Pakistan

Approved by Government of India


Al-Arab Rajasthan[License No-B-0709/RAJ/PART/ 1000+/5/9036/2013]

[Since 1996]

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From Chairman’s Desk

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We promise • To work in close coordina!on with our clients for their global execu!ve search requirements

• To provide value-added exper!se during and a"er every assignment

• To execute each and every assignment diligently and with integrity

• To adhere to the strict norms of the client's work culture and their code of ethics

• To thoroughly check short-listed candidates' diligence

• To treat each and every client respec#ully

Our PhilosophyWe believe in people, their abili!es , their poten!al , their strengths , their achievements and excellence

and it is this philosophy with which we work for the be$er result . Following this philosophy we search for

the right kind of candidate for the right job .

Best Regards!

Sultan Khan (Chairman)

Service QualityAt AL Arab Rajasthan, service quality is our top priority. We have

adopted interna!onal prac!ces and methodologies to ensure

!mely and successful execu!ve search. We u!lize the in depth

market knowledge and do comprehensive research in providing

the best solu!on to our customers.

We give prime emphasis to R & D that helps in building a cohesive

professional group covering a wide spectrum of industrial

prac!ces. Commi$ed to !mely and efficient execu!on of

assignments, we focus on the significance of excellent human

capital to produce sustained growth and profits round the year.

Our CommitmentsAt AL Arab Rajasthan, we are commi$ed to build outstanding

management teams for our clients to compete in the global

market. We provide the perfect match and solu!ons for the human resource needs of our clients through

long-term client rela!onships built on experience, insight and teamwork.

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Managing Director’s Message

As a company, we believe in people power. I feel that employees are the most

valuable asset of any company and they need to be selected, maintained and

retained by employing best available resources in any organiza!on.

A"er spending decades in the industry as an HR professional, I took a decision to

create a world-class organiza!on to support professional companies in selec!ng the

most important asset by employing best resources in the market.

It requires good infrastructure, professionalism, a well-integrated system and world-

class technology to partner with companies and candidates. Thus, we are commi$ed

towards regularly inves!ng in and upgrading the aforemen!oned resources.

Me and my team of professional staff are dedicated towards servicing our valuable

clients and candidates, and helping them meet each others requirements and goals -

short-term and long-term.

We are in the business of effec!vely understanding your manpower requirements,

procuring the candidate with the desired profile and building trus!ng rela!onships.

With our industry exper!se, we understand that company's today require more than

a skilled candidate; they reach for employees who are produc!ve, exhibit a posi!ve

a*tude and have the ability to become a member of their team.

Apart from tradi!onal prac!ces to source candidates (like adver!sing in newspapers), we also incorporate innova!ve means to procure

right professionals. Our experts leverage the power of technology-based recruitment and focus on online media to make sure that our

clients receive the most suitable candidates for their organiza!on.

Our Business Approach : Our systema!c and streamlined methodology of recruitment helps to provide apt manpower according to the Client's requirement at

the s!pulated !me. We have qualified and efficient staff for tes!ng, interviewing and assessment. The selec!on process are handled by

people with immense knowledge and experience in the relevant field, enabling us to tackle your requisi!on promptly.

Our Search Methods : Our methods of handling the search for a candidate are tailored to specific circumstances. Keeping in mind the considera!ons like

industry-specific skills and the loca!on of such talent, we shortlist the candidates. The geographic scope of the search is agreed upon

with our client, based on their work values.

Our Work Process : We pro ac!vely tap the market for excellent candidates. Once the candidates have been iden!fied, we conduct in-depth interviews with

each individual, and obtain detailed informa!on (on topics such as educa!onal background, experience, job history, career goals,

personality traits, compensa!on etc)

Our Team and Infrastructure : We are equipped with powerful integrated recruitment technologies and have a team of seasoned expert recruiters. We have all the

latest facili!es in the areas of communica!on, frequent transport etc, leading to expedi!on of the en!re process.

Addi!onally, all our recruiters have significant management experience. For most of the posts, they have "been there and seen it all".

They understand the job requirement completely and appreciate that it is the human resource that forms the backbone of an

organiza!on's success.

Mahadev Singh Shekhawat

Directora l a r a b m a n p o w e r . c o m

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About Our Mentor andDirector-Recruitment - Mr. Arif KaziWe channelize our efforts under the astute leadership of Mr. Arif Kazi (Director-Recruitment), a Management Graduate from M. S. University of Baroda. Gujrat, having Diploma in Industrial & Business Management. Having twenty years experience as a Director in Recruitment Consultants Al-Arab Rajasthan [Since 1996], he has travelled extensively to UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia regarding manpower consultancy and recruitment. He has brought complete professional approach in recruitment and mastered the art of handwri!ng analysis (Graphology) and Body Language though which he can select the right candidate suitable for a par!cular job.

Exper"se in :

� Client's Servicing

� Supervision of Scru"nizing & Interviews

� Addi"onal Job Responsibili"es

ª Sourcing Top Companies- Professionally well-established, financially sound, demanding products or services.

ª Studying Client's nature of business, Products, Branches, annual turnover, exis!ng number of employees, culture, prospects of growth etc.

ª Iden!fying & studying the exact requirement of the Client, Nature of Job, Place of Job, Whom to report, Skills Preferred / essen!al, CTC etc.

ª Inspect the Shortlisted Cvs scru!nized by the team. Shortlisted preference wise list of candidates. Interac!ng with prospec!ve candidates-know their present job profile, designa!on, CTC etc as required, ask about CTC expecta!on. In case of specific requirement, head hun!ng, loca!ng and nego!a!ng salary & Perks.

ª Inspect the arrangement of Prelim and Final Interview scheduled by the Team with the Client. No!ng Family background, Culture, Body Language, Sincerity, A*tude, Management Concepts- POSCORB, in-depth knowledge of exper!se, job profile required / essen!al / preferred, Qualifica!on, CTC rise expecta!on.

ª Ensure 100% a$endance for Interviews / Trade Tests.

ª Feedback a"er Interviews / Trade Tests.

ª Train Recruitment Execu!ves. Prepared a training Manual for Recruitment execu!ves. Arranging Conferences, Seminars in Technical Ins!tutes, Colleges, management Ins!tutes to build prospec!ve database of candidates. Dra" News paper adver!sements, Applica!on Formats, Ques!onnaires etc.

ª Keeping Track record over a$endance at the !me of Interview, Feedback, Tenta!ve date of joining of candidates, No!ce period required to join, Candidates joined.

ª Develop Suppor!ng Staff, Work Simplifica!on, Evaluate Performance at work, Develop posi!ve a*tude, Self Mo!va!on, Caring Nature, Co-opera!on in Stress.

ª Train Recruitment Execu!ves for Bulk Hiring / Project Hiring, Head Hun!ng, Scru!nizing through Job Portals etc.

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� Response !me a"er sharing the requirement is 24 - 48 hours

� 75 - 80 % Accuracy (profile matching with the requirement)

� Customer sa!sfac!on Index should be 3.5 - 4.0 out of 5

Our Objec"ves:

� Engineering & Technical- Projects, Produc!on ,Maintenance ,QC.

� Construc!on – Project managers , Civil engineers, Structural engineers, Architects,

Design engineers, Skilled & Unskilled workers.

� Pharma/Medical sector –B. Pharma/ M Pharma/ MBBS/ MD Biotechnologists

/Microbiologist / Medical Representa!ves.

� Banking sector

� Power sector – Power genera!on / Power transmission / Wind power project.

� Telecom sector –engineers

� I T – So"ware , Hardware , Graphics

� Oil & Gas

� Super market /Retail – Floor supervisors , Stores, Warehouse , Logis!cs.


Posi"ons Catered

We are a professionally managed human resources & staffing Solu!ons Company for last

19 years providing organiza!ons with solu!on & services to meet their workforce needs

across India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines.

We have nineteen plus years of management experience in providing recruitment,

staffing, assessment & selec!on services with opera!ons across India with H.O

Rajasthan. We aim to be a partner of choice for our clients.

We help our customers to locate the best talent, enabling them to retain their

compe!!ve edge & sharpen their focus on core strengths. We strive hard to find the

right employees with the right skill to meet our clients' needs.

At AL-ARAB RAJASTHAN, we have successfully put to work hundreds of employees

annually through two business divisions, Professional services and Staffing services.

We work hard and strive to be the benchmark in providing quality employment


Our professionally trained & experienced placement consultants have combined

competency for diverse industrial & func!onal areas such as :

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We at Al-Arab Rajasthan has a well- experienced team of 12 recruiters

& we work hardly in ensuring that our people have the knowledge,

skills & resources to provide service over & above expecta"on & we are

always looking for people with mo"va"on, drive & zest to join our

thriving enterprise.

Team Strength: 12 HR & Marke!ng Professionals and 40 consultants with experience in different industry segments.“

Priori"es - We believe in knowledge


A very clear understanding of the requirement. Our focus is to provide exactly the same kind of profiles what client is looking for.

Customer Sa"sfac"on - Most Important

• It is our constant endeavour to provide the most suitable candidates within the shortest !me.

• We believe in long term rela!onship with all our clients.• Clients' interest is our interest for each requirement we work on.

Objec"ve : Want to be in Next 5years

• Leading manpower consultant for automobile industry• To be in the top 10 companies in Manpower Consultant for IT industry• To launch a successful online so"ware• Step in towards global market.

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We believe in knowledge

� 100% client sa"sfac"on

� Ethical business

� confiden"ality

� Transparency

� Long term rela"onship


Ø Nineteen plus years of experience in serving Large , Local & Mul!na!onal companies.

Ø Ability to source talent globally with opera!on in India , UAE, Saudia Arabia, Doha Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Europe & African countries wide networking across all industries.

Ø Professionally run & managed.

Ø Technical screening.

Ø Assessment centers / Trade Test centers.

Ø Strong understa!ng of what clients want ; we listen to you & provide solu!ons you need, accurate assessment.

Ø Neither too small nor too big , hence we are agile and flexible.

Ø Single window staffing solu!ons.

Ø Large pre screened talent pool , Facilitates manpower projec!ons for future period.

Ø Guaranteed quality, turnaround !me & excellent mapping.

Ø System & Processes driven.

Ø Technology & Infrastructure being updated on a constant basis.

Ø Fully computerized & networked en!rely in order to provide our client the best and prompt services.

Ø Keeping track of recruitment ac!vi!es daily .

Ø Applicant verifica!on

Ø Preference wise compara!ve chart of all short listed candidates according to the evalua!on which leads to easy process for selec!on.

Ø 80% accuracy of profile matching.

Ø Response !me a"er sharing the requirement is 24-48 hours.

Ø Customer sa!sfac!on index should be 3.5-4.0 out of 5.

Ø Reference checks before the offer is made.

Ø Tie-ups with well-reputed management as well as engineering ins!tutes for fresher's recruitment.

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ª Database Selec"on

Over the years we have built high quality proprietary database, which helps us in

differen!a!ng the quality of profiles proposed by us.

ª Mass Hiring

This service offering is well suited for team based hiring, and targeted for large customers.

Under this unique service offering we take the complete responsibility of hiring en!re

team in !me bound delivery schedules.

ª Adver"sed Selec"on

This service objec!ve is to reach a wide base of talent with varied skill set. Our services

cover designing the campaign, doing cost benefit analysis, analyzing the response, short-

lis!ng the appropriate candidates, arranging interviews, extending the offer to selected

candidates and genera!ng the final report.

ª Execu"ve Search

This search focuses on middle and senior level posi!ons and iden!fies candidates in key

posi!ons and niche areas through the process of head hun!ng and intensive networking in

the industry. We have an exclusive database of professionals in all key sector areas.

Professional Services @ Al-Arab Rajasthan

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Addi"onal services

@ Al-Arab Rajasthan


ª Employee Referral Check Hire With Confidence is the credo of our Employee Referral Checking Services. We offer a comprehensive list of pre and post employment background checks and verifica!on services to help companies screen applicants. We offer the flexibility of ordering services individually establishing a standard screening program, which our experienced staff can help you design.

ª Our process screens applicants or exis!ng employees for the following:

ª Current address and one previous address if any, with contact numbers.

ª Permanent address and contact numbers.

ª Driving License, and Permanent Account Number records.

ª Past employment verifica!on (upto two previous employment).

ª Educa!onal cer!fica!on verifica!on.

ª Referral check with references suggested by applicant or exis!ng employee.

ª We assure you of reliable and comprehensive screening services with fast turnaround and accurate reports

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Few Esteemed Clients in UAE

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ª M/s All New Gypsum & Marble Products LLC [ANGMP] Dubai

ª M/s Al Hamad Group, Sharjahi

ª M/s Naresco Contrac"ng LLC. Dubai

ª M/s Aliyas Land Transport LLC. Dubai

ª M/s Aliyas Bus Rental LLC. Dubai

ª M/s Asgar Ali Yusuf Trading LLC. Sharjahi

ª M/s Elster Industries LLC. Sharjah

ª M/s Euro Pack Trading Est Ltd.

ª M/s Mul" Trade Limited FZC [MTL]

ª M/s AL Salem Group.

ª M/s Neelkamal Plas"cs Factory

ª M/s Fujairah Plas"c Factory

ª M/s ALSharq flexible Packaging Industries

ª M/s Al Mansoor Group - Abu Dhabi

Few Esteemed Clients in QATARª M/s Hamad Bin Khalid Contrac"ng Company W.L.L [HBK]

ª M/s Midland Environment Engineering W.L.L

ª M/s Qatar Trading & Contrac"ng Group (QTCG)

Few Esteemed Clients in OMANª M/s Oman Trading Establishment LLC [OTE Group]

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Selec"on Process for candidates

ª Al-Arab Rajasthan as a join nature are dedicated to fulfill all the categories of clients

right from Senior most, Middle management, Junior as well as skilled & unskilled

workers across India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippines & Pakistan.

ª Own Updated Databank of Poten!al Candidates + Adver!sements + Network across

countries + 40 Consultants + Job Portals.

ª Pre-screened by Telephonic / Skype / Personal Interview.

ª To fill up their Ques!onnaire / Trade Test.

ª Prepare Preference wise compara!ve chart of Prospec!ve candidates.

ª Final Interview by employer.

ª Nego!a!on of Salary.

Unique Selling Product

ª Firstly we make it a point to understand Company Culture, The Job descrip!on,

Essen!al, Relevant and Preferred Skills, Educa!onal Qualifica!ons, Age Group of

Candidates and The Compensa!on range.

ª Secondly we deliver a"er intense Professional scru!ny, validate profiles of

Candidates to Companies for their opinions and on the basis of the feedback given

we facilitate the interview process as well as assist for nego!a!ons and counselling

with prospec!ve employees if necessary.

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Demand Le*ers

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Contact Us @

Mr. Arif KaziDirector-Recruitment [Middle East]

UAE : +971-566418518

India : +91-9601484428

Mr. Mahadev SinghManaging Director

India : +91-9829184567 | UAE : +971564535517

Regd. Office :

AL-Arab RajasthanWard No. 12, Near Bus Stand, V.P.O.

Bissau, Dist Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan - 331027 (India)

T. : +91-1595-264421 | E. : [email protected], [email protected]

Head Office :

AL-Arab Rajasthan1/77 Dinkar Apartment, Opp. Chitarkut Stadium,

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur - 302021 (India)

E. : [email protected] | [email protected]





