Professional Practice 2

Establishing professional practice Week 2 Monday, 24 th September 2012. Rebecca Reeves Font size <> + shift and Ctrl changed Uploading to ISSUU to view work easier. Selecting the correct type of file and create tags allows it to be easily found.


week 2 for professional practice

Transcript of Professional Practice 2

Establishing professional practice Week 2 Monday, 24th September 2012. Rebecca Reeves

Font size <> + shift and Ctrl changed

Uploading to ISSUU to view work easier. Selecting the correct type of file and create tags allows it to be easily found.

Very easy to access this way, by selecting your file from your library and clicking ‘read’

Trying to find out how to create links within the file on ISSUU.

Creating links within ISSUU.

Highlight the text, then right click and select ‘create link’ when on the option below you can then scroll down your document and select a page and press ‘set link’. This then creates a ‘content’ link. To create contents pages and organisation within the file.

Then upload the ISSUU and they should recognise the link.

Creating a contact sheet

Change the page settings for A3, and check pixels/inch. Find out page size according to the size you want. Above is A3. Remove flattened layers which then allow you to move the images round.

Change accordingly

Remember to change this accordingly as it affects the size of the images on

the contact sheet.

Then add the file folder required. The contact sheet is shown below.

To move the images around then click the top mouse button. To change the image moving I then need to change the layer selected on the right hand side. Or I can click on auto select on the tool bar at the top.

Auto select button, to move and change order

Ctrl + T = transform tool, to then adapt size. (Enter to complete) to keep the accuracy when transforming the image so it doesn’t distort you then need to press down shift at the same time.

Creating tilt shift on an image

You can then create multiple focus points, and adjust the areas accordingly.

Below I adjusted the colour and light on the tool bar on the right hand side, increasing the intensity of both.

After completing the main affect I have adjusted the contrast, and the saturation using the edit – adjustments drop down menu.

Here is the final animated affect image.