Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council...

Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee – FY 2014 Year End Report The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met in person in September and October of 2013. The remaining items were handled via email. The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two individuals concerned with the salaries of those at the bottom of their pay scale. As new employees come in, they also get the same salary as those who have worked for some time since both are at the “minimum” pay allowed. As such, they felt there was little reward for years of service. The committee discussed at length their issue and those of several others. Of primary concern is the positioning of UNI as an “entry-level” or “revolving door” employer—where the only employees attracted are those needing applicable job experience. The individuals bringing the concern to the committee were referred to the President and Vice President of the Council, and their concerns were brought to the attention of the full council. As recommended in the 2013 survey results, the committee researched dental, vision, and wellness benefits of peer institutions and local employers. The results of this research are attached to this report. UNI’s plans were generally equivalent or better than the others reviewed. Also recommended in the 2013 survey results was information on the optional 3 to 1 conversion of sick leave to vacation. The 3 to 1 ratio is rooted in state law (Iowa Code § 70A.1) and in turn by BOR policies and UNI policies. Essentially, a sick day is worth 3 times more as a sick day than as a vacation day. The committee believes this ratio benefits the university community by encouraging people to take sick leave when necessary, rather than trying to accumulate maximum vacation days. Select members of the committee and the P&S Council met with Human Resource Services to discuss the wage matrix and job board. HRS changed language on the wage matrix to clarify the purpose of the matrix. HRS also will now publish the expected salary ranges on the job board to assist applicants in the decision process. However, there was agreement that the entire wage matrix and classification system is in need of review and substantial modifications. Via email, the committee discussed recommendations on how the salary increases should be distributed. A recommendation was made to the P&S Council to have 1% distributed across-the-board and 1.25% distributed based on meritorious performance. The recommendation was approved by the P&S Council and sent to the President where it was also approved. The committee also received a letter from the president on the distribution of individual salary adjustments, which is attached to this report. Prepared by Eric Lukens, Chair Members: Melanie Abbas, Mike Bobeldyk, Chris Conklin, Matt Copp, Nadia Korobova, Eric Lukens, Nevin Nolte, Paula Vanzee, Cindy Webb Attachments: 1. Research regarding vision, dental, and wellness benefits. 2. Salary Increase Recommendation letter to Pres. Ruud 3. Salary Increase Recommendation Response from Pres. Ruud 4. Individual Salary Adjustments Letter from Pres. Ruud

Transcript of Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council...

Page 1: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

Professional and Scientific Council

Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee – FY 2014 Year End Report

The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met in person in September and October of 2013. The remaining items were

handled via email.

The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two individuals concerned with the salaries of those at the bottom of

their pay scale. As new employees come in, they also get the same salary as those who have worked for some time since

both are at the “minimum” pay allowed. As such, they felt there was little reward for years of service. The committee

discussed at length their issue and those of several others. Of primary concern is the positioning of UNI as an “entry-level”

or “revolving door” employer—where the only employees attracted are those needing applicable job experience. The

individuals bringing the concern to the committee were referred to the President and Vice President of the Council, and

their concerns were brought to the attention of the full council.

As recommended in the 2013 survey results, the committee researched dental, vision, and wellness benefits of peer

institutions and local employers. The results of this research are attached to this report. UNI’s plans were generally

equivalent or better than the others reviewed.

Also recommended in the 2013 survey results was information on the optional 3 to 1 conversion of sick leave to vacation.

The 3 to 1 ratio is rooted in state law (Iowa Code § 70A.1) and in turn by BOR policies and UNI policies. Essentially, a sick

day is worth 3 times more as a sick day than as a vacation day. The committee believes this ratio benefits the university

community by encouraging people to take sick leave when necessary, rather than trying to accumulate maximum vacation


Select members of the committee and the P&S Council met with Human Resource Services to discuss the wage matrix and

job board. HRS changed language on the wage matrix to clarify the purpose of the matrix. HRS also will now publish the

expected salary ranges on the job board to assist applicants in the decision process. However, there was agreement that

the entire wage matrix and classification system is in need of review and substantial modifications.

Via email, the committee discussed recommendations on how the salary increases should be distributed. A

recommendation was made to the P&S Council to have 1% distributed across-the-board and 1.25% distributed based on

meritorious performance. The recommendation was approved by the P&S Council and sent to the President where it was

also approved. The committee also received a letter from the president on the distribution of individual salary

adjustments, which is attached to this report.

Prepared by Eric Lukens, Chair

Members: Melanie Abbas, Mike Bobeldyk, Chris Conklin, Matt Copp, Nadia Korobova, Eric Lukens, Nevin Nolte, Paula

Vanzee, Cindy Webb


1. Research regarding vision, dental, and wellness benefits.

2. Salary Increase Recommendation letter to Pres. Ruud

3. Salary Increase Recommendation Response from Pres. Ruud

4. Individual Salary Adjustments Letter from Pres. Ruud

Page 2: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee has researched certain benefits in response to last year’s

survey and compared them to local employers and peer institutions. Generally, the findings have been

very positive.

The committee compared UNI’s P&S dental and vision plans to some peer institutions and local

employers. Survey results have indicated some levels of dissatisfaction with the coverage offered by the

dental and vision plans. UNI’s plans were generally equivalent or better than the others reviewed. A PDF

is attached to this post showing the results.

The Salary and Fringe Benefits committee also compared UNI’s non-insurance health benefits and

incentives to other large employers in the Cedar Valley. UNI generally provides more overall benefits.

Some employers offer better discounts or access to fitness centers. A PDF is attached to this post

showing the results.

Other Benefits P&S employees have raised concerns regarding the 3 to 1 ratio for conversion of sick leave to vacation.

The 3 to 1 ratio is rooted in state law (Iowa Code § 70A.1) and in turn by BOR policies and UNI policies.

Essentially, a sick day is worth 3 times more as a sick day than as a vacation day. We believe that this

ratio benefits the university community by encouraging people to take sick leave when necessary, rather

than trying to accumulate maximum vacation days.

Many P&S employees are not aware of all the benefits offered. HRS maintains a complete list of benefits

for UNI employees here. We recommend reviewing this page to make sure you are aware of all of the

various benefits. P&S Benefits are found in the right column on that HRS page.

The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee will continue to review other benefits. Do not hesitate to

contact us with any questions or to discuss these benefits in detail. Contact the committee chair

at [email protected].

DISCLAIMER: Much of this data was gathered by contacting the other employers. As such, errors and

omissions are possible and benefits may have changed since they were contacted. If you are aware of

any issues, please let us know.

Page 3: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

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Page 5: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

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Data gathered Fall 2013

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Data gathered Fall 2013

Page 7: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

April 10, 2014

President William Ruud

Seerley 20

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0705

Dear President Ruud:

The P&S Council would like to make the following recommendation for the allocation of the 2.25% salary

increases for fiscal year 2015:

A salary increase of 1% shall be allocated across-the-board only to those P&S employees that

have been rated “meets expectations” and above. An additional salary increase of 1.25% shall

be allocated on the basis of meritorious job performance for employees rated “meets

expectations” and above.

The 1% across-the-board portion shall be fully distributed in the July 1, 2014 salary increase


The remaining 1.25% meritorious portion shall be distributed in the July 1, 2014 salary

increase process.

We would request that any money taken “off the top” for individual salary adjustments by

division be limited to 0.25% and taken from the meritorious portion of the increase. As

indicated in the 2013 P&S benefits survey, there is a strong desire to make sure these

individual salary adjustments are handled fairly and transparently. Therefore, the Council

requests a report with information from each division stating how much was allocated and

how many P&S staff benefited.

We request your endorsement of this proposal and ask you to forward the recommendation to those

individuals responsible for determining individual salary increases. Please feel free to contact us if you

have any questions.


Eric Lukens

P&S Council Salary and Fringe Benefits

Committee Chair

Jean Wiesley

P&S Council President

Cc: Bill Calhoun, UNI Cabinet

Michelle Byers, Director of Human Resource Services

P&S Council Members

Page 8: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

Office of the President

Jean Wiesley P&S Council President Assistant Director of Residence Administrative Services RDC 110 0252

Eric Lukens P &SCouncil Salary and Fringe Benefits

Committee Chair IT Security Policy & Risk Assessment Analyst CBB 15 0121

Dear Jean and Eric,

April 24, 2014

University of Northern Iowa

My thanks to you and all the members of the Professional and Scientific Council for your leadership and service. Your commitment to excellence, professional development and leadership is valued and is important to the university community.

I welcome the P&S Council's recommendation regarding the distribution of funds available for salary increases (1 % to be distributed across-the-board only to P&S employees that have been rated satisfactory or above, and the remaining 1.25% to be distributed based on meritorious performance). I endorse this recommendation for distributing FY15 P&S employee salary increases.

You have also proposed that if money is to be reserved by Division Vice Presidents for salary adjustments, that a maximum of .25% be used from the meritorious portion pool of funds. I also endorse this and will indicate to the Vice Presidents that they have the option to withhold a maximum of .25% from the meritorious pool of funds to distribute for equity or meritorious performance to P&S employees. Further, I will ask the Vice Presidents to provide a report stating the amount of funds that have been used for that purpose. I am confident that the Vice Presidents will use their discretion to administer salary adjustments in an equitable manner to retain outstanding employees.

Again, thank you for your leadership and service. I have enjoyed working with the P&S Council during my first year at UNI. I wish each of you continued success in the future .

illiam N. Ruud, Ph.D. President

ec: via email only Executive Management Team Michelle Byers, Director of Human Resource Services

20 Seerley Hall• Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0705 •Phone: 319-273-2566 • Fax: 319-273-6494

Page 9: Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... · Professional and Scientific Council Salary and Fringe ... The Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee met with two ... indicated

Office of the President

Jean Wiesley P&S Council President RDC 110 0252

Eric Lukens P&S Council Salary and Fringe Benefits

Committee Chair CBB 15 0121

Dear Jean and Eric,

June 27, 2014

University of Northern Iowa

As follow up to your April 10, 2014, letter regarding the distribution of the 2.25% salary increase, a salary increase of 1 % was allocated to employees who had performance reviews with a rating of "meets expectations and above." Also, an additional salary increase of 1.25% was allocated on the basis of meritorious job performance for employees rated "meet expectations and above."

Per your recommendation that I agreed to, if any money was taken "off the top" for individual salary adjustments by a division, it would be limited to .25% and the funds would be taken from the meritorious portion of the increase.

The following is a summary of each division and the amount of funds taken "off the top" from the meritorious portion of the increase, and the number of staff impacted.

• President's = $0 • Academic Affairs = $0 • Administration & Financial Services = $0 • Student Affairs= $4,034 (.125%) for 7 staff • Advancement = $0

If you have any questions regarding this information please let me know. Thank you for your leadership and service, and I look forward to working with both of you and the entire P&S Council in the future.

ec: via email only Michelle Byers, Human Resource Services Director Gloria Gibson, Executive Vice President & Provost Terry Hogan, Vice President for Student Affairs

lliam N. Ruud, Ph.D. President

Michael Hager, Vice President for Administration & Financial Services Bill Calhoun, Vice President for University Advancement

20 Seerley Hall• Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0705 •Phone: 319-273-2566 •Fax: 319-273-6494