1120 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 23 NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2005 Automated evaporator-concentrator The DryVap automated concentrator system from Horizon is designed to combine Kud- erna-Danish concentration, nitrogen blow down, and drying of organic solvents into one step with precision and accuracy for GC and GC–MS analyses. According to the com- pany, the bench-top system uses a separa- tion membrane that automatically dries sol- vents in seconds and that concentrates solvent volumes of 2–200 mL to precisely 0.9 mL in less than 30 min. Horizon Technol- ogy, Inc., Salem, NH. Circle 100 Chromatography refrigerators Marvel’s chromatography refrigerators fea- ture access ports and precise temperature control. The refrigerators are available in under-the-counter and larger one- or two- door models. Model 6CHR features 173 L of space, a clear tempered glass door, a single- access port, and a microprocessor-based temperature control system. Models 21CHR and 42CHR provide 595 L and 1218 L of chamber space, respectively, and feature vapor-proof duplex outlets. Marvel Scien- tific, Richmond, IN. Circle 104 PRODUCTS PRODUCTS Software Waters' Empower 2 chromatography data management software is designed to acquire, manage, process, report, and dis- tribute data. The software includes data and system management tools and is integrated with the company's NuGenesis SDMS and eLab Notebook software. According to the company, the software provides audit trail documentation options. Waters Corpora- tion, Milford, MA. Circle 103 HPLC system Eksigent's NanoLC-1D Plus HPLC system is designed for proteomics and biomarker dis- covery. The system reportedly has high pep- tide detection sensitivity, a dedicated rapid sample-loading pump, and sample loading at high flow rates. According to the com- pany, the pump and flow controller operate at pressures as high as 5550 psi for higher resolution in nanobore columns. The sys- tem’s flow meter is designed to improve flow precision for a wider variety of mobile phases. Eksigent Technologies, LLC, Liver- more, CA. Circle 105 Silica Phenomenex's Gemini C18 silica is designed with a small particle size for high efficiency. According to the company, the 3-m silica is stable in the pH 1–12 range. The silica is available in a variety of formats from capil- lary to preparative. Phenomenex, Inc., Tor- rance, CA. Circle 102 Heavy metal and lead workstation Chata’s CHEMWORK workstation is designed for use in heavy-metal and lead testing. The workstation can determine heavy-metal or lead presence in 10 min, and comes with all USP reagents required to execute the raw material test in the com- pany’s packaging system. The reagents are connected and maintained in closed cali- brated burettes for on-demand real-time use. Chata Biosystems, Fort Collins, CO. Circle 101

Transcript of PRODUCTS -...

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Automated evaporator-concentratorThe DryVap automated concentrator system

from Horizon is designed to combine Kud-

erna-Danish concentration, nitrogen blow

down, and drying of organic solvents into

one step with precision and accuracy for GC

and GC–MS analyses. According to the com-

pany, the bench-top system uses a separa-

tion membrane that automatically dries sol-

vents in seconds and that concentrates

solvent volumes of 2–200 mL to precisely

0.9 mL in less than 30 min. Horizon Technol-

ogy, Inc., Salem, NH.

Circle 100

Chromatography refrigeratorsMarvel’s chromatography refrigerators fea-

ture access ports and precise temperature

control. The refrigerators are available in

under-the-counter and larger one- or two-

door models. Model 6CHR features 173 L of

space, a clear tempered glass door, a single-

access port, and a microprocessor-based

temperature control system. Models 21CHR

and 42CHR provide 595 L and 1218 L of

chamber space, respectively, and feature

vapor-proof duplex outlets. Marvel Scien-

tific, Richmond, IN.

Circle 104


SoftwareWaters' Empower 2 chromatography data

management software is designed to

acquire, manage, process, report, and dis-

tribute data. The software includes data and

system management tools and is integrated

with the company's NuGenesis SDMS and

eLab Notebook software. According to the

company, the software provides audit trail

documentation options. Waters Corpora-

tion, Milford, MA.

Circle 103

HPLC systemEksigent's NanoLC-1D Plus HPLC system is

designed for proteomics and biomarker dis-

covery. The system reportedly has high pep-

tide detection sensitivity, a dedicated rapid

sample-loading pump, and sample loading

at high flow rates. According to the com-

pany, the pump and flow controller operate

at pressures as high as 5550 psi for higher

resolution in nanobore columns. The sys-

tem’s flow meter is designed to improve

flow precision for a wider variety of mobile

phases. Eksigent Technologies, LLC, Liver-

more, CA.

Circle 105

Silica Phenomenex's Gemini C18 silica is designed

with a small particle size for high efficiency.

According to the company, the 3-�m silica is

stable in the pH 1–12 range. The silica is

available in a variety of formats from capil-

lary to preparative. Phenomenex, Inc., Tor-

rance, CA.

Circle 102

Heavy metal and lead workstationChata’s CHEM�WORK workstation is

designed for use in heavy-metal and lead

testing. The workstation can determine

heavy-metal or lead presence in 10 min,

and comes with all USP reagents required

to execute the raw material test in the com-

pany’s packaging system. The reagents are

connected and maintained in closed cali-

brated burettes for on-demand real-time

use. Chata Biosystems, Fort Collins, CO.

Circle 101

Page 2: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-


Software moduleAn advanced analysis software ratiometric-

assay module for is now available for Nanos-

tream’s Veloce micro parallel LC system. The

module reportedly provides a rapid readout

of the ratio between the substrate and

product using a predefined time window.

According to the company, the module pro-

vides high throughput screening researchers

with chromatogram visualization and report

generation for assay experiments.

Nanostream, Pasadena, CA.

Circle 111

Preparative SFC system

Mettler-Toledo’s MultiGram III Berger

preparative SFC system is designed to meet

the growing demand for higher sample

throughput for chiral and achiral drug

purification applications. According to the

company, the system provides higher flow

rates and the ability to accommodate an

expanded range of high-capacity prepara-

tive columns. Purified samples are recovered

in small volumes of organic solvents. The

instrument reportedly offers sample output

of 10 g/h or more per compound. Mettler-

Toledo AutoChem, Inc., Columbia, MD.

Circle 108

Method development systemCohesive Technologies’ model TLX-1MD tur-

bulent flow chromatography (TurboFlow)

sample preparation method development

system is designed to automatically screen

multiple columns and mobile-phase condi-

tions. The system reportedly allows

researchers to run multiple methods unat-

tended, overnight. The system can be used

to perform both turbulent flow chromatog-

raphy and HPLC. Cohesive Technologies, Inc.,

Franklin, MA.

Circle 106

LC systemsDionex’s Summit x2 dual-gradient HPLC and

LC–MS systems are designed for standard

applications and advanced chromatographic

techniques that require two pumps. The sys-

tems consists of two independent low-pres-

sure gradient pumps, a solvent rack that

incorporates the degasser channels for both

pumps, a built-in two-position 10-port ther-

mostated valve in the column compartment,

and an autosampler. The company’s

Chromeleon data-management software is

included with both systems. Dionex Corpo-

ration, Sunnyvale, CA.

Cirlce 107

Injection valvesCTC Analytics’ injection valves for the com-

pany's PAL LC–MS sample loaders are

designed with 0.1-mm bore size for flow

rates in the nanoliter-per-minute range.

Valves that can be used with pressures as

high as 15,000 psi are also available. Accord-

ing to the company, both valves are inert

and biocompatible and can be used with

existing PAL instruments. CTC Analytics,

Zwingen, Switzerland.

Circle 109

HPLC detectorThe model 8060 Nitrogen-Specific HPLC

detector from Antek is designed for applica-

tions in the pharmaceutical, biomedical,

biotechnical, agricultural, foods, and petro-

chemical industries. According to the com-

pany, the detector’s equimolar response

allows quantitation of all nitrogen-contain-

ing compounds, using any readily available

nitrogen standards, and the detector quan-

titates unknown compounds without using

the unknown as a reference. The detector

reportedly offers a linear calibration curve

greater than 104 and a detection limit of 0.1

ng nitrogen. Antek Instruments Inc., Hous-

ton, TX.

Circle 110

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Pyrolysis instrumentsCDS Analytical's 5000 series pyrolysis instru-

ments are designed for the analysis of solids

and polymer additives by GC, GC–MS, or

FTIR. The instruments reportedly are pro-

grammable in 1 °C increments up to 1400 °C

and allow eight-step programming.

Optional accessories include a built-in trap-

ping system for pyrolysis in air measure-

ments, sample probes, an FTIR interface,

and a polymer identification library. CDS

Analytical, Inc., Oxford, PA.

Circle 117

Flow sensorUpchurch Scientific's noninvasive Nano Flow

Sensor is designed to report flow rates in

the nanoliter through low microliter per

minute range. The instrument reportedly

measures the mass-flow rate of liquids in an

isolated flow channel and displays it on an

LCD readout. According to the company, the

instrument features high sensitivity, fast

response, high accuracy, and low drift.

Upchurch Scientific, Oak Harbor, WA.

Circle 114

MS systemJEOL’s AccuTOF-DARTMS system can analyze

solid, liquid, and gaseous samples at atmos-

pheric pressure in real time. The instrument

does not require solvents or sample prepa-

ration and can analyze samples directly on

surfaces such as concrete, currency, food,

pills, and clothing. It is designed to make MS

more accessible for a wide range of applica-

tions, including homeland security, foren-

sics, drug development, healthcare, and tox-

icology. JEOL-USA, Inc., Peabody, MA.

Circle 115

Mass spectrometerWaters’ Micromass Quattro Premier XE mass

spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-

dem quadrupole mass spectrometer with a

mass range of 2–3000 amu configured for

atmospheric pressure ionization LC–MS-MS.

The instrument features the WHISPER dyno-

lite photomultiplier detector that reportedly

reduces detector noise for both positive and

negative ion modes and improves sensitivity

in negative ion mode. Waters Corporation,

Milford, MA.

Circle 112

Recycling program and packagingMicroLiter offers a recycling program and

packaging for closures and inserts. The

packaging is designed to store and maintain

consumable supplies. The top of the pack

can be cut to dispense like a coin purse, or it

can be installed on the company’s benchtop

dispenser. Users can return empty containers

to the company using a company-provided

UPS return service label so that the contain-

ers can be used on their next order. Micro-

Liter Analytical Supplies, Inc., Suwanee, GA.

Circle 116

Specialty gasesAirgas offers specialty gases for flame ion-

ization and thermal conductivity chro-

matography. The company operates its own

blending facilities as well as maintains a

national network of blending knowledge to

ensure accurate, consistent production. The

chromatography gases include Zero Grade

and UHP helium, UHP and Ultra Carrier

Grades of argon, nitrogen, zero air, and

hydrogen. Airgas, Inc., Radnor, PA.

Circle 113

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GC–MS system Thermo Electron's DFS high-resolution dou-

ble-focusing magnetic sector GC–MS system

is designed for trace compound analyses of

environmental samples and sports doping.

The system reportedly features improved

transmission, an intuitive user interface, and

a compact footprint. According to the com-

pany, the system features significantly lower

detection limits and higher sample through-

put than its predecessor, the Finnigan MAT

95 XP GC–MS system. Thermo Electron Cor-

poration, Waltham, MA.

Circle 122

Liner exchanger Gerstel's ALEX automated liner exchanger

module for the company’s MPS 2 sampler is

designed to enable routine GC analysis of

samples containing large amounts of matrix

or other solid residue. According to the

company, the module replaces the com-

pany's CIS inlet liner at user-defined inter-

vals, eliminating the need for clean-up steps

during sample preparation. The module's

software control is integrated with the Agi-

lent's ChemStation. Gerstel, Inc., Baltimore,


Circle 123

AutosamplerViscotek's Vortex autosampler is designed to

be an integrated autosampling device and

multistirrer. The temperature-controlled

heated multistirrer's stainless steel tray can

handle 20- and 40-mL vials. Each vial posi-

tion has a stirring mechanism. The system

can be coupled with the company's triple

detector array or relative viscometer for

macromolecular characterization and the

determination of solution viscosities. Vis-

cotek, Houston, TX.

Circle 118

GC columnSGE’s forte HT8-PCB column is designed for

the separation of PCB congeners, dioxins,

and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. Accord-

ing to the company, The column is based on

a carborane phase and offers resolution of

difficult analytes in environmental samples.

The column reportedly provide a combina-

tion of low bleed, inertness, high maximum

temperatures, and robust phase chemistries.

SGE, Inc., Austin, TX.

Circle 119

ETD module Bruker Daltonics’ offers an electron transfer

dissociation (ETD) module for the company’s

HCTultra ion-trap mass spectrometer. The

module is designed to preserve functionally

important posttranslational modifications,

such as phosphorylation or glycosylation.

The module allows the on-the-fly collection

of ETD MS-MS spectra of peptides during

LC–MS-MS runs. According to the company,

the module often provides complete amino

acid series down to low ion masses, without

the low-mass cut-off traditionally encoun-

tered in ion-trap MS-MS. Bruker Daltonics,

Billerica, MA.

Circle 121

On-line training modulesAgilent’s on-line technical training modules

are designed to give researchers the knowl-

edge and the ability to improve the per-

formance of GC or GC–MS instruments. The

on-demand, live learning modules are acces-

sible on the Internet. According to the com-

pany, the training helps chromatographers

enhance their existing skills, obtain training

on new instruments, and fulfill industry

training requirements. Agilent Technolo-

gies, Inc., Palo Alto, CA.

Circle 120

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SoftwareApplied Biosystems’ MarkerView software is

designed for metabolomics and biomarker

profiling analysis. The software reportedly

allows researchers to analyze MS data sets

for changes in protein, peptide, and meta-

bolic patterns resulting from disease, drug

treatment, or drug toxicity. The software is

compatible with all Applied Biosystems and

MDS SCIEX mass spectrometers, including

both MALDI and ESI instruments. Applied

Biosystems, Foster City, CA.

Circle 127

Reagent bottle top dispenserHamilton’s SofTop Quik dispenser is an

adjustable volume bottle top dispenser that

is designed ergonomically. The instrument is

constructed with ceramic and calibrated

precision glass for chemical compatibility

and precision. The dispenser is available in

six volumes ranging from 0.2 to 60 mL.

Hamilton Company, Reno, NV.

Circle 124

Leak detectorRestek's electronic leak detector is designed

to reveal helium, hydrogen, or nitrogen

leaks in GC systems. The compact detector

reportedly features internal battery recharg-

ing, a probe tip that prevents debris from

entering the unit, and instant zeroing with

the touch of a button. Restek Corporation,

Bellefonte, PA.

Circle 125

Circle 55

SFC–MS systemThar offers its SuperDiscovery SFC–MS sys-

tem, a combination of the company’s SFC

system with Waters’ Micromass ZQ mass

detector. The unit features a complete inte-

gration of SFC control embedded in Waters

MassLynx software. Thar Technologies, Inc.,

Pittsburgh, PA.

Circle 126

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Gas chromatograph Shimadzu's GC-2014 gas chromatograph is

designed for capillary to packed-column

analysis applications. According to the com-

pany, The system includes automatic and

manual flow or pressure control, a keypad

for setting flow rates, an LCD screen that

enables users to monitor flow rate and col-

umn inlet pressure, a detector control sys-

tem optimized for FID and TCD detectors,

and standard autoignition and relight fea-

tures. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.,

Columbia, MD.

Circle 130

HPLC columnsPhenomenex's Onyx C18 semipreparative

100 mm � 10 mm monolithic silica HPLC

columns are designed for high-throughput

purifications where impure samples and

abusive ballistic gradients are encountered.

According to the company, the columns’ low

back pressures and flow characteristics allow

for 5–35 mL/min flow rates with 10–20 mg

loading capacities and for injections of dirty

or viscous samples. Phenomenex, Inc., Tor-

rance, CA.

Circle 132

Derivatization reagentA derivatization reagent from Regis Tech-

nologies, 3 N hydrochloric acid in butanol, is

used for newborn metabolic screening by

tandem MS. According to the company, pro-

duction under cGMP protocols ensures lot-

to-lot consistency. The reagent is available

in a variety of packaging types. Regis Tech-

nologies, Inc., Morton Grove, IL.

Circle 133

Autosampler vial kitsAutosampler vial kits containing vials and

closures from National Scientific are

designed for use with autosamplers for ana-

lytical and semipreparative chromatography.

Each kit comes with a certificate of analysis.

National Scientific Company, Duluth, GA.

Circle 131

Ion chromatographMetrohm-Peak’s Metrohm 861 Advanced

Compact ion chromatograph is designed

with a CO2 suppressor feature to eliminate

water dip and system peak in analyses and

increase the linearity range. Chromatograph

components include an MSM II suppressor, a

column oven, a conductivity detector, an

injection valve, a serial dual piston pump,

and a PEEK flow path. According to the

company, the instrument is reliable and

rugged for use in anion, cation, organic

acid, and other suppressed and nonsup-

pressed applications. Metrohm-Peak, Inc.,

Houston, TX.

Circle 129

ViscometerWyatt’s ViscoStar viscometer is an on-line

chromatography detector for determining

specific and intrinsic viscosities. The instru-

ment includes a software-based pulse-

dampening correction algorithm and tem-

perature control for temperatures ranging

from 4 °C to 60 °C. The system is compatible

with most HPLC systems and comes standard

with 18-bit A/D resolution, Ethernet, USB

communications, and an LCD-based user

interface. Wyatt Technology Corporation,

Santa Barbara, CA.

Circle 128

Page 7: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-

MonitorsWhatman's microbiological monitors are

designed to be single-use presterilized filter-

ing units designed that reduce liquid sample

preparation time by eliminating the need

for flaming or sterilization. Each monitor

consists of a measured filter funnel, mem-

brane, removable lid, and plug. According

to the company, the membranes reportedly

convert to a Petri dish after sample applica-

tion and are compatible with a range of the

company's media. Whatman, Florham Park,


Circle 136

Prescraped rotorsAnaltech’s ready-to-use, prescraped rotors

for the company’s centrifugal chromatogra-

phy system are designed to eliminate the

inconvenience of rotor preparation. Accord-

ing to the company, the packaging can be

used as a storage rack. The rotors are avail-

able in sizes ranging from 1 mm to 8 mm.

Analtech, Inc., Newark, DE.

Circle 137

Circle 58

Nanoflow LC systemLC Packings, a Dionex company, offers the

UltiMate 3000 nanoflow LC system,

designed for nanoflow performance. The

system features a dual-gradient micropump,

UV detection, thermostated column switch-

ing, and microautosampling in one tower.

The instrument is optimized for use with

separation columnswith internal diameters

of 50 mm and greater, including high-speed,

high-resolution monolithic columns. Dionex

Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA.

Circle 134

SPE columnsHoneywell’s Inert II SPE columns are

designed to be equivalent to glass columns.

The columns reportedly are treated to be

inert to solvents and include PTFE inlet and

outlet meshes resulting in no extractable

phthalates, no residual production oil, and

no extraneous peaks. According to the com-

pany, the the SPE columns are available

with Florisil, C8, C18, cyclohexyl, diol, silica,

and alumina packing materials. Honeywell

Burdick & Jackson, Muskegon, MI.

Circle 135


Page 8: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-


Generatorsdomnick hunter's Zero Air generators are

designed to produce a continuous flow of

clean, dry air with a residual methane con-

tent of less than 0.1 ppm. According to the

company, an interchangeable top panel

allows for the direct mounting of the com-

pany's hydrogen generator for GC–flame

ionization, flame photometric, and nitro-

gen–phosphorus detection applications. Six

models are available with a flow rate range

of 1.0–20 L/min. domnick hunter, Inc., Char-

lotte, NC.

Circle 142

GC columns Grace Davison Discovery Sciences' Econo-

Cap capillary GC columns are designed for

routine as well as harsh applications.

According to the company, the columns are

batch-tested to reduce the cost of manufac-

turing and come with an unconditional per-

formance guarantee. Grace Davison Discov-

ery Sciences, Deerfield, IL.

Circle 140

Biodiesel standardsSupelco's analytical standards are designed

to reduce preparation time, minimize

human error, and eliminate pyridine dilu-

tions in the analysis of biodiesel fuels. The

standards include two internal standard

solutions, five multicomponent varying con-

centration calibration solutions, four single-

component reference solutions, and two

kits. Each standard reportedly comes with a

certificate of composition, and each kit

includes instructions for sample derivatiza-

tion. Supelco, Bellefonte, PA.

Circle 138

Syringe pumpHarvard Apparatus' Nanomite microinjector

pump is designed to hold syringes up to 6-

mm in diameter with volumes ranging from

0.5 �L to 1.25 mL and to have the linear

force needed for gas-tight microsyringes.

The pump reportedly has a small controller,

a thin profile remote pumping head, a

remote footswitch, and two RS232 ports.

According to the company, pumping ranges

from nanoliters per hour to microliters per

minute can be achieved. Harvard Apparatus,

Inc., Holliston, MA.

Circle 139

Prepackaged HPLC mobile phasesCHATA’s CHEM�NECT prepackaged solu-

tions are designed to be an alternative to

traditional HPLC mobile phase preparation.

According to the company, GMP procedures

are used to prepare standard or custom-

blended chemistry solutions according to

customer specifications. The company's

patented, flexible film packaging system

ensures sterile, filtered, and degassed solu-

tions. The packaging system uses reagent-

grade components that can be connected to

any HPLC system. CHATA Biosystems, Fort

Collins, CO.

Circle 141Circle 59

Page 9: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-

GC columnsSupelco's SLB capillary GC columns are

designed for trace analyses. According to

the company, the columns incorporate a

combination of advances in polymer synthe-

sis and proprietary surface deactivation

chemistry that provides better signal-to-

noise ratios, cleaner mass spectra, and

reduced detector contamination. Supelco,

Bellefonte, PA.

Circle 144

Dry vacuum pumpThe model XDS35i dry vacuum pump from

BOC Edwards is designed to provide a vac-

uum completely free of lubricants. The bear-

ings are isolated from the vacuum environ-

ment by a bearing shield. There are no

bearings, grease, or oil under the vacuum.

According to the company, the instrument

has a constant pumping speed of 35 m3/h or

21 cfm on either 50- or 60-Hz frequencies.

BOC Edwards, Wilmington, MA.

Circle 145

Documentation systemCAMAG’s DigiStore digital camera docu-

mentation system acquires images of TLC

chromatograms and similar flat objects. The

images reportedly can be annotated, saved,

archived, retrieved, and printed. The com-

pany's WinCATS software controls the sys-

tem. According to the company, the system

can be qualified for a GMP environment

with 21CFR Rule 11 compliance. CAMAG Sci-

entific, Inc., Wilmington, NC.

Circle 143


Circle 60

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Temperature controllerPhenomenex's ThermaSphere TS-130 tem-

perature controller is designed to control

column temperature from 25 °C to 80 °C

with a �0.1 °C repeatability and a 0.5 °C

absolute accuracy. According to the com-

pany, the compact controller has two touch-

pad buttons for programming and never

requires adjustment or recalibration. The

column compartment can accommodate an

analytical column up to 30 cm in length

with an outer diameter as large as 3/8 in.

Phenomenex, Inc., Torrance, CA.

Circle 147

Carbon dioxide suppressorMetrohm-Peak's CO2 suppressor (MCS) is

designed to remove carbonate from the

sample as well as any carbon dioxide, elimi-

nating the injection peak while allowing the

analyte-ion peak areas to be larger. The sup-

pressor is available integrated into the com-

pany's model 861 Advanced Compact IC sys-

tem or as a stand-alone supressor. The

suppressor's vacuum pump is controlled by

remote commands and is equipped with an

external power supply. Metrohm-Peak, Inc.,

Houston, TX.

Circle 148

Process-development columnsTosoh’s ToyoScreen process-development

columns feature prepacked Toyopearl resins.

The columns can be used for resin screening,

process-optimization experiments, or micro-

gram-amount purifications. They are

offered in hydrophobic interaction, affinity,

and ion-exchange chemistries in 1- and 5-mL

formats. Tosoh Bioscience, LLC, Mont-

gomeryville, PA.

Circle 149

Headspace systemTeledyne’s HT3 headspace sampling system

is designed to run static and dynamic head-

space techniques in one system. According

to the company, the system increases sensi-

tivity by continually sweeping the sample

and then trapping the VOCs. The system is

designed for a wide variety of applications

including food and flavor analysis, residual

solvents and organic volatile impurity analy-

sis, blood alcohol and forensic analysis, poly-

mer analysis, and environmental analysis.

Teledyne Tekmar, Mason, OH.

Circle 150

Evaporative light-scattering detectorThe Gilson prepELS evaporative light scat-

tering detector features a static splitting sys-

tem that can accommodate flow rates as

high as 75 mL/min. According to the com-

pany, the instrument can be used with sam-

ple masses as high as 5 mg without driving

the signal off scale. The detector reportedly

can detect low-nanogram analyte levels,

and a filtering feature is designed to enable

the removal of baseline noise without

affecting peak height or shape. The detec-

tor can be added as the primary or addi-

tional detector to any HPLC system. Gilson,

Inc., Middleton, WI.

Circle 146

GPC–SEC autosamplerPolymer’s PL-AS RT autosampler for the PL-

GPC 50 integrated GPC–SEC platform is

designed for increased sample throughput.

The autosampler’s flushed fixed-loop sample

injection design reportedly ensures repro-

ducibility. According to the company, the

autosampler control interface provides

automated wash cycles and enables as many

as nine injections per vial. The autosampler

reportedly has a 156-vial capacity and can

accommodate 2- and 4-mL vials. Polymer

Laboratories Inc., Amherst, MA.

Circle 151

Page 11: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-

Ion chromatography systemDionex’s ICS-3000 Reagent-Free ion chro-

matography system is designed to increase

productivity and overall system performance

as much as 10-fold. The system can be

upgraded to perform dual analyses without

increasing the system footprint or requiring

a second autosampler. The system’s chemi-

cally inert flow path is designed to with-

stand pH extremes and protect samples

from metal contamination. A touchscreen

tablet PC mounted on a movable arm pro-

vides system control. Dionex Corporation,

Sunnyvale, CA.

Circle 152

TOF DetectorBURLE’s BiPolar TOF detector is designed for

MS applications. The detector is available in

18-, 25-, and 40-mm diameter detection

area versions and reportedly provides up to

10 kV post acceleration. According to the

manufacturer, the detector offers system

gains up to 107. BURLE, Electro-Optics, Inc.,

Sturbridge, MA.

Circle 153

Preparative chromatographyPreparative chromatography systems

Prime Separations’ Belt Web systems are

designed with a moving web that adsorbs

target compounds from complex matrices

and releases them in pure state in succeed-

ing desorption tanks. According to the com-

pany, the rate of adsorption and desorption

is fast and gives rise to high loading capacity

on a continuous basis. Prime Separations,

Inc., Lowell, MA.

Circle 154

Phenyl phaseKromasil has developed a phenyl phase that

is wettable and compatible with 100%

aqueous mobile phases. Reportedly, Kro-

masil Phenyl has a unique selectivity for aro-

matic compounds, because of a possibility

for interations between the phenyl bonded

phase and the solute. The phase shows a

high chemical stability, which makes it possi-

ble to run chromatography in the pH range

of 2–9. Eka Chemicals, Dobbs Ferry, NY.

Circle 155


Circle 61

Page 12: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-


Amino acid analyzerHitachi’s model L-8900 amino acid analyzer

is designed with built-in vacuum degassers

for the buffers and reagents, continuous

ninhydrin sparging, and leak sensor moni-

toring. The system's direct-injection

autosampler reportedly provides a 200-vial

capacity and optional buffer and reagent

level sensors. According to the company, the

reaction column, the 3-µm ion exchange

resin, and separate ninhydrin solutions pro-

duce stable results. Hitachi High Technolo-

gies America, Inc., Schaumberg, IL

Circle 159

LC–MS systemShimadzu’s LCMS-2010EV LC–MS system is

designed for a range of applications in the

pharmaceutical, educational, and environ-

mental fields. According to the company,

the system incorporates an ion source that

uses an additional drying gas at the inlet of

the capillary to increase sensitivity and to

control solvent adduct formation. The sys-

tem reportedly features a metal capillary

electrospray probe, revised ion optics, and

microbore compatibility for ESI. Shimadzu

Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, MD.

Circle 161

Universal temperature control unitThe 24V universal control unit from Analyti-

cal Sales is designed to provide versatile and

reliable control for the company’s HPLC col-

umn heaters and coolers. The RS232 exter-

nal control is standard, and dual remote

preset temperatures can be programmed

easily. The PTC-050CS control unit is

designed to comply with the electromag-

netic emission standards of the EU Directive,

U.S. standards, and Canadian standards so

the heaters and coolers to be used with full

compliance and safety throughout the

world. Analytical Sales and Services, Inc.,

Pompton Plains, NJ.

Circle 158

Silicone septaLab Chrom Pack’s UltraClean Pharma-Fix sili-

cone–PTFE septa are designed for GC and HS

analysis. The septa are laminated with PTFE

in the sample contact area, and the rubber

edge covering the vial rim is unlaminated.

The septa have a temperature resistance

from 60 °C to 200 °C and are offered in a

20-mm size. Lab Chrom Pack, Tullytown, PA.

Circle 156

Fluids processorMicrofluidics’ M-110L Laboratory Microflu-

idizer processor is designed to be a high-

shear fluids processing system for lab-vol-

ume microemulsions, cell disruption, and

microencapsulations. According to the com-

pany, the processor reportedly provides

pressures up to 18,000 psi using standard

lab air and flow rates as high as 270 mL/min.

The processor reportedly can process sam-

ples with volumes as small as 14 mL.

Microfluidics, Division MFIC Corp., Newton,


Circle 157

RefractometerPrecision Detectors’ Enterprise PD2110 laser-

based differential refractometer is designed

for the characterization of proteins, anti-

bodies, viruses, polymers, and nanoparticles.

The system ruses a 680-nm laser with a tem-

perature control chamber that operates

from 4 to 50 °C. According to the company,

the system is designed to incorporate addi-

tional detectors and can be added to any

GPC–HPLC or FPLC system. Precision Detec-

tors, Inc., Bellingham, MA.

Circle 160

Page 13: PRODUCTS - · Heavy metal and lead workstation ... spectrometer is a compact, bench-top, tan-

Circle 62

Postcolumn systemThe Pinnacle PCX postcolumn derivatization

system from Pickering is designed to pre-

cisely and selectively separate analytes. The

system’s pulse-free syringe pump runs only

during the injection cycle. According to the

company, the instrument works with most

brands of HPLC systems and is supported

with validated applications to separate com-

plex mixtures and detect a range of com-

pounds with sensitivity, stability, and repro-

ducibility. Pickering Laboratories, Inc.,

Mountain View, CA.

Circle 162

Headspace samplerEST Analytical’s Markelov HS 9000 head-

space sampler is designed with a dual nee-

dle and horizontal rotary mixing. The dual

needle reportedly offers increased sensitiv-

ity because it continually sweeps the head-

space for concentration on the optional

adsorbent trap or at the analytical column.

The sampler also features the ability to

make both time-based injections and fixed-

loop injections within the same schedule, a

90-position carousel, a constant heat mode,

and a temperature range that extends to

300 °C. EST Analytical, Fairfield, CT.

Circle 165

HPLC columnsGL Sciences’ Titansphere HPLC microcolumns

are designed for the enrichment of phos-

phorylated peptides from peptide mixtures.

The columns are packed with porous tita-

nium dioxide microspheres that allow the

binding of organic phosphates in acidic con-

ditions and desorption of the phosphates at

alkaline pH. According to the company, the

columns show stronger and more selective

binding of phosphorylated peptides com-

pared with immobilized metal affinity chro-

matography. GL Sciences, Inc., Torrance, CA.

Circle 163

Ion sourceDETector Engineering’s ceramic TID-4 type

nitrogen–phosphorus detection (NPD) ion

source is designed for the analyses for drugs

of abuse, trace explosives, and pesticides.

The ion source reportedly is interchangeable

with the NPD equipment on the Agilent

6890 GC system as well as in DET NPD retro-

fit equipment for HP 5890 and Varian GC

systems. According to the company, the ion

source has a coating formulated that pro-

vides a selective response to nitrogen-con-

taining compounds. DETector Engineering &

Technology, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA.