Production sceduele updated


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Transcript of Production sceduele updated

Page 1: Production sceduele updated

Week one production

Find images from the movie Enderʼs Game and get images of previous little white lies covers, make mood boards of the images, with each mood board find similarities with each image, and find covers of the books.

Week two production

Find styles and artists that might work well with Enderʼs Game and put them in mood boards, and make initial concept images with different styles.Thursday-Owen Sherwood masterclass/casestudy.

Week three production

Find typography texts that might work, then start sketching more detailed images and then start making colour palettes with each going for complementary colours to fit the theme of the movie.

Week four production

Matching up the colours, typography and the main image, and re working it if needed. If not needed, start the design of the cover.

Week five production

Making the cover. With colour design, mainly centered around orange and blue. Make the face and shoulders out out of squares, using the opacity to make different shadows in the body. Making rough covers with different fonts, see what works. Making the final cover with the changes and colours.