Production process - Front Cover

Production Process Music Magazine Front Cover Here I have started to create my final front cover design. I have chosen to use Photoshop CS6 software to produce a piece that I know will help with the outcome of my product because of the software’s capabilities. As you can see I have started the front cover page with a background starter to set the scene for when the main image comes is placed. This is where I have edited in my main image by using the lasso tool and cutting out all pieces that weren’t necessary after I had taken the photo. After doing so I then started to mess around with where I should place him in a good position which was mainly the middle because you could see all him, this then helps the magazine because the audience can have a full look for when they come to checking the magazine out.

Transcript of Production process - Front Cover

Production Process Music Magazine Front Cover

Here I have started to create my final front cover design. I have chosen to use Photoshop CS6 software to produce a piece that I know will help with the outcome of my product because of the software’s capabilities.

As you can see I have started the front cover page with a background starter to set the scene for when the main image comes is placed.

This is where I have edited in my main image by using the lasso tool and cutting out all pieces that weren’t necessary after I had

taken the photo.

After doing so I then started to mess around with where I should place him in a good position which was mainly the middle because you could see all him, this then helps the magazine because the audience can have a full look for when they come to checking the magazine out.

Here I have added the start to my graphic features section to my front cover. I used the shapes tool on photoshop and then chose what shape I would like to use for my graphic features.

Later to that I then added the main headline to show the sense of what is the main feature in the magazine. I have also added a barcode to the front cover as well, which has the issue number and date just above it.

For this screenshot I have added the name of which the main feature of this magazine will be based on, in this case ‘Adam Price’.

After getting the Main headline typed out and in a place I am happy with I moved onto the coverlines. Also I have added the main coverline just over the first graphic image to show more of an important feature in the magazine by making it stand out more, this connotes the way Kerrang magazine does it with their coverlines and graphic features.

just above it.

At this point I have put in a “PLUS” bar to give a little more information on what will be featured in certain articles but in a shorter version that a coverline.

For this part of the magazine front cover I have edited and added the Masthead for my final product along with the strapline at located at the top of the magazine to connote how other magazines do theirs, here I have used how Kerrang

magazine do their strapline to give off more ideas that I had been inspired on from Kerrang magazine to create my music magazine.

At this point all that really needed adding to the final product was the last couple of graphic features to the front cover.

This is the black oval graphic feature located towards the top of the page underneath the Masthead on the right hand side of the front cover, noticed I have used a black

background to connote the colours I have chosen for the front cover piece along with the text inside the graphic feature to be in a different colour (red) also to connote the other colours I have used in the making of this product. The last graphic feature used in the process of this final product was the three gold stars at the top of the page inside the strapline therefore to be eye-catching to the audience with the different colour and also the meaning of separating the band names (text) in the strapline as well.