Production Machining needs. Production ·...

COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Despite advances in control technology, manually programming a modern CNC machine tool can be a slow, inefficient and potentially inaccurate process. This is especially true where the finished component contains sculptured free form geometry, complex prismatic features or a combination of both. Using a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system to program CNC machine tools can reduce manufacturing lead times, eliminate the risk of programming errors and dramatically improve overall productivity. How Does CAM Work? A CAM system generates NC code based on a Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the finished part. The CAD model can be created using the design function of the CAM system, or it can be imported from another CAD system. Whichever method is used the CAM system displays a graphical representation of the part for which the NC code is being generated. An effective CAM system will provide a complete machining strategy for a component, or a 'family' of similar components, including material and tooling information together with appropriate speeds and feeds. It should also be capable of producing the NC code for any type of CNC machine tool. Why Use EdgeCAM? EdgeCAM is a simple to use, native Windows based CAM system specifically designed for the busy production machining environment. Pathtrace Engineering Systems, the developers of EdgeCAM, has over 20 years of experience gained by working with over 18,000 manufacturing companies around the world. EdgeCAM is loaded with valuable, productivity enhancing features: • EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is established as the worlds leading solids based CAM solution. Native CAD parts from SolidWorks ® , Autodesk Inventor ® , Pro- ENGINEER ® , Pro-DESKTOP ® , Solid Edge ® and other Parasolid ® based CAD systems can be loaded into EdgeCAM. Toolpaths generated in EdgeCAM remain associative to the originating CAD throughout the manufacturing process • EdgeCAM also accepts files in the following formats: IGES, DXF, VDA, Parasolid, ACIS, native CATIA and AUTOCAD • EdgeCAM offers 2D and 3D solid CAD functionality to design components from concept to completion, or to modify imported CAD files • EdgeCAM Code Wizard produces NC code for any type of CNC machine tool EdgeCAM does much more than generate NC code. Using the features and functions of the Productivity Toolbox, EdgeCAM develops machining strategies that optimise toolpaths, eliminate unnecessary air cutting, maximise tool life, reduce programming time and increase overall productivity. EdgeCAM® is one of the worlds leading manufacturing systems and is the perfect solution for your Production Machining needs. Production Machining PRODUCTION MACHINING the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing

Transcript of Production Machining needs. Production ·...


Despite advances in control technology,manually programming a modern CNCmachine tool can be a slow, inefficient andpotentially inaccurate process. This isespecially true where the finished componentcontains sculptured free form geometry, complexprismatic features or a combination of both.

Using a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)system to program CNC machine tools canreduce manufacturing lead times, eliminate therisk of programming errors and dramaticallyimprove overall productivity.

How Does CAM Work?

A CAM system generates NC code based on aComputer Aided Design (CAD) model of thefinished part. The CAD model can be createdusing the design function of the CAM system,or it can be imported from another CADsystem. Whichever method is used the CAMsystem displays a graphical representation ofthe part for which the NC code is beinggenerated.

An effective CAM system will provide acomplete machining strategy for a component,or a 'family' of similar components, includingmaterial and tooling information together withappropriate speeds and feeds. It should also becapable of producing the NC code for any typeof CNC machine tool.

Why Use EdgeCAM?

EdgeCAM is a simple to use, native Windowsbased CAM system specifically designed forthe busy production machining environment.Pathtrace Engineering Systems, the developersof EdgeCAM, has over 20 years of experiencegained by working with over 18,000manufacturing companies around the world.

EdgeCAM is loaded with valuable, productivityenhancing features:

• EdgeCAM Solid Machinist is established asthe worlds leading solids based CAMsolution. Native CAD parts fromSolidWorks®, Autodesk Inventor®, Pro-ENGINEER®, Pro-DESKTOP®, Solid Edge®

and other Parasolid® based CAD systemscan be loaded into EdgeCAM. Toolpathsgenerated in EdgeCAM remain associativeto the originating CAD throughout themanufacturing process

• EdgeCAM also accepts files in thefollowing formats: IGES, DXF, VDA,Parasolid, ACIS, native CATIA andAUTOCAD

• EdgeCAM offers 2D and 3D solid CADfunctionality to design components fromconcept to completion, or to modifyimported CAD files

• EdgeCAM Code Wizard produces NC codefor any type of CNC machine tool

EdgeCAM does much more than generateNC code. Using the features and functionsof the Productivity Toolbox, EdgeCAMdevelops machining strategies that optimisetoolpaths, eliminate unnecessary air cutting,maximise tool life, reduce programming timeand increase overall productivity.

EdgeCAM® is one of the worlds leading manufacturingsystems and is the perfect solution for yourProduction Machining needs.








the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing

EdgeCAM provides the production machineshop with a wide range of flexible millingcycles. Machining efficiency is maximised onsimple and complex prismatic parts as wellas those incorporating sculptured surfacegeometry.

A Complete SolutionWith EdgeCAM you get prismatic machiningcombined with powerful 3D solid and surfacemachining strategies, all in one solution.

Intelligent RoughingEdgeCAM's advanced roughing cycle willgenerate the optimum strategy to roughmachine a component with bosses, open andclosed pockets and open profiles in one easyto use cycle. A laced or concentric strategycan be implemented with bottom to topintermediate slicing between levels.

This intelligent cycle will automatically applythe most efficient lead-in method for eachregion and will create trochoidal moves toavoid full width cuts.

EdgeCAM's roughing cycle also incorporatesRest Roughing, whereby a subsequentroughing strategy can be defined with asmaller tool, only removing material leftbehind by the preceding larger tool. The restroughing stock is automatically defined bythe initial roughing cycle. This means that aircutting is eliminated and allows flexibilitywhen choosing the rest roughing tool type.

Finishing CyclesFinish milling cycles can be controlled bystep over, cusp height and depth of cutincrement. Consistent surface finishes canbe achieved whilst machining times areoptimised.

Pencil and Rest Finishing cycles are used toclean up material remaining from a previousfinishing cycle which implemented a largertool. Pencil Finishing executes this as asingle pass along internal edges andintersections, whilst Rest Finishing consistsof a series of passes and is typically used tofinish machine internal radii.

Flatland Finishing allows flat areas at alllevels of the part to be detectedautomatically and finish machined, usuallywith a flat bottomed cutter.

Prismatic ProfilingEdgeCAM's prismatic machining is 'best inclass' functionality. A comprehensive rangeof 2D machining cycles are available,including: Concentric and Lace Area Clear,Profiling, Slotting, Face Milling, Text Milling,Drilling, Tapping and Boring.

Productivity Enhancing FeaturesEdgeCAM incorporates a range of featuresdesigned to reduce programming andmachine cycle time.

• Canned cycles• Subroutines• Tool and material database gives automatic

speed and feed calculation• Merging of toolpaths from different

components to make a single machiningsequence, ideal for loading different partson the machine tool table

• Machining sequences and toolpaths can berationalised by tool, index position ordatum to produce an optimal program.

Multi-Axis and Multi-Plane

Machining EdgeCAM has full support for multi-axismilling, including 4 axis rotary machining, 3 axis machining plus 2 axis simultaneousindexing and 5 axis machining for trimming,and de-flashing of single surfaces.

When machining multi-faced parts, ormultiple parts mounted on a tombstonefixture, EdgeCAM can easily position to anyface to allow full use of both prismatic andsurface machining cycles.


the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing

Turning functionality in EdgeCAM enablesproduction machine shops to produce NCcode for a wide range of machines frombasic 2 axis through to highly sophisticatedmulti-turret, multi axis centres with driventooling. Ease of use and an understandingthat cycle times are critical, especially onmulti-configuration mill/turn machines,underpin the development of EdgeCAM'sturning functionality.

TurningEdgeCAM produces advanced rough andfinish turning cycles, together with supportfor facing, boring and drilling in either cannedcycle or longhand format.

Grooving CyclesExternal, Internal and Face Grooving are allsimple tasks with EdgeCAM. The inclusionof Side Grooving cycles enable theprogrammer to produce sophisticatedmachining strategies taking advantage ofadvanced tooling design.

ThreadingTaper, single and multi-start threads areeasily programmed supporting canned cycleor longhand input.

Sub-SpindleEdgeCAM provides full support for turningcentres with sub-spindles. Easy set up of

the machine configuration and control overspindle docking and bar feed functionality areall included and can be visualised with theside by side sequence browser and processtime line.

4 Axis TurningMachines with twin turrets are easilyprogrammed and synchronised for maximumefficiency. Optimum use of one upper andone lower turret is achieved by definingpriorities and making use of the sequencebrowser and time line.

C and Y Axis Mill/TurnUtilising the complete range of machiningcommands, EdgeCAM allows driven toolingto be programmed for machining on the faceor the diameter of a component. Switchingbetween the Y axis and the C axis modes isa single click process.

B Axis A 'one hit' manufacturing solution is providedwith EdgeCAM's B axis functionality. Theability to programme milled features at any Baxis orientation exists for both the main andsub spindles.


EdgeCAM Solid MachinistWith EdgeCAM Solid Machinist theproduction engineer has significantly moreopportunity for automation and efficiency.Native CAD files from SolidWorks, AutodeskInventor, Pro/Engineer, together with SolidEdge and other Parasolid based systems,can be loaded into EdgeCAM.

True CAD IntegrationThere is no filtering or translation of datawhen loading solid CAD models into EdgeCAM.True data integrity is achieved. EdgeCAMsees the part as the designer intended.

IntelligentThe result of EdgeCAM's true integration withCAD is that more of the models' inherentintelligence can be used to generatemachining strategies. EdgeCAM SolidMachinist uses automatic feature recognitionto locate machineable features.

AssociativeEdgeCAM Solid Machinist will detect andnotify the user when a model or part ischanged. Dimensional and topologicalmodifications are reported and EdgeCAMautomatically recalculates the machiningstrategy and NC code accordingly.

Complex ShapesEdgeCAM provides a complete solution forgenerating quality toolpaths for bothprismatic parts and those of a more complexnature containing free flowing forms.

EdgeCAM surface machining strategies canbe applied to both surface and solid CADmodels, and generate efficient, reliabletoolpaths optimised for high speedmachining.

EdgeCAM Strategy ManagerCombining the feature based approach ofEdgeCAM Solid Machinist with the

knowledge andexperience of skilledengineers, EdgeCAMStrategy Managerensures machiningmethods are keptconsistent byutilising bestpractice procedures.At the core ofEdgeCAM StrategyManager is an easyto use, graphicalflow charting tool forbuilding flexiblemachiningstrategies.


the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing




DeepHoleSet Peck Depth


Shop Floor Data ManagementEdgeCAM Job Manager allows the user tostore valuable information relating to aparticular machining job, including: NC Filenumber; tooling list; graphical illustrations ofmachine set-ups; job status and customerdetails, in HTML format for posting to thecompany intranet, extranet or internet.

ToolStore - Graphical Tool

DatabaseThe EdgeCAM ToolStore is a user definabletooling database. Tools can be added,removed, edited and selected for use withinEdgeCAM. Graphics representing form toolsand holders can be assigned to tools in theToolStore. The tool and holder graphics canthen be displayed during machining simulationand can be used to check for collision againstthe work piece or fixtures.

The EdgeCAM ToolStore is the foundationupon which the Job Manager, Toolkit Assistantand Technology Assistant are built and allapplications are tightly integrated. Single ormultiple ToolStore databases can be developeddepending on requirements. Access to theToolStore can be on a copy per PC basis orshared via a network.

EdgeCAM Code WizardMost production machine shops employ avariety of machine tools with different NC coderequirements.

Using a simple Windows based process,EdgeCAM Code Wizard creates instant codegenerators that allow NC code to be produced

for any machinetool. EdgeCAMCode Wizardcontains templatesfor all the commonCNC systems and islogically sectionedinto questions andprompts designed toquickly and easilyguide the operatorthrough the creationof code generators.

Communications Wizard Establishing RS232communications between thePC and machine tool can bedifficult and time-consuming.EdgeCAM Comms Wizardsimplifies this task byautomatically detecting the"hand shaking" protocol andsetting the system parametersaccordingly. Online helpincludes the cablingconfigurations for the mostpopular controls.

An additional option, RemoteCommunication, allows themachine operator to send andreceive directly from themachine tool without leaving the shop floor.

Automation and Customisation -

Machining a Family of PartsWhen machining a family of parts, it is oftenmore convenient to produce a standard modeland to input dimensional details from aspreadsheet or a list of variables. EdgeCAM iscapable of importing data directly from aspreadsheet or variable list and using this datato make instant changes to the model and themachining strategy.

EdgeCAM SimulatorEdgeCAM graphically simulates machiningoperations to dramatically reduce the possibilityof costly tool, machine or part damage. Proveout your EdgeCAM programs off-line andreduce job set-up times. EdgeCAM will allowyou to move into production faster andincrease productivity.

Metallic rendering adds a new dimension toEdgeCAM's machining simulation with ultrarealistic results allowing close examination ofsurface finish before committing to actualmachining.


the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing


"EdgeCAM Strategy Manager allows us to work together more efficiently. We nowwork confidently within machine tool capacity saving significant machining andprogramming time."

Ingvar JohanssonManaging DirectorIKV Tools, Sweden

"EdgeCAM works extremely well with imported CAD data. Most of our work involvesongoing component development. The fact that changes to the CAD model areautomatically and seamlessly incorporated by EdgeCAM is a major benefit."

Peter JayeManaging DirectorJaye Engineering, UK

“Programming productivity gains average ninety percent, thanks to the extensive automationwe've achieved with EdgeCAM."

Glenn DavinaProgramming ManagerJeld Wen Engineering, USA

"One job that used to take 12 hours to machine, is now completed intwo hours. We couldn't have programmed it that well withoutEdgeCAM."

Brychan WilliamsEngineering Systems ManagerHadleigh Castings Limited, UK

“We just use EdgeCAM, but some of our competitors have to relyon two or even three CAM systems to do the same job.”

Mr. YamakawaOwnerYamakawa Seiki, Japan

"We are very impressed with the EdgeCAM macro capabilities andhow easy they are to create. The time and cost savings we haveachieved with EdgeCAM are well beyond our expectations."

Tony ThompsonManufacturing EngineerTotal Tooling, USA

"Product complexity has increased considerably over the years. Thishas been more than matched by regular upgrades in EdgeCAM'sprogramming and prove-out ability."

Gary SkrzypkowskiManaging DirectorEDM, UK

Head OfficePathtrace Engineering SystemsReading RG2 0NH, UKTel: +44 (0)118 975 6084Fax: +44 (0)118 975 6143Email: [email protected]

Pathtrace Systems Inc.3000 Town Center, Suite 830Southfield, MI 48075, USATel: 248 356-8800Fax: 248 356-8811Toll free: +1-866-4EDGECAMEmail: [email protected]

All Trademarks and Registrations acknowledged. E&OE.PTB102. Issued: 10/03

the standard in intelligent solids based manufacturing

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