Product review blog page

Today’s Woman Working in Restaurant hospitality my son is always on his feet. He comes home from work complaining about how much his feet hurt. He was in need of some insoles for his shoes. I recently found out about a company via Twitter called Happy Feet that sells orthotic massaging insoles, so I was excited to give them a try.


Valuable, honest reviews of Happy Feet insoles.

Transcript of Product review blog page

  • 1. Todays Woman
    Working in Restaurant hospitality my son is always on his feet. He comes home from work complaining about how much his feet hurt. He was in need of some insoles for his shoes.
    I recently found out about a company via Twitter called Happy Feet that sells orthotic massaging insoles, so I was excited to give them a try.

2. Boobies, Babies, & A Blog . . .
I'm a slave to fashion, so most of my shoes end in a day of aching feet. Since there's very little you can do to help out a slinky stiletto, I reviewed Happy Feet Therapeutic Insoles--for Mr. Boobies! He works 12+ hour shifts and there's no doubt his feet suffer more than mine.
3. Girl Gone Healthy
They offered nice even support and my legs didnt want to stop, I love them! Ive also been wearing them while I teach at night, I teach Mon thru Thurs 1 hour of intense cardio each class, and they have really helped.
4. One Busy Moma
Being on my feet all the time comes with the territory of being a Mom, Work at Home Mom, and with working part time outside the home. I have a huge problem with my feet hurting all the time and quite frankly finding good insoles these days...well...... Just isn't as easy as you think it would be. That is where Happy Feet Comes In.
5. Mother of Pearl It Is
If youve ever suffered from foot pain, you know just how awful it can be! A good foot massage always works wonders, but you either spend a good penny to get one, or have to recruit beg, plead, bribe a family member to do it for you. Not always an easy task!
6. Precisely MINE
The Happy Feet Insoles fit nicely into my shoes and I could immediately tell a difference when walking with the insolesin my shoes. My first impression was that they were very soft and comfortable. They really did a good job cushioningthe metatarsal areas of my feet (the area between the toes and the peak of the arch). I took these along with me on my recent vacation to Virginia Beach and they accompanied my feet to the top of Cape Henry Lighthouse and they were very good to my feet from start to finish.
7. Rita Reviews
I walk to town sometimes. By to town I mean the eight mile walk from my home to the small town I live in. The walk is not that bad once you get up the mountain heading for the state park.
8. Fabgrandma Reviews
For the last three seasons, I have had a real problem with my feet. After standing all day at my job, I could barely walk the next day. My feet hurt so bad. And, because I was limping, it was also causing my hip to hurt. The first day off, all I wanted to do was rest with my feet up. My doctor diagnosed plantar faciitis.
9. Momma in FlipFlops 2
On the look out for some insoles for your feet? Recently I was introduced to the company Happy Feet that carry a variety of products to keep your feet happy. My mom has problems with her feet so I was happy to let her try out a pair of the Happy Feet massaging insoles and she said they were very comfortable and were definitely massaging with her every step.
10. Stuff Parents Need
Lately my feet have been oh so happy with me. I've been treating them right! No, I haven't been staying off of them or getting weekly pedicures. In fact, I've been doing just exactly what I've always done: making my feet work really hard for me!
But I've been using Happy Feet Therapeutic Massaging Insoles in my shoes, and that is making all the difference in the world.
11. Outnumbered 3 to 1
I decided to be generous and allowed my husband to experience these insoles. The minute I opened them once they arrived- I regretted that move. These are so cool! I wish I would have kept them for myself!
12. Army Wife Life & Reviews
Im sure a majority of you deal with foot pain from working hard or just day to day life. Being a mom I am constantly on my feet so at the end of the day my feet hurt soI can understand how bad my husbands feet must feel at a 12 plus hour day at work plus PT on top of that.
13. My Springfield Mommy
I was given some Happy Feet Insoles to try out. I have a history of having Plantar Fasciitis, so choosing footwear can be a challenge and my orthopedic given inserts are rigid and only fit a couple pair of running shoes . . .
14. The Big Girl Blog
Happy Feet Insoles are amazing! I wore them with a pair of stilettos this week and with every step I felt like I was getting a foot massage.
15. Healthy Mama Blog
When a friend gave me a pair of Happy Feet insoles, I was skeptical: I really didnt need my feet to feel better. With all the yoga I do they feel pretty close to amazing.
16. Young, Free & Frugal
Happy Feet Insoles are undoubtedly the coolest insoles that I have ever tried. They literally make you feel like you are walking on Jell-O. Yes, it does feel weird at first, but once you get used to it you wonder how you ever lived without them!
17. Evoluchuns Miscellaneous Reviews, Giveaways, And Everything Else
I received a pair of Therapeutic Insoles from Happy Feet to review. I was so glad to get to try these out because I have such issues with my back and all from being flat footed so was happy these came really fast.
18. FFCM: Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests & More
I'll be honest, I've never tried any type of massaging insoles in my life. In fact, I've never used any insoles other than what was already in the shoes I bought. I have very sensitive feet.
19. 3 Boys & a Dog
Sometimes Im a bit of a rebel. At work, our office dress code is Business Casual which of course means Im supposed to wear dress shoes. I hate dress shoes.
20. Sammis Blog of Life
I absolutely HATE when my feet hurt. I've had many jobs where I've had to be on my feet for hours at a time and it was pure torture. My feet were not happy back then!
21. The Way The Cookie Crumbles
I'm one of those people who are constantly on their feet, as I'm sure most of you reading this are as well! I go from working my full-time job during the day to cooking dinner, cleaning, blogging, and running errands at night. In the midst of all that, I've been trying to get into shape. I've made it my goal to set aside at least an hour (if I can) so I can exercise, whether it being running on my treadmill, lifting weights, or even playing an exercise game on the Wii.
22. Masshole Mommy
It seems like I am always on my feet. I have two highly energetic little boys andbetween chasing them around all day and the other errands & chores I do, boy do my feet hurt. I usually buy my shoes based on comfort, which works to a certain extent, but that only lasts for so long. I recently found out about a company called Happy Feet that sells orthotic massaging insoles, so I was excited to give them a try.
23. Carries Rambles
As someone who spent from 16 to 31 working in restaurants doing everything from waiting tables to tending bar to hostessing to being a general manager, I know foot and leg pain. Especially when I was managing, because then I was spending 10 to 12 hours a day on my feet in dress shoes. There were days when I came home and could barely walk.
24. The Cartoon Lovin Momma
Ever since Ive started College, I can tell you my daily activity level has pretty much doubled due to having to walk like 10 miles (okay, maybe not that far), but pretty far and I tend to wear my shape up shoes and to be honest they arent all that comfortable after so much walking so I thought it would be a good idea to get a pair of insoles to help. So, when I stumbled upon Happy Feet I immediately wanted to try them out, and when I was given the okay to do a review for you all here on The Cartoon Lovin Mama, I was double excited!
25. Two Classy Chics
Review Excerpt: I will admit right up front that I suffer with a lot of foot, ankle, leg and back pain due to chronic neuralgia of both legs & feet. Over the years...I resorted to wearing a lot of clogs due to this pain so I was excited about doing this product review in some non-clog type of shoes that I own.
26. The Family Focus Blog
Review Excerpt: I was able to select the insole based on my shoe size so I just slipped them into my shoes when they arrived and I was ready to go try them out. The Happy Feet shoe insoles feel like there are pockets of air that move under your feet as you move.
27. The Dirty tShirt
Review Excerpt: Having suffered from Plantar Fasciitis in the past I am always looking for something to add comfort to my shoe wearing, especially since I walk a lot. Happy Feet definitely made my feet happy! Especially on the days I walk around the theme parks all day long.
28. Running Rachel
Review Excerpt: Have you ever bought a super cute cheap pair of shoes that you got a killer deal on? Only to get home and actually wear those shoes and find that they are not comfortable?
That is exactly what happened to me a few months ago.
29. Womens Outdoor News & Marilyn Vogel
Review Excerpt: The last item on the short list, but probably the most important, is a good pair of shoes. As a person can spend a good 12 hours on her feet, a shoe with good support is a must have, specially if youre like me and have arthritis in your feet. Ive found a massaginginsole by Happy Feet that is a must have for my shoes.
30. Akron Ohio Moms
Review Excerpt: These Happy Feet Insoles come in a number of sizes. What we bought fit perfectly, and didnt move around inside the shoe when walking. You can trim them to fit you perfectly. These Happy Feet Insoles are really built to last and have a tough over-coating thats resistant to damage. Perfect for long days on your feet.