Product Catalog A4 2011 - Awana

Product Catalog Awana International Awana International

Transcript of Product Catalog A4 2011 - Awana

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Product CatalogAwana International

Awana International

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Welcome to the Awana Internat ional produc t catalog.

We know how important it is to you to reach children with the Gospel of Christ. We consider it a privilege that you have chosen to partner with us in your ministry.

Awana International is committed to making children’s ministry a critical concern of churches, families, and partners worldwide. As a global leader in children’s ministry, we have a deep concern for children’s advocacy and seek partnerships with churches and organizations that share the same vision.

Our programs and resources are designed with the goal of bringing unsaved boys and girls to salvation and preparing them to follow Christ throughout their lives. Our devotion to this mission leads us to adapt our ministry, strategy, and materials to the unique needs of each country, region, and culture Awana International serves. We do this by building ministry partnerships, translating and contextualizing curriculum and training resources, and shaping our program offerings to the financial and cultural context of each community. We appreciate your hard work and dedication in raising children to know, love, and serve Christ and hope this catalog will be a signifi cant help to you. We look forward to serving you any way we can. In Christ,International Program DepartmentAwana International

Table of Contents

Sparks 4-5Flame 6-7Torch 8-9Awards and Record Keeping 10-11Leader Resources / Council Time Resources 12-14Games 15-17Missionary Biographies / Evangelism Resources 18-19Parent Resources 20Ordering and Return Information 21-24

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Sparks is the club for the fi rst-through third- level clubbers. Each club session is divided

into three segments: Handbook Time, when Sparks clubbers work in their handbooks;

Council Time, when they gather for a Bible lesson; and Game Time, when they have fun

playing games on the Awana Game Square.

Yel low Sparks T-Shir t •This is an a l te rnate uni form for Spark s c lubbers us ing the s t icker and wal l char t award sys tem. (The t - sh i r t i s not to be worn w i th the Spark s Ves t .) Br ight ye l low t- sh i r t w i th Spark y on the f ront . Good qual i t y, 50 % cot ton/50 % polyes ter.

Sparks Achievement Crowns This p las t ic c rown wi th adhesive back ing prov ides p lacement for 14 Achievement Jewel domes . Given to Spark s c lubbers when they earn the i r f i r s t jewel . Worn d i rec t l y be low the Spark s emblem. Sold in packages of 10.47124

Sparks Achievement JewelsBr ight ly co lored domes to be disp layed on Achievement Crown. Awarded upon complet ion of handbook requi rement s . Sold in packages of 20.Green Ac t i v i t y •Red Bib le E xerc ise •Yel low Club At tendance •Blue Church At tendance •

Note: See Page 10 for Sparks Sticker Awards. • Contact your missionary for information on how to order this product.



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Sparky Award •Color fu l , c lu tch -back p in awarded upon complet ion of a l l three Spark s handbooks . To be displayed on Green F lame or B lue Torch Award Sash . Sold indiv idual l y.

Gate Entrance Booklet •This four-page book le t w i l l get your Spark s c lubbers s tar ted in the i r c lub memor y work . I t inc ludes the Spark s mot to, key ver se , theme song and the pledge to the Awana f lag . Sold in packages of 25.

Skipper Handbook •For f i r s t - leve l Spark s c lubbers . Inc ludes the Sk ipper Rank Path , B ib le E xerc ises , Ac t i v i t ies , the Sk ipper Is land, and Achievement Char t s . Develops the theme of Jesus in the pas t .

Hiker HandbookFor the second- leve l Spark s c lubbers . Inc ludes the Hiker Rank Path , B ib le E xerc ises , Ac t i v i t ies , the Hiker Meadow, and Achievement Char t s . Develops the theme of Jesus in the present .31931

Climber HandbookFor th i rd - leve l Spark s c lubbers . Inc ludes the C l imber Rank Path , B ib le E xerc ises , Ac t i v i t ies , the C l imber P la teau, and Achievement Char t s . Develops the theme of Jesus in the fu ture .31974

Uniform Vest •Red fabr ic w i th g ray t r im and c lub emblems . Double -breas ted w i th four but tons . Can be but toned to r ight or le f t for e i ther g i r l s or boys .

Sparks Rank EmblemsColor fu l emblems awarded upon

complet ion of the Rank Path in handbook . To be displayed on uni form ves t . Sold in packages of 10. Sk ipper • 17136 - Hiker Cl imber •

Sparks Handbook AwardsRed Spark y hat p ic tured on a whi te meta l but ton . Awarded upon complet ion of the handbooks . To be displayed on uni form ves t . Sold in packages of 10.17321 - Sk ipper17355 - Hiker17380 - C l imber

GThyoin tI t inkey pledpack

• Contact your missionary for information on how to order this product.


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Flame is a club for fourth- and fi fth-level clubbers. A club session

consists of Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council Time.

Green F lame Award SashThis durable g reen sash is worn over the uni form. I t d isp lays the awards for both leve ls of F lame Club. Screened out l ines show proper p lacement of the F lame awards . Ins t ruc t ions inc luded .32651

F lame Achievement AwardsColor fu l meta l but tons to be disp layed on Green F lame Award Sash . Awarded upon complet ion of handbook requi rement s . Sold in packages of 40.Ye l low Club At tendance •Red Bib le E xerc ise •17451 - Green Ac t i v i t y17507 - B lue Church At tendance

Note: See Page 10 for Sticker Award Wall Chart and Flame Sticker Awards.



• Contact your missionary for information on how to order this product.

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Dove Handbook •The f i r s t - leve l handbook for F lame Club. I t inc ludes the Dove Rank , B ib le E xerc ises , Ac t i v i t ies , and at tendance requi rement s .

Eagle HandbookThe second- leve l handbook for F lame Club. Simi lar in format to the Dove Handbook .32192

Green F lame T-Shir tThis is the uni form for F lame Club. Br ight g reen t - sh i r t w i th F lame logo on the f ront . Good qual i t y, 50 % cot ton/50 % polyes ter.32328 - Adul t Smal l32563 - Adul t Medium

Star Entrance BookletThe e ight-page book le t inc ludes the F lame salva t ion ver ses , Awana theme song , and pledge to the Awana f lag . I t a lso conta ins cer t i f ic a t ion and a message to the parent s . Sold in packages of 25.18657

F lame Handbook AwardsAt t rac t i ve emblems awarded upon complet ion of handbook . To be disp layed on Green F lame Award Sash . Sold in packages of 10.Dove •Eagle •

F lame Rank Emblems •Color fu l emblems awarded upon complet ion of the handbook Rank . To be displayed on Green F lame Award Sash . Sold in packages of 10.


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Torch is the club for sixth- and seventh-level clubbers. A club session

consists of Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council Time.

Blue Torch Award SashThis durable b lue sash is worn over the uni form. I t d isp lays the awards for both leve ls of Torch C lub. Screened out l ines show proper p lacement of the Torch awards . Ins t ruc t ions inc luded .10874Torch Achievement Awards

Color fu l meta l but tons to be displayed on B lue Torch Award Sash . Awarded upon complet ion of handbook requi rement s . Sold in packages of 40.17726 - Ye l low Club At tendance17742 - Green Ac t i v i t y17751 - Red Bib le E xerc ise17777 - B lue Church At tendance

Note: See Page 10 Sticker Awards.



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Beacon Entrance BookletThis e ight-page book le t inc ludes the Torch sa lva t ion ver ses , Awana theme song , and pledge to the Awana f lag . I t a lso conta ins cer t i f ic a t ion and a message to the parent s . Sold in packages of 25.18673

Lion Handbook •The second- leve l handbook for Torch C lub. Simi lar in format to the Deer Handbook .

Deer Handbook •The f i r s t - leve l handbook for Torch C lub. I t inc ludes the Deer Rank , B ib le E xerc ises , Ac t i v i t ies , and at tendance requi rement s .

Blue Torch T-Shir t •This is the uni form for Torch c lubbers . Br ight b lue t - sh i r t w i th Torch logo on the f ront . Good qual i t y, 50 % cot ton/50 % polyes ter.

Torch Rank EmblemsColor fu l emblems awarded upon complet ion of the handbook Rank . To be displayed on B lue Torch Award Sash . Sold in packages of 10.Deer •17911 - L ion

• Contact your missionary for information on how to order this product.


Torch Handbook AwardsAt t rac t i ve emblems awarded upon complet ion of handbook . To be displayed on B lue Torch Award Sash . Sold in packages of 10.Deer •17873 - L ion

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Sparks , F lame, and Torch St icker AwardsUse these s t icker s to record achievement s on the St icker Award Wal l Char t (to the r ight) or on the char t prov ided in the back of each handbook . Each sheet conta ins enough s t icker s to mark the progress of approx imate ly 10 c lubbers .44311 - Sk ipper St icker s44329 - Hiker St icker s44337 - C l imber St icker s44345 - Dove St icker s44353 - Eag le St icker s44361 - Deer St icker s44370 - L ion St icker s45487 - E x t ra - c redi t St icker s

Team Score SheetKeep score quick ly, accura te ly, and eas i l y. Separa te co lumns for each team color and separa te rows for Game T ime, Handbook T ime, and Counc i l T ime. Sold in packages of 50.10671

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Awards and Record Keeping

Awards and Record Keeping

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Truth & Training Award St ickers — Book OneAt t rac t i ve s t icker awards for c lubbers who complete indiv idual Discover ies in the handbook . Displayed on the T&T badge or the T&T wal l char t . Fu l l co lor. Wordless . One sheet conta ins 15 s t icker s .

63183 Book One Discover y 163191 Book One Discover y 263204 Book One Discover y 363212 Book One Discover y 463221 Book One Discover y 563239 Book One Discover y 663247 Book One Discover y 763255 Book One Discover y 8

Truth & Training Award St ickers — Book TwoAt t rac t i ve s t icker awards for c lubbers who complete indiv idual Discover ies in the handbook . Displayed on the T&T badge or the T&T wal l char t . Fu l l co lor. Wordless . One sheet conta ins 15 s t icker s .

63263 Book Two Discover y 163271 Book Two Discover y 2 63280 Book Two Discover y 363298 Book Two Discover y 463301 Book Two Discover y 563319 Book Two Discover y 663327 Book Two Discover y 763335 Book Two Discover y 8

Truth & Training Si lver and Gold Achievement St ickersClubbers who complete a l l 16 Si l ver or Gold ex t ra c redi t uni t s in a handbook rece ive th is award for the i r ex t ra e f for t s . Fu l l co lor. Wordless . One sheet conta ins 15 s t ickers .

63343 Book One Si l ver63360 Book One Gold63351 Book Two Si l ver63378 Book Two Gold

Truth & Training At tendance St ickersEncourage c lubbers to a t tend church and/or Sunday school and le t them know you apprec ia te see ing them each week by present ing them wi th these s t icker s to d isp lay on the appropr ia te page in the i r handbooks . Color. Wordless . One sheet conta ins 20 c lub a t tendance s t icker s and 8 church a t tendance s t icker s . 63386

Truth & Training Complet ion PatchesPresent c lubbers w i th an embroidered patch when they complete one of the T&T handbooks . Color. Wordless . One package conta ins 5 patches .

63394 Book One63407 Book Two63600 Book Three63618 Book Four

The produc ts on this page are only for use wi th the Truth & Training program.

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Red Leader Shir tThe c lub uni form for leaders is a red kni t sh i r t w i th the Awana leader emblem screened on the le f t s ide .Smal l •33128 - Medium33152 - LargeX-Large •

Awana Basic Training ManualMinimum t ra in ing requi rement for a l l Spark s , F lame, and Torch C lub leaders . Conta ins he lpfu l i l lus t ra t ions , deta i led explanat ions , and char t s .33267V ideo ver s ion a lso ava i lab le – contac t your loca l miss ionar y.

Leader Resources

Leader Resources / Counci l Time Resources

Counci l Time Resources

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Leader Award BarsClutch -back bar s . Ye l low bar is awarded for pass ing the Bas ic Tra in ing Leader

Quiz . Green bar is awarded for complet ing the f i r s t - leve l handbook for the c lub in which the leader is ser v ing . B lue bar is awarded for complet ing the second- leve l handbook and two year s of ser v ice . To be displayed on Leader Award Sash .Ye l low •Green •22517 - B lue

Leader Award SashLeaders are encouraged to memor ize Scr ipture and earn the same awards as c lubbers . This durable red sash w i th sc reened out l ines shows the proper p lacement of awards . Ins t ruc t ions are inc luded .33232

Rock-Solid K ids Bui ld a s t rong minis t r y modeled onscr iptura l teaching. Key Scr ipturepassages expla in the impor tance ,responsib i l i t y, content , and oppor tuni t y of chi ldren’s minis t r y. 66368

Rock-Solid Teacher Dr. Gregor y C . Car lson shares prac t ica l gu idance f rom the g reates t teacher of a l l—Jesus Chr is t . W i th c reat i ve ideas for any s i tuat ion, you’ l l learn to pat tern your t ra in ing s t y le to become a rock-sol id teacher and c reate l i fe long change in those you teach . The book is a complete resource in i t se l f . 71600

Great and Might y ThingsCas t a v is ion that upholds the prayer, miss ion and va lues of Awana. Awana Pres ident/CEO Jack Eggar w i l l inspi re miss ionar ies , minis t r y teams, and di rec tor s . I t ’s an exce l lent g i f t for a new di rec tor. 63052

Leader Resources / Counci l Time Resources

• Contac t your missionar y for informat ion on how to order th is produc t .

Certifi cation PinsHere’s something to show for a l l your t ra in ing ! The cer t i f ic a t ion p in is an honor for leaders who have completed the requi rement s of Bas ic Tra in ing cer t i f ic a t ion . P in can be worn on the co l la r of the leader uni form. A l l p ins are c lu tch -back .A 68937 Club Director F 68961 Sparks DirectorB 69024 Secretary G 68970 Sparks LeaderC 69016 Game Director H 68988 T&T DirectorD 68945 Cubbies Director I 68996 T&T LeaderE 68953 Cubbies Leader



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What is Your Biggest Quest ion about God and the Bible?We pol led more than 1,000 Spark ies to come up w i th k ids ’ b igges t ques t ions about God. These answers w i l l he lp you lead chi ldren to Chr is t by reaching them on the i r leve l . Each of the 28 lessons inc ludes a thought-provok ing int roduc t ion, a “ look i t up” feature , v isual ideas , and a chal lenge . Wr i t ten for Spark s w i th spec ia l T&T s idebars to he lp you upgrade the lesson for Counc i l T ime w i th o lder c lubbers . 67601

Who do I Need to Know From the Bible?In t roduce your c lubbers to even more g reat people f rom the Bib le w i th these Counc i l T ime lesson book s . Each book conta ins th i r t y engag ing lessons featur ing b iog raphies of charac ter s f rom Genesis to Reve la t ion . These exc i t ing book s wr i t ten for Spark ies , can a lso be used w i th o lder c lubbers .74093 - Book One - Adam to Joshua78203 - Book Two - Judges to Chr is t ’s B i r th79821 - Book Three - Chr is t ’s B i r th to Reve la t ion

Why Should I Bel ieve the Bible is True?Kid -s ized answers to a b ig - s ized ques t ion . This comprehensive B ib le lesson book is the per fec t supplement resource for leaders . Each of the 24 lessons inc ludes a thought-provok ing int roduc t ion, a “ look i t up” feature , v isual ideas , and a chal lenge . Whi le wr i t ten a t the Spark s leve l , i t can be used ef fec t i ve ly dur ing Counc i l T ime for o lder c lubbers .67408

Leader Resources / Counci l Time Resources

Awana Cer t i f icate AwardDesigned to be used in any Awana program. Use as award for per fec t c lub a t tendance , contes t w inner, church or c lub ser v ice recogni t ion, e tc . May a lso be used to recognize leader achievement s and con t r ibu t ions . So ld in packages o f 10 .47853

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International Awana Game BookThis book is a co l lec t ion of games f rom miss ionar ies as wel l as the other two game book s be low. I t ’s wr i t ten for c lubs w i th a w ide var ie t y of fac i l i t ies . The book inc ludes sugges t ions and games for urban c lubs and c lubs in smal l spaces . I t a lso inc ludes d iag rams that show how the games are played .64207


Outdoor Game Square K i tInc ludes a l l the mater ia ls needed to make an outdoor Awana Game Square . Can be used on g rass , d i r t , or any sur face in which a nai l can be dr iven . Conta ins enough ny lon -webbed s t rapping (red , b lue , g reen, and ye l low) for a 12 m x 12 m Game Square and plent y of nai ls to anchor i t .13602

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Game Ki tInc ludes f i ve game pins , f i ve beanbags , four three - legged race bands , four re lay batons , one package of 144 bal loons , one whis t le w i th lanyard , one four-way tug rope , and one Bas ic Games book .14091

Whist le and LanyardChrome-pla ted meta l whis t le for s tar t ing games and get t ing c lubbers ’ a t tent ion . Bra ided lanyard has a chrome swive l c l ip.20247 - Whis t le20280 - Lanyard

Game PinsSet of f i ve p las t ic game pins (red , b lue , g reen, ye l low, and orange) 35cm ta l l . Ins t ruc t ions for f i l l ing and f i ve rubber p lugs inc luded .15149

BalloonsRed, b lue , g reen, and ye l low bal loons . Inf la te to 23cm in d iameter. Sold in packages of 144.15587

Relay BatonsUnbreakable p las t ic tubes , 30cm long , 4cm in d iameter. Package inc ludes one each of red , b lue , g reen, and ye l low.14082

Three- legged Race BandThese 5 cm-wide Ve lc ro bands go on eas i l y, come of f eas i l y, and hold t ight l y.12044 - Red42331 - B lue42340 - Green 42358 - Ye l low


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BeanbagsDurable , 13cm x 13cm bags f i l led w i th p las t ic pe l le t s .20423 - Red20466 - B lue21143 - Green21178 - Ye l low21207 - St r iped

Four-way Tug RopeA spl iced 5 m loop of 3 cm rope . 14040

Permanent V iny l F loor TapePremium-quality tape for use on tile, wood, and concrete fl oors. Sold in single rolls 4cm wide (white is a little narrower) and 32 m long. A clear sealer put over the tape after installation will make it last longer. One roll of each color is suffi cient to lay out an entire Awana Game Square.10612 - Red10621 - B lue10604 - Green10639 - Ye l low10 081 - Whi te

Temporar y F loor TapeDesigned for removal a f te r use . Espec ia l l y su i t able for rented g yms or AwanaGamesTM. Sold in s ing le ro l ls 4cm x 55 m (whi te is 2.5cm x 55 m) . One ro l l of each co lor is su f f ic ient to lay out an ent i re Awana Game Square . Cannot be re -appl ied .70691 - Red70703 - B lue70711 - Green70720 - Ye l low19511 - Whi te

Game Pin PlugsGame pin p lugs to a l low for adding weight to p ins . Sold in packages of 5.14031


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Lot t ie Moon: Giv ing Her A l l for China by Janet and Geof f BengeDiscover how Lot t ie Moon became one of the wor ld ’s mos t famous miss ionar ies . When Lot t ie was 10 year s o ld , she learned her unc le ’s fami ly was going to China . She thought be ing miss ionar ies was a complete was te of the i r l i ves . F ind out what happened to change Lot t ie ’s mind and get her on the miss ion fie ld herse l f ! 208 pages . Sof tcover. 66595

Mik-Shrok : Adventures of an Arc t ic Missionar y by Glor ia ReppEscape to the w i lds of A laska to share Mik-Shrok ’s miss ionar y adventure ! Mik-Shrok leads a dogs led team for miss ionar ies in the Esk imo v i l lage of Koual ik , A laska . This fic t ional s tor y i l lus t ra tes how tough and exc i t ing i t was to be a miss ionar y in A laska in the 1950s . 133 pages . Sof tcover. 66608

Counci l Time Resources

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Evangel ism Resources

Evangel ism Resources

Missionary Biographies

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Gospel F l ipper-F lapper™Much more than a toy, th is fun dev ice turns a popular p layg round game into a c reat i ve way to share the gospel ! Jus t “fl ip the flaps” to reveal t ru th about God, Jesus , and sa lva t ion . Ins t ruc t ion book inc luded . Made of cardboard and scored for easy fo ld ing . From Chi ld Evangel ism Fe l lowship.65998

Transpor tThis magaz ine -s t y le resource is a f resh, fun way for k ids to share the i r fa i th . Inc ludes a “mini -magaz ine” spread in the back for chi ldren to cut out the i r own evangel ism tools ! NIV. 29 pages .63685

• 19

God’s Only Way to HeavenThis book le t conta ins a s tep -by -s tep presenta t ion for leading a c lubber to Chr is t . The plan of sa lva t ion is conc ise ly and c lear ly presented w i th se lec ted Scr ipture ver ses . Leader ’s copy has he lpfu l h int s on each page . C lubber book le t so ld in packages of 10. Leader book le t so ld in packages of 5.15632 - C lubber15704 - Leader


This 7cm cube fo lds and unfolds to form seven scenes that d isp lay man’s need for sa lva t ion and God ’s prov is ion through Jesus Chr is t . The accompany ing sheet g ives s tep -by -s tep ins t ruc t ions on how to lead someone to Chr is t us ing the cube . Great evangel is t ic tool when minis ter ing to indiv iduals or smal l g roups .45170

Evangel ism Resources

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Parent Resources

Parenting is Heart Work Leaders, help parents touch their children’s hear ts. This practical, biblical approach to parenting will change the way we think. The parents you work with are change agents in their children’s lives. Build them up in their role. 67774

Raising a Modern-Day JosephRaising a Modern-Day Joseph is not just the title of this book; it ’s a philosophy that the entire Awana organization has embraced as a call to action. A must-read for anyone involved in the spiritual development of children – from pastors to parents – this book reveals the five life characteristics of Joseph that can be used to guide the path of any young person today. 76611

God’s Grand Vision for the HomeBless the lives of your entire family by filling your home with powerful worship! Learn how to lead everyone, even teens, in meaningful, life-changing praise, and understand God’s will for families. 73752

Parent Resources

Master Life Threads Instruction Guide Based on the concepts in the book, How to Raise a Modern-Day Joseph: A Practical Guide for Growing Great Kids, this detailed instruction guide prepares you to teach powerful Master Life Thread workshops. With material for 11 weeks of approximately 50-minute sessions, you’ll be able to provide practical training for parents to disciple their children.


How to Raise a Modern-Day Joseph: A Practical Guide for Growing Great Kids Plan the best itinerary for your child’s spiritual journey. Learn practical tools for raising Joseph-like kids who remain faithful to God through struggles and temptation. This book, centered on the five Master Life Threads, includes tips, suggested Bible biographies and verses for parents to spiritually nurture their children, checklists for parents to evaluate what they’ve taught and a worksheet for families to develop their own spiritual steps. A church section gives ministry leaders suggestions on how to support parents.


Master Life Threads Participant Guide Give this guide to each participant attending the Master Life Threads workshops. It includes space for taking notes, references to the book How to Raise a Modern-Day Joseph: A Practical Guide for Growing Great Kids and checklists for kids in each age group.


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Ordering and Return Information

Impor tant Info to Know Before Plac ing Your Order : Awana mater ia ls may be ordered only by churches and miss ion agenc ies of f ic ia l l y reg is tered by Awana Internat ional . I f you are not reg is tered , p lease ca l l (630 -213-2000) or wr i te for deta i ls .

• Pr ices are subjec t to change .

• Pol ic ies are subjec t to change .

• Some produc t s may inc lude changes to co lor and des ign , so an i tem you rece ive may var y somewhat f rom what you see pic tured in the Awana Internat ional Produc t Catalog .

• Occas ional l y, i tems l is ted in the Awana Internat ional Produc t Catalog w i l l be d iscont inued pr ior to the re lease of the nex t Awana Internat ional Produc t Catalog .

• Cer ta in produc t s in the Awana Internat ional Produc t Catalog are not sui table for young chi ldren . P lease use disc re t ion as you order.

• P lease d iscard a l l prev ious Internat ional Minis t r ies Supply ca ta logs .

• 21• 21Ordering and Return Information

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Orders w i l l be shipped to the person designated on your reg is t ra t ion form. E xcept ions to th is mus t be entered on the order b lank . Shipping days are non-U.S . hol iday business days (Monday to Fr iday) . Process ing your order w i l l usual l y t ake 24 to 48 hours . Dur ing peak seasons , i t may take longer. Process ing t ime is NOT inc luded in shipping t ime.

P lease indica te your sh ipping method

• Internat ional Parce l Pos t• Pr ior i t y Mai l (Mi l i t a r y addresses and where ava i lab le only)• UPS Commerc ia l (U.S . addresses only)• UPS Res ident ia l (U.S . addresses only)• Federa l E xpress Internat ional

Bil l ing

One account w i l l be mainta ined for each church or miss ion agency. Awana cannot keep separa te account s for indiv idual c lubs or leaders w i th in a church .

Per iodica l l y, a s ta tement w i l l be sent showing the cur rent account balance . On rece ipt of the s ta tement , payment in fu l l i s expec ted w i th in 30 days . Payment may be made by check or c redi t card and mus t be in U.S . funds .

Order ing

You may order by mai l , e -mai l , fa x , or phone :

• E-mai l : in ternat ionalorders@awana .org• Fax :1-630 -213-2143 • Phone : 1-630 -213-2000

Cus tomer Ser v ice is ava i lab le f rom 8:15 a .m. – 4:30 p.m. , Cent ra l T ime (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fr iday) and 10 :30 a .m. – 4:30 p.m. , Cent ra l T ime (Wednesday) . E x tended Cus tomer Ser v ice hours (7: 00 a .m. – 7: 00 p.m.) are ava i lable f rom September 1 – Oc tober 31.Inc lude the fo l low ing informat ion when you order :• Church name• Cus tomer account number • Ship - to s t reet address• Phone number• Your shipping preference (see shipping informat ion)

Ordering and Return Information

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• I tems mus t be re turned w i th in 90 days of purchase .

I f you need to re turn an i tem, p lease fo l low these d i rec t ions :

1. There is a return form on the back of the packing slip. This form should only be used for those items that are listed on the packing slip. Follow the instructions on the return form carefully.

2. F i l l out the informat ion sec t ion on the re turn form. This enables us to process your re turn cor rec t l y. For each i tem that you w ish to re turn , p lease inc lude : • I tem number • Descr ipt ion of the i tem • Quant i t y • The reason for re turning i t

3. Use the code l is ted a t the bot tom of the form that mos t c lose ly appl ies to the produc t (s) you are re turning.

4. A shipping labe l w i l l be a t tached to the pack ing s l ip. Use th is labe l when you ship your re turn .

• I f you do not have the pack ing s l ip for any i tems you want to re turn , make a separa te copy of the re turn form and inc lude :• Church name and address• Cus tomer account number • Order number — i f ava i lab le• I tem number• Quant i t y • Descr ipt ion of each i tem • The reason you are re turning each i tem • Name and phone number of contac t per son

I f your re turn does not inc lude th is informat ion, we w i l l deduc t a 30 % res tock ing charge f rom your account .

Ship re turns to : Awana Internat ional , 1620 Penny Lane , Schaumburg , I l l inois USA 60173

• I f your re turn is the resul t of a mis take or over-order on your par t , i t w i l l incur a 20 % res tock ing charge . (For example , i f you buy a book and then dec ide you don’ t want i t , we w i l l t ake i t back , but you only rece ive 80 % credi t for i t . The c redi t and res tock ing charge w i l l be appl ied to your account and a c redi t invoice w i l l be sent to your b i l l ing address . We w i l l not re imburse or c redi t sh ipping cos t s in these ins tances .

I f you need to re turn something because of a mis take we made, you w i l l rece ive fu l l c redi t for i t . We w i l l i ssue c redi t when we have rece ived the re turned i tems and checked that they are cur rent and in condi t ion to be resold .

Ordering and Return Information

Page 24: Product Catalog A4 2011 - Awana

• 24ering and Return Information






ORDER NUMBER (offi ce use only)

Fax # 1-630-213-2143: To avoid delays, include Customer Number on each sheet transmitted. (Do not mail or phone in copy of fax order.) The customer is responsible for any duplicate shipments due to retransmission of faxed orders. Mark duplicate on any refaxed order.


1 (630) 213-2143


International Parcel Post

Priority Mail* (Military addresses only)

UPS Commercial** UPS Residential** Federal Express

InternationalOThER_____________*Where available**U.S. addresses only



SHIP TO (ONLY enter ‘‘SHIP TO’’ if different from above)

Please use black ink or type when fi lling out order form.

Person to contact if questions arise Telephone number of contact person during normal business hours


(If required by your church.)Do not mail or phone in a copy of faxed or e-mail order.

CUSTOMER NUMBERP.O. Box 947Streamwood, IL 60107-0947 U.S.A.

E-mail address of contact person

Line No. Cat. No. Qty. Item Price Extension


















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Page 26: Product Catalog A4 2011 - Awana

Awana International

©2011 Awana Clubs International. All rights reserved. Awana is a Registered Trademark of Awana Clubs International

Awana® International1 East Bode RoadStreamwood, Illinois 60107-6658 [email protected]